COURIER, - Double Reds

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(Registered 'Jlt the G.P.O. Perth, for transmission by pOit as a periodiC'al)

Vol. 6. ' No. 68. DECEMBER. 1-952, P';ce tel.

The sea56n of Festivity' is practically upon us.Soon the joyful Bells of Christmas will ring out theirmessage of good cheer and goodwill to all men. ,

Another year has nearly reached its close and aNew Year is about to be ushered in with its highhopes and optimism.

A word, in season of good wishes to every readerwill not be amiss. Firstly a warm CHristmas Greetingand a Prosperous New Year to all the Members of the'Association and their families' then to kindred or-ganisations we say the same. To those stalwartswho have made so much of our organisation in everyState we say, "Well done, good and faithful servant,may you be spared long to ca_rry on your goodoffices." '

Now for our hopes and aspirations for the yearto come. Maya good providence shine upon us andmay we have our fair share of Lady Luck in ali weattempt to do to further the work of our Associationin this year which is hard upon us.

To turn to our desires for the world in generaland Australia in particular. Let us hope that the, permeating spirit of Christmas will penetrate to theCouncils of the world and that a love of fellow manwill be uppermost in their minds when the' big de-'ctstons are made, that the ever present ,threat of warwill be overcome by the same spirit which enables us~II to think So well of everybody at Christmastide.

Let us' with every word, thought and wiSh, helpto make this old globe a better place for the genera-tions to COme and reflect the whole year round the.glorfous fellowship of the Spirit of Christmas.

, '-C, D. DOIG.

Page 2: COURIER, - Double Reds

lII~t"uJi~k. ''''ItiJ~~.;:: •~ I •. : . ". :>... " ......

Our USUil December meeting washeld on the 2nd and once againItave ~9 report a most satisfactory'attendance.' We are definitely onth,e up and up with attendar,~es re-:_.:'e'pLy and. we can 'only 'hope the:tteM~ ,continues. ' UnfortunatelyQV,r ,president, Gerry McKenzie,wllcf;was to give us the G.G. Oiltlt,~"ito~ bomb wa~ unable to at-!I"Jt~,:owing to a !I~t< ~t ~?rHl~Il'!\f~P' so we had to fill 111' by otbernte'il.rs. Once again we tried theds)l'lUe as a fill in' IIn'd everybodyI p"es~nt appeared tR enjoy them-s!!fves immensely especially whenr!,~d;Napier got into stride and,t~,.t'~ us t()' a piece of 0~at9ryquite In the best Winston Churcnillman*r. The general feeiing af-t,;.,~e meet,jP,l was that we shouldh~¥f more of hem,<'T~ first ~.j)4rell's Xmas P~rt:)!~,)held ~t: ~p~h 'l3aH~liph On!!t!i~!;,pn SIHlqa:y afternoon, Decem-

, bt( t4, and ' PWYf!q to be ~n, qilt-sW,j4jng success. Over i qa chlla-r~ :~ttende4 'jncl~4~ng sotii~' fh~'mttt I.puntry, notably the Denmans,1ltr«ins and Binghams. Every-blW-¥,'co-operated magnificently to~~~; the' party iO with a swinga1l4' U1ere was never a duil moment.We., owe our thanks to all thoseene~jetic chaps who worked $Qh~r(l:'fat their v~riou~ tasks to fll!lket~ :~ftern()qj1 a~ e~sy as possl~lefQr "the mpthers. ' Our' specialth;fPk:S to 'Mr. Boeth who broughtalon~,' the filJh t(ri:>jec,tor and show-ed.: ,the films, ~rso to 'Fri'Rk Pennfor ills wonderful '[ob as down andg~neral fac'tQt~iI1 of the show. To. Arvlpf the Ma'giclan, for his' illu-, sil!>lIs, ventri!Q.qµi~I, ac~ anq Pl!!l~hal'!'diJµdy sl\lif.,; !b", tile- SWa:11~r~~;e(y!,10r the, ~\nier beer, a!14 to l?,iCkDe~e) for all 'tll~, gQQd wor~ I~eput lipto get~iR' sliIlplle~ .for us',anf;l;.lastly to Vtsual Education De-parlrrient for till'l1$. I won't dis-cl~e' wtip we' owe thanks to for ', ,Fa'tfier' Xmas hut 'he did a wonder-.f1:11 Job as the benign old gentleman

with the presents out of' the top'hat. We think our first party areal success and hope to improveon this in future years.As stated in last issue there will

be no meeting' in ,January owing tothe proximity to the festive Sea-'son,The ~l1nual .l~e-uniol,l to? to be

held a couple o( weeks earlier '~!.iSyear and will take place on Satur-day, February 7, 1953, at Mon,.sh',Iiouse, ,somer pf Hay and, King, StrIiIlU., TIl~ ~ate has be~,l1 ,iJJ~vanced as it is expected that q~itea fe'f Fball~ will be- down in P~rth.to ~p.~'*:rVf~rk. and also the burniflg ~t sF~~pn )VIII not pave open-ed an therefore a few more chapswill be able to leave their farmsin a little more safety. We ,wantALL \IIho cap to make tbis func'ii~ma MUST. We know that once y~)l1

