l •• Secrecy Prevails $2.00 A YEAR WIL~ BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL "Secret" 01" executIve sesSIOns of the Gro8". Pomte School Board, once beh,eved j4paue" seem how- ever yet to hilt poP\llar WIth the pres ent School Board members fhe Board went "beh1nd closed doors' at the request of Trustee John Wat lun, lut Monday evenmg after the Board had been In open seatHOn ~ repre.entatlve from the REVIEW was barred from the execuhve can ference Poupard then dIsclosed t\\ 0 nstances of where two taxpayer~ hose to express theIr dlssat sfac j Ion and dIsagreement WIth th~ tetlOns and polICIes of the meum (Contmued on Page Three) Village News Items I The skatlllg rmk operated by th1 Tl1lage co operatmg WIth the Neigh .. orhood Club and located d1rectl~ cross the street from the club IS the )aSIS of much favorable comment thlj wmter The attendance has been qult<r arge and the Ice In generally g004 onditlon 111 spI.te of the rather unfav jrable weather A shelter house has been mstalled and skaA:ers are urged to USe thiS 111 changtng skates rathef than gomg back and forth to the clubl A clle:<:k up on attendance shows 758 skaters on January 9th and 882 011 J an nary 10th .. . . In response to the calls recelVecl atl the derk s offic.e as to why the streetl hghts .are allowed to burn 111 the day I time at mtervals we pubhsh agam the answer thiS IS done 1ll the eHl1t ofl !trouble III the Clrcult<; and IS r<'qLlred In order to make tests reqUIred '1:9 remed,y sUich trouble Our taX'pa rl are hewenth agam assured that tlll'~ IS not extravagance and there IS no charge made by the EdIson Co T1i',,"~ te.sts are made frequently and shoulq not occaSIon any alarm that hIgh rates or hghtmg bills Will result The Grosse Pomte School dis tnct today IS financIally emhar- ra"ed and the ::'chool Board faces the cnSIS wllh the pO>sI- bllIty of findl11g It necessary to borrow apprOJdmately $300 000: durmg the year to provIde funds: to meet expenses ThIS became offiCIally k~own \10nday evenmg at the regular meetmg of the Board of Fduca I tlOn m the CadIeux School bLuld mg 1he perplexmg SItuatIon was brought to lIght WIth the an- nouncement by School frustee Charles POllpard, treasurer of the School Board, that school taxesl are not bell1g paId promptly 1 hIS has resulted, he stated m the necessary funds not becommg avaIlable to meet budget expendl tures, thereby ne'Cessitatmg the borrowmg of money from the l banks on short term notes Up to the present time Poupard stated the banks have loaned the School DIstnct thousands of dollars I School District In Financial Troubles I The Board Discloses NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB ACTIVITIES -- ----By ~all$200 per) ear - SingieCoples5cellts I I , Fort Pontchartrain Appoints Delegatet Sodality Dance at St. Paul's School At a meetmg held at Hotel Statle on Fnday January 16th members 0 Fort Pantchartr~un Chapter Daughter of the Amencan RevolutIOn tJhose th followmg delegatIOn to aceompany th Regent \-hs Osmond D Heavennd to Conrtmental Congress 1lt Washmgto (Contmued on Pagoe Four) q,1 "'I 'to I ~I I A new gytl1naSlUm class IS bemg or I Thls grou9 holds meettngs on rn"l i?anlzed for girls between the ages of day afternoons from 4 00 to 5 00 p m l 10 and 16 begmnmg Tuesday January at the NeIghborhood Club and corl 27th at 4 0 clock dlally ttlVltes any gIrlS 1l1terested m All girls who are mterested are m" Camp Flre to come over and JOIl1 our vlte<l. to enroll 111thiS g-rQUp group All plans have been completed fo~ The Neighborhood Club has an" the corning V VV DartCltLg' Part;'Y to nOl1nced thiS week the heglnnJng of be given on Saturday e\"«!nJnJ(. January new tenna It'i Tap Dancing Class.e~ 31st at the Neighborhood Cluh~ ThiS IS (Contmued on Page Four) I qelJIg for the benefit of the Basketball _ Team MUSIC Will be furnished by the H I h d 1 Blue Moon Entertamer. You may get ea t an Beauty Talk! your tickets from any of the members __ I or ~t the door They are- also on sale On Monday evenmg Januar} 26th) at the Neighborhood Club at 8 0 clock Mrs ~ Claeg of the De n * 'l< trOlt Sc'hool of Commerce '\\ III talk 011 The Waoklya Camp Fire GIrls of the Healrth and Beauty m St Colu~llba '\ eighborlhood Club held a Toboggan Pansh Hall Jefferson and M am<;tlq 1~ and Ska-t:mg Party Fnday evemug Aves The St Columba branch of th~ January 16th After the fun hot dogs GirlS FrIendly SOCIety are sp-o lson 19' and hot chocolate were served and I thiS lecture and any girl mtuested IS very much enJoyed cordIally 1l1vIted to attend [ 1 Defer Parent Teachers Hear Noted ProfessOl M embers of the George Defer Par ent Teachers aSSOCiatIOn were to have been addressed tly Dr Fred A Moss professor of psyChology at GeorgI Washmgton Umverslt) when they me ThuI'1sday evenmg Dr Moss who hac as hIS subject EmotIOnal ConflIct an< the Way Out lS one of the nation "nost pnmunc'1~ PS}c~ologlSts The meetmg "",as to have been held at th school at 8 p m With a musIcal pro gram bemg prOVIded by Gabnel Sltus a vlohmst CAPTURES HIT .RUN DRIVER , " Enrollment Up -Courtesy of DetrOit tree Prec;s \\fRS PHYLLIS McCARTHY When. the driver 0; '\ car dIrectly ahead. of her In traffic SQught to e,ca~ aft. kntX:ktng dQ-wn a ~estrw.n ~L.b later died of tlt.P< Ift,JU"""'!$ reeeived, Mrs PhyJ{ts Mccarthy, of 918 Nottingkam road, Grosse POInte Park, gave chase and- £or~ed the fleemg dnver to the curb where he was forced to remain unhi pottee arrived That a real need for the publIc evening schools eXIsts IS shown by the fact that more people have reg. Istered In the Grosse POinte erve.. nmg schoo-ls up to date th"n ever before ..dUl'1ng the week of regJltra .. hon, accorcbng to Arthur E Trip .. pensee, prinCipal Persons may .Wl regl.ter tlus week or next 'Week, he saul Anyone Wl.hlng to have a copy of the announcem4ht of courses may obtain one of phoning Mr Tnppensee at NIagara 2000 $50 00 In gold given away free at the Aloma Theater, CharleVOIX at Way. b\lrn. On~ prize Dr Howard \t(cClusky aSSIstant professor 111the <;choo! of educatIOn 111 the Umverslty of \-flchlgan Will dehver tthe commencement address at the Grosse POinte HIgh School tomghtt (Thur,gday) HIS tOPiC wIll be The Second Ohance ApprOXimately 35 selllors w 11 be graduated Everett Beaupre 1<;the cIa <; preSIdent Boston players are C R Hutch11lson and J Newell Ford Wl11dsor players The Young Ladles Sodabty of the are hard art: It In the court t~ pIck St Paul s Partsh mIl give a daniCe Fn theIr best players -lay evenmg' Jan 23 1931 at the St Paul S school 130 Grosse Pomte Blvd Both slllgles and doubles WIll mark \1usI'C w1ll be furlllshed by Wolverllle thIS tournament whICh m the mterests Entertamers Everybody welcome Ad~ of the game IS open to the publIc 111ISSlon50c ~aturally greatest mterest centers tn ¥- (Contmued on Page Four) 'to q, q, Pointers Interested In Badminton Meet At High School Soon EIght outstandmg Badmlllton experts meet III the mternatlonal tournament at the Grosse Pomte High School gymnaslUm January 31 For that oc caSlQ11 the Toronto club is sendmg Jack Purcell champIOn of the world and Col G G Blackstock From Otta",va will come Jack Cameron and W M Stewart vice preSident of the Canadian Badminton AssocIatlOn The .. I JOSEPH E MADDY Will lecture at ~he Grosse Pomte High School a,dltonum on. "En. ru:hlng Hum.; n Life Through MUSIC" on M1>n~ay everung, Janu- ary 26th Will Lectune at High School on Monday ------- --- - -- --- GROSSL POIN fL 'VIICHIGt\WTHURSDAY JANuARY 22 19,1 The School Boar~ .... Gets A Laugh ~m!ffi!ffilJi!~MWilliilliilil!lC!li!ffi!ffi!ffilJi!~~ Hire Adviser SOC!lETY .J,_ By DqR,hTHY DEE The lull of th~ "-m between season was broken Saturday evenmg when the debutantes 0...w- the season were agam feted As at eXlprC')Slon of grah tude for the mill y p-arhes at whleh they were guests ~I<J. number of young me6 rev vmg aI\~ old -custom Were ho,>t<;at a Bache1o,\;\ Ball f0rr the buns at the Grosse Pomtc Eunt Club A Inger~ol1 LeWIS w\s c:ha1"man of the affaJr and hiS assl, t~ts were Thomas GohbaTt Edwa"rd"l N Eis-enberg Jr PJcrre Fug.er and /,O.1arles Creedon On entermg 1h club that frosty , nlght the craeklm~ fire~ 10 the grates attracttve furnlS'hu ~s delIghtful mUSIC anda bevy of delY r1 n colorful gowns made a dehghtful f)lcture The group In{ luded the \1lsses Florence and Ele~nor Allmgton Jane and Betty Post Joan NIchols Anna Fletcher Rhoda ~ewberry Laranthe Stoevel Juha MUl ir 1hy, Annette Kath anne and Bar1bar ~ Baker, Katherme Mabley Alleen a1Jd Ka.thleen Keena Vlrg1ma Moran i'E,velyn Cooke and Jonet Page, Fdw1.rd S Evans Jr Robert B EvaJl.s DaJl'1el W SmIth Damel Wells Ga retsen Flmn John P Sweeney Pett r Weg.ton, Charles Heller Jr, Mark Atcheson, Dan H Buell II N~I$o' HGlland, Rooert Dunn Robert BrYJrtt, Edward A £kae John S New4erry Jr, l~renllah Jenks John Mulook, Jo. Ph Bage John M Hmchman n, Edw lrd B Caulkms, Jr ames Cumml,skey wen-oer Curtts and Su ...rwuvo ~"" U wit vu ctl U ... VJ.4::l"! John S NeWlberry and Mr and Mrs John P Frazer also were there Pnor to their dep~ure for Flonda to spend the wsnter, Mr. and Mrs Ed~ I ward J Hickey were hosts at a dinner Shores Commission To at the Gro.... Pomte Yacht Club Sun- Be Elected, January 26 1 da~nother affaIr .t the club w" the -- (Contmued on Page Two) :FIVe. commlSSlOners to reVIse the VIllage charter of Grosse Pomte Shores Will be chosen In a Sipeclal eleotiOn to be held January 26 ho candtdates have been announced The. present charter adopted seven teen >ears ago has been found nade quate village officmls saId Present day conditIOns !WIth a greater number of public prohlems to be decided upon than when t'he 'Present charter was Written have made necessary more I than the two speclal eleations a year now provIded for It was sa1d I On mohon of J Lee Barrett, school trustee, the Grose. POinte Board of Education paased a resolu. tlon at Ita regular meeting', Monday eve-nlng, to retun an lDsurance cc;nuuelor The duties of the coun- selor, tt !W'88 pointed out, 'Would be to Jldvtse the Boud In Insurance matters and It IS expected WIll result In eonsulerable saVIngs to the School DistrIct bemg reahzed for adequate In&urance coverage \ OtheT matters to be COllSId.ered by the charter commissIOners W1Ube pro- 'VISIon for budgetmg of VIllage ex pense." an-d a study of state laws passed sm~e the present charter was adolPted and /WhICh may confhct With ~ts pro :t- vJs~ons q, '" q, COMMISSIONED BY HOOVER -Courtesy of DetrOlt free Press J WALTER DRAKE Appolntm~nt of J. Walter D~, IDf15600 Wlndnuil Pomte. drJve, Grosse POInte Park, a8 olle of the representatIves of the United States on the mter-Amerlcan highway cornrrusslon, has been approved by PreslCJent Hoover, accordtng to word ncelved early thiS week from Waslungto-n Park Primary Election Set for February 9th Waner KnllPP's Home Razed by Fire While AWilY; Damage 55,000 Walter Knapp head of the water supply department of Grosse Pomte Park iI'etocned home from a shrort automobIle drIve early last Sunday evenmg accompallled by hiS wife '1:-0 find hiS reSIdence heaVIly damaged by fire The reSidence IS located at 15137 East Jefferson avenue It was estimated the damage amounted to $5000 and the -cause of the fire as yet IS undeterm1lled FITe 1l1surance was carned on the prqperty to the -amQUrt. of $3 000, an other poltcy havmg recently been al lowed to la.pse by overs1ght Y. M. C. A. NEW S Hannan Memorial Branch Plan Dedication $2.00 A YEAR WIL~ BRING THE PAl'ER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL Vol 5-No 8 Formal cledtcatioll of the Gabriel Richard elemenlar.,. school IDGrMI. POinte Farm. wd ltake place Feb- ruary 3, It wa. announced at tlJ,e School Board meeting, Monday eve- lUng. Appropnate cerelDonies are beIng planneel for the OCCU1Qn and a souvenir program. II being pfe* pared for cbstnbutlon Amoraa' th.4se in attendance, it W.I .. tated. by Dr S. ¥. Brownell, superintendent of .chool •• '" The annual Men~s <;ha.mpIQnshIp rplaymg every Tuesday eventng Many Basketball lea:~i1e at the "Hannan Me IOf the members of the Hannan VarSIty That the Grosse POll1te School Board I election that Will have to be held m the I monal branlOh Y~ C A; E Jefferson have already Signed up has a sense of humor too was proven School DIStrtct wrh an accompanymg Dr. Howard McCluskey CLndGarland! Sl1:at~J:ion Tuesday Janu _.. ..-_-- ........ i'O at Its meetmg Mon<1ay eVellll1g doubt as to ItS beng carned ~om t S k ary 20th, With foUi" teams ThIS league, the ttannan !VlemOrtai I .IV! \.J .H.. I - JnPDCpmen ~ pea er atcor<llllg to J B Marstiller phys~cal handball squad Will meet the We&terq. A letter from PreSIdent Hoover s Ask them 1f hey can supply us <ilrector 15 op-~rt to any m-embe.y who "Y" ~Re).l""IW~U~fS" on the Hannan Emergency Commtttee .for Employ With a Tammany crgamzatlon to swmg cares to step lOto rather fast €ompany co" .. I;, Tu#s~r -eyenm" f~b1Uary 3, ment addressed to the Board and the the electlon' saId one member In thIS ipopular court game ~WJbg a 'We"k's feSt; f;1ueto a bye In cotrlplete text of whICh folIows was Request a reg ment of mlhtla to Many players who competed In the (Contthued- on Page Two) read get a favorable vote out ordered an Jungle Leag\1e dunng !the latter part ------- other of 1930 !WIllcompete III thiS league also CHIt referred to the proposed new However, any JJ1J::n who feel the need ommencement ODOrS Cadleux school and urged Its speedy It was eVident the Board concurred for thIS speedy com-petltton may enroll H. S. January Graduates construction as an aid to the rehef of laughmgly that t1e PreSIdent s coIn The followmg men have already SIgned unemployment pomtmg out that the nuttee httle appr~-clated the vexations up Jacw,Ealijrahan K Pler~e R Arm comlltlttee was wI1lmg to assist 111 ex attached to a bOld lSSUe electlOn or strong L Baldu-c, J Fhck A KoskIe Commencement exercises for the W Gurke, P Land R Lutz B Krokey January semor class of the Grosse pedll1:mg the start of actual construc they would not h ve offered to aSSIst C Malts K Anders.on G Hernngton, Pomte HIgh S'chool were to have been hon (Contmued on Page Four) M N u~;fert, r Woodruff, D Greene, J held Thursday evemng 10 the Htgh Upon bemg read the thought flashed StocMon F :[.Itz W Murphy The lea:8"ue wtll run for a penod o.f School bU11dmg, It was annQunced througl) the mmds of the School Board For best results use a Llne-r Ad In three months each of the four teaI11S early thJS /Week members of the ImpendIng bond Issue the Grosse POinte ReView. Prt\liminary Plans For Cadieux School Approved by Board St. Ambrose Alumni Stage Dance Friday In Parish Ballroom After expeneoclng a most successful year of SOCIal a'CtlV1hes the St Am brese Alumm IS sponsormg a Prosper Ity Dance whtiCh hoLds 1ll store for each one attendtng an evenmg of great enjoyment The <!ate~Fr>day January 23 The plmce-St Ambrose Ballroom The tax-50 coppers The orehestra - Paul Fns<:hlrorp. Syncopators I We earnestly SOhClt yOUr presen.ce to be added With the rest of the celeb- flltles who WIlt be there Remember S1X candldat~s for three commlS- that your bost tImes w1ll be had nght S10ners seats and two ior the office Off here In YOUr own pansh hall among vl1lage cle'I"k W1lt be nom mated In your own crowd Cooperate With us Grosse Pamte Park 111 a primary by attendmg thIS dance electlOn to be held Monday February So, dear reader as you owe 1t to 9 No candIdaCies eX!ceqJtthose of the your frIends and If so to your school mcumhents have been announced. YQUmust attend and bnng your frIends Two year term<; of office for com~ to I1:hls offermg of the St Ambrose miSSlOners John Ver Lmden Otto A!umnt-The Prospeflity Prom Groehn and Joseph Kolley a11<1 for SOCIally speWing the dance wIll be Waldo J Berns Village derk WIll ex- a wow \ plre March 11 two days after candl- Fmanctatly-well that depends on dates named 10 the prImarieS wIll have you contested for the poats PrelimInary sketches and workmg plans on the praposed new Cad1eux elementary school on Cadleu~ road north of Kercheval avenue m the Vlllage were approved by the School Board \1onclay evenmg They were prep,ared by the architect; s<:lected for the work and md~ated the proposed school would be of a c;enn .EnglIsh type of ardntecture With modermShC touches coupled With a pr<mounced rCiJldenhal appearann ,. __ ....... _--------, The deSIgner of the new CadIeux Slchool 15 a Mr Rowland who des~ned the new Union Trust budding and the Penobscot buIldmg 10 DetroIt Mr Rowland IS an aSSocIate archttect 'WIth Mr 0 bell, who IS the successor to the partner$hlp of O'Dell and DIehl ar~hItects, sel..cte<l by the Board, and '.Vii; ... » al:.~~h t:G J.ailuart i j} The arcri'ltects r~orted that at the next School Board meetlp.g, the first Monday In February, they Will b-e able to furntsh an estimated .cost of tp.~ proposed structure If the all;1'O-UntIS satisfactory to the Boar~ tt WIll an oounce plaM for the holdmg of a School DistrIct electIon to approve the authOrIzation of bonds to fin~nce the construction costs

Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1931/193… · at the request of Trustee John Wat lun, lut Monday evenmg after the Board had been In open seatHOn ~ repre.entatlve

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Page 1: Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1931/193… · at the request of Trustee John Wat lun, lut Monday evenmg after the Board had been In open seatHOn ~ repre.entatlve


• • •

Secrecy Prevails



"Secret" 01" executIve sesSIOns ofthe Gro8". Pomte School Board,once beh,eved j4paue" seem how-ever yet to hilt poP\llar WIth the present School Board members fheBoard went "beh1nd closed doors'at the request of Trustee John Watlun, lut Monday evenmg after theBoard had been In open seatHOn~ repre.entatlve from the REVIEWwas barred from the execuhve canference

Poupard then dIsclosed t\\ 0nstances of where two taxpayer~hose to express theIr dlssat sfacj

Ion and dIsagreement WIth th~tetlOns and polICIes of the meum

(Contmued on Page Three)

Village News Items IThe skatlllg rmk operated by th1

Tl1lage co operatmg WIth the Neigh ..orhood Club and located d1rectl~cross the street from the club IS the)aSIS of much favorable comment thljwmter The attendance has been qult<rarge and the Ice In generally g004onditlon 111 spI.te of the rather unfav

jrable weather A shelter house hasbeen mstalled and skaA:ers are urgedto USe thiS 111 changtng skates rathefthan gomg back and forth to the clublA clle:<:k up on attendance shows 758skaters on January 9th and 882 011Jan nary 10th .. . .

