2012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a008342 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol C. Florian Bentzinger, Yu Xin Wang and Michael A. Rudnicki Building Muscle: Molecular Regulation of Myogenesis Subject Collection Mammalian Development Development of the Endochondral Skeleton Fanxin Long and David M. Ornitz Development Transcriptional Networks in Liver and Intestinal Karyn L. Sheaffer and Klaus H. Kaestner Adipogenesis Kelesha Sarjeant and Jacqueline M. Stephens Pluripotency in the Embryo and in Culture Jennifer Nichols and Austin Smith Molecular Mechanisms of Inner Ear Development Doris K. Wu and Matthew W. Kelley Development and Regeneration Signaling and Transcriptional Networks in Heart Benoit G. Bruneau Polarity in Mammalian Epithelial Morphogenesis Julie Roignot, Xiao Peng and Keith Mostov Cell Differentiation Signals and Switches in Mammalian Neural Crest Shachi Bhatt, Raul Diaz and Paul A. Trainor Eye Development and Retinogenesis Whitney Heavner and Larysa Pevny Hematopoiesis Michael A. Rieger and Timm Schroeder Primordial Germ Cells in Mice Mitinori Saitou and Masashi Yamaji Embryonic Axes Establishing Blastocyst Cell Lineages and Intercellular Interactions, Position, and Polarity in P.L. Tam Robert O. Stephenson, Janet Rossant and Patrick and Back Branching Morphogenesis: From Cells to Organs Amanda Ochoa-Espinosa and Markus Affolter the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex Molecular Control of Neurogenesis: A View from Guillemot Ben Martynoga, Daniela Drechsel and François Development Genomic Imprinting and Epigenetic Control of Magnuson Andrew Fedoriw, Joshua Mugford and Terry Epidermis Development and Homeostasis of the Skin Panagiota A. Sotiropoulou and Cedric Blanpain http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/cgi/collection/ For additional articles in this collection, see Copyright © 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved on April 14, 2014 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from on April 14, 2014 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

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2012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a008342Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  C. Florian Bentzinger, Yu Xin Wang and Michael A. Rudnicki Building Muscle: Molecular Regulation of Myogenesis

Subject Collection Mammalian Development

Development of the Endochondral SkeletonFanxin Long and David M. Ornitz Development

Transcriptional Networks in Liver and Intestinal

Karyn L. Sheaffer and Klaus H. KaestnerAdipogenesis

Kelesha Sarjeant and Jacqueline M. StephensPluripotency in the Embryo and in Culture

Jennifer Nichols and Austin SmithMolecular Mechanisms of Inner Ear Development

Doris K. Wu and Matthew W. Kelley Development and RegenerationSignaling and Transcriptional Networks in Heart

Benoit G. BruneauPolarity in Mammalian Epithelial Morphogenesis

Julie Roignot, Xiao Peng and Keith Mostov Cell DifferentiationSignals and Switches in Mammalian Neural Crest

Shachi Bhatt, Raul Diaz and Paul A. TrainorEye Development and Retinogenesis

Whitney Heavner and Larysa PevnyHematopoiesis

Michael A. Rieger and Timm SchroederPrimordial Germ Cells in Mice

Mitinori Saitou and Masashi YamajiEmbryonic AxesEstablishing Blastocyst Cell Lineages and Intercellular Interactions, Position, and Polarity in

P.L. TamRobert O. Stephenson, Janet Rossant and Patrick

and BackBranching Morphogenesis: From Cells to Organs

Amanda Ochoa-Espinosa and Markus Affolterthe Mammalian Cerebral CortexMolecular Control of Neurogenesis: A View from

GuillemotBen Martynoga, Daniela Drechsel and François

DevelopmentGenomic Imprinting and Epigenetic Control of

MagnusonAndrew Fedoriw, Joshua Mugford and Terry

EpidermisDevelopment and Homeostasis of the Skin

Panagiota A. Sotiropoulou and Cedric Blanpain

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Building Muscle: Molecular Regulationof Myogenesis

C. Florian Bentzinger1, Yu Xin Wang1, and Michael A. Rudnicki1,2

1The Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research, Regenerative Medicine Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute,Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8L6, Canada

2Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,Ontario K1H 8M5, Canada

Correspondence: [email protected]


The genesis of skeletal muscle during embryonic development and postnatal life serves as aparadigm for stem and progenitor cell maintenance, lineage specification, and terminal differ-entiation. An elaborate interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic regulatory mechanisms controlsmyogenesis at all stages of development. Many aspects of adult myogenesis resemble or reit-erate embryonic morphogenetic episodes, and related signaling mechanisms control thegenetic networks that determine cell fate during these processes. An integrative view of all as-pects of myogenesis is imperative for a comprehensive understanding of muscle formation.This article provides a holistic overview of the different stages and modes of myogenesiswith an emphasis on the underlying signals, molecular switches, and genetic networks.


1 Introduction

2 Morphogen Gradients and Myogenesis

3 Genetic Networks Controlling Myogenesis

4 Adult Myogenesis

5 Concluding Remarks


Editors: Patrick P.L. Tam, W. James Nelson, and Janet Rossant

Additional Perspectives on Mammalian Development available at www.cshperspectives.org

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Skeletal muscle is a highly complex and heterogeneoustissue serving a multitude of functions in the organism.The process of generating muscle—myogenesis—can bedivided into several distinct phases (Tajbakhsh 2009). Dur-ing embryonic myogenesis, mesoderm-derived structuresgenerate the first muscle fibers of the body proper, and insubsequent waves additional fibers are generated alongthese template fibers (Parker et al. 2003; Sambasivan andTajbakhsh 2007). In the poorly understood perinatal phase,muscle resident myogenic progenitors initially proliferateextensively but later on decrease as the number of myonu-clei reaches a steady state and myofibrillar protein synthesispeaks (Schultz 1996; Davis and Fiorotto 2009). Once themuscle has matured, these progenitors will enter quies-cence and henceforth reside within in it as satellite cells.Adult skeletal muscle, like all renewing organs, relies on amechanism that compensates for the turnover of ter-minally differentiated cells to maintain tissue homeostasis(Schmalbruch and Lewis 2000; Pellettieri and SanchezAlvarado 2007). This type of myogenesis depends on theactivation of satellite cells that have the potential to differ-entiate into new fibers (Charge and Rudnicki 2004). Themost comprehensively studied form of myogenesis takesplace when mature muscle is damaged and large cohortsof satellite cells expand mitotically and differentiate torepair the tissue and reestablish homeostasis (Rudnickiet al. 2008). Many similarities, such as common transcrip-tion factors and signaling molecules, between embryonicmyogenesis and regeneration in the mature skeletal muscu-lature have been discovered (Tajbakhsh 2009). It is nowgenerally accepted that satellite cells are closely related toprogenitors of somitic origin (Gros et al. 2005; Relaixet al. 2005; Schienda et al. 2006; Hutcheson et al. 2009; Lep-per and Fan 2010). How the uncommitted character, or the“stemness,” of the embryonic founder cells is retained insatellite cells remains a matter of ongoing investigation.

