Nru./No. 20,708 Prezz/Price 3.06 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette It-Tlieta, 28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 Tuesday, 28th September, 2021 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Published by Authority SOMMARJU — SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 9953 - 9979 Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 9953 - 9979 Avviżi tal-Pulizija ............................................................................................................ 9980 Police Notices .................................................................................................................. 9980 Opportunitajiet ta’ Impjieg ............................................................................................... 9980 - 9982 Employment Opportunities .............................................................................................. 9980 - 9982 Avviżi tal-Gvern............................................................................................................... 9983 - 9986 Notices.............................................................................................................................. 9983 - 9986 Offerti ............................................................................................................................... 9986 - 9991 Tenders ............................................................................................................................. 9986 - 9991 Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 9991 - 10,016 Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 9991 - 10,016

Nru./No. 20,708 Prezz/Price 3.06 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta

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Nru./No. 20,708Prezz/Price


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ MaltaThe Malta Government Gazette

It-Tlieta, 28 ta’ Settembru, 2021Tuesday, 28th September, 2021

Pubblikata b’AwtoritàPublished by Authority


Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 9953 - 9979Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 9953 - 9979

Avviżi tal-Pulizija ............................................................................................................ 9980Police Notices .................................................................................................................. 9980

Opportunitajiet ta’ Impjieg ............................................................................................... 9980 - 9982Employment Opportunities .............................................................................................. 9980 - 9982

Avviżi tal-Gvern ............................................................................................................... 9983 - 9986Notices .............................................................................................................................. 9983 - 9986

Offerti ............................................................................................................................... 9986 - 9991Tenders ............................................................................................................................. 9986 - 9991

Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 9991 - 10,016Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 9991 - 10,016

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9953


No. 1290


IT is notified for general information that the following Legal Notices were published in the Supplement to the Government Gazette No. 20,702 of 20th September, 2021 (Legal Notices 367 to 369) and No. 20,706 of 24th September, 2021 (Legal Notice 370 to 372), respectively.

L.N. 367 of 2021: Attorney General Ordinance (Cap. 90), State Advocate Act (Cap. 603); Prosecution of Offences (Transitory Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.

L.N. 368 of 2021: Public Health Act (Cap. 465); Period of Quarantine (Amendment No. 6) Order, 2021.

L.N. 369 of 2021: Public Health Act (Cap. 465); Travel Ban (Extension to All Countries) (Amendment No. 6) Order, 2021.

L.N. 370 of 2021: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2021 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2021 for the Degree of Master of Science in Digital Health – M.Sc. – under the auspices of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology.

L.N. 371 of 2021: Education Act (Cap. 327); General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2021.

L.N. 372 of 2021: State Advocate Act (Cap. 603); General Elections Act (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.

28th September, 2021

Nru. 1290



NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Avviżi Legali li ġejjin ġew ippubblikati fis-Suppliment mal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern Nru. 20,702 tal-20 ta’ Settembru, 2021 (Avviżi Legali 367 sa 369) u Nru. 20,706 tal-24 ta’ Settembru, 2021 (Avviż Legali 370 sa 372), rispettivament.

A.L. 367 tal-2021: Ordinanza dwar l-Avukat Ġenerali (Kap. 90), Att dwar l-Avukat tal-Istat (Kap. 603); Regolamenti tal-2021 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti dwar Prosekuzzjoni ta’ Reati (Dispożizzjonijiet Tranżitorji).

A.L. 368 tal-2021: Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika (Kap. 465); Ordni tal-2021 li jemenda l-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina (Emenda Nru 6).

A.L. 369 tal-2021: Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika (Kap. 465); Ordni tal-2021 li jemenda l-Ordni dwar l-Estensjoni tal-Projbizzjoni fuq l-Ivjaġġar lejn il-Pajjiżi Kollha (Emenda Nru 6).

A.L. 370 tal-2021: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2021 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2021 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad għall-Grad ta’ Master of Science in Digital Health – M.Sc. – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tax-Xjenzi tas-Saħħa u tal-Fakultà tat-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni.

A.L. 371 tal-2021: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); Ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2021 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad.

A.L. 372 tal-2021: Att dwar l-Avukat tal-Istat (Kap. 603); Regolamenti tal-2021 li jemendaw l-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet Ġenerali.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Nru. 1289


IL-PRESIDENT ta’ Malta għoġbu japprova t-trasferiment tal-Uffiċjal hawn taħt imsemmi mill-Forza Regolari tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta għall-Forza tar-Riżerva Individwali, meta rrizenja b’seħħ mid-data li tinsab ħdejn ismu.

Logutenent Angelo Rowe l-1 ta’ Ottubru, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

No. 1289


THE President of Malta has the pleasure to approve the transfer of the undermentioned Officer from the Regular Force of the Armed Forces of Malta to the Individual Reserve Force, on resignation with effect from the date as shown against his name.

Lieutenant Angelo Rowe 1st October, 2021

28th September, 2021

9954 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

No. 1291


IT is hereby notified for general information that in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 15 and the First Schedule (Art 6) of the Health Care Professions Act (Cap: 464), the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health has made the following appointments on the Pharmacy Council for the remaining two years.

PresidentDr Joseph Chetcuti MembersMr Reginald FavaProf. Lilian AzzopardiMr Tony NichollMs Anthea BrulloMs Dorothy MeliMr Stephen Farrugia 28th September, 2021

No. 1291


NGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ġenerali li bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-Artikolu 15 u l-Ewwel Skeda (Art. 6) tal-Att dwar il-Professjonijiet tas-Saħħa (Kap. 464), id-Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru għas-Saħħa għamel il-ħatriet li ġejjin fuq il-Kunsill tal-Ispiżjara għas-sentejn li ġejjin.

PresidentDott. Joseph Chetcuti

MembriIs-Sur Reginald FavaIl-Prof. Lilian AzzopardiIs-Sur Tony NichollIs-Sa Anthea BrulloIs-Sa Dorothy MeliIs-Sur Stephen Farrugia

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Nru. 1292



IL-KUMMISSARJU tal-Pulizija, skont l-artikoli 7 u 8 tal-Att tal-1996 dwar Gwardjani Privati u Uffiċjali tal-Komunità, b’din jgħarraf li rċieva dawn l-applikazzjonijiet kif imsemmija hawn taħt:

No. 1292



THE Commissioner of Police, in terms of articles 7 and 8 of the Private Guards and Community Officers Act 1996, hereby notifies that the following applications as mentioned hereunder have been received:

Applikazzjoni għall-liċenzja bhala Aġenzija ta’ Gwardjani PrivatiApplication for licence of a Private Guard Agency

Isem u kunjom Nru. tal-Karta Indirizz tal-Identità

Name and Surname Identity Card No. Address

Joseph Debono 294449M Private Address:21, Flat B, Triq San Mikiel, Ir-Rabat

Agency Address:Adler Security Services LimitedAllegro Hotel, Triq Ross, San Ġiljan

Applikazzjoni għall-liċenzja bħala Gwardjani PrivatApplication for licence of a Private Guard

Isem u kunjom Nru. tal-Karta Indirizz tal-Identità

Name and Surname Identity Card No. Address

Brian Zarb 198472M Redent Rose, Triq Frans Grech, Marsaskala

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9955

Saviour Micallef 475275M 72, Triq il-Kunċizzjoni, Il-Qala, GħawdexRachel Vella 148887M 5, Triq San Bernard, Il-MarsaMandy Mifsud 351297M 26, Margod Crt, Blk A, Flat 1, Triq Agostino Matrenza, San ĠwannJason Falzon 65780M Soleil, Blk D, Mais 86, Triq Tal-Ħamrija, MarsaskalaCarlo Vella 310502L 20, Framon, Triq l-Assemblea Nazzjonali, Il-MostaDeemer Tabone 476679M Blokk Ta’ Bieb il-Belt, Bieb 3, Flat 6, Triq l-Ordinanza, Il-Belt VallettaEugene Falzon 266096M Blk 3, Ent. C, Flat 3, Triq is-Salvatur, Il-KalkaraLonneke Farrugia 352499M 38, Mother Theresa Crt, Flat 2, Triq Salvu Gatt, Il-MostaFrancesco Casarini 1399G Fontana Candida, Triq Wistin Camilleri, Ir-Rabat GħawdexSusan Degabriele 438975M 191, Aurora, Triq Kent, Il-FguraEmanuel Grech 38766G Valley Crt, Flat 1, Triq il-Baħħara, Għajnsielem, GħawdexSharone Spagnol 66600L Blk J, Flat 6, Dawret Ħal Tmin, Iż-ŻejtunRonnie Aquilina 190979M 139, Ronnie Maria, Triq San Mikiel, BirżebbuġaClayton Vella 497489M 10, Triq San Alfonsu, Iż-ŻejtunFadel Aboisa 131226A 56, Triq il-Fossili, BirżebbuġaAleksandar Mihajlovic 182145A 171, St George’s, Flat 9, Triq it-Turisti, San Pawl il-BaħarMoufida Dghaiej Ep Ben Hamida

266279A Immaculate, Flat 1, Triq il-Gross, Marsaskala

Noureddine Ben Hamida 266604A Immaculate, Flat 1, Triq il-Gross, MarsaskalaJessica Cassar 315490M Josvic, Triq Bordin, Tal-PietàMayleen Tang 117690M 127, Holiday, Flat 3, Triq l-Orsolini, Tal-PietàJeremy Grech 291702L Dar Frate Jacoba, Triq Wied iz-Ziju, MarsaskalaDavid Buhagiar 97763M The Ivies, Blk A, Flat 8, Triq il-Mosta, Ħ’AttardJohn Farrugia 473970M 14, Drayton, Triq Dun Pawl Brunchel, Iż-ŻejtunMelanie Busuttil 263297M 124, Black Rose, Triq San Benedittu, Ħal KirkopMario Patrick Ciappara 28569G 74, Tal-Grazzja, Triq iz-Zabrella, Ħaż-ŻabbarWilliam Said 50363G Klein Aber Mein, Triq l-Arċipriet Saver Cassar, In-Nadur, GħawdexAnthony Edwards 404685M 37, Martfred, Triq Melqart, MarsaxlokkSandro Olivari 456085M 1, Olivari, Triq Pawlu Saliba, Il-ĦamrunRaymond Farrugia 285056M 116, Benjamin, Flat 8, Triq San Xmun, San Pawl il-BaħarJosephine Sultana 7074G Blk H, Bieb A, Flat 2, Triq Taċ-Ċawla, Ir-Rabat, GħawdexFrangisku Azzopardi 70275M Blk H, Bieb A, Flat 2, Triq Taċ-Ċawla, Ir-Rabat, GħawdexMonika Sari 197815L 79, Thanks God, Triq San Pietru, BirżebbuġaLucian Pace 396768M 79, Thanks God, Triq San Pietru, BirżebbuġaJoseph Dimech 22177M 116, Flat 11, Triq San Ġwann, BormlaClodoveo Camilleri 153872M 147, Clocar, Triq Tal-Fieres, Ħal KirkopPeter Galea 13275M 52, Franindor, Triq Birżebbuġa, Ħal GħaxaqAnthony Magri 217203L Marita, Triq Luqa Briffa, il-GżiraMaurizio Polidano 94785M 13, Casa John Jane, Vjal l-Indipendenza, Iż-ŻurrieqKimberly Mifsud 558392M Binja Wejter, Blk A, Flat 4, Triq il-Qasab, BirkirkaraAmanda Mifsud 227070M 48, Triq Santu Wistin, Il-ĦamrunOwen Gauci 447084M 53, Maison Blanc, Triq il-Pitkali, Ħ’AttardMartin Caruana 257973M Rivage Flat 5, Triq iż-Żonqor, MarsaskalaStavroula Grech 433172M Bini Usage, Flat 1, Triq San Vinċenz, Il-ĦamrunMarisa Bondin 126666M Bini tal-Gvern 2, Triq il-Mitħna, BormlaDavid Gaffarena 653262M 19, Casa Gaffarena, Triq il-Murselli, L-ImqabbaMarthese Caruana 75380M Delphi Flat 1, Triq Marjanu Gerada, Ħal TarxienMarston Farrugia 50300L Blk C, Flat 8, Triq l-Għajn, Il-Belt VallettaJosephine Mifsud 172466M 12, Nirvana, Triq Angelo Borg, Ħal QormiSaviour Mifsud 173764M 12, Nirvana, Triq Angelo Borg, Ħal Qormi

9956 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Rita Roberts 211071M 155, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Il-ĦamrunYasmin Cucciardi 323594M Blk B1, Flat 5, Triq il-Watar, Ta’ XbiexKenneth Sciberras 127671M Ta’ Girgor Crt, Flat 3, Triq l-10 ta’ Marzu 1885, Ta’ Kerċem, GħawdexYanika Silvia Abela 463803L 17, Joseph, Flat 1, Triq il-Villeġġjatura, San Pawl il-BaħarSyed Mumtaz Hadar Shah Bukhari

274796A 389, Flat 5, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Santa Venera

Graziella Bonnici 439286M 87, Il-Bajja Ta’ San Tumas, MarsaskalaVioleta Magrin 240600A Gulju Crt, Flat 2, Triq Ta’Gulju, Il-Qala, GħawdexSravan Korandla 224268A 3, Triq il-Kulleġġ, Sqaq Nru. 1, Ir-RabatJurgen Grech 365993M 21, Flat 1, Triq Mons. G. Zarb, Ħaż-ŻabbarCeline Piscopo 322997M 53, Gabriella, Triq Frans Minuti, Ix-XgħajraEzekiel Bajada 169303L Coventry, Blk A, Flat 7, Triq Dr Ġużè Miceli, Il-GżiraMatthew Buhagiar 376601L Blk C3, Flat 5, Triq il-Pitirross, Il-FguraJoseph Bartolo 182780M Ave Maria, Triq Marija Bambina, Ix-Xagħra, GħawdexMarija Bartolo 39684G Ave Maria, Triq Marija Bambina, Ix-Xagħra, GħawdexNikola Stojanovic 273757A Aquarine Apartments, M104, Triq Santa Marija, San Pawl il-BaħarEdan Matthew Darmanin 65503L 170 Shillelach, Triq Mater Boni Consilii, Il-FguraYolande El’Khatib Zarifa 420590M Binja l-Isperanza, Ent. A, Flat 6, Trejqet il-Ġnien, Il-MostaCharlot Gauci 181290M 54, Pearl, Triq Sant’Agata, Iż-ŻurrieqNazareno Micallef 135476M 10, Misraħ il-Knisja, Ħal Għargħur

Kull persuna tista’, fi żmien xahar mill-pubblikazzjoni ta’ dan l-avviż, toġġezzjona bil-miktub lill-Kummissarju dwar il-ħruġ ta’ dawn il-liċenzi għal xi waħda mir-raġunijiet imsemmija fl-artikolu 10 tal-Att tal-1996 dwar Gwardjani Privati u Uffiċjali tal-Komunità, li huma:

(a) meta l-applikant jew xi uffiċjali tal-applikant jew persuna oħra li jkollha kontroll effettiv tas-servizzi li jkunu se jiġu pprovduti mill-applikant.

(i) tkun instabet ħatja f’Malta jew xi mkien ieħor ta’ xi delitt kontra s-sigurtà tal-Istat, jew ta’ xi offiża volontarja fuq il-persuna jew ta’ xi delitt kontra proprjetà jew kontra l-fiduċja pubblika jew ta’ xi delitt gravi ieħor; jew

(ii) tkun iddikjarata falluta jew meta l-qagħda finanzjarja tagħha tkun prekarja jew xort’oħra tagħmel lill-applikant mhux adatt; jew

(iii) tkun tkeċċiet mill-Pulizija jew mill-Forzi Armati jew mis-servizz tal-ħabs minħabba xi reat jew xi nuqqas ieħor fl-imġiba; jew(b) dwar xi tagħrif li jkun ta’ interess pubbliku; jew

(iv) tkun uffiċjal pubbliku jew membru tal-Pulizija jew Forzi Armati jew tas-servizz tal-ħabs; jew

(b) dwar xi tagħrif li jkun ta’ interess pubbliku; jew

(c) meta l-applikant ma jkollux il-kwalifiki meħtieġa kif jista’ jkun preskritt bl-Att jew taħtu.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Any person may, within one month from the publication of this notice, object in writing to the Commissioner about the issue of the above licences on any of the grounds listed in section 10 of the Private Guards and Community Officers Act 1996, which are:

(a) where the applicant or any officer of the applicant or any person who has an effective control of the services to be provided by the applicant.

(i) has been convicted in Malta or elsewhere of any crime against the safety of the state, or of any crime of voluntary harm or injury to any person or any crime against property or public trust or any other serious crime; or

(ii) has been declared bankrupt or his financial position is precarious or otherwise renders the applicant unsuitable; or

(iii) has been discharged from the Police or Armed Forces or the prison services because of any offence or other misbehaviour; or

(iv) is a public officer or a member of the Police or Armed Forces or the prison services; or

(b) when information is available which is in the public interest; or

(c) where the applicant does not possess the necessary qualifications as may be prescribed by or under the Act.

28th September, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9957

Nru. 1293


Skema għall-Promozzjoni ta’ Sorsi ta’ Enerġijali Jiġġeddu għal Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji

(It-Tielet Sejħa)

BIEX ikompli jħajjar l-użu ta’ sorsi ta’ enerġija alternattivi, il-Ministru għall-Enerġija, l-Intrapriza u l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli għamel l-iskema li ġejja


1. Interpretazzjoni

F’din l-Iskema, sakemm ir-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx teħtieġ mod ieħor:

‘Applikant’ tfisser Organizzazzjoni Volontarja reġistrata u konformi kif imfissra fl-Att dwar l-Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji (Kap. 492) u li jkun għamel applikazzjoni skont din l-iskema;

“Applikazzjoni” tfisser applikazzjoni għal parteċipazzjoni magħmula bil-mod kif mitlub mir-Regolatur u f’termini ta’ din l-iskema;

“Regolatur” u “REWS” tfisser ir-Regolatur għas-Servizzi tal-Enerġija u l-Ilma;

“konformità mar-rekwiżiti ta’ permess tal-iżvilupp” tfisser li l-installazzjoni fotovoltajka (u l-bini fejn tinsab din l-istallazzjoni) tikkonforma ma’ permess tal-iżvilupp validu, jew li huwa żvilupp permess taħt l-Ordni dwar in-Notifikazzjoni dwar Żvilupp u l-proċeduri u l-linji gwida tal-Iżvilupp inkluż id-“Development Control Policy and Design Guidance and Standards 2015” u/jew kull aġġornament li jista’ jsir lil dawn;

“Perjodu ta’ durabilità” tfisser ħames snin wara d-data tal-firma tal-kuntratt;

“Data effettiva” tfisser id-29 ta’ Settembru, 2021 mill-10.00 a.m. u li tintemm fid-29 ta’ Ottubru, 2021 f’nofsinhar u li matulhom l-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu aċċettati kif iddikjarat f’dan l-Avviż;

“Malta” tfisser il-Gżejjer Maltin;

“Sid” tinkludi “sidien konġunti”, “enfitewta” tinkludi “emfitewta konġunti” u “lokatarju” tinkludi “lokatarju konġunt”, u “enfitewta” tinkludi “subenfitewta” u “lokatarju” tinkludi “sullokatarju”;

No. 1293


Scheme for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources for Voluntary Organisations

(Third Call)

IN ORDER to further encourage the use of alternative sources of energy, the Minister for Energy, Enterprise, and Sustainable Development has made the following Scheme.


1. Interpretation

In this Scheme, unless the context otherwise requires:

‘Applicant’ means an enrolled and compliant voluntary organisation as defined in the Voluntary Organisations Act (Cap. 492) and has made an application in terms of this scheme;

‘Application’ means an application for participation made in such manner as required by the Regulator and in terms of this scheme;

‘Regulator’ and ‘REWS’ means the Regulator for Energy and Water Services;

‘compliance with planning permission requirements’ means that the Photovoltaic installation (and the building where this installation is sited) complies with a valid development permit, or is permitted development under the Development Notification Order and the Planning Authority’s procedures and guidelines including “Development Control Policy and Design Guidance and Standards 2015” and/or any later updates;

‘durability period’ means five years following the contract signature date;

‘effective date’ means the 29th September 2021 starting from 10.00 a.m. and ending on the 29th October, 2021 at noon, during which applications shall be accepted as stated in this Notice;

‘Malta’ means the Maltese Islands;

‘owner’ includes ‘joint ownership’, ‘emphyteuta’ includes ‘joint-emphyteuta’ and ‘tenant’ includes ‘joint-tenant’, and ‘emphyteuta’ includes ‘sub-emphyteuta’ and ‘tenant’ includes ‘sub-tenant’;

9958 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

‘premises’ means the location where the Photovoltaic system is installed;

‘termination of scheme’ means the date when project being implemented by MESD is closed;

‘you’ or ‘your’ refers to the VO named as the Applicant in the application form;

‘Scheme’ means the scheme established by this Government Notice whereby Voluntary Organisations may apply to be awarded a photovoltaic system to be installed and kept functional throughout the durability period on the premises used by the Voluntary Organisations for their voluntary activities.

2. Eligibility

This scheme is open only to Voluntary Organisations for use on the premises used for their voluntary activities and where they are the ARMS account holder with respect to the electricity service.

An Applicant to be eligible under this Scheme must satisfy the following criteria:

i. have obtained planning permission (if applicable) for the installation of the Photovoltaic system prior to installation, or confirmation by an architect is given that no planning permission from the Planning Authority is required for the installation of the Photovoltaic system and that the Photovoltaic installation will be in compliance with the Development Notification Order, 2016 and the Planning Authority’s procedures and guidelines including “Development Control Policy and Design Guidance and Standards 2015” and/or any later updates.

ii. confirmation by an architect that the building on to which the system will be installed is of adequate stability and structurally robust to be able to carry the load of the proposed PV installation;

iii. confirmation by a warranted Electrical Engineer that the site provides adequate space for the size of the installation and that the site does not provide any constraints (shading) for the efficient running of the proposed PV installation.

iv. be the owner or an emphyteuta of the premises OR

the owner of a long leasehold interest in the premises (i.e. a leasehold term with more than the durability period remaining) with all necessary consents from the owner of the premises. The premises must be used principally by the applicant for the purposes that the same organisation has been set up for. The applicant is not entitled to benefit from this scheme if the premises is used principally for business purposes, including the letting of the premises on a commercial basis;

“Fond” tfisser il-post fejn is-sistema fotovoltajka tkun installata;

“It-tmiem tal-iskema” tfisser id-data meta l-proġett li qed jiġi implimentat mill-MESD ikun magħluq;

“Int” jew “tiegħek” tirreferi għall-OV imsemmija bħala l-Applikant fil-formola tal-applikazzjoni.