~tte'1a, o~e ~uch f~nction YOIl''1jill~~ke It a,n annual. " ,Then there is the Commemera-

tion Service on Sunday, February8. This is definitely up tlvery-bodies: alley. This is one functionin the calendar which you should'morally attend. If YOll are witjli,nreasonable distance of Kings Parkon the 8th then 'It should -be yourbouden duty to attend this serviceif you ar~ 'not confined' to a sickbeef or ,forced by circumstances be-yorid your COntrol to work or $QI:Ilethir~· "If anyone is stuck for a party, en

New Year's' Jive Men' Ryan haskindly asked any alopg to his pijlee,cr. Murray Rd.' and Wr~xham ~t.,Blcton, t6 a barbecue..' Bring YQ,l,lrown meat, the rest' ~rovided. Menwould i also like to' 'hear of: ~ete~!elfal'!~r and if ever he, is in towntUep t4erF wlll be ~" ~~d availableJpr' hi!Jl", !v\ery , w~~>also good~lloHg4 to s~y th~t if; ~y court~ryfolk' 'were in town over Xmas '~ndcouldn't find accommodation, '.)l.emight ):le able to assist rwith a beafor the nig1!t'. This is ;what we 'are'j>leaseii to hear about,' Merv, indthe right spiri~." ' v .





".I 'I' ""'fl.1: .: ,

: :Met Steve Rogel'S 'for the flr sttime fot urnteen yeafS' 'the otherSiturday morning and ofcourse theellt bash was on for YO,ung and old.If Is' remarkable the different tateseach b-Ioke has to tell' and thatproves the Inadequacy of a UnitHistory if everybody didn't havehis chance to say his piece. Stevelooks rather well If a little on theliM side. He is plagued by a per-manent llntp but otherwise O.K.He IS stili In the bakery game atBrunswick but Is seriously think-lrig of giving it away and going tokal'goorlie. Says his wife's healthha$ been Indifferent since movingfrorn Wltul1a to btUnswlck and hethinks that' the KtlgMrlie Climatewould suit her better. We hopehllving craCked the ice that we Willsee a bit more of Steve. 'Les Ohlsson called to see me

quite recently. ' He Is having awell eirned holiday and Is travellln gthe south west' with a friend. Les, looks' In ,the pink but adMits tobeing quite a bit tired and reckonsa holiday away from- work will dohim good. Les still says businessIs 1Ilrlgh~ in his line at KalgoorHebut ~ays Kalgoorlie is definitely riotthe, place of old.Jim Smaile, also seen but his er-

rand to Perth not so happy. Jimrecently Iolt. his father and was intown for the funeral. , Our mostsincere condolences on your ber-eavement, 'Jim. Jim has now com-pleted his Mining Diploma exams.at Kalgoorlie School of' Mines andpassed with eredit. Only threeout of the t ~ who tbOlt the Diplo-ma course this year passed and asJim got a eredlt paIS it shows Justwh:at a good ,effort it was. 01'1this effort Jim, we extend ourheartiest congratulatlol'ls. ,In the50 yeatS of the school's eststence:there have only bUn 43' ,MiningDiplomas issued &0 that shows thatthe course Is • tough One. Jimthtnks he mily do the nt~eslatycouple of units to complete a Oeol-ogy DiploriJ. n'xt year and so be adouble battelled mining man, Ifyou do decide to continue withyour .hldies our best wishes Jim.Anether visitor 'Was Georgie

