Mobbing Translated

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  • 8/14/2019 Mobbing Translated


    Mobbing is the constant harassment of someone without an obvious motive that a person suffers

    with or without reasons from someone who works with him or her and this disqualifies his or hers

    qualities, work ethics or its honesty.

    There is eight types of mobbing ostracism or ignore, mocking, physical violence, abuse of

    authority, sabotage, sexual harassment, and injustices.

    Mobbing is about the recurring attitude of nullify a team member in the work environment.

    Some specific cases are:

    When a team member is ignored by everyone on the team. When someones ideas are discarded without being heard and analyzed When someone isnt allowed to talk or express its thoughts.

    Mocking: Any joke that is made about the person involved (that this person doesnt find funny) its

    considered mobbing. These mocking:

    Can be behind the person or in its face. Kill the self-esteem of the person. Take all the team job time.

    When someones mocked the harassment triangle is created: Victim, Spectators and aggressor.

    The person becomes the object of the aggressor mocking and the spectators look and fed the

    need of achievement of the aggressor through these jokes against the victim. It becomes a

    negative dynamic that can last for years.

    Physical Violence: Can be present because the different opinions or particular interest that may

    cause mayor aggressions.

    Frustration and tension level grows in the company. Suicides may happen or provoke victims self aggression. The employers cant contain or control these situations. There can be Murders in order to take someone out of the way when this person finds out

    company irregularities.

    Disqualifying happens when a person is blamed for someones else mistakes.

    Some disqualifying things are: Dont pass memos. Give wrong information. Seed doubts of someones aspects or knowledge. Point every fail, no matter is size or impact.

  • 8/14/2019 Mobbing Translated


    Abuse of authority: It happens when someone takes advantage of the situation to act hostile with

    its subordinates. Its quite funny that the kids that suffered bullying may make abuse of authority

    fearing lose their power over the others; it is a learned behavior in childhood.

    Some examples of abuse of authority are:

    Shouting. Be unfair with their subordinates. Dont appreciate the effort or the subordinates. Take the credit for someones else job Ask things out of the subalterns functions. Ask its subordinates for extra hours and dont pay for them. Seed Fear.

    Sabotage is when someone uses its knowledge of the company with financial proposes. There are

    two types of sabotage: Intern and Extern.

    Extern sabotage is when:

    Someones benefit is over the company interests. Theres bad use of the company information (like selling these information).

    Intern sabotage is when:

    Teams are broken for the company interests.Sexual Harassment: is when a person insists in seducing another to keep its job or climb in the

    company. The stalker can blackmail jobs settings or the job itself for sexual favors; theinsinuations make the victim uncomfortable because these openly have said to have no interest

    in the offers.

    It is when there are notable insinuations of sexual encounters for professional upgrades. Even when there are only stares these can be considered as harassment and lack of

    professionalism in the office.

    It is a crime that can be processed

    All workers have rights and dont depend on someones humor to have them. Some injustices are:

    To have an excessive amount of work. Barely or no recognition at all. Dont have any chances to attend other compromises besides job. Being treated about being fired. Dont have any raise as the law says. Make extra hours with extra propose or extra pay. To lose your recognition of your work and that these recognition is given to someone else.

  • 8/14/2019 Mobbing Translated


    Be unfairly Fired.