Volume 48 No. 19 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) May 15, 2015 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH Price : Rs. 3.00 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism REMEMBERING GREAT STALIN REMEMBERING GREAT STALIN REMEMBERING GREAT STALIN REMEMBERING GREAT STALIN REMEMBERING GREAT STALIN ARCHITECT OF THE VICTORY ARCHITECT OF THE VICTORY ARCHITECT OF THE VICTORY ARCHITECT OF THE VICTORY ARCHITECT OF THE VICTORY Bourgeois conspiracy to destabilize Soviet socialism The Soviet socialist revolution in 1917 marked advent of a new era and proved the correctness of Marxist philosophy and infallibility of Marxist analysis of history. The entire world took note of augury of a new society free from exploitation of man by man and fostering all out development of mankind— economic-political-social-cultural. It inspired the working class round the globe to imbibe Marxism-Leninism and build up revolutionary struggles on their respective soils. It provided impetus to the freedom loving people in the colonies and semi-colonies to liberate their countries from the grip of imperialist-feudal powers. Soviet Revolution also sent a chill down the spine of the reactionary world imperialism-capitalism mortally afraid of anti-capitalist revolution. So, the imperialist-capitalist powers began to hatch all kinds of conspiracies to destabilize and dismantle Soviet socialism. Moves were taken to militarily encircle Contd. on page 2 It was the historic day of 9 May, 1945 — exactly 70 years ago— when the gallant and valiant Red Army inflicted crushing defeat on diabolic German fascist forces, captured Berlin and hoisted Red Flag at the top of the German Parliament building, Reichstag, to mark the victory of mankind over the forces of evil. And the whole world including the anti-war democratic minded people of Germany who were subjected to extreme torture at the hands of the fascist Gestapo and the SS army, unequivocally acknowledged that it was Stalin, the great leader of the proletariat, a worthy successor of Marx, Engels, Lenin, a man of iron will and grit and a noble character in the history of mankind’s struggle for emancipation, who was the architect of this epoch-making victory of humanity over the most demonic enemy of mankind and the saviour Medical Service Centre (MSC), an All India voluntary organization of doctors, nurses, paramedical staff and health activists is known for its being by the side of the people devastated by natural calamities or any other disaster. When Uttarakhand and then Kashmir were ravaged by torrential rain, flood and landslide, MSC volunteers rushed there in no time overcoming all difficulties and hassles, opened free medical camps and provided healthcare to the affected people. These camps ran for several months. Eminent doctors from all over India attended such camps. So, when Nepal was rocked by severe earthquake which besides taking a heavy toll of precious human lives also caused grievous injury to many and extensive damage to property, MSC lost no time in sending medical teams there with logistic support from SUCI(C). The pilot team of 8 members led by Dr. Sushovan Ghosh started free medical camp from 9 May. A second team of 9 members led by Dr. Ansuman Mitra arrived and started work on 13 May. A third team led by Dr. Swapan Biswas will reach on 16 May. The MSC medical teams will continue to work at different camps in the days to come. Already more than 1000 patients have received medical care from these camps at Sena Chhauni, Swayambhu, Chapagaon, Char Ghara, Lalitpur, Ranipawa, Nunakot, Tinghara and Ramkot areas of Kathmandu and its adjoining areas. MSC also took initial help from Comrade Gharti, Vice-Chairman of Constituent Assembly and Member, Central Committee, Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). Subse- quently, the camps are being run with the help of UCPN (Maoist) volunteers and local people. Medical Service Centre running medical camps in earthquake-ravaged Nepal of human civilization. Led by him, the brave Soviet people, the Red Army and the Soviet Communist Party epitomized this triumph over the forces of reaction. MSC-run medical camp at Sena Chhauni, Nepal for earthquake victims

70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism ... · Soviet Union could not match his military might. Soviet Union, therefore, could be annexed later with mere snapping of

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Page 1: 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism ... · Soviet Union could not match his military might. Soviet Union, therefore, could be annexed later with mere snapping of

Volume 48 No. 19 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST)May 15, 2015 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH Price : Rs. 3.00

70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascismREMEMBERING GREAT STALINREMEMBERING GREAT STALINREMEMBERING GREAT STALINREMEMBERING GREAT STALINREMEMBERING GREAT STALINARCHITECT OF THE VICTORYARCHITECT OF THE VICTORYARCHITECT OF THE VICTORYARCHITECT OF THE VICTORYARCHITECT OF THE VICTORY

Bourgeois conspiracy todestabilize Soviet socialism

The Soviet socialist revolution in1917 marked advent of a new eraand proved the correctness ofMarxist philosophy and infallibility ofMarxist analysis of history. Theentire world took note of augury ofa new society free from exploitationof man by man and fostering all outdevelopment of mankind—economic-political-social-cultural. Itinspired the working class round theglobe to imbibe Marxism-Leninismand build up revolutionary struggles

on their respective soils. It providedimpetus to the freedom loving peoplein the colonies and semi-colonies toliberate their countries from the gripof imperialist-feudal powers. SovietRevolution also sent a chill down thespine of the reactionary worldimperialism-capitalism mortallyafraid of anti-capitalist revolution.So, the imperialist-capitalist powersbegan to hatch all kinds ofconspiracies to destabilize anddismantle Soviet socialism. Moveswere taken to militarily encircle

Contd. on page 2

It was the historic day of 9 May,1945 — exactly 70 years ago—when the gallant and valiant RedArmy inflicted crushing defeat ondiabolic German fascist forces,captured Berlin and hoisted RedFlag at the top of the GermanParliament building, Reichstag, tomark the victory of mankind over theforces of evil. And the whole worldincluding the anti-war democraticminded people of Germany whowere subjected to extreme torture atthe hands of the fascist Gestapo andthe SS army, unequivocally

acknowledged that it was Stalin, thegreat leader of the proletariat, aworthy successor of Marx, Engels,Lenin, a man of iron will and gritand a noble character in the historyof mankind’s struggle foremancipation, who was the architectof this epoch-making victory ofhumanity over the most demonicenemy of mankind and the saviour

Medical Service Centre (MSC),an All India voluntary organizationof doctors, nurses, paramedicalstaff and health activists is knownfor its being by the side of thepeople devastated by natural

calamities or any other disaster.When Uttarakhand and thenKashmir were ravaged by torrentialrain, flood and landslide, MSCvolunteers rushed there in no timeovercoming all difficulties and

hassles, opened free medical campsand provided healthcare to theaffected people. These camps ranfor several months. Eminent doctorsfrom all over India attended suchcamps.

So, when Nepal was rocked bysevere earthquake which besidestaking a heavy toll of precioushuman lives also caused grievousinjury to many and extensivedamage to property, MSC lost notime in sending medical teams therewith logistic support from SUCI(C).The pilot team of 8 members led byDr. Sushovan Ghosh started freemedical camp from 9 May. Asecond team of 9 members led byDr. Ansuman Mitra arrived andstarted work on 13 May. A third

team led by Dr. Swapan Biswaswill reach on 16 May. The MSCmedical teams will continue to workat different camps in the days tocome. Already more than 1000patients have received medical carefrom these camps at Sena Chhauni,Swayambhu, Chapagaon, CharGhara, Lalitpur, Ranipawa,Nunakot, Tinghara and Ramkotareas of Kathmandu and itsadjoining areas. MSC also tookinitial help from Comrade Gharti,Vice-Chairman of ConstituentAssembly and Member, CentralCommittee, Unified CommunistParty of Nepal (Maoist). Subse-quently, the camps are being runwith the help of UCPN (Maoist)volunteers and local people.

Medical Service Centre running medical camps in earthquake-ravaged Nepal

of human civilization. Led by him,the brave Soviet people, the RedArmy and the Soviet CommunistParty epitomized this triumph overthe forces of reaction.

MSC-run medical camp at Sena Chhauni, Nepal for earthquake victims

Page 2: 70th anniversary of victory of socialism over fascism ... · Soviet Union could not match his military might. Soviet Union, therefore, could be annexed later with mere snapping of


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Victory over fascism

Brave Soviet people, Red Army and Soviet Communist Partyled by Stalin epitomized the historic victory

Soviet Union from all sides. Agentprovocateurs were planted insidethat country to foment internaltroubles and intrigues. The Russianbourgeoisie overthrown from powerwere clandestinely provided allkinds of assistance to foster counter-revolution. Nascent Soviet Unionunder the legendary leadership ofgreat Lenin stood firm against allthese bourgeois conspiracies andfirmed up the process ofstrengthening socialism and provingits supremacy over capitalism inevery sphere of life. When Lenindied in 1924, the mantle fell on Stalin,the most reliable disciple andcomrade-in-arms of Lenin to carrythat task forward and protectfledgling socialism overcoming allhassles and hurdles and foiling allstratagems of the forces of reaction.It was Stalin who gave foundation toLeninism, showed that Leninism isthe Marxism in the era ofimperialism and proletarianrevolution while at the same timerousing the entire people of SovietUnion to speedily strengthensocialism by bringing aboutspectacular developments in allwalks of life. People imbued withthe ideals of Marxism-Leninism,new higher proletarian ethics andculture and reflecting unprecedentedsense of social obligation andpurposiveness respondedwholeheartedly to Stalin’s call. In atime of barely two decades, theSoviet Union surpassed even theestablished imperialist powers inindustrialization and crop production.Standard of life of the people rosesteadily, prices came downdrastically, unemployment, beggary,prostitution and such other maladiesof capitalist society became thingsof the past. Stalin also firmly dealtwith the sinister ploy of thedetractors and renegades within theSoviet party to demolish socialismand relentlessly carried out fierceideological struggle to protect thekernel of Marxism-Leninism fromall sorts of distortion andvulgarization.