,Smith, down; from O."mark. The

Smith, looked in excellent "tlhn an,dsitJ,s 'lie Is 1doing alrig~~ wU:~ N,QpnThornton, He has hls owh h4meat o,.¢I'l~a,r~ jill paid fo~ ~~~fgei1:~r:-~lIy gg)llg well. Geordie ,il,nd~p,qllhop~ t,o be among those p.rieS~J:lt;:~tthe ~nnual Re-union in febr,uar:x,and also have Iong range ;Plans 'J<;>fthe Olympic Re-union. Wprk, l,qthe building trade at Denmllr", ap4Albany is plentiful still arid gener-ally the future is rosy.Ron Sprigg is' on long service

leave for a couple .ot months andcalled to see me. Ron was a pic-ture of health which says SO~-thing for the Albany, He Is hope-ful of heading up Geraldton way inthe New Year for a holiday and'~bit 'of fishing at the mouth of tiltMurchison River,A .long report from Fred Spa.i~-

man to glYe me some dOings of theboys in lind around Bri4gelQwrt,He recently contacted Charlie Mc~Caffery And urged hlmtnto s'enpingIn 10/-' fot subscrtptton fee'."Sparky" recently saw Ted Lou~At Pemberton and had the' \lSullCouple of noggins. Tl!d was mos~dlsappolnted at not making ·th'8ridg1!town Convention but he w~doing a Porest!",. School at th'.tlme lind could" t arrsnge : ttlnl,'port. Pred also Saw J(e. Wadding-ton In Bridgetown recently andhid he Was looking so well he ttli.-took him for his brother who bIthe local S.P. merchant at Bitown.SrarkY has returned- to drl'Villg: t1{eit ron Hors-es" Ifter A !;Ilot of sHriddown owin~ to the Metal Strike,Says he' doesn't know how peoplecan possibly exist on the basiC.wage. He was working as a build-er's laborer on jobs around farmsand managed to keep the WOlf ~ftotnthe door. Fred and his family willhot be Able to make it fot theXmas Pa,tty but hope to be in townlater, He wishes me to send sea"sons ~reetln!itS to any of the ~anlfabout the place.Had a letter from Jack Pengli»t

to say that he and his famllv wlJlbe at the Kiddles' Party. Jack stilihaving a thin patch '01 IU,ck butcheerfully reckons H~ a lon( Ian.with no pub, in It. Jack sounded[ust Ii wee bit crooked .on r,aW,ls3hd thines with v,.r~· zood ;ea~ti,too, lIS tiek~b seem to b~ Mini;' ill 'all "il'e~th)ns.,. COllrs •. WII too, .a~.

Page 3: COURIER, - Double Reds

" ,';', 'I'

,"&siM~lf'Dcr:!~.eiIn the swim so' we .can'r poke 'thefinger '6( scorn.' ,,' ,',"Johri, 'Burridge having, a spot ofannual leave in preparation' for ahectic year ahead. Dido't find o:ut, where he was going to spend itbut lie hoped to be at the Child-ren's Party so he can't be goingroo far away. Joe is the busy CityExecutive these days arid his timeis-at a premium. ' ,Tom Nisbet called to see me a

few days ago and he was 'lookingparticularly fit. He was makingenquiries about the various chaps, all over the place and, was, able tosay that he tries to keep the flag'flying among the bush memberswhile he. is on his' many countrytrips. We haven't been able tosee much of Tom of iate but he is

I ,~~~oc~~~~~~c~~~~co~~~~coI. ANNUAL RE-UNION §

I,,Owing to the high price of 0, cateriiag, the Commi~ haa :'de.cided. that thia yetii' they will 0, arrau.ce thei... own catering. :With thia end in view they 0, aak any member who feela in-. 0

Ic1in,ed.'to donate towarda the 8,dinner in the way of poultry, 0aalada, fruit, etc., to coatact g ,C. Doig. Box R1273. G.P.O., 0

§Perth, and let him know, what 0

, theY' are' aending along. If g,'hia ;.. done promptly the com- 0g mitt_ Will" then know juat go how they aqnd. Do it now! 0'OO~OC~OO=-COCOOOOO~COOOOO, a busy man with country travellingand of course as C.O. of 16th Bat-talion his time is most limited. Hehas been very good to us 'with thearrangements for the Xmas Partyat ,the Drill Hall;' ,Bert Burges wrote to say that all

is still well with him. He is kinderi'ough to congratulate ,ail officebearers for a good' job in 19 ~2 andsends his best wishes and seasonsgreetings to all the gang. SaystQ,e mild weather they hive been'experienclng in ~he Great Southernhas held up harvesting somewhatas 'IIJthough grain is ripe ~ lot ofthe straw is still green. 'Bert saysAll. Hillman saw Ge6 Timms, in Kat-annlng recently arid reports .all wellwith µ1l11. Bert hopefully ,suggest"ed .that though his screed .was brieftltat I would "be the recip:lent of