A broad spectrum of signaling molecules instructsmyogenesis during embryonic development and in postna-tal life (Kuang et al. 2008; Bentzinger et al. 2010). The acti-vation of cell surface receptors by these signals inducesintracellular pathways that ultimately converge on a batteryof specific transcription and chromatin-remodeling fac-tors. These factors translate the extracellular signals intothe gene and microRNA expression program, which as-signs myogenic identity to the muscle progenitors. Myogen-ic transcription factors are organized in hierarchical geneexpression networks that are spatiotemporally induced orrepressed during lineage progression. Cellular identity dur-ing development is further defined by intrinsic mechanismssuch as the ability to self-renew and the capacity to prevent

mitotic senescence or DNA damage (He et al. 2009). Theextent of intrinsic and extrinsic contribution during line-age progression from the most ancestral cell to a differenti-ated muscle fiber will vary depending on the respectivestage of cellular commitment but are unlikely to be exclu-sive. The molecular mechanisms that integrate variousenvironmental and inherent controls to establish the char-acter of cells in the myogenic lineage are a matter of intenseresearch, and the recent emergence of powerful tools inmouse genetics has provided significant new insights (Lew-andoski 2007). The following sections review our currentunderstanding of the molecular regulation of muscle for-mation during development and in the adult.


Signaling molecules, which can function as morphogens,control the genetic networks patterning the structure oftissues in the developing embryo through to the adultorganism (Gurdon and Bourillot 2001; Davidson 2010).Depending on the concentration and distance from thesource, morphogens qualitatively trigger different cellularbehavioral responses (Gurdon et al. 1998).

2.1 Somitogenesis

The positions and identities of cells that will form the threegerm layers are determined early in gestation (Arnold andRobertson 2009). The prepatterned embryo subsequentlydevelops the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Meso-derm is anatomically separated into paraxial, intermediate,and lateral mesoderm, with respect to position from themidline. In the course of development, local oscillationsin gene expression and morphogen gradients induce pair-wise condensations of paraxial mesoderm into somites,which develop progressively from head to tail (Fig. 1A)(Aulehla and Pourquie 2006). Somites are the first meta-meric structures in mammalian embryos. Spatiotemporalsomitogenesis involves expression of genes involved di-rectly or indirectly in the Notch and Wnt pathways aswell as morphogen gradients of Wnt, FGF, and retinoicacid (Fig. 1B). Toward the caudal part of the paraxial mes-oderm, the presence of high concentrations of Fgf and Wntrestricts cells to a mesenchymal, undifferentiated state (Au-lehla and Pourquie 2010). Wnt and Fgf signaling have beenshown to control periodic activity of the Notch pathway,which, in turn, controls cyclic genes involved in the gener-ation of somites (Hofmann et al. 2004). After the cells leavethe caudal region, cyclic expression of genes stops, andincreasing levels of retinoic acid establish polarity of thesomite, which subsequently develops distinct dorso–ven-tral compartments (Fig. 1C) (Takahashi 2001; Parker et al.

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2003). The most ventral part forms the mesenchymal scle-rotome, which contains precursors to cartilage and bone.The most dorsal portion of the somite remains epithelialand becomes the dermomyotome. Skeletal muscles of thebody, with the exception of some head muscles, are derivedfrom cells of this structure. Cells of the dermomyotome aremarked by the expression of the paired box transcriptionfactors Pax3 and Pax7 and low expression of the basichelix–loop–helix transcription factor Myf5 (Jostes et al.1990; Goulding et al. 1991; Kiefer and Hauschka 2001).The lips of the dermomyotome will mature into the myo-tome, a primitive muscle structure containing committedmuscle cells expressing high levels of MyoD, another mem-ber of the basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors, andMyf5 (Sassoon et al. 1989; Cinnamon et al. 2001; Kiefer andHauschka 2001; Ordahl et al. 2001). MyoD and Myf5 areboth considered to be markers of terminal specificationto the muscle lineage (Pownall et al. 2002). In the majori-ty of muscle progenitors, MyoD functions downstreamfrom Pax3 and Pax7 in the genetic hierarchy of myogenicregulators, whereas Myf5, depending on the context, can

also act in parallel with the Pax transcription factors (Bry-son-Richardson and Currie 2008; Punch et al. 2009; Bis-muth and Relaix 2010).

As the embryo develops, the central part of the dermo-myotome disintegrates, and muscle progenitors intercalateinto the primary myotome (Ben-Yair and Kalcheim 2005;Gros et al. 2005; Manceau et al. 2008). This population ofprogenitors gives rise to a fraction of the satellite cells resid-ing in postnatal skeletal muscle (Gros et al. 2005; Kassar-Duchossoy et al. 2005; Relaix et al. 2005; Schienda et al.2006). Dorsal muscles are formed from the epaxial partof the dermomyotome and myotome, whereas lateral trunkand limb muscles are derived from the hypaxial domains(Parker et al. 2003). Hypaxial muscles of the body wallare generated by a ventral-ward elongation of dermomyo-tome and myotome (Cinnamon et al. 1999). Muscles ofthe extremities, the diaphragm, and the hypoglossal chordare derived from myogenic cells with an extensive migra-tory capacity, which delaminate from the ventrolateral lipof the dermomyotome at the level of the limbs (Vasyutinaand Birchmeier 2006). Head muscles are formed by cells

