Second World War broke outwhen Soviet socialism was justtwo decades old

But when socialism was takinga firm root in Soviet Union andworld communist movement wasgaining strength, the world wasthreatened with the emergence offascism in Germany and Italy anddark clouds of another devastatingworld war began to gather. Lenin

had shown long back that theimperialists generate war centeringon capture and control of market.He explained that the First WorldWar had been imperialistic (that is,an annexationist, predatory,plunderous war) on the part of bothwarring sides; it was a war for thedivision of the world, for thepartition and repartition of colonies,“spheres of influence” of financecapital, etc. In the Second WorldWar also, the motive of the fascistaxis of Germany and Italy (Japanjoined later) was the same —grabbing world market at gunpointto put it under their domination.Fanning up the theory of racialsupremacy and national jingoismand raising radical slogans, Hitlercould rally a majority of theGerman people behind him andembarked upon creating a powerfulwar machine to launch militaryassault on all other countries andbring them under his subjugation.Hitler’s plan was to overrun firstthe formidable capitalist-imperialistpowers of Europe like Britain,France, Belgium and others. Hisunderstanding was that since pre-revolution Russia was mostbackward, newly born socialistSoviet Union could not match hismilitary might. Soviet Union,therefore, could be annexed laterwith mere snapping of the finger.Even the western imperialistpowers –America-Britain-Francewanted Hitler to attack SovietUnion, destroy the first socialistcountry and the working class stateof the world. Stalin, a giantcommunist leader, could read thiscovert strategy of Hitler and couldalso see through the intention of thewestern “democratic” rulers. Infact, when Hitler was appointedChancellor of Germany raisingslogan of national socialism, Stalinrealized what was the underlyingmotive and motto of Hitler’s sloganand also sensed that another warwas in the offing. Reporting to the17th Party Congress of CPSU(Bolsheviks) in January 1934, Stalinsaid, “It is not surprising thatfascism has now become the mostfashionable commodity amongwarmongering bourgeois politicians.I am referring not only to fascismin general, but primarily to fascismof the German type, which iswrongly called national socialism—wrongly because the most searchingexamination will fail to reveal anatom of socialism in it.... socialdemocracy which paved the wayfor fascism ... is a ...sign that the

bourgeoisie is no longer able to ruleby the old methods ofparliamentarism and bourgeoisdemocracy, and as a consequence,is compelled in its home policy toresort to terrorist methods to rule..and…to resort to a policy of war.”His worry and prime duty then wasto save socialist Soviet Union, thelone hope before the emancipation-seeking people of the globe. Paperswhich were kept secret for almost70 years and revealed of late showthat the Soviet Union proposedsending a powerful military force inan effort to entice Britain andFrance into an anti-Nazi alliance.The offer of a military force to helpcontain Hitler was made by asenior Soviet military delegation ata Kremlin meeting with seniorBritish and French officers, twoweeks before war broke out in1939. But Stalin’s offer of awestern alliance was not acceptedby Britain and France. (TheTelegraph, UK, 18-10-2008) Insuch circumstances, Stalin, made aclever move and surprisedeveryone by entering into a non-aggression pact with Hitler onAugust 23, 1939. Hitler agreed tothis pact because he thought itwould enable him to easily occupythe weak East European andBalkan states and at the same timespare him from fighting a two-frontwar in the soon-to-begin WorldWar II. On the other hand, Stalinknowing for sure that fascistGermany would pounce upon SovietUnion at the earliest opportunityafter ensuring victory over theWestern imperialist powers,managed to buy time to securesome breathing space to makenecessary preparations for takingthe fascist aggression head on andat the same time put in place somesafety measures to protect thehitherto achieved advancements insocialist economy, industrializationand social upliftment. Similarly, theenraged imperialist-capitalist powerstried to project this pact as Stalin’scompromise with Hitler. Eventoday, the reactionary bourgeoiscamp as well as the revisionists-renegades who want toundermine Stalin and refuse toacknowledge his role in defeatingfascism, go on referring to thesame pact as a treacherous act.But history holds out and holds outeloquently what prudence Stalinshowed that day in handling thecomplex situation which helpedsaving mankind from the clutchesof fascism.

Treacherous role of Westernimperialist powers

As expected, within two yearsof the Pact, the Nazi regime, afterhaving occupied Europe, assembledthe highest number of soldiers andarms and attacked Soviet Union on22 June in 1941. Once again theforethought of Stalin about the roleof the Western imperialist powersproved to be correct when only twodays after the Nazi attack AmericanSenator Harry Trueman (later tobecome American President) wasfound to remark, “If we find theGermans are winning the war thenwe should help Russia, again if wefind Russia winning over them thenour help should be extended toHitler, so that both the sides mightface destruction.” This was the realface of the so called Allied Forces.The American-British imperialistshad dreamt that once both Germanyand Soviet Union came to the ruins,they would take possession and totalcontrol of the entire world market. Itis relevant to mention in thisconnection that when the fascistarmy launched the war ofaggression against the Soviet Unionand was carrying out massacre anddestruction with alacrity, Stalin hadrepeatedly entreated theseAmerican-French-British rulers toopen a second front in westernEurope to set out on an attackagainst Germany through France. Ifit could be done then Hitler wouldhave been compelled to remove thesoldiers from the eastern war fieldand assemble the same at the west,at which the intensity of the attackagainst the Soviet Union would havebeen somewhat diminished. But thewestern imperialist rulers turned adeaf ear to this.

And when did they do it? Theydid it when Stalin did not need theirhelp any more, as the Soviet RedArmy and the people weresuccessfully chasing the fascistGerman army right through easternEurope. It was then in 1944 that theAllied forces brought down theirarmy to Normandy, the Frenchsea-coast, and set out on theirattack, with the ulterior motive toreach Berlin before the Red Armycould reach. So, the Soviet socialiststate had to lead a lone fightagainst the indomitable fascistmilitary might. It is worthmentioning here that at such astage of development when bothGermany and Japan were about tosurrender, American imperialistrulers, in order to deny the Red

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Comrade President, comradeChairman of the Left United Front(LUF), members of the statecommittee on the dais, comradesand friends,

When we are observing the 67th

anniversary of our beloved party,there are had been a great calamityin Nepal and some states of ourcountry which took away lives of notless than 4 to 5 thousand people inNepal and no less than hundredpeople in India. Thousands of peopledied helplessly. There was a timewhen people could not controlnatural forces. Sometimes therewould be flood, landslides,earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc.,people used to feel helpless. Thatwas long before. Thousands ofyears back. Man struggled againstnatural forces. And with thedevelopment of modern sciencesman started controlling nature andnatural forces. Nowadays if thegovernment really wants it cancontrol floods. Yes, it is true thatsome such forces are there eventoday in face of which man is stillhelpless. As for example, theTsunami that took away lives oflakhs of people. So, also the supercyclone of Odisha. But with the helpof science man can surely predict itlong before it happens; can takemeasures to evacuate people fromthe affected areas and save livesprovided the government is pro-people.

If science is given a scope todevelop freely, or if unhampereddevelopment of sciences is ensuredmany such natural calamities, if notcontrolled at least can be predictedlong before and lives of the peoplecould be saved. But today science isnot developing, although thepossibility of its development is veryhigh. But even today if reallyscience is freed from the greed ofcapitalist exploiters it can domiracles. We have witnessed this.You have seen how the sickestnation of Europe, i.e., Russia, whichwas economically and eventechnologically very backwardbefore revolution, in the secondworld war period it turned into oneof the most advanced states ofthose days, if not the most; muchmore than America also. Englandand France were very powerful inthose days. France was defeated ina month by Germany. England wasthreatened and America was

“Comrade Shibdas Ghosh had shown that revolutionary theoryis not a simple political theory, it is a complete understandingof communist concept of life” — Comrade Krishna Chakraborty

(This is the text of the speech delivered by Comrade KrishnaChakraborty, Member, Polit Bureau, SUCI(C), at the 68th PartyFoundation Day meeting in Kottayam, Kerala, on 28 April, 2015.)

shivering from far away whenGermany attacked Russia. Underthe great leadership of Stalin, andbecause of socialist culture, socialistscience, socialist organization,Russia gave crushing defeat toGermany- Italy-Japan axis. It waspossible because science was freedunder socialism while in capitalismscience is not freely allowed to bedeveloped as it could be. Oncecapitalism itself brought in andpromoted modern sciences fightingagainst feudalism. In those daysbourgeoisie encourageddevelopment of modern sciences.Science started developing since thedays of Copernicus, then Galileo,then Newton, then so many otherscientists. Capitalism wanteddevelopment of industries. In thosedays capitalism was revolutionary,progressive. It had no crisis. Thewhole world market was open tothem. So they could developsciences and technologies. Butcapitalism because of its owninherent law - law of exploitation,has created its own crisis, marketcrisis. If there is unobstructeddevelopment of technology,production will become very high.So the capitalists have startedcontrolling sciences. They willpromote research in those areaswhich they require for their profit.But only very restricted, verylimited, because capitalism hasentered into the phase of crisis asLenin pointed out in the end ofnineteenth and beginning oftwentieth centuries. By reaching itshighest stage imperialism, capitalismhas become moribund andreactionary. Capitalism everywhereis in crisis. Crisis, not only in ourcountry but all over the world.America is the topmost victim ofcrisis. Who can free the societyfrom this crisis? The proletariat - therevolutionary proletariat, not anykind of proletariat; by overthrowingcapitalism and by establishingsocialism. But to overthrowcapitalism and to establish socialismwe need a social revolution andLenin pointed out that to do this weneed a party. Without arevolutionary party there will be norevolution anywhere. Wherevertoday revolution will take place orhas taken place it is because of therevolutionary party of the proletariat.In Russia Bolshevik party under theleadership of Lenin afterwards

emancipation from exploitation,oppression and repression for thewhole of society, they need to knowthe truth. Today it is the proletariatwho requires science — to knowthe truth, to fight out all illusions andall subjective outlook. We arefighting for scientific approach andoutlook because we want truth.Communists are those who fight fortruth. Why? Without truth youcannot advance the society, youcannot create a new civilization outof the old. Truth is essential for thechange of society, change of manand change of civilization. Butbecause of crisis of capitalism –crisis of overproduction – theyproduce only to sell and earn profit.Profit maximization is the goal ofcapitalism. Capitalists want moreand more profit. Highest possibleprofit. That can be done byexploiting the working masses.Capitalists do not produce anything.All this wealth is created by labourforce, meaning working class. Thatwealth is usurped by them, while thecondition of the working classbecomes miserable. Purchasingpower of the people is the market.When people’s purchasing power isfalling and falling due to capitalistexploitation on the one hand, on theother technology is developing due tocompetition between the capitalistcountries and production isincreasing ; naturally market isbecoming squeezed. Then in relationto the market, production isappearing as overproduction. It isnot overproduction in real sense. Isthe cotton textile goods, overproduction in our country? Oursisters, our parents, our children gohalf naked in the streets. But theysee it as overproduction!Overproduction is in relation to theirmarket. So they stop production andpeople lose jobs and purchasingpower. Further curtailment ofpurchasing power and market getssqueezed further. Already existingoverproduction has become furtheroverproduction, or moreoverproduction. In this way crisisengulfs capitalism.

But capitalism will not die of itsown. In this period of overproductionand crisis of market, capitalists areafraid of higher technology. It doesnot mean a little of technologicaldevelopment cannot take place hereor there. America is fightingGermany or Japan to gain controlover the market or with France orEngland. So she requires somedevelopment of technology so that

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Stalin, in China under the leadershipof Comrade Mao Zedong andCommunist Party of China, inVietnam under the leadership ofComrade Ho Chi Minh and theVietnam Communist party, in NorthKorea it was the Communist Partywithout which no revolution couldtake place.