“Skema” tfisser l-iskema stabbilita b’din in-Notifikazzjoni li permezz tagħha Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji jistgħu japplikaw biex jingħataw sistema fotovoltajka biex tiġi installata u miżmuma taħdem matul il-perjodu ta’ durabilità fil-fond użat mill-Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji għall-attivitajiet volontarji tagħhom.

2. Eliġibbiltà

Din l-iskema hija miftuħa biss għal Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji għall-użu fil-fond użat għall-attivitajiet volontarji tagħhom u fejn huma d-detenturi tal-kont tal-ARMS għar-rigward tas-servizz tal-elettriku.

Applikant biex ikun eliġibbli taħt din l-Iskema għandu jissodisfa l-kriterji li ġejjin:

i. jikseb permess tal-iżvilupp (jekk applikabbli) għall-installazzjoni tas-sistema fotovoltajka qabel ma sseħħ l-installazzjoni jew tingħata konferma minn Perit li l-istallazzjoni fotovoltajka ma teħtieġx permess tal-iżvilupp mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar u li l-installazzjoni se tkun konformi mal-Ordni dwar in-Notifikazzjoni dwar Żvilupp u l-proċeduri u l-Linji Gwida tal-Iżvilupp inkluż d-“Development Control Policy and Design Guidance and Standards 2015” u/jew kull aġġornament li jista’ jsir lil dawn;

ii. konferma minn Perit li l-binja fejn se tiġi installata s-sistema fotovoltajka hija adegwatament stabbli u struturalment robusta biex iġġorr il-piż tal-installazzjoni proposta;

iii. konferma minn Inġinier elettriku bil-warrant li s-sit jipprovdi spazju adegwat għad-daqs tal-installazzjoni u li s-sit ma jipprovdi l-ebda ostakolu (‘shading’) għat-tħaddim effiċjenti tal-installazzjoni fotovoltajka proposta;

iv. ikun is-sid jew l-enfitewta tal-post JEW ikun id-detentur ta’ interess fit-tul tal-kiri tal-fond (i.e. terminu tal-kiri aktar fit-tul mill-perjodu ta’ durabilità li jkun fadal) bil-kunsens kollu meħtieġ mill-proprjetarju tal-fond. Il-fond għandu jintuża prinċipalment mill-applikant għall-għanijiet li l-istess organizzazzjoni tkun ġiet stabbilita għaliha. L-applikant ma għandux id-dritt li jibbenefika minn din l-iskema jekk juża l-fond prinċipalment għal skopijiet ta’ negozju, inkluż il-kiri tal-fond fuq bażi kummerċjali;

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9959

v. not have applied for or obtained other grants or other support for the Photovoltaic system that will be installed under this scheme from any other support schemes that include national or public funds such as Government of Malta funds;

vi. allow relevant organisations involved in the implementation and control of this scheme including MESD and Auditors to inspect the Photovoltaic installation within the applicant’s premises after due notice is given;

vii. accept that the applicant’s data may appear on public documents or published on the MESD website;

viii. connect the Photovoltaic installation to the Enemalta grid and undertake proper and continued operation as well as maintenance of the same equipment;

ix. not exercise the right to obtain, or has not obtained any tax rebate, deduction including deductions of input tax credit from the output tax in terms of the Value Added Tax Act (Cap 406), or other tax refund however so described, with regard to Photovoltaic system installed under this scheme.

x. present a valid electricity bill, issued in the name of the Voluntary Organisation for the consumption of electricity at the premises where the Photovoltaic system is to be installed. The name of the applicant and the service address should refer to the premises where the system is to be installed and electricity service point to be used to connect the system to the grid. The date of issue of the electricity bill should be within the last 12 months prior to the date of application. The applicant may also submit a statement signed by a Water Services Corporation or ARMS Ltd official confirming that an electricity account exists, but a bill cannot be issued and providing details of the account holder, consumer scheme and service address.

An Applicant can submit more than one application under this Scheme. The Applicant must also satisfy the conditions required in the guidelines shown in Schedule II to this Government Notice. Each application shall be assigned a number indicating the order in which it was received by the REWS. The first application submitted by each Applicant who has not benefitted under the first and/or the second call of the Scheme for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources for Voluntary Organisations shall be given priority over:

a) applications received from Applicants who have benefited under the first and/or the second call of the Scheme for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources for Voluntary Organisations;

b) multiple applications received from any single Applicant under this call.

v. ma applikax jew kiseb għotjiet oħra jew appoġġ ieħor għas-sistema fotovoltajka li se tkun tiġi installata taħt din l-iskema minn skemi oħra ta’ appoġġ li jinkludu fondi nazzjonali jew pubbliċi bħall-fondi tal-Gvern ta’ Malta;

vi. jippermetti lill-organizzazzjonijiet rilevanti involuti fl-implimentazzjoni u l-kontroll ta’ din l-iskema inklużi l-MESD u Awdituri biex jispezzjonaw l-installazzjoni fotovoltajka fil-proprjetà tal-applikant wara li jkun ingħata avviż xieraq;

vii. jaċċetta li d-data tal-applikant tista’ tidher fuq dokumenti pubbliċi jew ippubblikata fuq il-website tal-MESD;

viii. jagħmel konnessjoni tal-installazzjoni fotovoltajka mal-grilja tal-Enemalta u jagħmel operazzjoni xierqa u kontinwa kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni tal-istess tagħmir;

ix. ma jeżerċitax id-dritt li jikseb, jew li ma tikseb l-ebda tnaqqis tat-taxxa, fejn tnaqqis jinkludi tnaqqis ta’ kreditu ta’ taxxa fuq id-dħul mit-taxxa fuq il-produzzjoni skont l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq il-Valur Miżjud (Kap 406), jew rifużjoni oħra tat-taxxa tkun kif tkun din deskritta, fir-rigward ta’ sistema fotovoltajka installata taħt din l-iskema.

xi. jippreżenta kont tal-elettriku validu, maħruġ f’isem l-Organizzazzjoni Volontarja għall-konsum tal-elettriku fil-fond fejn għandha tiġi installata s-sistema fotovoltajka. L-isem tal-applikant u l-indirizz tas-servizz għandhom jirreferu għall-fond fejn is-sistema trid tiġi installata u l-punt tas-servizz tal-elettriku li għandu jintuża biex jikkollega is-sistema man-network. Id-data tal-ħruġ tal-kont tal-elettriku għandha tkun fl-aħħar 12-il xahar qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni. L-applikant jista’ wkoll jissottometti dikjarazzjoni ffirmata mill-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma jew minn uffiċjal tal-ARMS Ltd li tikkonferma li jeżisti kont tal-elettriku, iżda li ma jistax jinħareġ kont u li tipprovdi d-dettalji tad-detentur tal-kont, tal-iskema tal-konsumatur u tal-indirizz tas-servizz.

L-Applikant jista’ jissottometti aktar minn applikazzjoni waħda taħt din l-Iskema. L-Applikant għandu wkoll jissodisfa l-kundizzjonijiet meħtieġa fil-linji gwida murija fl-Iskeda II ma’ din in-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern. Kull applikazzjoni għandha tiġi assenjata numru li jindika l-ordni li fiha ġiet riċevuta mir-REWS. L-ewwel applikazzjoni sottomessa minn kull Applikant li ma bbenefikax taħt l-ewwel u/jew it-tieni sejħa tal-Iskema għall-Promozzjoni ta’ Sorsi ta’ Enerġija li Jiġġeddu għal Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji għandha tingħata prijorità fuq:

a) applikazzjonijiet riċevuti minn Applikanti li bbenefikaw taħt l-ewwel u/jew it-tieni sejħa tal-Iskema għall-Promozzjoni ta’ Sorsi ta’ Enerġija li Jiġġeddu għal Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji;

b) applikazzjonijiet multipli riċevuti minn Applikant wieħed taħt din is-sejħa.

9960 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

L-allokazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu assenjati fuq bażi ta’ min japplika l-ewwel soġġett għall-prijoritizzazzjoni deskritta hawnhekk u soġġetta għad-disponibbiltà tas-sistemi.

3. Applikabilità

Din l-iskema tapplika għal applikant eliġibbli (OV) li jopera f’Malta, li għaliha saret applikazzjoni f’data effettiva u liema applikazzjoni tkun ġiet approvata b’ittra ta’ konferma.

4. Kif għandha issir l-Applikazzjoni u d-dokumenti li għandhom jintbagħtu flimkien mal-Applikazzjoni

i. Biex Applikazzjoni tkun valida taħt din l-Iskema, għandha tinkludi l-informazzjoni, id-dettalji u d-dokumenti kollha kif imsemmija fil-formola tal-applikazzjoni li tidher fl-Iskeda III ma’ din in-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern u kif jista’ jkun meħtieġ skont din l-Iskema, u kif elenkat fl-Iskeda u l-linji gwida li jinsabu fl-Iskeda II ma’ din in-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern. Formoli ta’ applikazzjoni mhux kompluti u/jew modifikati ma jiġux ipproċessati. Barra minn hekk, formoli ta’ applikazzjoni bid-dikjarazzjonijiet modifikati ma jiġux ipproċessati.

ii. Dawk l-Applikazzjonijiet li jsegwu r-rekwiżiti kollha ta’ din l-Iskema għandhom ikunu eliġibbli għall-parteċipazzjoni fl-Iskema stabbilita b’din in-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern. Applikazzjonijiet li ma jissodisfaw l-ebda wieħed mill-kriterji meħtieġa mill-Iskema fil-ħin tal-Applikazzjoni għandhom jiġu rrifjutati.

iii. In-numru ta’ sistemi fotovoltajċi disponibbli għall-allokazzjoni taħt din l-Iskema huwa limitat. Għaldaqstant, l-għadd ta’ benefiċjarji eventwali għandu jkun limitat sabiex l-ammont massimu ta’ sistemi fotovoltajki allokati ma jaqbiżx l-ammont disponibbli kif muri fl-Iskeda I ma’ din in-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern.

iv. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu pproċessati u eventwalment aċċettati skont l-ordni li bihom jkunu ġew riċevuti mir-REWS, sakemm jintlaħaq l-ammont disponibbli kif muri fl-Iskeda I ma’ dan l-Avviż tal-Gvern.

L-applikazzjonijiet li jiġu sottomessi qabel id-data effettiva għandhom jiġu rrifjutati u għandhom jitqiesu awtomatikament invalidi.

5. Forma ta’ Applikazzjoni

L-applikanti jistgħu japplikaw biex jipparteċipaw fl-Iskema bil-formola ta’ applikazzjoni misjuba fl-Iskeda III ma’ dan l-Avviż tal-Gvern u kif imsemmi fil-linji gwida misjuba fi Skeda II ma’ dan l-Avviż tal-Gvern. Ir-regoli dwar l-għajnuna mill-Istat de minimis għandhom japplikaw għall-applikanti taħt din l-iskema.

Allocations shall be assigned on a first come first served basis subject to the prioritization being outlined herein and subject to the availability of systems.

3. Applicability

This scheme applies to an eligible applicant (VO) operating in Malta, for which an application has been made on an effective date and which application was approved by a confirmation letter.

4. Manner of Application and documents to be submitted together with the Application

i. For an application to be valid under this Scheme, it must contain all the information, details and documents as mentioned in the application form shown in Schedule III to this Government Notice and as may be required in terms of this Scheme, and as listed in the guidelines shown in Schedule II to this Government Notice. Incomplete and/or modified application forms will not be processed. Furthermore, application forms with modified declarations will not be processed;

ii. Only those Applications that follow all the requirements of this Scheme shall be eligible for participation in the Scheme established by this Government Notice. Applications that do not meet any of the criteria required by the Scheme at the time of Application shall be rejected.

iii. The number of photovoltaic systems available for allocation under this Scheme is limited. Therefore, the number of eventual beneficiaries shall be limited so that the maximum amount of photovoltaic systems allocated will not exceed the amount available as shown in Schedule I to this Government Notice.

iv. Applications shall be processed and eventually accepted according to their order of receipt by the REWS, until the amount available as shown in Schedule I to this Government Notice has been reached.

Applications that are submitted prior to the effective date shall be rejected and shall be deemed automatically invalid.

5. Form of Application

Applicants may apply to participate in the Scheme in the application form found in Schedule III to this Government Notice and as stated in the guidelines found in Schedule II to this Government Notice. The de minimis state aid rules shall apply to the applicants under this scheme.

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6. Validità tal-Applikazzjoni

Applikazzjoni ma titqiesx ippreżentata sakemm ma tkunx sħiħa u kompluta materjalment kollha u sakemm ma tkunx tinkludi l-informazzjoni kollha meħtieġa u tkun akkumpanjata mid-dokumentazzjoni kollha mitluba. Applikazzjoni għandha titqies li ġiet approvata mill-MESD biss meta ġiet approvata speċifikament bil-miktub lill-Applikant permezz ta’ ittra ta’ konferma mibgħuta mill-MESD.

7. It-tul tal-Iskema

Applikazzjonijiet għal din l-Iskema jistgħu jintlaqgħu b’mod validu matul id-data effettiva ta’ din l-iskema. Din l-Iskema tista’ tiġġedded kif jista’ jitqies bħala meħtieġ mill-Ministru għall-Enerġija, l-Intrapriza u l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli.

8. L-Obbligi tal-Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji

L-applikant għandu jirrispetta t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet stabbiliti b’din in-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern, inklużi l-Linji Gwida li jinsabu fl-Iskeda II, u l-klawsoli tal-kuntratt li għandu jsir wara l-ħruġ tal-ittra ta’ konferma.

9. Emendi għall-Iskema

Il-Ministru għall-Enerġija, l-Intrapriza u l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli għandu dejjem ikollu d-dritt li jagħmel xi emendi għal din l-Iskema permezz ta’ notifikazzjoni ppubblikata fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern li jkun fiha dawk l-emendi.


Numru ta’ installazzjonijiet li għandhom jingħataw taħt din l-iskema fuq bażi ta’ min japplika l-ewwel:

Sa ħmistax-il (15) sistema fotovoltajka b’kapaċità ta’ ġenerazzjoni ta’ 7.2kWp DC provduti b’inverter bi tliet fażijiet biex ikunu konnessi mal-grilja b’konnessjoni bi tliet fażijiet

Tmienja u għoxrin (28) sistema fotovoltajka b’kapaċità ta’ ġenerazzjoni ta’ 3.6kWp DC provduti b’inverter b’fażi waħda. L-għadd ta’ sistemi ta’ 3.6kWp disponibbli jista’ jiżdied jekk is-sistemi DC 7.2kWp ma jiġux allokati għalkollox.


Linji gwida għal din l-iskema:www.rews.org.mt


Formola ta’ applikazzjoni:www.rews.org.mt

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

6. Validity of Application

An application shall not be deemed to have been submitted unless it is full and complete in all material and unless it contains all the information required and is accompanied by all documentation requested. An application shall be deemed to have been approved by the MESD only when specifically approved in writing to the Applicant by means of a letter of confirmation sent by the MESD.

7. Duration of the Scheme

Applications for this Scheme may be validly received during the effective date of this scheme. This Scheme may be renewed as may be deemed necessary by the Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development.

8. Obligations of the Voluntary Organisations

The applicant shall abide by the terms and conditions established by this Government Notice, including the Guidelines found in Schedule II, and the clauses of the contract to be entered into after the issue of the confirmation letter.

9. Amendments to the Scheme

The Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development shall always have the right to make any amendments to this Scheme by means of a notice published in the Government Gazette containing such amendments.


Number of installations to be granted under this scheme on a first come first served basis:

Up to Fifteen (15) Photovoltaic systems with a generating capacity of 7.2kWp DC provided with a three-phase inverter to be connected to the grid with a three-phase connection.

Twenty-Eight (28) Photovoltaic systems with a generating

capacity of 3.6kWp DC provided with a single-phase inverter. The number of 3.6kWp systems available may be increased if the 7.2kWp DC systems are not fully allocated.


Guidelines to this scheme:www.rews.org.mt


Application form:www.rews.org.mt

28th September, 2021

9962 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 881 tad-19 ta’ Diċembru, 1997, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien fl-Iklin’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notice No. 881 dated 19th December, 1997, under the title ‘Renumbering of doors at L-Iklin’, the following amendments in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minnTriq Erin Serracino Inglott Triq Erin Serracino Inglott

Left side entering from Triq Erin Serracino Inglott Right side entering from Triq Erin Serracino Inglott

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Wandisa 14 Plot 35, Swietenia 16 Garaxx 18 Garaxx 20 Orchidea 22 Garaxx 24

għandhom jinqraw should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

14, Wandisa 14 Bieb bla numru (Flettijiet) 16 Garaxx 18 Anton 20 Rosemary Hill (Flettijiet) 22 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 22A 24 (Garaxx) 24

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 532 tal-14 ta’ Ġunju, 2002, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien f’Marsaxlokk’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notice No. 532 dated 14th June, 2002, under the title ‘Renumbering of doors at Marsaxlokk’, the following amendments in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minnTriq Melqart Triq Melqart

Left side entering from Triq Melqart Right side entering from Triq Melqart

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Bini qed jinbena (Dar) 85 Garaxx 87

Nru. 1294 No. 1294

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Nru. 1295 No. 1295

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9963

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Garaxx 89 Denver 91 Garaxx 93 Blossom 95 Bieb ta’ ġnien 97 Bini qed jinbena (Garaxx) 99 Bini qed jinbena (Dar) 101

għandhom jinqraw should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

85, Shell Duck 85 87 (Garaxx) 87 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 89 Valley View 89A Blossom 91 Verdemar Heights 93 Garaxx 93A Sit qed jinbena 95 Sit qed jinbena 97 99 (Garaxx) 99 101 101

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 1354 tas-16 ta’ Novembru, 2018, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien fil-Mosta’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notice No. 1354 dated 16th November, 2018, under the title ‘Numbering of doors at Il-Mosta’, the following amendments in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minnTriq Santa Marija Triq Santa Marija

Left side entering from Triq Santa Marija Right side entering from Triq Santa Marija

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

62 62 64 64 66 (Garaxx) 66 Garaxx 68 Bieb bla numru 70 Garaxx 72 Garaxx 72A Bieb bla numru 74 Ħanut 76 Ħanut 78

Nru. 1296 No. 1296

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

9964 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

għandhom jinqraw should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

62 62 64 64 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 66 Les Petite Fleur, Blk B 68 Naturannis (Ħanut) 70 Nail Me Good (Ħanut) 72 Bieb bla numru 74 78 (Ħanut) 78

* In-numru 76 mhux se jintuża peress li nfetħu inqas bibien milli kien hemm mibni oriġinarjament

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 1504 tat-22 ta’ Novembru, 2019, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien fil-Mosta’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notice No. 1504 dated 22nd November, 2019, under the title ‘Numbering of doors at Il-Mosta’, the following amendments in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minn

Pjazza Rotunda Pjazza Rotunda

Left side entering from Pjazza Rotunda Right side entering from Pjazza Rotunda

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

345 (Garaxx) 41 Sit bla bini 43-47 353 49

għandhom jinqraw

should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

41 (Garaxx) 41 Garaxx 43 Garaxx 45 Bieb bla numru (Dar) 47 49 49

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021

Nru. 1297 No. 1297

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9965




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern Nri. 647 tas-27 ta’ Lulju, 2001 u 1077 tat-18 ta’ Novembru, 2003 taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien fil-Mosta’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notices Nos. 647 dated 27th July, 2001 and 1077 dated 18th November, 2003 under the title ‘Renumbering of doors at Il-Mosta’, the following amendments in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minnTriq Valletta Triq Valletta

Left side entering from Triq Valletta Right side entering from Triq Valletta

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Gospa Mir 79 Sit bla bini 81-105 Casa Bella 107 Ħanut 109 Garaxx 111

għandhom jinqraw should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

79, Gospa Mir 79 Bieb bla numru 81 Bieb bla numru 83 Les Orchidees, Blk A 85 Bieb bla numru 87 111 (Garaxx) 111

* Min-numru 89 san-numru 109 mhux se jintużaw peress li nfetħu inqas bibien milli kien hemm maħsub oriġinarjament

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 800 tat-30 ta’ Awwissu, 2011 taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien f’San Pawl il-Baħar’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notice No. 800 dated 30th August, 2011 under the title ‘Renumbering of doors at San Pawl il-Baħar’, the following amendments in boldshould be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minnTriq il-Bidnija Triq il-Bidnija

Left side entering from Triq il-Bidnija Right side entering from Triq il-Bidnija

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

St Matthew Flats 155 Ħanut 157

Nru. 1298 No. 1298

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Nru. 1299 No. 1299

9966 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

St Luke 159 St Mark 161 Garaxx 163 Dorvic House 165

għandhom jinqraw

should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

155, St Matthew Flats 155 Bieb bla numru 157 Bieb bla numru (Flettijiet) 157A 159, St Luke 159 Sphinx (Ħanut) 161 Bieb bla numru 161A 163 (Garaxx) 163 165, Dorvic House 165

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021




B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 811, tat-23 ta’ Lulju, 2004, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien fiż-Żurrieq’, għandu jsir dan il-prolungament kif indikat b’tipi grassi.




WITH reference to Government Notice No. 811, dated 23rd July, 2004, under the title ‘Renumbering of doors at Iż-Żurrieq’, the following prolongation in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minn

Triq Ġużeppi Mattew Callus Triq Ġużeppi Mattew Callus

Left side entering from Triq Ġużeppi Mattew Callus Right side entering from Triq Ġużeppi Mattew Callus

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Garaxx 19

għandu jiżdied should be added

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Bieb bla numru 21

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021

Nru. 1300 No. 1300

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9967



Emendi u Prolungament

B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 1269 tat-12 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda ta’ bibien fl-Imġarr’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif indikati b’tipi grassi.



Amendments and Prolongation

WITH reference to Government Notice No. 1269 dated 12th December, 2014, under the title ‘Renumbering of doors at L-Imġarr’, the following amendments in bold should be made.