Early somite







Claudal Claudal



Limb bud








Figure 1. Embryonic myogenesis. (A) Embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) mouse embryo carrying an Myf5 lineage tracerthat induces irreversible expression of a red fluorescent protein. Expression can be observed in the presomitic mes-oderm, the somites, and in several head structures. (B) Illustration of the morphogen gradients along the rostral–caudal axis of the embryo. (C) Schematic of transverse sections through the embryo at early (i) and late (ii) stages ofsomitogenesis. (Ci) Morphogens secreted from various domains in the embryo specify the early somite to form thesclerotome (SC) and dermomyotome (DM). Wnts secreted from the dorsal neural tube (NT) and surface ectoderm(SE) along with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) from the lateral plate mesoderm maintain the undifferentiatedstate of the somite, whereas Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signals from the neural tube floor plate and notochord (NC) toinduce the formation of the sclerotome. (Cii) As the sclerotome segregates, muscle progenitor cells (MPCs) from thedorsomedial (DML) and ventrolateral (VLL) lips of the dermomyotome mature to give rise to the myotome (MY).At the level of the limb bud, Pax3-dependent migrating MPCs delaminate from the ventrolateral lips to later give riseto limb muscles.

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originating in the prechordal and pharyngeal head meso-derm. The genesis of these muscle groups is controlleddifferentially from trunk and limb and has been discussedextensively elsewhere (Shih et al. 2008).

Cellular commitment in the somite is highly dependenton extrinsic factors. Epithelial cells in the newly formed so-mite initially have the potential of adopting a sclerotomalor a dermomyotomal fate. Classic transplantation experi-ments with immature somites that were grafted with a1808 rotation revealed that the patterning into dermomyo-tome and sclerotome was not altered (Aoyama and Asamo-to 1988). This suggested that morphogen gradients controlthe establishment of these structures. Since this ground-breaking discovery, a plethora of signaling molecules emerg-ing from the surrounding embryonic tissues has been shownto control the developmental compartmentalization ofthe somite.

2.2 Morphogens Patterning the Somite

Members of the Wnt family of proteins are of particularimportance for the formation of the dermomyotome andmyotome and consequently for developmental myogenesis(Geetha-Loganathan et al. 2008). Upon binding to theircellular Frizzled (Fzd) receptors, Wnts function eitherthrough canonical activation of the b-catenin/TCF tran-scriptional complex or through different non-canonicalpathways (van Amerongen and Nusse 2009). Among theWnts involved in somite patterning are Wnt1 and Wnt3,which are secreted from the dorsal neural tube; andWnt4, Wnt6, and Wnt7a, which emerge from the surfaceectoderm (Parr et al. 1993). Mouse mutants deficient forWnt1, and the functionally redundant Wnt3, lack parts ofthe dermomyotome, and the expression of the myogenictranscription factors Pax3 and Myf5 is reduced (Ikeya andTakada 1998). In explant cultures of mouse presomiticmesoderm, Wnt1 strongly increases Myf5 levels, whereasWnt7a or Wnt6 preferentially induces expression of themyogenic regulatory factor MyoD (Tajbakhsh et al. 1998).Analysis of the expression of Wnt receptors in somites re-vealed that Fzd7 is expressed in the hypaxial portion ofthe somite, whereas Fzd1 and Fzd6 are expressed in theepaxial domain, a region marked by early expression ofMyf5 (Borello et al. 1999a). Wnt1 and Fzd1/Fzd6 in theepaxial domain of the somite appear to signal canonicallyto control Myf5 expression, whereas the induction of MyoDthrough Wnt7a and Fzd7 depends on b-catenin inde-pendent, non-canonical signaling involving PKC (Borelloet al. 2006; Brunelli et al. 2007). A requirement for ac-tive Fzd signaling during embryonic myogenesis has beenconfirmed by transplacental delivery of the Wnt antagonistsFRP3, which reduced the developmental formation of

muscle fibers in a dose-dependent manner (Borello et al.1999b).

Along with Wnts, Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is also in-volved in the positive specification of muscle progenitorsin the somite. Shh is released from the notochord and floorplate of the neural tube. This factor is part of the Hedgehogfamily of proteins, which consists of two additional mem-bers: Desert hedgehog (Dhh) and Indian hedgehog (Ihh)(Echelard et al. 1993). Mammalian Hedgehog proteinsinteract with the Patched receptor and trigger the releaseof smoothened, which, in turn, regulates gene expressionthrough GLI transcription factors (Lum and Beachy 2004).Shh or smoothened knockout mice display an impaired for-mation of the sclerotome as well as reduced expression ofMyf5 in the myotome (Chiang et al. 1996; Zhang et al.2001). Moreover, the absence of Shh signaling in develop-ing zebrafish increases the number of Pax3- and Pax7-expressing cells in the somite but prevents subsequent myo-genic lineage progression (Feng et al. 2006; Hammond et al.2007). Gain-of-function studies in chicken embryosshowed that ectopic expression of Shh increases levels ofthe sclerotomal marker Pax1, however, inhibited the ex-pression of Pax3 in the dermomyotome (Johnson et al.1994; Borycki et al. 1998). These findings suggest thatShh is essential for the maturation of dermomyotomal cellsinto MyoD/Myf5-expressing, committed myotomal cellsthat have down-regulated Pax3/7 expression. Consistentwith this, a regulatory element of the Myf5 gene containsboth TCF and GLI binding sites, explaining why Shh andcanonical Wnt signals can activate Myf5 synergistically(Borello et al. 2006).

