1 Intro+Var Data Types

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  • 7/31/2019 1 Intro+Var Data Types


    Object-OrientedProgramming (2)



    Variables, Constants and Built-in Data TypesJava Program Structure

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    What a computer is

    What a computer program is

    The Programmers Algorithm How a program that you write in Java is

    changed into a form that your computer canunderstand

    Characteristics of Java Variables, Constants and Built-in Data Types

    Java Program Structure

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    What Is a Computer?


    Executes statements (computations/logical decisions)

    Hardware :Physical devices of computer system

    Software: Programs that run on computers

    Control Unit

    Arithmetic/Logic Unit

    Memory Unit

    Input device Output Device

    Central Processing Unit

    My ProgamMy data

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    Computer Organization

    Six logical units of computer system

    Input unit (Mouse, keyboard)

    Output unit (Printer, monitor, audio speakers) Memory unit (Retains input and processed information)

    Central processing unit (CPU) which consists of:

    Control unit (Supervises operation of other devices)

    Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) (Performs calculations)

    Secondary storage unit (Hard drives, floppy drives)

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    What a computer program is?

    For a computer to be able to perform specifictasks (i.e. print what grade a student got onan exam), it must be given instructions to do

    the task.

    The set of instructions that tells the computerto perform specific tasks is known as acomputer program

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    Levels of ProgramDevelopment

    Human thought

    Pseudo-Natural Language (English, Arabic)

    High Level Programming Language (C, C++,Java, )

    Machine Code

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    The Programmers Algorithm

    An algorithm is a finite sequence ofinstructions that produces a solution toa problem.

    The programmers algorithm: Define the problem

    Plan the problem solution

    Code the program.

    Compile the program.

    Run the program.

    Test and debug the program.

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    Defining the Problem The problem must be defined in terms of:

    Input: Data to be processed.

    Output: The expected result.

    Look for nouns in the problem statement that suggest output andinput.

    and processing: The statements to achieve. Look for verbs to suggest processing steps.

    Keyboard ScreenProcessing

    input data output data

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    Input and Output

    Inputs Can come from many sources, such as users,

    files, and other programs

    Can take on many forms, such as text, graphics,

    and sound

    Outputs Can also take on many forms, such as numbers,

    text, graphics, sounds, or commands to otherprograms

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    Example:Area and Perimeter of a circle




    ProcessingArea = PI * Radius * Radius

    Perimeter = 2 * PI * Radius


    Area Perimeter

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    Planning the Solution

    When planning, algorithms are used tooutline the solution steps usingEnglishlike statements, called


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    Coding the Program

    Coding is writing the program in a formal languagecalled Programming Language.

    Programming Language : A set of rules, symbols and specialwords used to write statements.

    The program is written by translating the algorithmsteps into a programming language statements.

    The written program is called Source codeand it issaved in a file with .java extension.



    Algorithm Pseudocode

    Source Code(The .java)


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    Compiling Computer Programs

    Computers do not understandprogramswritten in programming languagessuch asC++ and Java

    Programsmust first be convertedintomachine codethat the computer can run

    A Software that translatesa programminglanguage statements into machine code iscalled a compiler

    Machine code

    Program Source code

    Machine Code


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    Programming Language Compiler

    A compiler is a software that: Checks the correctnessof the source code

    according to the language rules.

    Syntax errors are raised if some rules wereviolated.

    Translatesthe source code into a machinecode if no errors were found.

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    Platform dependent Compiling

    Because different platforms, or hardwarearchitectures along with the operating systems(Windows, Macs, Unix), require different

    machine code, you must compi le mostprograms separately for each platform.

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    Compiling Java Programs

    The Java compiler produces bytecode(a .classfile)not machine code from the source code (the

    .java file).

    Bytecode is converted into machine code using aJava Interpreter

    Source Code Bytecode

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    Platform IndependentJava Programs Compiling

    You can run bytecode on an computer thathas a Java Interpreter installed

    Hello.java Hello.class

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    Multipurpose Java Compiling

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    Running The Program





    Operating System

    JVMThe Bytecode(the .class file)


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    The Java Virtual MachineComponents

    The Class Loader stores bytecodes in memory

    Bytecode Verifier ensures bytecodes do not violate securityrequirements

    Bytecode Interpreter translates bytecodes into machine language

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    The Java Virtual Machine

    The class Loader, the BytecodeVerifierand Interpreter constitute the Java VirtualMachine (JVM).

    JVM is platform specific.

    The interpreter translates the bytecodes

    into specific machine commands.

    T ti d D b i th

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    Testing and Debugging theProgram

    Testing Be sure that the output of the program

    conforms with the input.

    There are two types of errors:

    Logical Errors:The program run but provideswrong output.

    Runtime errors:The program stop runningsuddenly when asking the OS executing a noneaccepted statement (divide by zero, etc).


    Find, Understand and correct the error

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    Class Loader

    Program is created inan editor and stored ondisk in a file ending with.java.

    Compiler createsbytecodes and storesthem on disk in a fileending with .class.

    Class loader reads.class filescontainingbytecodes from diskand puts thosebytecodes inmemory.

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3








    Bytecode Verifier Bytecode verifierconfirms that allbytecodes are validand do not violateJavas securityrestrictions.

    Phase 4








    InterpreterInterpreter readsbytecodes andtranslates them into alanguage that thecomputer canunderstand, possiblystoring data values asthe programexecutes.

