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  • 8/12/2019 Inf Nosocomiale Bgn 2002


    1600 CID 2002:34 (15 June) Blot et al.

    M A J O R A R T I C L E

    Nosocomial Bacteremia Caused by Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in CriticallyIll Patients: Clinical Outcome and Lengthof Hospitalization

    Stijn Blot,1 Koenraad Vandewoude,1 Dirk De Bacquer,2 and Francis Colardyn1

    1Department of Intensive Care, Ghent University Hospital, and 2Department of Public Health, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

    Population characteristics and outcomes were retrospectively compared for critically ill patients with noso-

    comial bacteremia caused by antibiotic-susceptible (AB-S; ) or antibiotic-resistant (AB-R; )np 208 np 120

    gram-negative bacteria. No significant differences in severity of illness and comorbidity factors were seen

    between groups. Patients with bacteremia caused by AB-R strains had a longer hospitalization before the onset

    of the bacteremia. The in-hospital mortality for patients with bacteremia caused by AB-S strains was 41.8%;

    for patients infected with AB-R strains, it was 45.0% ( ). A multivariate survival analysis demonstratedPp .576

    that older age ( ), a high-risk source of bacteremia (abdominal and lower respiratory tract;Pp .009 Pp

    ), and a high acute physiology and chronic health evaluation IIrelated expected mortality ( ) were.031 Pp .032

    independently associated with in-hospital mortality ( ). Antibiotic resistance in nosocomial bacteremiaP! .05

    caused by gram-negative bacteria does not adversely affect the outcome for critically ill patients.

    The widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is

    the principal factor in the emergence of antibiotic re-

    sistance. Consequently, in intensive care units (ICUs),

    where the use of antibiotics is considerably greater than

    in general wards [1], dealing with antibiotic-resistant

    microorganisms is an almost daily challenge. This must

    be considered a major problem, because the develop-

    ment of newer and more-potent antibiotics cannotkeep

    up with the increase in antibiotic resistance.

    In ICUs, gram-negative bacteria are responsible for a

    Received 3 December 2001; revised 1 February 2002; electronically published

    23 May 2002.

    Presented in part: 14th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive

    Care Medicine, Geneva, 30 September3 October 2001.

    Financial support: Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders, Belgium (special

    doctoral grant to S.B.).

    Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Stijn Blot, Dept. of Intensive Care, Ghent

    University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium (stijn.blot@rug

    Clinical Infectious Diseases 2002;34:16006

    2002 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.


    considerable percentage of all bloodstream infections [2].

    In ICUs in the United States and Europe, patterns of

    reduced susceptibility to antibiotics were found among

    gram-negative bacteria [3, 4]. Despite the high prevalence

    of antibiotic resistance among gram-negative bacteria

    causing bacteremia, the clinical consequences of resis-

    tance remain unclear. The main objective of our study

    was to evaluate the relationship between antibiotic re-

    sistance in gram-negative bacteria causing bacteremia

    and the clinical outcomes for critically ill patients. Sec-

    ondary objectives were to compare the length of the ICU

    stay and hospitalization for patients with bacteremia

    caused by antibiotic-susceptible (AB-S) or antibiotic-

    resistant (AB-R) gram-negative strains.


    Setting. This study was performed in the ICU of the

    1060-bed Ghent University Hospital in Ghent,Belgium.

    The ICU has 54 beds and includes a medical and sur-

    gical ICU, an ICU for cardiac surgery, and an ICU for

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    Bacteremia Caused by Resistant Microorganisms CID 2002:34 (15 June) 1601

    severely burned patients. No significant changes in mean age

    of patients, length of the ICU stay, or acute physiology and

    chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II score [5] were observed

    during the study period.

    Study design and data collection. We conducted a retro-

    spective, observational cohort study that included ICU patients

    with nosocomial, microbiologically documented bacteremia

    caused by gram-negative bacteria. We compared data from pa-tients with bacteremia caused by AB-S gram-negative bacteria

    with data from patients with bacteremia caused by AB-R gram-

    negative bacteria. In-hospital mortality (mortality rate for 3

    evaluation points) was the principal outcome variable evalu-

    ated. We also assessed secondary outcomes, including length

    of stay in the ICU and in the hospital and prevalence of acute

    organ failure.

