Dc-dc Boost Converter Design Asmarashid Ponniran 2009

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  • 8/12/2019 Dc-dc Boost Converter Design Asmarashid Ponniran 2009


  • 8/12/2019 Dc-dc Boost Converter Design Asmarashid Ponniran 2009


    International Conferenc e on Instrumentat ion, Control Autom ationICA2009

    DC -DC B oost Converter Design for Solar Electric SystemA s m a r a s h i d P o n n i r a n , A b d u l F a t a h M a t S a i dF a c u l t y o f E l e c t r i c a l a n d E l e c t r o n i c E n g i n e e r i n g

    U n i v e r s i ti T u n H u s s e i n O n n M a l a y s i a8 6 4 0 0 P a r i t R a j a , B a t u P a h a t , J o h o r, M A L A Y S I A

    E - m a i l : a s m a r @ u t h m . e d u . m y

    AbstractThe main focus of this project i s to design and const ruct aDC to DC converter (boost type) which is one of the mainparts in solar elect ric system. Besides, to ensure that theoutput voltage will be step up from 12 V to 24 V. The 12 Vinput vol tage is from the bat tery storage equipm ent and the24 V outpu t vol tage wi l l be the input of the inverter in solarelect ric system. In designing process, the swi tchingfrequency,/ i s set at 20 kHz and the duty cycle, D i s 50%.The tool that been used for circuits simulation andval idat ion are Nat ional Inst rument Mul t isim software andOrCAD software. Then, al l the parameter values thatobtained from the hardware measurement are comparedwith the calculat ion est imat ion and the ci rcui t simulat ionfor val idat ion purposes. Output of the project , 24 Vregulated DC vol tage is successful ly met the requirement .

    1 I n t r o d u c t i o nThis project i s general ly about a solar elect ric system forelect rical appl iances. Figure 1 shows the block diagram ofthe solar elect ric system . The m ain concern of this project i sto design and const ruct a DC to DC converter which is oneof the main module in the solar elect ric system that shownin Figure 1. Th e main idea of the DC to DC converter i sbased on boost type. The purpose of the project i s todevelop DC to DC converter (boost type) that converts theunregulated DC input to a control led DC output wi thdesi red vol tage level . The main object ives of this projectare designing and const ruct ing a DC to DC converter (boosttype) circuit practically with input voltage, 12 V and theoutput vol tag e, 24 V.

    Photovoltaic-Thermal (PV/T)ModuleSolar ChargeController

    Battery -Electric EnergyStorage

    DCt DCConverter -BOOST

    DC Load

    AC LoadDC to ACConverter

    Figure 1: Block diagram of Solar Electric System

    2 D e s i g n C o n c e p t a n d P r o j e c t D e v e l o p m e n tThe ma in part of this project i s DC to DC co nverter (boosttype). This project consists of three main approaches ofdevelopment process and that are design, simulate andconst ruct . Figure 2 show s the flow of process in this project .Table 1 show s param eters involved in developm ent of DCto DC converter (boost type).

    Design ing o f S imula t ion o f Const ruct ing o fBoost Boost Boost

    Figure 2: The f low of the developm ent p rocess

    Table 1: Parameters involved in designing the boostconverter

    Parameter Value UnitInput vol tage, V s 12 VOutput vol tage, V 0 24 VSwitching frequency, f 20 k HertzDuty cycle, D 50The inductor current , I L 2.4 AmpereMaximum inductor current , I L m a x 4.28 AmpereMinimum inductor current , I L m i n 0.52 AmpereRipple, r 0.025 -

    200 9 ICA, ISBN 978-979-8861-05-5 210

    October 20-22, 2009, Bandung, Indonesia

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Dc-dc Boost Converter Design Asmarashid Ponniran 2009


    International Conferenc e on Instrumentat ion, Control Autom ationICA2009October 20-22, 2009, Bandung, Indonesia


    VtM2V2rt> o j j :

    Figure 10: The voltage regulator output waveform fromsimulat ion

    Table 2 shows the comparison parameter values betweenthe calculat ion value and the simulat ion value.

    Table 2: Comparison between calculat ion values withthe s imulat ion valuesN o Parameter Calculat ionvalue Simulat ionvalue1 3.75 A 3.8558 A2 -3.75 A -3.8558 A3 Output vol tage, V 0 2 4 V 24.350 V4 Inductor current , I L 2.4 A 3.4151 A5 Max. inductorcurrent , I L m a x 4.28 A 4.4361 A6 Min. inductorcurrent , I L m i n 0.52 A 0.562 A7 Min. inductor, L r a i n 75 uH 80 uH8 Ripple, r 0.03

    Figure 12: Hardware experimental s etup Pract ical D Cto DC Converter Test ing and Calculat ion

    Input and Output VoltageFigure 13 shows the input vol tage waveform from the DCto DC converter (boost type) by the DL1620 digi talosci l loscope and Figure 14 shows the output vol tagewaveform.