In response to the calls recelVecl atlthe derk s offic.e as to why the streetlhghts .are allowed to burn 111 the day Itime at mtervals we pubhsh agam theanswer thiS IS done 1ll the eHl1t ofl!trouble III the Clrcult<; and IS r<'qLlredIn order to make tests reqUIred '1:9remed,y sUich trouble Our taX'pa rlare hewenth agam assured that tlll'~ ISnot extravagance and there IS nocharge made by the EdIson Co T1i',,"~te.sts are made frequently and shoulqnot occaSIon any alarm that hIgh ratesor hghtmg bills Will result

The Grosse Pomte School distnct today IS financIally emhar-ra"ed and the ::'chool Boardfaces the cnSIS wllh the pO>sI-bllIty of findl11g It necessary toborrow apprOJdmately $300 000:durmg the year to provIde funds:to meet expenses

ThIS became offiCIally k~own\10nday evenmg at the regularmeetmg of the Board of Fduca ItlOn m the CadIeux School bLuldmg

1he perplexmg SItuatIon wasbrought to lIght WIth the an-nouncement by School frusteeCharles POllpard, treasurer of theSchool Board, that school taxeslare not bell1g paId promptly 1hIShas resulted, he stated m thenecessary funds not becommgavaIlable to meet budget expendltures, thereby ne'Cessitatmg theborrowmg of money from thelbanks on short term notes

Up to the present time Poupardstated the banks have loaned theSchool DIstnct thousands ofdollars

I School District InFinancial Troubles I

The Board Discloses


-- ----By ~all$200per) ear - SingieCoples5cellts


Fort PontchartrainAppoints Delegatet

Sodality Dance atSt. Paul's School

At a meetmg held at Hotel Statleon Fnday January 16th members 0

Fort Pantchartr~un Chapter Daughterof the Amencan RevolutIOn tJhose thfollowmg delegatIOn to aceompany thRegent \-hs Osmond D Heavenndto Conrtmental Congress 1lt Washmgto

(Contmued on Pagoe Four)

q,1"'I'to I~I

IA new gytl1naSlUm class IS bemg or I Thls grou9 holds meettngs on rn"l

i?anlzed for girls between the ages of day afternoons from 4 00 to 5 00 p ml10 and 16 begmnmg Tuesday January at the NeIghborhood Club and corl27th at 4 0 clock dlally ttlVltes any gIrlS 1l1terested m

All girls who are mterested are m" Camp Flre to come over and JOIl1 ourvlte<l. to enroll 111thiS g-rQUp group

• • •All plans have been completed fo~ The Neighborhood Club has an"

the corning V V V DartCltLg' Part;'Y to nOl1nced thiS week the heglnnJng ofbe given on Saturday e\"«!nJnJ(. January new tenna It'i Tap Dancing Class.e~31st at the Neighborhood Cluh~ ThiS IS (Contmued on Page Four) IqelJIg for the benefit of the Basketball _Team MUSIC Will be furnished by the H I h d 1Blue Moon Entertamer. You may get ea t an Beauty Talk!your tickets from any of the members __ Ior ~t the door They are- also on sale On Monday evenmg Januar} 26th)at the Neighborhood Club at 8 0 clock Mrs ~ Claeg of the De

n * 'l< trOlt Sc'hool of Commerce '\\ III talk 011The Waoklya Camp Fire GIrls of the Healrth and Beauty m St Colu~llba

'\ eighborlhood Club held a Toboggan Pansh Hall Jefferson and M am<;tlq 1~

and Ska-t:mg Party Fnday evemug Aves The St Columba branch of th~January 16th After the fun hot dogs GirlS FrIendly SOCIety are sp-o lson 19'and hot chocolate were served and I thiS lecture and any girl mtuested ISvery much enJoyed cordIally 1l1vIted to attend [


Defer Parent TeachersHear Noted ProfessOl

M embers of the George Defer Parent Teachers aSSOCiatIOn were to havebeen addressed tly Dr Fred A Mossprofessor of psyChology at GeorgIWashmgton Umverslt) when they meThuI'1sday evenmg Dr Moss who hacas hIS subject EmotIOnal ConflIct an<the Way Out lS one of the nation"nost pnmunc'1~ PS}c~ologlSts Themeetmg "",as to have been held at thschool at 8 p m With a musIcal program bemg prOVIded by Gabnel Sltusa vlohmst



Enrollment Up

-Courtesy of DetrOit tree Prec;s\\fRS PHYLLIS McCARTHY

When. the driver 0; '\ car dIrectly ahead. of her In traffic SQught toe,ca~ aft. kntX:ktng dQ-wn a ~estrw.n ~L.b later died of tlt.P< Ift,JU"""'!$reeeived, Mrs PhyJ{ts Mccarthy, of 918 Nottingkam road, Grosse POIntePark, gave chase and- £or~ed the fleemg dnver to the curb where hewas forced to remain unhi pottee arrived

That a real need for the publIcevening schools eXIsts IS shown bythe fact that more people have reg.Istered In the Grosse POinte erve..nmg schoo-ls up to date th"n everbefore ..dUl'1ng the week of regJltra ..hon, accorcbng to Arthur E Trip ..pensee, prinCipal Persons may .Wlregl.ter tlus week or next 'Week, hesaul Anyone Wl.hlng to have acopy of the announcem4ht ofcourses may obtain one of phoningMr Tnppensee at NIagara 2000

$50 00 In gold given away free at theAloma Theater, CharleVOIX at Way.b\lrn. On~ prize

Dr Howard \t(cClusky aSSIstantprofessor 111the <;choo! of educatIOn 111

the Umverslty of \-flchlgan Will dehvertthe commencement address at theGrosse POinte HIgh School tomghtt(Thur,gday) HIS tOPiC wIll be TheSecond Ohance

ApprOXimately 35 selllors w 11 begraduated Everett Beaupre 1<;the cIa <;


Boston players are C R Hutch11lsonand J Newell Ford Wl11dsor players The Young Ladles Sodabty of theare hard art: It In the court t~ pIck St Paul s Partsh mIl give a daniCe FntheIr best players -lay evenmg' Jan 23 1931 at the St

Paul S school 130 Grosse Pomte BlvdBoth slllgles and doubles WIll mark \1usI'C w1ll be furlllshed by Wolverllle

thIS tournament whICh m the mterests Entertamers Everybody welcome Ad~of the game IS open to the publIc 111ISSlon50c~aturally greatest mterest centers tn ¥-

(Contmued on Page Four)'toq,q,

Pointers InterestedIn Badminton MeetAt High School Soon

EIght outstandmg Badmlllton expertsmeet III the mternatlonal tournamentat the Grosse Pomte High SchoolgymnaslUm January 31 For that occaSlQ11 the Toronto club is sendmgJack Purcell champIOn of the worldand Col G G Blackstock FromOtta",va will come Jack Cameron andW M Stewart vice preSident of theCanadian Badminton AssocIatlOn The



JOSEPH E MADDYWill lecture at ~he Grosse PomteHigh School a,dltonum on. "En.ru:hlng Hum.; n Life ThroughMUSIC" on M1>n~ay everung, Janu-ary 26th

Will Lectune at HighSchool on Monday

------- --- - -- ---GROSSL POIN fL 'VIICHIGt\WTHURSDAY JANuARY 22 19,1

The School Boar~....Gets A Laugh~m!ffi!ffilJi!~MWilliilliilil!lC!li!ffi!ffi!ffilJi!~~

Hire Adviser


By DqR,hTHY DEEThe lull of th~ "-m between season

was broken Saturday evenmg whenthe debutantes 0...w- the season wereagam feted As at eXlprC')Slon of grahtude for the mill y p-arhes at whlehthey were guests ~I<J. number of youngme6 rev vmg aI\~ old -custom Wereho,>t<;at a Bache1o,\;\ Ball f0rr the bunsat the Grosse Pomtc Eunt Club AInger~ol1 LeWIS w\s c:ha1"man of theaffaJr and hiS assl, t~ts were ThomasGohbaTt Edwa"rd"l N Eis-enberg JrPJcrre Fug.er and /,O.1arles Creedon

On entermg 1h club that frosty,nlght the craeklm~ fire~ 10 the gratesattracttve furnlS'hu ~s delIghtful mUSIC

anda bevy of delYr1n colorful gownsmade a dehghtful f)lcture

The group In{ luded the \1lssesFlorence and Ele~nor Allmgton Janeand Betty Post Joan NIchols AnnaFletcher Rhoda ~ewberry LarantheStoevel Juha MUlir1hy, Annette Kathanne and Bar1bar ~ Baker, KathermeMabley Alleen a1Jd Ka.thleen KeenaVlrg1ma Moran i'E,velyn Cooke andJonet Page, Fdw1.rd S Evans JrRobert B EvaJl.s DaJl'1el W SmIthDamel Wells Ga retsen Flmn JohnP Sweeney Pett r Weg.ton, CharlesHeller Jr, Mark Atcheson, Dan HBuell II N~I$o' HGlland, RooertDunn Robert BrYJrtt, Edward A £kaeJohn S New4erry Jr, l~renllah JenksJohn Mulook, Jo. Ph Bage John MHmchman n, Edw lrd B Caulkms, J rames Cumml,skey wen-oer Curtts andSu ...rwuvo ~"" U wit vu ctl U ...VJ.4::l"!John S NeWlberry and Mr and MrsJohn P Frazer also were there

Pnor to their dep~ure for Flondato spend the wsnter, Mr. and Mrs Ed~

Iward J Hickey were hosts at a dinner

Shores Commission To at the Gro.... Pomte Yacht Club Sun-

Be Elected, January 261 da~nother affaIr .t the club w" the-- (Contmued on Page Two)

:FIVe. commlSSlOners to reVIse theVIllage charter of Grosse Pomte ShoresWill be chosen In a Sipeclal eleotiOn tobe held January 26 ho candtdateshave been announced

The. present charter adopted seventeen >ears ago has been found nadequate village officmls saId Presentday conditIOns !WIth a greater numberof public prohlems to be decided uponthan when t'he 'Present charter wasWritten have made necessary more Ithan the two speclal eleations a yearnow provIded for It was sa1d I

On mohon of J Lee Barrett,school trustee, the Grose. POinteBoard of Education paased a resolu.tlon at Ita regular meeting', Mondayeve-nlng, to retun an lDsurancecc;nuuelor The duties of the coun-selor, tt !W'88 pointed out, 'Would beto Jldvtse the Boud In Insurancematters and It IS expected WIll resultIn eonsulerable saVIngs to theSchool DistrIct bemg reahzed foradequate In&urance coverage


OtheT matters to be COllSId.ered bythe charter commissIOners W1Ube pro-'VISIon for budgetmg of VIllage expense." an-d a study of state laws passedsm~e the present charter was adolPtedand /WhICh may confhct With ~ts pro

:t- vJs~ons




-Courtesy of DetrOlt free PressJ WALTER DRAKE

Appolntm~nt of J. Walter D~, IDf15600 Wlndnuil Pomte. drJve,Grosse POInte Park, a8 olle of the representatIves of the United Stateson the mter-Amerlcan highway cornrrusslon, has been approved byPreslCJent Hoover, accordtng to word ncelved early thiS week fromWaslungto-n

Park Primary ElectionSet for February 9th

Waner KnllPP's HomeRazed by Fire WhileAWilY; Damage 55,000

Walter Knapp head of the watersupply department of Grosse PomtePark iI'etocned home from a shrortautomobIle drIve early last Sundayevenmg accompallled by hiS wife '1:-0find hiS reSIdence heaVIly damaged byfire The reSidence IS located at 15137East Jefferson avenue

It was estimated the damageamounted to $5000 and the -cause ofthe fire as yet IS undeterm1lled

FITe 1l1surance was carned on theprqperty to the -amQUrt. of $3 000, another poltcy havmg recently been allowed to la.pse by overs1ght

Y. M. C. A. NEW SHannan Memorial Branch

Plan Dedication



Vol 5-No 8

Formal cledtcatioll of the GabrielRichard elemenlar.,. school IDGrMI.

POinte Farm. wd ltake place Feb-ruary 3, It wa. announced at tlJ,eSchool Board meeting, Monday eve-lUng. Appropnate cerelDonies arebeIng planneel for the OCCU1Qn anda souvenir program. II being pfe*pared for cbstnbutlon Amoraa' th.4sein attendance, it W.I ..tated. by DrS. ¥. Brownell, superintendent of.chool ••

'"The annual Men~s <;ha.mpIQnshIp rplaymg every Tuesday eventng ManyBasketball lea:~i1e at the "Hannan Me IOf the members of the Hannan VarSIty That the Grosse POll1te School Board Ielection that Will have to be held m the Imonal branlOh Y~ C A; E Jefferson have already Signed up has a sense of humor too was proven School DIStrtct wrh an accompanymg Dr. Howard McCluskeyCLndGarland! Sl1:at~J:ion Tuesday Janu _.. ..-_-- ........ i'O • at Its meetmg Mon<1ay eVellll1g doubt as to ItS beng carned ~om t S kary 20th, With foUi" teams ThIS league, the ttannan !VlemOrtai I .IV! \.J .H.. I - JnPDCpmen ~pea eratcor<llllg to J B Marstiller phys~cal handball squad Will meet the We&terq. A letter from PreSIdent Hoover s Ask them 1f hey can supply us<ilrector 15 op-~rt to any m-embe.y who "Y" ~Re).l""IW~U~fS"on the Hannan Emergency Commtttee .for Employ With a Tammany crgamzatlon to swmgcares to step lOto rather fast €ompany co" ..I;, Tu#s~r -eyenm" f~b1Uary 3, ment addressed to the Board and the the electlon' saId one memberIn thIS ipopular court game ~WJbg a 'We"k's feSt; f;1ue to a bye In cotrlplete text of whICh folIows was Request a reg ment of mlhtla to

Many players who competed In the (Contthued- on Page Two) read get a favorable vote out ordered anJungle Leag\1e dunng !the latter part ------- otherof 1930 !WIllcompete III thiS league also CHIt referred to the proposed newHowever, any JJ1J::n who feel the need ommencement ODOrSCadleux school and urged Its speedy It was eVident the Board concurredfor thIS speedy com-petltton may enroll H. S. January Graduates construction as an aid to the rehef of laughmgly that t1e PreSIdent s coInThe followmg men have already SIgned unemployment pomtmg out that the nuttee httle appr~-clated the vexationsup Jacw,Ealijrahan K Pler~e R Arm comlltlttee was wI1lmg to assist 111 ex attached to a bOld lSSUe electlOn orstrong L Baldu-c, J Fhck A KoskIe Commencement exercises for theW Gurke, P Land R Lutz B Krokey January semor class of the Grosse pedll1:mg the start of actual construc they would not h ve offered to aSSIstC Malts K Anders.on G Hernngton, Pomte HIgh S'chool were to have been hon (Contmued on Page Four)M N u~;fert, r Woodruff, D Greene, J held Thursday evemng 10 the Htgh Upon bemg read the thought flashedStocMon F :[.Itz W MurphyThe lea:8"ue wtll run for a penod o.f School bU11dmg, It was annQunced througl) the mmds of the School Board For best results use a Llne-r Ad Inthree months each of the four teaI11S early thJS /Week members of the ImpendIng bond Issue the Grosse POinte ReView.

Prt\liminary PlansFor Cadieux School

Approved by Board

St. Ambrose AlumniStage Dance Friday

In Parish BallroomAfter expeneoclng a most successful

year of SOCIal a'CtlV1hes the St Ambrese Alumm IS sponsormg a ProsperIty Dance whtiCh hoLds 1ll store foreach one attendtng an evenmg of greatenjoyment

The <!ate~Fr>day January 23The plmce-St Ambrose BallroomThe tax-50 coppersThe orehestra - Paul Fns<:hlrorp.

