Theor Appl Genet (1997) 95 : 741750 ( Springer-Verlag 1997 A. C. Roa · M. M. Maya · M. C. Duque J. Tohme · A. C. Allem · M. W. Bonierbale AFLP analysis of relationships among cassava and other Manihot species Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 20 December 1996 Abstract Despite the worldwide importance of culti- vated cassava (M. esculenta Crantz) its origin and taxo- nomic relationships with other species in the genus have not been clearly established. We evaluated a rep- resentative sample of the crop’s diversity and six wild taxa with AFLPs to estimate genetic relationships within the genus. Groupings of accessions of each spe- cies by data analysis corresponded largely with their previous taxonomic classifications. A mixed group, consisting of Manihot esculenta subsp. flabellifolia and M. esculenta subsp. peruviana, was most similar to cassava, while M. aesculifolia, M. brachyloba, and M. carthaginensis were more distant. Species-specific markers, which may be useful in germ-plasm classifica- tion or introgression studies, were suggested by the unique presence of AFLP products in samples of each of the three wild species. Heterogeneity of similarities among individuals of certain species suggested the existence of intraspecific gene pools, a hypothesis that was supported by morphological or ecogeographic evidence with varying degrees of success. Quantitative assessment of genetic diversity revealed greater homo- geneity among cassava accessions than among its closest wild relatives. The demonstration of unique gen- etic diversity in the two M. esculenta subspecies and their genetic similarity to the crop supports the hypothesis that these materials may be the ancestors of cassava. Communicated by G. Wenzel A. C. Roa · M. M. Maya · M. C. Duque · J. Tohme M. W. Bonierbale1 ( ) Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT, Apartado Ae´reo 6713, Cali, Colombia A. C. Allem Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Recursos Gene´ ticos e Biotecnologia (CENARGEN), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecua´ria (EMBRAPA), Brası´lia, D.F., Brazil Present address: 1 Centro International de la Papa (CIP), Apartado 1558, Lima IZ, Peru Key words Cassava · Manihot genus · AFLP · Genetic diversity · Wild relatives of cassava Introduction The genus Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) is native to the Neotropics, growing in diverse habitats between south- ern USA and Argentina (Rogers and Appan 1973). Manihot species are perennials and vary from acaules- cent shrubs to trees of 10 12 m. Most produce tu- berous roots, and some, such as cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), accumulate large quantities of starch. Cassava is a major tropical crop, produced mainly by small farmers for food and small-scale indus- trial use. It occupies fourth place, after rice, sugarcane and maize, as a source of calories in the human diet, feeding more than 500 million people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (Cock 1985; Best and Henry 1994). Despite its importance, aspects such as the origin and domestication of the cassava and phylogenetic relationships with other species of the genus have not been elucidated. Linguistic, ethnological, archeological, taxonomic and geographic evidence suggest that the crop had many points of initial cultivation. Rogers and Appan (1973) proposed that, of the 98 species they described, the Central American species M. aesculifolia (H.B.K.) Pohl is the closest wild relative. M. esculenta Crantz subsp. flabellifolia (Pohl) Ciferri was regarded as a synonym of cassava; the species M. tristis Muell. Arg. and M. peruviana Muell. Arg. were placed in different sections of the genus. Allem (1987) disagreed, suggesting M. tristis as the species most similar to cassava. He later reported (1994 a, b) finding wild forms of the cultivated species in north-eastern Brazil, regard- ing the glabrous form as M. esculenta subsp. flabel- lifolia; the pubescent variety as M. esculenta Crantz subsp. peruviana (Muell. Arg.) Allem; and M. tristis as

AFLP analysis of relationships among cassava and other Manihot species

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Theor Appl Genet (1997) 95 : 741—750 ( Springer-Verlag 1997