When the capitalist system wasnot there in history, feudalismexisted, kings and monarchs ruled.They had absolute control over themeans of production. The means ofproduction mainly was agriculturalproduction. Cultivation was themajor occupation. Few handloomsand handicrafts were also there. Forthe growth of production what wasrequired was technology. And thattechnology could grow only with thedevelopment of sciences. Butgrowth of science is not to bejudged only on the basis ofdevelopment of technology andproduction. That is of course veryimportant aspect of science butmore important is that sciencemeans development of a scientificapproach, a scientific outlook. Withthe help of science only you canknow the truth of nature; truth ofsociety and truth of everything.Without science you can’t. It is amethod. It is an instrument forknowing truth, hidden truths ofnature, society and thoughts. Thecorrelated science that Marxbrought is called DialecticalMaterialism. To know the truth andto develop the correct approach tothe world, science and scientificoutlook are required. One daycapitalists brought about thedevelopment of industries, factories,mills etc. But in the process whencapitalism became reactionary,because of operation of its own lawof maximization of profit, now theyare afraid of science. They arepropagating so many things againstscience. BJP excels than any otherbourgeois parties. BJP is one of thedependable parties of thebourgeoisie. Congress is also alike.They are talking against science,talking of Vedic mathematics.Thousands and thousands of yearsback whatever backward thoughtsexisted that they propagate asadvancement of science andtechnology in ancient India — thishas no scientific outlook andscientific view. In the interest ofTata, Birla, Ambani, etc they supportthese ideas. This we will have tounderstand. Comrade Shibdas Ghoshpointed out that the proletariat whoneeds revolution, who urges for

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she can produce materials withlower cost and better quality, so thatthe US can capture more market.To that extent they requiretechnological development; but notuninterrupted development ofscience and technology throughwhich production will becomeabundant and whole of humanitycan get freed from hunger andstarvation and hence man canbecome really free. This is what theproletariat needs today. Proletariat isfighting for development ofsciences. Science alone can givecorrect understanding of life,because it tells only the truth.Without truth you cannot have agreater understanding of life. Onthat, bourgeoisie wants to confuseyou. Bourgeoisie wants you toforget about sciences. They say thatscience cannot give you peace andsolace of mind. They say you go forpooja and get satisfaction. Justreverse is true. Man can get realsatisfaction and peace of mind onlyby knowing truth. And truth can beknown only by means of science andby no other means. By liking anddisliking, by predictions of somegreat babas (godmen) truth cannotbe known. So the calamities whatyou saw can be fought out or atleast controlled by man if scienceand technology develops, not bypoojas or anything. Seismic activitiescan be studied and can be predictedlong before and man can beevacuated from those areas whereEarthquake is supposed to strike.Man can do it if science is free. Thisis the responsibility of theproletariat.

Proletariat has to understand itvery deeply. They will have to freethe society from capitalistexploitation and thereby free sciencefrom the grips and tentacle ofcapitalist rule, not only to control thenatural forces but also to know andchange the world. That means tocreate higher civilization byoverthrowing capitalism and bringingin socialism - social ownership overmeans of production as againstindividual ownership as in capitalismand freeing production from themotive force of profit making but tomeet the growing need of thesociety. That is the actual meaningof revolution. Revolution is nobleand great. Why? It frees man, andthen develops higher civilization,higher culture and higher concept oflife.

Science is very important for therevolutionary movement. Science of

all sciences is dialecticalmaterialism. That we must deeplyknow, study and understand. To freepeople is to free science from thetentacles of the capitalist exploitationas well. There is no separatemovement. When we talk of theemancipation of the working classwe talk about emancipation of thescience also. And that can be doneonly by the revolutionary party ofthe proletariat. That revolutionaryparty of our country is SocialistUnity Centre of India (Communist).It has been now proved. See thecharacter of CPI and CPI (M) andother fractions of these parties.Either practising opportunismcombining with any force forparliamentary gains or slipping intoadventurism. In between they do notknow any path. It cannot beotherwise. Unless you follow thepath of Marxism- Leninism andcorrectly analyse the condition ofthe country you can never analyzethat ours is a capitalist state. Herethe national bourgeoisie is in power.If they are in power you have tooverthrow them from power. That isanti capitalist socialist revolution. Itis neither against imperialism norfeudalism. Where you see feudalismnow? Even if you search in thejungle using a telescope you won’tfind feudalism. So by saying that thefight is against feudalism you arebetraying the revolution. Opportun-ism and adventurism is not great.

Revolution is the struggle tooverthrow the national bourgeoisiefrom power by the proletariat alongwith the semi proletarian masses.The proletariat should haveprogressive alliance with the poorpeasants who have got so small landby cultivating which they can notmaintain their livelihood; so theyneed to work as labourers in thelands of others, to that extent theyare proletariat. That’s why we callthem as semi proletarian masses.Closest alliance with them and thenwinning over the middle class for therevolution and isolating the hardlyten percent of the nationalbourgeoisie - then only condition forrevolution gets created. This is theanalysis Comrade Shibdas Ghoshmade and that gives the actualexplanation and shows the reality ofIndia. None of these parties acceptthis. So they can neither see thebasic problems nor can solve them.

Until the revolutionary conditionis prepared we require unitedmovement of the left anddemocratic parties to organize andconduct united democratic

movements. Lenin showed this -proletarian revolutionary partyshould strive to shape up leftdemocratic front - to unite withthose who are ready to developunited working class movement.Whether they are revolutionary ornot is not the point here. But fromthe point of democratic movement ifthey are ready to protect the interestof the working class we are readyto unite with them. This we havebeen practicing from the beginningof our party, we were all through in

line and whatever will be taken inthe united front you have to follow.If you believe in revolution youshould have to fight for it.Ideological struggle is a necessity inthe united movement. With these weformed the united front.

Now people dislike CPI (M).While in power in West Bengalinstead of organizing people’smovement they suppressed people’smovement in Nandigram and Singur.Just like Congress they suppressedall democratic movements inBengal. They never care for thepeople. People handed them amiserable defeat. Now they came tous. We are not unwilling. What hasnow developed not only in westBengal but at all India level is unityonly, not a united front. We arejointly organizing some movements.Our Party, CPI, CPI (M), RSP,Forward Bloc and Liberation groupof CPI (ML). These six parties arejointly developing some people’smovement on some burning issues.If it develops into a united front, thenit is good. We have no objection. Butthat should come in its real course.Following this principle, unitedmovement can be there on the basisof common minimum agreedprogramme. Maximum programmeof anti capitalist socialist revolutionis ours and yours is people’sdemocratic revolution. That cannotbe common. So common minimumagreed programme is the democraticdemands of the masses. But inKerala there is a different situationyou know. In Kerala we have noobjection if they come. We havealready formed front with two otherparties. According to them they aresmall parties. But these parties aresincere in fighting for the people.That we mind. Big party, but no carefor the people’s demands then howwill we unite with them? We wantunity but for movement. We wantunity but for protecting the interestsof the people.

People’s life is miserable today.What is the condition of Indiatoday? This government has comedefeating the Congress. There wasno strong wave in favour of BJP orModi. Our Party has analyzed afterelection that it was not the pro-BJPwave or pro-Modi wave. Actuallythroughout the country duringparliament election there was anticongress wave. If that was pro-BJP or pro-Modi, in Kerala thereshould have been its reflection inthe result. Not a single seat theycould get from Kerala. In Tamil

Comrade Krishna Chakraborty’s speech

Freeing science is linked withfreeing society and people

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Comrade Krishna Chakraborty

the united front. But CPI (M) didnot like our presence because wediscussed ideological questions toestablish our line to the people. Theyare afraid of it. Why they are afraidof it? You are a big party. Let therebe ideological political discussionsamong people that uplifts people’spolitical consciousness. That doesnot divide people. Then what is theprinciple of the united movement?Principle of the united movement asLenin showed is Unity-Struggle-Unity. We unite with all the forceswho consider this enemy to be thecommon enemy. Say today’sgovernment, BJP government or anyother time Congress government isthe common enemy. We like to unitewith the left democratic parties andforces. That unity we maintain andfight. Their basic line is differentfrom ours. We believe in anticapitalist socialist revolution. Inmany questions there will bedifferences. Let there be openpolemics. If your line is correct itwill be accepted by the people andif our line is correct it will beaccepted. Why you are afraid? Weare not afraid though you are a bigparty. So this is the problem. Whenunity is there united action, united

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Nadu AIADMK, Jayalalithaa sweptthe polls. BJP could not doanything. In Andhra Pradesh TDP,Chandrababu Naidu swept thepolls. In Telangana, TRS swept thepolls. In West Bengal MamataBanerjee swept the same. Even inOdisha BJP could not do anything.Where is BJP? The propagandawas the creation of the monopolyhouses to bring Narendra Modi.Where they won, you see. Theywon in Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat,Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh andMaharashtra. Why they won?Because they had to fight theCongress only and the peoplethemselves wanted to defeat theCongress, what is the astonishingthing in this, what is BJP’s credit init. And our analysis is peoplewanted to defeat the Congress.Last assembly elections in Delhiconfirm our study very clearly.Aam Aadmi Party is nothingactually. What is that? AAPdefeated BJP like anything.Crushed it! Three seats BJP got! Inthat very Delhi in the lastparliamentary elections they got allthe seven seats. In the lastassembly elections BJP got 32seats AAP got 28 seats Congress 8seats. But in this election BJP got3 seats only. How? 12 centralcabinet ministers campaigned forBJP, 3 chief ministers of otherstates campaigned for BJP, andlastly Narendra Modi himselfcampaigned! Still got shattered,why? It shows people weresearching for an alternative. Theywere searching for a real partythat they did not get. Why theyvote for BJP? It is because therewas no party to defeat theCongress. So they defeatedCongress. BJP came intogovernmental power. At oncerailway fare was hiked by 14%.And now you enter into railwayplatform you have to shell outRs.10. No service. You go andcome back. For that you have topay Rs.10. Ache din ayega…Achedin means good days. NarendraModi’s slogan. How Ache? Pricesare now higher than those duringthe period of Manmohan Singh. Alllabour laws are going to be‘reformed’ in the interest of thecapitalists. Rights of the workerswill be taken away. Not oneindustrial dispute act, all Acts willbe changed in favour of the rulers.Inspection in the factories andindustries would be completelystopped. Whatever way the

management likes to run theirfactories and industries - there shallnot be inspections, capitalist ownerwill issue self certificate that I amperfect and performing well! Thatis how things are going to be.Vijayaraje Scindia, the ChiefMinister of Rajasthan BJPgovernment has already reformedeleven laws. Previously, in factorieswhere there were below 100workers they could go for lay offwithout sanction from thegovernment. Now, they havereformed the Act like factories Actwhich permits factories havinglabourers up to 300 to lay offworkers without seeking anysanction from the government.Now the central government isbringing these laws. See, this is atotal attack on the working class.Brutal attack I can say.

Then there is the LandAcquisition Ordinance with the helpof which they will take away landfrom the people without theirconsent, and you can not stop it.And many farmers during NarendraModi’s one year rule havecommitted suicide already. There isa barbaric attack on education.Dinanath Batra, a BJP intellectualhas proposed for impartingknowledge of no less than threethousand years back. Suchnonsense! So this is a total attackon the people from all sides. Theytalk of culture but it has nothing todo with culture, it’s nothing otherthan Hindu fanaticism. Whathappened in Gujarat?

Now coming to governmentalpower Modi is trying to get freedfrom charges he was facing. Whodid riots in Gujarat? So pleaseunderstand - the situation is veryvery serious. But this is not theonly picture. This is one side of thepicture. There is another side of thepicture too. There is real urge inpeople for movement. There is realcry for movement. We have to berespond to the cry of the people.We have to develop movements.We have to mobilize people in thosestates where the crisis istremendous. That will influenceother states also. In whole countrythere should be movements. And ithas already started. Movement isvery important. Rolling stonegathers no mass! Stagnant watergets polluted! The motion,movement is the law of nature.Man also develops in motion, inmovement. Where there is nomovement there is stagnation. Inthinking, in culture, there will be

deviations. Our Party is trying todevelop movements in the country.Comrade Shibdas Ghosh alwayscalled upon the comrades to go tothe masses, organize the masses,know their problems, educate themand develop movements. But notonly movements, we have tosimultaneously build up theinstruments of struggle viz.,people’s struggle committees.