Syncopators IWe earnestly SOhClt yOUr presen.ce

to be added With the rest of the celeb-flltles who WIlt be there Remember S1X candldat~s for three commlS-that your bost tImes w1ll be had nght S10ners seats and two ior the office Offhere In YOUr own pansh hall among vl1lage cle'I"k W1lt be nom mated Inyour own crowd Cooperate With us Grosse Pamte Park 111 a primaryby attendmg thIS dance electlOn to be held Monday February

So, dear reader as you owe 1t to 9 No candIdaCies eX!ceqJtthose of theyour frIends and If so to your school mcumhents have been announced.YQUmust attend and bnng your frIends Two year term<; of office for com~to I1:hls offermg of the St Ambrose miSSlOners John Ver Lmden OttoA!umnt-The Prospeflity Prom Groehn and Joseph Kolley a11<1 for

SOCIally speWing the dance wIll be Waldo J Berns Village derk WIll ex-a wow \ plre March 11 two days after candl-

Fmanctatly-well that depends on dates named 10 the prImarieS wIll haveyou contested for the poats

PrelimInary sketches and workmgplans on the praposed new Cad1euxelementary school on Cadleu~ roadnorth of Kercheval avenue m theVlllage were approved by the SchoolBoard \1onclay evenmg They wereprep,ared by the architect; s<:lected forthe work and md~ated the proposedschool would be of a c;enn .EnglIshtype of ardntecture With modermShCtouches coupled With a pr<mouncedrCiJldenhal appearann

,.__ ......._--------,

The deSIgner of the new CadIeuxSlchool 15 a Mr Rowland who des~nedthe new Union Trust budding and thePenobscot buIldmg 10 DetroIt MrRowland IS an aSSocIate archttect 'WIthMr 0 bell, who IS the successor tothe partner$hlp of O'Dell and DIehlar~hItects, sel..cte<lby the Board, and'.Vii; ...» al:.~~ht:G J.ailuart i j}

The arcri'ltects r~orted that at thenext School Board meetlp.g, the firstMonday In February, they Will b-e ableto furntsh an estimated .cost of tp.~proposed structure If the all;1'O-UntISsatisfactory to the Boar~ tt WIll anoounce plaM for the holdmg of aSchool DistrIct electIon to approve theauthOrIzation of bonds to fin~nce theconstruction costs

Page 2: Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1931/193… · at the request of Trustee John Wat lun, lut Monday evenmg after the Board had been In open seatHOn ~ repre.entatlve

No 159,234

The HonorableROBFR1 M lOMS

_____ Urcll t Judge

At a session of the ClrcUlt Court held Inthe Court House 111 the City of DetrOIt, fI

Wayne County Michigan 011 the 16th da.yof J anua.ry 1931PRrSF1\[T



t= 'lhursday, Jariuary fl, lYJl,In The Circuit Court For The County Of Wayne



The Thrift Series of the Tuesday~venJng Forums In the lobby of theHannan Memorial Y M C A WIll becontmued on January 27th, WIth a dlScusslon of 'Personal Finance and Bud-getlng" The leader Qf thiS dISCUSSIon,to be named at that bme, IS a leachngbanker In DetrOit who has had a greatdeal of experience tn advlsmg and con~sohng people about their personal fiwnance

Tuesday night, January 20, Mr M AClark, per$onnel director of the U SRubber Company, spoke on "VocatIonalGUIdance" to a group of a hundre;,dyoung men and women

ThiS Forum SerIes IS open to bothmen and women and there IS no chargefor attendance Anyone who IS facedWith the problem of finance IS cormanymVlted to attend

Co t lU 19 the SCI1CSof Vesper J10nrsat.1:1 c Ira lna 1 Me 110r al branch Y \1( A tl e 1 e 11bers of the Bethel Bant .,t 1 atl g People,> U lIOn \\ 11co 11 ctthcn ,>erv ce at thL Y on "',11 d )-Jdl uarj 25 1t S 30 p 11 J hL you 1\..,1eopk of c:,o1thcastern Dctro t rlcord ally 111V ted to atte Hi 1.1ese VesperI 11"<' 1\(..11 n the 10bhy { f tl s heat tl

fll \ \If c.... A co lcr ([ Ia"i Jeff rso 1 a cl (;,.arland Rcfre<,hmc lts 11esen ed a 1<1 the 1rograms thus far prese lttd have bec 1 very nterestlllg 1\frBen ard Ott Preslclent of thc Bethel1- '\: P l \\ 11 be 1 clnrge of tl eprograll

dozen men fightmg fol" .1ltarbng pOSI

hems Dan FItzpatrIck, fo~erly ofCmclnnatI 1& now ehglble, and fromthe showmg practice should prove tobe one of the outstandmg reserves Thenext home game for the squad WIll beWith St Anto1ne branch on January29th, at the Hannan • V"~ gym, EastJeffe"son and Garland Members ofthe 'Y" are admItted to these gamesWIthout charge, VISItors pay the nommal fee of twenty~five cents Everybody IS inVited to attend these contests

11214E. Jefferson at Beniteau


Men's SpeCIal Calf Oxfords, narrow or wide toe, all


Kahn~s Month End Specials

LEnox 4669

Not connecte~ with any other Shoe Store on Jefferson avenue

One lot of Misses' and Chtldren's High Shoes, all sizes 6 to 2

\ $1.89

Women's All-Rubber Zippers, in brown or combination colorsall styles of heels-Special



~ ,];()t=r=Third Wjek-January 24th to 31st, inclusive

ChOlce of CompTete Stock - Nothing Reserved - Lamps,Pottery, Glassware, Pictures, Imported Novelties, Tea Sets,

• etc. - at Both Stores \


It appeartllg from proof of serv ce 01; file 11 the aboV'e entItled causeait1cl ed t( the sum 1101S Is~ued therel 1 khat certam of the respondents named111 the sa d sun mom could not be served \'11th the salJ summons by reason ofthe fact that such respondents could not be located wlthll1 the County of Wayne,sa d respondents be ng as follo\\s ColumbIa Life Insurance Company a foreIgncor.poratlOn Peoples State Bank or BelleVIlle MichIgan a MIchIgan corporat on the \iaccabees a \11clllgan fraternal benefit socIety Knight.'> of St Johnd frater 1al corporatlOll ProvIdel t l\.Iutual I1fe Insurance Compa lY a fp-r-el&fncorvO! ahOll Estate of 1 A Colon deceased the unknown heIrs legatees anddev sees of }; A Cola 1 deceased Estate of Gerhard DlCIkhoff deceased theunknown heirs legatees and deVIsees of Gerhard Dlckhotf deceased :Cstate ofEh.tabeth 10ls01 deceased the UI knO'\.l1 hellS legatees and deVIsees ofEbzabet~ Folson deceased Estate of George Stickel deceased the \.lnknownheIrs legatees and deVisees of George :::,tlckel deceased Estate of TheodoreLelsen the unknown hell'S legatees and deVIsees of rheodore Letsendeceased Estate of Wilham H \1urphcy deceased !the unknov-n helts legateesand de\. Isees bf VoJIlllam H "lyf urphn deceased Charles E Jackson ThomasL\. Valada also known as Thomas A V.alade Ada L Valade Victor W Vahdealso known as VlOtor W Valade Barbara C Qumkert Sante Vallan RosaVallan P J PhI1hp whose first name IS unknown but whose person IS wellknown Gertrude Lennen May 0 Vanderply Ellen Allen BenjamIn CAllenAllce M Amos Levane Amos Ernest S J.\nderson Mary Anderson NeelsC Artved MattIE( E Arh ed James G Albnght Helen 1 Albright AchsahH Anth,~lI1Y Leonard Asehon Joh 1 A Anderson Isabel Bohn AndrewBrandau WIll am T Bohn ClIfford C Boome \tfary Bourne Ellen A BQ'" enN"athan H B():'\.'ven Charles Bowlel> \tfyra J Brower George V\ BrownKathleen Marshall Bruce Wilham R Bryant Henr) W Buelow Jean CPurd<l. Golda M Benscoc Scepol1(' BU.ldh l\fane Blrekner J ranC1S \1Bra(1y rJorence L Bopp Arthur r Durn'> Joseph r But7 Carolme BeymerCh<trl",<,I Btymer George C Bear ( 1\ Baske whose first name IS unknDwn~but whme per,>on I'> well known Albert P Ball Dr D J Baker whose firstnal'l1e- IS UllklJown put whose person lb well known George J Baker J LeeBaker Frederlck G Breskow John Burke Walter J Barnes Helen ECntten J.anet Jones Caulk Damel L Colwell A N Collms whose first naItle~s Unh.ll0Wn but whose person IS well known Edward M Coleman Frank AChappel' Ruel T Cadwell Wilham N Croydon Robert J Cowan Joseph EClprlan James Colyer Mrs Romau;e Clark Edward J Courtney Mary JChppert Freden~k C Crawford Anna Cope Dr James E Clpnan KathrynJ Coleman AnnIe Crosson George H Carpenter Ruby Carpenter PeterCoroda Chnstopher r Coda Hennetta E Carey P Crowley Beatnce MCamp Charl17s P Campau Margaret Campau rredenck Curry Grace Curry,Agnes I Dewan r M Dewan Ehzabeth Donnelly J Donnelly Henry ADiehl Richard E Dean Olga S Dean Anna Decker MathIas H DeckerWIll J Dent Jr Paul Damm George DourouJahan Anna Dodge DtllmanHenry Dunltz Clarence A Defoe Ann e C Flhott Frnest A Fdgerton,Oscar E EBerbach Jesse H Ea<;t Charles ESSIg A H Fbert Loyal Ahldendge Augusta J Elhs Peter Fassler rredenck S Ford Joseph EFleld" \If Fullmer John J FIsher Mrs Josephine Fourmer! Pauhne G F111erFlorence Fosl1:el Nettle FJslter James H Foster Enl1ly K Foster LOUIse Hrruehauf D Howard Fletcher EdIth M Frost, L R Figley George FIgleyEmery L Garman Emery L Gorman A GIbson Cha-des E GIt~en MaryGray Wllhal.}l M Gray Gladys Godfrey Laura S --Gray George W Gayor,Jacob C Geck Anna M Geck Eleanor Gmemer LOUIse A Gltzen, Mrs G EGlllesPIe T W Guenther George W Gorman Arthur Gru.!mer, J 'Gustafson,'whose- first name- IS unknown but whose person IS weii fcribwn-; Af'cRer.AJGilbert Lucla V Gr1mes Ida Hunt Jane A Harns Howard G Harnsr'rank \V Howe Vl11certt A Howe Jultus H Haas John W Harnson" DuffHenderson Maude Henderson F&ward J Hlckey George B HarriS StellaF Harger George H Harns Margaret L Hanford Ray M Howe MISS A C.Havlla ld Hannah Hannan Edward W Hewson Charlotte B Hascall E FHascall Gcorge Harms CecIha Harms RIOn Hall Roy E HeHench Fred\1 Hergenroedel Nelbe Q( Henry fhomas J Henry Alexandra G Henry\Valter G Iler A.1l1a E Ide Herbert G !ler Ale),. Joseph James A JohnsonHomer Johnson 1vfarrtha Joseph Nalcy B Jean J A Jassman Henry WKammer AbbIe Kamperman George A KampermalJ Gust Kaiser CathermaKayl John P Kayl Mary E Kauffman Thomas J Kauffman PhyllISKennedy \V Ilham J Kennedy Thomas F Keat1l1g Wfl H Kilpatnck JohnH Kltchen Thomas Kltchen Walter B KItchen John H Klang Eva Lhi Ittel Freel C Kraushaar Effie F Kraushaar Arthur Kramer Alex EKramer Ralph E Krogh Walter A Krentler Chades Kynoch C H Lachs\\i 11hal1l G La 19don Eta lche Lan hCI SOil C II Lehs J J Leszynskl AdolfG Lehmann Wtlham J Lehman Constantme Lendzon Thomas E LennenHarry LeIbold Herman LIeberman James H Lobban Hugh 1fcAtp1l1e\!fanan McAlpme John M\:Alpme \\1 111lam R McClure A M McDougall,Eugene T MeDerllott Jenll1e McDonald Vfargare9 "TvIcDonald Ed,lth GMcDonald Effa McLaughlm J M McKenZie J A MacDonald Wll1ram HlIurph) Wl1ham C Morns Guy h l\.1:bffi.'1:F A Morrison Ernest GMoel1el WIlham F Yforan Mary n Moran M Moag James L MDrrellH R MIller James F lIl11er B \IIchenfelder Barnard \:llchenfelder MaryMlchenfelder 1l0rence 11 \1ltcheH Lee B 1Vfltchell Manon A MtnillyAlex B \ftlmmk Tvrane»H 1VIeyer Sara Meyers Johanna MeIster Fred EMead Delia A Mead Emma Metzger Loretta M Markey Peter A Markey,EdIth C Martlll H E Martm Jean Martm \V M Martl11 VIrs Marontate.,H A Mark Rose T Marvm E Manel1 Db-ra Maloney Harry C MatowSftvere Maertens S Maerte'ls :c Methoff 'ij'leholas Karl I Nutt-er Clara LNeumann WIllIam J Needs Juhan No~akowsk1 Thomas J Nicholl L11heB NIcholl Kathleen B 0 Mara Russell TOMalley L Orlmg FrederickW Oehler Ella Aselton George C Opp Fay Mary Opp J G Prasser L'OutsaJ Pascoe Edward B Pascoe Roy Pascuzzl Ida Peters Gustave E Peters,K neta Portlock SophIe Peters Pyrl F Pfeister I Pease P J PhIlhp,

WINDMILL POINTE GIFT SHOPPE B W Palmer W,lhall PelchoW1Ck R H Pash Margaret E Qnart, Le<>rtardJefferson Ave. between Lakewood and Chalmers A Qual t A11l1aRyan Lyle I RunCIman Joseph F Ratke Martha ReIchle,

St~re No.2 10 Ptllar Temple Assn. Bldg. Edward H ReIChle Clara 'V[ Recves Wllmot Reeves Margaret W Reid,14527 KERCHEVAL, CORNER PHILIP Wilham L Reaume Arvel A Readmg John R R,dd,g Charles R Rldd,g,

;~~~iiiiiiii~ii~~~~E~~~i:~ii~[iiii~~ii~~iiiiii~~I E Riley B r Rosolowsl<l B C Rogers Edward C Roney Grace M Roehm,Edna L Ront WIlfred C Robmson Berman H Scharfenberg Arthur Schatz,f ; II! Theodor<~ Schnelder LOUise SchneIder Walter Schweikart Helen Schwe:k-art,

Carl W Scott M Seloff Gladys Shaw F L Shields Ehzabeth A S;mth,R Smder LOUlStj ~l1ldel Clara Sokol1 l(atherme Sobczyk Bertrand CSpItzley C MaUrice Stafford Otto Steger Henry G Stembrecher MargaretSteVvart Jane A ",tock1l1g C D St~cbng R-a.lph J Stonc Lenore StoneHarry A Stormfeltz Da'1.1lel E Stow Anna M Strommel R J StruthersIda S Sulhva 1 Charles A Sulhvan rrank G Sutherland Joseph SzypulskIF 0 Tanner Hazel G Tarbell Jea1l1et E Teaklc Robert T Teakle Jenl11eThomas Mane C Thompson Nyle TIbbets Duane Tibbets Joseph1l1e CTownsend A W Troman Roberta C Trombley George W Troman HenryL Ulbnch Clara S Unruh D.2-VId D Unruh John J Upson, Beatnce Eupson Ada V vvallwork Mary B \Vatter Harry N Walter Jose1ph PWarren Selema Warren James Warren LUCIe C Watts FrederIck We>1dn~rCatherme D WeIdner Theodore J WeIdner: George J-< Weitzel Cnarles 0Wessels Ormond We<;se1s Walter A WhIte Lomse E Whtte Nora Wleduttes Henry Wleduttes Earl B Vhgle Dame1 WIgle Carl A WtlllamsWllham A WIlloughby RaLph C Wilson Lula> A W Wllson Fred WItteman J Wltwell Fred WIxson L J Wmc1k Frances E Yackley FredZeigan Clara ZeUs Walter E Zells Frances:C Yeager Edlthe \Vessels

Berry Mary Ross 'and It further appeanng that the sald respondents have fatted to ent-er avoluntary appearance 111the sald cause and that It IS 1mposslble to ascertamwhether or not 'the respondents or any of them are hvmg or dead and If dead,who their legal heIrs de\. Isees legatees and asslgnees are !

1\[OW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that the said respondents,ColumbIa Life 1nS\11ance Company a foreign c6rporation Peoples State Bankof BelleVIlle MI-chlgarl a Ml'ChIgan corporatIon The Maccab-ees, a MIohlgan

(Contl11ued on Page Three)


Mr and Mrs Charles F Navll1 ofYorkshIre road Grosse Po nte haveas their house guest theIr mother MrsCharles H Colhns, of Toronto

Recently Mr and Mrs Fredel'1ck CBurden and their daughter, MISS Vlrw

g'lma, cf Grosse POInte Village, leftfor a vISIt of several weeks In ColoradoSprIngs Wlth Mr and Mrs Burden'.son and daughter-In law, Mr and MrsFredenck C Burden, Jr• • •

Mr and ~rs 0 L Curner havegiven up their home on Burhnga-neavenue and have taken possession oftheIr new home on Cloverly road,Grbsse Pomte

* • *The b rthday anl1lversanes of Mr

and Mrs \ Horace B Peabody MrsCornel\m K Chap1l1 and Percy Owenall fall on JanuaJry 20 and as a resulteach year thIS group celebrate'S at admner party wh1ch wtll be gIven tinsevenmg at the Peabody home on IroqUais avenue

Covers ,\>111be Imd for 14 the guest'>mdudmg Mr and Mrs Comellus KChatpln Mr and Mrs Percy OwenM- <l~d \1"s .i\;;g_'" <:'n t11 Mr andMrs Herbert I Lord Judge ah.d MrsJames 0 Murfin Mrs John R Searles~nd Robelrt F Dyer

* * •

* • *ThIS week Mr and Mrs Eugene

Vi LeWIS WIll 'leave £01' theIr wmtetrhome HamIlton St Slmon s IslandGa En route Mrs LeWIS WIll VISIt.he; mother Mrs Melhnger 111 OhlO

* * ,

WritIng and ReadingWritmg is un abuse of language

readmg sl1ently to one <;j spit is a Pitlful substitute for spf'ech -Goethe

,_ TRI; GROSSl;; ~Ot:NTE"!:l;;VrEvv

Mi'ii Emory L \ Fol'd has left forPalm Beach, Fla\, to spend the :ramamder of the v. inter.

~ J" .j<

The annual meetmg of the trusteesof the SIgma Gamma chl1lc and Convalescent Home took place on Thursday mornlOg at the Convalescent homeThe officers re ekcted are PreSidentVIrs Henry Shelden VJce preSidentand cl aIrman of the 'ClinIC MISSI rances I300tJ1 vIce p1eSldent andchairman at the Convalescent HomeM " Ja 1 es 'Scnpp,> Po')th <;eCletary\1 s n" (. Du Charme t ea<;nrE'1 oftll dl1 l Mrs ChdrlV-, H. Mtlthytr('a'>llrtr of the Convaltsce 11 HomeMr::. Carlton M H1gble 11 en ember

f the hoard of tn1<;tces are 1Vtn

Great care IS c},.erclse i 11 h.ecpmg Day d \1 Wh tl ey \{r Juo 1(" 11the SVvlmm1l1g pool of the Grosse Rc nIcl J Mrs I J Bt 11k) UnPOlllte HIgh school scrupulously clean \VIlfred \ Casgra 11 \flS" Mar onaccord1l1g to a report made thiS \\eek \furph) \1rs Phelps r..e vberr} andto the BQar-d of EducatlOn by Dr S \1 \f1" 1\orman H Preble

Brownell supermtendent of schools \Detaols of the report were eupphed by Y. M. C. A. NEW SMISS Adele Schrwarz teacher of sWIm (Continued from Page One)nung I the schedule next week ThIS match

The water III the pool IS 111 const-ant Will mark the halfway POint of InterclrculatIOn from 8 00 0 dock 111 the branch competition m handball whJchmorning rto 10 00 0 clock at mght has de-veloped Into"a close race between

Ec. 11 f Hannan, Adams and Western for sec

19U1Y ga ons 0 water are reclrcn ond place Northern continues to takelated each m1l1ute ThIS means 4800 honors m thIS sport The Hannan squadgallons each hour or a total of 67200 IS composed of the follOWing mengallons a day When filled to catmclty George Glaeser, 1V{anager; Frank Bailthe 'Pool holds 67000 gallons It WIll Imer, Captam, Dr Putt, Dr Ward, Holland Mtles, Rev Kehrl, Bdl Rettenbe seen therefore that the water IS mler, JIm Cathcart, Wrn NICUS, Galecompletely changed each day Blown .....