In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minnTriq Ta’ Ħaġrat Triq Ta’ Ħaġrat

Left side entering from Triq Ta’ Ħaġrat Right side entering from Triq Ta’ Ħaġrat

Emendi - Amendments

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Ir-Razzett 92 Sit bla bini 94-108 Wild Cat 110

għandhom jinqraw should read

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

92, Ir-Razzett 92 Garaxx 94 Garaxx 96 Mosella 98 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 100 Bieb bla numru (Flettijiet) 102 110, Wild Cat 110

* In-numri 104, 106 u 108 mhux se jintużaw peress li nfetħu inqas bibien milli kien hemm maħsub oriġinarjament

Prolungament - Prolongation

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Garaxx 122

għandhom jiżdiedu should be added

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdidName/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 124 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 126 Bieb bla numru (Flettijiet) 128 Bieb bla numru (Dar) 130 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 132 Tableau (Flettijiet) 134

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 28th September, 2021

Nru. 1301 No. 1301

28th September, 2021It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

9968 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

No. 1302


ACT(CAP. 46)

THE Director General Standards and Metrology Institute notifies that, on the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver on which valuations made by the Consul for Goldsmiths and Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of article 14 of the said Act as follows:

28th September, 2021

Nru. 1302



ID-DIRETTUR Ġenerali Standards and Metrology Institute jgħarraf illi, fid-data li tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu huma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet magħmulin mill-Konslu għall-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u l-Ħaddiema l-Fidda ġie ffissat għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 tal-imsemmi Att kif ġej:

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Data Deheb Pur Fidda Pura Gramma Gramma Date Pure Gold Pure Silver Grams Grams 28.9.2021 €48.431 €0.649

Nru. 1303


Tlestija ta’ Formazzjoni ta’ Triq u Sospensjoni ta’ Traffiku u Parkeġġ

BIS-SAĦĦA tal-Artikolu tmintax (18) tal-Avviż Legali 291 tal-2018, l-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf bl-intenzjoni tagħha li tlesti l-formazzjoni ta’:

Triq ir-Rumani, Il-Mosta (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9970).

Triq il-Parjan, Il-Mosta (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9971).

Triq il-Fuħħar, Il-Mosta (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9972).

Triq il-Farinal, Il-Mosta (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9973).

Triq il-Bergamott, Il-Mosta (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9974).

Parti minn Triq l-Inkurunazzjoni, Il-Mosta (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9975).

Parti minn Triq il-Kunzar, L-Imsida (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9976).

Triq il-Liedna, Il-Fgura (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9977).

Misraħ is-Sebbieħ, L-Imġarr (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9978).

Triq Ġdida fi Triq l-Imtarfa, L-Imtarfa (indikata fuq il-pjanta f’paġna 9979).

Kull persuna illi skont il-liġi għandha l-obbligu li tifforma din it-triq (inkluż billi takkwista l-art neċessarja għall-istess formazzjoni) għandha sa ħmistax-il (15) jum mid-data tal-

No. 1303


Completion of Road Formation and Traffic and Parking Suspension

IN virtue of Article eighteen (18) of Legal Notice 291 of 2018, the Agency for Infrastructure Malta hereby gives official notice of its intention to complete the formation of:

Triq ir-Rumani, Mosta (indicated on the site plan on page 9970).

Triq il-Parjan, Mosta (indicated on the site plan on page 9971).

Triq il-Fuħħar, Mosta (indicated on the site plan on page 9972).

Triq il-Farinal, Mosta (indicated on the site plan on page 9973).

Triq il-Bergamott, Mosta (indicated on the site plan on page 9974).

Part of Triq l-Inkurunazzjoni, Mosta (indicated on the site plan on page 9975).

Part of Triq il-Kunzar, Msida (indicated on the site plan on page 9976).

Triq il-Liedna, Fgura (indicated on the site plan on page 9977).

Misraħ is-Sebbieħ, Mġarr (indicated on the site plan on page 9978).

New Street in Triq l-Imtarfa, Mtarfa (indicated on the site plan on page 9979).

Any person who is obliged by law to form said road (including by acquiring land necessary for the same formation) has fifteen (15) days from the date of the

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9969

pubblikazzjoni ta’ dan l-avviż sabiex twettaq l-obbligi tagħha skont il-liġi. Fin-nuqqas, l-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħaddi sabiex tagħmel l-istess xogħol ta’ formazzjoni hi stess skont is-saħħa lilha mogħtija mil-liġi u a spejjeż tal-persuni li huma legalment obbligati jiffurmaw it-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq ir-Rumani, Il-Mosta, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq il-Parjan, Il-Mosta, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq il-Fuħħar, Il-Mosta, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq il-Farinal, Il-Mosta, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq il-Bergamott, Il-Mosta, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sat-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja f’parti minn Triq l-Inkurunazzjoni, Il-Mosta, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja f’parti minn Triq il-Kunzar, L-Imsida, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq il-Liedna, Il-Fgura, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Misraħ is-Sebbieħ, L-Imġarr, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq.

L-Aġenzija għal Infrastruttura Malta tgħarraf li mit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 sal-31 ta’ Marzu, 2022, ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq Ġdida fi Triq l-Imtarfa, L-Imtarfa, minħabba xogħlijiet fit-triq

Ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja vetturi f’dawn il-ġranet. Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni ta’ dan l-avviż ikunu suġġetti li jiġu rmunkati.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

publication of this notice within which to comply with his obligations at law. In default, the Agency for Infrastructure Malta shall itself proceed with the formation of this road in accordance with its powers at law and at the expense of those persons whose obligation it is to form the road.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Triq ir-Rumani, Mosta, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Triq il-Parjan, Mosta, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Triq il-Fuħħar, Mosta, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Triq il-Farinal, Mosta, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Triq il-Bergamott, Mosta, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 30th June 2022, no parking will be permitted in part of Triq l-Inkurunazzjoni, Mosta, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in part of Triq il-Kunzar, Msida due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Triq il-Liedna, Fgura, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in Misraħ is-Sebbieħ, Mġarr, due to road works.

The Agency for Infrastructure Malta notifies that from 28th September 2021 to 31st March 2022, no parking will be permitted in New Street in Triq Mtarfa, L-Imtarfa, due to road works.

Parking of vehicles is not allowed during these days. Vehicles found in contravention to the order of this notice are liable to be towed.

28th September, 2021

9970 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9971

9972 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9973

9974 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9975

9976 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9977

9978 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9979

9980 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708


Nru. 62

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgħarraf li skont l-Avviż Legali 101/97 it-toroq li jidhru hawn taħt se jiġu kklassifikati bħala tow zones, hekk kif indikat.

Bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 52(1) tal-Ordinanza dwar ir-Regolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgħarraf li l-passaġġ u t-twaqqif taʼ vetturi huwa pprojbit fit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u ħinijiet indikati.


Nhar il-Ħadd, 3 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, mis-7.00 a.m. ’il quddiem, minn Pjazza tal-Madonna Medjatriċi.

Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni taʼ dan l-avviż ikunu suġġetti li jiġu rmunkati.

It-28 taʼ Settembru, 2021


No. 62

The Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that in terms of Legal Notice 101/97 the streets listed hereunder are to be classified as tow zones on the dates and times indicated.

In virtue of Article 52(1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the transit and stopping of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder is prohibited on the dates and times indicated.


On Sunday, 3rd October, 2021, from 7.00 a.m. onwards, through Pjazza tal-Madonna Medjatriċi.

Vehicles found in contravention to the order of this notice will be liable to be towed.

28th September, 2021


Nru. 63

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgħarraf li skont l-Avviż Legali 94/97 it-toroq hawn taħt imsemmija se jiġu kklassifikati bħala Żoni ta’ Rmonk fid-dati u l-ħinijiet kif indikat hawn taħt.

Bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 52(1) tal-Ordinanza dwar ir-Regolamenti tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgħarraf illi l-vetturi tas-sewqan ma jkunux jistgħu jgħaddu jew jiddawru mit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u l-ħinijiet indikati.

Ħal Balzan

Nhar l-Erbgħa, 13 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, mill-5.00 p.m. ’il quddiem, minn Triq Sisner u Triq San Valentin.

Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni ta’ dan l-avviż ikunu suġġetti li jiġu rmunkati.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


No. 63

The Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that in terms of L.N. 94/97 the streets listed hereunder are to be classified as Tow Zones as indicated hereunder on the dates and times indicated.

In virtue of Article 52(1) of the Traffic Regulations Ordinance (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the transit of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder will be suspended or deviated on the dates and times indicated.

Ħal Balzan

On Wednesday, 13th October, 2021, from 5.00 p.m. onwards, through Triq Sisner and Triq San Valentin.

Vehicles found in contravention to the order of this notice are liable to be towed.

28th September, 2021


Technical Services OfficerPermess tal-Jobsplus: 379/2017

L-inizjattiva tal-Modern Workplace qed tmexxi t-trasformazzjoni diġitali fil-Gvern ta’ Malta, trasformazzjoni


Technical Services OfficerJobsplus Permit: 379/2017

Software Licence Management – Modern Workplace Service The Modern Workplace Service initiative is leading

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9981

diġitali ta’ titjib kontinwu, li ssaħħaħ lill-impjegati tal-Gvern b’post tax-xogħol diġitali modern ibbażat fuq teknoloġiji Microsoft li jinkludu Office365, servizzi online, Sharepoint online, PowerApps, Dynamics365, PowerBI u Servizzi Azure.

MITA qed tfittex li timpjega Technical Services Officer biex jingħaqad mal-uffiċju tal-Immaniġjar tal-Liċenzji tas-Software fuq l-inizjattivi tal-Modern Workplace Service. Uffiċjal f’dan ir-rwol għandu l-opportunità li jassisti lill-klijenti tal-intrapriża biex iħaddnu t-trasformazzjoni diġitali filwaqt li jissapportjaw minn perspettiva teknika t-teknoloġija l-aktar avvanzata li l-MITA qed tmexxi fil-Gvern.

Il-kandidati eliġibbli għandu jkollhom interess li jitgħallmu dwar għodda tal-Microsoft u l-applikazzzjoni tagħħha, li jispeċjalizzaw fil-qasam tal-Modern Workplace u li jipprogressaw permezz tal-career progression framework tal-Aġenzija tagħna.

Rekwiżiti tal-Eliġibbiltà

Waħda minn dawn il-kwalifiki u/jew esperjenza f’oqsma tal-ICT:

i) Kwalifika tal-MQF Livell 5 jew ogħla; JEWii) Kwalifika tal-MQF Livell 4 u sena esperjenza; JEW

iii) Sentejn esperjenza fil-qasam tal-ICT

Il-kandidati jistgħu jiġu offruti l-pożizzjoni f’Livell ta’ Associate – Livell ta’ Karriera 2; jew Livell ta’ Karriera 3 jew Livell ta’ Karriera 4, skont il-livell ta’ kompetenzi.

Gradwati ġodda jistgħu jiġu offruti opportunità ta’ impjieg suġġetta għar-riżultati finali. Taħriġ ikun ipprovdut.

CV dettaljata, flimkien ma’ ittra elettronika, kopji skennjati taċ-ċertifikati, u ismijiet ta’ żewġ riferenzi u l-indirizzi elettroniku, tagħhom għandhom jintbagħtu sa mhux aktar tard mill-Erbgħa, 6 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, lil ([email protected]).

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

the digital transformation across the Government of Malta, a digital transformation of continuous improvement, empowering all Government Employees with a modern digital workplace based on Microsoft Technologies including Office365 online services, SharePoint Online, PowerApps, Dynamics365, PowerBI and Azure Services.

MITA is seeking to employ a Technical Services Officer to join our Software Licence Management Office working on the Modern Workplace Service initiative. In this role you will have the opportunity to assist our enterprise customers to embrace the digital transformation, while supporting from a technical perspective the cutting edge technology that MITA is driving across Government.

Eligible candidates must be willing to learn on Microsoft Tools & Application, to get specialised in the Modern Workplace field and to progress further through the career progression framework within our Agency.

Eligibility Requirements

One of the following qualifications and/or experience both in an ICT area:

i) A qualification at MQF Level 5 OR higher; ORii) A qualification in a related area (MQF Level 4) AND

1 year’ experience in an ICT area; ORiii) 2 years’ experience in an ICT area

Candidates may be offered the position as an Associate Level – Career Level 2; or Career Level 3; or Career Level 4, depending on competency level.

Fresh graduates may be offered an employment opportunity subject to the provision of final results. Training will be provided.

A detailed CV, together with a covering email, scanned copies of certificates and the names of two referees and their email addresses are to be sent by not later than Wednesday, 6th October, 2021, to ([email protected]).

28th September, 2021


The Occupational Health and Safety Authority is seeking to recruit individuals for the full-time posts of:


Jobsplus Permit: 322/2021


L-Awtorità għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà qed tfittex biex timpjega fuq bażi full-time:


Il-Permess ta’ Jobsplus: 322/2021

9982 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Uffiċjal għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol (Grad l)

Il-Permess ta’ Jobsplus: 418/2020

Dettalji dwar dawn iż-żewġ vakanzi, inkluż dmirijiet u responsabbiltajiet, termini ta’ ingaġġ, ħtiġiet ta’ kwalifiki u metodu ta’ applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu mit-Taqsima tar-reklutaġġ mis-sit elettroniku tal-Awtorità (www.ohsa.org.mt).

Id-data tal-għeluq għaż-żewġ applikazzjonijiet hija l-Ġimgħa, 8 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, f’nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew).

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Occupational Health and Safety Authority Officer I

Jobsplus Permit: 418/2020

Details for both vacancies, including duties and responsibilities, terms of engagement, qualification requirements and mode of application can be downloaded from the Recruitment section on the Authority’s website (www.ohsa.org.mt).

Closing date for both applications is Friday, 8th October, 2021, at noon (Central European Time).

28th September, 2021


Expression of Interest – General Hand and Messenger (Part-time) Ref: RFQ/FES/009/2021

The Foundation for Educational Services (FES) is hereby publishing this call with the purpose of identifying eligible applicants to submit an expression of interest for General Hand and Messenger Services. The selected applicant shall be required to provide support to the entity’s Head Office, Childcare Centres, Klabb 3-16 Centres and Skolasajf Centres.

More information about this expression of interest can be obtained from (https://fes.gov.mt/en/Pages/procurement.aspx).

Applications are to be sent via email to ([email protected]) quoting the reference number stipulated above and including the following documentation:

a detailed CV;

a certificate of conduct issued by the Police dated not earlier than two (2) months from date of application;

copies of the original certificates;

employment record history from Jobsplus, and all other supporting documents and all eligibility requirements listed in clause 4 of the RFQ document published on FES website.

Deadline for submissions is Tuesday, 12th October, 2021.

28th September, 2021


Sejħa ta’ Interess – General Hand u Messaġġier/a(Part-time) Ref: RFQ/FES/009/2021

Il-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi (FES) qiegħda tippubblika din is-sejħa bl-iskop li tidentifika persuni eliġibbli biex jissottomettu applikazzjoni għall-għoti ta’ servizz ta’ Messaġġier/a u General Hand. Il-persuna magħżula tkun meħtieġa tipprovdi servizz fl-uffiċċju prinċipali tal-entità u fiċ-ċentri ta’ Childcare, Klabb 3-16 u Skolasajf.

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar din is-sejħa ta’ interess il-pubbliku jista’ jżur is-sit (https://fes.gov.mt/en/Pages/procurement.aspx).

L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jintbagħtu permezz ta’ ittra elettronika lil ([email protected]) bin-numru ta’ referenza li jidher hawn fuq u għandhom jinkludu dawn id-dokumenti:

CV dettaljat;

ċertifikat tal-kondotta maħruġ mill-Pulizija datat mhux aktar minn xahrejn mid-data tal-applikazzjoni;

kopji oriġinali taċ-ċertifikati;

employment record history maħruġ minn Jobsplus, dokumenti oħra relatati u l-kriterji ta’ eliġibbiltà kollha kif jidhru fi klawsola 4 tad-dokument tas-sejħa ppubblikat fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-FES.

Din is-sejħa tagħlaq it-Tlieta, 12 ta’ Ottubru, 2021.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9983


Direttorat għall-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti

Skema għall-Kumpens Finanzjarju lill-Bdiewa b’Rabta mad-Distruzzjoni ta’ Pjanti tat-Tadam u Bżar

ordnata mid-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti (PPD), bejn April u Lulju 2021, biex tikkontrolla u telimina it-

Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV)

Id-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti fil-Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, is-Sajd, l-Ikel u d-Drittijiet tal-Annimali, jixtieq jinforma lill-bdiewa reġistrati, li se tinħareġ skema għall-kumpens finanzjarju assoċjat mad-Distruzzjoni ta’ Pjanti tat-Tadam u Bżar ordnata mid-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti (PPD), bejn April u Lulju 2021.

L-iskema se tinfetaħ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 8 ta’ Ottubru, 2021 u tagħlaq l-Ġimgħa, 15 ta’ Ottubru, 2021. Dawk eliġibbli jistgħu jiksbu iżjed informazzjoni mis-sit elettroniku tal-Ministeru (https://agrikoltura.gov.mt/en/phd/Pages/home.aspx) taħt Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus→Skemi.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


Plant Protection Directorate

Financial Compensation to Farmers in Connection withthe Destruction of Tomato and Pepper Plants Ordered

by the Plant Protection Directorate (PPD), between April and July 2021, to Control and Eradicate

the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV)

The Plant Protection Directorate (PPD) within the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights, would like to bring attention to registered farmers, that a financial compensation scheme will be issued in connection with the Destruction of Tomato and Pepper Plants ordered by the Plant Protection Directorat (PPD), between April and July 2021.

The scheme will open on Friday, 8th October, 2021and closes on Friday, 15th October, 2021. Further information may be obtained from the Ministerial website (https://agrikoltura.gov.mt/en/phd/Pages/home.aspx) under Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus→Schemes.

28th September, 2021


Lista ta’ kuntratti ta’ offerti u direct contracts mogħtija mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar matul il-perjodu l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2021 u t-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2021, ippubblikata skont Artiklu 111 (2) tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi (S.L. 601.03)*.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


List of tender contracts and direct contracts awarded by Planning Authority during the period between 1st January, 2021, and 30th June, 2021, published in terms of Regulation 111(2) of the Public Procurement Regulations S.L. 601.03*

28th September, 2021


Il-Unit tal-Kultura fi ħdan id-Direttorat għall-Wirt Kulturali, Ministeru għal Għawdex, jixtieq jgħarraf li qed jippubblika l-applikazzjonijiet u regolamenti għal parteċipazzjoni f’Kompetizzjonijiet tal-Milied 2021 fl-Iskema Presepji esibiti għall-pubbliku f’Għawdex.

Tagħrif dwar dawn il-kompetizzjonijiet jista’ jinkiseb mill-Unit tal-Kultura, Banca Giuratale, Pjazza Indipendenza, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.

Formoli tal-applikazzjoni jinkisbu mill-imsemmi uffiċċju u għandhom jaslu fl-istess uffiċċju mhux iktar tard minn nhar il-Ġimgħa, 29 ta’ Ottubru, 2021.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


The Culture Unit within the Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo, notifies that it has publised the applications and regulations for participation in Competitions in Christmas 2021 Scheme for Cribs for public exhibition in Gozo.

Further information can be obtained from the Culture Unit, Banca Giuratale, Independence Square, Victoria, Gozo.

Application forms may be obtained from the above mentioned office and must be returned by not later than Friday, 29th October, 2021.

28th September, 2021

9984 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708


Nru. Ref. Nru. tal-offerta

Titlu tal-offerta/Suġġetttal-offerta

Data tal-Għotja

Isem il-Kuntrattur

Valur tal-Kuntratt eskluża l-VAT

No. Tender Ref. No.

Tender title/Subject of Tender

Award Date Contractor’s Name Contract Value Excl. VAT

1 CT 2479/2020 Tender for the provision of consultancy services for the preparation of demography, employment and housing studies for the SPED review 2020

2/6/2021 London Economics Limited


2 CT 2509/2020 Supply Tender for the Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of CISCO Networking Equipment

19/6/2021 Computime Limited €324,839.04

*Entitajiet kuntrattwali li joperaw fis-Setturi tal-Ilma, Enerġija, Trasport u Servizzi Postali għandhom jirreferu wkoll għal Regolament 87 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi (S.L. 601.05) li toħodhom għal Regolament 111(2) ta’ S.L. 601.03*Contracting Entities operating in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors shall also refer to Regulation 87 of the Public Procurement Utilities Regulations (S.L. 601.05) which redirects them to Regulation 111(2) of S.L. 601.03

Direct Contracts

Nru. Ref. Nru. tad-Direct Contract

Titlu tad-Direct Contract/Suġġett tad-Direct Contract

Data tal-Għotja

Isem il-Kuntrattur

Valur tal-Kuntratt eskluża l-VAT

No. Direct Contract Ref. No.

Direct Contract Title/Subjectof Direct Contract

Award Date Contractor’s Name

Contract Value Excl. VAT

1 DO 001/2021 Extension of the current ESRI Enterprise Licence Agreement (ELA) for the use of ESRI Arc products by the Planning Authority for a period of 12 months

4/6/2021 GeoSYS Ltd €50,000.00

2 DO 002/2021 Service Level Agreement for the Support of the ‘Parallels’ Infrastructure for 2 years

25/6/2021 Fonicom Limited €24,000.00

3 DO 004/2021 Provision of Conservation and Perit Consultancy Services to the Planning Authority

1/4/2021 Perit Hermann Bonnici


4 DO 006/2021 Provision of Mapping related services 2/1/2021 Andrew Alexander Caruana


5 DO 007/2021 License Renewal for Bitdefender Gravity Zone Business Security

4/1/2021 Fonicom Limited €5,925.00

6 DO 008/2021 Production of MASP Awards Trophies and Polished Stainless Steel Bases

11/1/2021 Kane Cali Studio €8,280.00

7 DO 009/2021 Publishing of articles and adverts on Malta Today and Illum newspapers

25/1/2021 Striped Sox Limited


8 DO 010/2021 Installation of new insulation of chiller copper pipes including materials

28/1/2021 FM Core Ltd €5,100.00

9 DO 011/2021 Nine (9) Circle Magazine Issues 25/1/2021 Allied Newspapers Ltd


10 DO 012/2021 Green Your Building Campaign 5/2/2021 Amplify It Ltd €5,577.97

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9985


Sospensjoni ta’ Traffiku

Il-Kunsill Lokali Ħal Għargħur jgħarraf li nhar l-Erbgħa, 29 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mid-9.30 a.m. sal-11.30 a.m., Triq San Ġwann (mit-Torri tas-Semaforu sa Triq Stiefnu Zerafa) se tkun magħluqa għat-traffiku kollu inkluż it-trasport pubbliku.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


Traffic Suspension

The Ħal Għargħur Local Council notifies that on Wednesday, 29th September, 2021, from 9.30 a.m. till 11.30 a.m., Triq San Ġwann (from the Semaphore Tower till Triq Stiefnu Zerafa) will be closed for traffic including public transport.