In contrast to the positive specification of cells by Shhand Wnt, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) inhibitsexpression of certain myogenic genes. BMPs comprise asubclass of the TGF-b superfamily that was originally iden-tified because of their role in early bone formation (Tsuma-ki and Yoshikawa 2005). In many biological contexts, Wntand BMP proteins are spatiotemporally secreted in over-lapping or opposing gradients, which is suggestive of con-served mechanisms of cross talk between the involvedpathways (Itasaki and Hoppler 2010). BMPs exert their ac-tivities through serine-threonine kinase receptors leadingto activation of SMAD proteins and subsequent activation,or repression, of target genes (Liu et al. 1995; Miyazonoet al. 2005). Bmp4, expressed in the lateral-plate mesoderm,appears to retain certain populations of muscle progenitorsin an undifferentiated state by fostering expression of Pax3while delaying Myf5 and MyoD induction (Pourquie et al.1995). These findings suggest that BMP functions to ex-pand the pool of myogenic progenitors before further com-mitment is initiated. Wnt and Shh antagonize BMP signalsin the dorsomedial lip of the dermomyotome through

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increased levels of Noggin (Hirsinger et al. 1997; Marcelleet al. 1997; Reshef et al. 1998). This appears to allow the lo-calized up-regulation of MyoD and has been proposed toinitiate myotome formation. In line with these findings,noggin knockout mice display impaired myotomal devel-opment in caudal regions of the embryo, with somites re-maining in an epithelial state marked by high expressionof Pax3 (McMahon et al. 1998).

In several tissues, fate decisions of progenitor cells dur-ing embryonic development appear to be critically influ-enced by Notch signaling (Bray 2006). The Notch signalingpathway also plays an important role in the regulation ofvertebrate myogenesis (Hirsinger et al. 2001; Schuster-Gossler et al. 2007; Vasyutina et al. 2007). Notch mediatescell–cell communication by engaging with Delta andJagged ligands on neighboring cells. Delta1 is presentedto embryonic progenitors by a subset of migrating neuralcrest cells (Rios et al. 2011). Only dermomyotomal cellsthat transiently made contact with these Delta1-expressingcells undergo myogenesis. Active Notch signaling has beenshown to suppress MyoD in cooperation with the DNA-binding protein RBP-J and the transcriptional repressorHes1 (Jarriault et al. 1995; Kuroda et al. 1999). Mutationsin the Notch ligand Delta1 or RBP-J result in excessivemyogenic differentiation and a loss of muscle precursors(Schuster-Gossler et al. 2007; Vasyutina et al. 2007). To-gether, these findings suggest that, somewhat similar toBMP, Notch signaling promotes the expansion of myogenicprecursors while preventing differentiation.

Muscles, such as those found in the limbs, forming dis-tant from the somites require a population of Pax3-de-pendent migrating progenitors (Epstein et al. 1996). Atparticular sites, that is, at the levels of forelimbs and hind-limbs, the ventral dermomyotome undergoes an epithe-lial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). This process willgive rise to long-range migratory cells that retain an exten-sive mitotic capacity allowing their proliferation at targetsites. Classic EMT markers such as N-cadherin and fibro-nectin control the migratory capacity of these myogenicprogenitors by modulating their adhesiveness to the sur-rounding embryonic structures (Jaffredo et al. 1988; Brand-Saberi et al. 1993). Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor(HGF/SF) and its receptor c-Met are critically involved inboth the delamination and migration of these cells from thedermomyotome. In mouse mutants lacking either of thosemolecules, limb skeletal muscle is not formed (Bladt et al.1995; Schmidt et al. 1995). HGF/SF has been shown to bereleased from non-somitic mesodermal cells, marking themigratory route of myogenic progenitors (Dietrich et al.1999).

In summary, during development, a remarkably fine-tuned extrinsic regulatory system directs spatiotemporally

distinct fates of self-renewal or differentiation to myogenicprecursors. Within the myogenic lineage, extrinsic regula-tors can generally be divided into pro- or anti-commitmentfactors. The combined action of these factors guarantees asufficient pool of cells for differentiation during embryonicmyogenesis while maintaining a supply of reserve stem cellsthroughout development into adult life.


Apart from extrinsic regulators of myogenesis, several levelsof intrinsic complexity arise from hierarchical interactionsbetween transcriptional regulators, regulatory RNAs, andchromatin-remodeling factors. Owing to the early discov-ery of the myogenic factors that act downstream in the ge-netic network controlling myogenesis, this topic is typicallydiscussed bottom-up, starting with the factors involved interminal specification toward the upstream regulators in-volved in the maintenance and self-renewal of uncommit-ted myogenic progenitors (Fig. 2).

3.1 Myogenic Regulatory Factors

In 1987, pioneering subtractive hybridization studies usingmyoblast cDNA libraries identified the basic helix–loop–helix factor MyoD by its ability to transform a selectionof cell types, such as fibroblasts, into cells that are capableof fusing into myotubes (Davis et al. 1987). Subsequently,three more myogenic basic helix–loop–helix factors—Myf5, myogenin, and MRF4 (also known as Myf6)—whichare also able to induce myoblast traits in nonmuscle celllines, were discovered (Braun et al. 1989; Edmondson andOlson 1989; Rhodes and Konieczny 1989; Braun et al. 1990;Miner and Wold 1990). The highly conserved MyoD, Myf5,myogenin, and MRF4 genes are collectively expressed inthe skeletal muscle lineage and are therefore referred to asmyogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) (Weintraub et al.1991; Rudnicki and Jaenisch 1995). The basic domain ofthe MRFs mediates DNA binding, whereas the helix–loop–helix motif is required for heterodimerization withE proteins that mediate the recognition of genomic E-boxes, a motif found in the promoters of many muscle-spe-cific genes (Massari and Murre 2000). Myf5 is the first MRFexpressed during embryonic development, being transi-ently up-regulated in the paraxial mesoderm and later onin concert with the other MRFs during the formation ofthe myotome (Ott et al. 1991; Buckingham 1992). A fewyears after discovery of the MRFs, the unexpectedly normalskeletal muscle phenotype of Myf5 and MyoD knockoutmice was reported (Braun et al. 1992; Rudnicki et al.1992). Mice devoid of Myf5 display a somewhat delayed

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embryonic myogenesis that proceeds normally from thestage at which MyoD expression initiates (Braun et al.1992). Conversely, MyoD knockouts compensate by in-creasing and prolonging Myf5 expression, which in wild-type mice declines at the more advanced developmentalstage when MyoD expression starts (Rudnicki et al. 1992).These surprising results have been revealed to be due to re-dundancy of Myf5 and MyoD in myogenesis. This becameapparent from the complete lack of skeletal muscle andmyogenin expression in Myf5:MyoD double-null mice(Rudnicki et al. 1993). To elucidate whether a MyoD-de-pendent cell population can compensate for loss ofMyf5-expressing cells, two laboratories used a conditionalcell ablation approach in which diphtheria toxin expressionwas specifically induced within Myf5-positive cells (Genschet al. 2008; Haldar et al. 2008). These studies revealed thatMyf5 is not expressed in all myoblasts involved in the

formation of the early myotome and that myogenesis wasfully restored by a MyoD-expressing lineage. Consequently,two independent myogenic lineages that are eventuallycontrolled by different upstream regulators are involvedin muscle formation in the embryo. These findings empha-size the remarkable heterogeneity and plasticity of the mus-cular system that is present not only in the embryo but, asdiscussed in sections below, also in the adult myogenic pro-genitor pool.