That is very important. Wedevelop movement. It was thenature of joint movement in Bengal.Giving a call for strike and violatinglaw, people would go to jail; peopleget beating and beating. If demandsare not achieved, even then leadersare not worried, because they knowthat people’s anger will convert intovotes in their favour. And if victoryis there, then there is all roundbenefit, votes are sure to come.This way the movements wereconducted!

But beyond this, people getscattered. Without any instrumentof struggle how people will fight?The revolutionary party is thereforeto organize people and build uppolitical power of the people. Thesestruggle committees are havingpolitical power of the people as inRussia where soviets were thecommittees for people’s struggle.What name will be there in ourcountry is a different thing. But wewill have to organize people andbuild up peoples committees. Realpolitical power of the people isrequired. When that will bestrengthened and matured politicallyand culturally that is with socialistculture, revolution will come. Socomrades as there is dark situationin the country, the fascist force istrying to confuse the masses andthere by trying to develop fascistconditions, equally there ispossibility of powerful movements.Marxism says there is nothingabsolute; where there is darknessthere is light. We must have thepower to see it. Even in fascistcondition there also remainsresistance, opposition of the people.You have to see it and strengthen itand overthrow fascist forces frompower which Stalin did. As Stalindid in the Second World War, wehave to learn from it. Today is the70th year of the defeat of fascismand victory of socialism.

We have to learn from it. Socomrades, today on the occasion ofthe 67th anniversary of our party Iwill only tell you comrades thatnow we are not very small. But inrelation to revolution we are very

small that we have to admit veryhumbly. But in relation to strengthof other left political parties we arenot small. We are working in 20-21states. Wherever we are workingand wherever Comrade Ghosh’sthought is taken to the people, theyare responding exceptionally. In allthe states our Party is growingvery fast. We have to speed upthat struggle. We have tostrengthen our Party by organizingmovements of the people and byorganizing peoples committees forstruggle. If we can do this we willbring about revolution. When willrevolution come, when we preparefor it. It is a fact. Revolutionrequires most importantly —revolutionary party andrevolutionary theory. Therevolutionary theory whichComrade Ghosh has shown is not asimple political theory it is acomplete understanding of life assuch or the communist concept oflife and the struggle including thepolitical line also. As Lenin said thatwithout a revolutionary theory therewill be no revolution so also,without a revolutionary party therewill be no revolution. We have both,now what we require is strength ofthe party. Lenin has proved it byconducting a successful revolutionin Russia for the first time in theworld. He has shown thatcapitalism has become old,moribund, dying. No system can beoverthrown unless it is old andmoribund; and when a new societyis emerging from its womb thenrevolution takes place. It has to beoverthrown. Who will overthrow?The conscious proletariat. TheCommunists are the consciousproletariats.

So comrades, I appeal againand again — understand thesituation. Now every passing day Ifind so many hopeful things. Whenall parties are disintegrating, ourParty is growing constantly.continuously without showing anysign of disintegration. Believe in it.Organize yourselves. Educateyourselves as Comrade Ghosh hastaught. Marx himself told thatworkers will change the world,historically the workers or theproletariat will change the world,but to change the world they willhave to change themselves first. Onthis occasion of our Partyfoundation day we will take such anoath and make it real. With thishope and belief I conclude payingrevolutionary respect to our greatleader Comrade Shibdas Ghosh.

Comrade Krishna Chakraborty’s speech

Only the revolutionary proletariat canbring about anti-capitalist revolution

Contd. from page 4

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68th Party Foundation Day observedthroughout the country with due solemnity

HaryanaHaryana State Committee,

SUCI(C), held a mass meeting atRajput Dharmshala, Bhiwani onApril 24, 2015. Comrade Satyawan,Member, Central Committee andHaryana State Secretary, SUCI(C)was the main speaker on thisoccasion. Comrade Anoop Singh,veteran State Committee presidedover the meeting. ComradesRamphal and Rajender Singh, bothState Committee members, alsospoke.

Comrade Satyawan elaboratelyexplained what a grave situationpeople of the country are facing. Inthe last elections, BJP leaders madetall promise of bringing ‘Achhe Din’but after coming to power BJP isadministering bitter pills and puttingeconomic burden on the people. BJPis serving the capitalists, bigbusiness, monopoly houses whoarranged media propagandaspending huge amount of money andpresented Modi as ‘Saviour’ beforethe people. Now Modi governmentis implementing more vigorously thesame economic policies which wereintroduced by previous Congressgovernment. Modi-led BJPgovernment at the Centre is bentupon snatching away agriculturallands of the farmers through theblack Land Acquisition ordinance.He urged upon the toiling people,especially poor peasants andagricultural labours to develop apowerful democratic movement toforce the government withdraw theblack ordinance. He also informedthat SUCI(C) declared full supportto the peasants rally to be held on 5May in Delhi in front of Parliamenton the demand of withdrawal of theland acquisition ordinance. He alsoannounced the decision of the partyand AIKKMS to protest against theanti-people policies and the blackordinance of BJP govt. at Tehsillevel on 28th April. He criticizedKhattar-led state government whichis delaying to give compensation forcrops destroyed by untimely rain andhailstorm. He also exposed how theBJP government is pursuingdisastrous education and healthpolicies in keeping with thedisastrous policies of globalization.Electricity, drinking water, bus andrailway transport and other civicamenities are becomingunaffordable for poor people. Thereis no check on price rise,unemployment, crimes and atrocitiesagainst women, liqueur and drugsmenace. The ruling class trying to

break the moral backbone of theYouth by spreading obscenity andpornography through cinema,internet, etc. RSS-BJP is fomentingall rotten thoughts, backwardobscurantist thoughts and launchingattack against rational scientificthinking. Thus a fascist mentality issought to be inculcated. They aredividing people on communal,casteist and parochial lines to scuttlepossibility of united protest. Thus afascist mentality is being grown.Finally, he appealed to the toilingpeople to strengthen SUCI(C) andbuild up powerful mass movementbased on Marxism-Leninism-Shibdas Ghosh thought over theburning issues of life and sideby side release an ideologicalcampaign against obscurantism,fundamentalism and blind faith.

RajasthanFoundation Day meeting was

held in Lakheri in Bundi district on28 April. Comrade RajaramChowdhury presided over andComrade Satyawan was the mainspeaker.

UPUP State Organizing Committee

of SUCI(C) organized a publicmeeting on 24 April, in GangaPrasad Verma Memorial Hall atAminabad, Lucknow. Comrade V.N. Singh, UP State Secretary,presided over. Addressing as themain speaker, Comrade RabinSamajpati, Jharkhand StateSecretary, SUCI(C) explained indetail the anti-people pro-capitalistpolicies of the central and the stategovernments of the country. Heelaborated how after independencedifferent political parties vendingfalse dream came to power andfollowed the same pro-capitalistpolicies. Their slogans are differentbut politics of subservience to thecapitalist class is same.Emancipation from this yoke ofcapitalist oppression can come byonly on accomplishment of anti-capitalist socialist revolution guidedby Marxism-Leninism-ShibdasGhosh Thought through intensifyingthe class and mass struggles.Comrade Samajpati also dwelt uponhow SUCI(C) grew and developedas the genuine communist party ofour country.

Comrade Jagannath Verma,Sate Office Secretary, told thatwhile huge tax concessions, tax

waivers and other monetarybenefits are liberally granted to theindustrialists and corporate giants,fiscal savagery, increasingeconomic burden and socialinsecurity are tearing the commonpeople apart in capitalist India. Alldemocratic rights are beingsnatched away. Now new LandOrdinance is going take awayfertile land from the peasantsforcibly. Also spoke on the occasionwere State leaders like ComradesS. K. Malviya and PushpendraVishwkarma.

Punjab68th Party Foundation Day

meeting was held on May 3, 2015at the FCI Workers’ Union Hall,Budhlada, Punjab through a publicmeeting which was addressed byComrade Pratap Samal, MP StateSecretary, as the main speaker.Comrade Samal indicated that eventhis brief span of Modi rule hasbrought record amount ofdevastation in the life of all walksof people. All sections of commonpeople have been affected by thepro-corporate policies of the Modigovernment bringing in rampantprivatisation, commercialization andcommunalization. ComradeAminder Pal Singh, Convenor, SUCI(C), Punjab said that the Party standon all issues are being vindicatedwith passing time. ComradeBhaskar, president , AIDSO, Delhialso spoke.

ChhattisgarhThe Party Foundation Day

meeting was also observed on 28April at Durg, Chhattisgarh.Comrade Dhurjati Das, OdishaState Secretary, was the mainspeaker. He pointed out that on thisdate, 24 April of 1948 Comrade

Shibdas Ghosh , the great Proletarianleader founded this Party, as theonly genuine communist party toaccomplish the task ofoverthrowing capitalism throughrevolution. It must be realized,Comrade Das emphasized, thatwithout strengthening this Party theproblems of price rise,unemployment, starvation death,education, health, moraldegeneration and atrocities onwomen and children that areaffecting people’s life still today somany years after independencecannot be eradicated.

MaharashtraA public meeting was organized

in a school at Andheri Road inMumbai on 25 April to observe the68th Party Foundation day of SUCI(C). It was participated by students,youth and workers from differentparts of Maharashtra, namelyNagpur, Wardha, Yatmaal, Thane,Raigard district apart from Mumbaiand Navi Mumbai. It was presidedover by Comrade Anil Tyagi,Secretary, Mumbai OrganizingCommittee and was addressed byComrade Chhaya Mukherjee,Member Central Committee ofSUCI (C) as the main speaker . Inher speech Comrade Mukherjeebrought out why despite presence ofseveral parties going by ascommunist parties, Comrade ShibdasGhosh set out to the task offounding this Party as the genuineParty. She further elaborateddifferent aspects of national andinternational situations and pointedout that the move of the BJP- ShivSena government of Maharashtra towithdraw 5% reservation forMuslim students in education andbanning of beef over the statewere aimed simply at fulfilling theircommunalist designs.

(In our last issue, we covered observance of 68th Party FoundationDay in 13 states. Here we publish news of some more observances.)

Alipore Correctional Home, KolkataLeaders and comrades who have been put behind the bars for their

only offence of joining and leading people’s movements or falselyimplicated by the vested interests, observed like all previous years , theParty Foundation day on 24 April inside the Alipur Correctional Home,Kolkata, West Bengal. Comrade Srikanta Haldar presided over themeeting and Comrades Yusuf Gayen, Bansinath Gayen and AniruddhaHaldar addressed it. They pointed out that none of the parties boggedefforts at catching votes think about problems of common men, ratherserve the capitalist class. SUCI(C) is the only party that is continuouslystriving to build up mass movements to lead those to revolutionarystruggles for overthrowing this exploitative capitalist system. Thespeakers in one voice called for strengthening SUCI(C). At the outset,comrades representing different district or local units or frontalorganizations of the Party paid floral tribute in the memory of the greatProletarian leader Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and rendered the songcomposed on him.