28th September, 2021

Nru. Ref. Nru. tad-Direct Contract

Titlu tad-Direct Contract/Suġġett tad-Direct Contract

Data tal-Għotja

Isem il-Kuntrattur

Valur tal-Kuntratt eskluża l-VAT

No. Direct Contract Ref. No.

Direct Contract Title/Subjectof Direct Contract

Award Date Contractor’s Name

Contract Value Excl. VAT

11 DO 013/2021 Provision of Food and Beverage for MASP Awards 2020

23/2/2021 Arkadia Marketing Ltd


12 DO 014/2021 Hiring of Video Cameras, Audio Equipment, Lighting, Stages, Studio and Crew for MASP Awards 2020

12/2/2021 Mad About Video Ltd


13 DO 015/2021 Supply and lay of electricity cables to connect the new UPS and the main switchgear

26/5/2021 Ing. Mario Micallef


*Entitajiet kuntrattwali li joperaw fis-Setturi tal-Ilma, Enerġija, Trasport u Servizzi Postali għandhom jirreferu wkoll għal Regolament 87 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi (S.L. 601.05) li toħodhom għal Regolament 111(2) ta’ S.L. 601.03*Contracting Entities operating in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors shall also refer to Regulation 87 of the Public Procurement Utilities Regulations (S.L. 601.05) which redirects them to Regulation 111(2) of S.L. 601.03


Lista ta’ direct orders mogħtija mill-1 ta’ Jannar, 2021 sat-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2021, skont l-Artiklu 20 (2) tar-Regolamenti tal-Kuntratti Pubbliċi tal-2010 u skont l-istruzzjonijiet maħruġa miċ-Ċirkulari MFEI 11/2011 datata 25 ta’ Ġunju, 2021.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


List of direct orders awarded for the period from 1st January, 2021 till 30th June, 2021, published in accordance with Article 20 (2) of the Public Contract Regulations of 2010 and in accordance with the instructions issued through Circular 12/2021 dated 25th June 2021.

28th September, 2021

Nru. ta’ Referenzatad-Direct Order

Isem tad-Direct Order/Suġġett tad-Direct Order

Data tal-Approvazzjoni

Kuntrattur Ammont eskluża l-VAT

Direct Order Reference Number

Direct Order Name/Subject of Direct Order

Date of Approval Contractor Amount Excl. VAT

100/2000/19 Maintenance of Security System at the National Library of Malta

March 2021 Alberta Ltd €17,796.61 (excl. VAT)

CT5000/2021 Negotiated Procedure for the overhaul of the FM200 cylinders at Malta Libraries

March 2021 Alberta Ltd €149,300.00 (excl. VAT)

9986 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708


Sospensjoni ta’ Traffiku u Parkeġġ

Il-Kunsill Lokali Ħal Għargħur jgħarraf li nhar l-Erbgħa, 29 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mid-9.30 a.m. sas-6.00 p.m., Triq il-Kbira se tkun magħluqa għat-traffiku. Ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja f’din il-ġurnata f’dawn il-ħinijiet.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


Sospensjoni ta’ Traffiku u Parkeġġ

Il-Kunsill Lokali Ħal Għargħur jgħarraf li nhar il-Ħamis, 30 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mid-9.30 a.m. sal-4.00 p.m., Triq San Nikola se tkun magħluqa għat-traffiku. Ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja f’din il-ġurnata f’dawn il-ħinijiet.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


Sospensjoni ta’ Traffiku

Il-Kunsill Lokali Ħal Għargħur jgħarraf li nhar is-Sibt, 2 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, mis-7.30 a.m. sad-9.30 a.m., Triq San Ġwann (ħdejn il-każin tal-futbol) se tkun magħluqa għat-traffiku.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


Traffic and Parking Suspension

The Ħal Għargħur Local Council notifies that on Wednesday, 29th September, 2021, from 9.30 a.m. till 6.00 p.m., Triq il-Kbira will be closed for traffic. Parking of vehicles is not permitted on this day during these times.

28th September, 2021


Traffic and Parking Suspension

The Ħal Għargħur Local Council notifies that on Thursday, 30th September, 2021, from 9.30 a.m. till 4.00 p.m., Triq San Nikola will be closed for traffic. Parking of vehicles is not permitted on this day during these times.

28th September, 2021


Traffic Suspension

The Ħal Għargħur Local Council notifies that on Saturday, 2nd October, 2021, from 7.30 a.m. till 9.30 a.m., Triq San Ġwann (near the football club) will be closed for traffic.

28th September, 2021


Iċ-Chairman Eżekuttiv, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma jgħarraf illi:

Jintlaqgħu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet fil-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn taħt. Il-kwotazzjonijiet/offerti għandhom jintbagħtu online BISS fuq (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 30 ta’ Settembru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/115/2021. Provvisti – provvista u konsenja ta’ protec arisawa pressure vessels spare parts għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/116/2021. Provvisti – water monitoring stations u water analysers għal LSI computation għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/120/2021. Xogħlijiet – titjib ta’ main tad-drenaġġ fi Triq Wied Għomor u Triq il-Mensija, San Ġiljan, mill-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.


The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation notifies that:

Tenders/quotations will be received on the date and time indicated below. Quotations/tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 30th September, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/115/2021. Supplies – supply and delivery of protec arisawa pressure vessels spare parts to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/116/2021. Supplies – water monitoring stations and water analysers for LSI computation to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/120/2021. Works – upgrading of sewer main at Triq Wied Għomor and Triq il-Mensija, St Julian’s by the Water Services Corporation.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9987

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, l-1 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/121/2021. Xogħlijiet – konsolidazzjoni ta’ network eżistenti għal provvista aħjar tal-ilma fi Triq Luigi Camilleri, Ir-Rabat, Għawde, għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/122/2021. Provvista u konsenja ta’ electric forklift truck lill-Impjant tar-RO tal-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/117/2021. Provvisti – Provvista u konsenja ta’ DI pipelines vjola EN 545 għal ilma ġdid – Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 4 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/123/2021. Provvista u konsenja ta’ DI pipe flange 80mm to 500mm lill-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 5 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Kwot. Nru. WSC/Q/24/2021. Provvista, konsenjna, installazzjoni u kkummisjonar ta’ sistema ta’ airconditioning f’bowsers tal-wastewater għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, is-7 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/113/2021. Provvisti – provvista u konsenja ta’ manhole frames u covers għal ilma ġdid – Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, it-8 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/118/2021.Xogħlijiet - tqabbid u tqegħid ta’ pipes f’Misraħ Lewża booster station, San Ġwann u xogħol ta’ distribuzzjoni mill-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 12 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/124/2021. Provvisti - bażi ta’ ftehim għal variable speed drives u soft starters għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/126/2021. Provvista u konsenja ta’ universal engine u transmission repair stand għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Erbgħa, 13 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/128/2021. Xogħlijiet – konsolidazzjoni ta’ network eżistenti għal provvista tal-ilma aħjar fiż-żona tan-Nofsinhar – fażi 8 – Triq is-Salvatur (Il-Qrendi), Triq l-Arluġġar (Ħal Luqa) għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 1st October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/121/2021. Works – consolidation of existing network for improved water supply at Triq Luigi Camilleri, Victoria, Gozo to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/122/2021. Supply and delivery of an electric forklift truck to the RO Plant of the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/117/2021. Supplies – Supply and delivery of purple coloured DI pipelines EN 545 for New Water – Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 4th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/123/2021. Supply and delivery of DI pipe flange 80mm to 500mm to the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, for:

Quot. No. WSC/Q/24/2021. Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of an air conditioning system on wastewater bowsers for the Water Services Corporation

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 7th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/113/2021. Supplies – supply and delivery of manhole frames and covers for new water – Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 8th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/118/2021. Works – connection and laying of pipes at Misraħ Lewża booster station, San Ġwann and distribution work by the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 12th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/124/2021. Supplies – framework agreement for variable speed drives and soft starters for the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/126/2021. Supply and delivery of a universal engine and transmission repair stand for the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 13th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/128/2021. Works – consolidation of existing network for improved water supply within south area – phase 8 – Triq is-Salvatur (Qrendi), Triq l-Arluġġar (Ħal Luqa) for the Water Services Corporation.

9988 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 15 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/101/2021. Provvista u konsenja ta’ DI fittings għal stazzjon tal-ippumpjar ġdid tal-wastewater għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 18 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/125/2021. Offerta ta’ servizz għal ittestjar u evalwazzjoni analitika għal kwalità ta’ waste water fil-Gżejjer Maltin għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Id-dokumenti huma mingħajr ħlas.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Electronic Procurement System (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom l-Organisation eID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Operaturi ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex jipparteċipaw f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa jieħdu nota tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti. F’dawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomiċi jkollhom l-opportunità sabiex isiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u r-reġistrazzjoni tal-offerti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 15th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/101/2021. Supply and delivery of DI fittings for the new wastewater pumping station to the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 18th October, 2021, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/125/2021. Service tender for the analytical testing and evaluation of waste water quality in the Maltese Islands for the Water Services Corporation.

No participation fee is required.

Tender/quotation documents are obtainable from the Electronic Procurement System (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). Registration is required in order to make use of this website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their Organisation eID in order to access this website. More information is available from the FAQ section of the same website.

Economic operators interested in participating in these calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops being organised by the Department of Contracts. During these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling and submitting their tender online. More information is available in the tender document.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the time and date specified above.

28th September, 2021


L-Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv, Awtorità tal-Artijiet, jgħarraf li:

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 14 ta’ Ottubru, 2021.

Avviż Nru. 93 Kiri, tale quale għall-perjodu li jintemm fil-31 ta’ Diċembru, 2026, ta’ kjosk fi Ġnien Howard L-Imdina, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.69_2004_A. L-ebda permess għal imwejjed u siġġijiet ma jkun jista’ jinħareġ a rigward ta’ dan il-kjosk tul il-perjodu kollu tal-kirja. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €6,300 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elfejn u mitt ewro (€2,100) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Din l-offerta tista’ tkun suġġetta għal dritt magħruf bħala dritt tal-ewwel rifjut skont artikolu Nru. 32 tal-Kapitolu Nru. 573 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta. Irid isir il-ħlas ta’ €50 għad-dokumenti tal-offerta.


The Chief Executive Officer, Lands Authority, notifies that:

Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 14th October, 2021.

Advt No. 93. Lease tale quale, for a period which ends on the 31st December, 2026, of a kiosk at Gnien Howard, Mdina, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D.69_2004_A. No permit for tables and chairs is to be issued in respect of this kiosk for the whole period of this lease. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €6,300 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of two thousand and one hundred Euros (€2,100) per annum will not be considered. This tender may be subject to the right known as the right of first refusal as per article No. 32 of Chapter No. 573 of the Laws of Malta. A fee of €50 will be charged for the tender document.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9989

Avviż Nru. 94 Għotja b’ċens temporanju għall-perjodu ta’ ħamsa u erbgħin (45) sena għal skopijiet mhux residenzjali, tale quale fl-istat li jinsab fih inklużi xi difetti li jista’ jkun fih, tal-fond f’Nru. 219, Triq Sant’Ursola, Il-Belt Valletta, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.334_91_A. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €50,000 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tletin elf u tmien mija u ħmistax-il ewro (€30,815) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Din l-offerta tista’ tkun suġġetta għal dritt magħruf bħala dritt tal-ewwel rifjut skont artikolu Nru. 32 tal-Kapitolu Nru. 573 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 għad-dokumenti tal-offerta.

Dawn l-avviżi qegħdin jiġu ppubblikati bħala stedina għall-pubbliku sabiex jakkwista d-dokumenti tal-offerta online. L-offerenti għandhom jirreferu għall-kundizzjonijiet kollha tad-dokument tal-offerta u huma mitluba li jaqraw sew dawn id-dokumenti. L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta, li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħra jistgħu jinkisbu billi tagħżel ‘Buy Tender’ fuq il-paġna ta’ dawn l-offerti fis-sit (https://landsauthority.org.mt/services/tendering/). Il-ħlas ta’ ħamsin ewro (€50) għandu jsir permezz tas-sistema online tas-sit tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021

Advt No. 94. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis for a period of forty-five (45) years for non-residential purposes tale quale in its present state including any latent defects, of the premises at No. 219, Triq Sant’Ursola, Valletta, shown edged in red on plan P.D.334_91_A. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €50,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of thirty thousand and eight hundred and fifteen Euros (€30,815) per annum will not be considered. This tender may be subject to the right known as the right of first refusal as per article No. 32 of Chapter No. 573 of the Laws of Malta. A fee of €50 will be charged for the tender document.

These adverts are being published as an invitation to the public to acquire tender documents online. The bidders are to refer to all the conditions of the tender document and are invited to carefully read these conditions. Tenders should be submitted only on the prescribed form, which together with the relevant conditions and other documents, may be obtained by clicking on ‘Buy Tender’ on the webpage where these tenders are available on (https://landsauthority.org.mt/services/tendering/). A fee of fifty euro (€50) must be paid through the online system of the Lands Authority website.

28th September, 2021


Espressjoni ta’ Interess

Is-Segretarju Permanenti Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni jgħarraf li:

Espressjoni ta’ Interess fir-rigward tal-avviż li ġej għandha

tasal sat-Tlieta, 5 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, f’nofsinhar.

Espressjoni ta’ Interess biex jiġu pprovduti servizzi għall-iċċekkjar tal-qorriegħa għall-Iskejjel MFED tal-Kindergarten, Primarji, Medji u Sekondarji tal-Istat

Dokumenti għall-parteċipazzjoni fl-EOI ta’ hawn fuq jistgħu jinġabru mid-Dipartiment tal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni, Taqsima tal-Procurement, Uffiċċju 205C, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, il-Furjana jew jitniżżlu mis-sit elettroniku tal-MFED. Id-dokumenti għandhom jiġu ppubblikati fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-MFED nhar it-Tlieta, 28 ta’ Settembru, 2021.

L-offerti għandhom jiġu depożitati BISS fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab fl-istess uffiċċju msemmi hawn fuq.

Sottomissjonijiet li jidħlu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


Expression of Interest

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Education, notifies that:

Expression of Interest in respect of the following notice will be received up to Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, at noon.

Expression of interest to provide services for scalp scan-ning for MFED State Kindergarten, Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools

Documents for participation in the above EOI can be collected from the Ministry for Education Department, Procurement Section, Office 205 C, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Floriana or downloaded from the MFED website. Docu-ments shall be published on MFED website on Tuesday, 28th September, 2021.

Offers are to be deposited ONLY in the tender box located at the same above-mentioned office.

Late submissions will not be considered.

28th September, 2021

9990 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708


Is-CEO (Procurement and Supplies), Ministeru għas-Saħħa, jgħarraf illi:

Jintlaqgħu offerti elettroniċi rigward l-avviż li ġej sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Erbgħa, 13 ta’ Ottubru, 2021. L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders.gov.mt) għal:

CFT 016-0862/21. Provvista ta’ billboards għal kampanji tal-HPDP

Jintlaqgħu offerti elettroniċi rigward l-avviżi li ġejjin sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 19 ta’ Ottubru, 2021. L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders.gov.mt) għal:

CFT 021-0860/21. Pilocarpine hydrochloride 2% eye drops

CFT 020-0861/21. Transparent central line dressingCFT 020-0863/21. Micro bore extension setsCFT 020-0864/21. Disposable caudal setsCFT 021-0865/21. Sulphur hexafluoride 8mcg/ml powder

and solvent for dispersion for injectionCFT 026-0866/21. Kiri ta’ postijiet fil-Furjana biex

jospitaw uffiċini għall-Kura Primarja fil-Ministeru għas-SaħħaCFT 022-0867/21. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ sondaġġ

topografiku għall-Kampus tal-Isptar Monte KarmeliCFT 021-0868/21. Brentuximab 50mg injectionsCFT 021-0869/21. Pegaspargase injectionsCFT 009-0870/21. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ konsulenza

għal inġinier strutturali bil-warrantCFT 019-0871/21. Black tea bagsCFT 019-0872/21. Interfold hand towels

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma mingħajr ħlas.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jinkisbu biss mill-Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders.gov.mt). Ir-reġistrazzjoni hija meħtieġa sabiex ikun jista’ jintuża s-sit elettroniku. Operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin għandu jkollhom l-eID tal-organizzazzjoni tagħhom sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit elettroniku. Aktar tagħrif jinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar tal-offerti fil-ħinijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn fuq.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


The CEO (Procurement and Supplies), Ministry for Health, notifies that:

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will be received till 9.30 a.m. of Wednesday, 13th October, 2021. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www.etenders.gov.mt) for:

CFT 016-0862/21. Provision of billboards for HPDP campaigns

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notices will be received till 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 19th October, 2021. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www.etenders.gov.mt) for:

CFT 021-0860/21. Pilocarpine hydrochloride 2% eye drops

CFT 020-0861/21. Transparent central line dressingCFT 020-0863/21. Micro bore extension setsCFT 020-0864/21. Disposable caudal setsCFT 021-0865/21. Sulphur hexafluoride 8mcg/ml powder

and solvent for dispersion for injectionCFT 026-0866/21. Leasing of Premises in Floriana to House

Offices for the Primary Healthcare within the Ministry for HealthCFT 022-0867/21. Provision of Topographical Survey

Services for Mount Carmel Hospital CampusCFT 021-0868/21. Brentuximab 50mg injectionsCFT 021-0869/21. Pegaspargase injectionsCFT 009-0870/21. Provision of consultancy services of a

warranted structural engineerCFT 019-0871/21. Black tea bagsCFT 019-0872/21. Interfold hand towels

These tender documents are free of charge.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. gov.mt). Registration is required in order to make use of this website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their organisation eID in order to access this website. More information is available from the FAQ section of the same website.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the times and dates specified above.

28th September, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9991


Il-Kunsill Lokali Tas-Sliema jgħarraf illi:

Sejħiet għall-offerti għandhom jintlaqgħu mill-Kunsill Lokali Tas-Sliema permezz tal-ePPS, sad-9.30 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 5 ta’ Novembru, 2021, għal:

Avviż Nru. SLC59-Gar01/2021. Manutenzjoni ta’ ġonna pubbliċi, tħawwil ta’ siġar mal-ġenb tat-toroq u soft areas b’mod li jitħares l-ambjent.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba, imniżżla u milqugħa BISS mis-sit elettroniku tal-eTenders (www.etenders.gov.mt).

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument tal-kwotazzjoni jittellgħu fuq is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom mill-istess sit.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull kwotazzjoni, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġjuża.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021


The Tas-Sliema Local Council notifies that:

Tenders will be received on behalf of the Tas-Sliema Local Council, through ePPS, up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 5th November, 2021, for:

Advt No. SLC59-Gar01/2021. Maintenance of public gardens, roadside tree plantations and soft areas in an environmentally friendly manner

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the eTenders website on (www.etenders.gov.mt).

Any clarifications or addenda to the quotation document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any quotation, even the most advantageous.

28th September, 2021



B’digriet mogħti, mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla, fit-3 ta’ Ġunju, 2021, fl-atti tal-Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni fl-ismijiet Marlene Aquilina vs Charter Properties Limited, Rikors numru 726/21 AF, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-intimat Charter Properties Limited, a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12.

Permezz ta’ Rikors, ippreżentat, fil-Prim Awla tal-Qorti, fl-ismijiet (Rikorrenti) Marlene Aquilina (KI 251481M) vs Charter Properties Limited (C69311) ippreżentat, fl-14 ta’ Mejju, 2021, ir-rikorrenti Marlene Aquilina (KI 251481M) esponiet bir-rispett:

Illi l-esponenti sabiex tikkawtela d-drittijiet tagħha tixtieq iżomm l-intimata mili tbigħ, tassenja, tittrasferixxi sew b’titolu oneruż jew gratuwitu s-segwenti proprjetà;

1. Il-fond bin-numru uffiċjali mija u sitta u erbgħin (146) bl-isem ‘St Mary’ fi Triq Santa Katerina, L-Imqabba, kif suġġett għaċ-ċens annwu u perpertwu ta’ (€1.14) indikat fil-mandat inkluż il-garaxx li jifforma parti integrali mill-imsemmi fond, kif deskritt fil-mandat,

2. Is-sit ta’ kostruzzjoni ġja okkupat mill-fond bin-numru uffiċjali mija u sitta (106) bl-isem ‘Gojja’ ġja ‘Govell’ fi Triq

By means of a decree given, by the Civil Court First Hall, on the 3rd June, 2021, in the records of the Warrant of Prohibitory Injunction in the names Marlene Aquilina vs Charter Properties Limited, Application number 726/21 AF, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondent Charter Properties Limited, in terms of of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

By means of an Application, presented in the First Hall Civil Court, in the names (Applicant) Marlene Aquilina (ID 251481M) vs Charter Properties Limited (C69311) filed on the 14th May, 2021, the applicant Marlene Aquilina (ID 251481M) respectfully pleaded:

That the interpellant in order to secure her rights wishes to withold the respondent from selling, assigning, transferring both by onerous or gratuitous title the following property;

1. The premises with official number one hundred forty six (146) with the name ‘St Mary’ in Triq Santa Katerina, Mqabba, as subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent of (€1.14) indicated in the warrant which forms an integral part of the said premises as described in the said warrant,

2. The construction site previously occupied by the premises with official number one hundred and six (106)

9992 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Anġlu Gatt, Il-Mosta, konfinanti u bid-drittijiet imsemmija fil-mandat,

3. Il-fond bin-numru uffiċjali mija (100) u bl-isem ‘Eden’ ġja ‘St Joseph’ fi Triq Anġlu Gatt, Il-Mosta, ossija s-sit ta’ kostruzzjoni ġja okkupat mill-imsemmi fond kif deskritt fil-mandat,

4. L-appartament internament markat numru tnejn (2) formanti parti minn blokk ta’ appartamenti bla numru uffiċjali u bl-isem’Saint Mary Court, fi Triq Għajn Mhelhel, fiż-Żebbuġ, Għawdex, kif deskritt f’dan il-mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni,

5. Il-garaxx sitwat fil-livell terran ossija ‘groundfloor/street level’ imsejjaħ ‘St Anthony Garage, fi Triq Dun Ġwann Zammit Hammet, ġja msejħa Triq Ġdida li tiżbokka f’Balzan Valley, Ħal Balzan, suġġett għaċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’€53.58, konfrinanti kif jinghad fil-mandat;

Illi permezz tal-att ta’ konvenju ffirmat nhar il-11 ta’ Awwissu, 2017, min-Nutar Dr Carmel Gafà, is-soċjetà intimata intrabtet li tbigħ, tassenja u tittrasferrixxi, versu u favur l-esponenti l-proprejtà deskritta fil-mandat;

Illi l-promessa ta’ komprovendità saret versu l-prezz ta’ mija u sebgħin elf ewro (€170,000) minn liema somma tħallas depożitu ta’ (€17,000), liema somma llum tinsab f’idejn l-intimata;

Illi l-istess konvenju ġie estiż permezz ta’ skritturi privati msemmija fil-mandat;

Illi ciononstante l-konvenuta Charter Properties Limited naqset milli taddivjeni għall-formazzjoni u pubblikazzjoni tal-opportun att ta’ komprovendità;

Illi tenut kont tas-sitwazzjoni tas-soċjetà intimata l-esponenti ma jibqgħalha ebda għażla oħra għajr li tikkawtela l-azzjoni tagħha sabiex is-soċjetà ntimata tiġi inibita milli tbigħ, tittrasfrerixxi jew tneħħi b’mod ieħor favur terzi il-beni li għandha.