A. C. Roa · M. M. Maya · M. C. DuqueJ. Tohme · A. C. Allem · M. W. Bonierbale

AFLP analysis of relationships among cassava and other Manihot species

Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 20 December 1996

Abstract Despite the worldwide importance of culti-vated cassava (M. esculenta Crantz) its origin and taxo-nomic relationships with other species in the genushave not been clearly established. We evaluated a rep-resentative sample of the crop’s diversity and six wildtaxa with AFLPs to estimate genetic relationshipswithin the genus. Groupings of accessions of each spe-cies by data analysis corresponded largely with theirprevious taxonomic classifications. A mixed group,consisting of Manihot esculenta subsp. flabellifolia andM. esculenta subsp. peruviana, was most similar tocassava, while M. aesculifolia, M. brachyloba, and M.carthaginensis were more distant. Species-specificmarkers, which may be useful in germ-plasm classifica-tion or introgression studies, were suggested by theunique presence of AFLP products in samples of eachof the three wild species. Heterogeneity of similaritiesamong individuals of certain species suggested theexistence of intraspecific gene pools, a hypothesis thatwas supported by morphological or ecogeographicevidence with varying degrees of success. Quantitativeassessment of genetic diversity revealed greater homo-geneity among cassava accessions than among itsclosest wild relatives. The demonstration of unique gen-etic diversity in the two M. esculenta subspecies and theirgenetic similarity to the crop supports the hypothesisthat these materials may be the ancestors of cassava.

Communicated by G. Wenzel

A. C. Roa · M. M. Maya · M. C. Duque · J. TohmeM. W. Bonierbale1 ( )Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical — CIAT,Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia

A. C. AllemCentro Nacional de Pesquisa de Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia(CENARGEN), Empresa Brasileirade Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Brasılia, D.F., Brazil

Present address:1Centro International de la Papa (CIP), Apartado 1558,Lima IZ, Peru

Key words Cassava · Manihot genus · AFLP ·Genetic diversity · Wild relatives of cassava


The genus Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) is native to theNeotropics, growing in diverse habitats between south-ern USA and Argentina (Rogers and Appan 1973).Manihot species are perennials and vary from acaules-cent shrubs to trees of 10—12 m. Most produce tu-berous roots, and some, such as cassava (Manihotesculenta Crantz), accumulate large quantities ofstarch. Cassava is a major tropical crop, producedmainly by small farmers for food and small-scale indus-trial use. It occupies fourth place, after rice, sugarcaneand maize, as a source of calories in the human diet,feeding more than 500 million people in Africa, Asia,and Latin America (Cock 1985; Best and Henry1994).

Despite its importance, aspects such as the originand domestication of the cassava and phylogeneticrelationships with other species of the genus have notbeen elucidated. Linguistic, ethnological, archeological,taxonomic and geographic evidence suggest that thecrop had many points of initial cultivation. Rogers andAppan (1973) proposed that, of the 98 species theydescribed, the Central American species M. aesculifolia(H.B.K.) Pohl is the closest wild relative. M. esculentaCrantz subsp. flabellifolia (Pohl) Ciferri was regardedas a synonym of cassava; the species M. tristis Muell.Arg. and M. peruviana Muell. Arg. were placed indifferent sections of the genus. Allem (1987) disagreed,suggesting M. tristis as the species most similar tocassava. He later reported (1994 a, b) finding wild formsof the cultivated species in north-eastern Brazil, regard-ing the glabrous form as M. esculenta subsp. flabel-lifolia; the pubescent variety as M. esculenta Crantzsubsp. peruviana (Muell. Arg.) Allem; and M. tristis as

a synonym, morphologically indistinguishable fromM. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia.

Allem’s propositions have since been challengedby suggestions that the re-classified wild forms mayhave been escapes from cassava crops (Renvoize1972; Bertram 1993). The appearance of swollennodes in these plants cast doubt on their nature astrue wild relatives, as this character was con-sidered to be an indirect result of artificial selec-tion for efficient vegetative reproduction (Jennings1976, cited by Bertram 1993). The question thus re-mains: is cassava the result of domestication of thesewild populations, or are they escapes from cultivatedmaterial?

Molecular markers have recently been employedto help resolve some of these taxonomic andphylogenetic questions. Bertram (1993) analyzed 14Manihot species from North and Central America,together with land races and improved varieties ofcassava from different regions, performing a clad-istic analysis of RFLP (restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism) variation in chloroplast (cp)and ribosomal (r) DNA. He proposed that M. aes-culifolia was most similar to cassava, togetherwith M. carthaginensis (Jacquin) Muell. Arg. Fregeneet al. (1994), analyzing RFLPs of cpDNA and rDNAof 29 accessions of wild species and cultivated va-rieties, showed that M. tristis and M. esculentasubsp. flabellifolia are also very close to, butdivergent from, cassava. They suggested that cassavawas more likely to have been domesticated froma complex of these species than from a hybridi-zation event between them. But because molecularstudies have rarely treated Central American spe-cies together with those of South America, a lackof consensus still exists on the origin of cassava, andthe degree of its relationships with other Manihotspecies.