\\ ,',"','

many lettt;r,~,:;~~:?the,' ad:vent ofXmas but sorry to ~,Ilomt Bertbut the reverse is, the case, prob-ably: reaction ,from" the above nor-mal "number of, letters receivedduring the currency of the sweep.Gordon, Holmes .who was dowri

in the city' for a wedding, called tl,)see me and he looks really well.He especially asked me to send his,best wishes to tile gang and to BobPalmer in partic.ular. He was- )lgpe- ,ful of contacting Bert. Delbridgehut afraid I was of little assistanceas Bert is not on our mailing list. '. Arthur Smith was was briefly outof hospital, called to see, me arid Iwas surprised to see him, lookingas well. He still .had his left armin a sling and was not hopeful of itmending' quickly but otherwise hehas made a really great recovery.',He rang me later to say, he hadbeen re-admitted to hospital to havea bone graft done on his arm asX-ray has revealed that a bone wasnot knitting and that a bone graftwould be required. This opera-tion" Arthur seems to' think, willset back his return to work aboutthree months. 'i Mr.s. Cooper wrote on behalfof Bill to say how disappointed hewas at not being able to attend ourlast meeting but he is back onnight shift and just couldn't makeit. Bill has been occupying his daylight hours assisting his mother re-decorate her home and Mrs. Cooperreckons its a case of "When fatherpapered, the parlor".


There will be no meeting in Jan- •uary so please don't turn up atMonash Club.The main dates now, as far. as

you are concerned with the Asso-elation are Saturday, February 7 forthe Annual, Re-union and Sunday,February 8, for the -Oommernora-tlon ,Service at Kings Park. TheAnnual Re-union is to 'be held atMonash House again so .you should.all know the venue by 'now. '

An Addre.. You ~y Want'C. D. DOIG,Box, R 1273,G.P;O., Perth;




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"MaJor Love has written onceagain to give us some of his doingsihUI'to bj:fRg some news of our oldfti:ends!; Mik¢ Calvert. and FreddyObap:man.: ., The, good Major hadreteived letters from both Fred andMtke ..akd .'"oth;' Voiere·well. Mikesaid -he had, been made a politicalscapegoat. and that he was entirelyinnocent of, the offence wIth whichhe was' charged. Freddy Chapmanhad thoroughly .investigated the. case' and was definitely, of the op-inion that he was innocent of. thecitar'ge: ,and· at 'the very worst wasgUilty' Qf. . Indlscretiono We whoknaw::both, men .so wall are mostgtatf~,to'hear these tidings and will~gtee{ .that.: -Freddy Chapman'sjudgment is good enough for us..Another piece of excellent, news

ftll'· the .gang. from Major Love istbat ' the, book written by Bernie<:allnan on the Timor Campaignhas been accepted by Heinemans,the big London publishers, for pub-lication., vThe introduction is to bew,titten by.the-ncted author; NevilShute, who is Heineman's ace ,sell-er:':a,nd tlie, Major and Bernie haveafUl'ldy', -giNen' him ,a, thorough brief-ing in the ba-ckground of the Timorcampaign., The book will be titled,"False Crests' and we look forwardeagerly to it5~ eventual appearanceon . the booksellers' shelves,<While on the subject of books,Mike :Calvert's epic .story of theBurma; 'parachute landings, "Pris-oaers 'of Hope',: Is now available atcity booksellers (Alberts, Book-lovers a'nd others) at a cost of 26/6AlSo;, 'tom Hungerford's' "TheRidge and ,the River", the story ofa Commando patrol in Bouganville,is: available' at 18/~. Tom was amember of the 2/Sth Squadron., ',Major love sends best wishes to'all members for a Merry Xmas anda-Prosperous New Year. '.: Rod Dhu. is now domiciled inVictorla, ,writes to wish everybodyall :th'e best; Rod reckons he hasmanaged to; get his share of thegrog sJrtce being, in, Vk. but thebittf" strlke bllS'''closed downsuppll-.es conslderably.. He ~elpngs to '"3


couple of, Clubs and manages 'to' get, "a fair supply of tobacco and beerbut. it works out, to' be a bit ex-pensive. Rod says he has metArch Campbell quite a .few timesand that Arch is now quite a hock- -,'.ey fiend, plays every week-end. Rod 'says the weather has been terrifichlllf through November and stilllike winter. Well,' we 'had the,coldest November on record and. the early December days were morelike winter than summer but be::lieve nie at the moment it is plen-ts 'hot enough the mercury uparound th century. Rod made 'itfor the .two "Cups" arid said: theMelbourne Cup is most spectacularbut he couldn't back a winner. Hehad a bad 'run when he first wentto Vic, broke' an ankle (says hewas dead sober at the time) andthen believe it or' not, down with'the mumps. Reckons the bad \times 'are behind him now' and he has:high hopes for the future. Thinlcsfdr the letter, Rod,' den't 'kbow 'when I'll be able to get around toanswering it personally; as ani pret-'ty busy man and it takes me all :Iknow to find time to get the 'Cour- "ier! together.