Għaldaqstant, l-esponenti bir-rispett titlob lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti tordna l-ħruġ ta’ Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni sabiex iżommha milli tkompli tagħmel il-ħwejjeġ hawn fuq imsemmija.

Illum 14 ta’ Mejju, 2021

with the name ‘Gojja’ previously ‘Govell’ in Triq Anġlu Gatt, Mosta, bordering and with the rights mentioned in the warrant,

3. The premises with official number hundred (100) and with the name ‘Eden’ (previously ‘St Joseph’ in Triq Anġlu Gatt, Mosta, or rather the construction site already occupied by the said premises as described in the warrant,

4. The appartment internally marked number two (2) forming part of a block of apartments without official number and with the name ‘Saint Mary Court’ in Triq Għajn Mhelehel, Żebbuġ, Gozo, as described in this warrant of prohibitory injunction,

5. The garage situated at groundfloor level or rather ‘groundfloor/street level’ called ‘St Anthony Garage’, in Triq Dun Ġwann Zammit Hammet (previously called New Street which abutts in Balzan Valley, Ħal Balzan, subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent of € 53.58, bordering as stated in this warrant;

That by means of a preliminary agreement signed on the 11th August 2017, by Notary Doctor Carmel Gafà, the respondent company bound itself to sell, assign and transfer towards and in favour of the interpellant the property described in the warrant;

That the promise of sale was made towards the price of one hundred and seventy thousand euro (€170,000) from which sum a deposit was paid of (€17,000), which sum is today in the hands of the respondent;

That the same preliminary agreement was extended by means of the private writings mentioned in the warrant;

That nothwithstanding the defendant Charter Properties Limited failed to come formard to the formation and publication of the opportujne deed of sale;

That keeping in view the situation of the respondent company the interpellant has no other choice but to secure its action so that the respondent company be witheld from selling, transferring or alienating in any manner in favour of third parties the property it has.

Thus, the interpellant respectfully prays this Hoourable Court to order the issuing of a Warrant of Prohibitoty Injnction in order that it be witheld from doing the acts above mentioned.

Today 14th May, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9993

Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni

Repubblika ta’ Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qrati

Billi ġie preżentat ir-rikors ta’ hawn fuq u jirrikorru l-elementi meħtieġa skont il-liġi għal ordni infraskritta,

U wara li tagħmel dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi xkiel fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-mandat, inti għandek minnufih tgħarraf lil din il-Qorti.

Mogħti mil-Qorti Prim’Awla mill-Onor. Imħallef Anna Felice, LLD.

Ir-Rikors Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni fl-ismijiet Marlene Aquilina vs Charter Properties Limited, Rikors numru 726/21 AF, jinsab differit għas-smigħ għad-19 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, fl-10.00 a.m.

Notifika: Charter Properties Ltd, Lara Buildings, Office 3, Triq Giuseppe Calleja, L-Iklin

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 23 ta’Settembru, 2021

AV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’digriet tat-13 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mogħti mill-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifiki skont l-artiklu 187 (3) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Organizzazzjoni Ċivili (Kap. 12).

Illi b’Rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Ċivili, Prim Awla, fl-1 ta’ Lulju, 2021, mill-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi qed jintalab l-iżbank fl-ammont ta’ €6120.63 depożitati biċ-ċedola ta’ depożitu numru 1102/2021 fl-ismijiet:

Kummissarju tat-Taxxi vs Clarence Busuttil (KI 120859M) f’ismu personali kif ukoll bħala direttur għan-nom u in rappreżentanza tas-soċjetà Bay Catering Limited (C39785)

Il-Qorti ordnat in-notifika tar-rikors lill-kontroparti bi żmien erbat (4) ijiem għar-risposta.

Warrant of Prohibitory Injunction

Republic of Malta

To the Court Marshall

Whereas the above application was presented and there recurr all the necessary elements according to law for the undermentioned order,

And after doing this, or if you encounter any difficulty in the execution of this warrant, you are to inform this Court forthwith.

Given by the Civil Court First Hall by the Hon. Madam Justice Anna Felice, LLD.

The Application Warrant of Prohibtory Injunction in the names Marlene Aquilina vs Charter Properties Likited, Application 726/21 AF, has been deferred for hearing to the 19 th October, 2021, at 10.00 a.m.

Notify: Charter Properties Ltd, Lara Buildings, Office 3, Triq Giuseppe Calleja, Iklin

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 23rd September, 2021

ADV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By a decree given on the 13th September, 2021, by the Civil Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service according to Article 187(3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

That by an application in the Civil Court, First Hall filed on the 1st of July, 2021, by the Commissioner of Revenue, is asking for the withdrawal of € 6120.63 deposited by the schedule of deposit number 1102/2021 in the names of:

Commissioner of Tax vs Clarence Busuttil (ID 120859M) in his own name and as a director and representative of Bay Catering Limited (C39785)

The Court ordered the notification of this application to the counter party with a four (4) days period to reply.


9994 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Reġistru tal-Qorti Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 23 ta’ Settembru, 2021

MARVIC FARRUGIAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Registry of the Superior Courts, today Thursday, 23th September, 2021

MARVIC FARRUGIAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fil-25 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, fl-atti tal-protest numru 207/2021, fl-ismijiet Progress Press Company Limited vs Kasco Engineering Company Limited, il-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12 fil-konfront tal-intimat Keith Schembri.

Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili

Illum 19 ta’ Mejju, 2021

Lil Kasco Engineering Company Limited

Keith Schembri (KI 331975M) ta’ Villa Abelia, Santa Maria Gardens, Triq iż-Żebbuġ, Santa Maria Estate, Il-Mellieħa MLH 2720

Alfio Schembri

Malcolm Scerri

Protest ta’ Progress Press Company Limited (C307).

Tesponi bir-rispett:

Illi fit-2 ta’ Ġunju, 2008, Progress Press Company Limited (‘Progress Press’) ikkonkludiet kuntratt ma’ Kasco Technical Services Ltd, illum magħrufa bl-isem Kasco Engineering Company Limited (C34257) (‘Kasco Engineering’) li tagħha t-tliet protestati l-oħra, Keith Schembri, Alfio Schembri u Malcolm Scerri kienu u għadhom diretturi tal-istess, għax-xiri u akkwist ta’ makkinarju u apparat talvolta fornut minn Global Web Systems u dan versu l-prezz pattwit ta’ US$13,588,454.00, liema prezz kellu jitħallas minn Progress Press lil Kasco Engineering f’numru ta’ pagamenti kif indikat fl-imsemmi ftehim.

Illi l-firmatarji fuq l-imsemmi ftehim kienu Vincent Buhagiar u Adrian Hillman għan-nom u in rappreżentanza ta’ Progress Press li dak iz-zmien kienu rispettivament jokkupaw il-kariga ta’ Chairman u Managing Director tal-

By means of a decree of the 25th August, 2021, in the records of the protest number 207/2021, in the names Progress Press Company Limited vs Kasco Engineering Company Limited, the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the following publication for the purpose of effecting service in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12 on the respondent Keith Schembri.

In the First Hall of the Civil Court

Today 19th May, 2021

To Kasco Engineering Company Limited

Keith Schembri (ID 331975M) of Villa Abelia, Santa Maria Gardens, Triq iż-Żebbuġ, Santa Maria Estate, Mellieħa MLH 2720

Alfio Schembri

Malcolm Scerri

Judicial Protest of Progress Press Company Limited (C307).

Submits with respect:

That on the 2nd June, 2008, Progress Press Company Limited (‘Progress Press’) concluded an agreement with Kasco Technical Services Ltd, today known as Kasco Engineering Company Limited (C34257), (‘Kasco Engineering’), in which the three other respondents, Keith Schembri, Alfio Schembri and Malcolm Scerri were, and still are, directors, and this for the purchase and acquisition of machinery and equipment supplied by Global Wed Systems and this towards the agreed price of US$13,588,454.00 which price was to be paid by Progress Press to Kasco Engineering in a number of installments as indicated in the said agreement.

That the signatories to the said agreement were Vincent Buhagiar and Adrian Hillman on behalf of Progress Press who at that time held respectively the position of Chairman and Managing Director of the same Progress Press while

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9995

Malcolm Scerri and Keith Schembri signed in the name and on behalf of Kasco Engineering;

That this equipment and machinery has been duly delivered and installed at the Progress Press operating site in Mrieħel and the entire price had been duly paid by Progress Press to Kasco Engineering in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed in the said agreement;

That before the agreement with Kasco Engineering was signed, Progress Press had, during 2007, continued a process in order to identify the best equipment and machinery on the market that would meet its commercial and technical requirements at that time, also taking into account the fact that the same Progress Press intended to make a substantial investment in order to develop new offices and commercial site in Mrieħel as it eventually actually did;

This process led to the evaluation of three offers made by third parties, including the one made by Kasco Engineering, during the meeting of the Progress Press board of directors held on the 29th August, 2007, and at which meeting Vincent Buhagiar and Adrian Hillman guided the same board with regard to the three bids until finally all board members (including the respondents themselves) took the decision to accept Kasco Engineering’s offer;

That recently and especially since 20th March, 2021, Progress Press has been aware of various investigations and proceedings of a criminal nature which have been instituted against a number of other persons and entities, amongst them against Keith Schembri, Alfio Schembri and Malcolm Scerri;

From the said investigations carried out and those brought forward so far, the indicated price of US$13,588,454.00 for the purchase and acquisition of the said equipment and machinery included a portion of about US$5,000,000.00 which sum had been increased in an entirely abusive, illicit and misleading manner with the consequence that the said amount of about US$5,000,000.00 paid by Progress Press as part of the agreed price for the machinery and equipment indicated was distributed amongst them, and namely amongst Keith Schembri, Malcolm Scerri and Alfio Schembri together with Vincent Buhagiar and Adrian Hillman and with the sole aim of making a personal but illicit and deceptive gain at the expense of none other than Progress Press;

That according to the law and especially article 1051A of the Civil Code (Cap. 16 of the Laws of Malta) the actions of the respondents, or of any one of them, constitutes an act of

istess Progress Press filwaqt illi Malcolm Scerri u Keith Schembri iffirmaw għan-nom u in rappreżentanza ta’ Kasco Engineering;

Illi dan l-apparat u makkinarju kienu ġie debitament ikkonsenjat u stallat fis-sit tal-operat ta’ Progress Press ġewwa l-Imrieħel u l-prezz intier kien ġie debitament imħallas minn Progress Press lil Kasco Engineering skont il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiet pattwiti fl-imsemmi ftehim;

Illi qabel ma ġie ffirmat il-ftehim ma’ Kasco Engineering, Progress Press kienet matul l-2007 issoktat bi proċess sabiex jiġi ddentifikat fis-suq l-aħjar apparat u makkinarju li kien jissodisfa l-eżiġenzi kummerċjali u tekniċi tagħha dak iz-żmien, tenut kont anke tal-fatt illi l-istess Progress Press kienet biħsieba tagħmel investiment sostanzjali sabiex tiżviluppa uffiċini u sit kummerċjali ġdid ġewwa l-Imrieħel kif fil-fatt għamlet eventwalment;

Illi dan il-proċess wassal sabiex matul il-laqgħa tal-bord ta’ diretturi ta’ Progress Press miżmuma fid-29 ta’ Awwissu, 2007, saret evalwazzjoni ta’ tliet offerti li kienu saru minn terzi, fosthom dik magħmula minn Kasco Engineering, u f’liema laqgħa Vincent Buhagiar u Adrian Hillman iggwidaw lill-istess bord fir-rigward tat-tliet offerti sakemm finalment il-membri kollha tal-bord (inklużi l-protestati nfushom) ħadu d-deċiżjoni sabiex jaċċettaw l-offerta ta’ Kasco Engineering;

Illi riċentement u senjatament mill-20 ta’ Marzu, 2021, ’il hawn, Progress Press ġiet a konjizzjoni ta’ diversi investigazzjonijiet u proċeduri ta’ natura penali li ġew istitwiti fil-konfront ta’ numru ta’ persuni u entitajiet oħrajn, fosthom fil-konfront ta’ Keith Schembri, Alfio Schembri u Malcolm Scerri;

Illi mill-imsemmija investigazzjonijiet li saru u skont li tressqu sa issa, il-prezz indikat ta’ US$13,588,454.00 għax-xiri u akkwist tal-imsemmi apparat u makkinarju kien jinkludi porzjoni ta’ ċirka US$5,000,000.00 liema somma kienet ġiet miżjuda b’mod għalkollox abbużiv illeċitu u qarrieqi, bil-konsegwenza illi l-imsemmi ammont ta’ ċirka US$5,000,000.00 imħallas minn Progress Press bħala parti mill-prezz pattwit għall-makkinarju u apparat indikat tqassam bejniethom, fosthom il-protestati Keith Schembri, Malcolm Scerri u Alfio Schembri flimkien ma’ Vincent Buhagiar u Adrian Hillman u bil-għan waħdani li jagħmlu gwadann personali iżda illeċitu u qarrieqi a skapitu ta’ ħadd iżjed ħlief Progress Press;

Illi skont il-liġi u senjatament l-artiklu 1051A tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kap16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta) l-aġir tal-protestati jew ta’ min minnhom jikkostitwixxi att ta’ korruzzjoni billi huwa

9996 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

corruption as it is evident that they offered and effectively, directly or indirectly bribed and gave an undue advantage to the said officers of Progress Press with the ultimate aim of making illicit profits and gains at the expense of and to the considerable detriment of Progress Press;

That consequently Progress Press suffered serious damages as a result of corruption committed by the respondents or any of them and accordingly it is entitled according to law to take action against them in order to obtain compensation for the damage caused to it by the act of corruption;

In addition, it is evident that in the circumstances as described above, the consent of Progress Press for the purchase and acquisition of the equipment and machinery as reflected in the agreement signed with Kasco Engineering on the 2nd June, 2008, was fraudulently obtained by Kasco Engineering and/or its executives and Progress Press reserves all right of action for the rescission of the said agreement, for the full refund of the price paid and any further damages which may result;

That in the light of the premise, Progress Press is forced to protect its interests and is holding the same respondents responsible for all the losses and damages suffered as a result of their corrupt actions.

Accordingly, the applicant company Progress Press Company Limited, whilst formally bringing the aforementioned to the attention of the respondents, it is for all purpose and effects of the law, placing them in dolo, mora and culpa and solicits them to give a full account of the profits and personal gain which they have corruptly received or benefitted from in an illicit, abusive and illegali manner in connection with the acquisition of the aforesaid machinery and at the same time come forward for the liquidation and payment of consequential damages caused by them and in default, it hereby notifies them that further proceedings will be taken against them in accordance to law without further notice.

With costs and legal interest

Applicant Times of Malta, Triq l-Intornjatur, Zone 1, Central Business District, Birkirkara CBD 1050

Respondent: Keith Schembri, Villa Abelia, Santa Maria Gardens, Triq iż-Żebbuġ, Santa Maria Estate, Mellieħa MLH 2720

evidenti illi huma offrew u effetivament, direttament jew indirettament, xaħħmu u taw vantaġġ ieħor mhux dovut lill-imsemmija diriġenti ta’ Progress Press bil-għan aħħari li jiksbu profitt u gwadann illeċitu a skapitu ta’ u bi preġudizzju konsiderevoli għal Progress Press;

Illi konsegwentement Progress Press soffriet danni nġenti a kawża ta’ korruzzjoni mwettqa mill-protestati jew min minnhom u b’hekk hija għandha jedd skont il-liġi li tieħu azzjoni fil-konfront tagħhom sabiex tikseb kumpens għad-dannu kaġunat lilha bl-att ta’ korruzzjoni;

Illi in oltre huwa evidenti illi f’dawn iċ-ċirkostanzi kif hawn fuq deskritti, il-kunsens ta’ Progress Press għax-xiri u akkwist tal-apparat u makkinarju kif rifless fil-kuntratt iffirmat ma’ Kasco Engineering fit-2 ta’ Ġunju, 2008, ġie meħud b’qerq daparti tal-istess Kasco Engineering u/jew daparti tad-diriġenti tagħha u kwindi Progress Press tirriserva kull dritt ta’ azzjoni għar-rexissjoni tal-imsemmi kuntratt ta’ bejgħ, għar-rifużjoni sħiħ tal-prezz imħallas u kwalunkwe danni ulterjuri rizultanti;

Illi fid-dawl tal-premess, Progress Press hija kostretta li tħares l-interessi tagħha u qiegħda żżomm lill-istess protestati responsabbli għat-telf u danni kollha subiti kawża ta’ dan l-aġir korrott tagħhom.

Għaldaqstant, is-soċjetà protestanti Progress Press Company Limited, filwaqt li ġġib il-premess a formali konjizzjoni tal-protestati, qiegħda għall-finijiet u effetti kollha tal-liġi tpoġġihom in dolo, mora, culpa u tinterpellahom sabiex jagħtu rendikont sħiħ tal-qligħ u gwadann personali illi b’korruzzjoni huma rċevew jew ibbenefikaw minnu b’mod illeċitu, abużiv u illegali inkonnessjoni mal-akkwist ta’ ’l fuq imsemmi makkinjarju u fl-istess ħin jersqu għal-likwidazzjoni u ħlas ta’ danni konsegwenzjali kawżati minnhom u fin-nuqqas tavżahom illi se jittieħdu proċeduri ulterjuri kontra tagħhom skont il-liġi mingħajr preavviż ieħor.

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħax legali

Progress Press Company Limited, Times of Malta, Triq l-Intornjatur, Zone 1, Central Business District, Birkirkara CBD 1050

Notifika: Keith Schembri, Villa Abelia, Santa Maria Gardens, Triq iż-Żebbuġ, Santa Maria Estate, Il-Mellieħa MLH 2720

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9997

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree of the 13th September, 2021, in the records of the judicial letter number 3234/2021, in the names UISL Ltd vs Matthew Attard, the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the following publication for the purpose of effecting service on the respondent in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

In the First Hall of the Civil Court

Today 3rd August, 2021

To Matthew Attard (ID 0415476M) of Forth Mansions, Blk C, Flat 2, Ix-Xatt ta’ Ta’ Xbiex, Ta’ Xbiex and/or Matnik, Triq Cafcaf, Swieqi

By means of this present, UISL Ltd (C48102) of Valletta Buildings, Floor 1, Number 2, South Street, Valletta VLT 1103, and Doctor Antonello Cappitta (ID 332776M) in his capacity as Director of UISL Ltd, reference is made to the bill of exchange (Doc. A) accepted and signed by you on the 8th June, 2021, for the total amount of €35,000.00 and where the amount was due on the 30th July, 2021, thus the said bill of exchange today expired.

That the interpellant had to resort to this present because the amount was not paid.

That you are being solicted so that within two (2) days from the notification to you of this judicial letter you pay the total amount of €35,000.00 to the interpellant company.

That moreover, in terms of Article 253(e) of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta, the interpellant company is also rendering enforceable the above mentioned bill of exchange.

You are advised that you may, in terms of the aforesaid Article, request the competent court to suspend the execution of this bill, in whole or in part, and whether or not subject to a guarantee, by filing an application which must be made within twenty (20) days of the service of this judicial letter on you, this may be done if the signature on the bill of exchange is not yours or that of your mandatory or for other serious and valid reasons to oppose such execution.

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fit-13 ta’ Settembru, 2021, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 3234/2021, fl-ismijiet UISL Limited vs Matthew Attard, il-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-intimat a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12.

Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti

Illum, 3 ta’ Awwissu, 2021

Lil: Matthew Attard (KI 0415476M) ta’ Forth Mansions, Blk C, Flat 2, Ix-Xatt ta’ Ta’ Xbiex, Ta’ Xbiex, u/jew Matnik, Triq Cafcaf, Is-Swieqi

Permezz tal-preżenti s-soċjetà UISL Ltd (C48102) ta’ Valletta Buildings, Floor 1, Number 2, South Street, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1103, Malta u Dr Antonello Capitta (KI 332776M) fil-vesti tiegħu bħala Direttur ta’ UISL Ltd qiegħda ssir referenza għall-kambjala (Dok. A) minnek aċċettata u ffirmata fit-8 ta’ Ġunju, 2021, għall-valur komplessiv ta’ €35,000.00 u fejn l-ammont kien dovut nhar it-30 ta’ Lulju, 2021, kwindi tali kambjala llum skadiet.

Illi l-mittenti kellu jirrikorri għal preżenti minħabba li l-ammont ma’ ġiex imħallas.

Illi qiegħed tigi interpellat sabiex fi żmien jumejn (2) min-notifika lilek ta’ din l-ittra ġudizzjarja tħallas lis-soċjetà mittenti l-valur tas-somma ta’ €35,000.00.

Illi, inoltre, ai termini tal-Artikolu 253(e) tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, is-soċjetà mittenti qiegħda wkoll tirrendi esegwibbli ’l hawn fuq imsemmi kambjala.