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On 26 May, Modi-led BJP will complete oneyear in the office. Everyone remembers thatduring its multi-million rupee hi-tech electoralcampaign, there were surfeit of promises madeby Modi and his party that, they said, would bringgood days to the common man. The monopoly-controlled media which played the role of Modi’sprincipal publicity and public relations managerraised the pitch in favour of this dream-vendingby Modi and BJP. Now, all such promises areproved to be counterfeit, all dreams bogus. Havea quick glance at the one year factsheet of Modiand BJP.

1. Modi raised diesel price by Rs 1.27immediately after coming to power on 15-05-14.

2. Modi steeply hiked railway passenger fareby 14.2%, freight charges by 6.5% andalmost doubled the monthly ticket charges ofdaily commuters on 20-06-14 through anadministrative fiat bypassing Parliamentwhen the latter is in session.

3. After imposing hefty increase in passengerfare and freight charges immediately oncoming to power and announcing 100% FDIfor railway modernization, Prime MinisterModi has now called for privatization ofrailway stations and allowing private partiesto build up luxury hotels, restaurants and otherfacilities there. In other words, he has speltout the government’s decision to eventuallyhand over railway operation to privateoperators through PPP route and infusion ofFDI.

4. Modi government decided to sell 50% oftatkal Railway tickets at progressively higherprices in the name of dynamic pricing.Already the passengers paid 30% more thannormal fares for tatkal tickets. Now, therewas an additional burden for tickets to be soldafter exhaustion of first 50% of tatkal quotaat rates that would go up after every 10%.

5. Modi government doubled railway platformticket rate from Rs 5 to Rs 10 to beeffective from 1st April, 2015. Not only that.The Divisional Railway Managers havebeen empowered to increase the rate ofplatform ticket beyond Rs 10 to regulaterush at platform during specific requirementslike mela (fair) and rally.

6. Modi government announced proposal ofallowing 100% FDI in defence and media.

7. Modi declared that all Public Sector Units(PSUs) including PSU banks will have tocompulsorily divest 25% of the governmentstakes which means rolling out the plan toeventually privatize the PSUs once createdwith public finance and hence deemed for allintent and purpose public property.

8. Modi pushed up sugar price by Rs 3 per kg,LPG cylinder price by Rs 10 per month andpiped natural gas price by around Rs 1500per unit.

9. Modi again raised the price of domesticcooking gas cylinder by Rs. 3 on the pretextof recovering the increased commission tobe paid to the dealers.

10. Modi took most atrocious decision toderegulate diesel prices in keeping with thepernicious prescripts of economicliberalization wreaking havoc in people’s life.

What one year of Modi’s rule gave to people11. Modi allowed 49% FDI in defence and


12. Modi is talking of reviving the SpecialEconomic Zones (SEZs).

13. Modi had no qualm in calling the minoritiesas kutte ki baccha (puppies).

14. In Modi’s regime, communal violence,polarizing communities, had overtaken UP somuch so that it has turned into a tinderboxwhich could explode at any point in time atslightest of provocation. The state haswitnessed at least 24 riots since May 16,2014 the day the Lok Sabha election resultswere announced. Of the 12 constituenciesthat fell vacant after BJP MLAs wereelected MPs, six have seen communalclashes in the past two-and-a-half-month.

15. Modi by one stroke cancelled that littleprice-control in life saving and essentialdrugs in order to pave the way for themultinational corporations and the monopolycapitalists to raise drug prices at will. of late.Over and above 108 medicines having theirprices raised earlier, of late prices of 509more essential medicines have been raisedphenomenally

16. Modi government scrapped the centralscheme for free drug and diagnostics as afurther step towards complete withdrawal ofthe state from public health and leaving thearena exclusively to the private operators forrunning on commercial basis.

17. Every hour Modi government waives Rs 7crores of corporate tax and every dayexempts Rs 168 crores towards that.

18. 43 peasants commit suicide everyday inModi’s India.

19. In BJP-ruled Maharashtra, 7 farmerscommit suicide everyday.

20. Modi and BJP averred that if elected tooffice it would within hundred days bringback to the country so much black moneyfrom abroad as to give every Indian citizenRs 15 lakh as a share of the spoils. Howeverafter being saddled in power, the Modigovernment has not so far produced of itsown even 15 names who may have secretedaway clandestine funds abroad. At theSupreme Court’s prodding, the governmentultimately submitted a measly list of 627names provided by HSBC Bank, Geneva.

21. Modi government to teach Sanskritcompulsorily as a third language at KendriyaVidyalaya schools.

22. Modi has issued new Land AcquisitionOrdinance which is nothing but a heinouspolicy for snatching lands from the peasantsin the interest of the domestic and foreignmultinational corporations particularly thoseMNCs who want to invest huge capital inreal-estate business. As a result of thisordinance millions of poor and middlepeasants will be uprooted from their lands andwill add the numbers of the street beggars.

23. Modi government has slashed 20% ofapproved health budget from the allotmentof 2014-2015.

24. Modi government has decided to end supportto Palestine at the U.N. and be friendly withZionist Israel.

25. The BJP-led Maharashtra governmentfollowing the footsteps of BJP-led RajasthanGovernment proposed to confer, by way ofamending Industrial Disputes Act 1947,unilateral right to the capitalist owners offactories with less than 300 workers to layoff staff or close down the units withoutseeking government permission. It isestimated that roughly 39,000 of the 41,000establishments located in Maharashtra, themost industrialized state of the country, willbe covered by this proposed outright anti-working class amendment which, brought outin the line of Prime Minister Modi’s pro-capitalist “Make in India” campaign, willinsecure the life and livelihood of lakhs ofworkers, erode workers’ hard earned rightsand lead to job losses stoking furtherunemployment. It is also reported that a moveis afoot to amend the Contract Labour Act,1970, so that units with 50 or more contractworkers as against 20 at present will berequired to register with the governmentthereby allowing small- and medium-scaleindustries to hire contract labour more freelyand depriving the workers of their trade union,socio-economic and constitutional rights andrendering them more vulnerable to the whimsand diktats of the employers. Likewise,Factory Act, 1948, is proposed to be amendedso that safety rules under the law will now bemandatory for units employing 20 workers ormore as against 10 at present.

26. Modi government appointed KunwarBharatendra, MP from Bijnore and anaccused in Muzaffarnagar communal riotcases, to the Aligarh Muslim UniversityCourt, the highest decision making body ofthis reputed academic institute.

27. In the image of the Preamble to theConstitution which featured in theadvertisement published in newspapers tocommemorate India’s 66th Republic Day,the Modi-led BJP government did not usethe word ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’.

28. BJP-led Maharashtra government hasscrapped the 5% reservation provided forthe Muslim community in educationalinstitutions by the former Congress-ledgovernment through an ordinance passed inJuly 2014.

29. BJP-led Maharashtra government alsosought to control the diet of many of thecountrymen by banning eating of beef whichis consumed by many across the world—anact that is tantamount to discrimination andreflective of definite communal bias againsta particular community.

30. BJP-led Gujarat government has come outwith a new draconian Act called GujaratControl of Organized Crime Bill (GUJCOC)which confers unbriddled and autocraticpower to the government-police-administration to intercept phone calls of anyperson, submit confessions before a cop asan admissible evidence in court and extendperiod of detention without charge upto 180days. The Act also stipulates that offencesunder the Act would be non-bailable andprovides immunity to the State governmentfrom legal action through an ambiguous ideaof “good faith.”

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Peasants committing suicidesare cowards and criminals

— said BJP ministerGajendra Singh, a farmer from Rajasthan, his crops ruined by

rains, hanged himself from a tree at an AAP rally here on 22April just before Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal addressedthousands against the controversial land ordinance. Theunfortunate event was captured live by the electronic media. Ittook place at Jantar Mantar in the heart of the city wherethousands from Delhi and other states had turned up to denouncethe land bill at a mass meeting called by the AAP. A suicide notein Hindi found at the spot said the man was taking his lifebecause untimely rains had destroyed his crops and ruinedhim. Immediately after the incident, political blame game ensuedwith the leaders of various ruling parties slinging mud at eachother for the heart-rending incident. But the most ‘startling”comment came from O P Dhankar, BJP agriculture minister ofHaryana. He described the peasants who commit suicide ascowards and criminals not worthy of help from the government.Playing a second fiddle to such politicians devoid of conscienceare the self-styled economists in the pay roll of the rulingmonopolists. Swaminathan A Aiyer wrote in his column in theTimes of India dated 10 May 2015 that “Everybody loves farmsuicides” because “Many states now compensate suicide-hitfamilies, delighting moneylenders who had lent to these familiesand can now use muscle to claw back their dues from thecompensation money.” He further added that “presenting farmsuicides as a single mass tragedy can win awards for journalists,TRPs for TV anchors, donations for NGOs opposing commercialcrops and globalization, slogans for leftists attributing everythingto class war, and votes for opposition parties.” So the media,according to him, is highlighting farm suicides. This “erudite”person has then made a comment that would make even adonkey laugh. “The overwhelming cause of suicide is mentalstress, not financial stress. Many suicides (notably in AndhraPradesh) were of farmers who borrowed heavily to drill tubewellsthat quickly ran dry. Free electricity in many states (including AP)has greatly lowered water tables, ruining tubewells. Thus ‘‘freeelectricity causes suicide”, observes this ‘celebrated economist-columnist’. The government might think of awarding a higher“Padma” award to him for such path-breaking discoveries.

On the other hand, Dhankar who earlier headed the BJP’sKisan Cell, and is on record to have condemned the previousUPA government for not doing enough for farmers, denied thatany farmer had committed suicide due to crop damage. But thefact is that after scores of debt-ridden farmers saw their wintercrops damaged by unseasonal hailstorms and rains in statessuch as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab, therewere reports of a string of suicides. The governmentsirrespective of hues whose brazenly anti-peasant policies havepushed the poverty-stricken hapless peasants to take recourse tosuch extreme steps are unfazed. On top of it, politicians likeDhankar who have ridden to power with the backing of theexploitative monopolists and are committed to serve their sinisterclass interest as their faithful subservient and in exchange areallowed to enjoy pelf and power do not feel even a fig ashamedfor making such most atrocious remarks. As per the latestreport, one peasant commits suicide in every 38 minutes, 47 ina day. The overall number of peasants’ suicide has crossed 3lakhs. And power-greedy anti-people bourgeois politicians likeDhankar have gone to the extent of even shunning the typicalhoodwinking practice of the hypocrites to shed crocodile tearsfor public consumption and instead have been showing audacityto pass such derogatory remarks against the wretchedimpoverished pauperized peasants who being unable to secureany help or assistance from the power that be are ending theirlives en masse. Time has come when the destitute peasantsmust understand that committing suicide would allow theseheartless spineless politicians to thrive and prosper at their cost.They must close their ranks and unleash a massive organizedmovement to force the autocratic government yield to theirrighteous demand to live and dislodge persons like Dhankar fromthe public offices.

