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"J, ,



uanfiord's NewSfectiorira8PEOTION.vi>At8

part of Craiuod will

pspeclion of iKfs'nw i£iio£-Z It j s knb^fi ! '

., ^ ...„...,,. M&. Union Coua.Bopntfll Chosea Ff««lioider .

. jj»'>*1Wttf iittttaj of tie tioard of * "'kol*r» o} Union, court* « « held on '

WUI. itx» EM.

With the d U V ; ">d K- —•". •ni'uld t» removfdsi

I-TT. T ™ ^ " ° " h e hmily: f —

'-July i and is ** •M*0**** W' P«copies on fofMb*r»t?35ks. / / •• •

1 v v<?OMMUNlCATf0N&v ~ ^ ; ;.:•A cmnmnnicafioa was'-tffe.ived,. from : t w

(l'm..n County Medical S&ciety cominendioy(fee : board on. its action .fa regard lo the" tte*bercUlusw -Hospital and'«rterinc tbe a*a(*tsiti!W^ • — T f A . • - ' " •

[iMr(;Ulof the «»tf

from A J

rxVrjv^l: ' .i bebalf. of Ourge U Vsfc

l, you ir# brrrbr w^tfrcJ lli&t yitaurh *f you muit1 frtrttiwtlh 'rem'n-e. theadc at the norlhrfltl rornrr__»( |hc ti*won Main *lrwr, Chailikm, N J , wbicbrfm«r< lb» j 'w«aKHRr> llU fam

wloii. It

NORMANplJEL f S l T ^ > r ^ ? ^ • f v""^-'Hwis?enon Tjr

v ^ , -_, /^^^^^^Saie^Eace^th^^i^Igipp^oJ^^| g g ^ f o j i g ; t h e river for nearly a mile;With r^r tesTJSi^ncI .Plots altematinr between th<r Drive am* Ihe

trade bt-iiij:-erected In frocituuf- *" -• Iwnfst'>•«<*. trr Mr; Vao4crj»o), ajftt present in*

J Mr- Varnderpaol, during- Mb* 'con»tTttci|ono,f> ifai* te-coanty brfclfe^ tnsdjc .'repeated pro*test* artximt tbe con,'tract ion of (his talus*trsule, bul. notaritbuaadinc . *>U tvotesti.- tlir'--if was. contrasted. .••* littlest, therefore,' the

w is. f.irtBwith trmote-d, legal1 proceed-» $uir be . taken, foe, j b t ^ removal of the

clfrd. (» one Lutulr^t atji! ft fly ^uiticntSi <haTfour itan tos w*«.cifiinrtj(Utf fifty imticnls, niepad ft) unmrfr limtKtUafc nrrdq,

«(J(lttt*>nal trait tt» b ! d

_rr,fjn^•fr," tjnty

bui Tcccfveuil In ComSiiIiee uir Cbatbatn

engineer 10 chirje, anil lh«iu-r


„•• -'elt^jL&k HMeiiurray.

,^feSa^WiHjggr^-«u^| d/y in thi* cllj/iio |lie iHrit clectton^diKtifof e.wT» of "(lie foar warfls^ ior_lb*-retcnt™wn»F rejwihin of, U*e voilnr. machine*., tfee vole

iras fur Hw. reject ion i therefore, it will beKctf-ary lo §u|rfJy thii city with three .(3)

' you. kindly brine this maitett to , thr

— • SRferra

GiQNCI?ETE SIpEVVALKa: S E W E R S — - • ' .'•'•- ••• • : : -

W A T E R • • • : • • - - • ? - • - - : • ' ; • • - •


ft. • y^houseTare noWiiaer^mHici ioJ^

paving ail modern improvements installed.^

"-*• These Houses contairj 8 and 9 rooms. ^T

J^ ^ ^ p l a n forTthe fMrchase'of^lote o j i l i o l i s ^WTOchve one^; C)pis no iiarni to inquire. J^ : Gall," write, telephone or send for" prices, terms,!and all particular•--.-.;• _ ; : r T . -

v- • - - -tiEiVRypS,; CROUCruC" ;"-r^^-Oeneral Manager—~^~

Normondie Park Co.Cor. Union Aye., Riverside Drive | |

•-three bojtjrt-for»wd«d at yonf~eaTll-cnfe«ce^-i • , • ". f

J ., ,. •,__.- j-- T'Vcnirs trul>*. .'""*" - : • ' . =

On motion of freeholder Krouse receivedand referred !•» I he-, Committee on Election. '

. i-Vom B.' C: Austin te*ardinK payment of

~itl>r Kin«. F.lixabrlh, K. K . • 'Itear Sir—At tbrireqiu**—«f -lames C.

irks.- i t~ahi ' beTrwith • et»"|o*ing- hH bill tuthe county for $S4&6J. Will y.uu kindly pro ;cure action of .the board- oft it fis sootl**!^ . . ^w- _ - . | oblige - V 1 • -'7? — '

Wry truly "yours, •„ -„...- ^K^C:- AUSTrPfr-

, . , 1 ol ITreehoIdcT Wilbur receiretland referred to the tofnmttrrcr •oir"^bu»ti4^«*^-^u.«».» HnjineerTIti*! OHinry-Attorney;

women, , v .n««cr imnieujiarc iweiLt;, t i ) . -That. sdditHirtal tesn-tut b^ erected 9I[the niiml>er of julicaU iucfeaso; P - V

_,._,ion_ building attti four lean to|, litctnding Ia tract of laud, of fifty or tifore'.'itcfci. doininot exceed the #inn \ut fifty thintund ilollarvand .that the eo»t of 'inalntcnarw* » r Mfu-'pa-tient should' not exceed the. suui fef tcn»doi-l « r s p e r " w o r k . * • - ; . ; , ' .

:;& • „ . . ' . . •• ••.

V. iVoiir- committee, further rrportjP jthat they.make the abov» rccummtndatioiiis because[they di» not think ^.advisable; tajferret build-lings to accoitiihiid^te wore than ttHy iiaticnti

*' m.jHUUBiiUel^birHfrrinvestiitalinx njt a oil

JUloafs hospital! ihnt IT. Car nffTuii lids jvolunteered to inspect the plans f'tfjjllnJ• tuitd'-JIngs', when submitted'to liiin by thfi; srclulect ISelected by yqttr committee. _^j$UU.•».-™.-4^»y«wir"tcomi«lttrc"'*;'6"uuTd IhercfiVre . reCoui* |..inend /that fl>4 Countvy Attorney tir auHior-

and directcij taufaw- nti- sujtiuilc rrswlu-anf ("imFh>r tlic


Committee on {Irejen Avemw, Lindc,,. ._-jr Comitiatec .oo r tvo bridges in Grteh

.avrnujr/ (Unttrti, would respectfully! reportI that- -at a meetir.f[ beld on Juqe' >*. IAIO,~4

>n-*r^;;«> mk^rUge* ftf- $450," he hrfrtauulowest'bidder. 1' l-.* •• ' r' • • , - . . ]-:U

I • W* GARRISON.* '. !

• | - . : ; " ' "'"•""• *•"•• C b m i o i t t e e , .On moiiun-of 'Kreeholdef 'Smitlt 'receireq

and placed on file. ; . - ,_-*•:'.• : >By the Coraioiiiee on HillUde Avenue Cul*

v » T t : - - - • : - • • ' • . " , ' " " ' . ' • " ' • ' - . • - • '•'-' -••• /

At a meeting, of the tommiUee pi* IlUldda•M eiwe Culvert. Lyons Farms.: held "at-T'Ibf-Co irtftouse. on TBur»d*y, July ''iu-' tqe xdRl*millee-twaraVil the coMract-lo^'a new eul-verf, i»~IIilt«»oV; avenue, Lyons tarrB^ to tb*l<mvsl b*3der^/. P. Glaibj', for the sum offWu.hundred and uxty-seven faltn /*-<r- *

. T-.V uun, mr me i»uri)dfe of I'ttr-cliaviiiK land atul llie comi.ritctiofi.inif build-Itiits, us*providt'd by laV: -tli.it y<tU£ tctnmit-tee~4*,eitl|KmFiTtl tu cm ploy ait nrfjijt??! forthe,, purpose' of • drTVIiW' )tli^*^_iii'^^tfffttifr^ltf&iiB (or tbe. L'r«ci(<ni-nf~Kilit~luiiMiiwN, wliich IMiJplauB sh.'tll be Mil.milfc.I tu- Wtia' biWd |for-final approval-and tel -llie Ktate'vJluardHealth a* pruviilt'o*-by'law, .. • !*/!'••"»••CRAM. CiTiZKN^-3-II :•'. '.- ^ V . K- '-. I

Tliat your" coimtiittee- be .AlithorirKt to-«e*-lBotiale for". (Tic imreliasc of a .tuiffjMe tract)of land, »whereuti to crcit said btiiltl

to tlii» board tin*, result -of *_T.^ ui» for thcir.apjiruval, -Sf :

; :Vqur coniinittre fcrU.tliat the citfiens^andtaxpayers -pt this -county arc now ilmrodgli' •ly uuonned rcsiiectiitjt thin euierprlfftj that as J•a result of, (lie various liefirln*9 ypiit. c'unimlt-.tee hat) been hurprJNcd tu learn Hint tlm'l

, recorda.,of__the State^Xutercultiws^-CoiitiiilBsiorrISliow^lITal-TIiSrc iirc twelve,ttiousaftad cawsat ititmtcuVt»\H in this ^taiej six 'to sevenKiii'ldrtd of wiiich are in Uitiarr <-)Aifily; tlmr.The dea|lrrate from this disease h \wo huudreu per aitiium. " . .'. ,;

Respectfully, submitted;,'-* • . ' -• : r. ir. DOANI:, .


Here's A PenceThat Once UpimSVAfcocelhatiUndi n straight 11 > >tring

\ i n d alwvyii'Jookt Well. . . /

. • •i\r~- . ^. ' - " They are GALVANIZED. No rmting_:off aba** ground or below. • / . .. :.._._. . ; --•••' —

dur fences ire nude In «ay he[gh{ aa i t l ln -4 great val ley d l « y l e i .

Special prkei'on Farm and Poultry .Netting*, Lawn duardi, Sic,

'' • '' ' ' " " * E c a u l o g * = ^

Anchor Post Iron WorksftrrkDAt tat t>j^na-.w«-M «« .GEORGE W.FORSTER.Salotman'fol. WmtnVlf! 318 10 North Avenu«, GARWOOD; N 3.

Telethon^|5 Cranford;New York Office /i


Unix, — »» •*- —W K U S I) CRAVK,

On. motion «f Fieeholder Wilbur -received3»tl | 'aceit un die

y Ciinniittei on Chestnut Iiace <"tllfrcrtAt n Tiu-rcin# fif-ttir. Comniiltrc on C'>e.sfiint

I t l ot I tnirt t » n n v lirtU*CinrtfjottM, Turfofey; Jiity u."tlic c«iifswarded' llir cniidact »<• Ibc lowestJ I* CaliOi),-ftr Ihr tuill of i»vf Imrf

$fr ••;;:AAR©N^ ft. CRANE, -^ : Dealer Iiv Fici^r/ Feed^ <iraih, Hay, Etc.

Elevator and Wiiretitfsw;";1^.ROSELLEPARK.N.J.

Chairuun.On niulion" of Freeholder (»ruetier receivedd ilarcd on file.ft) Koad Committee on Ilridge at Afoun

t3in->jic '^ (tTiCmittee on Connty RoaiK itoultl

rtsjKH.lfulljr r*!{«irt I bat at . a nice ting litldon Jnl> I J lytr*. a contract was anarded tu\ \\ ^tt[r» fur ihr rxten^i >n of a bridge

fir 5^7", hr U-IHR the lowevt bidder, and alsolh.it a oyjtract was awardnJ .tu W, 'IV Kirk-for llir- litiiMihg* and exfenhion of four ctit-

3*en»g and Karit^n atljf M a i 1 '

. . , . - - . - - p . - - - , w ^ ( ^

, ^Freeholder Sriitilr moyjil the'report 'lie "re-received anil tn« recummenVJatiwH | a>Urhich- on' 'roll-call Wa^ Ho ordered! \y/,..^»**lly Committee on Hfiinuliam Place; ' -Your Committee on ICiliiiitliam 1'lare Itrldge,

West field, would reimrt 'having rccrrvrcl Imlnfor the^conatruction of tfljj liridcei-(lie-lowestof tyhlcho, watt .fur the feunt <if seven Inmilrrdand. eighty-seven ilotlars <$?H?) from. C II.French- aittT.ubey Imve aWarflfil itin amlratt

'••* him subject to (he approval nt llits board.

)lfi«;appropriatioi| ijm.Ic fur tfiirt -woik ytu_,^crf;hundred dollars (S700), fln« we .there*fore recommenU that- said 4|ipropriatiun lte:iu-creased _liy^^WglilyfBeveu4-«v!ljirsT--{$8?)-rarid(In; contract awarded *a§ hl;oVc to Cliarlrn IIFrench, WestrivM," for the siim of seven Inuydred and eigtity-^vfti Uitllcirs' ($787).

- - • ' - . ; ' JACOB MA.KlUN,• ^;- . - • - :„__ . . Commilter.,

which...i»u nil I- vail was »o -ivilered wiiliiiuf

• •••...»

^ they being ihe low"

UNDERSIOXEP LdgB to announco that ho Ui bonchtttnr-buBiucHi! ot the' lat« ,|IARRY G." B03VERS nud willcontinue1 tho same "at the Old location,. Bank Building'

tr—XTTTT .. . - .—:i' . . .—^ r—"*^

ingBosel.lo Park gives assurance.that all orderi£$vin bb promptly.

: ;:;y A continuKnco of jqxtt patronage iji sojicitotl.

. ,..-tiiir Toad" ro?I est bidders.

a KRoirsEr~:"" *""'P. UEISEL.S. VVU.BUK,


. - •"'••' Committee*(In-- motion of Freeholder Smith receivedUy i'ommitice oh Wood Avenue Culvert;Your .Committee on )J'ood"~Avenue Culvert,

linden, -wgoM' rfprf if illly • rrynrt thit

"Ily~rmnimt/pp. oil Silriitnrr. Street UriilKc:Vour" coifiijiilte .fl|i|>oliilcil tit. r«aminc theimiit^r strci'l »lrawlui<l|jc tiycr flic Kli/alirlli

Kiver, Kliial»etli, n'NpectfuIfy rcimrls tlial It, daft'met-at' (lie. bridge and lias) made a carefulexamination uf tlir name, :. - ' ' . .- The "present ItrEiItte lmn good funtuhfiumItut Jhe ' sUp^rslr(Klure-.i*-«f-poor niarrrujrand" i-T'jvrafc nndnii l i l t rd for .Die tralii'c attlie plarci .. Tly; present . tttecl. wotk ..in tic»tl*r«j|«rly corrstrtiL'tnf; lli> floor hrnm-j bring'jilaceil on (lie fLiiiKCKt intitead of acrOM tlicflonr Ri'rders. J'nrlj^ «f UfE^stcclilttujik^-ai«-

-Jn-rrrry~"ba"d~"wr<ler, T>cTn(f fjfaint'egmtrd. andr o t t e n . . . . ' • • ; • : . - . * . - .

:' . . " " - • • - • • - • • • ' . ' .

V*ur • com mil tee would rei*i»e_c!_fyljy rccoui

-*ftdire-ttrtflii till' J)|c»ciil lolttnlulion, at Sit in -Cipr Btreel, iml would aide -'flrat j l iey lie trt-structed—to procitre plans and- t h e . probablecost of. bridge and, report at n future" niretiligof the board.- _ ' . •' ' -'- .» ••< .• •

T. I I A V I I J A N D . :

• ' / J. MARTIN,' - - • i_ ,11, KKOUSi;,' . - ! .


. . . L - . : - • , . ; : • . . • • i - v ' l . : - . • " • • • - • • . - M O . - : - - - r V ^ ^ - - J . J • • • • „ • ^ - - : , ' - • - : • -

.•.•-•• • ; - / • ' • - . - : • . . . - • • : i : A « a s a s B 5 a s a f e a " < > ' i

TriCkBTSrtZIT^^^"""" "

and Rc-on


1 l^ve*Crinford at 1 . 2 ^ MTWhich•-•-•-•-•-•-4


2&ild' -June^r.-^Tsrra^-a-'iCbtifracl" was-tjf»;Cbarltf Peterwn to cotntruci


9* 2 r^r^5^^5^i^^(^; i_.;;.••'.'.•,;'';. :• C O N N E C T E D . : :

: v - ? - ' : ^ ' - ; • " •

• ' • • : • • • • • • " • • • • • • • ; • ; ' . . . i ' - 1 ~ V • . • . - • : . : • " v ; - ^ ' - : ' - - • • . . • ; \ ^ • ' • • ' - • "

i|Vo;,ir^r|i^H«»^o«;A^hestoCarry6iit. >.;

>•»•>>»•»»»•••».g ^ j j ^ s s v ^ i ' ^ i ' i ; . ? • , . ; . ' • ; • . - . • ' • . . • ' , ; • • . , . ' • , - • • . - . • ' • • - ' ' j _ •_ - . . . • ; " • • " - , ' . • • ' . • ' • • L

mi • •' . ' \ • . . ' . . ' < • ' ' . .

M^rl^^roail Street

' • . ' • • If. K R O U S E , . • ,- W. itAXDOi-PH, 1•••;•*-• Committee.'

On motion of- Freeholder Cniewer receivedi ' l . p l a c e d o n file. . , . • . - • • . ' .

: , " - . • " • " - • " • '

Ity_ Committet un CtJlecior'a Accounts! •'., .Your "Comniiltce--inf Collector's . Arcountsbegs 'leave to repot 1 ~tfiat it has examinedhn bm>k%. vouchers, coupon*, wirranl* andreceipt*, fllsnk and cfieck iKKit*.- and findtliat xfie 5ara< are. correct arid agree in everyparticular.': - •. • *•"• — , -,- . '

\\V tibd that bis receipts from Januar/ -T,1010, tu date amount to'f 1,187,403:^5, and that'hit -di^burftcmenfs ~.foV~ tin* same .period |amount to $i*.i25,so9.;o,, leaving a balance of

[ $5M«i»XS5. which is,on dei«jit..ia^lhc•'"Lank-jla-tlip- credir-of !li< Ca&n|]f Collector. •'... ,-*—k(^iwCtfnl)«-'7tiKm1-i~t ————

• . . . - Commifire.Freeholder Smith moved the rrjtort be re-

eived and the recommendation artaiAal^jiihlcli5j3wfl=^nrT(iTiSHihT"

V<»ur Conimitter, on Jill Jmpccttan wouldrrvfiet-tfully rei«>rt that it-has iiujie.cled* rfiejaik alto the' hooks i*f'thc war<lrh.Jtftttnlier-of pristincn in cuxtoriy. AuffM A'i?riunl»cr"iJi!icharf{cii durlntr. the ij\Un\\\.f- tit).Numher in custody August 1. , , . ; . - ; v ' . , r .62-Niitnlier of days' l>o, in j ; . . . . . . . . ,".t.\ ," . 1536

Afaidtetlanrc—-Mral!*) provihioim,. drug^ ands a l a r i e s , f & C * . ? 3 . .'/ ' , . , ' • . • :

Cost j>er day ' |* r prisoner, 36 cents.'—-= Respectfully tHibrni'ited. :* .V • " ) *KRKV


StricHy 11 roHidonlial dovolopmont for (tun'tiioH with modorut«XincaiiH. 1'tiro watnr ahd tncklern cotlYonientioB. •• - * ' -• _.

2 ^ Qnljta few^ArivpwiUyft-tmr^iiihtVlftiooirtoho-Approdmtcc]. Apply to ' * ' " "

J. Jj DIXOJV,Superintendent, on tho iirprniHCH, ];>°Qopooo<xx)ooo.^^

pHrvubS. P. .WlLBUltW, II. RANDOLPH,

. '•:'• ) ' . MAl'iT/x"-- "' . -' , • • - . Commf t t r f ! ,

On motion r>f FreeltoMcr Jenseti, receivedsncl placed on file.

• • . . i^i^/uuniiier.___H.-..,™. of 1 Freeboider Da'rby, received

and pnted Jjn file. • •-_. Tht_ Auditor's report was~risc*ivtd "i's Tol-l o w s : ' . •' • • • • ' ; • . ' " • - ' " .

Voor Ajoilitor" respettfoUy reports:" •..Lhavfr examined the books -and vouchers

of the' Surrogate; Sheriff, Registrar andCounty D a k . and fiai-tbe- usae correct—.t

Sheriff i-..,.';%-»->..'...*...,..**•.-.. IT? SoRegistrar' •, • • . . . . - • . , . , . . . y r , * „ . . ' ' 1,786 »oCounty-perk ,*.Vv*...--.i-.'i»-r**-*'r-498*6i

1 which amoubt.has been: torwsd o**rrt*» the

. !•• Auditor.'-On motion of Freeboider Sw»la" received

and placed on fitev ; •;• ..:•_'.-• By tbe Comtt^ttee en Tijbercal. ,

Vour committee appointed at a meeting of 1ihe. Board of. Freeholders Iwld ^n March 5. |~*^iof to -.nrresiigatej ibe cost of the. er>c-tiont.of a vBttitabJc! bosoiul 'to he ***A !*±^M

ivr.vy-.JUUSItylYeefiolder WilburK«QUxd.-Tliat-tlte-l>iref;t(n--afmqinra~r6(a*

miite* of Heven to take complete charge ofelecljun; matters, inclurling tbti piir<!lia»e!jar]'frejiair.. of ballot boxes, stationery, etc.;-| (hat

Con'tlnueJ on page.8..- ; *


Kenilwort^ InnC. K. NF7II Pmnriolnr-'— . C K-NEZU, .Proprietor.

J a p a n e s C I . Excellent

Service - , - . " ' — C u i s j n c

Kenilwoptl?, .New Jersey

I Cohdrcte Building Material

w i UA '<i3inigipifftf sucJSi ingfi^«*t^^f 1 to 10*e|£igatc hastitotioa* of l i e character-slid to-

report to tbe botfrd tie reatttt of their-in-irestigatwn, and uaJke mch TecdmincnBationa

,as they may de*m necessary^ would respect-ful(y report?as t h y may

|ful(y report?Tbat ihnj hare jrbited several btsttmtioiu

id and -about th^ city,of Boston. Mass., »ndh a w been in coosnlution *riih Dr* GarrlnK'tan, expert on faespual cdostruciMHi* 'of tbeState of-New York, «bo UjtUo tffi* u%hHtant secretarT of tbe NitionaKStJeiety for thefrevenUon and C C f Tlerciiloab; that

THOS. A. SPEBEY, President.

0. M. HENDBICKSrCashier.


Prncnliob'. and CotV of Totcrailcxb; that Iycmr 'nuiuiittcc 'ims .attended hevliuf - girea Iirr miTvtt oC-tlw Kraal amilrtojrrin In Iihijcooiuy.ind thil u » m a t t -at U A la-1by m»jx»» oftill* cottaty iouijatrUptfaLilnr^i^ »T.