Using a series of different Myf5 mutant alleles, it hasbeen shown that the original knockin at the Myf5 locusalso impaired the function of the neighboring MRF4 gene(Kassar-Duchossoy et al. 2004). However, the presence ofa functional MRF4 allele only rescues minor aspects ofembryonic myogenesis in Myf5:MyoD double-null mice.The analysis of myogenin knockout mice revealed thatthe expression of several differentiation markers, such as



Committedsatellite cells

Lineage progression











Satellitestem cells



















Figure 2. Hierarchy of transcription factors regulating progression through the myogenic lineage. Muscle progeni-tors that are involved in embryonic muscle differentiation skip the quiescent satellite cell stage and directly becomemyoblasts. Some progenitors remain as satellite cells in postnatal muscle and form a heterogeneous population ofstem and committed cells. Activated committed satellite cells (Myoblasts) can eventually return to the quiescentstate. Six1/4 and Pax3/7 are master regulators of early lineage specification, whereas Myf5 and MyoD commit cellsto the myogenic program. Expression of the terminal differentiation genes, required for the fusion of myocytes andthe formation of myotubes, are performed by both myogenin (MyoG) and MRF4.

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myosin heavy chain and MRF4, was reduced, whereasMyoD levels were normal (Hasty et al. 1993). Phenotypi-cally, this resulted in normal somitic compartmentalizationduring development but manifested in diffuse myofiberformation and an abundance of undifferentiated myoblastsin the later stages of myogenesis. Taken together, these stud-ies suggest a model in which Myf5 and MyoD, in a re-dundant fashion, act genetically upstream of myogeninand MRF4 to specify myoblasts for terminal differentiation.Myogenin and MRF4 are more directly involved in the dif-ferentiation process and trigger the expression of myotube-specific genes.

3.2 Paired-Homeobox Transcription Factors

The next level in the genetic hierarchy controlling myogen-esis is dominated by the paired-homeobox transcriptionfactors Pax3 and Pax7. All vertebrates appear to have at leastone of these genes, and it has been suggested that their evo-lutionary origin lies in the duplication of a common ances-tral gene (Noll 1993). Cells in the mouse dermomyotomeexpress Pax3 and Pax7, with the highest levels of Pax7in the central domain and preferential expression of Pax3in the dorsal and ventral lips (Kassar-Duchossoy et al.2005). However, only Pax3, but not Pax7, is expressed inlong-range migrating cells, which form the initial limbmusculature. Mouse embryos homozygous for the SplotchPax3 loss-of-function mutation do not develop the hypax-ial domain of the somite and consequently do not formlimb or diaphragm muscles, but epaxial-derived musclesare less affected (Bober et al. 1994; Daston et al. 1996;Tremblay et al. 1998). Classifying Pax3 as genetically up-stream, no MyoD transcript can be detected in the limbsof Splotch mutants. Placing Myf5 as the only MRF nextto Pax3 upstream of MyoD, Pax3:Myf5:MRF4 triple-mu-tant mice are devoid of all body muscles and lack expressionof MyoD and all other downstream myogenic factors (Taj-bakhsh et al. 1997). Pax7, on the other hand, appears to bedispensable for embryonic muscle development (Sealeet al. 2000). Suggesting that Pax3 and Pax7 are able to atleast compensate partially for each other during embryonicmyogenesis, muscle formation is more defective in Pax3:-Pax7 double-knockout embryos when compared with theSplotch mutant alone, and only the early myotome devel-ops (Relaix et al. 2005). Moreover, when Pax7 is knockedinto the Pax3 locus, most of the functions of Pax3 are re-stored (Relaix et al. 2004). Pax7- and Pax3-cre drivershave been used to induce a conditional diphtheria toxinallele for studying the outcome of specific ablation of therespective cell populations (Hutcheson et al. 2009). Hutch-eson et al. (2009) showed that loss of the Pax3 lineage isembryonically lethal and prevents the emergence of Pax7-

positive cells, whereas ablation of Pax7-expressing cellsonly leads to defects in later stages of development, causingsmaller muscles with fewer myofibers in the limbs at birth(Seale et al. 2000; Hutcheson et al. 2009). This led to the hy-pothesis that, similar to Drosophila muscle development,Pax3-positive cells are founder cells forming a template ofinitial fibers in the limb to which Pax7-positive cells thencontribute by forming secondary fibers and establishingthe satellite cell pool (Maqbool and Jagla 2007).

3.3 Sine Oculis–Related HomeoboxTranscription Factors

The sine oculis–related homeobox 1 (Six1) and Six4 arecurrently considered to be the apex of the genetic regula-tory cascade that directs dermomyotomal progenitorstoward the myogenic lineage. Six family proteins are tran-scription factors characterized by the presence of two con-served domains, a Six-type homeodomain that binds toDNA and an amino-terminal Six domain that interactswith coactivators or corepressors of transcription (Kawaka-mi et al. 2000; Tessmar et al. 2002; Zhu et al. 2002). Six pro-teins bind to and translocate the eyes-absent homologsEya1 and Eya2 to the nucleus, where they act as cofactorsto activate Six target genes, such as Pax3, MyoD, MRF4,and myogenin (Grifone et al. 2005). The overexpressionof Six1 and Eya2 in somite explants triggers an up-reg-ulation of Pax3, whereas Six1:Six4 or Eya1:Eya2 mouse mu-tants are devoid of Pax3 expression in the hypaxialdermomyotome and consequently do not form limb andtrunk hypaxial muscles (Heanue et al. 2002; Grifone et al.2007). Because a hypaxially active enhancer element ofMyf5 contains both binding sites for Six factors and Pax3,these two factors are likely to also have parallel functions(Giordani et al. 2007). Myf5 expression within the epaxialdermomyotome, which is independent of Pax3, is also un-affected in Six1:Six4 double mutants, and dorsal musclesarising from this structure are the only remaining axialmuscles in these mice (Grifone et al. 2005). Similar to theredundancy that is observed at lower levels of the myogenicgenetic network, for example, for Pax3 and Pax7, individ-ual mutants of the Six–Eya system appear to have milderdefects, but their combined loss synergistically aggravatesthe observed phenotypes (Grifone et al. 2005, 2007).