    The study included critically ill adult patients who were ad-

    mitted to the ICU during a 9-year period (January 1992

    December 2000). All microbiologically documented nosoco-

    mial bloodstream infections are prospectively screened by the

    center for infection control. This hospital-wide case-based sur-

    veillance program was used to perform a retrospective search

    for ICU patients with bacteremia caused by gram-negative bac-

    teria. Every patient whose ICU stay was complicated by this

    bloodstream infection was assessed in our analysis. For ICU

    patients who developed 11 case of bacteremia caused by gram-

    negative bacteria, only the first episode was considered. Patients

    with hemocultures that yielded 11 type of gram-negative bac-

    teria of which at least 1 strain was AB-R were included in the

    AB-R group.

    Definitions. Bacteremia was considered to be nosocomial

    when it was diagnosed at least 48 h after hospital admission.Gram-negative bacteremia was defined as the presence of

    gram-negative bacteria in the blood, documented by at least 1

    positive hemoculture. Hemocultures were routinely performed

    when the patients temperature was 138.4C or when infection

    was suspected on clinical grounds; blood samples were pro-

    cessed following the BacT/Alert (Organon Teknika) procedure.

    A 10-mL blood culture inoculum was standard. Antibiotic

    resistance was defined as in vitro resistance to ceftazidime. In

    our hospital, ceftazidime resistance is considered to be an in-

    dicator of epidemic extended-spectrum b-lactamaseproducing

    strains or hyperproducers ofb-lactamases, and, therefore, it is

    a sign of infection with organisms that are resistant to multipledrugs [6, 7]. Because susceptibility patterns for Pseudomonas

    aeruginosavary, such isolates were considered to be AB-R when

    resistance to one of the following antipseudomonal antibiotics

    was seen: piperacillin, ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime, and imipen-

    em [8].

    Antibiotic resistance was determined according to methods

    for disk-diffusion testing recommended by the National Com-

    mittee for Clinical Laboratory Standards [9]. For the sake of

    convenience, cases of bacteremia were designated AB-S bac-

    teremia or AB-R bacteremia, depending on the antibiotic-

    resistance status of the isolated organisms. During the study

    period, no changes in microbiologic laboratory techniques were

    seen. The source of the bacteremia was determined by intensive

    care physicians and microbiologists, on the basis of the isolation

    of gram-negative bacteria from the presumed portal of entry

    and clinical evaluation. For the purpose of analysis, sources ofbacteremia were divided into 3 categories: low risk (associated

    mortality, 30%), which were sinus, urinary tract, intravenous

    catheter, and soft-tissue sources; intermediate risk (associated

    mortality, 31%50%), which were primary sources of bacte-

    remia; and high risk (associated mortality, 150%), which were

    lower respiratory tract and abdominal sources. Patients with

    11 possible source of bacteremia (e.g., 1 low-risk and 1 high-

    risk source) were considered to have a high-risk source.

    Antibiotic therapy was considered to be appropriate if the

    drugs used had in vitro activity against the isolated strain. We

    considered antibiotic therapy to be inadequate if the drugs

    used did not have in vitro activity against the isolated strainor if the patient did not receive antibiotic treatment. The delay

    in the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment was cal-

    culated from the day of onset of bacteremia. Acute respiratory

    failure was defined as ventilator dependence; acute renal fail-

    ure, as the need for renal replacement therapy; and hemo-

    dynamic instability, as the need for vasopressive or inotropic

    support during the ICU stay. For the comparison of outcomes,

    survival status was evaluated at 14 and 28 days after the onset

    of bacteremia and at the end of the hospital stay (all 3 evaluation

    points are included in in-hospital mortality).

    Statistical analysis. Continuous variables are given as

    or as median (lowerupper quartile), dependingmean SD

    on the distribution. Comparative analyses were done with the

    Mann-WhitneyUtest or the x2 test, as appropriate. Survival

    curves were prepared by means of the Kaplan-Meier method,

    and univariate survival distributions were compared by the log-

    rank test. To assess the relationship between in-hospital mor-

    tality and a set of independent variables, a multivariate survival

    analysis was used (Cox proportional hazard model); hazard

    ratios and 95% CIs are reported. In this multivariate analysis,

    continuous variables were handled continuously. Variables en-

    tered in the Cox regression model were required to have a

    plausible relationship with mortality, to avoid spurious asso-

    ciations. Statistical analyses were performed using Statistica,

    version 4.5 (StatSoft), and SPSS, version 9.0. All tests were 2

    tailed; was considered to be statistically significant.P! .05


    During the study period, 29,727 patients were admitted to the

    ICU. Among these, 328 patients were identified as havinggram-

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    1602 CID 2002:34 (15 June) Blot et al.