A new type of marker is now available to help ad-dress these questions. AFLP (amplified fragment lengthpolymorphism) analysis is a technique through whichselected restriction fragments from the digestion of to-tal plant DNA are amplified by the polymerase chainreaction (Vos et al. 1995). The resulting DNA finger-print provides a large number of genetic markers; andthe multiplex ratio, defined as the number of informa-tion points analyzed per experiment, is much higherthan for other types of markers, such as RFLP, RAPD(randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) or SSRP(simple sequence repeat polymorphism) (Powell et al.1996).

We used the AFLP technique to analyze the five wildforms mentioned above as close relatives or ancestorsof cassava, a distant species (M. brachyloba Muellervon Argau), and a representative sample of the geneticdiversity available in the crop. Based on our results,we revised hypotheses on the ancestry and origin ofcassava.

Materials and methods

Plant materials

A total of 105 genotypes were evaluated, comprising 35 landraces ofcassava, three bred cassava lines, and 67 individuals from six addi-tional taxa: M. aesculifolia, M. carthaginensis, M. brachyloba,M. tristis, M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia and M. esculenta subsp.peruviana (Table 1). The landraces were selected from the larger corecollection of cassava germ plasm conserved at CIAT, Cali, Colom-bia, using geographic, morphological and biochemical parameters(Hershey et al. 1994).

DNA extraction

Fresh young leaves were harvested from each genotype on liquidnitrogen and maintained at !80°C. DNA was extracted, usingeither the method of Dellaporta et al. (1983), with 3—4 g of leaf tissue,or the ORSTOM method, with freshly harvested and dried leaftissue (at 48°C for 24 h) (C. Colombo, in preparation).

AFLP method

The AFLP protocol followed was that described by Vos et al. (1995),with slight modifications (Tohme et al. 1996). Primary template wasprepared by the simultaneous digestion of DNA with EcoRI andMseI and subsequent ligation of asymmetric quantities of enzyme-specific adapters. The amount of information obtained by AFLP isa factor of the number of selective nucleotides employed, and the sizeand complexity of the genome being analyzed. Trials were conduc-ted on two Manihot accessions, with 20 combinations of first- andsecond-round primers (see Table 2) to identify successful combina-tions of selective nucleotides, taking into account Manihot’s genomesize of between 6.93 and 8.30]108 base pairs (Arumuganathan andEarle 1991) and recommendations made by Lin and Kuo (1995).DNA samples of eight genotypes were obtained independently, andin duplicate, with each of the two extraction methods. These sampleswere evaluated to ensure robustness and reproducibility of theAFLP protocol.

Following these preliminary trials, the entire set of plant materialswas analyzed, using A and G as selective nucleotides (EcoRIprimer#A, and MseI primer#G, respectively) for pre-amplifica-tion, and the two second-round primer combinations (EcoRI#AAC]MseI#GTA, and EcoRI#ACA]MseI#GTA). Radioactive amplification products [from labelling the EcoRI primer inthe second round of amplification with [32P]cdATP] were size-fractionated on 6% polyacrylamide denaturing gels on a Sequi-Gen(BioRad) sequencing apparatus. Electrophoresis was carried out for2 h in 1]TBE at 40 V/cm and 45°C. The gels were covered withSaran Wrap, dried under vacuum for 1 h at 80°C, and exposed for 16h on X-ray films (Kodak X-omat LS) for autoradiography.

Data analysis

AFLPs from the two primer combinations were registered in termsof the presence or absence of bands in each of the 105 accessionsevaluated. The results were converted into a similarity matrix, basedon the index of Nei and Li (1979).