3.4 Other Mechanisms of Gene Regulation

Transcription factors involved in myogenic lineage progres-sion are not strictly acting in a linear manner but are organ-ized in complex feedback and feed-forward networks. Forinstance, the temporal coordination of MRF-mediatedgene expression is achieved by allowing certain genes to

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be directly activated by an individual MRF, whereas the in-duction of other genes in later stages of differentiation bythe same MRF requires the participation of the earlier tar-get gene products (Berkes and Tapscott 2005). MRFs canactivate their own expression as well as that of MEF2 (Tha-yer et al. 1989; Potthoff and Olson 2007). MEF2 proteinsdo not have myogenic activity but potentiate the functionof MRFs through transcriptional cooperation (Molkentinet al. 1995). An example of negative feedback in this systemarises from the MEF2 transcriptional target HDAC9, whichassociates and represses MEF2’s activity (Haberland et al.2007).

Apart from the network of classic transcription factorsthat integrate intrinsic and extrinsic input onto the gene ex-pression program, other players such as microRNAs andchromatin-remodeling factors have emerged to be involvedin the control of the muscle lineage. Pax7, for instance,associates with the Wdr5–Ash2L–MLL2 histone methyl-transferase (HMT) complex, which, in the case of theMyf5 gene, resulted in H3K4 trimethylation of surroundingchromatin. Recruitment of HMT complexes by Pax factorscould be a conserved mechanism to remodel the chromatinstructure for the control of lineage-specific gene expression(McKinnell et al. 2008).

MicroRNAs are evolutionarily conserved, small non-coding RNAs that associate with the 3′ untranslated regionsof target mRNAs to induce their translational repressionor cleavage (Bartel 2004). By this means, one microRNAis capable of regulating multiple mRNAs at the sametime. Awell established example of a microRNA regulatingmyogenesis is miR206. This microRNA is up-regulated byMyoD and targets Pax3 and Pax7 mRNA. Through thismiR206-mediated negative feedback mechanism, MyoD fa-cilitates progression toward terminal differentiation (Chenet al. 2010; Hirai et al. 2010). Other microRNAs, control-ling many aspects of skeletal muscle development, havebeen discovered, and future studies will, it is hoped, revealtheir in vivo functions in myogenesis (Ge and Chen 2011).


Unlike de novo embryonic muscle formation, muscle re-generation in higher vertebrates depends on the injured tis-sue retaining an extracellular matrix scaffolding that servesas a template for the Formation of muscle fibers (Ciciliotand Schiaffino 2010). Only amphibians, certain fishes, andsome lower organisms can regenerate muscle without aninstructive template, for example, following the amputa-tion of appendages (Poss 2010). Tissue regeneration re-quires the recruitment of an undifferentiated progenitorto the site of injury. In mature skeletal muscle, this functionis provided by the satellite cells. Satellite cells depend on the

same genetic hierarchy that governs embryonic myogenesis(Fig. 2) (Rudnicki et al. 2008). These cells have been shownto use asymmetric divisions for self-maintenance and, atthe same time, give rise to more committed myogenic prog-eny (Shinin et al. 2006; Conboy et al. 2007; Kuang et al.2007). It has furthermore been demonstrated that satellitecells can enter several different mesodermal lineages such asmuscle, bone, and brown fat (Asakura et al. 2001; Sheferet al. 2004; Seale et al. 2008). This cell type, therefore, fulfillsthe criteria for a true somatic stem cell: self-renewal andthe ability to generate progeny of several distinct cell types(Potten and Loeffler 1990). However, the satellite cell pop-ulation is highly heterogeneous, and the exact nature of theleast committed adult muscle progenitor is extensively de-bated in the field (Biressi and Rando 2010). Somatic stemcells have acquired a certain fate and are therefore restrictedto a selection of lineages (Weissman 2000). This specializa-tion is accompanied by a higher dependence on extrinsicregulatory factors compared with embryonic stem cells,which, at least in the earliest stages of organismic develop-ment, rely to a higher degree on intrinsic programming(Jones and Wagers 2008; Rossant and Tam 2009; Zer-nicka-Goetz et al. 2009; Bentzinger et al. 2010).

4.1 The Satellite Cell Niche

Somatic stem cells depend on a specialized environmenttermed the “stem cell niche” (Jones and Wagers 2008). Astem cell niche is a compartment in an organ that supportsself-renewal of stem cells while preventing them from dif-ferentiation (Scadden 2006). The niche microenvironmentalso instructs the commitment of stem cells into the respec-tive organ-specific cell lineages. Removal of somatic stemcells from their niche is consequently accompanied by aloss of stem cell properties over time. Satellite cells seemto be particularly sensitive to such manipulation whencompared, for example, with hematopoietic stem cells(HSCs), which after release can home back to their nicherelatively efficiently while maintaining their stemness (Wil-son and Trumpp 2006; Cosgrove et al. 2009). In their niche,satellite cells sit closely apposed to the myofiber and arecovered by the extracellular matrix of the basement mem-brane (Fig. 3) (Mauro 1961). They are furthermore oftenlocalized in close proximity to capillaries, which supplythem with essentials (Christov et al. 2007). Unless activatedby muscle injury or other stimuli, their niche allows adultsatellite cells to persist in a quiescent, non-proliferativestate, which is critical for their lifelong maintenance(Schultz et al. 1978; Abou-Khalil et al. 2009; Shea et al.2010). The dependence of satellite cells on their niche is be-coming dramatically apparent with regard to the poor suc-cess rate of stem cell therapy for diseased muscle (Peault