    Table 1. Characteristics of hospitalized, critically ill patients who had nosocomial bacteremia caused by gram-negative bacteria.


    Outcome of hospital stay Type of bacteremia


    (n p 141)


    (n p 187) P


    (n p 208)


    (n p 120) P

    Age, mean years SD 59 14.3 49 18.1 !.001 54 17.4 52 16.9 .303

    APACHE II score, mean SD 26 9.4 22 8.0 !.001 23 9.0 23 8.6 .814

    APACHE IIrelated expected mortality, mean %

    SD 50 29.0 36 25.1 !.001 41 28.2 44 27.3 .305

    Acute renal failure, % of patients 38.3 16.0 !.001 25.0 26.7 .431

    Hemodynamic instability, % of patients 86.5 75.9 .017 77.9 85.0 .117

    Acute respiratory failure, % of patients 95.7 92.0 .021 92.4 95.8 .227

    Ventilator dependence, median days (lowerupper

    quartile) 17 (628) 21 (834) .165 16 (527) 23 (1238) !.001

    Length of ICU stay, median days

    (lowerupper quartile)

    Before onset of bacteremia 10 (318) 13 (624) .009 8 (3.517) 18 (933) !.001

    After onset of bacteremia 8 (317) 12 (525) .002 10 (319) 11 (520) .321

    Total 18 (934) 28 (1446) !.001 21 (940) 28.5 (1648) !.001

    Length of hospitalization, median days

    (lowerupper quartile)Before onset of bacteremia 13 (527) 16 (727) .428 11 (522) 23 (1141) !.001

    After onset of bacteremia 10 (321) 59 (28117) !.001 27 (963.5) 35 (1077) .333

    Total 29 (1554) 76 (44144) !.001 47 (2285) 60 (30130) .007

    Mortality at 14 days, % of patients 61.0 0 26.0 26.7 .550

    Mortality at 28 days, % of patients 81.0 0 34.1 35.8 .756

    In-hospital mortality, % of patients 100 0 41.8 45.0 .576

    NOTE. AB-R, antibiotic resistant; AB-S, antibiotic susceptible; APACHE, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; ICU, intensive care unit.

    negative bacteremia and were included in the study cohort (a

    prevalence of 11.0 cases of gram-negative bacteremia per 1000

    ICU admissions). The mean age of the patients was 54years. The mean APACHE II score was , and the17.2 23 8.9

    mean APACHE IIrelated expected mortality was 42%

    . Fifty-four percent of the patients were admitted to the27.8%

    ICU after a surgical procedure; 75% of these patients had non-

    elective surgery. Twenty percent of the patients were admitted

    after experiencing trauma.

    Among the 328 cases of bacteremia included in the analysis,

    369 gram-negative isolates were identified. The most frequently

    detected gram-negative microorganisms were Escherichia coli

    ( ), Enterobacter species ( ), P. aeruginosa (np 71 np 68 np

    ),Klebsiellaspecies ( ),Acinetobacterspecies ( ),62 np 52 np 51

    and Serratia species ( ). In 36.6% (120 of 328) of thenp 27

    cases of bacteremia, the strain involved was AB-R. During the

    study period, the yearly rate of AB-R bacteremia remained

    stable ( ) (data not shown).Pp .495

    Outcome of hospital stay. Mortality rates at 14 days, at

    28 days, and at the end of the hospital stay were, respectively,

    26%, 35%, and 43%. The characteristics of the patients who

    died in the hospital and the characteristics of those who sur-

    vived are compared in table 1. Patients who died in the hospital

    generally were older and had higher APACHE II scores and

    APACHE IIrelated expected mortality, and the prevalence oforgan failure was also higher in this group. These patients had

    a shorter ICU stay and a shorter hospitalization. Of all bac-

    teremia-associated factors, only infection with P. aeruginosa

    and high-risk sources of bacteremia were more prevalentamong

    nonsurvivors (table 2).