The similarity matrix was analyzed, using the computer programNTSYS (version 1.8; Rohlf 1994). Dendrograms were constructed byemploying the option TREE, and the UPGMA (unweighted pairgrouping method of averages) method of Sneath and Sokal(1973). A correlation index was calculated between the similarity


Table 1 Manihot germ plasm selected for AFLP analysis

Manihot species Accession code! No. of Country Manihot esculenta Country of Common nameindividuals of origin accession code! origin

M. aesculifolia AES 002 1 Mexico M ARG 11 Argentina Duro do Valle 30AES 404-004 1 Mexico M BOL 3 Bolivia Rosada de BoliviaWU 26 AES 2 1 Mexico M BRA 12 Brazil —#

WU 25 AES 6 1 Mexico M BRA 97 Brazil Saracura IIWU 24 AES 7 1 Mexico M BRA 110 Brazil PangolaWU 82 AES 8 1 Mexico M BRA 383 Brazil Vassoura8 oWU 32 AES 4 1 Mexico M BRA 881 Brazil Branca de Sta. CatarinaWU 27 AES 5 1 Mexico M BRA 885 Brazil Jabaru

M. brachyloba BLO 001 1 — M BRA 900 Brazil Mandim BrancaBLO 401 1 Colombia M BRA 931 Brazil Enganha Ladra8 oBLO 402 1 Colombia M COL 1468 Brazil Sip24-2 Mantiqueira

M. carthaginensis CTH 005 1 Colombia M COL 22 Colombia UvitaCTH 011 1 Colombia M COL 1438 Colombia LlaneraCTH 012 1 Colombia M COL 1522 Colombia Algodonera AmarillaCTH 106 1 Colombia M COL 1684 Colombia —CTH 121 1 Colombia M COL 2061 Colombia Regional MoradaCTH 164 1 Colombia M COL 2066 Colombia Chiroza GallinazaCTH 246 1 Colombia M COL 2215 Colombia Venezolana 1CTH 315 1 Colombia HMC 1 Colombia —CTH 409 2 Colombia M CR 32 Costa Rica Yuca MangiCTH 411 1 Colombia M CUB 51 Cuba PineraCTH 414 1 Colombia M CUB 74 Cuba Sen8 oritaCTH 415 5 Colombia M ECU 41 Ecuador De Tres MesesCTH 416 1 Colombia M ECU 82 Ecuador BlancaCTH 417 6 Colombia M IND 33 Indonesia No. 734-5CTH Z 1 — M MAL 2 Malaysia Black Twig

M. esculenta ESC-FLA 423 2 Brazil M MAL 48 Malaysia Red Twigsubsp. ESC-FLA 427 2 Brazil M MEX 59 Mexico —flabellifolia ESC-FLA 428 2 Brazil M PAN 51 Panama —

ESC-FLA 430 1 Brazil M PAR 110 Paraguay Tacuara SayyuESC-FLA 438 2 Brazil M PTR 19 Puerto Rico No. 9588

M. esculenta ESC-FLA 441 2 Brazil M TAI 1 Thailand Rayong 1subsp. ESC-PER 406 2 Brazil M VEN 25 Venezuela Querepa Amargaperuviana ESC-PER 407 2 Brazil M VEN 45 Venezuela —

ESC-PER 411 2 Brazil M COL 1505 Venezuela —ESC-PER 412 2 Brazil CM 2177-2 CIAT$ HybridESC-PER 413 2 Brazil CM 3306-9 CIAT$ HybridESC-PER 414 2 Brazil TMS 30572 IITA% HybridESC-PER 415 2 BrazilESC-PER 417 2 Brazil

M. tristis TST-002 1 —TST-008 1 —TST-009 1 —TST-011 1 —

!Manihot species were collected as true-seed populations"Cassava accessions are maintained as vegetative clones# —"as used throughout field, indicates ‘‘no data’’$Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, based in Colombia% International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, based in Nigeria

matrices resulting from the two different primer combinations toanalyze the complementary or redundancy of the information.

The means of all pairwise similarities between the individualswithin each of the principal clusters identified by UPGMA werecompared, using Duncan’s multiple range test. Similarities betweenindividuals comprising all pairwise combinations of species werealso calculated to determine the means and standard deviationsof interspecific similarities. Multiple correspondence analysis(MCA) was conducted to evaluate the contribution of the specificactive variables (AFLP products) to the variation observed among

genotypes, by employing the CORRESP option of SAS (version6-11; 1989).