Qiegħed tiġi avżat illi inti tista’, ai termini tal-Artikolu su indikat, titlob lill-qorti kompetenti illi l-esekuzzjoni ta’ din il-kambjala tiġi sospiża, in toto jew in parte, u sew suġġett għal garanzija, kif ukoll mingħajra, billi tintavola rikors li għandu jsir fi żmien għoxrin (20) jum min-notifika lilek ta’ din l-ittra ġudizzjarja, dan jista’ jsir jekk il-firma fuq din il-kambjala ma hijiex tiegħek jew tal-mandatarju tiegħek jew għar-raġunijiet oħra gravi u validi biex topponi tali esekuzzjoni.


9998 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Tant sabiex tagħraf tirregola ruħek

Bl-ispejjeż inkluż dawk tal-preżenti

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fit-13 ta’ Lulju 2021, mill-Bord li Jirregola l-Kera fl-atti tar-rikors fl-ismijiet Doris Attard vs Giovanna Buttiġieg Rikors Nru 76/2021CG, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-intimata Giovanna Buttigieg a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).

Permezz ta’ rikors fl-ismijiet Doris Attard (KI 179357M) vs Giovanna Buttigieg pprezentat fil-Bord li Jirregola l-Kera, fit-30 ta’ Marzu, 2021, ir-rikorrenti Doris Attard talbet lil dan l-Onorabbli Bord għaliex m’għandux:

1. Jordna li jwettaq it-test tal-mezzi tal-intimata Giovanna Buttigieg u dan b’applikazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet tal-artikolu 12B (3)(iii) tal-Kap. 158 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

2. Jagħti dawk l-ordnijiet li jidhirlu opportuni, skont ir-risultanzi tat-test tal-mezzi u ċjoè, illi jekk ma jigux sodisfatti l-kriterji tat-test tal-mezzi, jordna minnufih l-iżgumbrament tal-intimata mill-fond suriferrit fi żmien perentorju stabbilit minn dan l-istess Bord; jew

3. Jekk jiġu sodisfatti l-kriterji tat-test tal-mezzi, jordna t-tkomplija tal-lokazzjoni relattiva b’kundizzjonijiet ġodda tenut kont iċ-ċirkostanzi relattivi fosthom il-piż sproporzjonat għall-esponenti filwaqt li jiddikjara u jiddeċiedi illi ai termini tal-Att XXVII tal-2018 il-kera għandha tiġi riveduta għal ammont li ma jeċċedix it-2% fis-sena tal-valur liberu u frank tas-suq miftuħ tal-fond bin-numru 200, Triq F. S. Caruana, Birkirkara.

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħax legali kontra l-intimata li minn issa hija inġunta għas-subizzjoni u mingħajr preġudizzju għal kwalsijasi azzjoni oħra li tista’ talvolta tiġi preżentata.

Rikorrenti: 8, Villa Gates, Triq Carmel Brincat, Birkirkara

So much so that you know how to regulate yourself

With costs including those of the present

Registry of the Superior Courts today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree of the 13th July 2021 of the Rent Regulation Board, in the records of the Application in the names Doris Attard vs Giovanna Buttiġieg, Application Number 76/2021CG, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of effecting service on the respondent Giovanna Buttigieg in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12)

By means of an application in the names Doris Attard (ID 179357M) vs Giovanna Buttigieg filed in the Rent Regulation Board, on the 30th March, 2021, the applicant Doris Attard requested this Honourable Board why it should not:

1. Order the means test of the respondent Giovanna Buttigieg according to the dispositions of Article 12B(3)(iii) of Cap. 158 of the Laws of Malta;

2. Gives those orders that it deems opportune, according to the results of the means test, and that is that if the criteria of the means test are not satisfied, orders immediately the eviction of the respondent from the premises mentioned within a peremptory time established by the same Bord; or

3. If the criteria of the means test are met, orders the continuation of the relative lease with new conditions taking into account the relative circumstances including the disproportionate burden for the applicant while stating and deciding that in terms of Act XXVII of 2018 the rent shall be revised to an amount not exceeding 2% per annum of the free and open market value of the premises with number 200, Triq F. S. Caruana, Birkirkara.

With costs and legal interest against the respondent who is from now summoned so that a reference to her oath be made and without prejudice to any other action that may sometimes be brought.

Applicant: 8, Villa Gates, Triq Carmel Brincat, Birkirkara


It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 9999

Intimata: Giovanna Buttigieg, 200 Triq F. S. Caruana, Birkirkara

Ir-rikors fl-ismijiet Doris Attard vs Giovanna Buttigieg,

Rikors numru 76/2021CG, jinsab differit għall-21 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, fid-9.50 a.m.

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tal-31 ta’ Mejju, 2021, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).

Falzon’s Bathrooms and Ceramics Limited (C9432) ta’ Falzon House, Triq il-Ferrovija, Santa Venera, ippreżentat Talba, fid-19 ta’ Mejju, 2021, fejn talbet lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Lara Developments Ltd (C42868) ta’ No. 1, Office 3, Lara Buildings, Triq G. Calleja, L-Iklin IKL 1262, sabiex tħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €3854.73, liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet

Il-kawża (Avviż numru 145/2021JG) hija differita għall-14 ta’ Ottubru, 2021, f’12.10 p.m.

Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Respondent: Giovanna Buttigieg, 200, Triq F. S. Caruana, Birkirkara

The application in the names Doris Attard vs Giovanna Buttigieg, Application number 76/2021CG, has been postponed for hearing to the 21st October, 2021, at 9.50 a.m.

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 31st May, 2021, the publication of the following extract was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Falzon’s Bathrooms and Ceramics Limited (C9432) of Falzon House, Triq il-Ferrovija, Santa Venera, filed a Claim on the 19th May, 2021, whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn Lara Developments Ltd (C42868) of No. 1, Office 3, Lara Buildings, Triq G. Calleja, Iklin IKL 1262, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of €3854.73, which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

With costs and interests

The case (Claim number 145/2021JG) is deferred on the 14th October, 2021, at 12.10 p.m.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals




IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’digriet mogħti fl-14 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) bħala Qorti Struttorja (il-Maġistrat Dr Lara Lanfranco, LLD). Kumpilazzjoni Numru 592/2021, fil-kawża fl-ismijiet:

Ir-Repubblika ta’ Malta


JOSEPHINE BALDACCHINO, segretarja eżekuttiva, ta’ 48 sena, bint John Baldacchino u Emily Baldacchino


IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 14th September, 2021, given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta) as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Lara Lanfranco, LLD). Compilation Number 592/2021, in the case:

The Republic of Malta


JOSEPHINE BALDACCHINO, executive secretary, 48 years, daughter of John Baldacchino and Emily Baldacchino

10,000 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

xebba Galea, imwielda Ħ’Attard, Malta, fit-22 ta’ April, 1973, residenti ġewwa 52, Triq il-Midbah, Il-Mosta, u detentriċi ta’ karta tal-identità Maltija bin-numru 201673M.

ORDNAT iż-żamma f’idejn partijiet terzi b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u kull proprjetà mobbli oħra dovuta jew li tappartjeni jew li hija ta’ JOSEPHINE BALDACCHINO u tipprojbixxi lill-imputata milli tittrasferixxi, twiegħed, tipoteka jew tibdel jew tiddisponi minn kwalunkwe proprjetà immobbli jew mobbli li tkun proprjetà ta’ jew inkella miżmuma minnha, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 36 tal-Att dwar ir-Rikavat mill-Kriminalità, Kap. 621 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

ORDNAT is-sekwestru f’idejn terzi persuni b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u l-proprjetà mobbli kollha li jkunu dovuti lil, jew imissu lil, jew li huma proprjetà ta’ JOSEPHINE BALDACCHINO u tipprojbixxi lill-imputata milli tittrasferixxi, tagħti b’rahan, tipoteka jew xort’oħra tiddisponi minn xi proprjetà mobbli jew immobbli, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 5 tal-Att kontra Money Laundering, Kap. 373 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta u tal-Artikolu 23A tal-Kodiċi Kriminali, Kap. 9 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

Il-Qorti AWTORIZZAT lill-imputata li tirċievi l-ammont ta’ tlettax-il elf disa’ mija u sitta u sebgħin ewro u erbgħa u għoxrin ċenteżmu (€13,976.24) fis-sena, wara li l-imputata tindika b’nota minn fejn se tipperċepixxi dawn il-flejjes.

Kull persuna li tagħmel xi ħaġa bi ksur tal-ordni tal-Qorti msemmi fl-Artikolu 36, fl-Artikolu 5 u fl-Artikolu 23A tkun ħatja ta’ reat u teħel meta tinstab ħatja multa ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il elf ewro (€12,000) jew priġunerija għal żmien ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il (12) xahar, jew dik il-multa u priġunerija flimkien.

Kull trasferiment ieħor jew tneħħija oħra ta’ proprjetà li jsiru bi ksur ta’ dik l-ordni tal-Qorti jkunu nulli u ma jkollhom ebda effett fil-liġi.

Illum, 23 ta’ Settembru, 2021



IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’digriet mogħti fl-14 ta’ Settembru, 2021 mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) bħala Qorti Struttorja (il-Maġistrat Dr Lara Lanfranco, LLD). Kumpilazzjoni Numru 596/2021, fil-kawża fl-ismijiet:

Ir-Repubblika ta’ Malta

née Galea, born in Ħ’Attard, Malta, on the 22nd April, 1973, residing at 52, Triq il-Midbah, Mosta, and holder of Maltese identity card bearing number 201673M.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general of all moneys and other movable property due to or pertaining or belonging to JOSEPHINE BALDACCHINO and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise changing or disposing of any immovable or movable property owned or otherwise held by them, in terms of Article 36 of the Proceeds of Crime Act, Cap. 621 of the Laws of Malta.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general all moneys and other movable property due or pertaining or belonging to JOSEPHINE BALDACCHINO and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise disposing of any movable or immovable property, in terms of Article 5 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Cap. 373 of the Laws of Malta and Article 23A of the Criminal Code, Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta.

The Court AUTHORISED the said accused to receive the amount of thirteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six euro and twenty-four cents (€13,976.24) per year, after the accused indicates with a note from where she is perceiving this money.

Any person who acts in contravention of the court order as mentioned in Article 36, Article 5, and Article 23A referred to above shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding twelve thousand euro (€12,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Any transfer or other disposal of any property made in contravention of the said Court order shall be null and without effect at law.

Today, 23rd September, 2021



IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 14th September, 2021 given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta) as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Lara Lanfranco, LLD). Compilation Number 596/2021, in the case:

The Republic of Malta


It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,001


CHARLSTON CASSAR, ta’ 29 sena, iben Anna Cassar xebba Cassar, imwieled Tal-Pietà, Malta, fl-14 ta’ Frar, 1992, residenti ġewwa 8, Blk 4, Victory Street, L-Isla, u/jew 33, Triq San Rokku, Bormla, u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Maltija bin-numru 126992M.

REDENT CASSAR, ta’ 26 sena, iben Anna Cassar xebba Cassar, imwieled Tal-Pietà, Malta, fit-30 ta’ Settembru, 1994, residenti ġewwa Blk H, Ent. A, Fl5, Triq Ħal Farruġ, Ħal Luqa u/jew Entrance 6, Flat 4, Triq San Mikiel, Bormla, u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Maltija bin-numru 425194M.

JEROME AZZOPARDI, jaħdem għal rasu, ta’ 24 sena, iben Patrick Scicluna u Josephine Azzopardi xebba Azzopardi, imwieled Tal-Pietà, Malta, fid-9 ta’ Mejju, 1997, residenti ġewwa 60, Fuq Verdala, Bormla, u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Maltija bin-numru 199797M.


JOSEF MAJRI, ta’ 24 sena, iben Mohsen Ben Kaddoura Majri u Gizelle Mejri xebba Schembri, imwieled Tal-Pietà, Malta, fit-23 ta’ Marzu, 1997, residenti ġewwa 65, Fuq Verdala, Bormla, u/jew 219, Dove’s Court, Flat 4, Triq San Anard, Ħal Tarxien, u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Maltija bin-numru 125797M.

ORDNAT iż-żamma f’idejn partijiet terzi b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u kull proprjetà mobbli oħra dovuta jew li tappartjeni jew li hija ta’ CHARLSTON CASSAR, REDENT CASSAR, JEROME AZZOPARDI, u JOSEF MAJRI u tipprojbixxi lill-imputati milli jittrasferixxu, iwiegħdu, jipotekaw jew jibdlu jew jiddisponu minn kwalunkwe proprjetà immobbli jew mobbli li tkun proprjetà ta’ jew inkella miżmuma minnhom, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 36 tal-Att dwar ir-Rikavat mill-Kriminalità, Kapitolu 621 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

ORDNAT is-sekwestru f’idejn terzi persuni b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u l-proprjetà mobbli jew immobbli kollha li huma dovuti lil, jew imissu lil, jew li huma proprjetà ta’ CHARLSTON CASSAR, REDENT CASSAR, JEROME AZZOPARDI, u JOSEF MAJRI u tipprojbixxi lill-imputati milli jittrasferixxu, jagħtu b’rahan, jipotekaw jew xort’oħra jiddisponu minn xi proprjetà mobbli jew immobbli, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 5 tal-Att kontra Money Laundering, Kapitolu 373 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta u tal-Artikolu 23A tal-Kodiċi Kriminali, Kapitolu 9 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

Il-Qorti AWTORIZZAT lill-imputati li jirċievu l-ammont ta’ tlettax-il elf disa’ mija u sitta u sebgħin ewro u erbgħa u għoxrin ċenteżmu (€13,976.24) fis-sena, wara li l-imputati jindikaw b’nota minn fejn se jipperċepixxu dawn il-flejjes.


CHARLSTON CASSAR, 29 years, son of Anna Cassar née Cassar, born in Tal-Pietà, Malta, on the 14th February, 1992, residing at 8, Blk 4, Victory Street, Isla, and/or 33, Triq San Rokku, Bormla, and holder of Maltese identity card bearing number 126992M.

REDENT CASSAR, 26 years, son of Anna Cassar née Cassar, born in Tal-Pietà, Malta, on the 30th September, 1994, residing at Blk H, Ent. A, Fl5, Triq Ħal Farruġ, Ħal Luqa and/or Entrance 6, Flat 4, Triq San Mikiel, Bormla, and holder of Maltese identity card bearing number 425194M.

JEROME AZZOPARDI, self-employed, 24 years, son of Patrick Scicluna and Josephine Azzopardi née Azzopardi, born in Tal-Pietà, Malta, on the 9th May, 1997, residing at 60, Fuq Verdala, Bormla, and holder of Maltese identity card bearing number 199797M.


JOSEF MAJRI, 24 years, son of Mohsen Ben Kaddoura Majri and Gizelle Mejri née Schembri, born in Tal-Pietà, Malta, on the 23rd March, 1997, residing at 65, Fuq Verdala, Bormla, and/or 219, Dove’s Court, Flat 4, Triq San Anard, Ħal Tarxien, and holder of Maltese identity card bearing number 125797M.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general of all moneys and other movable property due to or pertaining or belonging to CHARLSTON CASSAR, REDENT CASSAR, JEROME AZZOPARDI, and JOSEF MAJRI and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise changing or disposing of any immovable or movable property owned or otherwise held by them, in terms of Article 36 of the Proceeds of Crime Act, Chapter 621 of the Laws of Malta.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general all moneys and other movable property due or pertaining or belonging to CHARLSTON CASSAR, REDENT CASSAR, JEROME AZZOPARDI, and JOSEF MAJRI and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise disposing of any movable or immovable property, in terms of Article 5 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta, and Article 23A of the Criminal Code, Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta.

The Court AUTHORISED the said accused to receive the amount of thirteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six euro and twenty-four cents (€13,976.24) per year, after the accused indicate with a note from where they are perceiving this money.

10,002 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Kull persuna li tagħmel xi ħaġa bi ksur tal-ordni tal-Qorti msemmi fl-Artikolu 36, fl-Artikolu 5, u fl-Artikolu 23A tkun ħatja ta’ reat u teħel meta tinstab ħatja multa ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il elf ewro (€12,000) jew priġunerija għal żmien ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il (12) xahar, jew dik il-multa u priġunerija flimkien.

Kull trasferiment ieħor jew tneħħija oħra ta’ proprjetà li jsiru bi ksur ta’ dik l-ordni tal-Qorti jkunu nulli u ma jkollhom ebda effett fil-liġi.

Illum, 23 ta’ Settembru, 2021



IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’digriet mogħti fis-17 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) bħala Qorti Struttorja (il-Maġistrat Dr Claire L. Stafrace Zammit, LLD). Kumpilazzjoni Numru 608/2021, fil-kawża fl-ismijiet:

Ir-Repubblika ta’ Malta


3CITY DESIGNS LIMITED, inkorporata fil-11 ta’ April, 2008, bin-numru tar-reġistrazzjoni Malti C44007 u li għandha l-indirizz irreġistrat bħala 2, St John Elemosiner Street, Bormla.



ORDNAT iż-żamma f’idejn partijiet terzi b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u kull proprjetà mobbli oħra dovuta jew li tappartjeni jew li hija ta’ 3CITY DESIGNS LIMITED u tipprojbixxi lis-soċjetà milli tittrasferixxi, twiegħed, tipoteka jew tbiddel jew tiddisponi minn kwalunkwe proprjetà immobbli jew mobbli li tkun proprjetà ta’ jew inkella miżmuma minnha, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 36 tal-Att dwar ir-Rikavat mill-Kriminalità, Kap. 621 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

ORDNAT is-sekwestru f’idejn terzi persuni b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u l-proprjetà mobbli kollha li jkunu dovuti lil, jew imissu lil, jew li huma proprjetà ta’ 3CITY DESIGNS LIMITED u tipprojbixxi lis-soċjetà milli tittrasferixxi, tagħti

Any person who acts in contravention of the court order as mentioned in Article 36, Article 5, and Article 23A referred to above shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding twelve thousand euro (€12,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Any transfer or other disposal of any property made in contravention of the said Court order shall be null and without effect at law.

Today, 23rd September, 2021



IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 17th September, 2021, given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta) as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Claire L. Stafrace Zammit, LLD). Compilation Number 608/2021, in the case:

The Republic of Malta


3CITY DESIGNS LIMITED, incorporated on the 11th April, 2008, with Maltese registration number C44007 and registered address at 2, St John Elemosiner Street, Cospicua.



ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general of all moneys and other movable property due to or pertaining or belonging 3CITY DESIGNS LIMITED and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise changing or disposing of any immovable or movable property owned or otherwise held by them, in terms of Article 36 of the Proceeds of Crime Act, Cap. 621 of the Laws of Malta.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general all moneys and other movable property due or pertaining or belonging to 3CITY DESIGNS LIMITED and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging,


It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,003

b’rahan, tipoteka jew xort’oħra tiddisponi minn xi proprjetà mobbli jew immobbli, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 5 tal-Att kontra Money Laundering, Kap. 373 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, u tal-Artikolu 23A tal-Kodiċi Kriminali, Kap. 9 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

Il-Qorti AWTORIZZAT lis-soċjetà li tirċievi l-ammont ta’ tlettax-il elf disa’ mija u sitta u sebgħin ewro u erbgħa u għoxrin ċenteżmu (€13,976.24) fis-sena, wara li s-soċjetà tindika b’nota minn fejn se tipperċepixxi dawn il-flejjes.

Kull persuna li tagħmel xi ħaġa bi ksur tal-ordni tal-Qorti msemmi fl-Artikolu 36, fl-Artikolu 5, u fl-Artikolu 23A tkun ħatja ta’ reat u teħel meta tinstab ħatja multa ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il elf ewro (€12,000) jew priġunerija għal żmien ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il (12) xahar, jew dik il-multa u priġunerija flimkien.

Kull trasferiment ieħor jew tneħħija oħra ta’ proprjetà li jsiru bi ksur ta’ dik l-ordni tal-Qorti jkunu nulli u ma jkollhom ebda effett fil-liġi.

Illum, 23 ta’ Settembru, 2021



IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’digriet mogħti fit-22 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) bħala Qorti Struttorja (il-Maġistrat Dr Charmaine Galea, LLD). Kumpilazzjoni Numru 611/2021, fil-kawża fl-ismijiet:

Ir-Repubblika ta’ Malta


THEODOR DUMITRESCU, xufier, ta’ 54 sena, iben il-mejjet Theodor u l-mejta Maria, imwieled Bucharest, ir-Rumanija, fil-5 ta’ Awwissu, 1967, mingħajr indirizz fiss f’Malta u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Rumena bin-numru RK335873.

VASILICA-IONEL HARABAGIU, parrukkier, ta’ 39 sena, iben Costel u Lilioara, imwieled Lehliu-Gara Jud. Calarasi, ir-Rumanija, fid-19 ta’ Jannar, 1982, mingħajr indirizz fiss f’Malta u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Rumena bin-numru RX405381.

hypothecating or otherwise disposing of any movable or immovable property, in terms of Article 5 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Cap. 373 of the Laws of Malta, and Article 23A of the Criminal Code, Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta.

The Court AUTHORISED the said accused to receive the amount of thirteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six euro and twenty-four cents (€13,976.24) per year, after the accused indicates with a note from where it is perceiving this money.

Any person who acts in contravention of the court order as mentioned in Article 36, Article 5, and Article 23A referred to above shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding twelve thousand euro (€12,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Any transfer or other disposal of any property made in contravention of the said Court order shall be null and without effect at law.

Today, 23rd September, 2021



IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 22nd September, 2021, given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta) as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Charmaine Galea, LLD). Compilation Number 611/2021, in the case:

The Republic of Malta


THEODOR DUMITRESCU, driver, 54 years, son of the late Theodor and the late Maria, born in Bucharest, Romania, on the 5th August, 1967, without a fixed address in Malta and holder of Romanian identity card bearing number RK335873.

VASILICA-IONEL HARABAGIU, hairdresser, 39 years, son of Costel and Lilioara, born in Lehliu-Gara Jud. Calarasi, Romania, on the 19th January, 1982, without a fixed address in Malta and holder of Romanian identity card bearing number RX405381.


10,004 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708


MARIAN TENESCU, fitter, ta’ 40 sena, iben il-mejjet Mircea Tenescu u l-mejta Ilinca Novac, imwieled Bucharest, ir-Rumanija, fit-22 ta’ Novembru, 1980, mingħajr indirizz fiss f’Malta u detentur ta’ karta tal-identità Rumena bin-numru IF435862.