The missionary was rernonstrat-ing with the native chief on thenumber of wives he possessed."It is wrong to have more than

one wife." he ranted. "Tell, all ex-cept one that they must go andno longer look upon you as thelrhusband."The poor old chief shook his'

head. "You tell them," he COUn';'teredo

THE TH01;1GHT OF 'TH£ MO~'rH',' Daily" life Is narratlve .of: meanl1appenings-IiUle 'people...... . , . .:,

Page 4: COURIER, - Double Reds

,11," ~MtIt; 111.,,:',:;11,",6~.Fir$lly, let me thank one and all

for, the excellent results of the, re-cent Cup Sweep. As ,yet I havenot been able to make a final auditas, some unsold .tickets have not yetbeen' returned and' two or three10,b ot cash are still outstan,ding,"If you are still holding any .cash orunsold tickets will you please' shootthem, ,along to me as soon as poss-ible" so, that. 1 can .complefe. myrecords. \ It, is expected thai finalfig~res .wtll. be .approximately £180worth of tickets sold in N.S.W. andthi nett: ,P,c9fit after all expenses,are p.aid, .will be something over£'\40; Whic.~, is a pretty good ef-fort 1Ir&t up.' ' , '., A ~p~dal;. general meeting washeld , on "No:vi!rnber 28 to farewellAlan ,~uJ?Y W.o,!)' has, been promoted~Q: ,SuP4dnteij,d'al)t, and. transferredto.Gilgaadra, w.~ere he will be HeadSerang with a fpl!rteen roomed restdence,; Cpng~lttulations, .Alan, up-on, your advancement-s-we are un-doubtedly.,g,oing to miss your lead-ership in N.S.W. and the happy'g~therings ,we have had at yourhome, but we are' all very pleasedto see you get the break you haveearned. Good luck, mate,' andthanks for all that, you, and Pennyhave done for the mob.To return " to . the meeting, 20

members were present- 'and Mr.Luby occupied, the "c,hai'r. ;Apologieswere received from Ron Hilliai d,Russ Symons; Tom Martin, FrankO'Neill, John Rose and Roy, Harris., A .report was made on the re-sults" of the sweep and it was mov-ed that a letter of thanks be sentto the Victor ian .Branch for theirWork in organising the sweep andallowing us' to participate.A motion that we maintain our

affiliation with the Council of the8th Division and outstanding due)'be paid was carried unanimously.It was mentioned by Mr, Bennettthat a few of' our own memberswere P's.O, W. and as the Council~as b:een instrumental in gaining at,least partial recompense for them,we should still therefore continueto support the Council to. the best

of our 'abmt~ It is felt too thatwith Dr. FiSh~ the Council's Presi-,dent, aiso being a member of' tile,medical board dealing ,;'with,:"p~n"sions cases, it may be: of benetit '.to-some of our members -in 'thefutute.,A motion that we: take. s~eps"to,

secure an Honor Roll similar .to theone owned, by w.A, was .carrted;and it was agreed that the Roll,should be hung in Mr. Luby's home;for a selected period, of time and,after that shall be in the custody,of, each succeeding president.• It was moved that the" Associ ..~,tion's bank account .be. .transterred.from Head Branch to the GordoniBranch and converted, to 'a- SocietyAccount for the convenience of; th,e~secretary. The motion was carrled..The Social Ccmmittee was in-

structed to make arrangements for'a Picnic :Day, with' the suggestion,that we descend in force upon theiO'Neill menage at Collaroy some-Sunday morning. ',.\At this stage Mr. Luby's, ,,¥tter.;

of resignation as: president was read:and 'regretfully accepted. '. "A, pre-.sentation of a. burnished copper',fruit 'dish, suitably. inscribed,' WU:made to Alan, and Mr. ,.Trengoveand Mr. A. Stewart each made,'I,few well-chosen remarks commend-ing him for the way, in which he",has always worked for" the Associ."ation's progress. Mr. .Luby thank-ed all members for their "supportin the past and asked. that evenjgreater co-operation :be given" ,to"his successor .in the future; . Mr.Allan Stewart was then .elected .tothe positlon of Acting President for,the remainder of the year", ,":,The unemployment situation was,

discussed and these suggestions are:made to N.S.W. members. If youneed employment contact the sec-retary immediately, giving details"of the type of work you, requireand the district you prefer ii-;:in.If you have some work 'yoil wantdone remember that we have tradesmen of all types among 'our. own,crowd who. may be 'Ioo.klng for just,that sort of employment. If, YOu:' ,can't afford -to pay for :it don't be.