Morphological characterization

Except for several accessions of M. aesculifolia, which were availableonly as leaf samples, the germ plasm included in this study wascharacterized morphologically, using a set of descriptors comprised


Table 2 Informativeness of 20 combinations of selective primersused to detect AFLP between two Manihot genotypes (ESC-FLA423-6 and ESC-PER 412-2). In all cases, pre-amplification was

carried out with EcoRI#A and MseI #G primers. Total number ofbands and percentage of polymorphism are as observed for the twogenotypes analyzed

EcoRI primer MseI primer


Bands Polymorphs Bands Polymorphs Bands Polymorphs Bands Polymorphs(no.) (%) (no.) (%) (no.) (%) (no.) (%)

AAC 45! 44! 37 38 35 51 44 36ACG 42 74 —" — — — — —AGT 33 48 30 47 36 22 34 68ACA 44! 61! 47 28 34 59 30 60AT 87 40 24 29 56 41 84 49

!Primer combinations selected for analysis of the Manihot germ-plasm set"—"‘‘no data’’

of 38 characters, both vegetative (stem, leaf, petiole and stipules) andreproductive (flower, fruit and seed).


AFLP provides a high information content forManihot species

A comparison of information content and the resolu-tion of amplification products from 20 combinations ofprimers revealed between 24 and 87 amplificationproducts per individual and 22% to 74% polymorphicbands between the two individuals analyzed (Table 2).Three primer pairs employing (EcoRI)#2 and(MseI)#3 selective nucleotides revealed a larger numberof AFLP products in the germ plasm than the #3/#3combinations, but these were generally less polymor-phic. Among the #2/#3 combinations, the generationof the lowest number of AFLP products with MseIprimer#GCG is consistent with expectations based onsequence context. The primer combinations EcoRI#AAC]MseI#GTA, and EcoRI#ACA]MseI#GTAwere chosen as the most informative, and applied to thecomplete set of germ-plasm accessions.

Analysis of the 105 genotypes presented a total of139 AFLP bands for the first primer combination, and165 bands for the second, when bands from all indi-viduals were considered. The number of bands ob-tained per individual ranged from 17 to 51, confirmingthe high multiplex ratio obtainable with this type ofmarker (Fig. 1). Only two bands revealed by analysiswith each primer combination were monomorphic inthe germ-plasm set, demonstrating a polymorphism of98.6%, a higher rate than that obtained with othermarker types, using different plant materials: isozymeanalysis of cultivated and wild Manihot species showed55%—58% polymorphism (Lefevre and Charrier 1993),RAPD patterns 31% (Carvalho et al. 1994), andRFLPs 6%—98% (Bertram 1993; Haysom et al. 1994).

The matrices of genetic similarity estimates, based onAFLP patterns from the two separate primer combina-tions, were highly correlated (r"0.91). The analysispermitted the unique identification of each individualanalyzed, indicating that the collection does not con-tain genetic duplicates, and facilitated analysis of thedistribution of genetic diversity among accessions andspecies.

Cluster analysis

Figure 2 depicts the clustering of Manihot accessionsinto eight groups of individuals that correspond largelyto prior taxonomic classification. Discrete groups wereformed for the species M. aesculifolia, M. brachylobaand M. carthaginesis (clusters 1, 2 and 3, respectively),and cassava (M. esculenta, cluster 8). Most accessionspertaining to M. esculenta subspp. flabellifolia andperuviana fell into a mixed cluster (7). Three smallergroups were formed by two pairs of individualsadapted to high altitudes, the M. esculenta subspecies(4 and 5) and M. tristis (6).

The accessions representing cassava appear asa compact group (8), with greater similarity among itsmembers than in the next cluster (7). Because cluster7 comprised a mixture of M. esculenta subspp. flabel-lifolia and peruviana accessions, these two subspecieswere pooled into a single group for subsequent analyses.

Mean similarities between pairs of individuals withinthe six resulting groups were significantly different(P(0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test(Table 3). As expected, intraspecific similarity (Table 3,diagonal) was greater in all cases than interspecific(Table 3, upper triangle).