ORDNAT iż-żamma f’idejn partijiet terzi b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u kull proprjetà mobbli oħra dovuta jew li tappartjeni jew li hija ta’ THEODOR DUMITRESCU, VASILICA-IONEL HARABAGIU, u MARIAN TENESCU u tipprojbixxi lill-imputati milli jittrasferixxu, iwiegħdu, jipotekaw jew jibdlu jew jiddisponu minn kwalunkwe proprjetà immobbli jew mobbli li tkun proprjetà ta’ jew inkella miżmuma minnhom, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 36 tal-Att dwar ir-Rikavat mill-Kriminalità, Kap. 621 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

ORDNAT is-sekwestru f’idejn terzi persuni b’mod ġenerali l-flejjes u l-proprjetà mobbli jew immobbli kollha li huma dovuti lil, jew imissu lil, jew li huma proprjetà ta’ THEODOR DUMITRESCU, VASILICA-IONEL HARABAGIU, u MARIAN TENESCU u tipprojbixxi lill-imputati milli jittrasferixxu, jagħtu b’rahan, jipotekaw jew xort’oħra jiddisponu minn xi proprjetà mobbli jew immobbli, u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 5 tal-Att kontra Money Laundering, Kap. 373 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, u tal-Artikolu 23A tal-Kodici Kriminali, Kap. 9 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

Il-Qorti AWTORIZZAT lill-imputati li jirċievu l-ammont ta’ tlettax-il elf disa’ mija u sitta u sebgħin ewro u erbgħa u għoxrin ċenteżmu (€13,976.24) fis-sena, wara li l-imputati jindikaw b’nota minn fejn se jipperċepixxu dawn il-flejjes.

Kull persuna li tagħmel xi ħaġa bi ksur tal-ordni tal-Qorti msemmi fl-Artikolu 36, fl-Artikolu 5, u fl-Artikolu 23A tkun ħatja ta’ reat u teħel meta tinstab ħatja multa ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il elf ewro (€12,000) jew priġunerija għal żmien ta’ mhux iżjed minn tnax-il (12) xahar, jew dik il-multa u priġunerija flimkien.

Kull trasferiment ieħor jew tneħħija oħra ta’ proprjetà li jsiru bi ksur ta’ dik l-ordni tal-Qorti jkunu nulli u ma jkollhom ebda effett fil-liġi.

Illum, 23 ta’ Settembru, 2021



MARIAN TENESCU, fitter, 40 years, son of the late Mircea Tenescu and the late Ilinca Novac, born in Bucharest, Romania, on the 22nd November, 1980, without a fixed address in Malta and holder of Romanian identity card bearing number IF435862.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general of all moneys and other movable property due to or pertaining or belonging to THEODOR DUMITRESCU, VASILICA-IONEL HARABAGIU, and MARIAN TENESCU and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise changing or disposing of any immovable or movable property owned or otherwise held by them, in terms of Article 36 of the Proceeds of Crime Act, Cap. 621 of the Laws of Malta.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties in general all moneys and other movable property due or pertaining or belonging to THEODOR DUMITRESCU, VASILICA-IONEL HARABAGIU, and MARIAN TENESCU and prohibits the accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise disposing of any movable or immovable property, in terms of Article 5 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Cap. 373 of the Laws of Malta, and Article 23A of the Criminal Code, Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta.

The Court AUTHORISED the said accused to receive the amount of thirteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six euro and twenty-four cents (€13,976.24) per year, per year, after the accused indicate with a note from where they are perceiving this money.

Any person who acts in contravention of the court order as mentioned in Article 36, Article 5, and Article 23A referred to above shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding twelve thousand euro (€12,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Any transfer or other disposal of any property made in contravention of the said Court order shall be null and without effect at law.

Today, 23rd September, 2021,


It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,005

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) fis-7 ta’ Mejju, 2021, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).

Alf Mizzi & Sons (Marketing) Limited (C8692) ta’ Zachary House, Marsa Industrial Estate, Il-Marsa, ippreżentaw talba fit-8 ta’ Marzu, 2021, fejn talbu lill-Qorti sabiex tikkundanna lil Joseph Zammit (KI 153490M) ta’ Karmnu, Flat 1, Triq il-Karmnu, San Giljan, sabiex iħallas lill-kumpanija attriċi s-somma ta’ €4,285, liema ammont huwa dovut lill-kumpanija attriċi.

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħax legali

Il-kawża (Avviż numru 82/2021JG) hija differita għat-30 ta’ Settembru, 2021, f’12.00 p.m.

Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 27 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

By a decree of the Court of Magistrates (Malta) of the 7th May, 2021, the publication of the following extract was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) et seq of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Alf Mizzi & Sons (Marketing) Limited (C8692) of Zachary House, Marsa Industrial Estate, Marsa filed a claim on the 8th March, 2021, whereby they asked the Court to condemn Joseph Zammit (ID 153490M) of Karmnu, Flat 1, Triq il-Karmnu, St Julian’s, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of €4,285, which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

With costs and legal interests

The case (Application number 82/2021JG) is deferred to the 30th September, 2021, at 12.00 p.m.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 27th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals



B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja, fis-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, Rikors numru 1437/2021, minn Maria Farrugia née Buhagiar et fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur Maria Farrugia née Buhagiar, mart id-decujus fi kwota ta’ nofs indiviż (1/2) u r-rimanenti nofs (1/2) indiviż favur Rita Farrugia u Josephine Mizzi née Farrugia wlied id-decujus fi kwoti ndaqs bejniethom is-suċċessjoni ta’ Manuel Farrugia, żewġ Maria Farrugia née Buhagiar, bin Ġużeppi Farrugia u Michelina Farrugia née Pulis, imwieled Ħaż-Żabbar, Malta, kien residenti Ħaż-Żabbar, Malta, u miet l-Imsida, Malta, fit-2 ta’ April, 2021, ta’ 79 sena, u li kellu karta tal-identità numru 594341M.

Għaldaqstant, kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 27th August, 2021, Application number 1437/2021, by Maria Farrugia née Buhagiar et whereby they requested that it will be declared open in favour of Maria Farrugia née Buhagiar wife of the decujus in the quota of one half (1/2) undivided share and the remianing one half (1/2) undivided share in favour of Rita Farrugia and Josephine Mizzi née Farrugia children of the decujus in equal shares between them the succession of Manuel Farrugia, husband of Maria Farrugia née Buhagiar, son of Guzeppi Farrugia and Michelina Farrugia née Pulis, born in Ħaż-Żabbar, Malta, resided in Ħaż-Żabbar, Malta, and died in Msida, Malta, on the 2nd April, 2021, aged 79, and who held identity card number 594341M.

Wherefore, any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

10,006 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja, fis-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, Rikors numru 1439/2021, minn Maria Brincat et fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur Maria Brincat, Michelina Mallia, Ruzarja sive Rosaria sive Rose Darmanin, Grezzja sive Gracie Carabott, Francesca sive Frangeska Portelli, Margherita sive Margaret Zerafa, Francesca Saveria Caruana u Joseph Carabott fi kwoti ndaqs bejniethom is-suċċessjoni ta’ ħuhom Gio Maria sive John Mary Carabott, ġuvni, bin il-mejtin Generoso Carabott u Antonia Carabott née Brincat, imwieled Marsaxlokk, Malta, kien residenti Marsaxlokk, Malta, u miet Marsaxlokk, Malta, fit-23 ta’ Frar, 2020, ta’ 62 sena, u li kellu karta tal-identità numru 175758M.

Għaldaqstant, kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja, fis-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, Rikors numru 1438/2021, minn Abraham Magro et fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur Abraham Magro u Angela Magro genituri tad-decujus fi kwota ta’ nofs (1/2) indiviż bejniethom u r-rimanenti nofs (1/2) indiviż favur Michael Magro, Margaret Debattista u Josef Magro hut id-decujus fi kwoti ndaqs bejniethom is-suċċessjoni ta’ George Magro, ġuvni, bin Abraham Magro u Angela Magro, imwieled Tal-Pietà, Malta, kien residenti Ħal Għaxaq, Malta, u miet Sutton, l-Ingilterra, fit-18 ta’ Novembru, 2000, ta’ 25 sena, u li kellu karta tal-identità numru 531175M.

Today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 27th August 2021, Application number 1439/2021, by Maria Brincat et whereby they requested that it will be declared open in favour of Maria Brincat, Michelina Mallia, Ruzarja sive Rosaria sive Rose Darmanin, Grezzja sive Gracie Carabott, Francesca sive Frangeska Portelli, Margherita sive Margaret Zerafa, Francesca Saveria Caruana and Joseph Carabott in equal shares between them the succession of their brother Gio Maria sive John Mary Carabott, bachelor, son of the late Generoso Carabott and Antonia Carabott née Brincat, born in Marsaxlokk, Malta, resided in Marsaxlokk, Malta, and died in Marsaxlokk, Malta, on the 23rd February, 2020, aged 62, and who held identity card number 175758M.

Wherefore, any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 27th August, 2021, Application number 1438/2021, by Abraham Magro et whereby they requested that it will be declared open in favour of Abraham Magro and Angela Magro, parents of the decujus in the quota of one half (1/2) undivided share between them and the remianing one half (1/2) undivided share in favour of Michael Magro, Margaret Debattista and Josef Magro brothers and sisters of the decujus in equal shares between them the succession of George Magro, bachelor, son of Abraham Magro and Angela Magro, born in Tal-Pietà, Malta, resided in Ħal Għaxaq, Malta, and died in Sutton, England, on the 18th November, 2000, aged 25, and who held identity card number 531175M.



It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,007

Wherefore, any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 9th June 2021, Application number 922/2021 by Joseph Fenech et whereby they requested that it will be declared open in favour of Joseph Fenech, Maria Dolores sive Doris Grixti wife of George, Saviour sive Sunny Fenech and Mary sive Marlene Mifsud wife of Frank in the quota of one fourth (1/4) undivided share each one of them the succession of their father Carmelo Fenech, widower of Josephine née Borg, son of Grazio Fenech and Concetta née Piscopo, born in Ħal Qormi, Malta, resided in Ħal Qormi, Malta, and died in Msida, Malta, on the 29th March, 2021, aged 88, and who held identity card number 206133M.

Wherefore, any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court,Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar Civil, Court and Tribunals

Banns for Curators

Republic of Malta

To the Marshall of the Court

Għaldaqstant, kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja, fid-9 ta’ Ġunju 2021, Rikors numru 922/2021, minn Joseph Fenech et fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur Joseph Fenech, Maria Dolores sive Doris Grixti mart George, Saviour sive Sunny Fenech u Mary sive Marlene Mifsud mart Frank f’ishma ta’ kwart (1/4) indiviż kull wieħed u waħda minnhom is-suċċessjoni ta’ missierhom Carmelo Fenech, armel minn Josephine née Borg, bin Grazio Fenech u Concetta née Piscopo, imwieled Ħal Qormi, Malta, kien residenti Ħal Qormi, Malta, u miet l-Imsida, Malta, fid-29 ta’ Marzu, 2021, ta’ 88 sena, u li kellu karta tal-identità numru 206133M.

Għaldaqstant, kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Bandu għall-Kuraturi

Repubblika ta’ Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qrati



10,008 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

By means of a decree given by this Court on the 17th February, 2021, following a request by Peter Baldacchino it was ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent the unknown owner/s, heir/s in the acts of the schedule of deposit number 193/2021 in the names Peter Baldacchino vs Deputy Curators and in the other relative and subsequent acts.

By means of a schedule of deposit and concurrent redemption of groundrent filed in the First Hall of the Civil Court on the 3rd February 2021, in the names Peter Baldacchino, architect, bachelor, son of John Baldacchino and Maria Dolores née Pace, born in Tal-Pietà and residing in Ħal Għaxaq (ID 523391M) vs Deputy Curators to represent the unknown owner/s or heir/s, the applicant Peter Baldacchino (ID 523391M) respectfully submitted:

That he is the owner of the premises consisting of a house with upper and lower floors with two entraces officially marked as 7 and 9 previously 51 and 52 in Triq Raymond Caruana previously and sometimes known also as Church Square and/or Triq il-Kbira, Gudja, which premises is subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent of €0.38 otherwise free and unencumbered from any other encumbrance or groundrent and free from any hypotech and/or privilege, caution, right and/or real servitude and/or personal in favour of third parties, with its rights and appurtenances as results and as better described in the public deed in the records of Notary Dr Miriam Muscumeci Macelli of the 3rd October, 2018, and a copy of which is hereby attached and marked as Doc. A together with the plan of the same marked as Doc. B;

That the applicant is availing himself of the option given to him in terms of article 1501 of the Civil Code, Cap. 16 of the Laws of Malta and redeem the same groundrent in terms of the same law;

That the amount of €0.38 capitalised at the rate of 5% amounts to €7.60;

That the applicant does not know who the direct owner/s of this groundrent are.

Thus, the applicant in order to exonerate himself from any responsability is humbly calling upon this Honourable Court and under its authority is depositing the amount of €7.60 the price of redemption of the annual and perpetual groundrent so that this amount can be freely withdrawn by the deputy curators nominated to represent the direct owner/s after leaving the relative receipt according to law.

Applicant: Peter Baldacchino, 49 Siventi, Triq in-Niġem, Ħal Għaxaq

B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti fis-17 ta’ Frar, 2021, fuq talba ta’ Peter Baldacchino ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlu kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw sid/sidien, werriet/werrieta mhux magħrufa fl-atti taċ-ċedola numru 193/2021 fl-ismijiet Peter Baldacchino vs Kuraturi Deputati u fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti.

Permezz ta’ ċedola ta’ depożitu u kontestwali fidi ta’ċens ta’ Peter Baldacchino, arkitett, ġuvni, iben John Baldacchino u Maria Dolores née Pace, imwieled Tal-Pietà u residenti Ħal Għaxaq (KI 523391M) vs Kuraturi Deputati nominati sabiex jirraprezentaw sid/sidien, werriet/werrieta mhux magħrufa, ippreżentata fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti fit-3 ta’ Frar, 2021, fejn l-esponenti Peter Baldacchino (KI 523391M) espona bir-rispett:

Illi huwa proprjetarju tal-fond konsistenti f’dar fuq u isfel b’żewġ entraturi uffiċjalment innumerati 7 u 9 ġja 51 u 52 fi Triq Raymond Caruana ġja u ġieli magħrufa wkoll bħala Church Square u/jew Triq il-Kbira, Il-Gudja, liema fond huwa suġġett għaċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €0.38 altrimenti liberu u frank, minn kwalunkwe piż jew ċens ieħor u ħieles minn kwalunkwe ipoteka u/jew privileġġ, caution, dritt u/jew servitù realti u/jew personali favur terzi, bid-drittijiet, ġustijiet u pertinenzi kollha tiegħu, kif jirriżulta u aħjar deskritt fil-kuntratt pubbliku in atti tan-Nutar Dr Miriam Muscumeci Macelli tat-3 ta’ Ottubru, 2018, u li kopja tiegħu qiegħda tiġi hawn annessa u mmarkata Dok. A flimkien ma’ pjanta tal-istess immarkata Dok. B;

Illi l-esponenti jixtieq jipprevalixxi ruħu mill-fakultà mogħtija lilu bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 1501 tal-Kodiċi Ċivili, Kap. 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta sabiex jifdi dan iċ-ċens ai termini tal-istess liġi;

Illi l-ammont ta’ €0.38 kapitalizzat bir-rata ta’ 5% jammonta għal €7.60;

Illi l-esponenti ma jafx min hu/huma d-direttarju/i ta’ dan iċ-ċens.

Għaldaqstant, l-esponenti sabiex jeżonera ruħu minn kwalunkwe responsabbiltà qiegħed jadixxi lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti u taħt l-Awtorità tagħha qiegħed jiddepożita s-somma ta’ €7.60 prezz ta’ fidi ta’ ċens annwu u perpetwu sabiex tiġi liberament żbankata mill-kuraturi deputati maħtura sabiex jirrappreżentaw lid-direttarju/i wara li titħalla d-debita riċevuta skont il-liġi.

Esponenti: Peter Baldacchino, 49, Siventi, Triq in-Niġem, Ħal Għaxaq

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,009

Notifiki: Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku, Evans Building, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta

Kuraturi Deputati, il-Qorti, Il-Belt Valletta Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ dan

il-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’dan lil kull min irid jidħol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sitt ijiem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi huwa jidħol għal dan.

Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk ma jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel kuraturi tal-uffiċċju.

U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi xkiel fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarraf minnufih lil din il-Qorti.

Mogħti mill-Qorti Superjuri hawn fuq imsemmija bix-xhieda tal-Onor. Imħallef Miriam Hayman, LLD, Duttur tal-Liġi.

Illum 17 ta’ Frar, 2021

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati u Tribunali

Bandu għall-Kuraturi

Repubblika ta’ Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qrati

B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti fit-3 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, fuq talba ta’ Andrei Razvan Stefan et ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlu kuraturi deputati biex jirrappreżentaw l-eredi tad-defunta Kathleen Ann Manuell fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 3149/2021 fl-ismijiet Andrei Razvan Stefan et vs Kuraturi Deputati u fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti:

Permezz ta’ ittra uffiċjali pprezentata fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti fid-29 ta’ Lulju, 2021, ta’ Andrei Razvan Stefan (KI 0114393A) u martu Liudmyla Stetsyk (KI 0162778A) ta’ 31 Sundance Court, Flat 3, Triq San Mikiel, Il-Mellieħa, kontra kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw l-eredi tad-defunta

Notification: Director of Public Registry Evans Building, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta

Kuraturi deputati, il-Qorti, Valletta You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of

these banns at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summon whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this registry within six days and by means of a minute to submit a declaration that he wishes so to act.

You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails to make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Court will proceed to the selection of curators of office.

And after so acting or if you should encounter any difficulty in the execution of these banns, you are to inform forthwith this Court.

Given by the Civil Court First Hall, above mentioned, with the witness of the Hon. Madam Justice Miriam Hayman, LLD, Doctor of Laws.

Today 17th Feruary, 2021

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Banns for Curators

Republic of Malta

To the Marshall of the Court

By means of a decree given by this Court on the 3rd August 2021, following a request by Andrei Razvan Stefan et it was ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent the heirs of the late Kathleen Ann Manuell in the acts of the judicial letter number 3149/2021 in the names Andrei Razvan Stefan et vs Deputy Curators and in the other relative and subsequent acts.

By means of a judicial letter filed in the First Hall of the Civil Courts on the 29th July, 2021, Andrei Razvan Stefan (ID 0114393A) and his wife Liudmyla Stetsy (ID 0162778A) of 31 Sundance Court, Flat 3, Triq San Mikiel, Mellieħa, against deputy curators to represent the heirs of the


10,010 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

Kathleen Ann Manuell (KI 0026123A), fejn permezz tal-preżenti l-mittenti jagħmlu referenza għall-konvenju datat 18 ta’ Jannar, 2021 (kopja tiegħu annesa bħala Dok. A) li bih id-defunta Kathleen Ann Manuell (KI 0026123A) obbligat ruħha li tbigħ, tassenja u tittrasferixxi u l-mittenti obbligaw ruħhom li jixtru u jakkwistaw id-dar numru 37, Triq Dun Franġisk Sciberras, Il-Mellieħa, kif aħjar deskritta fil-konvenju msemmi, jinterpellawkom sabiex tonoraw l-imsemmi konvenju u taddivjenu għall-pubblikazzjoni tal-kuntratt ta’ bejgħ tad-dar imsemmija, liema bejgħ għandu jsir bil-pattijiet u l-kundizzjonijiet kollha miftiehma fil-konvenju fuq ċitat.

Fin-nuqqas sejrin jittieħdu passi ulterjuri skont il-liġi mill-mittenti mingħajr avviż ieħor. F’dan ir-rigward, il-mittenti jirriżervaw favur tagħhom id-drittijiet u rimedji kollha mogħtija lilhom bil-liġi, inkluż jekk ikun il-każ kwalunkwe jedd għal danni u spejjeż.

Tant biex tagħrfu timxu u tirregolaw ruħkom

Din l-ittra hija rikjesta u qed tintbagħat inter alia ai termini tal-Artiklu 1357(2) tal-Kap. 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Matla.


Rikorrenti: Andrei Razvan Stefan u Liudmyla Stetsyk, 31, Sundance Court, Flat 3, Triq San Mikiel, Il-Mellieħa

Intimati: Kuraturi Deputati

Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ dan il-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’dan lil kull min irid jidħol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sitt ijiem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi huwa jidħol għal dan.

Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk ma jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel kuraturi tal-uffiċċju.

U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi xkiel fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarraf minnufih lil din il-Qorti.

Mogħti mill-Qorti Superjuri hawn fuq imsemmija bix-xhieda tal-Onor. Imħallef Neville Camilleri BA, LLD, MA (Fin. Serv.), Duttur tal-Liġi.

late Kathleen Ann Manuell (ID 0026123A), whereby Andrei Razvan Stefan and Liudmyla Stetsy whilst making reference to the promise of sale agreement dated 18th January 2021 (a copy annexed as Doc A) by virtue of which the late Kathleen Ann Manuell (ID 0026123A) promised to sell, assign and transfer and the interpellants promised to buy and acquire the house 37, Triq Dun Franġisk Sciberras, Mellieħa, which is better described in the above mentioned promise of sale agreement, formally ask you to honour the aforementioned promise of sale agreement and to come forward for the publication of the contract of sale of the aforementioned house, which should be done in accordance with the terms and conditions as agreed in the aforementioned promise of sale agreement.

In default of the above, all available steps as permitted by the law shall be undertaken by the interpellants without further notice. In this regard, the interpellants expressly reserve their rights to pursue all available legal and equitable remedies including, but not limited to any rights for damages and costs.

Be guided accordingly to regularise your position

This letter is requested and is being sent inter alia in terms of Article 1357(2) of Cap. 16 of the Laws of Malta.

With costs

Interpellant: Andrei Razvan Stefan u Liudmyla Stetsyk, 31, Sundance Court, Flat 3, Triq San Mikiel, Mellieħa

Respondents: Deputy Curators

You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of these banns at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summon whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this registry within six days and by means of a minute to submit a declaration that he wishes so to act.

You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails to make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Court will proceed to the selection of curators of office.

And after so acting or if you should encounter any difficulty in the execution of these banns, you are to inform forthwith this Court.

Given by the Civil Court First Hall, above mentioned, with the witness of the Hon. Mr Justice Neville Camilleri BA, LLD, MA (Fin. Serv.), Doctor of Laws.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,011

Illum 3 ta’ Awwissu, 2021

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRADEBATTISTAGħar-Registratur, Qrati u Tribunali

Bandu għall-Kuraturi

Repubblika ta’ Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qrati

B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti fit-22 ta’ Frar, 2021, fuq talba ta’ Mark Farrugia et ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlu kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw l-eredi ta’ Giuseppe Tabone fl-atti taċ-ċedola numru 269/2021 fl-ismijiet Mark Farrugia et vs Kuraturi Deputati u fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti.