Punjab Akali minister calledkilling of a 13-old girl after molestation

as “God’s will”On 29 April, a 35-year-old woman,

wife of a marginal farmer, was travelingwith her daughter and son in an AC busoperated by Orbit Bus Service – ownedby the family of Punjab CM ParkashSingh Badal – when some youthsstarted to harass the girl near a placecalled Moga in Punjab. When hermother complained about the lewdcomments to the driver and conductor ofthe bus, they reportedly, joined the youthin the act. The duo was then allegedlypushed out of the speeding bus forprotesting against molestation.Passersby took them to a nearbyhospital. While the teenage girl wasdeclared brought dead, her mother is stillbattling for her life. When the wholecountry is aghast at the cruelty of theincident which reminded one of thehorrific ‘Nirbhaya’ rape and killing inDecember, 2012, Punjab’s HigherEducation Minister Surjit Singh Rakhrabelonging to the ruling Shiromni AkaliDal, a constituent of BJP-led NDA,triggered a wave of outrage by callingthis culpable homicide as “God’s will”.“Nobody can stop accidents. Whatever

happens is by God’s will. The incidentwas unfortunate but you cannot goagainst the nature’s will,” he said whiletalking to the reporters in Patiala. It isobvious that he was trying to dilute thegravity of the incident and trying to shieldthe culprits who are employees of theState Deputy Chief Minister. If hisinterpretation is to be accepted, then allcriminal acts, rapes, murders, genocides,and pogroms are to be branded as havingbeen “divinely ordained”. What can bemore ludicrous than this! But the motiveof the minister becomes clear when thegirl’s father alleged that he is beingpressured by “some people” to reach acompromise on the issue. “I want thecriminals to be punished. I don’t wantmoney, I want justice”, he said. He alsoclaimed threat to his life and that of hisfamily and sought security cover. This isanother instance of how crimes onwomen has grown and proliferated in thecountry and how those occupying seatsof power are ridiculing the incidents andinstead of punishing the culprits baskingunder the shelter of the ruling parties areseeking to protect them.

SUCI(C) takes prompt initiative forrelief work for Nepal earthquake

victims : people respond wholeheartedlyOnce again hapless people had to succumb to the nature’s fury. The

Himalayan state of Nepal and a vast stretch of neighboring north India wererocked by severe earthquake including repeated aftershocks. The devastatingearthquake wreaked havoc in terms of destruction of human lives and property.Soon it was known how pathetically the roaring tourist spots, traditional build-upsin cities and towns were ravaged; lesser known was the fate of numbers of smallvillages of poor Nepalese people on the hills. Those were simply brushed off fromthe map as landslides swept down everything there. What remained were stenchesof corpses, wails and cry, vacant helpless looks of the victims. Media were promptto report that tourist spots could soon regain their normalcy; efforts were all afootfor reconstructing this traditionally beautiful land. But the most enormous task layin giving the minimum help and solace to those left in the hinterland.

Immediately after the devastation had taken place, our Party SUCI(C)mobilized its resources, at hand or mustered hurriedly, from cities-towns to placeswhere there was some workable organization linked with us. Extensive collectionof relief materials were promptly dispatched to the affected areas, the Partyworkers, supporters and sympathizers stepping out to act as volunteers to carryand distribute those. In phases, first on 4 May, then on 8 May batches ofvolunteers moved to affected areas in north Bihar and Nepal. Medical ServiceCentre (MSC), a voluntary organization of doctors, nursing staff, health employeesand activists, as alert this time as in the case of earlier natural calamities to offerrelief and service to the affected, started work in the Gorkha region of Nepal.Another team comprising seven of their members opened a relief camp at Raxauland Sitamarahi in Bihar.

The redeeming feature for the relief workers as well as the victims, to befound amidst this heart-breaking devastation was people’s response. Unhesitatinghelp and cooperation were met with everywhere, though certainly it fell far shortof requirement considering the intensity and spread of damage and ruination.Shelter, food and medical treatment including measures to stall and fight anypossible outbreak of epidemic from lack of sanitation and decomposition of deadbodies still under debris: all these were urgently required. Our Party hopes thatdespite their thousand and one wrenching problems, people will not fail to rise tothe occasion to shoulder the task of relief and rehabilitation of the helplessearthquake victims.

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Quite recently, with the TMC inthe state government, electionswere held for 92 municipal bodies ofthe state of West Bengal includingthe Kolkata Municipal Corporation.The KMC election on 18 Aprilpreceded others proving thatelsewhere it was not going to beanything other than a carbon copy ofelections held in earlier regimesunder different other politicalparties. It meant notwithstandingchange in governments, such “freeand fair election” runs onunchanged. In 3 out of 91municipalities the TMC had won“uncontested”, meaning that noneelse was allowed to contest. Therest of the drama was enacted on 25April when 88 other municipalitieswent to the polls. Everything was“free”, that is unchecked: boothcapturing, freely pressing the button,inking voters’ fingers and sendingthem back to their home withoutcasting votes, charging bombs at ornear the booths, opening fire leadingeven to killing and many such sacredmeans of “ free and fair” election”to rob votes freely. In Kolkata itselfduring the poll date near Girish Parkin north Kolkata, a police officerwas hit by the bullet fired upon himby the goons of the ruling party,TMC. The police Commissioner didnot even have the guts to mentionthe political identity of or patronagebehind the culprits. Where the policeitself including its CP was in such ashameful state, it can be wellassumed what would be thecondition of people at large.Everywhere on the poll date rightfrom the morning the band of TMCgoons came out flexing muscles atand around particularly chosenwards and booths where there wasslightest possibilities of theopposition coming ahead of theruling party. The police did notremain silent spectators; they openlycarried out orders from the localleaders of the TMC. If and whenthe limit was palpably transgressed,they raised a meek voice ofdisapproval. The much-hypedCentral force was left standing atsome distance to oversee the drama.

Municipal elections in West Bengalunder TMC: mockery of democracy

Troubles were not confined to wardswhere the opposition was strong;rather in any ward, be it inCossipore area of Kolkata or indistricts, with candidates ofdissident TMC in the fray, thanks totheir inner party squabble for powerand pelf, things turned out worse.

After all those bloodshed andaccompanying anarchy, the ChiefMinister proudly announced thatshe had never seen any polling tohave taken place in such a niceambience.

Perhaps more than ridiculousand pitiable was the role of theState Election Commission,supposed to ensure “ free and fair”elections. The Commissioner onceadmitted that ‘the polling did nottake place in ideal condition’; thevery next day he chewed hiswords, faltered in public glare andsubmitted that the polling had takenplace in a fair and democraticenvironment. After 25 April heeven refrained from making anycomment on whether the pollingwas free or not. He just providedthe media-men with a list oftroubled spots adding his commentto read it out themselves from it.What a shamefully sorry figure theCommissioner had cut for himself;was it merely for keeping hiscareer record unstained!

Now the point is, the TMCknew that there was no formidableopposition to face in this election.Why then they had to takerecourse to such muscle flexing,such palpably unfair methods?Slightest scanning of recentelections, be it of parliament orassembly or panchayyats ormunicipalities, would clearly revealthat that bourgeois democracy hasbeen reduced to this. This is theface hid behind all tall talks ofdemocracy, of “free and fairness”! This bourgeois democracy andthe bourgeois political parties nolonger put faith upon people’ssupport. They sustain really uponmoney power- muscle power-administrative power. So peoplehave the least role to play in thisevent of elections in democracy. Inthe last parliamentary election, thebig corporates, the leadingmonopoly houses opened theircoffer to launch a media hype topaint and pose Narendra Modi asthe saviour of the country andplace him at the helm of thegovernance. The corporate andsection of media under theircontrol tried the same trick in WestBengal too to push the BJP

through. But even the brief rule ofthe BJP government at the Centrehas torn open its real face to thepeople; the enthusiast eventmanagers have learnt that it wouldnot be easy for the BJP to takeroot into the soil of West Bengal.Instead the revelation has led thebig and regional capitalists and themedia to put their stake upon theTMC with liberal funds andcampaign for them, with raising ofmafia groups for the ruling party, orwith flooding the poll process withfreebies and money. The result wasthat long ahead of the polls, the bigmedia houses could confidentlyand unambiguously conclude thatthe TMC would return victoriousthough in reality people werefuming with the misrule of theTMC, murmurs of discontent-disapproval- disenchantment couldbe heard at the slightest effort.

Some people seem to bear anopinion that people brought theTMC to power for a radicalchange, with an eye to bringing anend to the misrule of the CPI(M).With its subsequent performance,the TMC has crushed their hope.Our Party have always raisedcaution against such a view andhave said that we do not believethe TMC would and could bring inany change of worth. At most theycould ensure administrativeneutrality, could put a check tonepotism and corruption and dosome such work, that too hardly tobe hoped. But that was what couldbe expected from any otherbourgeois party than the TMC. Andlike all other bourgeois parties, theTMC know that their realsustenance comes not from anysupport from people; what theyneed are the money bag of thecapitalists, bands of armed goonsand effortless, sterile, if notpartisan, police-administration andelection commission. Only thesecould ensure their success in the

vote-battles. That is why, the TMCdid not take any risk and wentstraight ahead with the bands ofgoons, musket-mongers and suchother killers.

The TMC is a bourgeois partyand they have gone the way it wasexpected of them. But there arestill other disturbing facts. In WestBengal, the CPI(M) , now thelargest opposition, had been inpower for a long stretch of 34years. Not rarely the CPI(M)leaders and party workers wouldbe found to be boasting of that. Butshould not they give a thought to abitter question: Why, in spite oftheir being in power for such a longtenure and in spite of theirgarnering a massive support frompeople, they could not put up anyeffective resistance against theTMC, why people still end indespair saying: “They are nowdoing what the others did earlier”.

Such being the reality, what isrequired is unhesitating admission ofearlier mistakes and misdeeds toregain people’s confidence andreestablish the prestige and honourof leftism. Along with that, thereshould be united militant classstruggle and mass movements tobe led united by the left parties anddeveloped on the edifice of highervalues and fighting politics. At thegrassroots there must developpeople’s struggle committees andvolunteer forces as instruments ofstruggle. While these are the taskslaid out for the political cadres,people have their own. They shouldrealize that if they chose to behoodwinked repeatedly by thecampaigns of the bourgeois media,chose to withdraw from fear ofarmed criminals or chose to givein to the temptations of money orfreebies, the maladies they nowface will simply go on deepening.People themselves would have nochoice but to lament at their ownhelplessness.

AIMSS condemnsMoga killing of 13 year old

Comrade H.G.. Jayalakshmi, General Secretary, AIMSS, issued thefollowing statement on 01-05-2015:

The All India Committee of AIMSS expresses its shock and severelycondemns the incident as reported in the media, of a 13 year old girl andher mother being molested and thrown off from a moving bus near Gillvillage on Moga-Kotkapura road, Punjab, on Wednesday. It is alsoreported that the teenage girl has died and her mother has sufferedserious injuries.

The All India committee of AIMSS demands for a speedy and impartialenquiry into the whole incident and severely punish the guilty if found.