Dun 19 the n ght the '\\ ater IS undIsturbed to 'Permrt any small partIcles The Adams Avenue Y ,{ C J\volleyball squad WIll meet the Hannanof <llrt to settle to the bottom of the \1emonal Y MeA players 01 I r1pool Eaeh mornmg the bottom of day January 23 at 7 p m at thethe pool IS cleaned With a strong sue Ban 1a 1 Y gym East Jefferson andt10n deaner slmtlar to a vacuum Garland1 E f

The Hannal'l players have <;hown ac eaner xtra water 1.'> orced 1110 rour SWln 11ng tea 11<; fro n thert:l larl able I nprovcment 111form overthe 'Pool until It IS filled to the over th l' play 19 .of last seaso 1 a Hl Sid 1 fhnnan \-1e 110f al I fal ch Y ¥ C Aflowll1g pomt In thIS way any par a 1 cXlelknt ellanee of copp 19 thb \YIll comp( tc 1 tl e [I st sw mnllngtIdes that may be floatmg on top of dlVl'>Ol o{ 1J1te1~bran"h sporb "',0 1 et of the "easal 11 tie Hannthe pool are flushed away 10 the scum far thll> sea.'>on they have beater ~oltl Y M L A tank ",aturc1ay evtl11ng

eln <l.nd ,:,t Antome Y M C A and Jal lary 24 when the team from thlgutter wh1Ch surrounds the pool I F b Y VlTllldsOl Y "111 attempt to duphcatelost a very c os~ match to IS er ,>'

Four ..hmes a year the pool IS com The squad II>mat1~ up of the f0110w r g ~helr v ctory game 1.t Wmdsor 11 Depleltely emptIed and the walls and the players Dave.. Martll1 Grover Yate'S ce11lber 1 he margm when thesL t\yOfloor are sc"ubbed thoroughly Franh. 1-Jesblt IJoms Goldstem Hugh ag-gregailOns met was a mere iour

E h D B H W 1 lit.. Dobbms Warren RfiIby DIck Perry po ltS 111 fa\or of Wmdsor Yae cay r arren lea t'll. 1 hi" 111atch IS opell \0 the general

_, 1 f h Hugh McI eese al1d Ted Wanel ..,COm.mlSSIOu-t:r, tests samp es 0 t e p 1b1c and anyone 'Who cales to see 1twater fJOr badetla Two games wIll be played thiS week IS corchal1y lllvltcd TIckets may be

Bc::!ore entenng the pool the water by the Hannan Y MeA varsity obta led at anytlme dUring the weekIS forced through two filters and an basketball team The team travels to -"';,Northern Branch on Thursday, January Adams Avenue Y M C A, Stateozone mach1l1E: to pUrify It Ozone ~s d f h t t dl22, and to YpsIlantI on January 24, champs an one 0 t e ou s an nga preparation used to keep the water where they Will play the Cleary College teams In DetrOit narrowly won frompure and to ktll bacterIa The filters qumtette With the excepfton of Stock the Hannan Y M C A "cage" menare cleaned and th-e ozone machllle IS ton iWho 1S Dhll nurslng a spraIned I by the <score of 25 to 24, on Saturday,wash-ed In alcohol each week ankle, the squad wlll'i-rnmam With a January 17th, 1D the Hannan gym

Cotton SUItS are requIred of the per " '~'~'~I~!.OO!I... '~~!J!l.!,,[g!L!l.!I(.llm. = 1!I.!.l!!.l!1.!~!l!l!_l!!1!~!J!.J!~!l.!mru!.l!1!tl!m!l!l.! iTiTiiTi": illsons who use the pool, so that 11nt ~1IiiriiIiTiiTiIiiTif!;l1iTiiTiliiTi1iititiiTiTiiTiIiffiiTiifiTiiTiTiiIiIiili1iiTiTiiTiTiiTiliir.TiiTiTil • II If I. II II II • ~

WIll not dog the pIpes Caps are also ~ *eE ~reqUIred IOf both boys and girl to pre ~ I T~k~ B h ~vent hair from grttmg mto the water ~ t esot ~Ea-en person "-' 10 uses the pool IS re se ~qlllred;o to,e a shower before entering I~to make Prosperl' ty--- ~It Hf'.:l.bth e)\ammatlons are also re ~ ~ i1iqUil'~O :'[{) mdl\'e !oun. (llftt (JH;....\..n,~n. ~rfl_ ~ ~the paol do not have .commti'ntcable ~_- *~ l!f.!dIsease'S m _~_;

Temperature of the water IS ma1l1 ~ ~tamed at 75 <legrees and the room at ~-I: m80 degrees = = ~------- iti T RUE prosperH~ is not the result of /' :e.~.~

GROSSE POINTE ~ reckless, mmscrlmmate spendmg ~ ~ , *.~.SOCIETY ~ but of WIse, tImely spend,ng " ¥ -,. whIch, m 5ffi"~'.

(Contmued from Page 0 le) ffi"~.~ I tu"'n, is impossible without systemabc Iiiluncheon and b1'1dge g,ven by Mrs ~".-_. I II SAVING. Open a Sav10gs Account and ~John B MacKenZie, Saturday, to honor *.~.:: keep it UPQ ~her guest( Mrs M J Shortt, of Torw


onto, Ont ~ ~* , ~'-.' ~

"~•;_ I I ~."."

Mr and Mrs Albert E Rei aud mand their son lredenck MIS Henry *.".= ~V. est and her daughter MISS VlOlet m ~West departed Tuesday 1110rmng by m:*:'= Gros$ePointeSavin,<zsBank ~_~_"~imotor car for rlonda whel e they are !P..i -plannmg to remam for t>\ 0 months J ff R' d BI d* • • ~ e erson at war v. ~

The annual meetmg of the Tau Beta ifii Unit of the DetrOit Bankers Co. It{a.8&OClatlon Will take place at the resl: ~ ~dence of Mrs James Thayer McMIllan ~m,rnrntl!nm-Jm!!l!!.l!I.!ll@I!!1!l!!l!l!!l!J!!.I!l!!l!.i!!.l!!!ll!.l!!l~lm!l!!!!.1!~~!l!.l!~~I!Um~.l!~!OO.~.and MIsS Helen McMtllan, on Essex ~liiIiTiiTiTiili1iiTiIiiTiTiiTiliiTi'lii1iliiTiiTiiTiffiiIiTiiI"iTIifiTiiTiTii1i1iiTiliiTiTii1iTiiTiTiiTiTiiliffiiTiTiiTiTiiTiliiTiTiii ...

boulevard) Grone POinte, at 2 15o'cloek, on FndaY afternoon, January23

Swimming Pool AtHigh School Gets

Care and Inspection

dIdly Sunday motmng Others areplannmg to jom the group Next Sunday morntng the pa<;tor Will speak onWell DlggmgPot luck suppers 111 connection wilth

:to the prayer meetmgs VvI11 {contmue onWednesday evenmgs A 1 thiS weekthere Will be meetmgs m connectIonWIth the Chnshan EndeavDr celebrahon

'(. 'fo 'fo 'fo

Neighborhood Club :(.Activities 'fo

Next Sabbath Will be Young PeoplesSunday It- bemg the begll1nmg of theChnshan Endeavor week s celebra110nof the SOttihyear J ubrlee The varIousyop.ng people are asked to SIt as groupsThere WIll be mUSic by the vanousyoung peopTe s SOCietIes and RevKircher WIll speak on The RelatlOrtof Youth to the Chureh

'j.he Men' Class ,tarted out ,plen-

Eastminster Presby-terian Church

"Hells Angels" Now onHollywood Screen

Irving Aaronson'sBand at Michigan

The foHowmg I~ the scheduk ofboys actIVItIes now bemg conducteetat the "l\Jelghhorhood Club

1 hurl>day 4 00 5 30- J uve1ll1e boys(6 10 years)

Thursday 6 30 7 30 - Intermedmteboys (14 17 years)

Fnday 4 00 5 30-1ntermedlate boys(14 17 years)

Saturda) 1 30 3 00-Jumor boys (II14 years)

Saturday 3 00 5 30 _ General gymclass

The only TeqUlrement for jOll11ngthese groups IS a membership m theNelghborthood Club whl'Ch IS twentyfive cents a year t

(Coni1l1ued from Page One)under the Instruction of MargaretMcCanc~ Ballet, r Iterpretlve, Natlon""lsnd Rhythm Classes are taught byMary Hazel Benedict, Dlrec.tor of theDetroIt Branch of the DemshawnSchool of Dancmg Instruction In Ball-room danCing IS given every Weclnes-lay nI~ht at the cluh under the cLrec-'bon pf Lilhan Joyce Wasson Forccmplete mformation regardmg sched ..ules, pl'1ces, ete., call Niagara 1>771* • •

1\'1'0 sensatIOnal speclal featurescomrpnse the Mlchlgan theater program thiS week

On the stage Irvmg Aa.r<onson sCommanders radlO recordmg andtalkmg screen entertamers 111 personon the &tage and Scandal Sheet wItlht'he star tno of Gerge Bancroft Kayiran'Cls and Chve Brook on the screen

Aaronson s ....Commanders are com1l1gto DetrOIt dIrect from Hollywoodwhere I1:heyhave been the sensatIOn ofthe film lColony durmg the past fewmonths

They have made s~veral recordmg,)of popular hit songs have appearedmnume.rable ttmes on the radIO andhave made specml 'Short talkmg screetlsubjects as well ag appearmg III man)full lengit'h ~eatur-e SItus

They bnng to the MichIgan Wlththem a host of smgers and entertamers ll1cludmg the- two popular mUSicalclowns Red Stanley and PhIl Saxe

S'Cannal Sheet on the Mlchlganscreen bnngs three of Parap.n0unt smost popular' stars together In a storyof newspaper Me and New York soclety Bancroft Kay FranCiS andChve Brook form a tnangle whl'Ch hasneve!!" been equalled" m screen dramas

The MIchIgan symphony, DetrOit slargest theater onehestra under thedirectIOn of Eduard Werner, presentsa new novelty overture

storage I .Ai1\~ltlr Gutow at the Michigangrande organ Introduces a new organlogue novelty

Sound and talkmg newsreels andscreen specialittes eomplete the M1Chigan program

Brownell CompletesSurvey of Needs In

the Cadieux District


A careful study of the Cadieux elementary school (hstnct showmg boththe present and the ultimate need fora school bmldmg was presented to theBoard of EducatIOn by Dr S ;MBrownell superintendent of schoolsMonday mght

The ImmedIate purpose of the report15 to show what faclbttes WIll be needed111 the first UnIt of the bmldmg whIchIS now be111g planned by the Board ofEducatIOn

The- present CadIeux school m 5tClaIr Avenue IS now longer adequateDr Brownell saId, pomtmg out that

--.....,some of the pupIls 111thIS dtstnct arebe-mg .cared for 1U the Defer schoolsome 111 the Trombly school and some111 the Richard sebool WhIle all thesepupIls are normally m the CadIeuxschool dlstnct, <there IS not r>oom m theCadIeux school to seat all these pupt!sHe also po~nted out that certam parents much prefer to have better schoolfacIhtles than are offered at present1ll the old CadIeux school

In bUIldmg a schol to care for fhepUlllls m elementary school <lIstrict No3 (the CadIeux dIstrIct) It would seemWIse to prOVide not only for the 1mmediate present, but also to prov d.efor the future to a reasonablc degre-ethe report states I The dIstnct IS about50% bUllt up and tnere WIll be '1mdoubtedly faIrly rapId mcrease 111 schoolp6pulatlOn for some years to COWlOn the other hand It Will probably benlany years before all of the avallabl~res1dential 'Property IS completely bU1ltup Expenence In otlter growmg lacahhes has led school administrators andSGhool Boards to the general conclustOll that 1t 15 wISe to plan a :newbUIldIng so that It WIll take care qfthe present needs and such growth asmay hormally be e~pected withm apenod of five years The assumptIOn15 that In bUlldmg a school It 15 notWise to anrtlclpate growth beyond apenod of five years and furthermorethat It IS not WIse to put up a bUIld1l1gwhich would be so crorwded wlthll1 ayear or two 'as to neceSSItate an atlihHon tQ the buJ!dmg

'A bUlldmg ~o prOVide ~\he classrooms RS mdlQf\ted would 'Can for an'Ult1m~te bUIldmg 111 DIstrIct No 3 wltththe fbl10Wmg !aclhhes

1 gym 4Qx60 w1th oll)ce andro.dm

1 rplayroom 40x6O With office2 locker rooms, WIth 2 showers each1 ~rt roOm 22x301 n'lUSIC room. 22x302 coachmg roomsZ ktUdergarten room~ 24x30 WItI

locker and tOllet rooms1 audItOrIUm 4Ox60 WltJ1 stagl"2 SCIence rOoms 22x302 hterature rooms 2x30 Hell s Angels tine epIC talkIe of1 hbrary room the all' requlflng 38 months to make2 Jamtor rooms one on each floor and four m11bons fo pay for IS the cur1 offiLe SUIte ~lth 1mlet (22x30) rent attra.d10n on the Hollywood1 lUlleh kItchen Theater screen and one of Its most1 oehme WIth tOIlet lmpres<;lv'e offenrtgs of the season1 teachers rest room WIth tOllet Withm film memones no productIon18 class rooms 22-x30 has equaled Howard Hughes great pIC2 boys tOIlets on each floor ture m amount of pubhclty ptmted

I 2 gIrlS tOlle-ts on each floor -lnd spokert and fans everywhere have'It IS necc-ssary next to figure WhM been awaltmg ~t for years Hell s

porhon of-thIS total bUIldmg should bF Angels IS a straIght forward story of

rerected. at the present tlme As Hldlj'- the war WIth magnlficent and stupencated 111an earher part of the repor ,lous aIr 'maneuvers worked 10 In the

IIt has been the pohcy of the Board otf first part a zeppehn raid on LondonEducatJ'on to' p1an a oUll-dmg WhlCP. hOW111g every move of the officersWIU care for the needs of the com}- mSIde the bIg bag their bombmg of

I.. muntty for a perlod of ap'proxlmately the CIty fhe pursUlt by Enghsh 1=JlanesI five years before an additton lS needeq and finally the tremendous explOSIOn

\ The mcrease 111 the &Chool cen-su~ and fire fonowmg a dIve 111tO the t-uge\ e>ln po the last five years has average~ bag by one of the planes furmshes

140/0 \Vhlle tl,}e :puq:hc school popula'- thnlls that can t be estImated wIt'hout)11on has mcreased more nqndly thatr seemg the pIcture The bombmg of a~hIS 1t seemS fall' and ~onservat1ve tb mumtIOns plant behmd the Germanuse thiS tfigure as an estImate fol' th,~ hnes dog' fights In the -all' and an mpt6b~ble 111crea,se of school populat1o~ tensely tnlterestmg brother agamst10 the CadIeux elementary .school d1s brother romance are other factors In

triCt durmg the commg five years nammg l. Hell s Angels one of the outSuch an l,ncrease would prOVIde ele srtand10g 'P~ctures of all tIme James

mental'y school enrollment In the Cad Hall Ben Lyon and the SlIvery haIredletlx <ltstnct as fonows Jean Harlow play tthe leadmg roles

19-30 31-339 In splte of the length and Importanee1931.;i~ of tbe featuTe the Hollywood lS also1932 33--440 offermg Its usual bIg tIme vaudevllle1933 34-502 show Eddie Laughton and hlS Holly1934 '35-572 wood Merrymakers In new tunes Bo,!?1935 1936--652 Clark-e at the organ and short subjectsFifteen rooms plus two kmd-ergart on the screen

ens m the first umt would adequately On Tuesday and Wednesday mgMscare for the 652 rpupiis With the addl as usual the Hollywood WIll glve awayttonal ,facIhttes as 1l1dIcated 10 the fol rree $300 00 on each Qk these twolowmg 1;,5t mghts and each Frtday and Saturday

1 ,gym WIth stage gym 4Ox.60, stage a Free Ford Sedan but as thIS FrIdayfoot -deep makes the 100th free Ford as a speCIal

1 p1;;.vt'onm 4Ox60 WIth lunch kItchen treat t-he prl2ie Will be a DeLuxe Foradj0ll1111g \ I dor Sedan wtth hundreds of dollars 1n

2 locker rooms WIth 2 showers each extra eqUIpment to the lucky wmnet1 act room on fnday January: 23rd1 nlUSIC room 22x302 ktf1nergartens 25x30 WIth toilets

etc1 SCIence room 22x301 11terature room 22:x301 hbrary 25x301 JanItor.g' room I

1 office SUIte 22x301 clmic With totlet1 teachers' rest room wlth""t011et2 boys' toIlets2 gl'rls' tollets10 class rooms, two on first fl<)or at

l,astl 22,,30 '



Page 3: Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1931/193… · at the request of Trustee John Wat lun, lut Monday evenmg after the Board had been In open seatHOn ~ repre.entatlve


$5000 In gold given away free at theAloma Theater, CharleVOIx at Way ..burn. Oue pl'1ze.