    : K m

    AMDz i . y t

    Figure 13 : The input voltage waveform from theosci l lat ion p rocess

    2009 ICA, ISBN 978-979-8861-05-5 212

    ensure that the input vol tage for the converter i s always at12 V the vol tage regulator i s added. Figure 9 shows thepractical circuit for the voltage regulator part.

  • 8/12/2019 Dc-dc Boost Converter Design Asmarashid Ponniran 2009


    International Conferenceo nInstrumenta t ion , Contro l Automat ionICA2009October 20-22, 2009, Bandung, Indonesia

    r~. f ~. n


    STENT > S SAE UFigure 14: The output voltage waveform from theosci l lat ion process

    *ru.il K.JWKW r m i r GSBNSCCL t *.TJ*'

    Figure 16: The PW M frompin 1 and pin 8

    Table 3 s h o w s the compar i son parameter va lues be tweenthe calculat ions, simulat ionandpract ical output values.

    Table 4 shows the comp arison param eter values betweenthe calculat ions, simulat ionandpractical output values.

    Table 3: Com parison betwee n calculat ions, s imulat ionand pract ical output values using DL 1620 digital

    osci l loscope)N o Parameter Calculat ionvalue Simulat ionvalue Hardwarevalue

    1 Inputvol tage,Vs 12V 12V 12.9167V2 Outputvol tage,V0 24V 24.350V 24.5833V

    Pulse Width Modulat ion PW M)Figure 15 shows the d i agram of integrated ci rcui t (IC1T D A 2 0 0 4 ) .+ Vs Bootstrap1

    Positive Input 1 1

    Negative Input 1 2

    Negat ive In p u t2 4

    Positive Input 2 5

    10 Output 1

    8 Ou tp u t2

    Ground Bootstrap2

    Figure 15: IC1 TDA 2004 diagram

    BasedonFigure 15,pin 10 isoutput 1 andpin 8 isou tpu t2.The output of pin 8 and pin 10 are a pulse width signals.Figure 16s h o w sthePWM from pin 10 and pin 8obtainedusing DL1620 digi tal osci l loscopes.

    Table 4: Comparison between calculat ions, s imulat ionand pract ical output values using DL 162 0 digitalosci l loscope)N o Parameter Calculat ionvalue Simulat ionvalue H ard w arevalue

    1 DutyCycl e ,D 5 0 % 5 0 % 33.33

    Voltage Regulator PartVoltage regulatorisusedin this practical circuittomaintainthe vol tage at 12 V from the charged bat tery that givesmaximum output vol tage 13.8 V. F igure 17 s h o w s theoutput waveform form the vol tage regulator. Table5showsthe comparison between simulat ionandhardw are values .

    2*W*'* X>to46 61 :


    Figure 17:The voltage regulator output waveform

    2009 ICA, ISBN 978-979-8861-05-5 213

  • 8/12/2019 Dc-dc Boost Converter Design Asmarashid Ponniran 2009


    International Conferenceo nInstrumenta t ion , Contro l A u to m a t i o nICA2009October 20-22, 2009, Bandung, IndonesiaTable 5: Comparison between s imulat ion and hardwarevalues

    N o Parameter Simulat ionvalue Hardwarevalue1 Regulator OutputVoltage, V 0 . r e B U , a t o r 11.960 V 12.292 V

    A c k n o w l e d g e m e n tThe author would l ike to thank to Universi t i Tun HusseinOnn Malaysia, Malaysia for any technical supports andassistance in the laboratory works.

    R e f e r e n c e s

    The Operat ion of the Hard wareDC to DC converter boost type)The DC to DC converter (boost type) i s able to stand byitself. The output vol tage is 24 V and the current range of 0- 2.5 Amper e can be used to operate elect rical appl iancesthat used brushless DC motor as a load such as PC fans,blower, and DC cei l ing fan.

    4 Conclus ionsDC to DC converter (boost type) i s successful ly developedand const ructed. Th e project i s able to convert DC vol tage,12 V to regulated DC v ol tage 24 V. Table 6 shows thecomparison between hardware, simulat ion and calculat ionest imat ion for several parameters.

    Table 6: The different between pract ical and s imulat ionresultsN o Parameter Calculat ionvalue Simulat ionvalue Osci l lat ionvalue

    1 Inputvol tage, Vs 1 2 V 1 2 V 12.9167 V2 Outputvol tage, V 0 24 V 24.350 V 24.5833 V3 DutyCycle, D 5 0 % 5 0 % 33.33 %

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    2009 ICA, ISBN 978-979-8861-05-5 214