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et al. 2007; Farini et al. 2009). The underlying problem isthat satellite cells cannot currently be isolated and ex-panded in vitro because they rapidly differentiate into my-oblasts, a more committed muscle precursor marked by theirreversible expression of Myf5, MyoD, and Myogenin (Boo-nen and Post 2008). Owing to the challenges of culturingsatellite cells, the time frame for ex vivo correction ofgene defects and subsequent autologous grafting is highlylimited. Other problems in such therapeutic settings arethe small amount of satellite cells that can be obtainedfrom a muscle biopsy versus the difficulty of grafting severalhundreds of muscles all over the body. Satellite cells in the

mouse outnumber HSCs, likely also in humans (Box1).However, in contrast to HSCs, their poor accessibility andtheir niche addiction limit their possible therapeutic use.An alternative approach for stem cell therapy of diseasedmuscle is the use of embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived or in-duced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived myogenic cells. Ec-topic expression of Pax7 has been shown to be sufficient toreprogram ES and iPS cells into a myogenic cell type thatcan contribute to muscle fibers and populate the satellitecell niche upon transplantation (Darabi et al. 2011a,b). How-ever, a major concern for the therapeutic use of ES and iPScells is their potential to form tumors (Knoepfler 2009).





Basal lamina


Satellite cell

Blood vessel


Figure 3. Schematic of skeletal muscle and the satellite cell niche. (A) Satellite cells reside along the host muscle fiberand are marked by Pax7 expression (red); nuclei (blue); cytoplasm (green). (B) Satellite cells (arrow) marked by Pax7(green) are found beneath the basal lamina (red) that surrounds each muscle fiber. In mature muscle, they are alwaysassociated with a myonucleus (arrowhead) and are in close proximity to local capillaries (empty arrowhead). (C)Representation of skeletal muscle and the satellite cell niche. Molecular signals within the niche govern the behav-ioral response of satellite cells in maintaining quiescence or activation during injury.

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4.2 Origin of Satellite Cells

Several studies have proven through direct or indirectmeans that adult satellite cells originate from multipoten-tial cells of the somite. When diphtheria toxin-mediatedcell death is induced in Pax3/Pax7-expressing cells in thedeveloping mouse somite, no muscle progenitors are foundin the limbs (Hutcheson et al. 2009). Lineage tracing ex-periments using Cre-stop-flox permanent fluorescent la-beling, as well as classic quail/chick grafting experiments,proved the origin of satellite cells to lie within dermomyo-tomal Pax3/Pax7-expressing cells (Gros et al. 2005; Relaixet al. 2005; Schienda et al. 2006; Hutcheson et al. 2009;Lepper and Fan 2010). Interestingly, cells derived fromlineages other than muscle have also been shown to possessmyogenic potential. Bone marrow–derived progenitors,skeletal muscle side population cells, mesoangioblasts, peri-cytes, CD133 (Prom1)+ progenitors, and PW1 (Peg3)+ in-terstitial cells are able to participate in the formation ofmultinucleated myotubes (Ferrari et al. 1998; Gussoniet al. 1999; Sampaolesi et al. 2003; Torrente et al. 2004; Del-lavalle et al. 2007; Mitchell et al. 2010). However, whenPax7-expressing satellite cells are ablated by diphtheria tox-in from adult muscle, no other cell type appears to replen-ish the satellite cell pool or repair the tissue following injury(Lepper et al. 2011). This shows that Pax7-expressing satel-lite cells are the major or only mediators of myofiber regen-eration in the adult. All satellite cells, whatever origin,express Pax7, and in some muscles also Pax3, throughoutthe life of the organism (Kuang and Rudnicki 2008). Con-stitutive Pax7 knockout mice present a loss of satellite cellsthat manifests after birth (Seale et al. 2000). A requirement

for Pax7 exists up to 3 wk after birth, a phase of intense pro-liferation of myogenic progenitors in the satellite cell posi-tion, but its function after this early postnatal growthperiod remains to be elucidated (Lepper et al. 2009).

4.3 Satellite Stem Cells

Skeletal muscle has a remarkable regenerative capacity andeven following multiple rounds of injury the satellite cellpool is maintained at a constant size. This suggests theexistence of a replenishing cell population or of a self-renewal process in satellite cells. Self-renewal either requiresstochastic differentiation or asymmetric division (Fig. 4)(Kuang et al. 2008). In the stochastic paradigm, one stemcell divides to give rise to two committed daughter cells,while another stem cell gives rise to two identical daughterstem cells to maintain a constant progenitor pool. Asymmet-ric divisions, in contrast, give rise to a father cell that is iden-tical to the original stem cell and a committed daughter cell.Indeed, asymmetric cosegregation of DNA strands into dif-ferent daughter cells has been documented for satellite cells(Shinin et al. 2006; Conboy et al. 2007). A lineage tracing ap-proach using a Myf5-Cre-stop-flox-YFP reporter mouse linerevealed that a small subpopulation, �10% of satellite cells,has never expressed Myf5 (Kuang et al. 2007). Such Myf5-YFP-reporter-negative cells have been shown to divide inan asymmetrical apical–basal manner with respect to themuscle fiber membrane, giving rise to a more committedYFP-reporter-positive cell and a negative cell that self-re-newed. Moreover, upon transplantation into satellite cell-depleted muscle, YFP-reporter-negative cells had a much


The average number of fibers in the extensis digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of a mouse is estimated to be onthe order of 1000 (Luff and Goldspink 1970; Ontell and Kozeka 1984; Rosenblatt and Parry 1992; Matsakaset al. 2010). In young adult mice, each of these fibers contains six to seven satellite cells that express Pax7(Shefer et al. 2006; Ono et al. 2010; Starkey et al. 2011). This results in about 6500 satellite cells per EDLmuscle, which at the respective age weighs 11–12 mg (Rosenblatt and Parry 1992; Bentzinger et al. 2008;O’Neill et al. 2011). According to this, 1 mg of muscle will contain roughly 550 satellite cells. The averagemuscle mass of a mouse is estimated to be 40% of the body weight (International Life Science Institute 1994).Therefore, if the number of satellite cells is assumed to be constant across all muscle types, a mouse with anadult body weight of 20–30 g and a corresponding muscle mass of 8–12 g will contain more than 4 millionsatellite cells (The Jackson Laboratory 1994). This number is certainly an understatement because slow-contracting muscles reportedly contain more satellite cells when compared with fast muscles like the EDL(Collins et al. 2005; Shefer et al. 2006). It has been shown that the satellite stem cell population comprises�10% of satellite cells (Kuang et al. 2007). This results in at least 400,000 satellite stem cells per adult mouse.The number of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) has been estimated to lie between 10,000 and 20,000(Abkowitz et al. 2002; Dingli and Michor 2006; Ainseba and Benosman 2011). Therefore, satellite stem cellsoutnumber HSCs severalfold and are likely to be some of the most abundant tissue-specific stem cells in themouse and probably in most other vertebrates.