    Patients with AB-S bacteremia versus those with AB-R bac-

    teremia. The population characteristics of patients with AB-

    S gram-negative bacteremia and those with AB-R gram-neg-

    ative bacteremia are listed in tables 1 and 2. Polymicrobial

    bloodstream infections were more likely to occur in the AB-

    R group. Furthermore, no important differences in severity

    of illness were found, but patients with AB-R bacteremia had

    a longer stay in the ICU, as well as in the hospital. This seems

    to be the consequence of a longer hospitalization before the

    onset of the bacteremia; length of stay (both in ICU and

    hospital) after the onset of the bacteremia was not different.

    Antibiotic resistance was not associated with higher mor-

    tality rates (table 1). Figure 1 shows the survival curves for

    both groups from the onset of bacteremia to the end of hos-

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    Bacteremia Caused by Resistant Microorganisms CID 2002:34 (15 June) 1603

    Table 2. Factors associated with bacteremia in a study of hospitalized, critically ill patients with nosocomial

    bacteremia caused by gram-negative bacteria.


    Outcome of hospital stay Type of bacteremia


    (n p 141)


    (n p 187) P


    (n p 208)


    (n p 120) P

    AB-R bacteremia 38.3 35.3 .576

    Isolated microorganism

    Escherichia coli 21.3 21.9 .888 30.8 5.8 !.001

    Enterobacterspecies 17.0 23.5 .150 14.4 31.7 !.001

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27.0 12.8 .001 18.8 19.2 .926

    Klebsiellaspecies 12.7 18.2 .184 15.9 15.8 .994

    Acinetobacterspecies 12.1 17.6 .163 4.8 33.3 !.001

    Serratiaspecies 9.2 7.5 .572 9.6 5.8 .230

    Polymicrobial bloodstream infection 33.3 26.2 .160 24.5 37.5 .013

    Source of the bacteremia

    Low risk 17.0 41.2 !.001 33.7 27.5 .247

    Intermediate risk 22.7 25.1 .609 20.7 30.0 .060

    High risk 60.3 32.6 !.001 45.7 42.5 .578

    More than 1 possible source 9.2 10.0 .901 7.7 12.5 .152

    Appropriate antibiotic therapy 89.3 94.6 .108 93.1 91.1 .547

    Delay in antibiotic therapy, mean days SD 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.6 .296 0.5 0.8 0.8 2.0 .556

    NOTE. Data are percentage of patients, unless otherwise indicated. AB-R, antibiotic resistant; AB-S, antibiotic susceptible.

    Figure 1. Survival curves for patients in the intensive care unit who had bacteremia caused by antibiotic-susceptible(dashed line)or antibiotic-

    resistant (solid line)gram-negative bacteria ( ; log-rank test).Pp .319

    pitalization. The mortality rates for the 2 groups were very

    similar ( ). At the end of the hospitalization period,Pp .319

    mortality rates for patients with AB-S bacteremia and those

    with AB-R bacteremia were, respectively, 41.8% and 45.0%

    ( ). To adjust for differences in clinical virulence, out-Pp .576

    come comparisons for the 2 groups of patients were per-

    formed, according to the different types of gram-negative mi-

    croorganisms involved. When patients were stratified by

    most-prevalent bacteria, no statistically significant difference

    in mortality was seen between the 2 groups ( ; table 3).P1.05

    Multivariate survival analysis. A multivariate survival

    analysis demonstrated that older age, a high-risk source of

    bacteremia, and a high APACHE IIrelated expected mortality

    were independently associated with in-hospital mortality (ta-

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    1604 CID 2002:34 (15 June) Blot et al.

    Table 3. Mortality rates among hospitalized, critically ill pa-

    tients with bacteremia caused by gram-negative bacteria, strat-

    ified by most frequently detected microorganism and distributed

    by antibiotic-resistance status of the isolate.


    resistance status

    No. of


    Mortality, no. (%) of patients

    At 14 days At 28 days Total

    Escherichia coli

    AB-S 64 14 (21.9) 20 (31.3) 25 (39.1)

    AB-R 7 4 (57.1) 4 (57.1) 5 (71.4)


    AB-S 31 7 (22.6) 9 (29.0) 11 (35.5)

    AB-R 37 7 (18.9) 9 (24.3) 13 (35.1)



    AB-S 39 12 (30.8) 17 (43.6) 25 (64.1)

    AB-R 23 9 (39.1) 11 (47.8) 13 (56.5)


    AB-S 34 6 (17.6) 9 (26.5) 9 (26.5)

    AB-R 18 5 (27.8) 8 (44.4) 9 (50.0)


    AB-S 10 0 1 (10.0) 1 (10.0)

    AB-R 41 8 (19.5) 14 (34.1) 17 (41.5)


    AB-S 21 7 (33.3) 10 (47.6) 10 (47.6)

    AB-R 6 3 (50.0) 3 (50.0) 3 (50.0)

    NOTE. Differences in mortality for patients withantibiotic-susceptible(AB-

    S) and patients with antibiotic-resistant (AB-R) bacteremia did not reach sta-

    tistical significance at any time point ( ).P! .05

    Table 4. Factors associated with in-hospital mortality among

    hospitalized, critically ill patients with bacteremia caused by

    gram-negative bacteria.