Jefferson AvenueMethodist Churc;ll

!llble ';chol al 9 45 a m At 11 00a 111 Dr Moore -wl11 preach "On tnesubject f lSU" and GUIdance' thethIrd l1l111ber 11 a sCries of sermonson the ge leral theme Dlvme Gutdance 1 h '> sene':' of addresses deal'!With -one of the great fundamentals ofrehglOn and IS bel11g gIVen a large andll1terested hearll1g JunIOr Ohurch forthe boys and girls at the same hour

SenlOr Epworth I eague at 6 00 pm,Tntermed ate I eague at 6 45 p mLVeU1l1g Worship at 7 30 p m WIthU!:'tl u)g M)I ~ :.t:l V.lLC 1t:d by Ule r:p~\\-orth League Chorus and semnon bythe pastor

Art thl'> \\-eek s seSSlOn of the BIbleSchool Board all department supenn~telldents -of the sdho-ol were reelectedMrs E M Moore was elected asslstH

ant superIntendent of the Jumor d-e..partmel t and Mrs Harvey LIghtle,asslstant supermtendent of the Pnm ..ary departme lt A number of teachers1nd workers are plannmg to attendthe DetrOit Methodist School of Rebg on held at Central Methodist churChof th <;Clt\ the '\\eeJ... of January 26th

SchootDistdct InFinancial Trc;lUblell

The Board Discloses

COPY- CHA'lCFRY'159234

Iodine Human NeedObser\ ation has shown that oeea

slOual visits to the seashore renderpeople practIcally immune from goitreSea spray blown !Oland IOdizes thesoil, the. plants and to some l''li:tentthe air Marme foods, such as oystersand fish eon tam iodme 111useful quantitles,


fee 25c

I THOMAS r f ARRE1 L Clerk of theC rLult Cuurt fur tl e County of \\- ay 1C 111Chancery do hereby certify that the aboveand foreg0111g IS a true and correct copy ofOrder of PublteatlOn entered 111 the aboveentItled cause by saId Court, as appears ofrecord 111my office That I have comparedthe same wlth the ongll1al and It IS a truetranscnpt therefro n and of the wholethereof

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereuntoset my hand and affixed the seal of saId Courtand County at DetrOIt, thiS 16th day ofJanuary A D 1931

THOMAS F fARRELL Clerko Bmgham Deputy Clerk

'15 Form 5



Out of the OrdUlaryA letter \\ as deln ered to a BaItl

more address 35 years late ThIS IS unusual as there are very few inSIdecoat pockets that 1\111wear that longunder any circumstances and very fewhusbands who could CM'ry a letteraround for 35 vears WIthout stumblIngMross It by ~ccI<lent-Detroit.


County of VVayne 5

THE GROSSE POI!NTE REVIEWIdev).'Sces legatees and assIgnees LUCia V Grimes -or her legal heIrs devl'sees

legatees and aSS1gnees Ida Bunt or het legal heIrs deVisee.;; legatees and ass1gne-e<; Jane A Harn'l or her legal heIr<; devt"ee" legatee" -and .a:S<;lgnee<; Ho\-\ard G Harr 5 01 hIS legal hetrs d-ev!!>ees legatees and assIgnee" 1-< rank W Howeor hl<; legc:t1helf"l devlseeq legatees and assIgnees Vmcent A Howe or his legalheirs devIsees legatees and assIgnees J t11m3 H Haas or his legal helt'sdevIsees legatees and asslglees John W H1.rrt<;o 1 or h1s legal heirs deviseeslegatees and aSSIgnees Duff Henderson or hIS legal heIrs devIsees legatee.,and asslgnees Maude Henderson or her legal heH s devIsees legatees andass goees Fdward J Hickey or his legal heirs devisees legatees and assigneesGeorge B Harrls or hlS legal heirs devisees legatee" and assIgnees Stella EHarger or her legal heIrs devIsee<; legdtees and as<;lglleeQ George H Harnsor hI';; legal hens devIsee", legatees and assignees Margaret L Hanford or herleg11 he r,;; {leVISees kgatec" a ld asslgnees Ray M Howe or his legal heir,;;dev sees legatee'> al d as"lgnec,;; Ml"S A C HJ.vtland or her legal helrsdevIsl."e leg-atll."'> 1.1d 1.';;SlgllCC'>Hann1h H1111ah or her 1egal heirs devI,;;eeslegatC't-s an I a<;<;lgnee<; rdward \V Hewqon Or hiS legal heirs deVisees legatee,;;and asslgnel.:. Lhatlotte B Ha'>call 01 her legal heIrs devlsee<; legatees andaSSIgnees F ] Hascall or h <; leg1l he r<; dI:Vl"ee,;; legatees and 1sslgneesGeorge Har TIS or hIS legal helrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees LeclltaHarn s or her legal heir<; devlsee<; legatees and asslgllees RlOn Hall or hISlegal heirs deVIsees lega"tees and ass gnees Roy F HeHench or hIS legal heirs,deVisees legatees 1nd assignees I red :M Hergenroeder or hIS legal heirsdeosees legatees a leI aSSIgnees "\e1he l He 1['\ or her legal he r.:. devlset,>legateei> and asslgnees Thon1d.s J He lr) or hIS legal heirs deVisees legateesand assignees Alexandra G Hel ry 0 her legal h(. rs nevlsees legatees andassignees Walter G Iler 01 hi legal belrs deVisees legatees and asslgnee<;An la l:< Ide or hel 1eba1 he 1<; devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Herbert GIler or h s legal heirs dev see:. lebatet." a d asslg lees Alex J aseph or n slegal heIr:. deVIsee:. lebatees a lel 1.sslgnee James t\ Johns-011 or hiS kgal heIrselevl:.ees legatees a 1d as"lgllCS Homer Johl son Or hIS legal heirs deVIseeskf,atee,;; dnd as"lgnee~ Martha Joseph or 1e1 legal heIrs .-devisees legateesa leI ass gl ees "l\ancy B Jean or iler legal heirs deVisees legatees aida::.Slgnees J A Jassll an or 1115legal heirs deVisees legatees and asslgleesHe Ir) \"1 h..dlll l1lr or 111':'legal heIrs deVisee::. legatees and aSSignees AbbleKampern an or her legal heir::. DevI"ees legClltee'> ~nd assignees George Ah.a Ilperman or h s legal heirs devI~ees legatees and a:.Slgnees Gust K,.useror h s legal heirs deVIsees legatees a leI aSSIgnees Catherina Ka) I or her legalhellS deVisees legatees and assignees John P Kayl Dr hIS legal heirs deVIseeslegatees and assignees Mary h Kauffman or her legal helrs deVIsees legateesand assIgnees Thomas J Kauffman or hIS legal hellS deVIsees legatees andassIgnees PhyllIS Kennedy or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and asslgneesWtlllam J Kennedv or h::. legal heIrs deVisees legatees and as,sIgneesThomas I Keatl11g or hIS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assignees W HKtlpatnck or hI';; legal heIrs deVIsees legatees ann aSSIgnees John H Klkhenor h1S legal heirs dev <;ee'> legatee" and assIgnee" Thomas Klkhe 1 or- IllS legalheirs d( V "ee<; legatees a d a<;'>lgll('S Walter B K tchen or hIS legal hundev sees legatecs and ass gnees John H Klang or h'> legal heIrs deVIsee,;;legatees and. a"'>lgnee'> Fva I kl11ttel or her legal helT'>, deVIsee-'> legateesand as"lgnees Fred l hr1U'>haa.r Of hiS legal heirs devl'>ees legatee,;; andaSSIgnees hffie r Kraushaar or her legal heirs devlse-f>s legatee'> andassignees Arthur Kramer or h s legal heIrs deVisees legatees and aSSigneesAlex E Kramer or hIS It:val heIrs devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Ralph EKrogh or h s legal helTs di=\I,;;ee<; le~atees and assignees, Waltev A Krentleror IllS legal heIr<; deVisees legatees and as"lgnees Charles Kynoch or h 1:;

legal heIrs devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees C H Lachs; or .hIS legal helfsdeVIsees legatees and ass gnees WIlham G Lang-don or hiS legal heIrsdeVisee,> legatees and aSSignees Blanche Lamberson Of her legal heirs deVlsees legatees and aSSIgnees C H Lehs or IllS legal heirs, deVIsees legateesand assignees J J Leszynskt or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees andassignees Adolf G Lehmann or hIS legal heirs deVisees, legatees and aSSIgneesWIlham J Lehman or hiS legal heIrs DeVisees legatees and aSSIgneesConstantme Lendzon or her legal heirs deVIsees, i.egatees and asslgneesThomas E Lennen or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assl~nees, HarryLeibold or hiS legal heIrs, deVIsees legatees and assignees. HerImi1t Liebermanor hiS legal heirs, deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees James H Lobban or hISlegal helts deVisees h;gatees and assignees Hugh McAlpme, or hIS legalheIrs deVIsees legatees and assignees Manan McAlgtne or her legal heIrsdeVIsees, legatees and assignee" John McAlrpme or IllS legal heIrs dev.lsees!.e.,garteesand aSSIgnee" VVIlham R MoClure or hI8 legal helts devl'iees legateesand aSSignees A M McDougall or hiS aegal heIrs <l.evl<"ee::..,legatees and

-tAl'rlfur.day j'a'11UalY22, 193T

J4 ;


h1s leital heirs devIsees legatees and assIgnees Martha ReIchle or her legalheIr,;; dev1-s.ees. If'gatfe::. 311d ass-~ghees Edward II Reichle or hi" legal helr<Jclevl"ee'> l'egatC'eQ and a';;'>lgnees Clara M Reeves Or her legal heIr" (levIsee,>legatees and aSSIgnees Wllmot Ree\ es or h1S legal helrs de\ Isee,;; legatee.sand a::.Slgnees Margaret W ReId or her llgal llelrs deVisees legatees dndaSSIgnees WIlham L Reaume or h1S legal heirs deVisees legatees and (Contll1ued from Page One)assignees Arval A Readl11g or IllS legal heirs devlsee'i legatees and aSSignees b S h 1 Bent C 00 oard m the tel1mgJohn R RlddIg' Or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and ass gnee<; Charles f h f

" IOn 0 refusmg to pay theIrR R dd111g or 1115legal heIrs devlsee,> legatees and assignee" r R Ie\ or rcspectn e school taxes as as~hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assIgnees B F Rosolawsll or hiS legal sessed He quoted the two taxheirs devlse.es legatees and aSSIgnees B C Roger':' or hiS legal helrs deVIsees PO} ers as complammR thatlegatees and 1.sslgnees Edward C Roney or IllS leg1.l helrs deVIsees legateesand 1.SsIglees Grace M Roehm or her leg1l helrs devlsee<; leg1 ee" and 'The School Taxes Are 'too High''1'>" gnees Fdna T Root or her legal J elrs devlsce" legatec,;; and 1.SSlg1ees I atel 11e ~:l1d the) paId theW lfred l Robllson -or 111">legal hel <; deVIsee" legatees and '1S gnee<; ta).cs but d1(}so "under prot~st/~Hetman H Scharfenberg or hI'> leg1l helr<; devhees legatle-:. 11d 1.S'>I&lee,> It v. as agreed by the ~choolAItlnr Schatz Or hI'> legal hers deVIsees leg1tN'> anI asslglec,;; Ihcol01e BOdnl that If taxpayer~ contmue5:lchnl cler or IllS legal he rs devlsees legatee'> at d a<;slgnees I Olllse :'chl111der to delay In payl11g the ~chool tax,or he kgal heirs deVisees legatees 0.1d 1.S'>lgnN's \V1.1t<.r Sc}l\\C kart or IllS extreme meaSUI e'3 would have toleg1l heirs deVIsee:. legatees and aSSIgnees Helen Schwelkart )r her legal be taken to aVOId an mevIta.blehelrs devlsee~ legatees and a::.slgnees Larl \\ Scott or h s legal heIrs kleficlt It wa,<:, pOInted out thatdev sees legatees and as<;Ignees I\f Seloff or hI" legdl heirs de\ lsee,;; legatees the ';chool Board If necessar}and assignees GladyS Shaw or her legal he rs de\lsees legatee" an 11sslgnee could l~St1e '\arrants In antIcIpa-[ r 'Shldtl::. or h1::. It.f,al he rs de\I'>le legatees a HI dSSlg lle::. fl nbeth hon of the collectIOn of taxesA :,n11th Or her legal heirs devl:.ees legatees and aSSIgnees R Sluder or I s and thereby obtaIn necessarylegal hc n devI.:.ee,;; legatees and asslgnces Lomsa Snider 01 hlf legal heIrs \Vorh.lI1g ll1)ltal from lQanmgde'\ Isees legatees and aSSlgnces Clara Soh.oll or her legal he rs GevI,>els sources Approxunately $300,000,legatles <tnd asslglces h.athennc Sobc7)k or her legal heIr::. de\lSeeS legatees It '''as bcltc\cd mIght be necesa 1<1assignees Bertra leI C Spitzley or hiS legal heIrs devI<;ce,> lef"atee::. and ~1.n to be borro" ed durmg thea<;sgnees C M,wrlce Stdfforo or hI'> legal heIrs devhces legatee::. al d i)- cal to fil1'U1Ce the operatIOns ofassignees Otto 5:lteger or hIS legal helrs de\lSeeS legatees aId d.SSlgIce'> the <'chool lhstllCtHe lry G Stembrecher or 1m legal heirs Devlsee~ legatees and ass gI ees 1he Boal d 111ged upon Its atMar~aret Stewart or her legal helrs deVisees legatees and a'>Slblees ]a e t\ torney to speed legal actIOn onStOcklllg or her legal he rs devl<;ee,;; leg<ttees and ass glees C D StOCklllg or the collectIOn of ta)..es behevedh sIegal helrs de'Vlsles legatees and as'>lgnee<; Ralph J Stone or 1m legal to be clue thc School DIstncthe rs deVIsees legatees and assIgnees Lenore Stone Or her legal heir" deVIsees tlom the Count) Treasurer Thelegatee.:. and aSSIgnees Harry A Stormfeltz or hiS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees School Board" attorney pomtedand a slglees Dame! E Stow or h s le~al heIrs dj:vlsees legatees al d Ollt that the earlIest pOSSIbleassIgnees t\lll1a 11 Stromme! or }er legal heIrs deVIsee" le-gatee" and hcarmg on the matter ,\ auld beaSSIgnees R J Struthers or hIS legal heirs DeVisees legatees and ass g lees at the next term of the StateIda S Sulllvan or her legal heirs deVIsees legatees and a'>Slgnees Charles C;upreme Court and that nothIngA SullIvan Or 1m legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assignees Franh. G III the \\ a) of defimte resultsSutherland or his legal helrs dcvlsees legatees amI assIgnees Joseph S7)pul,>k could be hoped for before nextor hiS legal heln DeVIsees legatees and assiglee,;; rOTan ler or hiS lr..gal Jul)I d I r..,choo] frn <:;tee Charles Parlell 5 eVlsees egatees ancl assignees Hazel G Tarbell or her legal he rsdev sees legatees and as'>lgnel') Je:llej:te F Teakle or her leg'll heIr'> deVIsees ('ells 1l1formed the RO'lro thatleg1tees and assignees Robert 1 1 eakle or hIS legal heir:. clevl,;;ees legatees he hd.d probed 111tO the finanCIaland 1s<;lgneC's Jenn e lllonn'l or her leg.!.! htll'> drvIseLs hgltu'> mu ~ti1tt1S of neIg'hbonng school cItsas::.lgnee:, rylane C Thol1tp'JOl or ht r legal helr,> deVl'lefS leg1.tees and tT1('t'-, 'lnd '\a~ of the oplmon asasslgnee'l Nyle TIbbets or hI" legal he r" devJ:.e 'l legatf'e,> and 3SS1gl(eS re~ult of tIll, InvestIgatIOn thatDuane TIbbets or hl<; legal heirs devI<;ees leg1tees and as::.lgne(" Joslphme they are 111 d worse condttIonor Jus legal hens deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees Roberta C r-rombley or 'her than the Gros'1e POlITte Schdol

d19tnctlegal heIrs deVIsees Legatees and as'>lgnees George W Trom1.n or hi'> leO"alh 0 As ~ m,tter of fact" sa1d Mrelrs devlsee'J legatees and a<;';;lgl1ee'J Henry I Ulhnch or hi.:. legal heIr"d Pat cells 'J 1.m c011v1l1cecl we areeVlsees legatees and assIgnees Clara S 1Jnruh or her legal heln dlvlsee'>legatees and asslgnees DaVid D Unruh or hIS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees better off fi11"l11CIally, than any

d J h other 'chool chstnct m vIew ofan ass1gnees a It J Upson or hIS legal heIrs dt::vlsees legatees and assigneesB the general condittons "eatnce E Upson 01' her legal heirs deViseeS legatees and aSSIgnees AdaV Wallwork Dr her legal helrs <levlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Mary B Dr S M Brownell, superln-W I ~endent of schools, mformed thea ter or her legal heIrs, deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees. Harry N ..Walter Bor hiS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees Joseph P Warren or hIS oard that he would prepare anI analySIS of the finanCial condltlOhegal heirs deVIsees legatees and assignees Selema Warren or her legal heirsde11sees legatees and asslgnes James \i\Tarren, or hiS legal heIrs deVIsees bf the School DISt't'Ict and subtl11tlegatees and aSSIgnees LUCIe C Watts or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatee It to the Board at the next regu-

lar meetmg, the first Montlay 111and aSSIgnees FrederIck WeIdner or hiS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees andFebruaryasslgnees Catherme D WeIdner or her legal helrs deVIsees legatees and

On the other hand, collectionaSSIgnees Theodore J Weidner or hIS legal heIrs devlsPPs legatees and, of mt1111Clpal taxes m GrosseassIgneeS., George E WeItzel o-r hiS legal helrs deVisees legatee~ an{l

o Pomte Park and county taxes areassIgnees Charles 0 Wessels or hiS legal heIrs dt VISees legatee"- "I I db'" reporte y respectlve offiCials to

aSSIgnees Ormond Wessels or hiS legal heIrs deVIsees ltgatees and assignees ,1. P ahead of the amount recelvedWalter A Whl1:e; or hIS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgneeS, LOUIse ~ U h

L r ")t 1~ ttmp ., ,.,"i"'l.."'" l.lJYf'- an..:! vvnne ()l ner 1'0gal heirs deVISeeSj legatees and asslgn~es ~ora Wleduttes CollectIOn of 82 per cent of alegal l~~llb, ue\ Isee~ It:g<lh.es anti aSSIgnees J ames Colyer or hIS legal heirs aSSIgnees hugene 1 M.cDermott or hiS legal heIr'> devl":. legatees 'U , h