wo ,briined proud to :say'-Iso.:;,i.~\weWill 'organise working bees I~f 'weekeMs ,and any attempt to 'Slippl,y anine 'gallon for afterwards" WiW, be.frowned upon. Just a: couple' ofexamples of the kind of assistanceavailable-Ron Trengove win "oehappy to give expert advise and' as-sistance to' amateur brick layersand John' Darge has offered to rc!-pair the shoes for the. family ofany member who. is feeling thepinch, all for free, and in these daysof high prices that's a pretty, gen-erous offer to make. '


Col Holly wrote from Kingaroy,where he has just sold out hisinterests in the local boozer andwas hoping to obtain another inthat lovely place, Maryborough.Allan Stewart and I caught a spyup there during the war when wewere training at Frazer Island. TheSecurity crowd had been after himfor months, but we got the goodson him in about half an hour. Colmet a friend of Paddy Kenneally upthere, also has. seen Col Cubis.Paddy's address is 2 Rickard Road,Strathfield, Col.A note from Gordon Olde send-

ing regards to. all the boys, Gor-don is now in his own place inCanley Vale-saw Willy Wilcox re-cently and says he is a pretty beefyboy these days. Shadow was at thelast meeting and I, had to counthim twice when calling the roll.Frank Press another welcome

stranger. Frank struck the jack-pot in the shape of a 825 acre'block of paradise at Car.coar, .andto top it all off Ted Cholerton drewthe neighboring block and Franksays "the laugh" is, going greatguns. Frank has 80 odd head of!cattle, 360 sheep and numerousrabbits to keep him going from daylight to dark. While in Bathurstrecently Frank ran into the Buliand had a bit of a session and chinwag with him.. Geoff hasn't alter-ed any and plays a pretty goodgame of golf these days, " Frank

s Bern.ie Callinan a pat on thefor his editorial re Mike Cal-The only address I 'have for



Bernie is Haydeii'i Road, Beaumarl'S;Chelt. 1427,' Vic:~ but I imagine:heis still there;' 'Prank.' The bestway 'to contact+me in the citY,frank, is' to 'ri'ng Gordon Taxis,JX 2371, where,' I" have one of th:ehacks or' home' number, Berowra326, Thanks for your letter andremittance; Frank.A note from Tommy Yates en-

closing a couple of subs and re-gards to all the boys. Lionel New-ton wrote from the Hill way backin August .wishlng he lived a lotcloser to the city so he could joinin the re-unions. He'd had a fewbeers and ear bashes with Sid Hil-liard a bit previously, but hadn'tsighted Gruesome Gus Ronald whohas a dentist's practice out there,and reputedly doing well for him-self. Lionel is now living in hisown home and at time of writingstill had a few finishing touches toapply. The last address 1- can tinctfor Alf Harper is Seaview Parade,Belmont, Geelong, but for BruceMcLaren suggest you write c/- Gerry Maley, 10 Agnes St., Noble ParkVictoria. Lionel and wife Elsie,were expecting their first infantabout the, end of August. ,Trustall went well. Thanks for sub, li-onel.Apologies to. Johnny Lett for not

having complied to his request forinformation on the Timor Cam-paign. Relegated that literary gen-ius Curly O'Neill to. nut somethingup for you Johnny and will get onhis back again.Russ Symons reports having had

Kel Carthew, wife and daughter,down from Queensland recentlyfor a holiday, and he and Kel hada few beers with Harold Newton.He saw Sandy Eggleton at Cronulla 'looking very fit, but Sandy said' hehad been in Concord for ninemonths with cerebral malaria andstill gets a touch of it. Thanksfor the cheque, Russ.Received a note and cheque from

Cliff Paff. Sent a couple of booksof butts into the sweep for you,Cliff, but you didn't do any good.Hope you get the beer quota forthe new club, Cliff, a dry club is'not much good to anyone, is it?Jim Fenwick got mixed up with,

a fire a few weeks ago and was" ;1\singed about the face and arms, and ,"at, ti~e of ,writing was still .