Any Deslgfii All Colors.




itize^ Wapt Ads.C33CJ'*f>U!n^l^!SF41TItA^

• ' - . -t---7.:rV

• • ^ • ^ si

iI11PISl l1

^ h - • \ v ' '• ' - •

W '.:'• • • " " ' ' • "

i t - •"*• - ; ' V ' •• •

mm-- •->l r : ' ' ••••• • ' • • • * " ^ ' " ' " - • " • " - "

KC:-:t:1 • - •>

V/rfr. ••>.*.


THBl.1piTlZENj.il!' WKEKUf


) A dean straw, hat 1* now becominga rarity. ' j i

Small thunder (bowers ore thank-fully received)

What is an "aviation meat -withoutI* dead and Injured.

j.SjM^SJM-ien taught to swim few-~er man would; be drowned. " -

A'mateur swjmmers.as veil u anuUI- U t » should hug tba^ihor*.

If It Is not'ona thing it U sure tobe another In {merry England.

I >•

Whoever Invented going swimming"was:a 'public'{behefajj'tor, all right.

•There is need of safe and aane tar-get practise with theibig army guns.

"It II loT>e~regrrtfeS that our val-uable forests are notl built of Asbes-tos.

Aviators have not ret reached apoint where they can,deny the light-ning.

-fcBBKh-as-Tr IMfKtl j-JBftHtlWKr allmoans, but laugh as''(Opportunely aspossible - ij

""Vacations are "ail" right while thoylast, but deliver us from- the firstweek after. - ]l

ft . AUGUST $55

CHAPTER II. 4- , Continued.

•' "Ugh!" Tormentllla made a face,but the dejected grace of Audrey'!attitude reproached her. Here wag'afine opportunity ;tb help 'two lovers to

giving up her Louis heels and hernlneteen-Inch waist Oh; I am sure,quite sure, yon haven't the slightestreason to be Jealous of Nigel."

Michael laughed, then sighed.-"You're• very . comforting, Mrs.

^Toratntilla," said Miss OreenItpersusslvely, "I've left the darkest'shade of the mauve ljtoselle upstairsto nty bedroom.-;. Might I trouble you,my dear? Your legs are youngert h a n m i i e " • " • • • • - • . ' - • ~ j - ' •

^nri frO^nyriu i t '^Mdl ir j i i i iuf1 chair. You"ve-Just dropped It en pur-pose, haven't you? I don't sapposethere's a word of it true, Miss .Cot-tons, is there?" • • " ' • } ' - ".,'-••:•-.

."jCo^n^ajnsndiitWwUadSJBadlTon are so -frant,. aren't.you?

always -admire -frankness--in theyoung. ' So fearless and free. Andwhat a fortunate thing that/the £am-

f e must overlook such trifling;perfections as these.- "If-It -was

. „ _.' really have noI grounds for Jealousy, I'd rather it

In the path, the better was the thingworth-doing.


girl wonld rather' marry" a- mani a Miss, Nsncyr^lt's-only human

Itsjmd rodehome. _ . - - : . • i h e couldn't find It Jta her heart" toYoung Mrs. Sandrlng,. wandering ^ ~ n D n . » • - ' \__i

disconsolately round • her beautiful Llse ilghedgarden "the Sami. afternoon; was - -

,._.—„ . . , , '^Iw«rewB*l6ofie=

up still more surprised. . . t" "The Barl ana. Countess, How nicefor yen to have this charming man-sion as a home! Very fortunate thatLord Mallnder is away, I call it.". '"-Yes; it Is, rather," said Tormen-tllla quleUy, with a side glance at theconfused Oreenle., ~ — -i— if—~~-.," But after their visitor had gone.Tormentllla relapsed* Into thoughtful,silence, and Miss Green became anx-ious. The girl rose at last and hunt-ed forherstrOTr[tat^ ' '

• ilinli in TI11111I1111 niiiniuli in Tali i i i i isn- Outlook, of wbteb tbmoOon I r a n u t tm r•. by TIM Outlook Comytiy. Alt BlsMi B

Uka moat Americans Interested inbirds and books, I know a good deal*bont EagUsli bird* as they appear inbooks. I know the lark « flhajte-•peare and Shelley and the-EttrickShepherd; I know the lnghtlngale of

North's cuckoo; I know/mavis, andmerlle singing in the me*fy.gn»en woodof the old ballads; I know Jenny-Wrenand Cock Robin of the nursery books.rnarf I have always muchrdetlred


It wm^o_hard_fOLthft.BinaU-boy-to"Tjellevi that not all lco cream cones

ore fit Jo eat x j 1

j> "don't" for aorojllano amateursmight properly bo Included In tho Jllatat summer cautions, j ' 1

tilla, and "of poor Michael Kenwor-thy's hopeless love affairs. SBe hadheard a great deal of those love af-fairs, aod-the young m-Minoobviouslypreferred now to spend jiTs time talk-ing Ujant, over with "bor, instead oftrying to get work, or evenjQ seiB theheloyeil.objectrtlist shewaB growing

Western grasshoppers are having -hard time keoplng up,with tho suc-cessive crops ot alfafi.

Noise shortens life, 0laedvers'some^Jollowwho -will no doubt llve.qul.otly

to his hundredth blrthdjty. K



Paris Is producing eojhe Interestingaeroplano literature. 0ne machine W.bit by lightning and mkltod.

The man who InAntod,-moneywould have pleased more of us if hebad only made it easier!to get

Russia Is opening A kohool of avla-_tlon. This ought tog>en the deadand wounded column considerably.

Pulling the wrong lever of an aero-plane can sever becomin fixed habitwith an aviator. Onca usually suf-fices. ,j ,

uneasy;—Sbfrliad, In fact, begged'herhusband that - veryTrftecnoon-to^aKe"her away for a holiday. She wasbeginning to think it would be wise.It WOB because she loved her husbandand wished to prevent annoyance tohim, rather than from the wish tosj>aro nnothervperson pnln and humil-iation, that she-wanted, to go away,but it was no'good. Sh'eKhad triedand failed. i~Things, must' gp.on andtake tholr chance. Afterwards, It

- ——a.- » *uu oui« uits is- mucn toocomplex'an age, Jn spite of wha,t Nigelsays about tho simple life, to allowa. girl _to_maieaji Important decisionwhich might Influence her wh6Ie life's-happiness, for an old^TaBhloned, hum-drum reason like that" ....-::....•':-_; t'You aren't like that,", said he,watching with tls-clefl1' gray eyes thgc b a n g i — ' • - - • • - • •face.

I — — — —"~ •••• :—u^—LAoareror* 1 have always muclr desired~"Vm going out^" she said briskly, u> hear the birdTin'real liferand the"to return Mrs: Standing's call. Yon opportunity offered Uat June. As Ineedn't come. 'I rather want to .See- could snatch but a few hours from- aher ,alone. I am ..Interested in n«r, j n r r exacting round of nleasuraa ~iaaand I want' to ' form' an unbiasedopinion." * ' • .

".But, Bandy-?-""Tormentllla," suggested the girl.

lutjes," it was-necessary for me to bewith some companion who could Idtify both Song, and singer. In SirMS^Q^UMkJma^QLm'" to all Its phases, and a dellght-

'expression orher animatedthe quick, expressive ges-

.grent comfort to feel that she had—for once-T-dpne-ior beat-to preventi t . ; " : ; : • " " - ; : ; : : • . • ••• • • ;

. It was In this pleasant., state ofmind that Michael Kenwbrthy found

t' at six o'clock when he -came intalk about Audrey. She smiled

tures of her llttlo brow'n handsLUe raised her dark eyobrows with

a curious little amlle. •.'••-•?No?" ahe-sald^ "My dear bdyjl

am nioro complex than anything youovor dreamt ot or imagined. 'I neverdid anything from a simple honestmotive in all my life." .' ^

"I sometimes think," said Michaelearneslly, "that you . aren't veryhapjyT~^It~apesn't -seem -quite-fair.•Itjatoobadjttf h i

—si. « • — K ^ r ••" -~I~zr~ ~-7~~"?.~ """"». au-jtspnasesrand a delight-wlth Tom, Dick, and Harry In this (ul companion, who,knows the songsway? Your m o t h e r ^ - " / . ; ' ' : uid ways of English birds as-very few

natejforjnie tJ5a.|jnp,thej *~ •—— "- -------'Tbrmentliia's mlschlev-

g. - . . . - ."I. knowyouT won't golf I«sk.you

not to." MIBB Green went on persuaa-

j_o_badj t ta f . Jgue:whojre_iosympathetic^ should be so much aloneIn your own life.' l; never .met anyone before who understood'ine as youdo. Even Audrey does not quite un-der»tand-the deapor = J d T

lvely, but quite without conviction. :"And I know you won't be so un-

kind as to ask me not to, when'I'mJust .beginning tolfoilow your adviceand take an .unsclflsh Interest In oth-ers .—will you? One mustn't thinkonly of oneselfi Greenie, you see.And I'm quite capable of forming aproper Judgment-for myself.. Youoften told me so. And you admireMrs. Standring tremendously. You'veBald so from the very beginning,haven't-yoiifr^Mrr^Standrlng's "got 'amost Interesting' brother, who la .Inl o V w l t h A u d i H f T i r y

. . them, I found the best -pot*•ible guide.' ~4~-^~=.—~.-.-'~^r—_ We-left London on the morning otJune 9, 24 hours bjsfore I sailed fromSouthampton..- Getting off the train atiiMfngBtoko, we dfove~to the pretty;

If It will help an,y, we j will say thatthe new hobble skirts look like aman feels when his eualpenders have


Russia la opening a.school of avia-tion. Let us hope that her aviatorswill make a better shewing than

J»avJgators,^vi__.-^.-^-j|:-_1 her

' w~i'


- -Tho diamond trust has been Re-newed tor five years, put who canrenew his note" on the engagementring that long? | ' /

Thy snake "stories ot the season arepbnwlng a flnnrrnp Thn flnh awill have a hard tlmo in coming up totheir standard;

completely transflgured her Bulky lit-tle face, and Michael began to cheerup at once^'••-' "'

His 'eye's' were luminous as belooked at hSt She had been.BO kindto him! ' Hour after hour sbo hadlistened tfi his ravings About Audrey;had sympathiiedHwith . his' poverty,calmecOils Jealous°N(ea'rs, 'prophesiedthe best, and, of pourae. Be was fondof-her.—He-ought-to^be,—but-sbecouldn't help feeling that, a momenthad almost come Jtfbeh their friendship should be weakened by\bsencennd now Jack* had refused

- ber'awayr = ^ ^i\ "Wberdksked. ;' ' . ; . . . ... N

I Young Kenworthy was a fair, deanshaven, youth,- of. twenty-four: or so.Hisr enemies'sald-heTwas"s~fb1irhg'stone, and his friends that he waawanting in~Sppllwtldh7'As"f6f"Sl8prospects, Audrey's cruel parents hadfound "them quite invisible "to" thonaked eyo, and, taking an antiquatedand prejudiced view; had forbiddeneven an-engagement

for. your, perfect.sympathy. I amafraid Standring isn't worthy of you."

Ltse, who had' been leaning, backwith a strange llttlo smile hoveringover her lips, sat up suddenly here,with amazed eyes. . But the' madyouth rushed on to bis destruction.

"I. don't, think your husband canunderstand youboldly,

as I can," said he

loVewlthAudreyiHefTirreny^Snther.'to marry him, but. he lives thesimple-life and wears sandals. I'venever met any one who lived on nuts.befoie^-eiceptjat the ,Zoo, of course-|—and, I'm' keenly anxious to seehim:'? —-

She hastily put on her hat withoutlooking at a glassgtuid swung Qtit ofthe room with her usual free and boy<

Jsh stride. Miss Green made no fur-ther^suggestlon, and. Indeed, dared,not. .She was honestly too glad,, tettertheir .winter together: of tears and' de^spair, to find that-the girl was cheer-Ing up, and taking any interest In tne-outside world/ t m i d > hf

Llse broke Into a sudden sharp lit-tle laugh. . ^

"My dear boy," she said, "you

Ing up, and taking any interest In tneoutside world/ to< mind >ery muchf;whi'rttep¥""Bh'e~tMartotaflTe~i

-is-Audrer to-day 1»-~-

Whai Is Audrey ..JOIUK to-day?'

One Milwaukee.man did not see hisbride until he married | her. Manybrides do not see their'husbands atall after marriage.

A Maryland man has taught a rat-1 • tl^pniiTcn In nhttvr tntihpcf^' •-y*nstldlo<18

•elite With rattlespakos, hereofter. '

"Aviator Ha'rmon says ihat to.bo asuccessful bird man one., must be abso-

. . lutely.lndlfferehMPjdeaUi, that bolngJuBt about what most of us decidedsome tlmo ngo.__' Jl,1.- J .,._'J_.:- ._•:....

Llse asked kindly.

.. There Is no question about Ithe perfect, understanding between I

xJack and me. We adore each-other,every single instance that I ca'i

,teb«mber-slnca wo were-marriedhavcxthought as duo.'.'

oubie. ,... . . . . . .Vi Tormentllla went out through

" " II, past the ghostly

CHAPTER III."Cbarming. Isn't she?" Mlss/Cot-

ton beamed at them over tho b]g palobluet bow of chiffon at her/throat.Her largg. Bheep'-like face shone with

. , . '"terrace!i|ly"Jad been.at home, the

,............ would hayo beon gay withbright rugs, and chairs, and dozens of.large, soft cushions^. Now thiate were!two~"ch"aira,~Tieffl and Gr onle'a, 'andeven a tea-table, but It wasn't very.

imlllng valley of the -ttchen, Herewe (ramped for three or' four hours,;hen again drove, this time ta the edgeJV the New Forest, where.we first:00k tea at an inn, and then trampedtrough the forest to an inn oh Its oth-:r side, at'Brockenhurst' At tho con-sluslon of our walk my .companionnode a list of the birds w« had seen,>utting, ~ an asterisk .'opposite thosevhlch we had heardislng. There wejoU ot the former addJS^otthe-toUirrOTollows:""."; - \v- :^/v- --- --.^Tbruah, .•BlMkblrd>>Lark, •YellowHammer, 'Robin, •Wrwii •Goldentested. Wren, •Ooldflnch, •Qreenflnch,Pled' Wagtail, 'Sparrow, *Dunnock{Hedge Accentor), MU«el Thrush,'JtarUng, Rook, Jackdaw, "Block Cap,'Garden WarbW. -• Willow Warbler,'Chlff Chaff, »Woqd Warbler, •Tree-creeper, *Reed Bunting, 'Sedge Wary>le'r. Coot. Water Hen, Little Greb/{Dabchlck), Tufted Duck,' WoodJH:[eon. Stock Dove, •Turtle Dove, Pee-Blt, Tit (TCoal Tit), *Guckoo, •Nlgnt-jar, 'SwaUow, Martin, Swift, Pheasant,

It was not a load — « . .steal and attractive. «suisaid to atag ymrttntrr aByear.,,.The aonc of to*est^dm* moeMkaeaasM K

I the lea^ Uk«vth*t^c«r kbut* on tae cootnoC Kas JdkBt aswtatar WTSJL TJke> tsasM la tfea 1asthewlntsr wrcaXottasaaSiga inot seem to m» to b» so Islcsl~as that of tfl» ttgynorth woods. Tn»5in. ihe thick reedst • ie thick reedft • iba(ftlu» *wq a l lay, which nmtottA aw asof th« less proiiumuwlyellow breaatedrcuckoo'* cry wasand .Twi§1rffT.rollliig, many

Ten days latw, s*was among my own 6fc*s.much Interested! as Ilooked at them ittSlooked at them ittSwftaigrtnotes ODff acOoii: of tto m*tseen In England. ' On ta»the first day I sat to schair on the broad

the sunset The tMe«Jr gjinsMi* ME-Ida sloped down In. freisrf n i l ' . » L

>elt. of forest from .«ato BSSBS '"*""golden, leisurely rhrriilTt *** ttba ithrushes, fnanttn|f/ithrough the still atr eaof vlreo. and tanager; ->»fall we heard: th« fOgns. i _oven bird froayth* s*mc> BCS£ at Um-ber. Overhead aa ortpte SSB# ta Heweeping elm,' now sadj


Partridge.V -•:>

wren. Being spatrowsiJiln^ttesarttSBapy;—•• »—«» « •

built lts'nest or«r the. froqt.-asl.aa*over the back door, and taata vast:<chippy's nest is ths "wMssai itas - krthe.porch. Durfns; thsi t a t H 1n * a o d heard, «ltharrt*MaH»tahouse or while wsJldns; eon te 1_throBgh the woodsC the (pttoatac)- '41 -birds: ! • ' - •• •••-•::••.•-

Little Green Bcxao. QnaH.«!„ Hawk, TeDow ~

Kingfisher, FUSwift, M«adow ~ _ _ .Blackbird, Sharp "Tailed

its; usual expressldn of cbeefful sad-ness. "I always thlttk It 8u?h al plty.rshof8aid g e n ^ y ^ H h a v M / S t d i"I don't know," the young man re-JBh0 8BldOvuyv.; IHOV ^'"Z oiau>1("<ll

piled sad|y. _ "I never see. her now,"! does not live happily-w^th hei^ hus-unless I meet her here. And there's'"-—J •your confounded;" brother-in-law—ibeg your pardon; but your.don't' like

ijimd. My hof Ser.;;to.ok,

d Ct

ot live happily-with hei^ hus-My housemaid, whOils a cousint k T f i i ^

"But, tbenjine'li

Another pollcemani has been^shot Inthe leg when his revolver droppedfrom. Ills pocket We may have to! In-case our policemen In bullet-proof -ai".mor to*conserve" them. — "" ""

. . . . , * do," said Llse sharpiyTj ably amiaoie"Of-co.urso.I am fond of Jack's only so elegant.- I alwi.., , _

^rothjrvi^J^^t^t-iM,y.':iiu^-.^B"w/lh'"her*io— so" inX


Vhlnk ilra. Jack

, f Tn-^ynijH uuum I juea~iau in love vitn.ner so-—so ln-Anji, if Audrey loves you, Nigel's I cessantly, though. Isn't/it? Beauty is*

(nco doesn't much matter, does I alwnvn mich » .miV-i"

—'American womcn,"-nays~tho~gnck>-war of Uaroila. "aro the most beauti-ful women In • thn world." Whatever

_ thu gaoluLarWalUngs may bo,-he-evldently has .a eoodeye

ThlB Austrlnn count says that theEuropean bcnutles aror-well, stouteithan ours. Thnt Is one Reason whythe AfflLHclur man has never gon<abroad to niarry a"tltle.' - »

After n New York man had shaken„ papper-into his soyp ho Was jolzed"

within attack of snoozing "that killed_ Mm. EvldenHy somo _of the New.v' York restaurants contlnuo to sera

'genuine pepper; ~ '

existence doesn't much! matter, docBltT I don't think Audrey llkca hl3curious habits and tho way he—well,abe'B a little tiny bit of a gourmande,isn't sho?. It's In the family,' rather,'«nd—:•-;——----•••-^—r^-^--'1-—?

"She has a talryllke appetite," Mi-chael said quickly, for it was a traitheJiad much, admired In her."

"Yes, of course"—Liso smiled alittle.' "That's Juit It, and It has tobe tempted. Michael, hondstly-, do'you^hink any one's .fajryllko

always BUch a enafe

Tormentllla sighed as a suddenmemorTT-Of: another" veranda, In. atf-other county, clutched at her heart.That-was the worst of ,her kind.' oftrbiiblfl. »'Everything you saw or

The bird that most Impressed meMI my walk was the blackbird.~"I badUreadyl heard nightingales in abttn-Jance near Lake Como,-and had alsolatened to larks, but I had never, beardeither, the blackbird, the song thrush,>r the black cap warbler; and while Imaw.aU.tbjw^wBT9-good^singers," *. u^uunv aw{ did . not know what really beau- Creeper, Barn Swallow; V u n n a a s -Uful singers they /were. Blackbirds Swallow, Oven BtrO, TMscttlksoX*Vm-~

touched, ev^ry other word you heard,every smell even—the roses andVyeet" peas—the" stables :wherai therewas only,"Gray Foil eating her head'off and getting fat; the sweet-briar'bush" nt-the corner^of the perennialborder, the freshly -cut hay—everytBlngbroughta memory to stnb-yb"like a wicked little knife. '

'The country's even wors'e

fere very abundant, and they played ajromlnent part U the chorus which webeard throughout th«"day'"inu;'every"and,.though perhaps loudest the fol-uw?I1f JBoniffig at dawn. InlUhablUuid manners', the blackbird-Strikingly'.reseinbles «iur American robin, and in-leed Jooks exacUy like a 'robin; withi yellow/ bur andrcoal-black' plumage."It • hops' everywhere over thp-lawns,

•""*' »»jiur rubiu dutsvjud it "UTB'S inlesta. in the. gardens in ihi Same-fosh-'lony: IU song his a general resem-ilancel to; thut of our robin; but many>t. the' notes are far more -musical,more like JSIOBCOTX our' WBria thrush.

