1. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan sebuah bahasa menjadi bervariasi The basic assumption of sociolinguistics is that the variation we can observe in language is non-random, i.e. variation in language is socially significant. The task of the sociolinguist has been to quantify this variation and to give a principled account of its occurrence. In a nutshell the findings of sociolinguistics have shown that language variation is largely determined by social class and status. Variation furthermore correlates with the relative security of a group´s position in society with a general tendency of lower-status groups to imitate higher-status groups as long as this imitation has a chance of leading to an improvement of social status as with the lower-middle classes in the western world. 2. Yang disebut bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Malaysia secara linguistic adalah dua buah dialek dari sebuah bahasa yang sama yaitu bahasa melayu. Mengapa kini menjadi dua buah bahasa nasional dari dua bangsa yang berbeda? Differences in the two speech / language 2 pieces of the benchmark is based on linguistic and political benchmarks. In linguistics, Indonesian and Malaysia are actually only two dialects of the same language is Malay. But politically, today Malaysia and Indonesian languages are different, the Indonesian language is the national language of Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia is the national language of Malaysia. 3. Tingkat keformalan bahasa yang digunakan sebuah surat kabar dalam menyajikan berita utama, tajuk rencana, pojok, iklan, dan berita olahraga at the editorial or editorial rubric official variety, in the news everyday occurrence used a variety of business, on the corner of the rubric casual digunaka range, and the actual text used various familiar caricatures. However, the advertisement notices from government agencies, such as auction news, notices, menngenai the land from the office of the defense used the frozen variety. Thus, the use of range- range of formality that is often fragmented rather keep changing according to needs.

Faktor Yg Mempengaruhi Bahasa

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Page 1: Faktor Yg Mempengaruhi Bahasa

1. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan sebuah bahasa menjadi bervariasiThe basic assumption of sociolinguistics is that the variation we can observe in language is non-random, i.e. variation in language is socially significant. The task of the sociolinguist has been to quantify this variation and to give a principled account of its occurrence. In a nutshell the findings of sociolinguistics have shown that language variation is largely determined by social class and status. Variation furthermore correlates with the relative security of a group´s position in society with a general tendency of lower-status groups to imitate higher-status groups as long as this imitation has a chance of leading to an improvement of social status as with the lower-middle classes in the western world.

2. Yang disebut bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Malaysia secara linguistic adalah dua buah dialek dari sebuah bahasa yang sama yaitu bahasa melayu. Mengapa kini menjadi dua buah bahasa nasional dari dua bangsa yang berbeda?Differences in the two speech / language 2 pieces of the benchmark is based on linguistic and political benchmarks. In linguistics, Indonesian and Malaysia are actually only two dialects of the same language is Malay. But politically, today Malaysia and Indonesian languages are different, the Indonesian language is the national language of Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia is the national language of Malaysia.

3. Tingkat keformalan bahasa yang digunakan sebuah surat kabar dalam menyajikan berita utama, tajuk rencana, pojok, iklan, dan berita olahragaat the editorial or editorial rubric official variety, in the news everyday occurrence used a variety of business, on the corner of the rubric casual digunaka range, and the actual text used various familiar caricatures. However, the advertisement notices from government agencies, such as auction news, notices, menngenai the land from the office of the defense used the frozen variety. Thus, the use of range-range of formality that is often fragmented rather keep changing according to needs.

4. Perbedaan yang prinsip antara dialek regional dan register

Regional Dialect Register

Variations in language based on user Variations in language based on usage

The answer of what you speak (habitually)

is determined by "who you are?"

The answer to what you are speaking? (at

given time) is determined by "what are you


Dialektal variations reflect social class in Register reflects the social class variations

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the hierarchy of social structures in terms of social process (social


Dialect is a language that is dialectal

variation (one of the study object

dialectology): differences based on

language-speaking social group differences

Register a variation registeral or register

(sociolinguistic study one object): language

differences are caused by differences in the


5. Dasar-dasar dari hasil penjenisan bahasa yang dilakukan oleh StewartStewart uses the four basic to sort sociologically languages are:a. Standardization is the acceptance of a language by language user

community will be a set of rules or norms that determine the correct language usage. Thus, standardization is questioned whether a language has rules or norms that have been dikondifikasikan or not received by the speech community and is a good foundation in language teaching as a first language or second language.

b. Autonomy is when the system has independent linguistic systems that are not related to other languages. Thus, if two or more linguistic systems do not have a historical relationship, it means they have keotonomian respectively.

c. Historical is if known or believed to be the result of normal development in the past related to the tradition and ethnicity. Thus, the historical factor of whether the linguistic system that grows through the use by a particular social or ethnic group or not.

d. Vitality is the use of the linguistic system by a native community is not isolated. Thus, the element of vitality is questioned whether the linguistic system has a native speaker who is still using it or not.

6. Konsep pijin, kreol, dan lingua franca- A lingua franca is a language used by different populations to

communicate when they do not share a common language. Generally, a lingua franca is a third language that is distinct from the native language of both parties involved in the communication. Sometimes as the language becomes more widespread, the native populations of an area will speak the lingua franca to each other as well

- A pidgin is a simplified version of one language that combines the vocabulary of a number of different languages. Pidgins are often just used between members of different cultures to communicate for things like trade. A pidgin is distinct from a lingua franca in that members of the same populations rarely use it to talk to one another. It is also important to note that because pidgins develop out of sporadic contact

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between people and is a simplification of different languages, pidgins generally have no native speakers

- From time to time, long-surviving pidgins also become more widely used for communication and expand into the general population. When this happens and the pidgin is used enough to become the primary language of an area, it is no longer considered a pidgin, but is instead called a creole language. An example of a creole includes Swahili, which grew out of Arabic and Bantu languages in eastern Africa. The language Bazaar Malay, spoken in Malaysia is another example

- Lingua francas, pidgins, or creoles are significant to geography because each represents a long history of communication between various groups of people and is an important gauge of what was taking place at the time the language developed. Today, lingua francas especially but also pidgins represent an attempt to create universally understood languages in a world with growing global interactions

7. Konsep bahasa ibu, bahasa pertama, bahasa kedua, dan bahasa asing- Naming the mother tongue and first language refer to the same

linguistic system. The so-called mother tongue is the language which was first studied by nature from her mother or from families who maintain it. Usually the mother tongue as the language of the parents. However, at present, many parents who talk with their children using the Indonesian language does not use local language support from both parents so that is controlled by Indonesian children, although the Indonesian was not the language of the mother or father, is the mother tongue of the child.

- Native language commonly known as a first language, because language is what children learn first. Although not always controlled by the child's first language similar to that held her mother's first language. Or, the child's first language is not learned from his mother but from his foster parents.

- If later on the child to learn another language, then the other languages is called a second language. Not infrequently a child to learn other languages so that he can master a third language, the language is called a third language. And so on.

- The so-called foreign language will always be a second language for a child. The term foreign language is actually more political remember the name is taken from another state or nation is the owner of the language. In terms of the order of acquisition, English is a second language may be, a third language, or language to many. However, because the English language comes from foreign countries according to Indonesia, then the more popular foreign language term used to classify the English language than the so-called second