1 d Of' her legal helt's deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees, Henry \i\Tledutte.s or IS vIl1ae-e tax levy amountmg todeVisees legatees and aSSIgnees, Mrs Roma111e Clark or her legal heIrs aSSIgnees Jel11ue McDonald or her legal heirs <levlsees egate. an aSSIgnees I I h 'd legal helrs, deVIsees legatees and asslgnees Farl B Wigle or hiS ega elrs $480000 by December 1, wasde\ Isee,> legatees and asslgnee<; Edward J Courtney or hiS legal heIrs Margaret McDonald or her legal heirs <levlsee,;; legatees an aSSIgnees

devis-ees legatees and assIgnees Dal1lcl Wlg1e or hIS legal heIrs, o.evlsees ~hown 111 '1 final audIt, Waldo JdeVisees legatees atld asslgnees M1ry J Cllppert Or her legal helrs deVIsees EdIth (,- McDonald or her legal helrs <levlsees legatees an asslgnces Fffa] ~ and as'>lgnees Frederld. .. C Crdwford or hI';; legal hers deVIsees McL1ughln or her legal hers deVIsees legatees and \s<;tgnce,;; J M legatee" and ass1gnees Carl A \VIlhams or hIS leg11 heIrs de\l,:,et<; legatee" Berns \lllagL clerk of Grosseega ees and ass gnee<; \Vtlltam A \\ llong'hby or IllS leg tl heirs c1e\lsee<, lef, 1.tees an 111 Pomte P'uk ~aIcl early thIShg1tee<; and ISSg1els AI11 C 1e or llr legal heirs clev s<.e,> legatee':' 1.HI McKenZIe or h '>legal heIrs devl<;ces lelZatee<; and a,;;",glee,:, J \ 1facDonald1S'>IgllC Dr Jilt T (pral or 1 <, leg11ler<; ell" le" legatee<; aId orll'> 1 gallClrs d'C\bLe<; lpgaee'> la" gntes \\11111111 \1urph\ rhl'> ::.S,f:TleeS Ralphl \Vllson orhslegalhtrs uu"t.es ICf:,atet:s<11dassIgnees \\eel.. lhe pelcent'1g'c of pay1SSgl ls""kathrv J llr 11 or }('r 1 gal lur" drV~tLS kgdtllS <11d legal hlrs [\Isecs legatees and asslgnCt \\;lllam l tvt II~ or hI'> legal Itln \ \\ \\ 1 ,) 1cr g11 I (le\ en ,.,1t 1:'6 Cl 1 L11111C'nt \\<1'"> "Lcn lS a SIgn of unas-Slgnees Anl1lc Cro~s-o 1 or htr legal helr.:. devlseL::' legatee::. and. a.:..:.gnees heIr.:. dl\l::.ee.:. legatee.:. al d a~:'lgnees Guy E Moffit or hIS lel;'tl heirs deVIsees WItteman Or hIS legal he rs dev sees legatees 111 assignees J \Vlh\ell or I prOVIng'" fin'lncIal condItIons b)-

legatees and aSSignees F A Morrison or hiS legal heIrs "devlees legatees and hI:' legal hellS dev1sees legatees and assignees 1 red WIXSOll1 or hI::' legal offiCIals \\ho pomted out that forGeorge H Carpenter or hIS legal heirs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees Ruby heir,> de\lsees legatees and a::.slgnees I J \i\ OJC or h s legal helrs more th 111 10 years the propor-Carpenter or her legal heIrs devlsees legatees and assIgnees Peter Coroda assignees Ernest G Moeller or 11'1 lega~ heIrs deVisees legah sand ai>Sgnees h 1

"'llllanl E \loran or I,lS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assIgnees Mary deVIsees 1ega;tles and assignees 1 rances E Yackley or her legal helrs dlvlsee:. bon of taxes paId WIt out pena tyor hIS legal helrs devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Chnstopher r Coda or vv I I I h d I I h d d d 83 fB Moran or hel legal heIrs dev~sees legatees and assignees VI Moag or h s legatees and a::.slgnees rred Lelgan or lIS ega elr eVlsees egatees aile a not e>...cec e per cent orhiS legal hellS deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees Hennette E Carey or her I Z II h I I b d I t dlegal heirs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees James I Morell or 11S legal assIgnees C ara e s or er ega elf<; eVlsees ega ees an asslgnc<;;s lnv yearlegal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assignees P Crov.ley or hiS legal hClrs II I I I h dId r A dd 60 d h 1hClrs deVisees legatees and assignees H R 1vf111er or hiS legal heirs W1.1ter h Ze s or liS ega elrs C\lSeCS egatees an assignees ralKes n a thon a:¥s In W Ie 1

deVIsees legate'es aild asslgnees Beatnce M Camp or her legal heirs deVIsees 1 cl" F Y<''lger or her legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assljZnees EdIth \Vessel" to P:l."\ t::'\,ec:. \, lthol1t penalty wao.,legatee ad' Ig e {1 1 j-' (an pan h I I h d I Je\lbl\ ..~ It:gake~ dud d~SgleL~ Jamb r \111 €l at 111:.Jegl hell::. evl:.cCS ?

s n ss 1 es .....lar es ..... 1 or IS ega elrs e\ISeeS egatees legatees and assignees B MIchel felder or hiS leg<tl helrs devIees legatees and Berl) or her legal helr<; devlsees legatees and a~"lg leb Tvh) hn<;" or her 1.11owed pI0pert) 0\\ ners 111 19,JOand aSSIgnees "1VIargaret Cal1vp1U or her legal heIrs deVisees legatees 11d I h d 1 t d 11 lIt d D

aSSIgnees Barnard lvhehel felder or 1115 legal he rs devI,slCs, legatees anD. lega elrs eVlseeS ega ees an 1.SS,lgnlcs 1E' C 0'<:'111~(a e "as ma e e-aSSIgnees 1< re<lcrlck Curry -or hIS legal heIrs dev1::.ees legatees and asslgnces 1 d d I f till t1 1 I t d f 0 t b r 1assIgnees "lvfary Mlchenfc1der, or her legal heIrs 'Clevlset legatees and are hereby elrecte to appear an s 1O\Vcause ~ 111) 1lrl Je IV \ II pla)e1 cern )er 10S ea 0 co e. ,Grace CUrlY or her leg<tl heirs deVIsees legatees and asslgnees Agnes I fil d I b h Id b t d b f tl ell lIb th 1 I • '"aSSIgnees 1< lorence 1f Mitchell 01 her legal heIr!; UCV:lSes legatees and \ 111 thc petition 1 e 111 t II a OVl cause s au not e gran e on Dr e arc 1 Vv 11('"1 11( cell e ustta c OSlllb'Dewan or.1 er legal heirs deVIsees legatees aId as;i1gneei> I ~1 Dev"an or hIS aSSIgnees Lee B Mitchell Dr hlS legal heirs, devlsees legate" and assignees 19th day of 1<ebruary 1931 .at 9 30 oc1ock III the forenoon E<tstern Standard tUllClegal helrs devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Ehzabeth Donnell'. or her legal C IJ I C f D t t W C t vf I 1 11 t f WManon A MlllIJly or her legal heIrs devlsees legatees and aSlgllees Alex B Tine at the ourt -louse 111tIe Ity 0 e rOI ayne oun) lCl1gan a ...... co eClOns or ayneheirs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees J Donnely or hiS legal heirs t t d t th 1deVIsees legatees and aSSlgnees Henry A DIehl or hiS legal heIrs M1l1l1lJlk or hlS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assIgllees "fane H Me)er 11 IS FuRTHER ORDrRED that a copy of thlS Order hc sened upon $coluooon'0000 a e arc fm

Iare ~ 1

d d hi h b f d f 111excess 0 ast year s,deVIsees legatees and assIgnees RIchard E Dean or h s legal heirs deVIsees or her legal he rs deViseeS' legatees and aSSIgnees Sara Me ers or her legal the var ous res pan ents name erem \\ lerever t ey may e oun 1 d h k Tlegatees and aSSIgnees Olga S Dean or 'her legal hurs deVisees legatees and hem, de\ISelS legatees and asslg1els ;'ohanla Meister 01 her legal heIrs practIcable at least s x (6) days pnor to the -chte herun fr\.cd f01 :;1.ld adccor


RD~oT~ ell ec tsetnt dUtes-/' ay 0 .ru er, sa e au IoraSSIgnees Anna Decker or hrr leg<tl he rs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees deVisees legatees and ass gncts }< red E :Mead or hIS leg t he~rst deVIsees respondents appearance general bv Herman R Lau,~IathJas H Decker or hIS legal heIrs devlsees legatees and asslgBees Wtll J legatees and. aSSlg lees Della A Mead or her legal heirs levlsees legatees 11 IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certIfied copy of th1.:. ordlr shall be county treasurerDent Jr or hlS legal hur:; deVIsees legatees and aSf; gnees Paul Dal1l11l or hIS and aSSIgnees Fllllna Metzger or her legal heirs, --devlsfcs legatee~ and pub1 sht..d for three (3) successive weel-.s at least once each \\eel-. 111 at lCdsrt:1 1he check sent by Lau borelegal heIrs, deVisees legatees and ass gnees Ge~rge Dourou;ahan or hIS kgal asslgnees Loretta 11 \far! ey or her legal heIrs, deVIse s, legatee'S and onc nev-.spaper publIshed wlthln the vIlIage of Grosse POlllte Park If the e be the n.aure'l $7083 735 01 ThIS 111-heirs deVisees legatees and assignees Anna Dodge Dlllman or her legal helrs assignees Petel t\. Marke) or hIS legal he rs deVIsees. legatees and asslgnees one and 1£ not then 111some newspaper pubhshed at the City of DetrOIt WllCl clude~ $6000000 collected 111DedeVisees legatee:. and aSSIgnees Henry DU111tz or hiS legal heirs deVIsees :Cdtth C \-IartJ 1 or hu legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assignees H E IS the county seat of Way le County the county 111 whIch the VIllage of j traIt and the balance representslegatees and aSSIgnees Clarence A Dafoe or hIS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees Martll1 or 111~legal heIrs deVIsees legatees ald asstguee-s Jean \tIartln or Gro:.se Pomte Parh. IS located and that the last pttbhcat on thereof shall be at the share of the county outSIdeand assignees Annle C Elhott or her legal heirs <ievlsees legatees and I her legal heirs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees W M Martin or hIS legal least SIX (6) days before the date herem fixed for the appearance of the several of the CItyaSSIgnees Ernest A Edgerton or hIS legal heirs deVisees legatees and heirs deVIsees legatees dnd aSSIgnees Mrs Marontate or her legal heirs, respondents namely J:.ebruary 19th 1931 Last J anuar) at thIS tIme theaSSIgnees Oscar E Eberbach or hiS legal };.elrs devlsees legatees and deVisees legatees and asslgnees H A Mark or hlS l-egaf heITs deVIsees ROBERT VI TO\IS CIty had paId In onl} 4'5000000 InaSS>lgnees Jesse H East or hIS legal helrs deVIsees legatees and ass gnees legatees a~d assignees Rose T Marv1l1 or her legal heIrs de'Vlsees legatees Orcult Judge taxes and the remamder of theCharle<; h~Slg or hIS legal heirs deVisees legatees and assIgnees A H .Elbert and aSSIgnee:. E MalLelJ or IllS legal heIrs devlsees legate sand asslgn-ees, A True Copy county $62325822 The totalor hI'> legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and asslgnees Loyal A Eldndge or hiS Dora Maloney or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and ass gnees Harry C J P rITlrLr "tate levy agamst Way?c countylegal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assIgnees Augusta J ElliS or her legal heIrs Malow or hiS legal heIrs, deVIsees legatees and asslgnees; '"'Jllvere M.aertem Deputy Clerk IS il:11782815 50deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees Peter ras~ler, or hI'> legal heIrs deVisees or hiS legal heirs deVisees legatees and assignees S Maer ens or hiS legallegatees and asslgnee,s J redenck C; Ford or hiS legal helrs devlsees legatee:. heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnee" E Methoff Nicholas or h1S legal heIrs No ( 13457and asslgnee,;; Joseph E f'telds or hiS legal heirs, deVisees, legatees and deVisees legatees and assignees Kat'! I Nutter -or IllS Jegll heirs deVisee,>aSSIgnees M Fullmer or hI~ legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assignees, legatee ... and aSSIgnees Clara L Neumann or her legal belrs 'devisees legateesJ-ohn J FIsher or hI" legal heIrs deVISees. legatees and aSSIgnees Mrs and aSSlg1ees WIlham J Need" or hIS legal heIrs devls"es legatees andJosephllle Fourl1ler or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSignees Paul ne aSSIgnees t.Juban NowakowskI or hI'> legal heirs deVIse s legatees andG FIBer or her legal heirs deVIsees legatees and asslgnees Florence roster- ass gnees Thomas J NIcholl or J1lSlegal heIrs deVIsees leg3Jtt l>Sand asstglleesor her legal heirs deVIsees legatees a ld assignees Nett e FIsher or her lega~ Llll e B },.,Icholl or her legal heln dev sees legatees and as Ignees Kathlf.}enheIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees James H Foster, Dr hIS legal heirs B 0 \iara -or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIg1ees Russell TdeVisees legatees and asslgnees EmIlY K roster or her legal heIrs deVisees 0 Malley or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assignees' L Orhng or h15legatees and assignees, LOUIse H Fruehauf or 'her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees legal heIrs deVIsees, legatees and aSSIgnees Fredenck W Oehler or h sand assignees Dr Howard Fletcher aT hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and legal he&s deVIsees legatees and assignees Ella Aselton at hel"" legal Jt-elrsaSSIgnees EdIth M frost, -or her legal heIrs devIS'ees legatees and assignees deVisees legatees and a<;Slgnees George C Opp or hIS leg I heirs deViseesL R flgley or hiS legal heIrs devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Geortge FIgley legatees and aSSIgnees fay Mary Opp or her legal belrs deVisees legateesor hIS legal heIrs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees Emery L Garmon or hiS and asslgu=.es J G Prasser or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legate,es and aSSIgneeslegal heirs deVisees legatees and assignees Emory L Gorman Or hIS legal LOU1sa J .Pascoe or her legal heirs deVisees legatees and a~sIgnees hdwardhelrs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees A GIbson or hiS legal heIrs deVIsees B Pascoe or hIS legal helrs deVIsees legatees and ass1gne( s Roy PaSCUZZIlegatees and assIgnees Charles E Gltzen or 111slegal heirs deVIsees legatees or hlS legal heIrs deVIsees le~atees and assignees Ida PC'ters 0; her legaland assignees Mary Gray or her legal heirs DeVIsees legatees and assignees hetrs deVisees legatees and assignees Gustave E Peters or ins ega helrsW II M G h I I h d I t d 81 d deVIsees lega1:ees and aSSIgnees K111eta Portlock or her legal heIrs deviseesI lam ray or IS ega elrs eVlsees ega ees an aSSIgnees a ysGodfrey or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and asslgnees Laura S Gray or legate~s and asstgnees Sophie Peters or her legal heirs devl sees legatees andher legal helrs deVIsees legatees and asslgnees George W Gayor or hIS legal assignees Pyrl F Pfelster or hiS legal heirs deVIsees legate es and assigneesheIrs deVIsees legatees and a':>SIgnees Jacob C Geck or hIS legal heIrs devlsees I Pease or hlS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees P J PbIlhp orlegatees and aSSIgnees Anna M Geck or her legal heirs deVIsees: legatees I11Slegal helrs deVisees legatees and asslgneeS'4 B W Palmer or hIS legal heirsand assignees Eleanor Gme1l1er or her legal heirs deVisees legatees and deVisees legatees and assIgnees WJ1ham PelchowlCk or hlS Ie.gal heIrs deViseesasslgnees LOUIsa A Gltzen or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees legatees and assignees R H Pash or 111Slegal heIrs deVI sees legatees-- and\1rs G E GIllespIe or her legal heirs deVIsees lega.tees and ass1gnees T W aSSIgnees Margaret E Quart or her legal he rs deVIse es legatees andGuenther or hIS legal heIrs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees George W al$SIgnees Leonard A Quart -or hiS legal heIrs devlsees legat ee.s and assIgneesGorman or h1S legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees Arthur Grunner Anna Ryan or her legal heirs devlsees legatees and aSS:lgnef s Lyle F Runelor hiS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees J GU$tafson Or hIS legal man or hIS legal heirs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees Jo ~eph F Ratke oruelrS1 deVIsees, legatees and as&lgnees. Archer J GIlbert, Qr hiS legal helrs1 C Towtlsen<lj or her legal helrs, deVIsees I legatees and lilsslgn~{ S I A W Tromaul

ORDER'OF PUBLlCATION(Contmue-d from Page T\\ 0) "

rraternal benefit SOCletv Kl1lght" of C;t John a fraternal corporation Prov de 1t

Mutual Life Insurance Company a foreIgn corporatIOn Estate of r A Colondeceased a ld the legal heIrs deVisees legatees and asslgnees of 1 A ColondecC'ased Estate OI Gerhard Dlekhoff deceased and the legal herrs deViseeslegatees and assignee" of Gerhard Dlckhoff de<ceased Estate of FhzabethFolsom deceased and the legj:tl heIrs devlsee~ lcga ees al d ass g 1ees of rJlzabeth 1<01S0111deceased 1<state of Ge-orge Shckel deceased and the legal heirsdeVisees legatees and a'>Slgnees of George Stickel deceased Estate ofTheodore Lelsen and the legal heirs deVIsees legatees and asslgnees of Theadore Lelsen deOe1sed Estate of Wilham II Murphey deceased an I the legalheIrs deVlsees legMees and a",>lgttees of Wtlham H Ml1nphey dece1sed(1 arIc'> r Jack<;on or hl<; leg,rl Ill? r<; deVisees legatee'> and as<;lg lee<; TJ omal;!\ Valada also known as Thoma,;; A Valade or ] I~ 1eg11 }1Clr,> devI'>les]lgatet,;; and 1SS1g'nees Arh I Vahde or her legal heIr<; deVIsee,;; legdtee'> and1 <;ll-,ne('<; VIctor W \ allele al,:>o k lawn a<; Vlctor W Valade or 1m legalheIr" dt.v sees legatees 1nd asslgllees Barhara C Qu lkert or her legal he1rsdeVisees legatees and d'>Slg lel" S<tnte Vallan or hIS legal helr~ devlsleslegatees and aSSIgnees Rosa vallan Or her legal heIrs deVisees legatees anda s gnees P J Phil! P 01 hiS legal heirs deVisees legatees and ass gneesGertrude Lennen or her legal heir<> dev sees leg~tees and asslgnees May 0\ anclerp!) 01 1 er legal heir" de\ Isees legatees and assignees hllen Allen or1er legal heIr de\ l'>lt lcgatet" all a~~Igl eb DUIJa11l11 C !\Ile 1 or hIS legalJ elrs deVIsee:. legatees d ld aSSIgnees Altee vI A nos Or her legal heirsdeVisees legatees a ld asslgnee<; J evanc An os 01 hiS kgdl helrs deViseeslegatees and assIgnees ErneSt ~ Ander~oll or hiS legal heirs qcvlsees legatee:.a ld a,;;slgnees Mar) 1\ lderso or her legal heir devlsees legatees al da<;slgnees ,p.,ed:. C Artved or hl~ legal heirs devI"ees legatees a Id ass gneesvfatt e E Artved or her legdl helrs deVIsees legatee,;; dnd assignees, Jalles G