King Bird, Wood: PewtnOow."*— Cedar ~ "

w,p.erflnch. Indigoy^^

[ Oraashopper flparrpw' T j w i ' : : - r ' _ ~ . ' ; , " • ; • , „ . •_ •_•

sent the compaslcnios?ny mvwalk John. BurrooglW' "EftniPoota," John BmiuualW BDtbegjnnlng to hav» tt« faU

I many different linesi.wrote. there were- few mIn our country wto l a w

-nm-naud.' TSow. than* andelightjn our birdsi. woo ju»songs, who keenly love aB tftatto out-of-doors l i fe . ' I te -Buai

—7--..—;.M»"» wyuui wvuu uiruBu. for a'number .of year* wtttfic-Indeed there .were individuals among woods and fields, of the abna:jioaa-weJhB^d^cerialn^of-whbBe-ndte8- t^T*rkir^li~^li^iiiPSS

o Caweln and Eroeat nrw^.for a'number .of year* wtttficorwoods a d fild f h

"Young menlove wlth,;loyel

[ways have fallen, infaces1'—TormentlllaIOYO wiin,;ioyeiy iaces"-—Tormentllla

was sitting by the open window, look-ing at the dark woods beyond thepkfk," ahd~she' bursrin?here with a ;

bitterness straight from her heart—"and always will." • \ '•. ,"

"Ah'.jies!" Miss- Cotton "sighed an'dsmoothed tor chiffon. "And Time la,cruc]Lto,;youtbluJ IOvelJness. I alwaysthink: Tlme^l^o^crBel^qn^tlyguX

j •—.„ ».««.v —« c.VVoum |.T?tlt"ftic'extremely tfylngjaJLher-husjwould^be-tompted by tBeTBIHgs" Nigel rbjjh'd, and I nm sure one df her'owneats? • Braised spinach and carrot I great troubles, though I sometimes....ui. : . , . . . . . . . . ii. - ••- thliife that If* ghe-,gasnJt:qulte'"gff ca-

Tne."ran"down-lSe Mrriaee ste'pBSIpper .|awn.-..i'Tff only I could' havekeAt out of jthelr .way, things-wouldcertainly havo been easier In towh."-' Swa ran. down';a- second/flight ofsteps. AThe lower' lawn" was borderedby; thei toroctly int

de rose walk.the bluebell-c

jhMed'.dl.le and the

crialnofwhbBendte8 t^T*rkir^li^lkiim^riiiPSSBFi^med to me almost to equal, in point J0I9 to love of nature' thm gjffi at eft-melody-the chimes of the 'wbod serration and; the.gift of «


Those whptthlnk thnt -aviation, li-uying m the ftlee of IJrpvrionce"Thajfldfl^tteteh


cutlets and curious imitations of meatof all Sorts. * Can you really b/o.. Jcal-ous of him when you think of him asa man who calls, you. 'dear lady,' aawears Bandals?"

i_ "He doesa't call mo 'dear-lady,'said Michael warmly. "And I'd likoto see him do,4t,"

'"He Js prosperous, of course," shewent on In slighting tones, '"but 'hedoesn|t spend-hls money. How- tanan.nll-wooler and a vegetarian enjoyllfeT They can't. "They're too_busycounting the tlqies they raastlcatotheir dreadful foods to enjoy theirmeals; And they wouldn't let theirjvlves dress In tho delightful wayAudrey docs. be<;ffn«n ttinyhnvn tTi»pr.les about women's clothin

resslng In her manner-to the otherix, it would BpVfser. 'My dear boy,'

focJnstanqe, I alTfiys found it sodangerous to call a young man 'mydenr-boy^'.iaTen'tyou?*' :—~rr~rr;. "L-haiveL-xisyer..tried- It," replied

Greerile .coldiy'.

tho -T—.gafdaTlt'_iks- an Insult.

park itself\ It.waB.no.t a^Ifglttmateway to'the high-road," but all wayswero legitimate" to her, and sheclimbed the llttlo fenco at the'endof the copse gaily. A gardener talk-Ing" to~ a' 'keeper In- the- diatancewatclid herdiBappro'vlrigly

a keeper In theclied her-diBappro'vlrigly. ..Prlvllegod.'Bhe 1B,":. the keener

said. "The Lord :: knows why,Cllmbln' hedges with a decent gatotvlthin '.hAflrliif • lift -.- RhA.~LVIn! MrwUhin '.h4arlfag,—as- she—do!. Mr.GrimeS *e says let her be,, an' I amlettln' .'er. But.the -wayishia's beenbrought up'B Bomethlns Bhockln'.-Itl s " t h a t ^ ' " - 7 ~ - ' — , T - - " . , - • - . • , •:.• . . , : . : - . . :

'- ; '•Aye.'.'.'sald the gafdehor.' "Iff the;^enie.coiair.;-;.i. ;":. • •, - ijgiird,ens lt's'the sam'e-thing.r-Pullih'"Of course. If "he Is really a boy,'M theroses off'in her brainless femaleo visitor., pursued, "he merely >e-1 way,' instead of 'brlngrn' a pair 'of.»rf.-t*-i. /._- . . . . . . . - T ^ J w i e n ^-j^issoxg/.oriasSin'^iiie for my ;itnTf ;.

Je-> that' "of the wedd thrush or hermitthrush.; 1 certainly do not-think that-ha blackbird has received full Justice[n the books;.. I Snow that it was olinger, but I really had ho Idea, howIno a singer he_was. I suppose' one ofaij troubles has been his name, Justis with our*own cat bird. When-.heippeara In the ballads as ibe merle,srackoted with his cousin; itie mavis,ibe song thrush, It Is far easier to rec-gnlze him as tho master singor thatke.ls."' It ls.aJlna thing^fer .England,o"bave such on asset of th'6 country-dde, a bird so common; so much In evl-lence saifenrless and s h ll


Ion an


, so common; so mulence, saifenrless, and such a really>eautlful-8lnger. r 1

The-most muslcal-slnger wu huuid

! J! i? f l ^^.%^ b y-t | ght^nd^heat i^Hj^taDob^^?;':^*? not'stoppeit j.the-eV.hBUBted^^. nlng, aitho'ugh we "have not stoppei

building' houses" because one "is occaEionally hit by a • bolt

;., A convention-ofaiistlata athaye issued a number o f 'parents; among'them a'wan]let a I^OT eat half an>applevid glvttUe rest to a playmate. *~


the eihausted afr, and artificiality vtlh,e pleasure they give.^ -Such dancingas Nigel approves of must be takenon3er 'God's blue sky,1' Illumined bythe twinkling candelabra ,of thoble>"siecPs©rBr'iN)£e! often says so.

-Imagine it! If you're ererdaaced'on• Bivt J n well-rolled Ifwn, .you'U be able to;small I &"ueas .what tbe^lndofifleld-danclng


Bugi-rKlgjIl would »p~pl;*J>WwiJafe^pfji9;

Js like,- And

garda it_as- an Insult.' "But when i r ^ w 0 r e " o - l ' ^ n s s * " m e I 0 r m y K«»ler.little older?' And young men are soTTreadln'.qn theibeds;nU.over. "T.akeeasjly influenced, ana thej are so sur's11 no -notlce^f 'r'er,'•••' says'; McGregor;'toiuffer ..for IL Iqevltablo, is'n^ I t ? , ' ^ ^

- "I expect H does"them a- lot oflli etl»iag'<c6'rtn|c,"r---? ''J:i"-':-••••','•.•'';••.'•;•.•••expectgood."

Tormentllla was getting, more in-terested—In—the—conversation—than-

"Yes, that'a what-she thinks. Bh'elregards her Influence as chasteningand a necessary part of a young man'seducation, but her husband naturally"doesn't sea it In the same light. Ofcourse he knows his wife.Is devoted,to him, there's no doubt-about thai,but be doesn'jt like to see any oneunhappy—sach q sweet trait la him,l^vefrequently thought." TTiecaiSaleand the mothvis what be calls the

^j^^^o Dranback. ,"Borne acqulre'Ta"meT'*"'qno'{earth6

"Philosopher ofjlTolly, " 'some achieveit. and some t have It- thrust uponthem.' But,those who have it thrustupon them seldom knbw what to" do'with I V

vas the .black cap warbler. To myny eor.its. song seemed more musicali a n that of the nightingale. It wasistonlshlngly powerful for-so emall-ajlrd; In volume and continuity it doeslot come up to the songs of thethrushes and of oertnln o(fier~ birds,bnt.in quality, as an Isolated bit, of

hnolQdy, It can hardly be surpassed;'Among tho minor singer* the robin

was/ noticeable. We all know thispretty little- blrd-from the bookstand[ was prepared to find him as friendlyand attractive as ho prosed to be, butI had Hot realized bow well he sang.

bth^r Kentucklai.' Mto» SoBmLpinsmore, In the Uttfe 1poems which, she'has JusitIncludes many which: ebeauty and. cbann the KCsounds «o dear to all.".'/ait neknow American countrj- BBtDlnsmorti»ltnows Kentncar, tatgulf- coast, of. Louisiana, aad tks> t i m

I plains of North Dakota; aadamcsnanis'also the-.regions that Us- «otsaa «fwhat can be seen with, "»——fr» iWaa.For years in our famiUr w* a m aasl*"some of herpoetas. IttJJke.»eraB_l««Batcut from'newspapers whaa a snothing nHout her «xeenf"ttsigned in, the7 verses. OnQrab. m*mr

-Uees with the eyea of the spfatt aa a»B~^aB~th~s~eTes ~or th btfy t


_ . - r - t f i S „written th4 "Threnddr.-tractive in ita simplicity andwlth^whicbj a^ejittle- hoc*

liar appeatr; (^io. writerbird and robin, redhtrd andand whlppoorwUX Just as a&nsputhern rivers and western'she knows rushing- winds and

'waters and the .sights and/lonely' places; and martenknowsund almost tells; tioiwthings of the heartcomplete jittersnce.



V<'cT6ba,cco ' was successfully grown

.under Government supervision InIreland lost year; but as the'erop hasnot yet'been marketed thg"financialIMijtt-win^nbt-rB^k for Hpm»;


--^^'(tf-Slve yoia-trial, M'ssArlington. • Please'be ready to beginrehearsing Monday afternoon," • •'.- r; -i•TThank yim/Bo muph: But before we!

go any.f.urthe?I must Inform you thatt shall, poiltively'-refuso to weir tightsor a Bown 'tJiat is-cirt'lowln the neefc?'•K^Qh;|^t's.3l:JrJgb^';^Iir^e;;=pari.if^^!nG«*ing|^gtyT^^ fyTO^tt^

: B|ia 'i aeytpi.WkiacTean\^Wuen -1. u o 4 cyclone -

A Txom 1

:•; Wajd-^»y-j»ay;tBere",.»CT275,000 automobiles owned ftjr r _».uals.lq theVcrnlted Statsm-'oifBiiaSl-every Aljth populaaon>r V& -!^$^M.UUcAllbte>-^l^are^^. |£l | tpyeW-r'Yonk'ers*' StatesmsanLi:- '- ^^

. - nillnB Upf^ - > n"What do- yon do- wbeajve k o * s » -

?ws? ,K mnstber.&anifarflHBB.1-Wn«

the New


— _ ' ' * r „ / /

1 *

* ' *

/ * / **•*?/


>' Near Lonadll, two hours' journey1 from Bombay, Is a famous Buddhistjcava temple hewn out of the solid rock at Karll In the Western Ohauta. Its

architecture strangely resomBles~Uir"apthtc:—Thinntonsiaerea "onethe largest and most complete specimens oft Buddhist "chultya" In India,and Its etcavatloa is ascribed to the Maharajah Bhutia, B. C. 78. As one

. enters Its cool dark recesBes It striker one as being not unlike a Christian,. church In form, consisting of a nave and side aisles terminating In an apae.

Fifteen pillars separate the nave from the alBlo. and the capital of each Isrichly ornamented with-the figures .of two elephants bearing a man anda Woman, or two femalo forms. Under the semi-dome and where tho altarstands Tn our churches Is the "daghoba," V dome like structure. This wasoriginally Intended to hold relics, and. the outside was formorly ornamentedsnd draped and surmounted'with a huge wooden umbrella, of which little

_,now remains. Tho Interior of the cave. Is grajid and solemn and the mode. of. lighting perfect, an undivided volume of light comlpg through a single

:^±^ opening overhoad and falling on the altar, leaving the rest In comparative1J7" " -"""obscurity. The entrance consists of three doorways and tho whole end off

" •>. the hail Is open, forming one great window of horseshoe shape


Bev. Thomas Eadldston, formerlyTector of High nodln(?, Easox, Eng.,recently commenced hla duties asvicar of Draintreo, and In an addressfrom the pulpit explained why he hadtransferred from the. one living to theother, thereby sacrificing abdut »500a year.

He said before he knew that\tbeI){alntroo living was vacantup in tho middle of the night at'iIloding, and heard a strango pa;of Scripture ringing In hla cans:"Take this-child away and -nurse It-for me,, and I will t h e theo thyw a g e s " > -~r." * — • -•••-,

Tho vicar said he thought theremust be .a child In. distress at HighRodlng, and he searched aboutparish for two dayB-tb EOtr if fliers

The giant, tortoises of tho GalapagosdislandB and other lands aro known to

be exceedingly long-lived,probablj are not older than tho mon-«ter tortolso thai Is kept near Matarn,o n the- Island ,of Ceylon. This greatcreature Is known to have been In cx-latence towards tho end of the elgh-teenth century, and since then hiscontinuous existence DUB boon <certl-

ny mirrrnlvd cnynrnnrn nf ffnj


American visitors at the recent In-» ternatloniu Jiorse: Bhow ' at Olympla,

Xiondon, were especially interested In_j - .the JIQVOI. costers' competition-. . Tho. _ 4 o n k a y s , "tosltira, nnd donahs, attired

in dressed of brlght-hued colors, en->. tered the arena to \ tho tune of

•"Knocked 'em ln_the_ Qlil Kent. Road- 1_ Many off tho drivers, had (heir clothes

literally\covered"with "pearliest," re• calling a type which Is now rapidly

dying out "Their presence.'certainly- added to lhe~ plcturesquenoss of the

show. ,


•!r A young^wifis couple at Davos.--Vere'to have bean married shortly,

"but the girl Jilted her lover because^ l e had shaved off his beard. Though

ff\ l ie pleaded for several weeks she r8-**'lined to s6o bltn or reply to his let-

' ,i t e n . Then during the night he passed*"" -»T1 t h ° '"vn Igttnrn'hw had—receiX£d.

- from bis fiancee on tho walla of her

, ^collected before the house and was*' x} tus t ly .engaged ID reading the letters

"^ V-wheB the flandee discovered the affair..''While a sendarme kept back Jhe.^'crowd, the servants, armed with

ftmtBoes, soap and wator, scrubbed off^jthelove letters from* tho walla, "eart-•>&•« girl, I return you your letters,"

SgBMi {written in large lettors above therf&eoni

was anyone "being neglected,- but liecould find no one. Thon he receivedthe offer, of tho living at Brnlntrcd,and regarding- It as a direct call fromCod, he accepted, ai he considered Ithis duty to undertake the nursing oftho children 61 Bralntree.


An extraordinary Incident, whlohmight hnvo led to a grave disaster, Is'reported from Paris to tho effect thattho driver of a train on the lfno fromEtel to Carnac"dled on tho footplate

stoker noticed nothing unusual untilthe train was Just about to enter thext^titui, whenpT)9f»BtYlng~rthat—Uiojtrain was still traveling at a compar-atively high speed, he turned to thedriver, and to his astonlshment^foundthat he wan standing up, loaningngalnst tfie side of th£ cab, atone- deadHo at oribe put on the brakes and reversed steam, and the train stoppedjust In tlrno to aiert a catastrophe

A MOUSE FARMMost Famous Buddhist Gave Why Is the average woman more

afraid of a mouse than of her hus-band's,wrath over her milliner's blllf".Way at the sight of a wee, Inoffensive :rodent, will she fly streaming to atable or chair to the accompanimentof a reckless display of hosiery? And jcan- anybody under the tun explainwhy'the nervy yotJng womanifho will'grapple with and capture a burglarand turarhtnj over, to the police,-willpuU.off a Jo'vely fainting fltif anybodyshouts, "Look at t i e mouse!" •'••' ;

iteljt-fot-lthe-first-llniefrilled womandom,» real, live and nor-mal woman has advanced to the firingline with, answers to, the foregoingquestion. This daring woman is MissAbble E. C. Latbropv the owner of asuccessful mouse farm at Oranby,Mass: She raises yearly from 8.000 to

oraTdi"Woman's fear o.f the mouse." says


Prasresslve Houiewlfa Has Onl)^ toTurn Polished Copper Switch

Conveniently Placed.

When the gas range made Its Int-w ' b i

wives felt that the problem of com-fortable cooking In tho warm scasqnhad been sotted In a manner that farsurjluscd their rosiest dreams.' To-day the progressive woman hag onlyto turn polished copper switched con*veniently. placed about the housi j»nd:«hB can ."sit :ahd~ dream pelofi )fn8glow of an electric, heater, rurikjhorjeewtng machine .without any; phjrWcaJeffort, do all'manner of cobkiiij, anddean her house.and everything5 In Itby attaching her vacuum •cl^angt to&ii vlectrtc. fixture. - 77^ 7r^, 'i:

~ Portho kitcheortlierB'are ell-ranges completely equipped injiiycrydetail, and with them "faTrrenidiiu anumber of cooking utensils. Fcirj ba

Jtlng ah . electrically heated bveh .farsurpasses any. other. "Tiro heat .Is.regulated in the most oven mantjoi', as


this range Is that It• "woman's rear of the mouse." says ' cleanly and occupies

MIBS Lathrop,-"! believe dates back .to nmouuifot space,'.thfl,0ajden,of..T4Bn;^TJMr^^4i^no4.^^/rfaerVaTO^possible dpubt about It. for as far bjick Lslzes for preparing dlahes at the tablo,

- M w w p e e n able to go In theWsHwarfle lrpng: UistJurn out "the.most do,i . 7 . ? . ^ w o r l 1 1 - Fomen h.aye. hoppca. X ufloua% c-igp, g g l ( ) a n b r o w n w a f f l l e B ;

Bkipped and lumped at the slgbt of si toasting stlnd for the breakfast tablemouse," • . - . . '

f ally, i l lss Lathropjhas mice of ten different colors and20 combinations of. color. White l«ordinary and black Is not startling,but when It conies to .cream-coloredmice or orange mice, one Is surprised.She also has silver, blue, and agoutimice. : "..'/: •

The red mice are" niucb".'th»-color ofthe bay of a horse, aiid the blue mouseIs about the color of a maltese cat.

I that toast a slice of bread perfoctly'In a mlnue, coffoo peiculnfors, corn

Th« ngoutl mice have dark-brown hairJ h"t Pr-too^ coldwith*-yellow^lps^which glvesagolden---- -^n < : h l"' r *""

roasters, tea kettles, aluminum griddies that are clean and smokeless, wa-: jter heaters and any number of othor ift h i n g s . . • ; • • • ; .„_ . . "

r Electrically, heated irons arotlmoand labor sa,v«rB, for they can'bp reg-lated to any degree of^hoaOy a turnpf the hand and Bavo'endlC8«-s'tepg-from the, rango to the Ironing board"with heavy. Irons that ara olthcr_too

_brgwn^e(fec_t,_:_H»>- sliver,-mnchlnos -run -by-—eleo--l l b

g o run b y e l e otriclty,ejJmlnalb rubbing and wr.ljiiilng:

roby eyes are 'he rarest combinations. I "*nd save wear and tear on tho clothes.One'oir the n'ost remarkable things iT^rtablc^ vacuum cleaners exempt tho.

about Miss Lathrop's farm Is her an-1 housewife from y ^ servant problem,gora cat. "Tab." This feline will not ! T h o ^ a r^ eaatty m0™<l froin room to

^ Etrango-cat oni the. farm land f Tbbm, corisumjs'dtistiaifdairt aects Sllsg Lathrbp's rats'and °-nt l re'^ Sanitary. Electrl


^ nArotects Sllsg Lathrbp's rats'and


-(jrnlescent, :._.,..:_! •

In ft wide ranee of sites and prices areJust the thlnjj for taking tho chill oltthe dining room on a cool'tnornlngnrter the heat,la turned off from thohouse, and tempering the bathroomnnd other apartments In a short time'.^For.useiin,the,sick,j"boui;thure aiotoot warmers with cozy soft coversthat _Bjlp on, anuVotf In a. Boc.ond and

I beating pads for tho invalid or con-( j l ! " " ' k

AN IDEAL RESTING~r •• Until Ibc day break*-amd the shadows flee away._"

Rosedale ™d LindenPark


Beautiful and AccessibleNEW JERSEY '



On Main Li#pfemsyivari!a ^i

' Heads of Families and Investors ;BECAUSE of the "$1,000,000 Truat Fund prpvldetl for by the Trustees in.cacU Cenicttty, the: income from which .will keep the properties per-ptWally heamiful «t NO EXPENSfc-T.Q_U0T OWNERS. >. .

BECAUSS-aUch-a.rmarantee.4iot.f6undUn-aAy othnr cemetery,- assures lot


• I

LOT,l i h d

BECAUSE MORE ADVANTAGES Af(E OFFERED TO.-BUYERS In a "new' Modern . Park Cemetery lhan in* thoae ^

many years and, "In..-most cases. 410 provision made fr>r perpetual care"Without extra exncMO to lot owners. THERE.AHE A GREATER




] T] LOTS WILL P R O V I T A - G O O D INVESTMENTBECAUSE they are »uro *o Increaae lit valui and can be purchaaed NOW


BECAUSE the properties are ACCESSIBLE TO 4,000,000-PBOPLK.•ndconjidsang the RAPID OHOWTH £rP OREATKR NEW YORKarid its TRIBUTARY CITIES and TOW <S, It is o n l y , question of •SHORT TIME when LOTS in ROSEDALE and LINDEN PAKJCwill EQUAI* IN VALUE-those of our M(J>3T NOTED cemeteries.

LINDEN LODGE !• "<• LAROEBT,MOST MODERN.adBEST EQUIPPEDCEMETERY LODQE In rl.« country md pwvldea wllh EVERVrequliIti forth. COM.FORT.nf CONVENIENCE of LOT OWNERS arid V'SITOMB who coma ttklaipKtthe |>ropojtle>. ' _ '., "!,..'* ' |

F O R IN F O R M ATION eoncernh.E <oi> lit th . i i boutirul Park p.mtterita.andPRKB triinfpartatlori-to proipcctlvl lot buy.rat' ipply : at nnc- to any tsBADINJOUNDERTAKER or olUc. oftlie Aifeclnlon. 1

UUdin Lodg«, I Inilcn, N. J.', 87 Drwul Street, nilialMth. N. J. 1

Prudential llulldlni, Newark, l> J.I 7AK IMrgen A,Y.nii», Je>l«y City, N. J

" - 10 W o t M l Street, N.w'Vork City.

' ^_-_k ._j IfI Electric vibrators for mnsanglng lin-I' part.strength to tliu.muscles.. An an-

paratus for drying the hair la operatedat a_cqst of a fraction of a cunt per-.



ware anil alHaeiiii wort. ' •''••':'Motors that are attached to tlie

"4 Bering niae'Iilne are. Invaluable iothjji busy-lilother with rtjany vllttlc t;nr-

i-i -in«atB fo-uiakfc^Tlirj,uiacliln<rcatrdjrr-p'..{ run as fast or'as slow as one dpnlri-8,

> noiselessly, and naves a woman; from|_J-:thi8,tnlJ6lJ.Q..Jh(tt.JS-i!!8jEeault (if hours'

spent at the Bowing machinethen,'.ls.tho woman wltholec-

trlclfy In her lipihe arid a- liberalpurse, for'wrthin her .reach are all

— j


Submarine Boat Operated by WirelessTelegraphy la One of this Latest. .'

-the otticr.d>y ftom.heart failure.-Hli ,'rBlF.nich'aril8oIomair.-on-iKhalt-ofJ|South , Africa, has presented to thequeen of England a largo pendant J One of tho-MtesQhvcntldnfl la 'that

ting of the famous Culllnan diamondthai "was - discovered In Pretoria in1905. .It comprises two diamonds, oneof 92 and- the' other of GZ carats,mounted in platinum. The otherfragments of the famous stone, neigh-ing ten carats each, also * ere ghen

I to the queen

: formed the subject of nn Interest-ing demonstration given at DnfrcnhamIn Essex by_Mr,jA.. Hoberts,'ji.'.ynung'——"--- inventor" bt great prciiniHe

•'" The small prlosIa;rr1a<t«p««(tkl*by'th»jgrcat demand for this Razor. Th*.smalljproflt.on each aggregating u Isrg* t

jTha benefit Ifthai oonsurner'si'The. Blado Is of tha finest stool, solcn-

and^fomporea ;tiy~a sect-eirtho btade.of coura«;l« tho lmpor.~

jtdnt part of any flpior. The f ram* Is of satin finish,Oliver plated nnd " a l d " tl f fj f ,Oliver plated, nnd "angled" correctly for safe, -quick and clean s h a i Th t h b d d

Summit of Beautiful Fuji



quick and clean shaving. The tough bearded rru|r>finds this Razor n boonj the soft bearded manfinds It a delight. Thosa blades can be atrapriad.

Buy ons and you will recommand It to oil yourfriend's. That Is iha boat teat of any article.

In postage stampsBv or cash brings It^ prepaid by mall Inff g ' special ox.