    Variable Hazard ratio (95% CI) P

    Age 1.01 (1.001.02) .009

    High-r isk source of bacteremia 1.33 (1.031.72) .031

    APACHE IIrelated expected

    mortality 1.71 (1.052.79) .032

    Acute renal failure 1.32 (0.981.76) .065

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    bacteremia 1.33 (0.961.85) .085

    NOTE. Associations were assessed using multivariate survival analysis

    (Cox proportional-hazard model). APACHE, acutephysiology and chronic health


    ble 4). Acute renal failure and bacteremia caused byP. aeru-

    ginosahad an association with in-hospital mortality that wasof borderline significance ( ).P!.1


    It is presumed that infections caused by AB-R bacteria result

    in higher mortality, longer hospitalizations, and greater costs

    than do infections caused by AB-S bacteria, although few data

    support this intuitive concept [10]. The assumption that in-

    fections caused by AB-R bacteria are associated with a higher

    mortality rate may be based on the possibility that appropriate

    antibiotic therapy will be initiated later for such infections than

    for infections caused by AB-S bacteria. Although some studies

    have described very high mortality rates in association with

    infections caused by AB-RP. aeruginosaand Acinetobacter bau-

    mannii[8, 11], the causal link between antibiotic resistance and

    fatal bacteremia remains unclear.

    Comparisons of the outcomes for patients with AB-R bac-

    teremia and for patients with AB-S bacteremia can be difficult

    to perform: important differences in demographic character-

    istics between the populations are repeatedly observed in stud-

    ies of bacteremia caused by AB-R gram-positive bacteria

    [1214]. In the present study, no important differences in

    severity of illness (as measured by the APACHE II score) or

    prevalence of acute organ failure hampered the outcome com-

    parison. Polymicrobial bloodstream infections were seen more

    frequently among patients with AB-R bacteremia. Although

    this is considered to be an ominous sign [15, 16], it has been

    demonstrated elsewhere that the mortality associated withpolymicrobial bacteremia in ICU patients is not necessarily

    higher than that associated with monomicrobial bacteremia

    [17]. In our study, polymicrobial bacteremia was not asso-

    ciated with higher in-hospital mortality on either univariate

    or multivariate analysis.

    Our data revealed that the mortality associated with AB-R

    gram-negative bacteremia is not higher than that associated

    with AB-S bacteremia. Although mortality is high in both

    groups of patients, the observed mortality rates are in line with

    the APACHE IIrelated expected mortality. In a retrospective

    study, Menashe et al. [18] also found no significant increase in

    mortality among patients with bacteremia caused by extended-spectrumb-lactamaseproducing Enterobacteriaceae (50%, vs.

    38% among patients with bacteremia caused by nonextended-

    spectrumb-lactamaseproducing isolates; ), but theirPp .367

    study cohort was small ( ). Harbarth et al. [16], in anp 55

    large retrospective study, also failed to demonstrate that anti-

    biotic resistance had a major clinical effect on outcome for

    patients with gram-negative bacteremia. However, the hospital-

    wide setting and large proportion of cases of community-

    acquired bacteremia (61%) in that study hampers comparison

    with the results we obtained.

    Previous studies have identified important associations be-

    tween antibiotic resistance and negative outcome for patients

    with gram-negative bacteremia [1921]. However, causality re-

    mains unclear, and differences in study populations impede

    comparison with the present study.

    It is a possible weakness in our study that the outcome

    comparison between the 2 groups of patients might be con-

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    Bacteremia Caused by Resistant Microorganisms CID 2002:34 (15 June) 1605

    founded by differences in the clinical virulence of the types of

    gram-negative bacteria involved [16]. For example, 80% ofAci-

    netobacter species, which are considered to be low-virulence

    pathogens, were AB-R, whereas 37% ofPseudomonasisolates,

    which are known to be extremely virulent, were AB-R. Re-

    gardless, in the multivariate survival analysis, no individual

    microorganism was recognized as being an independent pre-

    dictor of mortality. Therefore, we assume that the confoundingeffect of differences in clinical virulence of the different types

    of bacteria seen in our study is of minor importance. However,

    outcome evaluation after stratification for different bacteria can

    be interesting.