Multiple correspondence analysis

The multiple correspondence analysis (MCA; Fig.3 a) portrayed M. aesculifolia, M. carthaginesis and


Fig. 1 Autoradiograph showingAFLP detected in a subset ofManihot germ plasm with thesecond-round selective primercombination EcoRI#AAC]MseI#GTA. Arrowsindicate putative species-specificbands for M. aesculifolia, M.brachyloba and M. carthaginensis

M. brachyloba as discrete groups that are separate fromthe other accessions. M. esculenta appears as a compactgroup with accessions of M. tristis and the two M.esculenta subspecies nearby.

A separate multiple correspondence analysis wasperformed on the 69 genotypes representing the twoM. esculenta subspecies, M. tristis and M. esculenta, toimprove resolution of the structure of diversity within

these taxa (Fig. 3 b). The first dimension of MCA waseffective in separating M. esculenta, as a single compactgroup, from the other taxa. The second dimensionfurther distinguished M. tristis from the two M. es-culenta subspecies. The third dimension separated a‘‘pure’’ group of five accessions of the M. esculentasubsp. peruviana from the other individuals of the M.esculenta subspecific complex. The ‘‘pure peruviana’’



Table 3 Genetic similarity values (mean$SD) between (upper tri-angle) and within (diagonal) groups of Manihot germ plasm, basedon all pairwise similarities between individuals. Different letters on

the diagonal indicate significant differences (P(0.05) by Duncan’smultiple range test

Group! ESC (n"38) AES (n"8) BLO (n"3) CTH (n"25) TST (n"4) ESCFLA-PER(n"14)

ESC 0.85$0.03ab 0.31$0.03 0.41$0.02 0.47$0.03 0.65$0.03 0.70$0.11AES 0.86$0.06a 0.26$0.02 0.26$0.02 0.27$0.02 0.27$0.05BLO 0.84$0.07ab 0.43$0.04 0.41$0.03 0.40$0.05CTH 0.77$0.09cb 0.45$0.04 0.46$0.06TST 0.88$0.04a 0.67$0.11ESC FLA-PER 0.70$0.15c

!ESC"M. esculenta; AES"M. aesculifolia; BLO"M. brachyloba; CTH"M. carthaginensis; TST"M. tristis; ESCFLA-PER"

M. esculenta subspp. flabellifolia and peruviana

group came from disturbed Amazonian forest of MatoGrosso, Brazil. The remaining group of subspecificaccessions was more dispersed, reflecting a structure ofsubgroups that corresponded with their respectivehabitats, geographical coordinates and altitudes.

The MCA also highlighted AFLPs that are specificto the accessions of each of the wild species (Fig. 1).With the first and second primers, 6 and 9, 4 and 6, and1 and 0, putative species-specific bands were identifiedin M. esculenta, M. brachyoba, and M. carthaginensis,respectively. In addition, the latter two species wereeach distinguished by the exclusive absence of certainbands. MCA also facilitated the identification ofAFLPs that reflect species heterogeneity by their ex-clusive presence in individuals of putative infraspecificgene pools, which should therefore be further sampledand considered in conservation and classificationefforts.

Considering only the reduced set of germ plasms(Fig. 3 b), 52 bands were found in both M. esculentasubspecies, sometimes in M. tristis but absent fromcassava. Furthermore, 21 AFLP bands were present incassava while absent from the rest of the group, sugges-ting a larger pool of alleles for the two M. esculentasubspecies and M. tristis than for M. esculenta.

Supporting morphological evidence for inferencesmade from AFLP analysis

Morphologically, no significant differences were foundbetween the two subspecific taxa. The presence of pu-bescence on ovaries and young fruits, used in Allem’s


Fig. 2 Dendrogram drawn from the UPGMA analysis of Nei-Liestimates of genetic similarity based on AFLP analysis with two#1/#3 primer combinations. The eight clusters shown are dis-cussed in the text. 1"(AES) M. aesculifolia; 2"(BLO) M.brachyloba; 3"(CTH) M. carthaginensis; 4"(PER) M. esculentasubsp. peruviana, higher altitude; 5"(EF) M. esculenta subsp.flabellifolia higher altitude; 6"(TST) M. tristis; 7"(EF and PER)M. esculenta subspp. flabellifolia and peruviana; 8"M. esculenta, i.e.cassava

Fig. 3 Three principal axes of variation obtained by multiple corres-pondence analysis of AFLP among 105 samples of seven groups(A) of Manihot germ plasm resolved with two primer combinations;(B) shows a higher resolution of 69 samples of four groups

(1994 a, b) classification, could not consistently differ-entiate the subspecies. For example, four genotypesoriginating from accessions classified as M. esculentasubsp. flabellifolia presented abundantly pubescentovaries; and, reciprocally, 15 plants from accessions ofM. esculenta subsp. peruviana had glabrous ovaries. We


have also observed this character to be variable in M.brachyloba. Observations were repeated over time toaccount for the character’s transitory nature, but it maybe plastic in contrasting environments.