Writer name and full v»ddr:&t very plainly,riOVMli. 131 L m n a r n titrrrt. Vx. V. Cl«r



8ub-narlne Controlled by Wireless.' The lecture was attemlpd by Mnjorj Buckley on OSb'alf of the whr office,| and many other distinguished people,I who Ilitened wlfn'rapt attchllon 1oI the- latest ajifillcatlou of Mr. Marco-I nl'a wontfcrful Invention. * SeVeriil ex-

nerjn»»nts ha\e been carrleijl out In--f tfaft tftregt1OH~<?tttrTmicfr-BYfcec6Br* '

Fujiyama, the highest and "moat famous of the mountains of Japan,appears so repeatedly In the art of triat country that It'is familiar" to allthe world. The aumml*, .which looks «o flat and smooth from lh«[ plalrls

' ' Electric Fishes.—A special study of "elcctrlp fljhc3"'

has bern niaijo by n Scotch aiiUiorUjTwlth a \lew to ascertaining the suurcothe world. The aumml,,which looks «o flat and smooth from tfie[plalrl» o

below, Is'covered with »normou» crags burnt to every color of the spectrum., of their peculiar r/nr - ^wer'flintIn places great cllfffof alag~towAr a hundred feet -or more above the crater's t is eefitl to be pok«oi,8ud by < w tyUp and completely encircle the groat pit, whloh Is more than 500/eeet deea' tpeek 8 brvljijr electrical organB capaJ~\.

d thld of mile a c r o s / " | hi f i t l ' k ' 1and a-thlrd of a mile across./ hie of im^artlnc a s'jock.

An Imitation Takes EQST ItsPattern thei Real Article

- There was never an-imitation made of an imitation.Imitators always counterfeit the genuine article. Thegenuine is what you s^k for, because genuine articlesare the advertised ones.I Imitations are not advertised,but depend for their business on the ability of the Healerto sell, you sog^ung claimed to be "just as good"when you askj^phe genujne, because he makes more

fi h i ^ & i W f a i i i t e

Refuse Imitations.Get What Yoit Ask For!



' I—

, * ,, *> _,_V'1 .

•,3F*%i .VrThrift,

jAKdtJSt 25, J9I0.; '__ T :Jyard near his rss ldeoo*|int Int.* I k a k M » u »..-_ 1

pitched iand' rarefy ijrant Into t h » bouss e v wduring Ahe ^ r a r e s t weather. H s Issurvived by h|s wife Elisabeth Danoy.and An only | BOD Lawrence,

will be held at t b » house to-




Electricity Work For Yqulww his pastor andrtfTtffii

• • ' ? ' ? , .

To «eure yuteeaJton, eswmunfca-/tiom pivstlief itynt-i/ or accompanied bjthe writer* name a* a guarantee, pfgood faith. Tlie Citizen Kill printcommunication* on -\anjr luMrct Lotgtn^alintertifto (ft~peoplt of cVan-fardbut doe* not thereby ai*um( any•ctponiibilUy for opinion* 'xhicji vuiy

x> THPB8DAY. AUOlfiii? 1%

- w1m

• j "

— - v Republican Primary._Ths«spublloan Primary tor tlie pur-pose or electing eighteen nrtfaber* of theRspjiblioan Township Efaq'utivs Com-mittee was held at the Township Rooms.Saturday evening, I. V. fcJ Uilllfcr WBRchosen as chairman of/th* beating and

^^IrPadkerr'secrefary. The tollers'wereT. N. Wrsnn/and P. ,There-was no'opposition and

'ntenoent will be made in the IVnodilsand Linden Park oemsUry, l inden.

An or roast under jhsauaploes of tbeFirst BaptisfEburah is being held thisttfjernooa on.Xb»«but«|> groundt-OBvatlrstreet. The Plainfleld brius band Isrurojelung musio for ths occasion andtbe affair will 'close this evening withspeaking and a grand oonoert. *

GARWOOD-NOTES.Mias Alois JOavia of Matawan. Is

spending a week with bar sister, Mrs.A. II. Miller. ' . .

•Assessor CbarMa 8. Beodla la spend-ing two weeks at Ocean a rove.

The Board o t Education Will hold a«(4ar monthly meeting on Friday

•night at the Jefferson Hohool,

' lowing ticket waa'tinaniinouslyeterMd:Hon. 0 . B. Pie'roe, T . 8 . piine, F . H.Hale, Q. A. Wataon, U. 0 . i'lume,. Wm.Uellatly, Oeorge Hughe*, O. IV Hansel,J . E . Warner, T. N. .Wrann.J, W. Hsins,B. M. Scott, £ B Graoe, W. 8 . Kon-dall. Jas. SUneileld, If. P. Wood, k.

Recovered a Stolen Horse. '—County DoKftillVe"ToIin"A",~(Tarat(iin

and Deputy Sheriff James Crnnn werein town- last wot>k nird succcodod ilureooyeriDg a valuable homo Bald tohave (wen stolon October 12,1IXW, fromMlyhnolD. ,Stefan, a milk doalor'l lv-



inprln N e w STork. THIS ouiocrs go tollio of tbe fact that the horso was inQranford through adcsoriptloa o f tbbAnimal s en t ou t from New York-. Thohorse .was round iu possossfon ofG e o r g o D l t z e l , who hud purchasedthe animal from an Italian. A search

/ was made for tho Italian, but he was/ missing. Tho horto was taken back

to Elizabeth where It wil l -bo kept uu-td the case Is disposed of.

Real Estate Transfers.TB6 fol lowing real estate transfers

have been filed with the County I b g i g .trar or Deeds: , ,

J . Rogsrs Maxwell to Carl Gritaohke,- lot « - 4 2 , Mock 30, map of ("larwood

Laqdand Improvement Oo.,~tiarwood• 1 .

. Oharloa L . Bell e t u i . to WellingtonM. robin, southerly Bide North ftTenue,MO (eel, westerly of Elizabeth -Avenue,Oraaford t l .

M»ry E . Blndenborgvr to Philip' J.Binaenberger, northeasterly, side roadto Bex] Sohoolhouse, oorder P. D. John-son, Orsnford, » l .

Chattel L . Bell et ux. to John, With-;am, southerly aide Qorth JivenuR,

Tba Hall Signal Company has laid offall the night men. "

The regular monthly meeting of tbeColumbus Siok and Death BenefitAssociation will be held tonight- atBriU1 Hall. |

11. VanNatUiand family of Somer-tille, have moved into their caw hornson-WUlow a v a n j o , - - ; ~—_•

David B. Lent boa returned hornsfrom visiting his eon in Massachusetts.

•The Republican election- nffl'iieni torOBrwood tills yeac Will be CharlesSohuenwlaoer and John U. Wldner.

Assistant postmaster Dtfvid Burkereturned Sunday evening from a shortvisitlu Essex county.

MnrJrHentlersoo of Centre street is

Whatever your power needs may be electricitywi&supply them. - *. '

anything up to, one thousand horse power in "the

workshop, no method of drive surpasses electricity.

' It will not only work in'factory, office or honlebuHt can be'titiiizeaib; advantage in~ the operaticof motor trucks and pleasure vehicles. . * - • ' -

Central station power is -clean, elastic .andconvenient, It uses-no floor space and wastes noenergy. It is always ready aid is better andicheaperthan steam.~ — ~~ ~ . • - J F


Primary flection, September 13, '10Ourtef,' Miinidpar and General

Pursuant to an act entitled "AnAct to regulate' -Elections" (Revi-sion_of 1898,) approved April 4th',1898,\vith the amendments thereof,and other acts, concerning elec-tions, and tbe constitutional pro-

TtW teidiiueiRIl take pUcToaFRIDAY, BEPTEMBEB a . mo- ,

>t th» hoar ul two oVlAck p. m , at the To»«.ship Itoofi • corner Dnioa Arwae and AldanStem*, In aald lowuUp. TT™"

'Jh««U lantla teonnuitawee*, in aaul (owuanip. - —Thaaald lanila, teoementa, hereditaments and

' 1 J " " .names or the ,


J h « « U lantla, teonnuita, bererealntate aotoba wild, and the nauua of theperson, again't wbon the said I a n , K MusaameDU and' tidawallc aaaMuiiant baVe

aeaoant of tba l u i and th*Jlon aoeonnt, .» .WA* wuuuvnuij iv kUD f lUl l | | Ul oU1" I "«»ww».» Mnwunui Mtfu DO aOCOQnt QI S9jQH

frage" notice is hereby given t h a t " ^ C D T T ^ D E YEAB,™ - ,thfUh^Udhid. atJfagi.tr, ,n s J - ^ e - W ^ ^ - i f t i — • - '

1 ( I H . U flmmm » • • ^ « _ ISO U T * J . 1 . .

Is ' . - •

inuiQUKUi A W , « « v A. X. \J. WOOU HIT.Anna al. Oraj. tax Joe MS. Uooaa and "lot

Doion ATB. U 17Margaret B. Button, tax doaies. nuoaj.bain

aud iut 3 a 4American Concrete Co. tutlneSjl, Partalota

«, 9. - B a}. ,American Concrete Co., tai dne HM. Lotat,

Election District in tho City ofElizabeth, will meet on the

2nd Tuesday in SepLI 9 1 0 (13th)

at one o'clock in the afternoon, atthe ]>laowr*'iV*'their respectiveKlection^JistricM where the City -~~ „ .C^rWhiill d e s i g n a t e d continue f i n a ^ w "U?"oq' '-" d 0 B 8OoU- M »•iiteeHBion until nine o'clock in thelB'1^

l'l>Jal"1''et"ta-> <«* <><" l » » . Lotai.i,e^oniiig, for tho purpose of regis^ - ' " * " " ' ' • • • — -tering the nanios of alilegal votersin tho manner proscKbedjJiy law,who are entitled to the right ofsuffrage- at tho next election.•.--The~I>tBlrirt-floardB"or-"RBjfJBtty

visiting at Washington, N. J.Tb» Twilight Social Club, an organiz

ation composed ot young moo of Gar-wood will give a aerie* of dances duringthe fall and winter months Tbe lirstwfll be a shirt waist danoe and will behe|d at Becker's Auditorium on NorthAt-enue, on the evening of Sept. 0.Musio will be furnished by _Erof. Dowand the ladiejr will reoejra.'souvenirs.On tbe oommlltee of arrangements- arePrank Packer,.Wm. O, WoK nndRichard Watt. "*

The Republican Executive CWtomltteemet on Tuosday evening and unani-mously • ehdorse^f^tbe following oantli-dateeH For Mayor, Walter r?. Hargentlfor CounoilmeD, A r J . Beokley, J. L.Ulldneri for Astwssot.Cliaa, 8 . Beadle;for Oollentor, Wm. B. Oonklin. TheAasossor, Collector and Obunoilmen aretha present inoumbenta/ For CountyDomiuitteeman, Walter[S. Sargent; fordelegate to Stato Ooi/ventiqa, A. D.Wnshburn; for doConvention, unpledged, Win.-Darroch;tor members of the/Local ExecutiveCommittee, George Wial, Wro. J, Kelly.Jr.. Wm. Anger, Claries Sohoenwiaiier,

Cranford, *1.RobertJ, Klrklaud, Sheriff, to Fran

ess M. Allen, northeasterly olde Lincolnavsnus, 55 -feet -northwesterly- of ;A.Kunkle, Cranford, t'2,550. • - *

Frances M. AU«n to .Tn^ph Oelger,u m t ai above SI. . >.~i ----..^l".•".-._, Manor Realty Company to" WilliamRog«, loU 8-10, blook A, nTap of River-"side Park, Cranford, »700.


. ,. . jpoat few weeks" hasbeen cinvasstoji the sentiment of thevotera, and the l loketrproinulgat id isone- that , th j^vpWs can. rest • assured

Vou who do not watch the eyrs ofyour children are \

Guilty of Criminal NegligenceNeglected eyeeightin children may •lead to partial or total blindness inlater life. Children have no meansto judge whether their sight is goodor bad, neither have you. HeedThis Warning! and let ua examineyour children's eyes. We are experts

JOHN W. wfRTH, ;

OpUolon, !in Broad Street, Elizabeth.

Opsn Evsnlncm. till 8:00 O'clock-


West Point & NewiburgtVERY-WCDNfSDAV-


and Albany Day Lino Str.,"ALBANy."

Direct connection at Jerwjr City siatlon.


4-and Klqotion in and for the-City ofI Eluaboth will also meet for pur-i)OiioB- qf- r<iBistratJon"'nl their ro-ipectn'f JJIJUOS, »n, ( °

j October 11th and 25th, 1910between tlie hpuis of 1 and 9 p iu.

'And tho BoaidH of Registry andKlei'lion in mid foi each and everyKlcctiou District in s»i<1 ~

i^l"'," f. "•"SM"111'*r- u » d"« « «>. Lota

BalvatofK Oliria.tax dne 118. Home and -rt Orange Aie. adj. t Uay^. U JM). > - ,

Uaraaiuf lot'

CornelU E. Scliu&elil Cat due" 157 00. Boats "

.IW.'i'A'5:.8""?!;?' **'"« M'.S'lIoaa.aiid

Nolfeof-tte^Salc of lands -tJQorouKh of Onrwood for

Unpaid Taxes. ; VPublic, notice ia Jwxeb; airen or Win. »

Union outriide of tho City of Eliza-beth, will nicot on V"

/ Tuesday, Aug. 3tK 1.910

to oloct one _of -iba"nietube'rs asjudgo, wild whall be' chaftiuan ofRaid board, aud - another ^of itsineinbors us ilispoctpr. Also^on

I»IO,H. u'sii'.'at), tal duo $1 JO,

....^rt II llrAdnuu. tU I a u e til loaudluUlU,X IIu, iU M ' 1 " " H McAllanf!l toI J u » *'*>• Lot 18.

^tlfreil'V Tann, tax'duAI'iO lluliao a%d lotc<.rnerTliotuiuinmlCiiininlui,.8t H 88 ,B«i Vunil»rt>0<-lc. tax duo 80 eta, Lot l i .

«l»wflftft» f^Mu, tux due »3 2U

flft.BAIt -TSta ««,


y e r a t i i r w i i rpresentedjor tVelr consideration", nil th»candidates W a g eminently fitted to III It h p t l r f r a f h hhave been no/bed.

. of tlie Borough ofQnrwood mdt.Tuesday night a t Britz'.Hall for orrfanlztttlon, which wq» called- - 7, 7 ; :—71 T ' ,rT7" "M,^ftheCitifons' Iieague, which.is: to-worktor the W e n t of the Bo.rOiignJ.andJtstaxpayer* Cauuailuann Britz waeuna'ninioiSsly elpoted prwldont nnil JohnJ. KraiA.'was eloctotl eeoretary. The:injiiiibeft cajlpd for nonilnatlona' of- Can

"TITiTl a-c-jiTay.——-«tT^r. 'i ^ ' w " ;

-°~7 "7**" "m

"" —

' ' '

Delightful Excursions

New >Jersey



LakeHopatconf-JGUillcipen, flcio,

tl Train iearca CranTord Sundara at.»SI».m.. Pridara. ».O6 a. m.

Inlereat and w nTbraaldulew

HATUI1Uat » o'clock In-Hall, on South a

Th«aaldland>,iMleatateao to

ot No. ION, lUOW ( J r u ..»•>*.«.;..., ,{ o- ''".Block 3». AUIUHU'T

o. 71,7J, .73 and 7J, Illock-

32. Win. '.0.42

ray-., 2.UOus- ' . '

Lot No. i n . Block 32, ItHoil} * ' J » o « B l k SB/j l

9)t ton' o!clookrrjn • the " forertootr/jin'theiifToBpeofive Election Districts-where the uoxt election -.vill bo1ield slmll,prpcc.edlo ascertain aitdtrul v nnd accurately, enter in ciin-

t W i d 4 f >


anil Jolm.l^. Unon »t nl, .lefomlapt..r*ah<of morrgagnd (foTi»«i;-; , "

f J v » . o l 1 1 l i 0 alK.Tf-riotwl ,vrlt nf Hurtrqotulu ma jlimctod 1 .hull exnmw for Mllfi.brmWWreudnoat Uw Bhorld'a <>ll!c». In Hie

tliat purpose, the names (ind. . K r . -.i J--.q^nd street'numbers, it any,

legal*voters within their re-speotive election districts, entitled•to vote, therein, by making actual

liuquiryat every dwelling house,eto., in the inauuer. prescribed bylaw, aud shall continue such emi-iiiern(ipu until the same is epm^pleted; 'pfovicTed. that such emiTmeration shall .-terminate ,• on or

ifoce the Friday next succeeding.The District Voarlls of Registry1 ™ " i, outside pf the City.

NICIIIM DoV|fp, tax duo 111. Honu and lotUtiloua>rnuocortmr Lincoln a venae H 351

riioniiu Mvuru, lax due W HO Uott 1, i, {iU 4,

Eleciuli William,,, ta, dne iUO.IO Uonw'and•uoi-ea Lexington nreuue adjoinlt


. H, Uaun,tmdue$l2. Lut» 1811 to

a A. Grnober, taxilne $1 00, LotV 017, 818

ir' ' i«^' 8 l t t n l l" c l 1 1 taI ')uBb0 pt*- L o t 1 H 0 -" - ^ BvHtanbucli, tnx dui.«3 20. Ix>li MM,

• All nbort, uewrlptioiuii accordini lo • Tax )AaseMment M,ap" *\ _ , !


f. -I

385'lot5' """"""""<?'• " * ' iaa *10.n. Block

iofS'1 1*'*re"' " ^ \ d o e *5590 fllock m<<

Wllbur'T. Kidiewar, kit't doet JH M, Block

s/iviotm. i,Thlj*B.bor« dMcrlDliom accurdins to "Sower >


Annae,i t :


- -iuSii'i* £lak<l"".'.t l l n 8 tlis> "onN. Jklo, tjnttrmn lll>er-and Fornat, <8* 1 "7"">t>t« unit be made before tlie

purpose of rogistrationT at theirjcapeotivci places on -r—, :

ttie^day, Sept. 13,f91Od

two o'clock In the oof ian7l7M.I .,In tt.oTown.li' U i d

8i vnf

Tuesday, November 1 ,1Q] 0

"th'ti-piirppse of registering theICH of all legal vptors in the

mawnor.. pix'scri[>eil by law, whonrft eiititlod to the right of simrageat tho\noxt election.


AIlv-fee..KS7»"' C "

N O T I C E .=Sptc««l Election in Second IlecUixi

- Notice 1> horelir Riven that • 'rtf i l > ^ t _ ^ . « . . • • > . ^

trlctortheTo»niilil|> of (Yanfonl |n thef(Union."HI iH-ficja »t the iiamdiioUliiirtSS-Jn"»Id.lUlrlcf iinnicljfrtlie Tawni(liiiiMnirlnthe Manonlc ImllilliiB-BoullmeatcornerofuSonavenue and Aliltn strut, on '""ncroi union

, THURSUAY 8BPTRM11RK 8th. lillu - 'todeleniilne.liK.n tho retention or rejection of-the Voting ^Inihino In iuid dlntrlct/

Notice i s turthoi 'jjivian . that a • ••".*..•. .. m,»MAn

Primary Blection .wjll be hold on '' ' • ' ^Tomuhip riert. ;

T u e s d a y , SeptV 1 3 , 1 ^ 1 0 ••"-•••»i~«i—-• • — - - " - -between the hours * of 1 o'clock

. Twentyseven voter* attended tiiw Ro-publican caucus held In Borough Hallon Tuesday evening. CharISs -KDUdsonwasohoaeDchalrdiaD,an(t Wm. E. Antrobus, seorcjtary. # The f l l o i g J b r

term, John Hlller, Jr., anjGow, Colleotor'and T

~D*ai«r,~AtMssor,--WinJustice of the P e a o a , ^ _Oonstabh), Wm. Daley.

. irBballcrosa.Poundkeepgr,

P. C. Laftphere. "Delegate to 8tat«Convention, J. T . Kunape. Delegate toOongresslonal Coavanlion, Johh Ilillor,Jr.. Membe/ of the County Oommltten,Charles Knudsoo. =rir

Tbe work ot putting tha school build-ing and grounds In" readiness for thei">".>«r u » u n m i m n , ueriy, uustavopening of sohool, is well under wnyiSclHibert, Adojph Will, T. W. Kaylorand ths necessary repairs for the con- "~" "—*•• ™- -• • - - - •venience and comfort of those who will

Wf5rtl)BcoiSI5(iriiep"u(nican. prim-ary ticket -and the following names

y m d f M

1. Surrojtate's Notices."•• "• ~glW^TK OK M*KTIlA E. (lAltTUWAlT. DE-

•wwnstiJiHOtlCB u l w i B U l HITUD IU lOtt CFof aald debeaiwd to lixhlMt loathe enbaorU

-ilemath ur amrmatluu tl»«li ulalu» ur. Ui

j , y m for MuyoffJohn^ArBurns; forVounoiluian tot ,thr«i ywrs,"Johi/J. Kraus, Einil SOIIIIUDK; for a s msor, tIlias,Si.Bondle; for oollnotor, AlfredDerfmier; for county oomimtteo, W.Ilals Cooover; for delegato to HtateCkjhvontjon, John A. Burns; Tor dala-Rate toOongresaional Oonvenlion,pled|{eto Charles, N. Fonler, PeterM. Entifon; for members of local exo-oulive oommlttee, Win. Oerty, Gustav

usT-iHs.il i,rniunuiiiiinrui|,|| riaiUll. v . . ».-».»..„«againatUuwtjitaoriaiddeceaant within nlAeInnntha rntm the twonli-nlnlh daj or J una 1910,orlharwllltwrorenrbarrtv' "•« ^ ^ b i *^ .H.>A l t l . _fc .

CtHinti vf Unioa wid Hiato of Now

lwfy$*hl til**1 ia-it}be n«Hliw«*ter|rlate nltaftte In

^ " L M d e r l S ^ Z n ^ ^ u J l / ^ ^ V n " ! ! ; ! ! ?1i ( l S'.°'91(?CKP "»-. i'» the variousdS}?ntfout hnqdro3«r?,i''t.°""?I!'f|fifyJ°y»'i1"lection distripts, wards, boroughs

tlAmilton avMnnA with tha niu-thdHurA>i> 11..., ..»• I r i v . • * i. ii * , / • . . *

waliei WIWI namiiton arelmn Bnvroe*t; and thence anuiheaatarlr l«ral

Rarltan Valley Farms


% - '

- - — — —-— ™— « U t « i v | s us SUIFMI Will* Will

be in-att«odanos the oonling "Wrnj iswoslvinp; ipeoial attention. Cementsidewalks on the school grounds are inprocess ot construction and the lawnswill be bwggbrujr to grade-to conformwith tha newly macle walks. '

- Miss Edith Frost of Columbia Uui--.-.^T?™'?'» "PendingJier.vacation at-'her

bams on Cross street.The Misses fedith and May Peltlt| of

,-, « b "treet, are spendlDg the week atAabury Park.

. Mut Oraoe Oo* li* spending her va-oatloa lo New York Stats. _1 T

and Harry Englehart. - Tbe. LeagueWillmeetpn Tuesday night at jjnt*1

Hall at eight o'olook and a|l oitizehB ofthe -Borough are welcome.


uioBio x>. i/aaoy, a well knptro resi-dent 6f tbe borough, died at/hfa |«tehgmeon 13th street Tueaday-Tnoriilnir

=sl8Volockio his 47(h year, after,a_Uogtring lllosjs-sT|th tuberouloaia.-

, ££ncy7uiltil about four years ago- 4 a the employ of tbirPallman Car

•Jioy and iu that oapioity trareUtanslrely, hit duUes taking hlm.orer niltha main lin#s of all the , 1 ^ ^ rail.ro«ds. Swvartl yearn

,his residence,'In ** ', 3^00 bftd bso

x for work

General Contractor,

C, Concrete Work,Cellars Excavated?