    In a prospective cohort study involving patients with bac-

    teremia caused exclusively byEnterobacterspecies, Chow et al.

    [21] describe greater morbidity and mortality among patients

    with bacteremia caused by AB-REnterobacterspecies. Our study

    included 68 ICU patients with bacteremia caused byEntero-

    bacter, 37 of whom were infected with AB-R strains. Although

    these numbers are small and, therefore, are difficult to interpret,

    the mortality rates in these subgroups were nearly equal (35.5%

    and 35.1%, respectively), raising doubts about whether a worse

    prognosis was associated with bacteremia caused by AB-REn-

    terobacterspecies in our population. Also, when data were strat-

    ified by other frequently detected gram-negative microorgan-

    isms, no statistically significant differences in the mortality rates

    were found for the AB-S group and the AB-R group (table 3).

    Nonetheless, the differences in the mortality rates for patients

    with bacteremia caused by AB-S or AB-R strains ofKlebsiella

    species, E. coli, and, in particular, Acinetobacterspecies, which

    reached borderline significance ( ), are noteworthy. TheseP! .1

    results, however, must be interpreted cautiously because of thesmall numbers of patients included.

    It can be presumed that bacteremia caused by AB-R bacteria

    may have a worse prognosis because of the delay in initiation

    of appropriate antibiotic therapy [22, 23]. Especially when high-

    virulence microorganisms such as P. aeruginosa are involved,

    early initiation of appropriate therapy is crucial to the survival

    of the patient [24, 25]. In our study, patients with AB-R bac-

    teremia were treated appropriately at a rate similar to that for

    patients with AB-S bacteremia. The delay in the initiation of

    appropriate treatment was longer in the AB-R group, but the

    difference we found was of no significance, either statistically

    or clinically (table 2).The high rate of administration of appropriate therapy that

    was achieved in our ICU population can be explained by 3

    factors: (1) consideration of previous colonization, as assessed

    by regular site-specific surveillance cultures (3 times weekly),

    (2) initial administration of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy,

    and (3) close interaction between the physician, clinical mi-

    crobiologists, and clinical infectious diseases consultants. This

    strategy appeared to contribute to a delay in administration of

    appropriate antibiotic treatment that was short (!1 day) overall

    in our study. Surveillance sampling was found to have a high

    specific and negative predictive value, because colonization pre-

    ceded infection in almost all patients who had P. aeruginosa

    infection in the ICU [26, 27]. On the other hand, performing

    surveillance cultures routinely is expensive. Furthermore,

    whether this policy has greater clinical benefits than does ini-

    tiation of blind therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics is stillcontroversial. It is well understood that blind therapy is re-

    stricted to a smaller spectrum, once microbiologic identification

    is completed, yet it might be assumed that this promotes the

    emergence of AB-R microorganisms, because there is more

    exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Our strategy is to re-

    serve these agents for patients with sepsis whose condition is

    deteriorating and for whom no isolate has been obtained from

    the presumed septic focus and for patients who have micro-

    biologically proved superinfection.

    Patients with AB-R bacteremia had a significantly longer stay

    in the ICU, as well as in the hospital. However, when length

    of ICU stay and length of hospitalization (from the day of theonset of bacteremia to discharge or death) were compared, no

    difference was found. We conclude from this that the excess

    length of stay, both in the ICU and the hospital, is a result of

    a longer ICU and hospital stay before the onset of the bacte-

    remia. Consequently, it appears that cases of AB-R bacteremia

    are not responsible for the increased need for hospital resources

    among these patients but that risk factors for the acquisition

    of AB-R infections are the major triggers of this problem.

    In conclusion, we found that AB-R gram-negative bacteremia

    is not associated with higher mortality than is AB-S gram-

    negative bacteremia in critically ill patients. AB-R bacteremia

    is associated with a longer stay in the ICU, as well as in the

    hospital. This, however, is the consequence of a longer stay

    before the onset of the bacteremia, whereas length of stay in

    the ICU and length of stay in the hospital after onset of the

    bacteremia in the 2 group of patients were not different.


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