Albnght or hls legal heir<; dev sees legatees and aSSlgnees Helen T Albngl tor her legal heIrs devisees leg1tles and aSSflgnees Achsah H Al1thon} or hi"legal helrs devlsees legatees and aSSIgnees Leonard Aselton or hIS legalheirs deVIsees legatees and asslg1ees John A AndersOl or hiS legal heirsdevlsee~ legatees a 1(1 assignees Isabel Bohn Or her legal he rs devlsee~legatees and aSSIgnees Andre\\ Brandau or hiS legal heirs deVisees legatee"and aSSIgnees \Vllha111 T Bohn or hiS legal helrs deVisees leg<litees a ldaSSIgnee:. Cl £ford C Boome or hi::' legal heIrs deVisees legatees and aSSIgneesYfary Bourne or her legal heirs deVIsees legatees and assIgnees Lllen ABowen or her legal heirs deVisees legatees and assignees l\atha 1 H Bowenor hIS legal heIrs devlsee" legatees and ass gnees Charles Bowles or hiS legalhurs devI<;ees legatees and assignees Myra J Brower or her legal heIrsdevlsees legatee<; aId as<;lgl1ees George W Brown Or hIS legal helrs devlseeskgUitees and asslgnees Kathleen \1arshall Bruce or her legal heIrs deVIseeshgatees and as:'lg1ees Wllham R Bryant or hlS legal heIrs deVIsees legateesand 1S:.lgnees Henry W BueltW. or hl" legal heIr<; deVisee,;; legatees anda&Slg11ees Jean C BUlda or her leg'll hur'l devl~ees legatee~ al d aSi>lgnt.e<;Golda I\I Benseoe or hfr legal heirs deVIsees Jegatel" a ld 3ssIgnees ~cepon(Beuelb or hiS legal heIr'> dev sees legatee" and asslgnes Mant. Blrckner orher legal helrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnee'> rrancis 1\1 Brady Or hiS legalheirs -devIsees legatees and asslgnees Florence L BoP? or her legal heIrs-deVIsees legatees and assignees Artthut:C Burns -or hIS legal heIrs deVIseeslegate<cs and assIgnees Joseph E Butz or hiS legal heft<; dev1see,> legatee,> andassignees Larolll1e Beymer or her legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and asslgneesCharles E Beymer or hIS legal heirs deVisees legatees and aSSIgnees GeorgeC Bear or hlS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees C A Baske or hISlegal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assignees Albert P Ball or h1s legd heusdev1.sees legate.es ancl. aSSignees Dr D J Baker or Jl1S legal heIrs deVIseeslegatees and asslgnees Georgf' J Baker or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legateesand assignees J Lee Baker or hIS legal heIrs DeVIsees legatees and aSSIgneesFredenck G Breskow or hIS legal heIrs d.evlsees legatees and assignees JohnBurke or hiS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and assl~nees Walter J Barnes orhiS legal hetrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees Helen E Cntten or her legalheirs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnees Janet Jones Caulk or her legal heIrsdeVisees legatees and aSSlgnees DanIel L Colwell or hIS legal helrs deVIseeslegatees and assignees A N Colbns or hIS legal heIrs deVisees legatees andJflSslgnees Edward M C-oleman, or hIS legal heIrs, deVisees legatees andaSSIgnees Frank A Chapper or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgneesRuel T Cadwell or hIS legal heirs deVIsees legUitees and aSSIgnees i WIlham NCroydon or hIS legal heIrs deVIsees legatees and aSSIgnee':> Robert J Cowanor hiS legal hell'S deVisees legatee:s and aSSIgnees Joseph E CIpnan Or hIS,




Page 4: Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1931/193… · at the request of Trustee John Wat lun, lut Monday evenmg after the Board had been In open seatHOn ~ repre.entatlve



It ,


LEIB Conservatoryof Music

Phone Lenox 6831

We have a Nqtiee at our school arndbranches Expert Mu ••c Professtonadv1ce given You are I1:qlldwhat the ~

UnscI"Upuloua Teachers OrmtFor further Det .. ls Phone Lenox 6831 1~

or cal! at 14950 E Jefferson Ave Cjr- Iner Barrmgton,~f-aclng Wafburn <Clty i

I1mll' , l'

--...1."------'- __ L~~~_~

'?A Mus1c Ltcensed Teachers AsSOtla~ ~hon rule would $fleveparents money andch1ldren ttme and n~fiI' strain Theage for Theory lS $, Ptano, 10 VlOltn,12, Mandohn Gqltar, BanJol 14 V'01Ce,

16 year. eld

To Rent~Ap~rtmentsFURNISHED APARTM ENT - 3

ro'Oms, nicely furnIshed, With heathght and gas, $6 00 per week 1642Alter road Call between 1 and 4 rp m

For. Lawns and Gar~ensDAVID RAWNSLEY

Thutsday, ] anuaty 22, 1931-

,e Nlagarll 4921 102n. P. IDvd.e

Office, Lenox 5284 RADIO

Maryland. )::lectricCON"'RACTORS

Wiring • Fixtures '" ~epalrslZ- Years In Grosse .... ointe

f EARL N. MEININGER, ManagerI 1009 Maryland Ave. Grosse Pte Parkt


Review Liners-

MiscellaneousHEMSTITCHING ~nd ptcetmg-Ex-

pert wOl'"kmanshtp, promptly doneNIagara Z669 503 St Clalr Ave, GrossePomte V IIlage

Wan~ed 'WANTED-A refined bus mess gIrl or

sohool teacher to gwe a few serVIce<;

, m exchange for room and board NI11.111 Call before 6 0 clock p m

Work WantedBOXING INSTRUCTOR and tramer,

expenenced on wevght reducmg bodybUlldmg and massage, wI'Shes connec-tton wtth prIvate home 'Or club be&tof references HICkory 6234 W

EXPERIENCED German WIdowwlshes laundry work or housework

by 'the <l.Q.y, 4Ch., p"r \.,0 ..... pho"'c M_agara 4515

To Rent-

mormgrt TIns tS the thtrd sermon 111

the senes on Death and the FutureLife Thts group of sermons has beenattractmg large crowds of people whoare mterested tn these matters whtchare se1d>om explamed from the pulpitThe asststant pastor Rev The'O Fnckewlll dehver the sermon and the pastorRev R. D Lmhart Witt giVe the ser-monette for the chlldren and wlll alsoconduct the altar serVlce The worshtphour wdl begm promptly at 10 45 a m

A senes of lect'Ures on rehgl0n 1$

be~ng presented every Sunday mornIngat 9 45 In the church au-dttonum Thepurpose of 1:hese preseiltattons IS toshow the Way 'Of Salvation as taughttn the Lutheran Church A large number of peaple are attendlIlg these lectures wlll~h prepare for membershIpm the churdh Anyone destrlng to knowthe teach~ngs of the Lutheran churrh lSInvlted to Mtend thls lecture course

The BIble School wlll meet at ltsusual hour, 9 15 All the chIldren tillthe ne1g\hborhood are mVlted to attendth1s hour of re1lglous tnstructlon and-devobon

Busioeal DirectoryFuneral Directors

•Geist & Company

Funeral Directors ,Edw. Teppert, Set,":.and Treas

Pnce IS a m,atter of your own detnre149\1 Kerche~a1 Ave ...... r Alter Road

Lenox 4Z81


.\1 Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

Phone Nia.ara 2424

76 Kerby Ro.d G P Farms

JACOB VAN ZANENGen~ Carpenter Work

We Specialize in Repair Work

24 Ridgemont !"liagara 0796

Groue Pointe Farnu, Mich.

G. P. M, Peat Mossand Driconure

Messiah Lutheran

Church of ChristLochmoor

Presbyterian Chqrchof the Covenant

Southeast corner of I akewood andKercheval avenues A.-H A Loeiher,pastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue Tele-phone Lenox 2121

On Sunday January 25 the Pastnr Iwtll p-reach the thud of a senes of serw COTTAGE TO RENT on Rooseveltl11>onson the "Seven Letters to the Place Grosse Pomte V1llage CallChurches m ASla MInor II fhe sub Nlagara 4136 or mqUtTe 333 Rooseveltleet of the sermon WIll be 'Pergamos Place Grosse Pomte VIllageThe Lax Church' Serv1ces wdl be heldas follOW's German at 9 a ill, Enghshat 11 15 • m , Sunday School at 10 15

The Young People s Society ... 111meet next Tuesday at 8 ddock andthe Ladles' Aid next Wednesday afler-noon at 1 o.clock

l\ev Arthur V Allen Will bnng hISfarewell messages next Sunday mor'Q.mg and evenmg to The JeffersonAvenue B21ptlst Church where he hasmlDlstered for ten years as ItS pastorMr Allen has led thls !people smce thechurch was orgamzed pUfmg themonths precedl~g It,S 01"gameabbn1

whtle he was still Dtre.ctor of ReligtousEducation f'Or the DetrOlt BaptlstUmon he was also prevatled upon toserve the congregatlOn He has a<:celPted th~ unammous and tnststentcall of the First Baptist Church ofSprmgfield, Massachusetts, a churchWith more than 1700 members No conwgregauon -can feel more <leeply the lossof tts leader than does our ch\l-rch Inthe morning at 11 0 dock hts sermontoprc Will lJJf I Thmgs That RemamWhen The Mmlster Goes" • My La'StQues1:10n' 1S the 'SubJeJCt of hts evenmgmessag~ ~

Baptism wl11 be admtnlstered agamat the mornmg worshJU) hour an4 t,ll theevemng the ordmance of CommunIOnWIll be observed Our Pastor WIll glvethe Hand of FellowshIP to a largegroup: ot nt/W members receIved Intothe chu'f'.ch durmg the pastor monthThese w111 be memorable serVices

A Farewell Rece.p.tton wlll be heldthi<; Fnday evemng January 23rd1 at8 o'clock m honor 01 Rev Allen andIus <famIly All membet;'s of the churchand congrega10n at~ cordIally mVltedRepresentatlve'> of the Detrmt Councllof Chur<che<;, the Pastors DIllon ournelghbonng chur.ches and the DetrOItBaptlst UOlon Will be -present to giVeexpresslOn to thelr appreclal1:lon of theserVIce Mr Allen has rendered Incarrymg reponsLbthtles m the largerwork of the 'Clty These orgamzatlonsshare WIth us our loss The programWill feature speclal muslcal numbers

Dr James S KIrtley w1l1be WIth ourchurch on Wednesday evemng January28th to begm hiS mlmstry as Intenmpastor until we are able to find a successor to Mr Atlen We are fortunateIn securtng Dr Klrtley who has ablyserved the largest churches 1U thecountry In thIS speclahzeq mmlstry

The Jefferson Avenue Baptt&t ch1,1rohwtll hold a sertes of ReVIVal and Eva'llgehshc meeungs begmt'lll$' Sunday,February 1st, and 'C'Ontmumg throughSunday, Februal'Y'iI3td Charl1e Tay-lor, the noted Boy EvangeJIl\t who hasbeen conducung; reVIval mfeunifs S111cehe was nme years old wlth remarkabler~suttts, wt11 be With us HIS broth~rLaurie' and the}r father, Charles Tay~1

lor Sr W111 aSs.lst tn these me~tmgsThose who heard •CJ\arlJe" spe1,I.k m01-1-. ~ ",1-- !",,..l-, ....n ~1H..rt~:v Df''CPMhe-l'' 1Afh

~e~e~be; the ""1'5t1r1'7~gmessage~ 11brought and Will be glad he l' ~galnto be 10 thIS cQmmuntty Anuountthese meetIngs wldely

thEy go to Pon~la!C to conquer leaguehorrors The team have been workmghard all thts week on an atia'Ck thatWlll bnng them VIctory The Ponttlacteam IS favored over Gr{lsse POlOteand the pomters must play on Pon~hare's court: The Pointe team ISgreatly enthused to conquer a supenors'(;hool and wt~h a httle support theycan do tt satd Coach Geary

...... 6""" ..


Lanl'ua«e of MexicoThe people of :Mexico speak Span-

Ish. The Spanish spoken by most Mes.ica.ns, however, has undergone achange simIlar to that undergone bythe English spoken bv AmerIca.ns

The meetings at the Church 0

Mexico', Pe:tpulattoD Center- ChnSit Lochmoor, contmue to be welForty per cent of the population of J a1ten<ied Last Sunday Evangehs

Me:;tco iB in tbe Lower Ca.1ifQrnia Ro<:k1tff preached to a fine audiencearea, which Includes portions of the takmg for hlS sUlbJeot, • Behold thestate$ of Guanajuato, JaUseo Quere- Man The pre~cher told of the pertaro and Michoacan fe~t hfe here on earth of Chnst, of

how even PIlot could find no fault mChnst the Mart, and ptoved by Htswords and deeds thaot He .was mdeedthe Son of God, whose sa'C~lfice onCalvary \taketh away the sms of theworld and ha'8 been the only hope ofhumamty through generattons E GRockhff speclahzes In eX1PlaInmg God 5plan of salvatton, and the ntual f.'Or10mIng HIS Body of Church But comeand see artd hear for yourself

Meetmgs Sun'\ay - Bible Scbool9 45 am, breaking of bread, 11 00am, Gospel serVI~e, 7 45 p m

Wednesday - Gospel Service, 7 45p m

Fnd-ay-Go51Jel servIce, 7 45 p m at213 BouMer avenue East Detrolt

Come to the httle church m thewl1dwood

Distinction With DltterenceThe spIrit of youtb in age is some-

thing very different from age trying toact skittishly The first is admirable,the second r1diculous

Odd Picka" ..Antlers were used .as tnckaxes by

prehistoric men in northern eountri~'.

Taney Home a ShrmeThe home of Roger Broke Taney at

ll'J;<!dllrlek, Md , ante bellnm Oblef Jus-.. T'T H'_-'" QI-"t",... U"nn "''''II;I~

Clara Bow in "No Li~it"Feature on Fisher Screen

tICe oJ: lUi>' cll71..~u >.l~..... '->J.

the ofith to L1nC(ilnr is aMhrine

Cheese From Ewe'. MIlk"Roman cheese is a kind of hard

Italian cheese some'" hat similar toParmesan cheese hut made of themllk of ewes

Country's Breathln. SpotsThe first county park in America was

set ij.side by Essex county New Jersey,In 1895 Thirty siX connlles In 198tat~$ have now provided these recre-ation glounds

Treasury Benent.If a Federal Reserve or paUonBI

bank note is completely de-stroyed the loss benefits the trnitedStates treasury to the amount of thenote

Marked by CharcoalThQ • Carbonnri (charcoal bu~erll),

a secret patriotic socIety organi2led inItalY In the early part of the Nine-teenth century, was 80 ('aUed fl"()m thecustom of the members blacltenin,tbeir tacea with charcoal as a disi\li ..

Dr.u to Match MeDu,h'CCOl dIng to Percy Cndllpp, alc

tator of London fashions, milady bere-after must dr~ss to match the menuA woman in blue should not servestrawberry lee

In as fine a btt of character dral\'llngas hlS genIUS has ever portrayed, RonaId Colman has come to the UmtedArttsts theater tn The Dev11 to Pay,a modern comedy d1'ama speCially Wfltten for htm by the :famous Enghshplaywrtglht Frederlck Lonsdale

As Wtlhe wayward son of LordLeeland, Colman never 'Crosses thatthtn border hne WhlCh dtfferenbatesthe happy go-lucky, devlI- may tareprodlgal son from the V1C1QUS,se1f~mdulgent waster, or the blase cyntcalWtSe \<:rackmg smart aleck~ that ldlesons of the nch are so ofrt:en repre-sented to be

"The Devil to Pay"at the United Artists Jefferson Avenue

Baptist Church



Qara BoV{ 15 ndJW on the FIsherscreen m her latest Paramount blt ' NoLlmtt' Adapted from an orlgmal storyby Vwll1 Brcthers Shere alid Q~.~d onthe • Brooklyn Bonfire s 1 gamblmgesca'Pades No Llmlt' marks the firstappearance of Clara Bow at t1:l\eFishertreat,," ...A~.... exce!1er,,+ "'a~'+ 2p'ppal1'';: 111sUiPPort of Clara They are NormanFoster who made hls screen debut m"Young Man of Manhattan' HarryKIbItzer) Green and funny, bludenng

Stuart Erwm DIXie Lee also appearslD the pIcture as Clara s gtrl fnel1tlThe <story rev-olves ar'Ound Clara's ac~tlv1t1es as a gambler and her effortsto hve up Ito 't!he %loleof a welt to dQY'Oung lady I~ 15 Said that th~ PldurrrerveaIs her as a new Oara B'OW Par'tof i'che picture was made m New YorkCity

On the stage Bob Nolan r<:turns tohead a large cast in the Pu.bhx pre$ell"'tat10n hlit fmm the Paramount theaterNew York Pamt111g the Town' RIce& Werner supply comedy galore W1thwIsecrack aMer wisecrack Boyd Senter The Men's Fnendshlp Blble Class of

"Man to Man~' Film (recordmg arttsrt and a DetrOIt favof1t~ the Covenant Presbyienan churchStory on State Screen returns WIth hIS SIzzling .axophone an'" r,ac\cd " gh,,.ater ,.,a-I< ,n ,to ~".n<1.