Sewersr Sidewalks,. Etc.


au» 3tU


-_r_PricB, Quart 15 Cents-dEOROE T. ROBBINS.

Farm Tel. S03-W. Stimervllle.

R. S. OAKEY,Sanitary Milk A Cream

J 5 d ± d J f c l d l CrabfordNorbiswsra grains," only pure fee*

used in stable, whioh is always o|ien^or

P. O. Box 101Dairy: Orange Ave. Crsofonf, N. J.

P . O4Boxi53.


• Telephone 30-IT.

Want a Home?If so, look us up.

i C. R Wheeler I' H«v« Plant and Monay


For partioulais,


"Dealer io

: Flour.Fe&I, Baled Hay i

Straw/Poulbyfeed^fic. . :

.202 South. Ave.,



Notice of Primary Election.

(or the nomina2Iwrdlh. l»10,andf

Uonrrrasional eonTUESDAY

" l

BoHdlnr.Th ffi

in of ramlidalm to l»p XOUH'•Icvllon lo be hclilNo\einleltfcaiefi to the Hlateam

itionn will tSC held nn.PTRMHKRIlSth I91U. -

... for (lip VirBtHleollon I>i«Opera HoUsp lf|(M.k y

-r of thfttecoml I'lfctlon Din-the TowMhlpJKooiiM Hank

t£S2!S?$%:&n"amm1 A"""nhlT'"»"ADaranerfortheCnuntror Union -

ttKSSu&Sfti0 tSSlK"';uaiMriln ?"*Lonvracion or the rirth Cnngmulonal Ulntnct?L?f«rJfn>W..'rt™ the Flrat blection Dhlrlct,

Election OlatrictOwnnthm of-the nrtDjranrivsilbna) tilKtrktofNevJener from the Pint hledinn Dlrtrltt.and one from inr Second Election

!!?0 SAJlSm.nnoTthrte0' Uie ;^'J1" l l IpCon/mltteefor lullnnoTthrte ^Two Jnatioeaorthe Peace.Three Oonttablti. .- 1Two Sumron of Hlthwwi.

IJasSrajy'toait f h

AlffO on

- Tuesday, November 8 , 1 ^ 1 0thoDistuct Koards of. Electionthroughout tlio CountA-^liall meetut'hi\ o'clock in the friionoon andcontinue iu HoBBion except botwuentin1 lloius of one ami two o'clpckin the uftnrnoon, until se^eno'clock in the o\ cuing for tho pur-poHu of I'oiHliioting tho generafelection, .. . /

. lo bo usi'd at said Prim-ary to bov fin inshed to DistrictBoatds of IWfeiBhy and EJedtipnl>y tho different city, borough andtownship clocks ^n the Comity ofUnion


otice of -Intention.•••yOalirnbr gl im that It Ii tlielntontfonS^ownslup Conimlttee of the TowniWji offbrdj Union County, N, J , to pan " X



f°"n« corner qnTouiiveniicinir.AideBll the place wliero a final hcarlnjr

n« lntere»ted In iaii

- Dated Anffunt IT, 1010 u

XLVANB DENMAiJ, '. Towmhip Clerk.

Notice of Intention.NoHceinnereujKlvmithat It l» the Intention

*>i Ilielowimhlp Coin'llittce of tha Itewnihln >SCniiifnnl llnli,*, /v.,..,,» », T ._ '"""•nip OI


,»ate<l AiutuatTVUiiftfiENMAN,

Tomnhlp Clerk. -


PllKU Zrbll,v

Uiiion County BoaTdof Elections.

Notice of Intention. . *

for each election did-time awl place (or the4i/aifl

FRUIT JARSFour Kinds Now in Stock. .-

All Sizes and prices., '*

, . , \\r-nNEHI)AV AUOUST31, into

Eoonn.corner Un nn BVPIIIIC and "••<• the place when a nm.1 hekriu

OaUrd Auguat IT, I9l«r * "" ' *-AI,VAU It. DENMAK, ~

Towrtahlp Clerk.

- Notice of Intention. •..?!?£?.ta hcreliyjthen that it ii the intention J

'Novf that the warm weather hasarrived,' Oil Stoves, Top

STENOGRAPHY'pnd TYPEWRITINGTaurht In Cranfnrd " • n e e t t e t l - -Kxamine jhy stock antlauetit in cranford. - get prices Wore buying elsewheTed.

t««lierb»lat«l"nietl1pd,,eo-neaa HBclency, anecna and

t r a c f f C ^ " ' ^

\JU owyes. inp 'Team. Hammocks, .Etc* may be&!»!?*& J k and

S-^of'nckP-m ta tie tine and 1^OS™". corner Union a«enud andh the place whero a nnal liearlni

aSSuT.*?1^DaWl-Angu»t IT, 19(0 .


^ if .

<• «,'"/,,' \. n •

v ' _' '.•-,?•


. . > • - " • • • • " - • - ' . • * - • - • • -


j Cranford Post Office

i N D S ? i m v J ! i n . E , L D - HOMEBV1LLE


Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Begemon are onf JTamea T. Dockerr am) vlfa, a ni tour througbtbe West. * | home fi^m tneffwetldlng trip.

Mr*. M. F. Ruseo, of Boielle.has Mr. and Mrs! Kib«r of New. l o r tmove* into the Shapjrro flat. „ are visiting at tb» bom* or JL

RarlTeichmao is putting a new I mond. en South avenuerefrigerator id the Cranford Hotel. _ f Isleib £ Miller bare beeo

— " ^ -——•-•*. »•*""-•• __ t » , y i u uc miner U I T C opeo IASMUIIMr. F. U. Mott or Wood lawn avecue new plumbing at be residence of <X|i

la upending two weeks at Dover, N. J. I Durham on Wo«<1lawo arenue. > •Miss Jesaie Heming and Miss Ange-J •*»« L. U.'Hamett is. home from

vine are at piattsvllle, N. Y., on their I Watktns Glen, K Y , and reports Mr.

Dr and Sin. S. II. Uinman are' en-1 5" E Hendrlokson and wire took atertatning a baby-girl who arrived] 'rip to Asbury Park on Saturday and"" '•'••--•— ' wltnrsaed the aviation exhibition.

" w i l t * iicwumu in ciirautHu, ia*j The special balf*holid&y excursion*now employed as soda dispenser at on Saturday ror Asbury Park will leave"~ J Cranford Central statTon at 1J» p. ja.

.-. _ . -„,—«.«v..t « i.ut>. , ,no*f Mrs. 8. B. Sperry met with an ac-week from a sojourn- at Brighton I oltlent recently, falling down a flightBeach:an<l Brooklyn. — ~ n ' iA.'™- II^B"I..:.*WI— » _•

-JS-irnioii and riaraiiiuiK Arainea.» - l . ncolo and (Val-Li,nial AreuunJJ-IJueoiajmcl rjnlun AtenumSi-Nun* Atenoo , w | Orolurd St.01—IjlDOflU atifl Orange AWDIUWi S ~ . i"1|)'"n ".lllJ KMIIIMIII Hire**2i»Arlington Howl ati<f Nnrth AvpnaMIB-IlnHy « n w irad tturlnitfusM AmnuM413-Uucolii nut Walnut Avenue

CwrfJrt Unry. -The new Carnegie library is reoelrk

log applications dads for. membership.farhas'Joo namts

roreltaa.—EVifmrtng atejuome of thenifes forinu*»t«*) for the interest of allwh^de-sire to become subscribers.

Any person residing in Cr.iuford canwine a subsotiber without charge,

the only condition. jwing_ lnai_ ttn.aj}-.

and ooklyn.Rev. rfr Bice, of Newark, will con-

duct the services at "the First M. EChurch on Sunday. • ^

Newman Collins of Walnut Ave., Li


Cbarles Oarborlno and family moved

"" Aug. Qrube, local-lotter onrcier, be-Rina bill uuuu.il Munition on Monday.

P. \V. Ho« returned last overlingfrom a moutli'd vacation at BuyhesdtH. J.

0 .L1'

Bell left town on Tuesday


on a business trip to Elmlra and

P. Flowers of the Klrat Hap' list Church, .I3~!iome from his vaca

tlon spent In Hurry county, Vn.J. W. Phllp 1ms been under tho

_ care of the phtslunn the past week,but is now able to bo about

The school children ha\c only two-weeks more for thoir vacation as

- school opens in Crnntord Sept 7th.Peaches are pk'tiflful, and still

more so at J E Doremus' store,wherebig shipmouta arerocelvud daily .directfrom Flamlngton orchards.

.» ,ThS Congressional oommlttee dasselected Friday, Sept. loth, as the

."• data for' tho Bepubllcan convention,•Which iwlll bo hold In tho Plalnflcldtheatrk at 11 20 a. jm

Two resldnnces are being built by C.L. Bell on North avenue east, oppositethe- lumber yard When completedone otthe bouses will bo occupied by

•• Mr* Hobbs, foreman for Mr. Boll• Mrs. John Swlnton ot New York,who is visiting her ^ister^ Mrs E C

-~- Austin, of Forest Avenue, was taken

speltdlug his vacationCitjrand nearby resort*.

at Atlantic

^Mlss Marguretlnteinan of Brook-lyn, hoa been a recent guest of thuMisses Krele on Centennial avenue:

The Union County W, a T. if, laarranglngjor its fall institute, whichwill bft held at Uarwood on Thursday,,September 30."Mms'Fromnie

lent recently, falling down a flightof sfi»ir»» Her "injuries were not of aserious nature. -

lira Kate Ludo and daughter, ofPhiladelphia, are being entertained' atthchomt^or M(B Catherine Gould onWoodiawn avenue.

Edward Orqu a^d H. Cook jre i eout of town last week buying horsesfor their business. They broughtseven horses back with titem..

Wilbur Vaughan, of Roselle, hasbeen acting (is organist at Trinitychurch during the uuseucs of the reg-ular it

durinular organist.

ym o m l l ' a v o o a t l o n

ton Mauor, N. V,»' Llvlngs-

in the Primary department of Qranfl™"1 f»m"y nttVe roturned-rrom theirschool, has resigned her. position ow- '"""""'" " ~Ing to 111 health.

This afternoon at his boiue.fO Wood-lawn avenue. Master Jay Gould is en-tertaining a party of Mends in honorof his twelfth birthday. '

J, B. Beay has a novel advertising•hla. Htnra—window—wbloh-indowwtjlotv

automatically changrs inscrlntrons,with a new sign every fuw luiuutes.

Mr. and 'Mrs.W.B Bigelow whohave beon stopping in town" duringtho repairs to their homo on Eastnmustreet, have returned to their homo inNow Voik City.

D, Krele, carpenter, bai benn mak-ing improvements to A. I). Iiassutt'tsr»sldonee on Cranford avenue.-—AbandBome laigc plu7zu Is one of the*h

\V. S Webb of. WestOeld. supplie.1the pulpii on Sunday at the Fint it.K church, and the coming Sundayhe will preafu al Hu Pault etiurch.

The members ot the Field and HlveiClub, which l»_-erectlng lla cluuhoaso

% —-—™ — ••_ viiaun aiuililj( »1IC nl'HI|l.aUh fl

r*slJene» must first be Oiled out andband to the Ubnuiaii

It the applicant is unknown a slgna.tur*.of • reference who is known" mustbe attachei) to the slip

Children under .shttoen years mustha\ e their «j>plicfct§m'blank* signedt>J their parents as nell as tliemsetvea.

Boots can bo, Lepi'out two weeks uta time, if longer tho holder is subjectto a One. ii "

A'one dollar deposit l» asked of Iran-•lent resldeutfl who oesiro to becomesubscribers The money la refundedon notice of their leajf Inc town.

Fresh-Air Heatei^

5--have A deserved reputation. Thousands are

•In use all over the United States. Are th£ *' best heating Apparatus possible to make.

They heat where others fail—give best satisfaction.*Send for descriptive circulars.


Township Affairs.The TowDabipCumi tlttea held a short

AtseUng Wit, pight atulr ilh« meetipgjjfthtf Board of Health, $t whioa time tliebudget for the year wan' iUod.. Tills IspncUcally. the satno an for last) ear ex-



Meat?, Vegetables and Fruits

iiiVKsllgation at theThe 1-3-mill tax for

electron held laat Falhand tlie W.000voted for waterspecial electKM.thesoppor^orthe Library »... „...in tlm rear'a laxoe for tho 11 ret timeTbn mill) i<.)<l from tl,.r>00 to $l,C(iOforUna purpow Tlie total pf tbe budget("elusive of tir»-library tax and waterappropriation) will lie S.)1,7!IS 78

Big tot of Jersey Peaches5oc,60c. & 75c. Basket


j suddenly ill tbe foropart of the week,~* and is now confined to her bod.

u , Both the arnrid Army posts of Kli -•S-. ftUetbr-tho,Ulrlc.

Judfton Kilputrlck, nl1l attend the 44thnational oncinnpmcnt of tho G A ty ,

^—-^^-In Atlantic City, Sept. 18 to 4l< -Dirt for Oiling In • and about your

-premises aud-clnders—for- driven ays.Walk*, etc., ulso building and Hold•tone for sale* tvusouublo AddressJoseph Holland, Picton, N, J,_

A good list of entries have been ro-cfilved from tho committee in chargeof the rncea nt Talr Acres track on,Labor Day. Jasper's jjilglitop BandWill tflla/WMirai* tnuat^' an/I UhnrlAPwillt discourse music, nnd Spader,tbe clown, will am use between, - ib*ieats apd class eVvhts.

VIstol shots where flrod at someInary burglars from a residence

it avenue, lute Saturday even' stillness

changesFrederick Blndenburgcr, Mm A ,

Laurent and Miss Boso Ulndonborcerhave-been spending sevemLdaya visit-Ing Bev.-FrJ. Bindenberger, ut NewCity. U.Y •

With ihe wnnlng of the vacationseason the old residents are uomlngback to Cranford, The'influx of sum-mer colonists has been unusuallylarge this season.

Mr. and Mrs A II Miller and Mr.and Mrs. I<\ 8 _8wnrkhntner, are con-templating an autotnobllo trip loCapo May aud South Jeritfy, tlie foie-part of tho month.

As some of the mnnilmrn9ofatho loculBoa«l-o{ Education'.nra itb^eirt frotnto*n tho regular meeting for Augustbus been deferred No dato of meet-ingTjas b«en>arranged as yet

The marriage of Miss Boso Block orPlainfleld, to Harry Cowen of NowYork, is announced to take pliico onSept. 18, at 0 o'clock p m , nt thehome of1il?8. Abrnms uvl'laiulleld

W. W Mendell lias been chosen i\delcgnto to represent tjlrlo DahlgrcnPost, 0 . A, B.. at the National En-campment to be held at.Atlautic City,.

^ nes ofthoniuhttrie noise^of the fusilndc invoke manyIn the neighborhood, but after locat-

_ ing thejrou~J-" their peaeeful

Seltlno; clgni

evorybody .returned torlo " ' "

5Ues or (obneco to


- persons under 10 Vars is piinlsbnble. by a tine for the ftrsc oireuse, And"imprisonment tho uexond time. Aword to the wiser, should bo sufllcientwarning to some of our local tobaccovenders who have 'been knovin tohave lately sold clgarettek to chil-dren, \

Mayor Helns with Mrs Uelus i nd_„— ...son, left this morning; far an au-- tomoblle'tonr of about two weeks

' i whloh will taken them through NewI,Jersey ajuL, Pennsylvania as far as

WIUces-Barre, thenco through NewA" -Xork to Buffalo and Niagara, re-'

turning via Cbnutnuqua and tbelower tier of -New,. YorkJ3tato. "

rr"A *8treetJ>rnwl- occurred -on-Satur1-• t A-dlay night'gear the Union avo. rall-

~road crossing In which four-coloredmen were tbe disturbers-of tbe peace.

- Officer Woods uppeured pn the scene,'x'arrestmgJwo. of the- offnndoni, and

Yr r the next.day two mofo were jugged." 'f",All have since nppeurod bcfdre-Judge

i% Toucey and paid heavy Huesf ;" Joseph Gross, a yoitng^Bon of Morti-

mer J. Gross, of Parker avenue,'met

Tim tiointutf uiuum

LaBt year's mombors of the jooalelection board in botli districts havebeen re-appointed with the exceptionof W N Gray or the second district,J ! ¥ £ W U d b t r a - butplace;

A man, evidently douiented,who w" ' T t i f i T

ou tho river, near the Casino, will holdthoir opening djay on Thursday next.

Thejocul Woman's Clubs have beennotidedof tho date of tho Fall moet-tuR or tho State Federatiou whichwill be held in Weatllold ou Uct 'J il.

W.'M Orotty, of Arlington, N. J ,bus runted tho Knlu apartments onNorth Avenue, West, Tbe houso'tto*runted through tlie Dryadule agency.

Next Thuisday aftirnoon ii thelaat time for thu closing of the Cnn-fbrd storcH, whu h bos been, in vogueall s.timnor giving tbe merchantsuud clerks a half ijoliduy...

Mrjj -W. Mi hperrj acted as substi-tute reader(at the services DU Hundayof tho First Church "of Christ Bcledtistowing to the absence of tbe Qrst reader,Mrs Htnicii.

Mrs Walter 13 Bciuhart and son arepassing tan (lays at Fair Haven. Mr.Betnbart wtil join thorn OD KiiUny,ho beiugat Atlantlo Olty attendingthu National Council, D. of L., nhfchis now in session.

Ou Huturdaj tho locul Dixie Quints OOCXuluj eil it Hosello colored team, ilefeat*ing them by thu..wMu,»coru., !U^44t-3.Tbo Elizabeth t" 'C. .vill line up onSatin day next ugultiit the Giants" onIho Crauford iuenuo.giotin,d3 at 3;P»


The Cranford A. C. played ntOrkiigoValley on t-'unday afterooon ani)/|)u>tU|> n strong gnmo of bufeo ball againstthe Valley mnllngpnt . It took tentunings to decide tlie content rthichended in ravor of the Urango ValleyMim Score,, 10 to 9.A beautiful night blooming cereua

Mathey Loses in Tennis. 'Dean Matliey. our local ex|iert, after

lakinc a brilliant rwoni in (he nationalchampionslni* at Newport, Has put ouof Ihe runniDK Jloojny by I'Vedarlck CCulatun, the Marjliind clinmpion. Iwas Iha second time in two weeks thailli« Marjrlander lisa defeated, the loculeip>H,ToriiTUie Lougttooii tournament)n Ilia round preceding the seiul-lluul»,hn eliccwdtVl In turnmgllie tntif.

Oilaton defeated Matlioy in straight•It, although the latter fought hard In

«»rjr game of each: Thnllret-ajid thirdset* were decided iiy i score of (i 1,

uleitftheWcond Mathey mauageil tosforo being defeated.

A repreaonlative of lh« Self Mnstors*floiiH. of Uuion, (foruiprly of ltahwuv)will l « In Craufntd mi Monday Inthe interest of the Institution, Anvcontributions In thu way of cast offKdntwmen'a clothing- (ito-, will bothankfully received. Tboao who de-sitn to help the «ortliy emiSo HIIOIIMaendapaatiUcanUo Unlnn, N-J-randHID rrprnvntatlvs will call


North Avenue MarketD. B. H E R H A N ; P r o p r i e t o r . . - • .

Thono 102-lt. 0IUNF0HD,*N. J

Isleib & Miller,PLUMBING <

Heating &, Tinning.NBW WOItlt ANU HEPAJIia

of all kindsAt Keasoiiablu I'llcefl

OFFICE MILLER BLOCKund !ill drove Htrct,


— - r

this neck for many of the memberswho hn\e had tho occasion to drop infur tho evening Tho plant Is tboproperty of Steward Evans, and haslju'i BbLlargu-UovizMa, that-Iadmired by"SFtT »-<•!


Real Estate Bought; Sold »"d Exchanged- Renting and inanageineut of property perHonally attended to. '

J. C. W. RANKINTelephone IQO-J.


J I NORTH AVENUE.aoa • • • • » » • • • • ) > • • • • • • • oooooooc


OUlillllg UUOlItlOUlillllg UUOlIt tCWirlfialTweeirrolldw^ MrrMnrttrHriBaanirBon Martin,cfing'Womenand uiakinghlmseira nuf ^Jro»'»ulieel, reUraet)on Tuwdfirjr fronrsance"Hi general, has left town and ho ° l i 8 l t '" ti0"1'' Jeiaey 'sance*Hi general, has left town and hois reported to have been scou in Wost-it«i.i - iUeld

ridlnghls bTofole ground tho corner a(;JJehman's -store.'-Hia-whcel-sllppod,

vi < f^head striking on tho ourbstone. H e!< ,was plokeij up in an unconsclouacon-

* dltion and taken to Beay's drugstore,w.bera restoratives were applied," and

^, later Mr, Boay took the boy home inhis autoniobile. Ho i s now on the

•' road W recovery but still suffering from-, bruises reoeiveir-bvthe ftMidnnt; JQr.

At tlie meeting of the Board ofHealtlMaat,. evening a permi t -wasgfven to'tlna Bbrden Milk ^^__ ._sell milk in Cranford. , Two propertyowners were ordered tq' cdnnect theirpremises with the sower. •

'Ihe next Important sdoial event willbo the Bridge Whist on WednesdaysAug. 31st. ,nt tbo Cranford CanoeClub. Playing will begin nt,2:30 P.M.The proceods will go towards helpingthe "Boys" to furnish tbei$ Clubrooms. Tickets' 50c are now on 8a|e/atRcav's or they ran be had from anymembers of the committee.

TuTHnByTribe off of LoDg Islandshore will be n sciirce article after to-day, judging fj-prn1 the nppoaranoe ofa pnrty of our_ local flshorman who(eft town this morning headed forOanarsle Bay. They were, Rev. Gor-don Ruesoll, John Marten, S. E. VanAmman and Mr. Gates.

A very substantial residence is nowunder course of construction for Mrs.EttaM>. 8ml|h. The house is

M rB-MnntrH*'aniTBon~l t i r f ib7«r

Martin Maifteill and family or 15 E.North avenue are to move to Elizabeth-

FRED H. |AHN,—_ - .Suoce—or to Plnltnn Jnfinl

House, Sign, and ^ •Ffesco-PatnttTig


Tlie Bankin A«enoy reports the rentalot a Hat In the Sperry block to Mrs.Wilbert

pyof Denman Aye, alsoye, als

the sale of a (IOUBB on Sylvester streett j A Wt o j . A. Wotlon.