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higher capacity to repopulate the satellite cell niche whencompared with the reporter-positive population thatquickly differentiated. These data suggest that the satellitecell pool in adult skeletal muscle contains an asymmetri-cally dividing, self-renewing population of satellite stemcells that is responsible for maintenance and homeostasisof the satellite cell population. More evidence for asymmetry

and self-renewal within the satellite cell niche comes fromstudies using muscle fiber cultures that were monitoredfor the expression of MyoD (Zammit et al. 2004). In thisparadigm, a subset of proliferating committed Pax7/MyoD double-positive satellite cells has been shown toeventually give rise to Pax7-positive, MyoD-negative cellsthrough asymmetric division. This suggests an elaborate





Figure 4. Asymmetric versus stochastic modes of satellite cell division. As determined by lineage tracing, 10% ofadult satellite cells have never expressed Myf5 and are referred to as “satellite stem cells.” (A) Satellite stem cells (ar-row) undergo asymmetric division in an apical–basal orientation in which the daughter cell that is detached fromthe basal lamina up-regulates Myf5 and the fluorescent lineage tracer YFP (arrowhead). Pax7 (red); YFP (green);nuclei (blue). (B,C) In the stochastic mode of division, both types of satellite cells divide planar along the host fiberand give rise to two identical daughter cells. (D) Model of apical-basal divisions leading to an asymmetric outcome.Opposing signals from the basal lamina and the myofiber control the orientation of DNA spindles and the asym-metric cosegregation of proteins and DNA strands. Post-cytokinesis, daughter cells continue to be subjected to dif-ferent signals leading to asymmetric cell fates. (E) Planar divisions lead to the symmetric expansion of cells. Signalssuch as the Wnt7a–PCP pathway drive the planar orientation of DNA spindles. Daughter cells in this outcome re-main attached to the host fiber and the basal lamina, thus receiving similar signals, and maintain identical cell fates.

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self-renewal mechanism that prevents lineage progressionand terminal differentiation.

4.4 Extrinsic Regulation of Adult Myogenesis

Similar to embryonic development, a wide variety of sig-naling molecules in the niche control the fate of satellitecells in mature muscle (Bentzinger et al. 2010). In analogyto developmental processes, Wnt proteins have emergedas crucial regulators of satellite cell commitment and self-renewal during postnatal myogenesis. A transition fromNotch signaling, which functions to expand the progenitorpool of adult skeletal muscle upon injury, toward canonicalWnt3a signaling has been reported to be required for effi-cient myoblast differentiation and muscle regeneration(Brack et al. 2008). Another Wnt family member, Wnt7a,which is released from regenerating muscle fibers, signalsthrough the non-canonical planar cell polarity pathwayto expand the previously mentioned Myf5-YFP-reporter-negative satellite stem cell population through symmetricdivisions occurring parallel to the fiber (Le Grand et al.2009). Wnt7a-mediated expansion of the satellite stemcell pool has been shown to dramatically enhance the re-generative capacity of muscle following injury. Other fac-tors that appear to be involved in the regulation of adultmuscle progenitors are HGF, FGFs, IGF-1 splice variants,myostatin, and TGF-b (Kuang et al. 2008; Bentzingeret al. 2010).

The role of extrinsic regulatory factors in adult myogen-esis is another example of analogy to the mechanisms reg-ulating developmental muscle formation. Some factorsprevent lineage progression while facilitating an expansionof the uncommitted progenitor pool following injury,whereas others, in an antagonistic manner, control the up-regulation of MRFs and the subsequent establishment ofthe molecular fusion machinery for the differentiationinto muscle fibers. The development of drugs that selec-tively influence these molecular pathways could enablethe mobilization of satellite cells in diseased muscle, there-by enhancing the tissue’s own regenerative capacity. How-ever, screening of therapeutic compounds is severelyhindered by the inability to cultivate satellite cells. Noveltechnical approaches such as single fiber culture screensor improved ex vivo cultivation methods in biosyntheti-cally optimized niches are required to overcome theseobstacles.


Our understanding of myogenesis has taken us far awayfrom a simplistic view, and it is clear now that the underly-ing molecular mechanisms function in an interaction

network that is much more than the sum of its individualcomponents. The involved signaling molecules and tran-scription factors can act in synergy or antagonism in feed-back and feed-forward loops. This myriad of regulatoryinputs orchestrates myogenesis in embryonic developmentand enables reactivation of the pathways in adult musclerepair. Recent technological advances pave the way for the in-vestigation of biological networks controlling myogenesison a proteome- and genome-wide scale (Doherty andWhitfield 2011; MacQuarrie et al. 2011). Therefore, it isto be expected that large-scale data analysis, in conjunctionwith integrative biological experimentation, will be an im-portant part of future research in the field. We hope thatthis will enable us to approach the ultimate goal of effi-ciently manipulating the behavior and function of musclestem cells in vitro and in vivo so that they can be used forregenerative medicine.


Studies from the laboratory of M.A.R. were supported bygrants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Mus-cular Dystrophy Association, National Institutes of Health,Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Canadian Stem Cell Net-work, and Canada Research Chair Program. M.A.R. holds theCanada Research Chair in Molecular Genetics and is an In-ternational Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute. C.F.B. is supported by the Swiss National ScienceFoundation. We thank Gregory Addicks and David Wilsonfor critical reading of the manuscript.


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