CorrigendumIn the May 1, 2015 issue of P

Era, please read the 36th , 37th and38th lines of Column 4 of p. 8 asfollows—”Clearly we do notconsider them as communist parties.He also pointed out that left unityshould be based on ….” Somemistake crept in during proof readingwhich we sincerely regret.

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Army, the brave Soviet people andgreat Stalin the credit of defeatingfascist axis, dropped atom bombs onHiroshima and Nagasaki killing over2 lakhs of innocent Japanesecivilians and thereby seeking toarrogate to themselves the acclaimof winning the war.

.Why could Britain-France-America not repulse Naziattack?

But trickeries and hoodwinkingcannot suppress the truth. Whycould Britain and France, thenpossessing substantial militarymight, not repulse the fascistattack at the first instance?Because, as we said above, theSecond World War was nothingother than an imperialist war forgrabbing world capitalist market.Germany, an imperialist force,which had to take a severe beatingat the hands of the Anglo-Frenchimperialist powers in the first WorldWar, lose its market and facesevere economic crisis, wanted tosnatch that market which wasmostly divided among the British-French-America and other westernimperialist powers. And that couldbe possible only by launching war.So, Germany declared war onothers and found in Mussolini’sItaly, another rising fascist force, anally for the same reason. Thepeople of Britain, France and otherimperialist countries were alsosuffering from gruelling capitalistexploitation, aggravated with theworldwide intense economicrecession. Among them there wasmounting discontent and resultingconfusion and mistrust about theirrulers. So, when their countrieswere attacked, the exploitativeimperialist-capitalist rulers could notrouse them ideologically andpolitically to take on the invadingenemy. The call for national unitydid not work as the contradictionbetween the capitalist owners andthe oppressed working class, withinterests opposite to each other, hadbeen intensifying from terriblecrisis. Hence Britain-France-America and others had to relysolely on their mercenary army. Onthe other hand, Hitler knew thatthere were within the Europeancountries many disgruntled tribes,arch anti-Jew pro-Nazi groups.German fascists also could find inthose countries a host of fifth

columnists or traitors willing tocooperate with them againsttheir own countries in exchange ofsome favours or other gains. Theyshrewdly used these people to theiradvantage. Whatever little ofpeople’s resistance in the form ofguerrilla warfare was noted in theWestern countries was mostly bythe volunteers who, influenced bycommunist ideas, were conductingstruggle against the respectiveruling bourgeoisie of thosecountries.

Soviet resistance was based onsocialist ideology and people’spower

But with Soviet resistance, thepicture was entirely different. Sovietsocialism was a society free fromexploitation. Side by side, with theending of economic exploitation,Soviet socialism had advancedgreatly in their task to remove lingual,racial, communal and regionalconflicts. The entire people of thecountry imbued with the lofty ideal ofMarxism-Leninism were engaged inbuilding and strengthening socialismwith the last drop of their blood. InUkraine, there were a good numberof tribes of German origin. But Hitlercould not get any traitor from amongthem. When, at the initial stage ofGerman aggression, the Red Armywas retreating through the lands ofRussia inhabited by multi-lingual,multi-religious and the minority peoplewho were exposed to severe tortureby the Nazi forces, no one wentagainst the Bolsheviks. Even as theGerman force advanced, partisanfighters (volunteers under partyleadership) blew up German arsenal,stopped the supply of provisions,disrupting and delinking railways andother communication. They saw to itthat the fascists did not get essentialfood crop like wheat, potable wateretc. The German force was trappedbetween the Red Army in front andthe partisans at the rear. The RedArmy was no mercenary army butan ideologically organized battalioncommitted to protect socialism at anycost. The battle of the Bolsheviksagainst fascism was a battle ofreason against blindness, of individualfreedom against regimentation, ofhumanity against butchers ofhumanity. There was then not a singlefamily in Russia which had not lostsomeone or the other in the war.Partisans like Joy, Shura, Liza, Ivan,Oleg, Uliyana, Lubov or Sergei- that

could be the best sons on the Russiansoil- set examples in their teens bylaying down their life. A Sovietteenager who had laid down his lifefighting valiantly at Sebastopol saidbefore death, ‘I am a member ofLenin’s Komsomol’. A Red Armysoldier had written a letter to Stalinfrom the war front at Stalingrad :Inyour name had our fathers laid downtheir lives to save Tsaritsin (theprevious name of Stalingrad), we toowould at any cost protectStalingrad.” Responding to Stalin’sappeal, not only the Red army, but allmen and women, young and old,children and even hospitalizedpatients had come out with whateverthey could lay their hands on to jointhe battle to save Leningrad. Atmidnight Marshal Zhukov, the SovietChief Commander received atelephone from Stalin. Over thephone Stalin asked him – ‘Will yoube able to save Leningrad?’ Zhukovanswered in the affirmative. Stalinsaid – “Answer me as a communist”.Yes, that answer was given by thegallant Red Army and the people byfighting back the fascist forces.‘Leningrad’ – what an emotionalchord this name strikes in the mind ofthe Soviet people, communists allover the world and the working class.The Soviet people, Soviet CommunistParty and the symbol of humanemancipation Comrade Stalin stoodas an insurmountable obstacle to theimperialist, fascist military aggressionset out desperately to destroysocialism- perpetrating the mostunimaginable barbarism. Thehelmsman of this world-wide anti-fascist power was Stalin, himself aproduct of a great revolutionarystruggle, a life dedicated to the causeof revolution and the people.

Stalin, a master strategistIn recognition to the necessity of

the time, Stalin also mastered warstrategies. After being elected asthe supreme commander of thearmed forces, when in a very shorttime he showed his comprehensivegrasp of the details of the war, theseasoned and veteran RussianGenerals were taken aback. Duringthe strategic meeting with Churchilland Roosevelt, the British andAmerican Generals too weresurprised seeing Stalin‘sextraordinary knowledge and graspabout the science of war. He evenprovided guidance in formulating thewar strategy of their Western Front.

Stalin eloquently testified that aMarxist revolutionary leader canmuster, if necessary, the highestefficiency in all fields.

Stalin was revered by allWhen the imperialists-capitalists

taking a cue from Hitler’svilification campaign against Stalin,tried to brand him as inhuman,autocrat, ruthless, vengeance-seekerand even demon, obviously out offear, the true nationalists, humanists,distinguished intellectuals, scientists,litterateurs as well as the commonpeople of different countries sidedwith the Bolsheviks and hailedStalin as a great leader of differentmettle. Romain Rolland, the greathumanist thinker, wrote aboutStalin : “His intelligence.. is alwaysalert, unfaltering, straightforward,always true, though a little grave.This intelligence does not waverbefore taking any decision. He hasno practice of saying something ina roundabout way. His diplomacydoes not include any crookedness,neither has it any place to eulogyand acclaim…It appeared to methat the cornerstone of the wholeedifice of his nature lies in his sharprationality, boundless patience, willforce, indomitable spirit andwisdom. ...By giving honour tohuman emotions… and by leadingthe Soviet Union to CommunistInternationalism for expanding thetrue understanding of proletariandemocracy, Stalin, as it were, opensa new chapter of classical age inthe annals of Russia and the peopleof the world.” (Moscow Diary)George Bernard Shaw, anothereminent humanist, said, “Stalin is astatesman of unique experiencecompared to whom the rulers ofthe western powers, hanging on toan automatic and evil system withan equipment of empty phrases,fictitious histories and obsoleteroutines, seem like rows of ricketyfigures in a worn-out waxworks.”(G B Shaw, H Piarson — Apostscript, Colynis, 1951). NetajiSubhaschandra Bose paid histribute to Stalin with the followingwords, “In post-war Europe, thereis only one power that has a planwhich is worth trial, and that poweris Soviet Union. If there is one manin Europe today who holds in hishands the destinies of the Europeannations for the next few decades,that man is Marshal Stalin.” (Radio

Victory over fascism

History holds out eloquently what prudence Stalinshowed in handling the complex war situation and

saving mankind from the clutches of fascism

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speech from Singapore, quoted in‘Subhas Chandra and NationalPlanning’ by Sankari Prasad Basu).When the war was in full swing,Rabindranath, then virtually ondeath bed, asked –”Tell me thenews of Russia”. When told thatthe Red Army would perhaps beable to repel German attack, hisface lit up and he said “such wassure to happen, only they can dothis and they would succeed.” –(Kabikatha — Prasanta ChandraMaholanobish, Visvabharati Patrika,1350 Bengali Year) AverellHarriman, US ambassador inMoscow during the war, said,“Stalin the war leader was popular,and there can be no doubt that hewas the one who held the SovietUnion together. I do not thinkanyone else could have done it. I’dlike to emphasize my greatadmiration for Stalin the nationalleader in an emergency—one ofthose historic occasions when oneman made such a difference. Hehad an enormous ability to absorbdetail and to act on detail. He wasvery much alert to the needs of thewhole war machine. These werenot the characteristics of abureaucrat, but rather those of anextremely able and vigorous warleader.” The former Americanambassador Joseph Davis, wrote inhis book “Mission to Moscow”:‘Many have asked me, why couldnot Hitler come across the traitorswhen he entered Russia? What Isaid is Stalin had long back alreadymarked them out and uprootedthem. Stalin had taken punitivemeasures against these traitorsafter having tried them in opencourt, and that in the presence ofdistinguished individuals of differentcountries including the AmericanAmbassador.” When the entireworld thus held him in the greatestesteem, communists the world overaccepted him as their teacher, non-communist democratic-mindedhumanists hailed him as the hero ofthe era, then too he would sayabout himself,” I am a follower ofLenin, my desire is just to be hisworthy follower”. According to himhe was best known thus.Revisionist Khrushchev accusedthat Stalin had tried to appropriatethe glory of the Red Army in thevictory in the Second World War.But the reality was just the reverse.After the war, when everyone hadtaken for granted that Stalin wouldreceive the salute in the victoryparade, Stalin asked Marshal

Zhukov to take the salute. In hisvictory speech, Stalin said, “Ourvictory means, first of all, that ourSoviet social order has triumphed,that the Soviet social order hassuccessfully passed the ordeal inthe fire of war and has proved itsunquestionable vitality... In theprogress of the war our Motherlandhas acquired a first-rate regulararmy, capable of upholding thegreat socialist achievements of ourpeople and of securing the Stateinterests of the Soviet Union.Despite the fact that the SovietUnion for four years has beenwaging a war on an unparalleledscale demanding colossalexpenditures, our socialist economicsystem is gaining strength... This isthe result of the heroic efforts ofthe workers and collective farmers,of the Soviet intellectuals, of thewomen and youth of our country,inspired and guided by the greatBolshevik Party.”