Winchesler Bntton ofI , has rented the 8auer house at 3129Walnut_j\ve, from Clarence" Steward,real eetale agent

^ birthday surprise was giren toEdward Schlndler by hie ge&lleoienfrienda on Monday evening at his homeon Lincoln-avenue. The evening wasspent in Bocial games ntid vocal aelections,- cloainftwith-TefrBShmellts:

Chris. WeetergaardJ~tnd daughterMary, arrived -nome on Sunday fromtheir trip to 8weden."-Theyj, came overon t,he «teamsbip Arabic, of the WhiteStar Line and report a most enjoyabletrip .abroad., • '

p^eraBwnibw^e:Amdng the nlany features of< thisjjenmans -sujre. _tus-wucei-siippou,- ,_—-^v— r-z--ri=— ""•

throwing him to the wound, the boyV l'o"8° ' t E e "'de cornice whTBB Is fourhead striking on the ourbston^~He ^erwhlB-anu supportedDy huge yel-low fine brackets.

t d b h

. huge yelThis house with-f n e brackets. This house with-

out a doubt has, the most massive cor-nice of any house |n tqwn. It j 8 ofterra coya tile'constraction. E. VFrench of PlalnBeld .Is the designer'•Thi work is being rapidly pushedfoattftlJl>yJthe-flrn»-of-P«8ton & Arhjar, local builders.


k and Occoratlw

Paper Hanging—»SD DBUJU1JH—

Glasa, Oil, Paint, Varnib..eeadd Wall Paper.

New JeneyCranford,• I

Telephone 'iS-It


^Trinity6 Church.A t Trinity church last S u n d a y morn-

!22 . V~ " - - - • • •

WANTED—Thirty-five to one htih-dred acres, adjaceot to trolley or rail-road. Write enclosiogdlagrarn, loca-tion and price; will p a y cash. Ad-resa immediate, Journal OlDce. Eli2a-beth, N. J(.

}£&. JQS^^Mr%jC«>a«f4o.'fl_,B«tmon.jtin.Light (the text being-"Christ the Lfehtof the- Worla^-wasHistened-tff-Wittl t U M Fclnm atUnt

eolcr "God be Merciful to M e , " * urendered In a sweet and finished man-ner and was highly appreciated by "hermany hearers. She is scheduled to•ing another solo next Sunday and allare Jnvilea to attend 'Mr: Cameron1*engagement for Augdat terminatesneiLBumlay, arid on September 4th theregular s«rvioe» will b* ntuuad.

Painter and , Decorator

Estirnaies Furnished

46'BurnsideAve; Telephone

Cranford, I I . j . •55-R

BOOMS-^WItb board. -Excellenttable. Special arrangements foi perm a n e n t g u c s t a M B i b jForest avenue, Cranfonl. Telephone237-M^t ;

arageAQI3NT5 "FOR




A card will bring a demonstration, wltii no obligation"Orders plnrad now will Insure early iI l lCatalog1) furnlahed upon request. •


NEKTON A. BARNETT, Prop, iPhone HI. 27 NORTH AVfNUf, &st . !-



Schafer '&Masons and


NeumaWn,Contractors.ip. «, i',- z 1

IE5J Grtnford.

By far the Best Proposition for 1910fHi>t 'us call and Demonstrate


Citizen Want Ads. Bring.Results.» -ti


« fl

J I 11' H

f I r


-Wits and WirelessBy M.J.PK1M.

Coprtiihi. »ukt>r A

-I am going toVarry Nellie Arm- had

i, r

- strong." announced Harry Leclalr.He looked jus't as bU name sounds:

-he was handsome, with a very dlsUn-—culibed profile, largea dark eyes and

• -well set up figure. But his fingerswer* much stained -with nicotine fromtoo many dgarettes. He dfcssedjrracsfully, devoting considerable tlmo10 his clothes-"principally because hedid nothing else.

-Are y&u?" queried Paul Bchmltt,quietly and unbelievingly.

Schmit/was a civil engineer, whoseragged face, capable hands, roughclothing .find hlgh-laced boole indl-

— cated? CTagldCTablB-^famUiarltjr—glthhard I work and b»rd knocks. "Doesabe know ft yet. Harry?"

LcckUr, being a consummate egoistwith no senso of humor, nover knew

- he wiw being laughed at, and now belooked at'Schmltz BUsplclously. Buttbe big man who was Blrldtng along

qau imen- wmw»pw N W r*, —T .self tfy his mother's prophecy. * Thesun wai Just Betting wh«a hB loft bisown homo and turned toward theArmstrong residence. , -—.

His fear* of Scnmlti bad. been Invain, after all, he decided, When bepassed the engineer's home,'the fel-l itti th prch enjoy

ta the'world la associated with »omuch myaterr and speculative inter-eat as tbe big grey s'tona pile at Xt

-New .JYOrlt City, Uom

passed the enginlow was sitting oo. theing an evening smoko.

h l t

porch, enjoy-

flagpole on the 'lawn to another poloon tbe highest polnt'ot the house thewlrelOBS -antennae were strung, v, "Ifhe hopes to gain any odvantagejjvermo with- that rigging/; Jthougbt Le-dale, triumphant and contemptuous,-"he's -badly fooled He __dwadlodcomfortably along tbe way. Whentbo wireless rigging at the,Armstrongplace camo ln sight) he smiled almoBtpityingly. |

"Nellie Is ln tho wireless roptn,said Mrs..Armstrong whet LeclalrInquired for her.


euhhrttkn wa» very-giara.,.,..."Well, no," confessed Loclair, satis-

fied wHhlhls scrutiny. "But I'm go-ing to ask her—maybe tonight, Vou

- . ^ iTBhad my-Blngr-and-J'm readyto settle down._ I'm tweaty;flvo; lt'atime for me to .bo gottlng a home of

into tho house, up tbe broad stairsto tho second story and thence upanother stairway to tho alt^c . ,.

—The big ,-Troom, -. cuL .intD,, t Queersloping angles'by tbe roof and lightedby dormer windows, was' an attrabtlvo apartment. Especially11 was Itattractive when graced by the pros-onco of Nellie Armstrong.1" She wasstanding, a Blender, girlish figure Inwhite,-at -tb*-- wireless. >lnstrumenlwhich took up one end ot the atticThe receiving apparatus was-strappedover her fair hair.. So intently wasshe listening to a message that ah<aoemed not to notice Leclalr's coming

Presently she reached forward andbegan' opening the keyj Obedientto the trained pressure, tho big sparkleaped back and forth between thepoles, snapping -and cracjkltnc asdid BO. | I

The reply was brief. When It wasfinished, thp girl, with a | gesture in-describably Joyous and llght-hoartoiremoved the receiver anjrturnod toLectalr. The yqung man bad novor.seen her more -beautiful, and hisheart1 beat quickly as hit started for-ward, ln tune to tior Jtnood. Hercheeks were'flushed, her lips partedwith a smile, and her eyes ahono likestars. _

Unconsclouajy sho gave him botlher hands'and Loclalr's brain swamwith an intoxicating sense ot victory.Tho proposal which he had secretly,feared-was golpg to be eisy, after alLShe was making it easy.


\j Means of Sensitive Ut t taJMn*ment World's Richest OorporWloW

Conserve* Time and SV>ot>_-

which the1 vast busineBsolTneSSndard'Oll Company is directed, la theIntelligence and industry with, whichIts worldwide Interests ere admlnls-tejed no corporation ,on earth * « de-veloped such an elBdent business or-,ganlzation. Here_wasted ateps^ineandlsaipatod energy. Misapent effortsclog the carburater ot a great Indus'trial machine, »nd; In an Institution of.the size ot Standard Oil, represent-anaggregate- annual 16«a of many thou-sands of dollars whon~llme paid forby the 'corporation is not put to profit-able use.' '

Ot none of its assets Is StandardOil more JealouBly solicitous than oftime. To husband lt-«very Toom isequipped with dictographs, a wonder-ful llttlo instrument designed to en-


. .^d Life of Seclusion' lo BuildingSat Apart for Him at the*N»tlonal

r W l 7 S Swaukee.

. Milwaukee; Wls— Albert 8. O'Gforman is dead, Milwaukee's leper, atteinearly Ave yean of retreat in a littlebride Bouse on the grounds ot theSoldiers' home, is no merer Deathcame quietly. It was he-gradual dia-Bslutlan of a body wasted by, disease,mat could-no longer find strength tomeet-the dall£ strain demanded of i t" O'Gorman was a soldier.,\Be sirveoTmany years ln the regulaivjiftifyi aee-

' ing service throughout the east andwest He Joined the rapl»d when thewar with. Spain broke. out, -and wasone. of the foremostja Cuba and thePkUtppjnest,_U was while with the

BAFT AT PILGBIMS'-CRADLEMonument erected »t Provlnestowft-

Maasw, to Mark the Landing of_'_. theJUaytlower.

M^Tt-Affer eighteenS o r t battltntr/irttn-

dlmpbolntment. lethargy and Indiffer-ence/of surmounting the inBurmount-able and -now and again snatchingback the project from the very Jaws

gtatw^ba» »««»"ment reared tp mark thejandtag ofthe Mayflower, Provincetown can wellraat-ppon thg laurete It haa fcalned. is

army In thV lslancUThaTTie" contvacteathe dlseaae which brought bis death.

Upon, h i t nturnjtrom war, O'CLo*man entered tbe regular service in va-rious army pr/Bts. ThenTle was takon

Jll. He asktd a penBlon, and permis-sion to enter "a soldlers'-Jiome. The

> U 4 l U | J t d A m o n t i7ouragSe.MnomJrnir611sa«alt»delay In intercourse Between depart-ment heads,

"Without leaving his desk any em-.ployee cam discuss every ramificationot a business transaction with a |el-(ow employee in another part ot thebuilding as easily as it,both wereseated alongside of each other. For

whole day a bureau chief, can re-


ly income ot |72.was allowed htm faythe government. He was ordered totho Milwaukee national home.

Then, and not till then, iMd O'Oor-man -learn the true character of hismalady. He' was examined by staffphysicians, who diagnosed hlB diseaseas leprosy. There .waa no help tothim, "they said, and preparations were

:main-ciouKerea..aa..aiB...uimiu.-jTfvu. .k-seeing n single soul and keep In touchwith every development of his depart,ment. All tho while he can be ten ortwenty feet away from the sensitiveinstrument which plckB up the tnlnt-eat whisper and makes it plainly audi-ble In any distant room with whioh itis connected. On the principle thatwhat is good for Standard Oil Is goodtor them, most_of the lttrge bankinghouses, railroad offices ai\d businessinstitutions of the countr7 are nowequipping their offlcos wltli flicto-graphs.

S e c t a r y of the Treaflury Mac-Veagh and Attorney General Wlcker-Bhara have Installed it'in f'^rjOfflcesWt Washington, D. C. So have Qov-Ernors of tho States ot Illinois andMinnesota nnd municipal governmentsin all parts of the country. ' I

^ n re- him. they said, and prepafatlons were

in touch ring his lifetime.



The Reply Waa Brief.

my own. ' And Nolllo Is the Birl l'vodecided on,"

1 " "YoVinive wTtu y6uV mother; same-aa ever; i tako; it?" said Schmltt,bluntly. * _ , _

Again Lcclalr shot him a dlstruBt-ful glance. "Yo-cs, I Bupposo so," hoadmitted, reluctantly. J'Mother'd " boIn that big houno all alono. Or else—"

•"You'd live with jour wife's folks,"finished Schhlttt. '

"That question can he easily sottied after wo'r6 married," ropMejd Lo-clair, Btlffly. ~

Schtnltz al»a>8 hncl exasperatedhim. 'They had grown up togothor

i ami !hn "«ii"K"-h"nll'* Ha 'ho had

"Oh, Harry," she Bald,U t t l h k "J'

• givin(J-hl8

ring his lifetime.In a corner of the grounds a smali

brick house, once the home of one of;the officials, was set aside for him. Itwas a two-story structure, with threerooms—jullving. room, a kitchen and aybedroom. Furniture and books, uten-

heNiLaxative -

acts on the bowels just asaoin?^I foods act CaMcanf tbaa a» .4 khebowcOsiust as Nature would^'Harsh cathartics act like pepper •

in the nostrils. Soon the bowelsgrow so calloused that one mustmultiply tbe dose. pa '

The Pilgrim Monument.

nlshed him, and he settled down toUva-the life ot a recluse during the "re-malndAr of bis days. ~

That was five years ago. Duringthe lntervenlng~tlme, O'Oorman lived

if ^:~ !• t

I S B » S J > ^ ' H M D " — * f l — » • — • — » • • « » • • w • • • ! . i I

"privately termed SchmlU4 refused totreat "him with deference. Schinltswould not be dazzled by the fact thathis old plajmato was. the \illago BeauBrummel—"Handsomo Harry," hlBfriends called him.- To- Sch'mltr howas still a worthless, lary youngster,content to drift alors;. living on his'

hands a-Uttlo shako, "X'n so happy 1And you've always been a friend, soyou shall be the first to know!"^ t e c W r t -,brain.,mstea1<J ed, suddenlyas though ho had been drencjhod witha buckot of water; his 'bounding

rheurt sank forebodingly.! - Her lookedat her searchingly. "What Is It?"ho managed Id ask at last,-with drylips. i

Thp girl hid noticed that a tshangohudcome into his moaner, but shewas too engrossed ln what tbo wiro-'long bad told to BOO its truo Blgulfl-rtuico Her head dropped shyly, andtho color In her checks deepened.

"1'aul has~ asked mo to marry him,"sha said softly. "And I told him yes.

•Wh»n't-4$-al»«ay--ot-hini to - to ask by-wirc'toss? .Why, you aren't going ras Leclalr turned away. "Walt; Paul1B coming right over." .

"I can't" said Loclair, lifelessly."I Just dropped in for a mlnuta tosay good by. I'm leaving town tomor-row." —

War Against Hall. ' ,notwithstanding scientific- demon-

strations, of Its InutHlty, the practiceot_bombnrdlne thnndor clouds with"hail cannon" continues In many otthe" vlnogrowing reglonB ot^Franceand Northern'itRly. The theory un-derlying this practice 1B thht tho dis-charges disrupt tho cloudB and pre-.ygni yio formation of hall. Muchmoney has been spent on the flefearuTapparatus, nnd many vinegrowersh'aVo an snthuslnatlo conlldence In It.

now effort to convince the ndvo-«at0B ot tho system that they arewasting their time and money~nnsjust'uecn reported to tb-. Paris Acad-emy Of Sciences. It la based unon.acomparison of records of losses Intho Department of the Rhone fortwenty years before and for ton rearsslnco tho cannon was introducod, andltlhows that the lossee have BllRhtlyincroafled „ InBtoad of dlminiBhing

riff .hnii.was, bcBun.—•

it le completion of the magnificentshaft, and_wlth the niche In blBtorythe Pilgrim fathers carved for it whenthey landed here three cenJturleB ago.

tearoom, furniiur.6 iinu uuunu, u«m- | >jiha pilgrim monument is, next!toslls and regulation clotbing were for* ~^e Washington monument, the loftiestnlshed him, apd he settled down to atructure ot solid construction ln the, i—ii . . nr. „» « ,„„!„.<> Aurinir tho TS. unj^j states, towering 347 feet above

the'sea level,; Three .years ago Uscornerstone waa laid by a president,Theodore "Roosevelt, and-it-was -dedi-cated by another president, WiUllamH.Taft.

The tablet, inserted in a sunkenipanel over the south door of tbomonument, 1B. of brottao.'It la Intendedto replace the one which was afflovothe portal of the old town hall.l-de-Btroyed by fire in 1877, and whichbore this inscription:

"In commemoration ot tho arrivalof the Mayflower in Cap Cod harborand of tbe first landing oft. tho Pil-grims" In Xmeflca at this place,"No-vember 11, 1620, this tablet la pre-sented, by tho Cap Cod association,November 8, 1863," .

' For many years Cape Cod folk hfldhoped that Provlneotown's claim to bo

I the first landing plnco of the pilgrims, 'might be made manifest by the erec-,. l Uoa- ot. a ,mqnume,nt, attesting J o , thej fact, but no successful - organized

movement was .launched prior to thoIncorporation of tho CaJ\o Cod" Mem-orial association ln 1892. Duringthe first ton jears of the corporationthe movement drnggod, tho fund for.the purpose reaching only $2,500, butln 1902 the, Wss&cUusettB legislatureagreed to glva t25,000 for the pur-pose, provided the association "nhouTcIliavo raised a similar^ sum within

Woman's Inhumanity to man. makesL-countless divorce lawyers happy,

X n . WlMlow'. Soothing SjrruD_ tor ChlMnsteething-, •oftena the gum>, reduce* lnflxaua*-tlon, s l l ty i patn, cures wlnll oolic, S o »(bottl*-.

* —rWH WlTB" of" CoTtartrr t^otMviMri. Peck—I see tho Maine A_ ^

tural college proposes to establish tea-tures especially for country pastors.

Mr. Peel?—;What'B the -mattery a t n \none ot the parsons up thereftoarrledJ

Bores Barred.A reporter asked" Mr. Roosevelt at

i the Outlook office how he got through." "«o much Wo'rk and at tEe same;tun*>

saw so many people? TshuffTWret.waa the reply. "I don't waste a mtn- _ute of my time on bores. Do you per-ceive that I have only Just one chairIn thta roomT You seo, tony huntincexperiences have shown me that greatborea are always ot small caliber.

8elfl.h Youth."Tonth is apt to be selfish/* aatd

MrSi twt»r/— u*—,^f*™^—-T ^_^distinguished novelist, at s> Matncneapicnic. - -" ^- — - - —

"Woman ln her youth," she went on,"Is especially apt to be selfian. VWnever forget the story ot th* yqun»mon-itrom Boston who stood/In ths>cent* ot Boston common ln^a downrpour of torrential rain, y

"As ho stood there, soaked:skin, a little boy ln a^inackintosn, ac-costed him. ~ / ' -^

" 'EXCUBO me, sir,' said tne boy. Tintaro you the gentleman who is waiting;for Miss Endlcottr•J. " 'Yes ' thi joung man answered,

" •Well,-' said the boy, 'she asked jto tell/you she'd be here Jus£ P» «eas it/clears up,'"- •


O'Gorman and His Abode._

ilmost happily. Two o t h i s dallymeals he prepared himself2 on thecook" stove" in hlaiKUb kitchen Ettchlday an orderly brought his dinner to>him Tobacco \vas BuppHed, in nbundance, Papers and'hooks more plenllful. He was a deeply religious char-actor," and spent much time reading(hn Hftle. Bitting on the'low steps• » " ' . ' M ' ^ c - ° . yv *" f - " — - * - " «•'

of his dwelllng^basklng" In tbe sun.

three years Finally$4O,0Q0 was made bygovernment,-


a donation ofthe notional


r JaotlifeTBstslcr Income:—"Anyw«yr-I-lhought I'd let youknow.1' Lcclalr said, with.tbo slight-est possible accent on tho personalpronoun.- He know that Schmitz wasInterested—deeply so-^in Noljlo 'Arm-stropg. Uut In tho oalmH suroness jotbetter. Jooks and more ixjlislied man-ners he had ne\er gl\cn the enelncer

,serious.thought as a rival.' < And yet bis heart inlsgnvo himwhen be turned in at Ills own gate.How embarrdsslns his position wouldbe ha,d be o\crcstlmatod his faclna-tlooa! Or. suppose. Schnjltt, warnedby hla foolish boastfulnosa, wt!r« topropose flfst! . '

"You tpld, Paul you wero going tpask; Nellie to marry }ou.J" echoedbis moliicr, fretfully, - as they satdown to supper.- Sho bad onco beenhandsome, but. bitter discontent hadtPBTftfl r"*1* ^Afft"""' ' Why, Harry,iI think yonVi have better 'sense! youknow how friendly thc>'vo boen- eversince tbe three of jou wore children!"

*3ttt ,it was "only friendliness,"mrged tho youth. '"He hasn't beennear her home for a week!"

"He's always talking with her over(be wireless," retorted tho mother,

. her fretfulness increasing. "First hobunt that machine |H his own house;then be ri^ed one VP f o r Fred Arm-strong; and taughtjhlm how to workC ' N t t i s e N e U l o learned

•TiWSwfrfYou'U let that guT aiid atl"her moneyeilif' through" your fingers. >as you've

' "let evehr other chance- slip^ >ou lazygood-for-notblng." , ,—~

"Hash!" commanded her son, withA frpwn. "Lot them talk <»yer thewireless!- Ill end all that. <-Ton!gntbell be a mile away,* and I'll.b* thort,toridJELJPoyonseet"^ »• ' >

Chafnberialni Resemblance t6 PittOne of Sir UcnJamln-.Stone's more

frequent sitters has been Mr. Cham-berlain, who, onco speaking ot his ownportrait, Bald: "It has been ro-marked that I bear a resemblance toPitt. I am afraid that my testimony

°to this resemblance would have littlevulue nut If It could bo'alleged thatany likeness existed between thatgroat* statesman, not bodily or men-tally, but ln his asplratlonB In bis de-Blre to be of use »i hlB country, thenI should be proud Indeed."' Perhaps^the last photogra'ph ever taken of MrTChamberlain was that by Sir Benjamin"at the notnbio tetcs In Birmingham tocelcbrato tho" great statesman's seven-tieth" birthday, At "tho bouse of com-mons Mr. Chamberlain, . was evorready to help hts qolleaguo, and onono, occasion volunteered to go andhunt"up the Teluctant'MlcnaerDavIttand bring him to the spot for tho pur-poscT^Strond Mftgailne." - j

9ttielent Rug Weavers.Mpro than three thousand years ago,

as tiles and marbles from NinevehBhow, Bplenald fabrics were being pro-duced for the adornment of the pal-aces ot the kings of Assyria, and everyoriental rug becomes a magio carpetwhen one rejillies how through, thelong days of the long -centuries^ these

with-the colors of tfte" jewelrainbow'the sunshlno of their ownlives. How much of romance and hap-piness, how much of tears and sigh-ing, have gone* to the tying -of themyriad knots or followed the ftylngBhuttle on its Journey .to. and fro"!-*New Yorlc Press. , I

IIU Modest Hope."Thon you don't want to Ioavo^foot-

prlntt Upon.tha sands ot time?""Nix," answered tho politician,

tcdJy^All m a n t i s tn cover up_my tracksV—ICroni tKe WashingtonHerald.

Great Kuttcr Mnrkets.According to local creamery men,

SL Paul Is the- second largest buttermaking city,In the world. Omahaalono surpasses St. Paul In theamount of butter made each twelvomonths within the confines of the city.

Nearly ton- million pounds a >ear is-made here by creameries from creamshipped'to the city from all over thoState also portions of Iowa anaSouth Dakota. The Industry Is ontho Incrcnse. and there are posslbil -tics that this year the production willamount to twelve million pounds.—St. Paul Pioneer Press.

Straight •Shooting Now. •_L f i S l h

ibersJjgOjboff. The design Is by Wll-To look at tho man," ono would not-«janj -p. Scars nnd resembles tho

realize that he was tbo victim cjf thesnoBt horrible of diseases. "He •Ras'ln


Ho waa.'ln-Vlined' to a pleasant personality Noneof the horror or fear of the evidentindications of leprosy were shown

Siennas (Italy) tonn hall tower, builtin 1305. Thp monument la °f Tough,faced granite quftrried at Deer Isle,Stonington. Me.

n-Onrman suffered especially during"m ' l W t t T - C d l d wdatHterr "ho-

Straight •Shooting No _- i n - the-aays~otLlfie_Saanl6h war


H«L spoke" so confidently-.Leclalr untvlllingly Wa;'

dd hl

Corregidor Island — _with iriBltectlve marJcmanBhip. TheWar Department Is determinedhave that strong- position in Manilaharbor hold moro efficiently _Ujag_when Dewey sajlod Into, the bay. nndhas sent twenty companies of constartillery, now stationed at Fort.Schul.ler, which have a notable record fornrtllliry practice. — Springfield, Re-publican.

