4/9/2014 How Does The Earni ngs Pow er V al uati on Techni qu e ( EPV) W or k ? | Stock opedi a Features http://ww w .stockopedi a.com/content/how -does- the-ear nings-power-valuation-techni que- epv-work-60553/ 1/2 Earnings Power Value also known as just Earnings Power is a valuation technique popularised by Bruce Greenwald, an authority on value investing at Columbia University. It is arguably a better way to analyze stocks than Discounted Cash Flow analysis that relies on highly speculativ e growth ass umptions many y ears into the future. EPV uses a very basic equation which assumes no growth, although it does rely on an assumption about the cost of capital  as well as the fact that current earnings are sustainable. It also involves several adjustments to clean up the underlying Earnings figures. How does EPV work? The EPV equation is Adjusted Earnings divided by the company' s Cos t of Capital. T his is calculated as follows : 1) Cyclically Adjusted Operating Earnings : The starting point is Operat ing Earnings, i .e. EBI T. Howev er, this may need to b e normalis ed to eliminate the effects on profit ability of v aluing the firm at different points in the busines s cycle. T his i s done by t aking a long term (say, 5-7 y ears) average of operat ing earnings, ideall y t his would be as long as 10 y ears and including a t least one economic downturn. 2) Normalisin g for non- recurr ing charges:  The next step is to deduct the long term aver age of non-recurring charges (or normalize them to reflect their true economic nature) to determine the adjusted and cyclically nor malis ed Operating Earnings. 3) Normalised Taxation Adjustment:  To this figure, we apply a normalised tax rate – this could either be the average tax rate of the company over, say, the last 5-7 years or alternatively use the general corporate tax rate to avoid the distortive effect of different tax schemes (in the UK, this has been 28%, although it moved to 26% in April this year). 4) Economic Depreciation Adjustment:  This involves adding back the depreciation figure of the most recent year, after-tax, which may not reflects the true economic cost of depreciation (it can be higher becaus e capital goods prices go down due to technology advanc ement, or it may be lower in inflationary env ironment where reproduction costs is hi gher then accounting depreciation) . Economic depreciation is the cost to the company to make it at the end of the year in the same situation at the beginning of the year, i.e. maintenance capital expenditure. This can be calculated by deducting growth capex from the capex figure in the cash flow statement. Growth capex can in turn be calculated by averaging the Gr oss Propert y Plant and Equipm ent (PPE)/ sales ratio over t he long-term (5-7 years) and multiplying this by the curr ent y ear's increase in sales . 5) Adjusted After-Tax EBIT: This then give the firm’s dis tributable cashflow. T his can then be divided by t he company cost of capital to deriv e Earnings Power Value for the Firm. 6) Cash/Debt Adjustment: To compare this to the Market Cap, it is then neces sary to subtract out any cor porate debt and add in cas h in excess of operating requirements and divide this by the number of s hares to get the EPV implied Share Price Value.  Speci al Offer: I nv est like Buffett, Slater and Greenblatt . Click here for detai ls » If the market price is below the EPV/per share, then the stock may be undervalued – at least according to this view of value! Reproduction Cost Once the EPV is determined, it can be compared with the Reproduction Cost (the calculation of which will be dis cussed in another article). Greenblatt argues that, if EPV is higher than Reproduction Costs, management is creating value and the company is operating at a competitive advantage. If the reverse is true, then management is destroy ing sh areholder v alue by earning less than the v alue of the ass ets and the com pany operat es at a competitiv e dis advant age (likely t o be a com modity business ) Watch Out For The great adv antage of this technique as it does not m uddy the v aluation process with future predict ions. It evaluat es a company based on its current situation. That is a lso however also potentially a weakness in that it may systematically underv alue growth companies . Value investors m ight regard this as being part of the margin of safety but in normal m arkets, it may ev en be difficult to find a company that' s selling for less than its EPV.  Another po tential weakne ss is its relian ce on earnin gs, given the scop e for com panie s to m anipu late/ma ss age this figure. As Old School Value notes , “ Enron had great earnings all the way up to i ts collapse but free cash flow foretold the troubles long b efore the scandal surfaced” . If current earnings aren't sustainable, you'll get an EPV that is too high. How can I apply this? On Stock opedia Premiu m, of course! Sign up now f or access! From the Source It’s well worth reading Bruce Greenwald’s tome, " Value Investing: from Graham to Buffett and Beyond and Competition Demystified: A Radically Simplified Approach to Business Strategy " (summarised here) This discusses the EPV technique in detail – see chapters 5-7 where he outlines the apporach and gives a couple of case studies (WD-40 and I ntel). You c an also see a ver y int eresting set of his lecture slides here . Other References Valuat ion Technique Earning Power Value OSV: How to value a stock with EPV EPV Case Study: T andy Brands Friday, Sep 30 2011 by Stockopedia Features 2 comments How does the Earning s Power Valuation Technique (EPV) work?  

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EPV Technique

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  • 4/9/2014 How Does The Earnings Power Valuation Technique (EPV) Work? | Stockopedia Features

    http://www.stockopedia.com/content/how-does-the-earnings-power-valuation-technique-epv-work-60553/ 1/2

    Earnings Power Value also known as just Earnings Power is a valuation technique popularised by Bruce Greenwald, an

    authority on value investing at Columbia University. It is arguably a better way to analyze stocks than Discounted Cash Flow

    analysis that relies on highly speculative growth assumptions many years into the future.