Red Army’s victory over fascistmilitary might spurredliberation struggles worldwide

This is the glorious history ofvictory over fascism rather fascistmilitary might. This is how Stalin,the Red Army and the brave Sovietpeople rescued the whole worldfrom being overtaken by thediabolic fascist forces. 2.6 millionSoviet people lost their life inwresting this cherished victory fromthe jaws of the prowling fascists.The dead comprised valiant soldiersof the Red Army, leading activistsand leaders of Soviet CommunistParty, members of the partisangroups and common Soviet citizensdetermined to save socialism andthe entire world. No other countryfaced so colossal loss of human lifeand property as the Soviet Union.The US imperialists today boast ofhaving brought the victory. US cinecompanies are producing filmshighlighting that. But nothing isfarther from truth than this. Exceptfrom the bombing at Pearl Harbour,US suffered practically no casualtyin the war. Rather, US soared upfollowing the war as its biggestcontenders in the world market viz.Britain, France, Germany, Italy andJapan were ravaged by war and itthrived on their rubbles. The victoryof Soviet Union, on the other hand,raised the prestige of communismand spurred the working classround the world to expedite worldrevolution. National liberationmovements in the colonies andsemi-colonies received tremendous

boost. In course of victory marchof the Red Army to Berlin,socialism was established in mostof the East European countries.The triumph of Chinese revolutionunder the leadership of great MaoZedong looked imminent. Worldcommunist movement picked uptremendous momentum. The nameof Stalin was engraved in everyheart. Those who have tried tosmear Stalin would themselves besmeared in history while Stalinwould remain unscathed and live onin our hearts a great character; agiant communist leader.

Revisionist conspiracy anddenigration of Stalin haltedmarch of communism

But the course of history took adifferent turn afterwards. After thedemise of Stalin in 1953,Khrushchevite modern revisionistscaptured power in the Soviet Union.Aided and abetted by worldimperialism-capitalism, they beganthe process of systematicallydestroying the pillars of socialism andstarted to tread the path towardscounter-revolution. Finally Sovietsocialism was dismantled in early1990s through a counter-revolutionary upsurge. In achievingthat, the revisionist clique unleasheda smear campaign against Stalin andsought to undermine his authority. Atthat point of time, it was the lonevoice of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh,founder General Secretary ofSUCI(C) and one of the foremostMarxist thinkers of the time, whowarned the world, particularly thecommunists of the danger inherent init. He said categorically that “Toblack out Stalin would have theinevitable result of disowning hisauthority and consequently ofrejecting his interpretation ofLeninism, which is the present-dayunderstanding of Marxism-Leninism.To the future generations, thechapter of relentless struggle wagedby Stalin against the Trotskyites andthe Bukharinites to safeguard therevolutionary spirit of Marxism-Leninism would remain dark andblack and they would be deprived ofthe opportunity of being ideologicallysteeled. It would mean invitation to allsorts of counter-revolutionary ideasto pass for Marxism-Leninism andthe ideological foundation of thecommunist movement would suffer asetback. In short, it would objectivelyuncrown Lenin himself. (SW Vol. Ipp 85-86) It is a welcome sign thatpeople of Russia as well of manyother parts of the world, particularly

in the erstwhile socialist states ofEastern Europe are again rising upwith the photos of Lenin-Stalin. Butto bring back socialism byaccomplishing anti-capitalistrevolution. what is needed is todevelop and intensify an organizedconscious movement under correctrevolutionary leadership. At the sametime the lesson we also needremember is that fascism has notended with the war defeat of Hitler-Mussolini-Tojo axis. Fascism is notjust naked military dictatorship. It is,as Comrade Shibdas Ghosh hadshown on the anvil of Marxism-Leninism, “a historically conditionedform of counter-revolution in whichcapitalism seeks to stave offrevolution by an anticipatory move. Itis designed to save the crisis-ridden,chaos-discredited capitalist orderfrom collapse in the face of mountingdissatisfaction of the people againstthe existing system..” (SW Vol. II p55) He explained that in the presentstage of decadent moribund crisis-ridden capitalism, how fascism hasbecome a common feature of allcapitalist-imperialist countries,whether advanced or backward.Cautioning that fascism can appear inany form, even by keeping up afacade of parliamentary democracy,he defined that ‘in the fields ofphilosophy and culture, fascism is apeculiar fusion of modern sciencewith spiritualism” (SW Vol. IV p.14)He elaborately explained that thebourgeoisie adopts the technologicalaspects of science, on the one hand,in its bid to develop the economic andmilitary might of the fascist state.And it dishes out all sorts of anti-science religious fads and all sorts ofidealistic and spiritualist hocus-pocuson the other hand, as the panacea ofall ills, which are concomitant evils ofthe exploiting capitalist system, of thepresent society, and go together inthe name of national culture andheritage today. The obtainingscenario in India is a glaring exampleof that.

Foil fascist conspiracy to keeprevolution at bay

So, while observing the 70th

anniversary of victory over fascismin World War II, we must not forgetthat though the fascist combinationof Germany-Italy-Japan wasdefeated militarily, fight againstfascism is not over. As pointed outby Comrade Shibdas Ghosh longback, the distinguishing features offascism, namely economiccentralization, maximum

Victory over fascism

Intensify ideological-political-culturalstruggle to be conducted against fascism

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RNI No. 13932/67P. R. No. KOL / RMS / /145 / 2013-2015

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : PROVASH GHOSHEdited & Published by Asit Bhattacharyya from 48 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013 and printed by him at Ganadabi Printers and Publishers Private Limited,

52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013. Phone : 2249-1828, 2265-3234 E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], Website : www.sucic.in

SUCI(C) calls BJP government’sdecision to ban employment of

children below 14 a crafty move togrant backdoor legality to child labourComrade Provash Ghosh, General Secretary, SUCI(C), issued thefollowing statement on 14-05-2015 : —

The latest decision of the BJP government to ban employment ofchildren below 14 in all kinds of commercial enterprises albeit with acaveat that children can work in farmlands, pursue family businesses,work in entertainment industry like advertisement, films and televisionserials and sports activities after school or in vacations, is a cunning ployto grant backdoor legality to child labour. It will also increaseinformalization of labour and the stipulated ‘prohibitions’ could be merrilysidetracked by including matchbox making, carpet weaving and gempolishing industries within the definition of family enterprises and denyeducation to the girl child by making her stuck with household work.

Child labour which, though hitherto prohibited officially, is increasingat alarming proportion despite a frantic effort on the part of theauthorities to peg down the figure through crafty manipulation andsuppression of data. It cannot be otherwise because it is the oppressivecapitalism which is breeding the bane of child labour. Parents incessantlypauperized by ruthless capitalist oppression push their young children intothe labour market because they cannot feed their progenies. Also theemployers of child labour find it extremely profitable because the littlechildren are available either free or against payment of abysmally lowwage and do not object to working long hours in extremely unhygienicconditions in sweatshops. In most of the cases, these children work likebonded labour. This cruel and gruelling exploitation of the children takesplace in front of the very nose of the government—administration whichremains either an indulgent onlooker or a passive bystander or at timescovert accomplice to the crime in capitalist India.

Shrewd and sly as it is, the BJP government subserving sinisterclass interest of the ruling monopolists, has sought to justify its decisionof selective exemption by alluding to the country’s social fabric andsocio-economic conditions. But, the truth it has shielded is that besidesbreeding, child labour is nurtured and sustained by oppressive inhumancapitalism and total abolition of child labour is never possible so long asrotten corrupt capitalism is not overthrown, no matter how many lawsare framed.

However, as child labour is contingent upon deteriorating economiccondition of the parents and families, its proliferation can be put undersome check if all democratic-minded conscientious people includinghonest child right activists join hands with all other sections of toilingpeople in building up powerful democratic movement based on theburning demands of life including the demand for bettering the economiccondition of the impoverished and destitute families sending children towork out of pecuniary compulsion and ensure that such movementsgrow as conducive to anti-capitalist revolutionary movement.

Contd. from page 11concentration of political power inthe hands of the capitalist-imperialistrigid firmness in administration,cultural regimentation andidentification of the state with theinterests of the ruling monopolistsand thereby making statesubservient to them are discernible,in varying degrees, in all capitalist-imperialist countries. Today whenfascism is raising its ugly head in allthe capitalist-imperialist countriesmore glaringly, it has become evenmore imperative to conduct intenseideological-cultural-political fightagainst fascism based on the

invaluable teachings of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao Zedong-Shibdas Ghosh to foil the conspiracyof the imperialists-capitalists toexacerbate economic oppression andfiscal savagery, dispossess sufferingpeople of all hard-earneddemocratic rights, muzzle voice ofprotest and more particularly bluntrational thinking, turn the mentalprocess from the scientific pathof causality to the mystic alley ofblind faith and obscurantism,destroy the moral-cultural-ethicalbase and thereby keeprevolutionary upsurge of the peopleat bay.

70th anniversary ofvictory over fascism

Executive Meet of AISEC in KolkataTo assess the situation and

determine future course ofmovement in the face of virulentattacks on education for commonpeople brought down by the BJP-RSS combination-led Uniongovernment, the second All IndiaExtended Executive Meet of the AllIndia Save Education Committee(AISEC) was held in Kolkata on 7and 8 May last. Asit Bhattacharyya,one of the Vice- Presidents ofAISEC chaired the two-day longMeet. The Meet read out the appealfrom Dr. N A Karim from Kerala,also a Vice- President, mostearnestly conceived from his heart-felt convictions and commitments tothe cause of education of people andexcellently translated into black andwhite. Before that the Meetobserved silence and adopted acondolence resolution in memory ofits departed President Justice V RKrishna Iyer, the outstanding Juristand equally fore-ranking and ardentfighter of people’s cause, theerstwhile Secretary Prof. GouriSankar Ghatak, a distinguishedacademician and a persistent soldierof progressive science-cultural-educational-social movements and afew other leading members of theSave Education movement ofdifferent states. Representatives of14 states narrated the nature ofattacks on education they faced, theSave Education movements they had

undertaken, and the status of theirrespective state Committeesincluding plans and suggestions ontheir future course of action and onmeeting financial requirements. TheMeet unanimously adopted aresolution against the present mostvirulent attacks on education beinglaunched by the Union governmentalong with stressing the need to buildup movement against all those.

The meeting decided that afterorganizing various state level SaveEducation conferences, an All Indiaconference involving eminentpersons in the field of education andother walks of life will be held at asuitable venue. To run the affairstill then, the Meet unanimouslyelected Dr N A Karim as thePresident and Prof. Anis Ray as theGeneral Secretary.

In his brief yet penetratingconcluding speech, AsitBhattacharyya elaborated theattacks and called upon the AISECactivists to change and developthemselves into worthy soldiers forthe battle. The attacks on educationare sure to affect people’s fight foremancipation from all sorts ofexploitation. So those need to bethwarted on any count. After thevote of thanks by Kartick Saha,Secretary, West Bengal AISEC theMeet ended with great enthusiasmand pledge to gear up the SaveEducation movement in near future.

Seminar on 70 year of victory of socialism against fascism in Kolkata on 11 Maywhere speakers from CPI (M), CPI, SUCI(C), CPI (ML)-Liberation and ForwardBloc took part. Similar seminars were held in districts of West Bengal as well as inother states.

Totally successful Jharkhand Bandh on 4 May jointly called by SUCI (C), CPI,CPI(M), MCC, JVM, RJD.. against Land Acquisition Ordinance. Lead role ofSUCI(C) in organizing the bandh has been acknowledged even by the media. In thepicture, SUCI (C) volunteers are being arrested by the police