'the'wlinor'tlr5eT"~Cdld' wdWHterr "ho-complained, Increased the steadynches and palnB to which he waB sub-lected. During last winter, he failedclowly but steadily. Spring came,-andue rallied slightly; but hla'system wastoo far gone, and tne convalescenceproved only-^empornrily.

Q'Gorman was, born In Iroland. In1,')56 It was In 1874 that ho enme totho United Stales. Ho settled near St.Paul. Minn., and It waa from therethat he was recruited Into the regular,army. ,

Tho ense of,- the' pntlent- attractedmuch attention throu^hojit the coun-try. He was one of two Individuals Inthe United States afflicted with.-theplague.

Several times the Btate departmentand the secretary of waV considered

-transferring- hla-case. _ Jrom—k'ee, but there were no leper colonies

— where ho might bo* sent, nnd it wast 0- -decided finally, that he could, be, be st"" cared for ln tho little brick building In

which he made his homo, -

Gives Motor BOat Instruction."l"A acnool devoted e^duslvfly te the

" T\.has beeajjitarteo

-Ing'enlpUB descriptive time tabioshave "bBeii issued by a WeBtern rail-road ln which the traveler finds, justopposite the figures showing the timeot arrival ai)d lo'avin«,o|.tralns a de-scription of tho r\lace. and tho Inter-esting "scenes along the route. Be-tween the figures aro seenlc photo-

-Brtphs.- Atjtho top ofeach page ts adfiigram 6»vtaB the ,'altltude ot thelln<rmt the 3raHous_ points.—Eopnlat--tfecnantcar ; u . 7> s»\

Route of- United Stares SubmarinedB0O-Mlle~Trlp Beneath Surface

of tlw Qcean.

Boston,—Tbe United States Subma-rine: Salmon recently completed thoremarkablo" run of 800 nautical miles.from Provlnpetowri, Mass, to Hamil-ton, Bermuda. Captain Munn, who was

goin"- ter marry my Bister BeBst .Her Sultof—Why, er-^er—er dont

know. ' " jHer Little Brother—Well, yau arte. I

heard her tell pop she was goln' (terland jou tonighj.

Canada's Mounted Police.Winnipeg, Ont.—Undoubtedly tho

best and. moat efficient police and mili-tary -organization'In tho world Is-theNorthwestern" -mounted police. A1-.though not strong In numbers, tho

nnd their presence In northwesternOanaia Is given as the cause of tho

-cessation of outlawry In dlBtrlctB pa-'trolled by them nnd an Increase. on_the~frentier"of the states. - i^

' These scarlet-garbed police arotaught bow to live In tho saddle. Promheadquarters they aro sont-to the faroft torts ln tbe Klondike, _Xuk.QD_fir

Jother dlstant-poBta (or two jteorT

Route of the Salmon:

In charge of the^rafj on Its uniquetrip, says It has proved thp durabilityof the submarine bon"t _This,»ts tho"first time one of them has attemptedan bcoan voyago unattended or hasvisited a foreign port •

Storm Toys With a Woman.Denver—The recent tornadp near

Fort Morgan, Col, which among other

U, RondolpH. ranchman, "lifting,wife from the beu"fh which shosleeping, and carrying her a'dlgtatfof 25 feet, deposited her tn a, withat stood In tbe yard behind Ithehoused Beyorid.a few minor, bnlses1

and tKeTJBrvous Bbock resulting fromher experience tbe woman appar ntlyhaa Buffered no tajurlea. Two fciBi:children who were In the bodMrs._R»Bdqlph were unbarmeJL.

; - • - ."1


Cut OutBreakfast

Cooking*Easy to start: the day-

cool and comfortable 4if


are innhe pantry readyto serve right from thepackage. "~~~No cookingrequited; just add some

_cream and a little sugar.

•Especially,pleasing,'these summer mornings],,with berries 'or freslr'fiuit.

hot.weather on proper0]food. ' v


"The Memory


25.1010,* -*


HE fly.referredtoIn 8ns~artJcle I sthe one mott

" in our houses —the Musca domes-tics at Linnaeus.

Speaking broadly, nun*as made tbe houserty; IttSTdevSIbpSd along" "Wfl£ "the human- dwelling. If-we had no closed-ln dwell-ing places It is jloubtful lf__.the house-fly, as at presentrrmitltnted, oonld continue,to exjst It thrives sltnpl?because we afford It food,

[ breeding places!

- • * *

^il* tiny grub-like form In' «OB>e tamlotfns pllMf filth, usually t ie ma- /

s a c sffle. 43M outhouse, or the mound of rub, /Ut^-or KErtace Is l i e back yard. In thisTMHH'iim be U easily killed, and It shoold.beifce cfay of-era? person to klU him now.The awae-ay coald not exist H everything"•fccm krpL perfectly dean and sanitary. Ex-Itenelat&e'Uie fir-worms, do away with 1UbKcJlaB tftaoes. and thirewai.be no flies.

" The coanmen house-fly is coming to b6-pLavma as tbm -tjphott Hy.~:TOl:whiai the>tan fcmaraw salvers*] greater care will beinftrtewi tenprotocnag the, house from bia

V , *J»* swalto* the germs of typhoid inlenmnlft tnTTHnrm while feeding on t i s 61-M l i •£ ItnasVI jmUents. As a, result theyjsgnskl •Cbonamd times more typhoid germsM O a f e - o c M a than on theirieet '

• J - FBes km a greater number « human be-

This stupefies tho-nies, wh'en-thW tnay be' -swept up andburned.~~Z'-'- ••'V/' "'.. ;

.. If there are flles..in tho dining/room otyour h'otal, restaurant, or boarding house,complain to the proprietor that the prom-

X T~: tall<:\ens

lnlnB the Vlhouso -fly threat*orld.

. .r

and germs. It them ta any dirt in yottf houae' or about your promises, or those of your neigh-bors, he has just come from i t . Watoanlm ashe stands.on the sugar Industriously wiplnghis

bins; them on the Bugar that you are going toeat, leaving^ the potaon for yott^sWallos.. .„;,_!

Thisdoes mo.ro to Bpraad typhoid fever andcholeralnfahtumr-and other- Intestinal' diseasesthan any other cause. . - . . . - , .

• .' Disease attacks human beings only whenthey are .brought In contact with i t . For In-stance, you cannot: get typhoid favor unlosa you.swallow the germs of typhoid, and you do notswallow these germs unless they get on thefood you eat, or in tho liquids you drink, or on

~ the gUsseB or "cfipf from which you drint"_-..-.• Intestinal diseases are more frequent when-

ever and wherever flies are most abundant, and

TOe^Jhookworm to jty ot a section, but

_ the health of tho'••"* Pest and plague aaa fever follow in Uzfilthy foots tops. Ita-'vlcUms are legion.

- The" mosquito carries tho germ of yel;low lever. TtoovStlng of:Xb& tietBe fly In-fects with, tho/frumblng virus ot the slowbut certain sleeping* sickness.. .';'._;.

But the Bouse fly carries on lta st'ckyfeet tho potent poison of a dozen rdeatEsT

-._TJl^BWakojtarnB_by__hiBsjar rattle, and,"hi •defenae, strikes to kill." and then la. tobe shot or clubbed or ground beneath the•—)t ••heel. But t h e malicious, annoying

satellite ot BlcVnoss. maker of-eome;eg. deposits lts_slow noison !.and

?»W«r. «ver busy, never stiurafways" on Itserrand ot distributing the venom of: embryo dlBoase. . __. L :..;•..'.":.„„..:.•.

N? It Msjn!tjg.long ago"'tinit thVhouBo fly!Vas neither known nor undorstood,iScreens were considered a luxury, not anecessity; a matter of comfort, not a eon-;.trtbutton to health. . ' .-._.-'"......•

But-that is not tho case now- The flyhas been studied,. Its..habits noted,' its

- germ-laden body Inspected - through thei_i r - -y 'q-yfi ftpA i n^ photographed. ......'..."•

. .BactBriologlirtB; scientists, physicians. "Know tho' houie.fjy as it really Is. /They realize that Incon

trovertible proof has demonstrated, that flies kill agreater number ot human beings* every year than

AXLE GREASEKeeps the ipindle Aright and

' tWtf' HfoBf'TjrttrHTfy TTtOiT"Sold By dealers everywhere.

STANDARD OIL CO.t / UnooisorsUKD —

MAPLE.NE STwcra. H«II 1 to Maun for MmptMWk. Cnibwat Mttj. Ou., BcMll

JUST A NATURAL MISTAKEQussle, In Psnoy Costume, AttonifKra

the Doorkteptr for a A—if—Momtnt. -

Qussle was knock-kneed/sod round-shouldered. Ha/had a ter-rible squint, and a mouth/like a steajnroller. AH the same, be reckoned on

_jnaklng something of a bit at thefancy dress ball, and hlo costume wasas elegant as tns figure was urilovely. - „ / •—With-fast beating heart he steppedJauntily from his automobile, outsMothe town hall, where the ball WM be-ing held./The hall porter Btoppodbackward at'the unsightly apparition.

"Great Christopher.ColurftbusI1' hegasped, as ho regardod Qus\le-.

7N0, no.-,my good man!'"_chtrped

Chawlos the First, my dear fel-•—Chawlos tho "Binti"—London Ari-

Bwersr ™ '

angular | -_Mayor William S. Jordan, at a Dem-ocratic banquet In Jacksonville, saidof optimism* *

''Let us cultivate optimism and hope-fulness. There Is nothing tike It. Tbeqptimlstlc man can Dee a* bright slde-to everything—everything

"A'missionary In a, slum onco laidbis—hand—orP- a- man's shoulder- andsaid:

" 'Friend, do >ou hear tho solemnticking of that clock? .Tick tack, tick-tack. And oh, my friend, do you knowwjint day it lnoxorably and relentlesslybrings nearorT'

" 'Yes, pa~y day,' tho other, an hon-

a JCEEP BABY'S SKIN CjLEAB,Few parents reallio how many es-

Umablo lives havo bo'en omblttorodand social and business success pro-vented hy. .serious okln affectionswhich so often result from tho ncglortof ^hlnor eruptions in ' infancy.-nndchildhood. With but n llttlo caro andthe use of tho proper emoHlonts) baby'sskin and hair may bo.proservod, puri-fied and beautified, minor eruptionsprovontod from becoming chronic andtorturing, disfiguring rashOB, ltchlngs.Irritations and chaflrigs dlspollod.I To this end, nothing Is >o puro, so

d H i ^ ' f ' l hstant" use of Cutlcurn Soap, assisted;'when necessary, by Gutlciira OintmentSend to Pottqr Drug & Chom. Corp.,solo proprietors,. BDston.f be their tree82-pn.go Cutlcura Book/tolling all jibout

rtlie coro and trcatmeflt of the skin.

, ,. . - , ,. , . - . , - • • . — , Md then aro small . chapels wherenil th« beasts of prey. ana,^the,*olaonnus..craKl.v -^iiStings-- aro"»to bo found.--All irre-lng. things..that live. \ . ' . .

tan.1B thn Konsehsus of opinion that a cam-

theyfeand not tne muuiner hattt, Ufa Uiu auUvu1

. agents ot Its spread.....- - , - . , * . •• ' There/Is special danger when flies drop Into'such, fluid as mlik> This forms an i ideal cul-ture material for the bacillus. A few germs

' wushed from the-body of one fly may developinWmllHonsV-fcttbln,. a. few. hours, and_ the.pert.,son who drinks such milk will receive- large ...

jses of.-bacilli, which- may later cause 'serious

palgn of education Is essential to bring the generalpublic to an appreciation of the truth, C.... 1 •. '.'.•_.' These -tacts are known to every sclojUst What'Is being done now Is to. carry these facts home ix>,every householder, every person who 'eats In res-taurants and lunchrooms and to every mother who,

..watcbeB her baby with an eye to-warding: oft everyppsBlblo danger. There la a great campaign being;waged aealnit the fly—"typhoid fly," as i t is called,;and "Washington is the center of the campaign.

•• The war la being stirred up and urged, by Rloh-:ard B. "Wtttrons. secretary of the American Civicassociation, which has covered tho cotmtry with;posters, circulars/ booklets and even has taken-*the moving picture Dim as a weapon against tho!pest and aTliethod of popular Instruction. Tho tai-Boclatlon pamphlets ore simple and to tho point.

.When one re'adB "the four pages ot fly literature,=a> -deep-illsKuat^for-th»-bamhis thhtgB-ls-bernra

another soldier In .the anti-fly army has boon".(irnftBil. , , '-,•-•• •'.'•; j . . . , . ^ , ^ . - - - , - ^ ^ ^ / . - ' -^-"

As coco sts the fly oomes. out'ot his shell I e~ss fttB *~~~*B*»~B sad starts out In the world to mill em, Bring s a l IT TOUT home is not_ clean he knowstf-_ ftn» tr ia. fly can discern an unclean odor for

/Here are some:vaiuable.fly "donfs' for the- tiiousand tlmesi and nWre Just as Interesting, werehqtSfewife*-' - ' • • , . - made-by Dr. N. A. Cobbs with a specially Invented

Don't allow flies in your houso; • ' . . caniera tor the National Geographic socloty. Dr.Cohbs is making a special study of tbe natlbn'B

As tzte&xB they like odors of filth they disliketf«aa saceills. and where the former will attract,

.'t&m try—- « Q repulse .them. A pleasant-smellingIsofiotaaae—i*t» fragrance ot flowers, geraniums,mis****"**""*1"*"". 5»Tender, or any perfumery—will

' "Kosa e l ofir diseases are caused by invisibleSfoasuSaz Joiee and grow in cur bodleB, deBtror-

' dseof-s or poisoning us with their ei-Tbese serms may be brought to usTfrom

! sSdk pastm by -whatever Is large enough to' isuiij i»«t» -»-rm "his^tle dpportnplty. Comblrie

rtUs fast -"rHi what every one knows about Qiesiisssd we see- at once,the tremendous Importanteof DSn.ms canic-i <iT hdman disease germs., !»;«»- ^jno-iy at. the_nlcture_ot_the. fly-^eatlng

1 "* tes t&e sjbmana rtewild from .below. Look at tierJteet sad cbserve that each,of them is equippedjwfti nna zjtaira xti Two light-colored pads. Tie'fly dfixgs ite TOCCII surfaces by means of the" claw ahad to ssaooQi_ssrfaces by a"*combined action nttee dSstas xnfl pads Tbe fly's pads are covered

1 "fisrri'B1''fJbfiHssztc's of minute short h&irs, sticky atI(iBj cmj.- "fliei-e is no tuctlon*—merely adhesion.

JUJ t i i gr SriHtro life "tiie fly has to manage '{-stsai stSdiT- fed- Imagine our plight It the soles

" sor £eat vcac EtJctlng plaster, perennially r«-

Don't allgw. ybiir fruits and cpntoctlons to beexposed to the swarms of files;)

Don't lot flies crawl over the baby's mouth andswarifl upon the hippie of its nursing bottle.

Strike, at the root of the.evil. Dispose of wastematerial's In such a way that, tho houso-flV cannotpropagate,-for flies brood lii horao manure, de-caying vegetables,.dead animals, and all kinds Offilth,' So look after the garbage, cans, see that they-ore cleaned, sprinkled with Umd or keroscno oil,and cloael} covered. 1 "

Screen all windows ana doors end Insist thatyour grocer; butcher, "baker and every one fromwhom you buy foodstuffs does tho same, and ro-'member that a large percentage of-flies breed inthe Btable.

There Js more Health in a well-screenod housoan in many a doctor'a visit.

pest, as are othor leading bacteriologists and soleiitlsts who- havo come to rVallio the Importanceat the work. *

One of tbe otjjl things ha connection with thocampaign of education that Is being conducted Inmany cities is the fact that tho unpleasantness oftho flics' habits has caused many a person to cease"the description of the fly life and enter a sort ofsilent war. However, aomo dfTes and associationshave Issued enormous posters portraying the dallylife of a fly. I* Is pretty bad.- Several women hareobjoctcd to seeing the posters, olthougB-it baa beenproven to them that'tho pictures aro not over-drawn. . _. - . „k Moving plctnre. films, showing the life and habitsof tbe fly, havo been "shown In some of the largecities. Jfheso films- were taken across, the_United

1 To Eac3i StDctnrrenience the fly-la constantlya* it i s this ihat has bred into him tie

. Aftar-you ha-,e cleaned Up your own-promises,- ^ ^ ^A - B h o w n l n h u n d r 8 d B o t ^ theatersand have been considered of great value ln dissem-inating knowledge of just wjiat the fly is and howmnch death and disease he can Introduce Into ahouse. In pne of the cities protests prere received-from some rather, delicately sonsed ladies and thomayor ordered the lilms-off-the- boards. - '. The chairman, of that state board of healthaskod tbe reason and was told that protests weremade. He then asked for tho names of some ofthe protesting women., . , . .-

We colled on several! and iescnbd that their fool-. . . . . • logs had-been outraged by witnessing tho dallyA cheaa and perfectly reliable fly poison, one , l t o „, a n a 8 t y fly, ^ they helleved "hleh Is not dangerous-to human Ufe,-is blchro-'—^wu"too"n"auseatinSTorthb~nnhlicVr

Inspect the neighborhood for fly-breeding places.Call tho attention of tho owner to them and, Ifbe does not remove them, complain to the boardOf health. \ -

Keep files away from the" kitchen. Keep^ filesout of the dining room and away from tho sick,

' especially from those 111 with contagious dls-

To clear rooms of flies, carbolic acid may boused.as follows: Heat a shovel or any similararticle and drop ther«m 20 dropB of carbojlcacid. The vapor, kills the fllos.

! are constantly becoming cloggedi aJWifiillia AubBtmcea, and this contaminationj mmsl xssidaously remove if his feet are Io

tj»iuuie.Hy tn sajipdrUng him on slippery placpi.atxoqioa Is too etlqky to-rnb".of( the

which can be boug]ounces of water,some of this soluitribute thorn al

at any drug Btoro. ln twoadd a little sugar. Put

ln shallow dishes and dls-the house,

Thereupon tho s)iate officer took tho ladles outinto their own bock yards and kitchens and Inmore than one Instance showed'them whore thefly was doing the safae-tbtng-lrrTnst-lIfeT-ihat' tho

r tesas sz cdr. and it then passes off ln his 0 c- among the things

ber eggs In the manure pile orfilth. AH the germSTT-ali the

— _ _ tnemseives on Hie*"B s fcrlnss them Into- the house "ani

nong the things/to use In killing flies, but the ^ m e n c l t y buHoUnB aro herns- L M Jh 1 '

liquid put fnto /quarter of a. pint of water and ' Two nf^^.yi,^, v

-ssfono. in t»>/room will Be. enough to kUl all The SenUwentnl One^The beautiful beach wasthe flies.

5 H j y u B e e w a l i a D g . o v e ri,ft* arejsfcout so eat is covered, with _

~y,.+ > . : rlij" ^ _ 1

. Sm O n e T h e beautiful b.covered wim shells this morning-- — •

The PrscUcol O n e Y e It' h t'™Iv m « h J ; ?K° "*"" TeT<> tbeie •"» T h e P"eu<:al One-yes; It's a shame ta allow 'somany flies, b*n pyrethrum powder lnHhe jwm, _Jo estipeannU dowrMhero.—Voakera -•mmw •"_ ij *i^ ^

Where Millions Are EnUmbod.. Tho catacombs at Ilomo were theburial' places of tho early Chriatlans.They aro about 580 miles in extont andare said to have "contained 6,000,000bodloB. During the persecutions of theChristians under.Nero and other Ro-man bmptirors the' catacombs wereused for hiding placos.. Under Diocle-tian the catacombs wero crowded withthose for whom thero .was no safety.In the face of tho ilayr The art of thercatacombs is unique and most inter*.'eBtlng. SImpIo doslgns aro «tchod Inthe slabs.which seal tho tombs. Now

; Bible Illustrations, BO that tbo cata--combi-may-be-sald to be-a-plctoriaBible In effect—Tho Christian Herald

, tHo H«d No Eye for Color,', there came to the home ot a NogroIn Tennessee an addition to tho fam

.lly In tho shape of triplotB. The prouifather hallpd the flrBt man who camealong the road .and askod him In toBee them. The man,'who was an Irish-man, soemotl greatly interested in' theInfants-as he-lookod them over, lying;in a row before him

'What doos yp" t h l n k r asked t h eparent.

' "Waul'*—pointing to tbe onb n" themiddle—"I think I'd save that one.T^*:Everybody's Mugazlno.

-•'- .. ' A' PaKe CJIIIC.—"Yonder Is a beach camera" fiend,

Bald the --•-•-—•-•---•-• — - are

_r dlngastiIng."declared-tfae SQCo'nd batblng girl."After,! hod posed all morning for hiebonoflt, he ate MB lunch from thntbox." r

There Is In every man's, heart, as Ina dosk, a socrct kdrawcr; the onlything Is to find tho' spring and openIL—Anon; ' '

Right food is a basisFor right. living, '-"There's only one disease,"Says an eminent writer—"Wrong living"And but one cure— '"RighTlivir^:- I

Right food is supplied byj

Grape=NutsIt contains theBddy and brain-Elements of wl

The Potassium Phosphate,Grown in the grainFor rebuilding jissuesBroken down by daily use.Folks who use Grape-I Juts 'Know this—they fee} i t""There'i 4 Reason'Read 'The-Road HrWelMUe,"Found in packages.


RECKONING DAY AND HOURiWorkman'sTThoughts Not Altogether

Flx«d on What Might "Be Called ~Higher Things.





•Tjost had d-fallion-yo\ir sidewalk."'1 an very sorry, my deVr sir."

"'. ''Well,! wish you"wouw, sell yonrsugar straight and put ya\i\ Band onthe sidewalk."


. Weak' kidneys fall to removeSODS from the bfood> and they are1

causo of backache, headache,ary troubles and dlspellsT "health keep tho.kid-'neys well. Doan'sKidney PHls remove

"all kidpoy ills. '. *. .Mrw. u8oDb.lft JHrUlt&r.» qulst, 10 W. 16th fit.

Jamestown, N. T->Bays: "Doctor sold Icould not -live sixmonths. I was bloat-'ed to twlfo normalslxe and friends couldnot recognize me. I

wdB perfectly helpless and wished fordoatb. Ilapid Improvement 'tookplace after I 'began, using Doan's Kid-,nay Pills, and ln six weeks -I, wascured, . _ r

Jlcmettbor—tbe-naisalo "by all doalorn. SO cents a box,Fostor-Mllburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y.

- _ Irt tbe Suburb. ,"What beautiful public Building Is

thatr:;,—«TbnVlsn<t-B,-pSbit<r -building.— If»-old man Bavltt's summer cottage"

"And whoso neat llttlo cottago Is

That- llttlo ohe-Btory (jcama nffn(.r "' "That Isn't a cottage It's tha First

Bplcopai church "- -Llfo.