Page 5: COURIER, - Double Reds

b~!l,dages on t.~~,3~~. 'rlT.ony, Ad~~tP'~.helpe~ .hm; t~;,;ett}llS. quo~aOLt1Ck~t5 In th~r.).,!Nee'p.,~ Jim will, b.~filcihg the P~t'llG,1~~rc:i;t!an at thee~~·?f. January I cWe '.army; .doesn'tsllud him away, IJiq l!f~c;r his mar-r\ilg,e hopes to ¥.e't.;a :,:#p'sting back,iQ the south. .', ". "",'Les lsenhood r'~or,ti 'having sir-

ed another daughter. this being thefourth, and says any old tradesmancan leave bits hanging off thembur it takes a first class man tomake ,a clean sweep. Congrats.,l.es arid wife. Les unfortunatelystlll has a lot of trouble with wardisabIlities and 'was waiting to frontthe Pensions Tribunal again, butapart from that is very happy withhis growing family. No wonderyour putting additions on to, yourcottage, Les, Cheers and thanksfor the sub and sweep money.eill Walsh broke a long silence

with a note from Kernpsey. Billis married with three, heirs, HisSeen Ron Orr at Grafton' and BobSmith a few times. Bob is now theIig,hth()lIse keeper ,at $,moky Cape.'thanks for the note and cash; Bill,and will correct your initial andaddress.

MaJ ,Lil1~say another to .2b.ndop~i:~k~~~~~~l~~nqiat~V;t;~~~:#~tand.J~6(pµck to ~e hew ;If~fe.", ,',~t.j, cliaps, thanks to the,:;~,'Y~~I IlliY~ 'mil~s more, notes C;>P', ;hana~bu't'''l : don t think 'Courier' spacewUl ;tHaw )ny more this m~n~Ii;' SQ f

if you hily,n't had a ment~(>Il, tljj~time pl.ease, don't be offende'd' andvow .never to write again. J'II dealwith them next month.Metropolitan members can look

forward to -a circular early in .Jan".ary about a cricket match beingarranged for January 18 at Cab-ramatta.Thanks to all for their interest

over the pasf year an{'I hope thecoming )leAt' will S~I! the \ Associa-tion make, fu rther progress in allStates. ,In the meantime a MerryChristmas and a Happy and Pros-"perous New Year to everyone.


Ab Add..... Yo,* M&), WtlltJ. F. HARtLEY,Creek Road,Betowra, x.s.W.

MYSELF,I have to live with myself, and so,'I want to be fit for mY8elf to know,) want to be 'able as d'ays go by, ,Always to look Inyself straight In the eye.I don't want to stand with the setting, sun,And hate myself fOr the things J'ye aone.I don't want to keefJ on the closet shelf,A lot of secrets abou] myself,And fool myself, as I COme and go,Into thinking tbat nobody' else will know'the kit1d Of man I really am,I don't want to ·dreh myself 111allam.I want to 'go out with my head ~tect,I Wil'lt 'to des~rve 111 men's res'ped.'BlIt her. in, the struggle for fal'{1e and pelf,I want to be ab.1e to like myself,I WlInt to look at myself and know,That I'm not billster and bluff and empty show.I never can hide myself from me,I know wha,. others may never' see,I know what others rna)' never know,lnev('r can fool myself and soWhatever happt!lIs I want to btl,Self tespecth)g and con'Ciel1~. tree. ,

.....;.Ja~1tHattie)". . . .

flkt_" fhuI·'lklft{ll!l",,'NIft ",

r '

as far as our "fesid~ re!~tto!ls are'\;qncerp~d. ~t w~s ~~ h~mC! thatpur' fi[~t~~~~mptSP,Oµ1.d ll~,Ye, beenlPHreq by ~uGfl s~oc,klng w~ather,I:hit ~If fQing~' consldered; the rq,~-up wa~ yer)! '~(>od indeed, and 'ypµF:~ll b~ ~ery, Pfpuq' qf the ma~l1~'r111 which your committee orga!Jls~c.tp~ party. . , "As friend Blue Sargeant ls out

of committee report forms, and M·$,threatened pte with' a fate' worSethan death should I send him somemore, I will endeavor to summarisehis news. Firstly, Blue's new aq~dress appears in Toby's departmentand it is requested that the 'Cour-ier' be mailed there. I might '.t.rythat one too. I am now two down':Torn Crouch 'can shift his menageneal" to Sargent's in Traralgonwhere he can have all' the rain af- 'ter the first 100 inehes. The Lat-robe River is in flood fOr the 22n4time this year.. I will send al!Jl1r,the addresses of 'Ted Mulcay andGordon Rowley, or better still theymay drop you a line, on readingthis note, Your seasonal greetingsare heartily reciprocated by :ilt'down here; Blue.' Give that Ti'gera suck for me.' ' '

Committee men report as follow:BER TTOBIN. 'There still re-

malns' a' couple of details to eleiriIll' before we can call our 1952Melpourne ¢9P Sweep finalised pu'tVic'toi'ia1s share rof the spoils willbe within a pO,und or two of £1_~....£1!18~ .fIIn addition the N.S.W. pranc1!'\1I'1IIf.D'Imake !I substantla] profit ats" I