For the character of swollen nodes, morphologi-cal evaluation showed that, while leaf scars and theassociated enlarged nodes along the plants’ woodystems were prominent in all cassava accessions, theywere not marked, or else only slightly prominent in thesubspecific taxa. This character varies according to thedegree of habitat disturbance and variation of the eco-logical factors (Rogers and Appan 1973; Allem 1994 a).Thus, we consider both ‘‘pubescent ovaries’’ and ‘‘swol-len nodes’’ as descriptors of limited confidence, withlittle bearing on taxonomic status.

No significant morphological differences were foundamong the accessions of M. tristis and M. esculentasubsp. flabellifolia in the collection. Two characters —petiole attachment and pubescence of vegetative parts —have been used to distinguish among subspecies ofM. tristis (Rogers and Appan 1973). The M. tristisaccessions in this collection present non-peltate leaf-petiole junctures with pubescence only on leaf buds. Inits turn, the subspecies flabellifolia was variable forpeltate and non-peltate leaves, with the leaf junctureranging from 0.5 to 2.0 cm from the leaf base. Thesubspecies also varied between totally glabrous andpubescent vegetative parts. These characters thereforedo not seem useful for separating these taxa.

For those genotypes that differed from their con-specifics according to the AFLP analysis, morphologi-cal evaluation did not always support the distinction.For example, the accession PER 407, distinct fromother accessions of the subspecies in the cluster analysis(Fig. 2), is itself variable for the principal character usedto define the group: one of the two genotypes analyzedfrom this population had pubescent ovaries and theother did not. In contrast, the outlying accession ofM. carthaginensis, CTH Z, showed a fruit surface char-acter that differs from those described for the species.AFLP analysis confirms its distinction from the major-ity of Colombian accessions. As accurate passport dataare not available for this accession, we assume that itrepresents either a subgene pool from northern Colom-bia or a natural hybrid.

Discussion and conclusions

We found AFLP analysis to be an effective and efficientmeans of providing quantitative estimates of geneticsimilarities related to the distribution of variabilitywithin and among previously recognized taxa of therelatively large and possibly taxonomically inflated ge-nus Manihot. AFLPs also identified unique geneticdiversity present in the wild relatives of the cropM. esculenta.

Interspecific similarities in Manihot

As shown in Fig. 2 and Table 3, M. aesculifolia was themost distant species from cassava in this study, havingthe lowest mean interspecific similarity (0.307), fol-lowed by M. brachyloba and M. carthaginensis. Thisoutcome contradicts earlier reports that M. aesculifoliais the closest relative of cassava. M. aesculifolia was alsothe most distant species (mean interspecific similarities0.258—0.274) from the remaining taxa.

Higher degrees of similarities (means 0.654—0.700)were observed between the taxa classified as M. es-culenta, M. tristis, M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia, andM. esculenta subsp. peruviana. The finding that themixed group of subspecies is most similar to cassava(0.700) agrees with Allem’s (1994 a, b) proposal thatthese con-specific taxa are the wild forms most closelyrelated to the crop, and also with the classification byFregene et al. (1994) into the same group by cpDNAand rDNA analysis.

The species relationships illustrated by AFLP aresupported by preliminary data on crossability. CIATrecently hybridized some of these groups to test forcompatibility and gene flow, and so generate possiblebenefits for cassava breeding. Literally thousands ofseeds were obtained from 16 successful cross combina-tions — including reciprocal crosses — between cassavaand M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia, but only five seedswere obtained from two crosses between cassava andM. aesculifolia. Similar results were obtained withcrosses between cassava and another Central Americanspecies, M. chlorosticta Standley and Goldman, whichyielded between 1 and 148 seeds in 14 successful combi-nations with the wild species as the female parent, andwith the seeds presenting substantial problems ofdormancy.