    EPV uses a very basic equation which assumes no growth, although it does rely on an assumption about the cost of capital

    as well as the fact that current earnings are sustainable. It also involves several adjustments to clean up the underlying

    Earnings figures.

    How does EPV work?

    The EPV equation is Adjusted Earnings divided by the company's Cost of Capital. This is calculated as follows:

    1) Cyclically Adjusted Operating Earnings: The starting point is Operating Earnings, i.e. EBIT. However, this may need to be normalised to eliminate the effects on profitability

    of valuing the firm at different points in the business cycle. This is done by taking a long term (say, 5-7 years) average of operating earnings, ideally this would be as long as 10

    years and including at least one economic downturn.

    2) Normalising for non-recurring charges: The next step is to deduct the long term average of non-recurring charges (or normalize them to reflect their true economic nature)

    to determine the adjusted and cyclically normalised Operating Earnings.

    3) Normalised Taxation Adjustment: To this figure, we apply a normalised tax rate this could either be the average tax rate of the company over, say, the last 5-7 years or

    alternatively use the general corporate tax rate to avoid the distortive effect of different tax schemes (in the UK, this has been 28%, although it moved to 26% in April this year).

    4) Economic Depreciation Adjustment: This involves adding back the depreciation figure of the most recent year, after-tax, which may not reflects the true economic cost of

    depreciation (it can be higher because capital goods prices go down due to technology advancement, or it may be lower in inflationary environment where reproduction costs

    is higher then accounting depreciation). Economic depreciation is the cost to the company to make it at the end of the year in the same situation at the beginning of the year,

    i.e. maintenance capital expenditure. This can be calculated by deducting growth capex from the capex figure in the cash flow statement. Growth capex can in turn be

    calculated by averaging the Gross Property Plant and Equipment (PPE)/ sales ratio over the long-term (5-7 years) and multiplying this by the current year's increase in sales.

    5) Adjusted After-Tax EBIT: This then give the firms distributable cashflow. This can then be divided by the company cost of capital to derive Earnings Power Value for the


    6) Cash/Debt Adjustment: To compare this to the Market Cap, it is then necessary to subtract out any corporate debt and add in cash in excess of operating requirements and

    divide this by the number of shares to get the EPV implied Share Price Value.

    Special Offer: Invest like Buffett, Slater and Greenblatt. Click here for details

    If the market price is below the EPV/per share, then the stock may be undervalued at least according to this view of value!

    Reproduction Cost

    Once the EPV is determined, it can be compared with the Reproduction Cost (the calculation of which will be discussed in another article). Greenblatt argues that, if EPV is

    higher than Reproduction Costs, management is creating value and the company is operating at a competitive advantage. If the reverse is true, then management is

    destroying shareholder value by earning less than the value of the assets and the company operates at a competitive disadvantage (likely to be a commodity business)

    Watch Out For

    The great advantage of this technique as it does not muddy the valuation process with future predictions. It evaluates a company based on its current situation. That is also

    however also potentially a weakness in that it may systematically undervalue growth companies. Value investors might regard this as being part of the margin of safety but in

    normal markets, it may even be difficult to find a company that's selling for less than its EPV.

    Another potential weakness is its reliance on earnings, given the scope for companies to manipulate/massage this figure. As Old School Value notes, Enron had great

    earnings all the way up to its collapse but free cash flow foretold the troubles long before the scandal surfaced.

    If current earnings aren't sustainable, you'll get an EPV that is too high.

    How can I apply this?

    On Stockopedia Premium, of course! Sign up now for access!

    From the Source

    Its well worth reading Bruce Greenwalds tome, "Value Investing: from Graham to Buffett and Beyond and Competition Demystified: A Radically Simplified Approach to

    Business Strategy" (summarised here) This discusses the EPV technique in detail see chapters 5-7 where he outlines the apporach and gives a couple of case studies

    (WD-40 and Intel). You can also see a very interesting set of his lecture slides here.

    Other References

    Valuation Technique Earning Power Value

    OSV: How to value a stock with EPV

    EPV Case Study: Tandy Brands

    Friday, Sep 30 2011 by Stockopedia Features 2 comments

    How does the Earnings Power Valuation Technique (EPV) work?

  • 4/9/2014 How Does The Earnings Power Valuation Technique (EPV) Work? | Stockopedia Features

    http://www.stockopedia.com/content/how-does-the-earnings-power-valuation-technique-epv-work-60553/ 2/2

    There's value in the stock marketbut do you know where to look?

    Get the most concise synopsis of everything

    that's been proven to work in value investing. If

    you like your stocks cheap you've found a

    treasure trove distilled to under 70 pages.

    How to find ultimate Bargain Stocks with Ben Graham

    How to spot Turnarounds and avoid Value Traps

    From Graham to Greenblatt via Piotroski & Lakonishok

    How to value stocks and set a margin of safety


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    EPV Case Study: Stella Jones

    GEICO Case Study

    TMF: The Power of Earnings

    Filed Under: Valuation, EPV,

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    2 Comments on this Article show/hide all

    Jono136 1st Oct '11 1 of 2

    Interesting manipulations to get the numerator, but still highly dependent on the denominator - ie estimated of cost of capital. Another tool in the box!

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    manxman 9th Jan '13 2 of 2

    If EPV can be used as a margin of safety because it doesn't factor potential growth, how much margin of safety does not allowing for growth give?

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