Thanks to all for thelr &plend\a' e ~"", "forts. !< ~ ,Our committee decided that p,rf

of 'the profit was to be used '\0 'bulld tile Victorian Provident Fundup to the even £1QO. In addltion :' ',',twe have bought a £lOO Govem- . , ,,'j·~iment Bond Jl1aturing in Attgust,. :", \';~1956, SO' that that amount at IeaS,t" !};~)~~"'<ill be se] !lsiqe for use at thl" ~h~~·t:jltiml! ·Qf our Orand Re~,!(1i6n. Othe¥·' (?ii.'~l;ISfates plell~e take nptl(;e 'that Ylo~.-,,,:.:,'o'~~yJoria j~ !l1<V.k~ to wl* a ~IIPe~r,t!;olo,ml time call be il,d by, alI ~'-":'.'jsocilition members In 1956, arid &.5,'

Page 6: COURIER, - Double Reds

that' Ule men-f,un 'of a:lI:' ai ourHowever ~e,aJid'

are quite e~husi.astichave their names onnext" year.

ron, Major Stuart Love,lIong' a generous donation

with "his good wlshes for the pros-"perlty of our Association. MajorLove advises that his new (andpermanent) address is 3-1 IrvingRoad, Toorak.Had, a lengthy letter from Norm

Tillett who had a few constructiveand welcome-Ideas on 1956 for thecommittee. At the 'time of writingNorm had one or two business worries 'but he and his family were ingood health,Received years-overdue letter

from old mate Jack Peattie who isa starter for 1956 even if it meansletting his wife push him here ina billy cart. Jack is happy in theteaching service at West Tam-worth and has developed a greatinterest In trout fishing in leisurehours. ,With his wife and himselfvery interested in hockey I can seesome lengthy discussions loomingin t 95.6 with Arch and ,May Camp-bel].A number of letters and notes

came to hand with sweep butts. Inone' "Smash" Hodgson gave noticeof' intention, thus: "Having heard,hat the bookies have hoarded 'realIy unwholesome ,amount of bullion,1m hoist Jolly Roger ,and .sally on'them with pirate's intent' next Sat--urday. Recently bookies -have re-'''p,ell,ed' boarders to such good pur-

that I have Dunkirked swift-ong dough.'~_ '

"~A";' 'Crowe wrote from Yar-ress. his appreciation ofed 'an asso~late mem-Ass~,Qlatiq,n.' He hesme'rnories of the daysPr()rnonto,y," wishes

'Assoclatidn eVery Success and, , greetings


,Kev Curran exj'lres;sed satisfaction''with ,bis' treatment: tn Bendigo and,anticipates ,kicking, on witlbuut, for a\ while yet., : Pat Moodie thought he mighthave been behind in his subs so hemade' his total remittance a tenner,'no less. 'Pat has a small farmabout 16 mites south of Yarrawon-ga on the Benalla-Yarrawonga road.All of t)e following who sent a

note with .thelr butts succeeded ad-mirably in avoiding all mention ofhow they were or what they weredoing with', life: TO!11 Coyle, AifHarper, B~',' Peterson, Dick Mc-lean, Ar-th,IIr, ': ats, Keith Beer, StanWeppner, Bil i,:Weir, Don Polan, Iv-an Brown, Dic~ Adams, Alan Mitch- 'ell, R. E. Websfer, Mac Walker, IanBriggs and Harry Bickerton. How-ever their sweep', efforts were muchappreciated' and possibly they willfind an opportunity to drop a lineto Gerry Maley iit the new year .:giving a resume of their 'personaldoings .•H. BOTTERILL." Very little

news, Jerry, but would like to men--tion that I enjoyed the Xmas treatimmensely and that it was a greatsuccess. 'Happy Greenhalgh has informed

me that he has met "Beaky" Smithwho now resides at Kempsey,N.S.W., and heard news of RussBlanche who is still at Bangalow,N.S,W. "

~ . . .MUst' duck off now, still on the

trail of the not so elusive as itwas not long ago grog. HappyNew Year and •

Cheers 'n beers,-GERRY MALEY.

An Adclre.. you lDay want:G. J\tALEY, '1'0 Kgnes Street,Noble Park, Victoria.

She:' "I'm afraid to go down thisstreet; , it's' so dark."He ,(the cur): "But I'm With

you."" 'She: "that's why I'm afraid."

(Printed tor the publisher by "theSwan l:xpress", to Helena St,.et

Midland Junctlo,*,; :~'\y.~;),;:". ~. 1. .'.,;. . " '.'_'