MurineDoesn'tSmart-Sootheo Eye PainhwtMi ad MBIM tf tMw^t, Unit, at, Ut, turnMmfai* E n S«hr«, la Axptia Tulm, 29c, f 1UMEYB BOOKS AMD ADVICE! FI1KB BY MAHIMurlneEyeReoiedyCo^Chlcago


You Can't Cut Out*mss6s&ssu

win «l«on llum on p>rn»n«oUr. u 4Joo wilrk tbe luraa n i Uma, boMLot bll»t«rAr ruauro Ih*hut. cut

clri or Llpinmu, jnUrim uTu

ft. ». lotwi, r.V.i., tut—y. fc..

headers tegtaed in ib columni 1WI1I inaft uponhiring what they >tk for, refimnj all

_MACHnyiSTg S c o r

BOY5 IS to 18 jean oft Cnpmw SchoolBdooUon. Four yon count. T«chnlcil


DROPSY «wtecwaT

VV.-N. 0 H NEW


- -] f •

i •

> I" ' T

. i;•'•

; "•;--'/ }y'~;*:l - r .;; ••

"7 ,


FREEHOLDER PROCEEDINGS.Continued from page 1.

•aid committee immediate)/ after illn>ent ahall meet and Oftanlte lir tbe . « . . „ ,

_ ol a chairman; Uut tbe clerk of thu board"t* V A " ,M c r e"H': taat said committee•hall ,jli»ide the county Into arvru dmricta,oiiejrieinber to take chttft ..f a ditlrict; lhal11.1 l«ll aha|l be ordered raid unlrn approvedby tbe member from the dialrirt nbcre thewurk iras done, 111 addition fto .the alidrll.iacommittee *~ I'reenrtrler KrSu je" Thui cdTUie abufjoV <>{-ibe retolution-wlitcli %,,, carried. llie UiI f IT •Pf"'""" •* *•"' 'ommitteo 1 reeiiuldcraWilbhr. IVrrj, Gruenar, attain, Jeiueu, »Jar.tin aoil Krouae • ^

# Mr.- Gibli?, one of the aateaaori frmn-fiak' ->«r, -apprarea—oeT3re" Hie" boardT* aikinf5^"

lornaluui on tuine of the ueuii in ibe . . .budget Hf Leaviti am»ere<l the queiliona'•• Hit- sallblacllon of Mr Cibhy


ere<lction of Mr fiibhy-Wilbur wa, at thin time r iDtuvd

-I berail U

kiWif Wilburbr the Director.

mi roll: hill* were readunaiiimuoaly i.rdmd 1'ajJ"""*—t •> Alwntir, *foo, C A Swift,, ttr. 11 llamiltun. $689.6. L tt. lr»ln

*'7J o, Ofi'me Annpi, Jsu, K<>IK*I~ I.IKIU- toor. » l« ? jo , Henry s>clio|i|*. .J100, Irrd

i c l L • i'>u> *•""• Lronn, * « J 8 J , f, W.1 • '.'••".,"'? f - l1 • •S i" . I'uer Wearer,U B J O I) II Haulier, f3b)5. ( ,-J -W. |.,c».natdi, Ijj 50. Nebaniiaii 1'elru., » j u ; ThomaaJ-ariy. I j n j j , llrnry 1'eaj.i, %j , /u|,ii Seel'"d, } j l 50, Hubert Wai|>oli, | J J , W 11Imiiey, «I7 3 , , Walter Ilclfirlil. Jr, I J U I J I ,I hark* Shrclen, (445, Lharlm Ilmirr, f* uAllnmiu l i m , »a.iB6. K..IH-M _ Wrklanil,» ' i " . Alvm talon, Js, Kolicrl f-alon t j r j u ,Anthony CrlM«>, * « . » | 3 6 4 , John Lnllatlal.*») *i7'9<), >V h J'rarci, j i 1 ".• ilrtdgra— \ 1 .Small.,,- 1,1650, M ,HCl.jvr», J j 4 , Jainb & Allen, 5 .9. II U l', |iner, $i(jo, J'ulilic bcrvke HittriL Cur|ior4turn, ^140, standard Oil ' — *-" •1 rank

*?7 4S.Lob I,


C A. Id


, . _ on w»» ithe ruined'g

-*" As wo too? „ ,_light 'we C0uld not help,•we inspiring: (his colbl—. «•rearing Itself 120 feet Intotf i sir,


1 . 4 ,

TJ • of ••a vi wiip» tr3 / a ,

, » 7. I' R. Uukm on#•' V - Hatier. JjOj UmlJ

Clark, | i 6 , Kobert O» IVlta. I 90, W firlemni, J3511. I . ) . IluM.ai.,, ,;»ard Juhniiliin, | 0 j 1 , I ra»ci Kjiiuh I) Wliilrr, »l7r(.o, hli.al.rlft Ilmlml, J 44, 1, J 11 uliliard, »s ' l l « . >J4J. tharlei Irefuli

l>mly J.»ir*

ft "

j.h.1 -*,*.- , ....... „ .»^5». M1I1011 (..l.killk.m, J10, IVicr & icrrillIt Atery, I14, W J Hi!

_ 1'ut.hi. Cir"ul>dH 1.111I 1" >on. »»7, K

Uid ]

, j 4 ^j Han

u. $7e, Crum

iUU. *tS4*, _ _ ^ _ _ B t e m p l e , tt

by a stairway o£ Wfen ,s«fe>:d£irji footsides, harlot !£(> Wcontains three rooms, the d&orjSjsWolwhich aa^rajred with tbe flgures olpriests, except theione facing oast-ward, which has la»g» pillars carvedinto tbe forms of serpent! Tbe headi

_j>£Jtbese are turned so that they Hiflnt upon the top of the pyramid, Itheii

. eyq sockets Jtjll bearing' traces of thirich green ja.de that OPM filled thus,- As we sat we pictured to ourselv«tbo ttrange and barbaric scenes thaibad here been enacted, for If legendiaro to bo believed It was on these flattened serpents' beads that the tyrantpriests of tlm-lttas, majestic In tbelibojowolo* and-befeafhered robesr-tortqut the palpitating bf arts, of- their sac-riflclal victims after illclnij open Uubreasts with a allex knlf«.

TbeTrancfa comediantraonllnartly thin.-'A pLj,^__»mended Um to try soroe-batfl » , wPyr^pees. so be -betook" hliQMlf tr> Urnmineral springs, trber* tn ferine* nn- »remlttlngly. but alUn vain; bo OttjuHincrease In size. •'Patleoce/'^gBofths.doctor,, rrfiete^l* aathlinf-Ukty-ombaths for making people fa£B~ Oneday while L'erlet was waiting philo-sophically In his bath for.an embon-PPlni wJUch neter- c«me-a» b w d aconversatJon In tbe'iiut room.^fromwblcb bU bwn was divided by only a

Jhlu parUUon jnd-.wliitji was-occri-pled by an euonnotis Woman, fat as theJJotieutot Veuus "Doctor." said she."1 am getting tired of this." "Whyrasked the Aesculapius ?!• have beenhere mo- months." -"WW--WSM. tam as enormous as I was when ]came." ."A little patlencej madame,"urged the doctor. 'There Is nptttlnglike our baths for making pepfile thin."Perlet, bearing these words, sprang: outof bis bath, dressed, rushed homo tohis butel, ordered bis bill and left forParis by. tbo next trabL-Argonaut.

Now Jersey CentraltUOk CaUXtXno lOisaJSUsami SKW-



laWtSfc.*^ s i s . liraIUIC

For KaatoB.uk«MT

« 47. K

AJboton. lUart.


"AndA Staple Mf*.

what." inquired the visitor.— — — - • •—-••» a^ff^vt^t^iA ( u v » acsitajijg.

who wor'^belng nice" to little Bobble.^n» you (Totnirtalto"wGen~i'dS grow

"Be a business man," responded Rob-ert, "like tether. Be took-me down tot— I M _fc A ! jr—. 1 ._ a . • > a\ A a a

.-Ir, »iJ " 4 5 . W. IJO su , A'ew \*l*4l.-$<ltn $J 7 . IMbU»!4i4. *yi»' J

,«"••« * » n . * 7 ] , , Rummylinie (oinp.r^. * J 8 , | | , , ,ry 1.

i, tlaik IMrd» ire Imiipni),l»»lcr. tfioo, lt,,l|l,r t, ( Jk rdciiliiiMe (..nt|Hm, 1^85

Sn'l', )|In.rkr-lo,',,',raf™WrMern Oniuii I d (imiiianvy Juo J | C l » 8

•ni . e n < l w e » « * « • • Ho took-me d o w n toThese sacrifices werrj probably per hU-ofllero last week, aud I'm going to

formed in view,of «hou»anas of wor-fcwork like him and buve a good time"slilpcr* of tho jron deity congregated "And what are you going to do IDon the plains below, tbo heart after It business?" pursued tbe visitor.

— ^_.m- tftf-roeipbmnca b«3ng — • • - -burned an an offering In tbe inner holyof holies, wtillo the body of tbo victimrolled tlown tire stone steps to be sacraftifutally-ratrci try-tho i>e<sple.-£'WoHi>

rj.. •»!

BleaptN^wwk,• Saturday onlj.' B*drdtm.~



' » . »

H. A. 6ABNETT,J__^ North Avenu«, CranfoM, N. J.

~" f . » ' _ -- '"

Carriage Repairingand Painting


Expert Horseshoeing,•'• General Jobbing



Wldo r...

o7 H*(*, Jan>r« (arey, $[>n, Jnlm ('..nrnl-jjllurl Sleln, *7 8o, Villnr Mix In',

-»r3CTH5r-*T7Sr"t« Km—J..ritt»f>i) Sirwic Cull'liany * i « 4 5 , Miralirlll Ice C.lininiiy, Ida if.Willnm Trewln, Jj 60, ninrldi ii.iru » « 5,!Itenry t mik, U 71: W II HuUkiniiwr• 14 o , f u s , Itcllihlo Steam I nuiidry CumI'aiiy, (7 so. llriiclclni lier llroi, t"4 06

HrefHref tl,.ni|jnI fiib

7 l i 1 > | p J " ' • • " • *»4 7«. t e n l n i ltiimnany. tin « , » < s 10, Ilil.lelirnii.llnr. » 4 , O J , J o nrokw; ,17 ,(,; wbt.. $ la. Ilnirv <-.climi.1t. »? so, Al

V;vvaiteriChildren1, (,uardian»—S 'J, hntc lloird o[illdreirp (iit1rduiin I194JI I I I I K V - N : ' 7 U " % » I ' * "'llo.f Hal M.irr.»

riaim 13,11074, N J, Slate Minimal,'IrenInii, | i n 04,

Statlonerr—FilMlielh Nnvclly * CiitririMiytoi Its, Advocate* riilili.iilnir lumnany, (161Ilenry Co,*, U<f. I, fc ifnriii, S15 eu, \u.



I'ubllcaliu1-uoiicaiiun—cUixabelli Oatly 7ourn!ili filing1 ^on'rern""" V " ' "" *'u?'1""1 ' "^

Chronicle, «J7 Jo, Cranlrord tlliren, JJ7.50.New IWklence Hewt, Ijy.jo, Neil feriyAllocate. $7*0, » i j 7 , . Summit llcraa

liiclilriniTJ—John Kerou * Son, (411 Ko,it, . ,* f;"1.'*'60' Columbia Inut to , t]fW. II. Meeker, t>.8o; I'eler Metiel, fte

•ilatftiti.n Drake, US 09, »jo; Dr. 1". W Veit• *aw«*«>l|

llltl , | l l

Slllci. »5ol Claire Pollard, S10.County Hotul Ke|.alra~Jacob M

Jrarling Co.,.Slate Aid



llkm follin, SiMembei

j Iionnct-jacou Aiauer, fioo;l?7.oj;_iVeldon Con

; AnnaJtnwbel

I.-WIU._. ,forrot, |4s8 ]<

Parrot, »ao8.j«.

It la'Chargad With Bring -4t-Br*sdsp ol• Bad Manhtrs. «

"My n^tontloo was recently called toon article," observed the retired "profpsRor. "In tvbtcb tho wWtor rebukeduu. Individually and its avnntlon. forour lack of manners due tc tlio hurrybublt. n e classed this hnliit nmongtho bud.'senseless, Inexcusable^ habits,aud 1 fully agree with him Watch acrowd anj where, pitching- o 3 'and boats otLsucetng on to them,liift for Drat places going up stair* ordown, squirming and elbowing to ie lthrough a gateway or an open door,,and If you were to Inquire not onoman Jack or woman Marie could tellyou why he or sttnjras on tho d>adJumi>

"Tho average male being wlilconsuittils watch, bound across the lawn, runIlka mad for a car, hire a cab to Breakthe speed law driving to a ferry', "dashinto his offlco. as if be thai donB 100yards in tcnsDConds, remove his hatand overcoat^open his desk; pull oat aslide, cock- his feet on lti light a cigartad wonder .what no's-going to donott ,

"Tho average female being will bore" " fringe of shoppers nlnej

tho youngstur-"catcb tho train everymorning MD<1 nbeu I get-frj Uie_ofBcellsht a blit clpar nnd nit down at om,deakTinCinj- tuppo'H t!o7nui h work to.do It's no u^e lieglmilriK till nfter luncb,niid'ltiun iso uut »ltTi unollicr big manand out autl out till J iau't"wit unynioterttntr Uteiige-Tmek-to- builnes^r nndask oi erj body else «Uy the work alo'tdone, and tbvu Ret so mad becausenolwtly docs anything that. I'll gohomo' early and De 66 tired I cau't doa thing except ri'ud tliu paper andBmoke nore big clgUrs oud swear."—t'earson's.

-^All-kitrfs of-Hiilr <tow»grDpll Wigs'made to order so cts. and upirnnls.

9a Broad St>, Elizabeth. H. J.

_ ._,' „. - «^O'Odnnell Bron.

Moving Vanm for City or County

Telephone Cull or P K U I trill bring t,^ - ' rtepreeeDlatire ~

dPPIOB: 66 EU1 STKEET.Weatlield, NCtt J, r-,^

M..L. _ D.KREIE,Dealer in Hardware & HoaSffurnishing'Goods




- Rsthsr. - " * / "Thi* nubJoliiMi Item appeared In

p | : __•"J'lii're wan foiiDd_[n jh<> rlver_tbls

TriKiiI, ,,r ii soldier cut touhd m>nH] up | n n M c l c T n e

Clrdliusliiucm Heem to prucliule any•uaplcluu uf suicide "

Cuatoma «nd(H«blta.Our clis(omn nud uablls ».e like tbe

i In roads The wbwls of lift) setInto tliKni, and we Jog along through

e rulre IWCIIUHI- It Is too much troubletogtjt uut of tbeui_


Cranford. W- J;

JYOURVACATIONTRIPLL the important porti on the Great

Laltet reached regularly by the exed-l ( h i > & L i U

MISSCollege Preparatory



New lleave JOIniveus!her along.

Why 8he~ Didn't.uployer~llut why did yoa• last mistress? New-Matd-(>td you 'expect me t' bring

id me?—Cleveland

Charlet Jenieii


in, *4u,S.larv




W, 1^ ciarrinnii, t4>>janiM W. ilnk,

ittee K<nrnwi—WS 1' Wjll *

»iont llcniamln

$•5 40, S IV Wjllmr, * u 4Si 7, II NMIH,'»»jo. HHt.mllarliy, » 7 i 5 J N Ody. J. OoIhomat Haviland. *«7o, JaCot. Martin, 16 70IbMllh I'rrrv U. > c I* A U k • . . . 7 , <,VJoaeph „ . ,

bwain, :

K Adamt,. II Carrl

. i' A „.,ll<adfor.l Junci,' * v ' ,;4wiiiiiuin JtJJlCi, SI* 40

».o 70! Henry Krouae t « 95,fMloi W. II. Handil,", I a!

. anerill'a Aeiount—hobcrl Kirkland. *4s

JiosiHenbtrar—IVank Spiltb, »4s8

• »»j«r. ».«*, ,- f/o» J4. Ma" n ^ i , f , , ! i ,Irene nonaldwin, »;o{ Kninu-Uraimatt, »?D,Jea.ie Cartlmaile^^o, Oilillr Keutcr, J15

put down her purso and paraiol, Onger, .'n". KPpda^ for. MUXH»minutes, -askqucstlnns concerning tbo prices—past,present and future—and move off lei-surely without buying so much as aspool pf thrcad.H-PA>vldoJice Jour-nal.. - " k

Th* Pathsr of Tobaooo Snioklna.* It Is quito hopeless to trace out thefathers of smoking In general and to-bacco smoking In particular, ^ h o flratdrew In smoke of any kind through aplpo In England and who Orst of outcotintryrngn (QOft t • ' X I I

i d

- *%!2l- *ranceiJ8«6Z,

NeFl McVl'i, (7|iioo, llclrn-ttlwlan,

rehoMerJfai carried

I at

Dieimsn.ririTifenTiTiTraDirector declared lite

l l l" r" l v- '* i l*l l l ' ; m 1 l« r


cotintryrngn (QOft tP •T'""WT-T'XI-«I-ways remain disputable.' It Is equallyuncertain which western tribe madtthe sublime, discovery. There Is ovendispute as to whether tobacco takes'ltsunine from the Island of Tobago, fromthe Vucatan provlnco of Tobacco, fromTnba_scbJnJFlorlds._or from n y.ihHpedpfpo which the people of Blspanlolasmoked with' their, noses. -Only-oneuaiiiu Is l ^ A l l i l i d l U E


ind losaraaee



Cor. Boulevard and 20th St . ,

KENILWORTH* N \ J . -..VW. liua.ll*

Boarding SchoolOpens Sept. 28»b, 1909.

ALL ORADG8-Ktndar«ut«i.*Prin>*rT. Inwdlau. AaaVmicud C«ib>n>i>rei«nitnVT

Koch mpil ncpitm imllrblml M i uwdlau. AaaVmicud C«ib>n>iKoch mpil ncpitm imllrblml


The ten large iteamen of the Oeet ire of mod'era iteel conHnlction, propelled by powerfulengine, and hara all tlie qualiuei of apoed,aafely and comfort. The United WirekaTelegraph Service used aboard. "•

Tna D 6V C LaV« LiHcj/oVenti daily MrvutbrtwMn Detroit and Dutfilo. Detroit and CUv*.laad, four tnii per wati lietwaaa Toledo, Detroit,MaekuaeJ Jaad •»J ««r port, » d two tnpa perWfei between Delrott Diy City Safinaw aadwaypnrt*. About Just 25 a ipec.al eteimerwiU'laa» O.v.l.oa twice a week dim! (or Mackiue,etoaptatf anjr »* Detroit every tnp lad Goderiek.Oat, «very tether tnp Send two MBt elanp iofilliutraud panpUet aad Gr«at Lalci nap.

•ill DcUil inUaMe « rttamcTT^

MACK IN AC _} Detroit & ClevelandNav. Co.

LC.UWIS.Q.r.A.,Delr*ttllti'ek. V-— ~ a.A.Scaaata.«cmJltT,

french, Muaic,-Art, Physical Culture'A H I cvmnM baa baaa «Uad tolD»cnrrfe«-'

.atm—• coorae In the art uf uprmatoa vbicl.tmtnathoTniM far apeakitw. trading an.le.Hif••TMtlbn. 'nrnurnrkUlubnngnaftl»pGpal> Iidm powera, aa7k la not bj imitation, but fn<a |

HUM Hlehmnnd will b* at her ofhtfi ,morajm from niiia toalaian. - —

Bpeclal Course ID FRENCHtutMnamberavof schoe>k»«A>

GEORGE DITZELGeneral Xontractor

Teaming of All







— ^Sultabl* Game.Code Jack came to visit the family

Just after Johnny bad recovered froman attack of the whooping cough."'. "How did you amuse yourself wbliayou bad l t r he asked. v

; "Me and another boy -who bad Itplayed Indians and gave warwboops,?-answered the HttloHtellow.-ChtcagirNews.

Plenty In Rsyrva. -, _ „ _i. man who had lieen. figbUng got

twotraek eyes.' Neit morning ne meta friend, who- exclaimed: •

—-T-Why," T/a*k,-where-have-yon-DeeSTlou've got two black eyes!" '

"Jhat's nothing," he replied. "Icould'have got plenty more, only I badno place to put them."

great: Institution, thatTof Jean Nlcot,tho French ambassador to Portugal?who spread tbo fame of the herbthrough Eurppo. And of all who are)familiar with nicotine today howlCRANFORDimany nssoclato it with Nlcot OTi have I •even heard of hlml—LondonTJEronicle.

A Misplaced Title.Among obvious misnomers .one Lon-

don theater. Is-to bo found! DruryLane theater is not in DfUry lino, andno reason can .bo assigned for giving it

uoama-otUbat thoroughfare. -The

•OTN-TON 00.



,-— theater bjUlt op tbo present sitefWta at one-Umo~frequontiy referrod^fo

as the theater in Oovent Garden.- OnFob. 0, 1(303. Pcpys notes: "I walkedup and dpwn'and looked upon the out-side pf tbe paw thentef buUdlng'lB

PUstant ,fitrange Guest-1 don't know 1

Ifeopte n fha room. Just look n \^woman tret ftufriethe cross eyed, &headed "one! And sotoo.ono told meshe was married. Don't you think thefellow was a fooIJ Othet Guest (meek


' ti

con«|tiotas«nd ap^oihtments,favorable «lass and qualify,faiofsblB prices —all Inviteour trade that you nwy par-

tioipate tn tLe BatiBfuotlon. hundreds..oL auatomers al. :

ready know. It is easy for 'you to tlncl the reason for thin ,8HtiBf(iction. Try.

4. R. REAY,lSjJnjon Aye.. _foulsri f iuaiej-X


College, N. V.-


Pet Animals a Specialty. " 'KWilence, Downer Slrtwt,

Tel.m-W, WESTfTELU.>- j

AT. F. WHEELER.'Dlal.lt IR


Lehigh Coal, Lumber






JAMES o, PARK/General ;

ContractorII .Jirlh knut.. Cranf»rdT Jew Itney '.'

TolcphoneJlCO J.

"" ' J. OW. RANKIN.

Lehigh Valley Coal

. Kindlfng WoodOdlco Sfero-.BIoclf,Jiortli AK— p-^-Innl. OpiileDnml A»e , Cinnford, N J

Civil EngineeraniiSarveyorCoMnt>En(1na«r. Townatilp Ingl-

n.«r for Cranford Townahlp.

ilaln Gifflce. aS Oix Building

w sIy)-I know

•~more American.*


line." In those day's no theater ex-isted in Covent Garaen, the predeces-sor of the present opera bouse havingbeen opened in 1782.—London Ohron*

s A Feminine Impulse. •"v '?> straighten theli h»tA lR the firajf. -.J Jolse of feminine humanity; atter an =',' Jdent. It.a woman could be"raised „ ' , . ' • „ , , .tfom tbe dead sho would straighten I « * ' * » « , Walnuther hat before drtng anything else.— Telephone 100-1*, -

.MaxJon.Cra&Zord.* J l _ _ m -

^ has Arrived, and

Wie are Receiving Large Shipments baily ^


TWife J(re

Tallojd Too Muoh.Muh.

—"ay — — M -a^in^ fT^^aa#eai

Wish should.begra>^, 4onX. bdt rwiin ne„

[ From - Remington - OrchardsTHOSE JUICY WhOTES AND YELLOWS

^(u»nhTSpi»oa l t» . /"Whenever you Ue tp your Wife does

, «be find you ontl""Jnat tbe opposite.. Whenever she

n h d n m e o n t l fie to.hBfcrWh«t 1 dome5!TnT^Haoustod Post^ '

C but fortuna to not to


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