    Phase 5


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    Some Characteristics of Java

    Object-Oriented Combines data and behavior into one unitobjects

    Provides Data abstraction and encapsulation


    Programs are collections of interacting and cooperating objects. Platform-independent


    Architecture neutral

    Write-once, run-anywhere

    Secure The bytecode verifier of the JVM :

    checks untrusted bytecode

    controls the permissions for high level actions.

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    Variables, Constants and Built-in Data TypesJava Program Structure

    Discovering what is a variable

    Discovering what is a data type

    Learning about the basic data types

    Constants and variables identifiers

    Get acquainted with how to select propertypes for numerical data.

    Write arithmetic expressions in Java.

    Program Structure.

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    Programs and Data

    Most programs require the temporary storage of data.The data to be processed is stored in a temporary storagein the computer's memory: space memory.

    A space memory has three characteristics Identifier

    Data Type


    Keyboard ScreenProcessing

    input data output data

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    State of the Space Memory

    The state of the space memoryis thecurrent value (data) stored in the spacememory.

    The state of the space memory: May be changed.

    In this case the space memory is called variable.

    Cannot be changed.

    In this case the space memory is called constant.

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    Space Memory Identifier Identifier is a sequence of characters that

    denotes the name of the space memory tobe used.

    This name is unique within a program.

    Identifier Rules

    It cannot begin with a digit (0 9).

    It may contain the letters a to z, A to Z, thedigits 0 to 9, and the underscore symbol, _.

    No spaces or punctuation, except theunderscore symbol, _, are allowed.

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    All uppercase, separating words withina multiword identifier with theunderscore symbol, _.


    All lowercase.

    Capitalizing the first letter of each wordin a multiword identifier, except for thefirst word.

    Identifier Conventions in Java

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    Identifiers are Case-Sensitive

    Identifiers in Java are case-sensitive. Thus,the identifiers myNumber and mynumber,are seen as two different identifiers by thecompiler.

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    Data Type

    The data type defines what kinds of values aspace memory is allowed to store.

    All values stored in the same space memoryshould be of the same data type.

    All constants and variables used in a Javaprogram must be defined prior to their use in

    the program.

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    Java built-in Data Types

    Constant or Variable

    Numeric Character Boolean

    Integer Floating-point



    char String boolean



    First Decision Level

    Second Decision Level

    Third Decision Level

    Fourth Decision Level



    P i iti D t T

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    Primitive Data TypesType


    Range Description

    boolean true, false Stores a value that is eithertrue or false.

    char 16 0 to 65535 Stores a single 16-bitUnicode character.

    byte 8 -128 to +127 Stores an integer.

    short 16 -32768 to +32767 Stores an integer.

    int 32 bits -2,147,483,648 to+2,147,483,647

    Stores an integer.

    long 64 bits -9,223,372,036,854,775,808to+9,223,372,036,854,775,807

    Stores an integer.

    float 32 bits accurate to 8 significant digits Stores a single-precisionfloating point number.

    double 64 bits accurate to 16 significant digits Stores a double-precisionfloating point number.

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    Variable/Constant Declaration

    When the declaration is made, memory spaceis allocated to store the values of the declaredvariable or constant.

    The declaration of a variable means allocatinga space memory which state (value) maychange.

    The declaration of a constant means allocatinga space memory which state (value) cannotchange.

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    Constant Declaration

    final dataType constIdentifier = literal | expression;

    final double PI = 3.14159;final int MONTH_IN_YEAR = 12;final short FARADAY_CONSTANT = 23060;

    final int MAX = 1024;

    final int MIN = 128;final int AVG = (MAX + MIN) / 2;

    These are constants,also called namedconstant.

    The reserved wordfinal is used todeclare constants.

    These are calledliterals.

    This is calledexpression.

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    Variable Declaration

    A variable may be declared: With initial value.

    Without initial value.

    Variable declaration with initial value;dataType variableIdentifier = literal | expression;

    double avg = 0.0;int i = 1;

    int x =5, y = 7, z = (x+y)*3;

    Variable declaration without initial value;dataType variableIdentifier;

    double avg;int i;

    Java Program Structure

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    // import Section import used java libraries

    public classMyProgramName {

    // main method

    public static voidmain( String args[] ){

    // Declaration section Declare needed variables

    // Input section Enter required data

    // Processing section Processing Statements

    // Output section Display expected results

    }// end main

    }// end class

    Java Program Structure

    Salam Program

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    // import section: Empty

    public classMySalamProgram{

    // main method

    public static voidmain( String args[] ){

    // Declaration section: Empty

    // Input section: Empty

    // Processing section: Empty

    // Output sectionSystem.out.println( SalamaHello);

    }// end main

    }// end class

    Salam Program

    S i C ili d R i

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    Saving, Compiling and RunningJava Programs

    Saving a Java program.A file having a name same as the class name should

    be used to save the program. The extension of thisfile is .java.

    Salam program should be saved in a file called

    MySalamProgram.java. Compiling a Java program.

    Call the Java compilerjavac: javacMySalamProgram.java

    The Java compiler generates a file called MySalamProgram.class(the bytecode).

    Running a Java program Call the Java Virtual Machinejava:


    Comments in a Java Program

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    Comments in a Java Program

    Commentsare used to describe what your code doesand aid reading your code.

    The Java compiler ignores them. Comments are made using

    //, which comments to the end of the line, or/* */, everything inside of it is considered a comment

    (including multiple lines). The comment begins after the first/*.It ends just before the first */.


    /*This comment begins at this line.This line is included in this commentIt ends at this line. */

    //This comment starts here and ends at the end of this line.