Intraspecific variability in Manihot

As a whole, the subspecies complex showed the lowestintraspecific similarity value (0.700) of the taxa studied(Table 3). It forms a diverse set of germ plasms ofconsiderable genetic heterogeneity corresponding toecogeographic gene pools.

The intermixing of accessions of the two subspecies(Fig. 2) reflects their sympatric distribution and thetenuous morphological distinction used to separatethem. For example, Allem (1994 b) proposed that thepubescence found on flowers, ovaries, and young fruitsdifferentiated M. esculenta subsp. peruviana as a ‘‘wildpubescent form’’ of M. esculenta. But we found thischaracter to be variable for each subspecies. The sym-patric distribution of the wild forms of cassava (Allem1994 b), and the predominance of allogamy and polli-nation by insects in the Manihot genus, also make thepubescent character unlikely to be constant and, there-fore, unreliable for distinguishing taxa.


The two individuals of each M. esculenta subspeciesthat separated in the cluster analysis (groups 4 and 5)from the mixed group (7, Fig. 2) were from the upperextreme of the altitudinal ranges reported for the re-spective taxa in Brazil (Allem 1995). The two outlyingrepresentatives of the subspecies flabellifolia do notshow morphological differences from the accessionsin the main cluster, but originate from the higher areasof the Brazilian cerrados (dry semi-caducifolious forest,mixed with pastures), which are characterized by a sub-humid to dry climate. Most of the other accessions arefrom disturbed Amazonian forest, where climates arehumid to very humid.

Another taxon presenting a wide range of pairwisegenetic similarities was M. carthaginensis. Hetero-geneity was clearly related to distances betweenColombian accessions and one accession (CTH Z) ofunknown origin. Individual comparisons of similaritiesranged from 0.95 among accessions from the same siteto 0.53 between Colombian representatives and CTHZ, thus suggesting the existence of different gene poolswithin this species.

Despite the almost equal sample sizes analyzedfor M. brachyloba and M. tristis, the range of similar-ities among individuals is notably greater in the formerspecies. We have identified populations of M. brachy-loba in distinct ecological habitats in Colombia, butwe could not analyze their possible genetic differ-entiation because they survived poorly under ex situconditions. Unfortunately, the more distant acces-sion of M. brachyloba studied here lacks passportdata.

Patchiness of species diversity and the existence ofdifferent gene pools within species have implicationsfor future strategies of germ plasm sampling for conser-vation purposes. This is particularly relevant to thepresent assessment of M. aesculifolia, M. carthaginensisand M. brachyloba, which are variously distributed inseveral countries of Central and South America. M.brachyloba is the only species reported to be distributedin both South and Central America (Rogers and Appan1973), and M. carthaginensis may be the only speciesdistributed in Mexico and Brazil (Bertram 1993; Allem1995). New introductions of M. carthaginensis fromBrazil are now available, and additional collections areplanned to expand the analysis.

The present work shows that the complex formed bythe M. esculenta subspecies flabellifolia and peruvianapossesses unique diversity relative to a broad sample ofcassava germ plasm. This argues against these sub-species being escapes from cultivation of the crop. Tostrengthen this argument, the study should be com-plemented by more intensive sampling of landraces inthe regions where the subspecies are found, as well asby complementary types of genetic analysis such ascladistic phylogeny.

The species-specific presence or absence of par-ticular AFLP products may have implications of prac-

tical importance. Broader sampling is needed to con-firm the extent of conservation of these bands in therespective species. It would then be useful to determinethe genomic organization of these products to decide,for example, if they represent low copy number orrepeated DNA sequences, and how they are arranged.Once the genomic or taxonomic distribution of thesesequences is known, they may serve as markers forintrogression or for identifying and classifying germplasm.

Acknowledgements We thank D. O. Gonzalez and G. Gallegofor introducing us to AFLP analysis, and the assistants at the CIATCassava Program for help with the care and evaluation of plants inthe field. We are also grateful to Washington University for thedonation of dried leaf samples of M. aesculifolia collected by R.Bertram, and to Elizabeth de Paez for editorial assistance.


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