----' croomng dannet, Karavaef1, tthe Rus.. ance record last Sunday when 110 men'M <sian toe tap dancmg m.arvei, the Fo.pr were 'Present t() hear the teacher, Mr

an to Mal1, , th: Warner Bros Co-:E\is, c-olleglate cut~1LPSsu I th~h. F W SoutihWorth The class meetsand V1rtalph'One screen verSlon of Ben share of the entertamment PP Y each Sunday a:~9 30 Med' of .the \!o;rb..Ames Wdhams celebrate.d' SaturdaN' G P . m'UJI1t!y-are invtted There are classes, H gh C ..ft In !the H~b-le School to SUlt all agesEvenmg Post I story IS the atrad10n • • 1 ag... Mormng WorshIp at 10 45 Theat the State Tb eater Team Win 2 Games Reverend Alfred S Nickless will

Adapted fur the screen bYJJos~ih prea~h Sermon theme • Freedom from

Ja-k M M LIfe s Stram,"'" son an to an rev als the Grosse pomte HIgh bask<>if!balIteam

ff t f l~ '< You~ People's SOCIety and TUX1S

e or s -0 a Stll a i-town barber to hve won two league vu::torle-s 1a'St week, Group meet at 6 30down a prIson term after he returns beatmg RJ.ver R'Ouge 9~30 and also dew Eve'1l1ng Worshtp at 7 45 Mr NtiCkwto the old homl town, and of hiS at- tattng Monroe at Monroe 7 19 Katser less iPr.earches Sermon theme Demas,tempted sacnlic ~ to .gave hiS boy from was htgh poInt man for the PQ1nte:rs A Ltfe Tragedy'the -same <fate Iin the Rlver Rouge game" WIth five F • h -L---h----

Gral>i MItch -II, rformerly of tbe heap. and two free throws wIllIe a~ ut ut eran Churchstage plays tht" role of Barber J o-hn IMonroe everyone s<::ored I --and Phrlhps:---H ohtres enacts the boy Tomght the pomte quihtefi't wrll have I 'T!he Grealt Re,s.urrect1on" IS the subwFurther rcmah11c. lllterest IS prOVided thelr lmttal battle of the season wlh.en ~~~hofL~~he~~~nt~hu~h bell:~~ac;ue:d:;

manager f"",, ""

Other m~tnhr& Qf tJ:t.e ~ast wereHelen BrtUllereld, ~ert DrysdaleW,lham ~rs, Pa'1vKelle< EdwardKmg, Arth1J~ KWnsclvJ,lllt, Howard Lee,Dorothy Lnad Je~D McKee, BettyShaffer, Jo:hn S.one, {fhomas PIercey,and Rosemary 'Yhtt'1\l~~

~ I}

Residents lO"igureInUnionJGlardian TrustComPaIf Promotions

'---F'OQr reMdents~f Grosse Pomte and

the eastern part of Detro1t figured III

the elec1tons at ihe allnual meettng ofthe board of dredors of the DOlanGuard1an Trust Company last week

George W Vlll .. m~, 1317 ~lShopRoad, Grosse Pomte;, was electedtrUst officp- of th~ company MrWIlllamS'<Joined he;.r;a.taff of the UmonGuar<1lan 'illrn.t~tCompAnY rn 1927, aftermore thanLJ5 'eafl~" ~enen'Ce !WIthvartOUS InWa tnst 1COmpames He ISa graduate""f AmhMM College

Ernest ~ Hlm.",2512 Lakewoodavenue, ~ B Pft-e1OJl:'l'er, 662 Marwquette Dmr", ani ft<>hn L Cotter, 4S52Buckmg'ham: J!old, were elected Vtce

IpresldeJ1lts- '(}f th .companyErnest {:; Ear 15 15J!1ead of the stock

lr.Ulllr~r d(;1'J.41 u <:<:n.tQf th:o tw ..."t co ......pany and has ooen affihated wlth theGuardtan Trust Lorppany !SInCe Its or-gamzMlOn 111. J~ne, 19Z5

A B Pfle1>der~rr a graduate 'Of West~ern Reserve Lay School IS head of thebusmess exten~lOn departm~nt MrPf1el'derer JOIn1d the staff of theGuardIan Trust Company .tn 1926 aftel'two years wtth the 'Umon Trust Com~pany of Clev~la'1d He 1S an adlvemembers of the Fmanclal AdverttsersAssoclatton and 15 a member of thetrust devfl'O'Pme1'lt commltl1:ee

John L Cotter \$ head ef the mdus-trIal departmertt wht'Ch handles recelVershIps He JOIned the staff of theGu:y-rdlan Trust Co~'Pany m 1926,shortly after ltS \orga~~atlOn

Followmg the PfI1lCIple that 41studentslearn to do by ?~)1ng," the faculty Otthe Grosse f'cmte iI:lilgh School 15 en~couragmg the presentatton 'Of pro-grams 'PrtlPared by <$tudents m theI$Ichool, rathe.r than hav1Dg the studentsSlt and hst-en to pr~ams presentedby stranger;; .....T

John R Barnes, pnnc1pal behevesthat students WJll ~1O a great dealmore ~ron1 pr'Ograms ({whtch they orthetr c1ass~ateo:; present, than from theolder type of StPeakcer!t' program

An ('xamp}e of ~hIl.aencouragementof student 'Pr.ogramSt IS the Juntor h1ghschool a<;setubly of la,St week JUmorhlgh s.c'hool gIrls under the dIrectIOn 'OfMlss Adele Schwarz, mstructor 1D

phYSIcal education, 'Presenl1:ed a serIesof dances and a seventh grade h1story!class under the <brectton of W1ll1amM French presented a play that wa.swrttten entirely by members of theclass The theme >of the play wasAdventures of Marco Polo' Students

did conSIderable extra readtng wboutthts V1enet~n traveller, sw&!ed thecostumes and manners of t'he penodand wrote the play '1'

The part''&! MarcO' Polo was playedby Robe'!t Urquhart; "Nl.colo Polo" byDonald Treadwell, ';M.affio Polo bYJames Moqne The' {ffeat Khan" byDaVId SculliYIl Martha Chse a<ted thepart of tire 'Ptmq~ of Cathay"James MEC.Gregor t"Amibassador toIndla , Jamr,e<; Garr~n • 'Papal lewgate Ma-ry Lowse }3erns1 prolQguereader Walt.er Allen was the stage

French Directs PlayBy Pupils in "Learn

By Doing" Campaign

Mrs W H L Everard, Mrs A N Iby the lad's lOve affa1r ",""lth a homeMyers Mrs A W Falr Mrs Robert town girl, portlrayed by Lu<:tlle powersToms and Mrs C D McPher,son George Manon, Ru<ssell SImpson,

The Regent appomted the followmg Dwtght Frye OttS Harlan and othersnommatmg commIttee to recommend complete the all~Sltar eastofficers for the 'Chapter for the coming Atlran Dwan <famous for hIS mtetyear Mrs ~ H RIddle ChaIrman to pretahon of human mterest screenbe asststed by Mrs Charles E HolmeS stones, dlreded Man to ManMrs MerrIll Cross and Mrs A HAldmger

Col Hemnch Plckert addressed theChapter -on National Defense and cltedsome of hIS expertences as Collectorof Customs

Mrs Blapche Anhsde1 McClure ofDearbor'\("~a\'ored W&\ Chapter WIththree soprano solos. ~};Irs 0 D Heavenrtch Regent, read ihteful and apprectattvce letters from ~he soldJers mAmertcan Legton Ho~'Pl-tal at Bad:t1eCreek for the glfts sem: at Chnstmasby the Ch.allt~r Mrs B L CenellyPreSIdent, Cadl11ac Soctety CARready smulflr letters fr'Om the Leaguefor Crippled ChIldren


LEnox 1919


Cont,unu:og tbe new 11 tube Super-heterodyne-Plus This handsomecablllet III of American black walnutwith inlltrumentpanei ot, watchedOrlt.ntal wood; bun walnut plllleisand Drch hand rubbed ,o.t,n finllhan 1 All1",rlcl1n Gobehnt"pe,try over the speaker $129 50

Ius tub..



n()\~i.. i ODA Y

Fort PontchartrainAppoints Delegates

(Contmued from Page One)m Aprll Mrs E J Savage, Ohtef Dele~gate, Mrs R V Allman, M1s$ JessIeNoble Htll Mrs W L Nutten, MrsM D Cr-oss, Mrs J H Hammond

(Contmued fr-om Page One)The let1er follows

The PreSIdent's Emergency Commllteefor Employment

Department of Commerce BUIld:JngWadlington, D C

Th. Board of EducatIon,Groue POInte, MIchIganGentlemen

Informabon, has been rec.&1ved in.thIS office that dr:awJ:n.gahave beenauthortzed and are being' prepared foran elementary school at Grosse POInteVtllage, MIchIgan

We a$sume that drawings and &peel~

J " "hcatlons WIllbe completea, bias B,51(t:Q

Eor and- eontract-s let with the leastpOSSible delay

If there 18 any reason for delay, W1lt

you state these reasons and gIve youropInion as to how !they may he over~come, 1ft order that thiS CommItteemay assIst you In any way pOSSibleInexpechtlng the start of actual construc ..tion?

YOUI'cooperabon WIlt be greatly ap ..preemted

Very truly yours,(Sgd) F. T. MILLER.

School BoardGets a Laugh


.129.:;0Ie,s tube'

"Hell's Angels" FeatureOn Publix - Riviera Bill

~ COmm!l.SSlOner ] K Watkll1ls Mrs T~ R Donovan Mrs E S NIchols Dr

H W Plaggemeyer Dr Stewart~ Hamilton, Dr G B Carpenter C J

McDonald J F Cole Mrs C MEdwards Mr' J B Funk Mrs C DBlessed Mrs Frank QuaIl Jr andMrs R VV Ess1g

Games and pracbce tn the DeltrOltsectlOn are at the Cranhrook Schoolthe D A C and the Grosse PomteHigh School and NeIghborhood ClUibThe comll1g mternatlOnal tournamentIS sponsored by a cotene of DetrOItplayers for the benefit of the game


II tnbes-Tone-f'ontrol-Automatic Volume Control- Station Reeording Dial-Screen Grid-Balanced UnitsJUST reepived-the new Philo" reeeive.- that

is making radio histol')'

IT HAS EVERYTHINGEleven tube Fower and sensitivity with fout'Screen Gt'ld Tubes-Superheterodyne lIeleetlvIty-P u1eo Automatic Volume Control willehHOLDS prooran s at constant level w~thoutladirt!" so yOIl can enjoy the programs ne.lrand fur which the enormous power of tMll Iil~

brings to youFASY TUl\Il'<sG

And this is the llUl'est most a...curate tuning utIn the wurId rver)' prOSl'am you lor,: on tb"Station Recording Dull IS fOl'eve~.ftCl:' tuned111 perfectly easily

Tqne COlltrol which gives yOti } OUR degree$of tone qu..Iit)' and Phdeo Balanced Unitswhich eliminatc radio d18tortion make allthe~c feat.ures douhly enjoyable

TRUE CLEAR TONEThe 1:'1 h hte I ke tone ill $tartliug in ,it! ,ell!ity 111e Gne blg pl'ol"l'ams uf toaay-thl;! grl"Mlu'tbH .lU~ 6j ColI>.r..- he mQsl popular danceordte\l\~ -t} l'Gog into your hOUlowith 1111theT:1l f '" P <o}jll Pl'+.:s+.:ntat1on

,,-L 'l'ttAbF-IJ'tI OJ'll YOUR OLV bI;'l'4'" nu to enjoy the best of all radio

cnt we ;v!l1llllowyou a laber ..l valu11 your 0111 !lCI wh n you f'trl<}e Jt inew Phllco SUIerhcterodyne Plus And

I 11I It we have geut-rous and easy TERMSI"l' tl e balance

(all or Phone Today lor Our New 1931 Radiof ondon Free DemonslrQllon W~thoueOv!<g<ltum


'All-American Sport ShopMASTER RADIO SERVICE

14409E. Jefferson

(Conlf:1rlued from Page One)the per+2rmance of Pt r"ell who lS saldtc: be a wlzard Even the Englt<;h teamthat bas Just completed a tour of Canada acclaIm htm Qne Qf the greatestmen t'h<'lt ever baff1i'd an aoroonent

Badmmton )S an old game, havmgbeen played m Inc;lta some years beforeIts IntrodUlChon Into England Hi 1873whe'fe lt first was 'Played near the httlevtllage of Badmmton tn the Glouces~tershlre country, from whIch comes Itsname Two years ago there were 700clubs m England a-fid 360 1ll IrelandS.cotland Wales and the p:rovmcesCanada first brought It to Ameruca and20 and odd years ago the game. wasado'Pted by New York and Boston

DetrOit 1S a newcomer mto the foldMore new players are ourt. f'Or rpra'Cttcehere thts W1nter 1han heretoforeAmong those who have espoused Badmmoon and \play regularly are Messrsand M.esdames Alger Shelden, HughMc\t1lIlan Robert Stoepel, WalterHock Dan Caulkms, Herbert M1COU,Earl Holley George Holley, ClarksonWormer, Kenneth Moore RenVIlleWheat Johrr S Sweeney J r, Pollce.

Pointers InterestedIn Badminton Meet

At High School Soon


Car'OI T'1emann was elected prestdentof the h1gh school Art Club, at theIrmeetmg Wednesday January 7

Chnstme FiTteburger was el-ected tothe vt<:e-lPrestdency and Eumce Flemmmg was chosen secretary treasurer

se<:ond semester wodordmg to MISSAnne Sima, gtrls' counselor, who 1S

superVlSlt1,g the preparai10rtsThe. program wtll (:onsls,t of a vanety

of Slt1gmg and dat1\1ng ami ~nl1Includea dance act by rlora Kel<; and Be'rmceSlndalr whtch they presented at theFox theater mattnee program'> durmgthe ChrIstmas Va!CatlOn

That spectacular re<:ord 01 wharf:stunt fl.) ers can do wlth the1r ShlPSHell s Ange-Is begms a week s en

gament at the Pubbx RW1e:ra theaterGIRLS OF ROOM 114 on Saturday January 24th lollowmg

TO PRESENT ASSEMBLY lis sensatlOnal success downtown reThe gIrls tn study hall 114 at the cently

high school wtll 'Present t'he first sent01" The plcture WhICh tS saId to haveh1gh school assembly program of the cost up-wards of $4 000 000 to make

A German street band, wh1~h appears anus to deIP1ct aenal combat as It wasm the first act, IS bemg d'ue'Cted by carned on tn the World W-ar ItMr a Lmooln Igou It mcludes offers a dog fight between allted andRamon Perry, Clyde Burgess, Henry enemy planes that tS sald never toParsons, ann Leland Symons \lave been equalled fm thnlls even In

A very clever play "LOVIn the the actual war It has a dramattcLow' 1Was wrttten by Audrey Mahl~ bombmg of a glant German zeppelmme'lster and was re.a,d recently to the and an equally tense destructIOn of adub by Betty Gregory John Parsons I mumrtlons b~e whlle throughout runsRIchard Stevenson, Ruth Ca-rpenter, a love story several romant'lc mtnguesJ,Ganne Hardmg, and HM'net Tyler and other elements whtch add to the

entertamment value of Hell s AngelsBen Lyon and James Halt play the

two youthful Bntl'>h brothers alrmenand J e,an Harlow IS the glrl engagedto the f{)rmer but who 'Play,> at loveW1.th.the latter There are enemy flyer'>officers and !Women WhQ have au tmportant pd.rt lD the unfoldmg of thedrama The actlOn takes place In London d1"awmg room<; and all the alrbattlegrounds of England and France


The SeDlor Prom of the GrossePomte Hlgh school sponsored by theJanuary graduatmg class, wlll be g1VenSaturday, January 23

Frank Gtllen and 111~ orchestraFamous Pla-yeTs wlll furmsh the mUSICfor the even1ng

hverett Beaupre has been chosenchaIrman of the .program commItteeRobert Snyder and Elame Arndt arehIS asslstants

The dance wl1l begm at 8 30 0 clockand end at 11 30 o'dock

The cast 15 headed by George LloydpreSIdent of the dub



15001 Charlevoix A.ve.

Comer of Wayburn





"Remote Control"



"For the Love 0' Lil"

Country Store-$17 00 In Cash, allo24 Grocery Pnzes Free


"Scarlet Pages"



"The Sante Fe Trail"DOROTHY REVIER and


"The Way of All Men"



"Tom Sawyer"Ac1ded Attraction Moncla)' Night

Only-$5ti 00 in Gold C.venAway Free-One Prize



• The Passmg of the ThIrd Floo<Back," a th.ree~3lOt play, wIll be gIvenby the Dramatic Club of the Gr06sePOInte HIgh school February 20 a"d 211fi the high school audltOl"'1Um TheprICe ef acllm's>lon 'W'lll be 35 and 50cents The play IS dIrected by Mr AxelGruenberg and 'M1SSLuctlle Cornell


The JUI;110r Glfi Reserves Club of ~:ne~ 'V..... ~ "n~.f\, l-T,tY3 ",,"JJ.n.rt' f' f'tlItlV

e!«j,ed officer, A. a ,""suit M~rgaretWa.terson 16 p.res.\1dent, BariOlara U1"quwhart, Vl.c~-prcs'1~ent. ~ose Henderson,se<:retary, and Winifred Woodibrtdgetreasurer


Reoommendat1o~s for eltglbthty tothe honor banquet of the Grosse POinteHigh school WIll !probably he announcedlD the ;fiear £uture, accO'f'dmg to MrA E TnW'ellsee, chatrman of theStudent Affal'ts commIttee

The !Committee has been -d1Vlded ~ntosub~oomm~ttees !to make 1;)lans for thelImItation of extra-curncular actlvlt1es,and the ch~rtermg of dubs, as well asmwkmg plans trOT the honor banquet

Thoe sub ..eommlttees are honor ban~quet, Mr Ti'llippense-e, Mtss Anne SImaand Edward Ketterer, hmrtatton ofe~ra..ICurrlcular acttVltles, M1SS LulaAnderoon, Mr S A Sho~m~ker, anAPbyllls Johllson, and lhe chartermll 01dubs, Mlf Charles LeaVItt, Mrs MyrtleWagner, and I'Salbel1e Brandt

St1,1dents recendy elected to the CumLaucle chapter of the NatIonal HonorSOCIety were officIally mltIated mto theorgamza1:lon m a program before the<;enlor asembly last Thursday mornmgat the Grosse pomte Htgh School

A very sImple ceremony lackmg mthe usual fortnlallty of such oocaSlonswas swen This was due to the factthat nQ -set r~tual has been. formed forall iChaplter:s to use It 15 the customof each chapter to fOl1'mulate 1ts ownntual and as yet thIS has not been<lone here However, an offiCIal ntual15 e~pOC'ted to be ready for the spnngprogr.a,m

The m'httatlon was In charge at theHonor SOCiety CounIC1!, -composed ofMr John R B;;urnes, MISS Ru.th CrameM1SS LoullSe LoveJOY M1SS MaryKremmm, MISS Wilma Crow, and Mr-George Lance They were assIsted byt<;lur ahtmm who were elected membe'1'sof the Honor SOCtety laSit year Theywere Peatrl Latlmer, Jack YountEleanor SchneIder and Norvell Trom~bly

New :members who we-re mductedMe from the January '31 class, Georg-eBelange'f, Phylhs Johnson ManonGltstChlag, Calrol Rosebaum IreneRowe and Ehzabeth Setbert. from theJune class (lIf '31 Isabelle Brandt Atbert Ma1'Jshall, Herman Bennett, WIlham Lloyd~ Dorothy '\1.autr HarryPntchat'Jd and Royer Schhngem!anThose "Chosen from the J anuM'y, 1932class are Joseph Black Mantha DeeTaylor and Rosabelle Schuman


, f