Permezz ta’ ċedola ta’ depożitu u kontestwali fidi ta’ċens ta’ Mark Farrugia, premises officer, bin Joseph Mary Farrugia u Catherine née Lia, imwieled Tal-Pietà fis-17 ta’ Ottubru, 1978, flimkien ma’ martu Rachel Farrugia, accountant, bint Victor Zahra u Josephine née Azzopardi, imwielda Tal-Pietà fit-13 ta’ Lulju, 1982, it-tnejn residenti Ħad-Dingli (KI 527178M u 412182M rispettivament) flimkien u in solidum bejniethom vs kuraturi deputati nominati sabiex jirrappreżentaw l-eredi ta’ Giuseppe Tabone, bin Felice imwieled Ħaż-Żabbar u ġja residenti Ħaż-Żabbar, ippreżentata fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti fit-13 ta’ Frar, 2021, fejn l-esponenti Mark Farrugia et esponew bir-rispett:

Illi l-esponenti jippossjedu d-dar bin-numru 82 ġja 75, Triq il-Knisja, Ix-Xgħajra, limiti ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, inkluż l-arja u inkluż is-sottoswol bid-drittijiet u l-pertinenzi kollha tagħhom, kif ukoll id-dar bin-numru 84 ġja 77, Triq il-Knisja, Ix-Xgħajra limiti ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, inkluż l-arja u inkluż is-sottoswol, bid-drittijiet u l-pertinenzi kollha tagħhom, kif suġġetti għaċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €1.68/Lm0.72 ekwivalenti għal erbgħa u għoxrin xelin, u dawn kif aħjar deskritti fl-att tan-Nutar Dr Jean Carl Debono tas-27 ta’ Lulju, 2017, Dok. A u kif muri s-sit fuq is-site plan hawn annessa u mmarkata Dok. B;

Illi s-sit fejn jinsabu mibnija l-immobbli msemmija kien ġie konċess in enfitewsi perpetwa minn Giuseppe Tabone

Today 3rd August, 2021

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Banns for Curators

Republic of Malta

To the Marshall of the Court

By means of a decree given by this Court on the 22nd February, 2021, following a request by Mark Farrugia et it was ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent the heirs of Giuseppe Tabone in the acts of the schedule of deposit number 269/2021 in the names Mark Farrugia et vs Deputy Curators and in the other relative and subsequent acts.

By means of a schedule of deposit and concurrent redemption of groundrent filed in the First Hall of the Civil Court on the 13th February 2021, in the names Mark Farrugia, premises officer, son of Joseph Mary Farrugia and Catherine née Lia, born in Tal-Pietà on the 17th October, 1978, together with his wife Rachel Farrugia, accountant, daughter of Victor Zahra and Josephine née Azzopardi, born in Tal-Pietà on the 13th July, 1982, both residing in Ħad-Dingli (ID 6527178M and 412182M respecitvely) together and in solidum between them vs deputy curators to represent the heirs of Giuseppe Tabone, son of Felice, born in Ħaż-Żabbar previously resided in Ħaż-Żabbar, the applicants Mark Farrugia et respectfully submitted:

That they own the house number 82 previously 75, Triq il-Knisja, Xgħajra, limits of Ħaż-Żabbar, including its airspace and the basement, with all its rights and pertinences, and also the house number 84 previously 77, Triq il-Knisja, Xgħajra, limits of Ħaż-Żabbar, including its airspace and subterrain with all its rights and pertinences, as subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent of €1.68/Lm0.72 equivalent to twenty four shillings, and this as better described in the records of Notary Dr Jean Carl Debono of the 27th July, 2017, Dok. A, as shown on the site plan here attached and marked as Doc, B;

That the site were the immovables mentioned are built had been granted in perpetual emphteusis by Giuseppe


10,012 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

b’att tan-Nutar Salvatore Cauchi tat-12 ta’ Frar, 1925, Doc. C;

Illi l-esponenti jixtiequ jipprevalixxu ruħhom mill-fakultà mogħtija lilhom bl-artikolu 1501 tal-Kodiċi Ċivili u jifdu dan l-istess ċens illi għalhekk jammonta għal €33.60;

Illi l-esponenti m’għandhomx ħjiel min huma l-eredi ta’ Giuseppe Tabone u kwindi s-sidien tal-istess ċens u għalhekk huma qed jipprosegwu kontra kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw l-interessi tal-istess.

Għaldaqstant, l-esponenti qegħdin umilment jadixxu lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti u taħt l-Awtorità tagħha jgħaddu sabiex jiddepożitaw l-ammont komplessiv ta’ €43.68 rappreżentanti kwantu għal €33.60 prezz tal-fidi taċ-ċens gravanti s-sit fuq imsemmija, kwantu għal €8.40 arretrati ta’ 5 snin ċens u kwantu għal €1.68 lawdemju, biex jiġi mogħti liberament lill-eredi ta’ Giuseppe Tabone wara li titħalla d-debita riċevuta.

Esponenti: 67, Marlea, Triq San Pawl tal-Pitkali, Ħad-Dingli

Notifiki: Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku, 297, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-BeltValletta

Kuraturi Deputati, il-Qorti, Il-Belt Valletta

Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ dan il-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’dan lil kull min irid jidħol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sitt ijiem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi huwa jidħol għal dan.

Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk ma jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel kuraturi tal-uffiċċju.

U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi xkiel fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarraf minnufih lil din il-Qorti.

Mogħti mill-Qorti Superjuri hawn fuq imsemmija bix-xhieda tal-Onor. Imħallef Miriam Hayman, LLD, Duttur tal-Liġi.

Illum 22 ta’ Frar, 2021

Tabone by a deed of Notary Salvatore Cauchi of the 12th February, 1925, Doc. C;

That the applicants wish to avail themselves of the faculty granted to them by article 1501 of the Civil Code and redeem this same groundrent which therefore amounts to €33.60;

That the applicants have no clue who the heirs of Giuseppe Tabone are and thus the owners of the same lease and therefore they are proceeding against deputy curators in order to represent the interest of the same.

Thus the applicants are humbly calling upon this Honourable Court and under its authority are depositing the total amount of €43.68 representing as for €33.60 the price of redemption of groundrent of the site above mentioned, as for €8.40 five years groundrent arrears and as for €1.68 laudemium, so that this amount can be freely withdrawn by the heirs of Giuseppe Tabone after leaving the relative receipt.

Applicants: 67, Marlea, Triq San Pawl tal-Pitkali, Ħad-Dingli

Notification: Director of Public Registry 197, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta

Kuraturi Deputati, Law Courts, Valletta

You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of these banns at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summon whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this registry within six days and by means of a minute to submit a declaration that he wishes so to act.

You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails to make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Court will proceed to the selection of curators of office.

And after so acting or if you should encounter any difficulty in the execution of these banns, you are to inform forthwith this Court.

Given by the Civil Court First Hall, above mentioned, with the witness of the Hon. Madam Justice Miriam Hayman, LLD, Doctor of Laws.

Today 22nd Feruary, 2021

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,013

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 24 ta’ Settembru, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Registratur, Qrati u Tribunali

B’digriet mogħti, mill-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni tal-Familja) fis-6 ta’ Settembru, 2021, fl-atti tar-Rikors numru 356/21 AL, fl-ismijiet Direttorat Kura Alternattiva (Tfal u Żgħażagħ) fi ħdan il-Fondazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ħarsien Soċjali vs Dr Jason Grima noe, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3), et sequitur tal-Kap. 12.

Illi permezz ta’ Rikors, ippreżentat, fil-Qorti Civili (Sezzjoni Familja) fl-ismijiet Direttorat Kura Alternattiva (Tfal u Żgħażagħ) fi ħdan il-Fondazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ħarsien Socjali vs Kuraturi Deputati maħtura sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-assenti Jennifer Mifsud ossija Sarhan (KI 135885M) fit-12 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, ir-rikorrenti Direttorat Kura Alternattiva (Tfal u Żgħażagħ) espona bir-rispett:

Illi kontestwalment mar-rikors odjern id-direttorat esponenti qiegħed jippreżenta Rikors sabiex jirregola l-aspetti relattivi għall-minuri … omissis … li qiegħda tirrisjedi f’ kura alternattiva;

Illi permezz tar-Rikors li għalih qed jirreferi r-rikorrent, ippreżentat, fil-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja) fl-ismijiet Direttorat Kura Alternattiva (Tfal u Żgħażagħ) fi ħdan il-Fondazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ħarsien Soċjali vs Kuraturi Deputati maħtura sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-assenti Jennifer Mifsud ossija Sarhan (KI 135885M) fit-12 ta’ Awwissu, 2021, ir-Rikorrenti Direttorat Kura Alternattiva (Tfal u Żgħazagħ) esponiet;

Illi permezz ta’ Rikors intavolat mill-Agenzija Appoġġ, nhar l-1 ta’ Settembru, 2006, il-minuri … omissis … tpoġġiet f’kura alternattiva minħabba raġunijiet ta’ prostituzzjoni u instabbiltà tal-ambjent fid-dar;

Illi fid-29 ta’ Novembru, 2018, l-Aġenżija Appoġġ bħala l-entità responsabbli mill-minuri dak iż-żmien intavolat rikors sabiex il-Qorti tordna r-riintegrazzjoni tal-minuri ma’ ommha Jennifer Mifsud taħt monitoraġġ tal-Aġenzija Appoġġ;

Illi madanakolu tali riintegrazzjoni ma marritx kif mixtieqa, u l-Aġenzija Appoġġ intavolat Rikors fit-23 ta’ Ottubru, 2019, li in virtu tiegħu talbet lil-Qorti,

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 24th September, 2021

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree given, by the Civil Court ( Family Section) on the 6th September, 2021, in the records of the Application number 356/21 AL, in the names Directorate Alternative Care ( Children and Adolescents) within the Foundation for Social Welfare vs Dr Jason Grima noe, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

That by means of an Application, filed, in the Civil Court

(Family Section) in the names Directorate Alternative Care (Children and Adolescents) within the Foundation for Social Welfare Services vs Deputy Curators, appointed, to represent the absent Jennifer Mifsud or rather Sarhan (ID 135885M) on the 12th August, 2021, the applicant Directorate Alternative Care (Children and Adolscents) respectfully pleaded:

That together with this application the interpellant directorate is presenting an Application in order to regulate the aspects relative to the minor … omissis … who is residing in alternative care;

That by means of the Application to which the applicant, is referring, filed in the Civil Court (Family Section) in the names Directorate Alternative Care (Children and Adolescents) within the Foundation for Social Welfare Services vs deputy curators appointed to represent the absent Jennifer Mifsud or rather Sarhan (ID 135885M) on the 12th August, 2021, the applicant Directorate Alternative Care (Children and Adolescents) pleaded;

That by means of an Application filed by the Agency Appoġġ, on the 1st September, 2006, the minor … omissis … was put in alternative care due to reasons of prostitution and instability in the home surroundings;

That on the 29th November, 2018, the Agency Appoġġ, as the entity responsible for the minor at that time, filed an application so that the Court order the reintegration of the minor with her mother Jennifer Mifsud, under the surveillance of the Agency Appoġġ;

That notwithstanding such reintegration did not go as desired and the Agency Appoġġ filed an Application on the 23rd October, 2019, in virtue of which it asked the Court,


10,014 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

tawtorizza lill-minuri … omissis … tirrisjedi ġewwa residenza alternattiva li hija liċenzjata jew approvata toffri kura alternattiva u li tgawdi l-fiduċja tad-Direttorat għall-Kura Alternattiva, u tilqa’ t-talbiet l-oħra fir-rikors;

Illi in virtu tad-Digriet tas-6 ta’ Settembru, 2021, hawn fuq imsemmi ġie awtorizzat illi r-Rikors għall-Ħatra ta’ Kuraturi, fir-Rikors hawn fuq imsemmi sabiex l-imsemmija minuri … omissis … tibda tirrisjedi fir-residenza alternattiva u tiġi rilaxxata minn taħt l-awtorità tal-ġenituri tal-intimata, jiġi pubblikat fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern, u għaldaqstant ir-Rikors qed jiġi hawn miġjub, għall dan il-fini.

Rikors tad-Direttorat Kura Alternattiva (Tfal u Żgħażagh)

Jesponi bir-rispett:

Illi kontestwalment mar-rikors odjern, id-Direttorat esponenti qiegħed jippreżenta rikors sabiex jirregola l-aspetti relattvi għall-minuri … omissis … li qiegħda tirrisjedi f’kura alternattiva;

Illi l-ħaddiema soċjali fi ħdan id-Direttorat esponenti ġew infurmati mis-Sezzjoni tal-Immigrazzjoni fi ħdan il-Korp tal-Pulizija Eżekuttiva illi l-intimata s-Sa Jennifer Mifsud ossija Sarhan li tiġi omm il-minuri … omissis …, telqet minn Malta nhar id-29 ta’ April, 2021, u ma rritornatx lura;

Illi għalhekk sa fejn jafu l-ħaddiema soċjali fi ħdan id-Direttrat esponenti omm il-minuri … omissis … tinsab assenti minn Malta mhux a konjizzjoni ta’ fejn qiegħda tirrisjedi fil-preżent u ma jafux bl-ebda ħabib jew qarib;

Illi l-indirizz tal-intimata Jennifer Mifsud mhux a konjizzjoni tal-esponenti stante li l-istess Jennifer Mifsud qatt ma ttentat tagħmel kuntatt mal-istess Direttorat jew ma’ bintha minuri.

Għaldaqstant, in vista tas-su espost id-Direttorat esponenti jitlob bir-rispett li din l-Onorabbli Qorti taħtar kuraturi deputati skont it-turn sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-assenti Kimberly Mifsud ossija Sarhan, fl-atti tar-Rikors surreferit u fl-atti kollha relattivi u sussegwenti ai termini tal-Artikolu 929 tal-Kapitolu 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta u dan taħt dawk il-provvedimenti li din l-onorabbli Qorti jidhrilha xierqa u opportuni.

to authorise the minor … omissis … to reside in an alternative residence which is licensed or approved to offer alternative care and which enjoys the rust of the Directorate for Alternative Care,and uphold the other demands in the application;

That in virtue of the decree of the 6th September, 2021, above mentioned it was authorised that the Application for the Appointment of Curators, in the application above mentioned so that the said … omissis … start to reside at the alternative residence and be relased from under the authority of the parents of respondent, be published in the Government Gazette and thus the above application is being brought hereunder for this purpose.

Application fof the Directorate for Alternative Care ( Children and Adolescents)

Respectfully pleads:

That together with the present application, the interpellant Directorate is presenting an application to regulate the aspects relative to the minor … omissis … who is residing in alternative care;

That the social worked with the interpellant Directorate were informed by the Immigration Section within the Executive Police Force, that the respondent Ms Jennifer Mifsud or rather Sarhan who is the mother of … omissis …, left Malta on the 29th April, 2021, and did not return back;

That thus so far as the social workers within the interpellant Directorate know the mother of the minor … omissis … is absent from Malta and are not aware of where she is residing at present and they do not know of any friend or relative;

That the interpellants do not know the address of the respondent Jennifer Mifsud since the same Jennifer Mifsud never tried to make contact with the same Directorate or her minor daughter.

Thus, in view of the above the interpellant Directorate respectfully prays that this Honourable Court appoint deputy curators according to the turn in order to represent Kimberly Mifsud or rather Sarhan in the records of the Application above referred to and in all the relative and subsequent acts in terms of Article 929 of Chapter 12 of the Laws of Malta and this under those provisions that this Honourable Court deems and opportune.

It-28 ta’ Settembru, 2021 10,015

Esponenti: 36, Triq l-Isptar, Tal-PietàKonjugi Nappa, 18, Mia Fiorella, Triq Dun Giacomino

Galea, In-NaxxarJennifer Sarhan, 21, St Maria, St John Street, Il-Fgura

Reġistru tal-Qrati Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja), 27 ta’ Settembru, 2021

AV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’digriet tas-27 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 338 (1) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Ċivili (Kap.12)

Illi b’Rikors u Ċedola ta’ Kompensazzjoni kontestwalment preżentati minn Catherine Spiteri fit-23 ta’ Settembru, 2021, qed tintalab tpaċija tal-ammont ta’ €224,933.82 prezz minnhom offert fil-bejgħ bl-irkant 37/20 fl-ismijiet Catherine Sptieri vs Carmelo Micallef miżmum taħt l-Awtorità ta’ din il-Qorti fis-16 ta’ Settembru, 2021.

Skont Artiklu 338 (2) tal-Kapitlu 12: Kull min jista’ jkollu interess u l-persuni hekk notifikati għandhom żmien għoxrin ġurnata biex jippreżentaw tweġiba li fiha jiddikjaraw bid-dettall ir-raġunijiet għall-oppożizzjoni tagħhom u s-somom kontestati; u meta dik l-oppożizzjoni tkun imsejħa fuq talba li tolqot ir-rikavat tal-bejgħ u allegata kawża ta’ preferenza, huma għandhom jiddikjaraw l-ammont ta’ dik it-talba u l-bażi għal dik il-preferenza. Dawn il-persuni għandhom flimkien mar-risposta jippreżentaw kull prova rilevanti sabiex jissostanzjaw l-opożizzjoni tagħhom.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 27 ta’ Settembru, 2021

MARVIC FARRUGIAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’digriet tat-22 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mogħti mill-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifiki skont l-artiklu 187 (3) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Organizzazzjoni Ċivili (Kap. 12):

B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili, Prim’Awla, fit-28 ta’ Lulju, 2021, fuq rikors ta’ Bank of Valletta plc (C2833) ġie

Interpellant: 36, Triq l-Isptar, Tal-PietàSpouses Nappa, 18, Mia Fiorella, Triq Dun Giacomino

Galea, NaxxarJennifer Sarhan, 21, St Maria, St John Street, Fgura

Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section), 27th September, 2021

ADV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By a Decree of the 27th September, 2021, given by the First Hall Civil Court, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service according the Article 338 (1) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

That by application and a Schedule of set-off filed contemporaneously by Catherine Spiteri on the 23rd September, 2021 the approval of the said judicial acts is being demanded for the amount of €224,933.82 following judicial sale by auction 37/20 in the names Catherine Spiteri vs Carmelo Micallef held under the Authority of the said Court on the 16th September, 2021.

According to Article 338 (2) of Cap. 12: Any person who may have an interest and the persons so served shall be allowed the time of twenty days to file an answer stating in detail the reasons for their opposition and the amounts in contestation; and where such opposition is based on a claim against the proceeds of sale an alleged cause of preference, they are to state the amount of such claim and the basis for the preference. Such persons shall with the answer file all relevant evidence to substantiate their opposition.

Registry of the Superior Courts this Monday, 27h September, 2021

MARVIC FARRUGIAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By a decree given on the 22nd September, 2021, by the Civil Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service according to Article 187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12):

By decree given by the Civil Court, First Hall, on the 28th July, 2021 on the application of Bank of Valletta plc



10,016 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,708

ffissat il-jum tal-Ħamis, 11 ta’ Novembru, 2021, fl-għaxra u nofs ta’ filgħodu (10.30 a.m.) għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant, li għandu jsir f’Kamra Numru 78, Biswit l-Arkivju, Livell -1, Qrati tal-Ġustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, tal-fond hawn taħt deskritt.

Il-fond b’numru erbgħa u erbgħin (44) fi Sqaq numru tmienja (8), Triq Biċċieni, Ħaż-Żabbar, li jikkonsisti f’maisonette b’parti sottostanti maisonette ieħor b’numru ħamsa u erbgħin (45) u li huwa proprjetà ta’ terzi. Il-fond imsemmi huwa liberu u frank u jinkludi l-bejt u l-arja relattiva u d-drittjiet u l-pertinenzi kollha tiegħu, u stmat li jiswa ħamsa u sittin elf ewro (€65,000).

L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ Scicluna Matthew (KI 233983M).

N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-atti tas-subbasta 25/19.

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 27 ta’ Settembru, 2021

GAETANA AQUILINAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’digriet tat-22 ta’ Settembru, 2021, mogħti mill-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifiki skont l-artiklu 187(3) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Organizzazzjoni Ċivili (Kap. 12).

B’rikors preżentat fil-Qorti Ċivili, Prim’Awla, fid-29 ta’ Mejju, 2019, minn Bank of Valletta plc (C2833), Subbasta bin-numru 25/19 fl-ismijiet Bank of Valletta plc (C2833) vs Matthew Scicluna (KI 233983M) qed jintalab il-bejgħ bl-irkant ta’:

Id-dar numru erbgħa u erbgħin (44), Sqaq numru tmienja (8), Triq Biċċieni, Ħaż-Żabbar, bil-bejt u l-arja tagħha libera, tale quale, libera u franka, irjieħ mhux magħrufa.

L-imsemmija proprjetà tappartjeni lil Matthew Scicluna (KI 233983M).

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 27 ta’ Settembru, 2021

GAETANA AQUILINAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

(C2833), Thursday, 11th November, 2021, at half past ten in the morning (10.30 a.m.), has been fixed for the Sale by Auction, to be held in Room Number 78, Nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, of the following property:

The tenement number forty four (44) in Alley number eight (8), Triq Biċċieni, Ħaż-Żabbar, consisting of a maisonette, part of which is underlying another maisonette numbered forty five (45), owned by third parties. The said tenement is free and unencumbered, includes its roof and relative airspace and with all its rights and appurtenances, valued at sixty five thousand euro (€65,000).

The said tenement is the property of Scicluna Matthew (ID 233983M).

N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in the acts of judicial sales number 25/19.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 27th September, 2021

GAETANA AQUILINAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By a decree given on 22nd September, 2021 by the Civil Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service according to Article 187(3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

By the application filed in the Civil Court First Hall on the 29th May, 2019, by Bank of Valletta plc (C2833) Judicial Sales number 25/19 in the names Bank of Valletta plc (C2833) vs Matthew Scicluna (ID 233983M) is being asked that the Court orders the sale by auction of the:

Tenement number four forty (44), in Alley number eight (8), Triq Biċċieni, Ħaż-Żabbar, with its roof and its relative airspace, tale quale, free and unencumbered, with unknown boundaries.

The said property belongs to Scicluna Matthew (ID 233983M).

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 27th September, 2021

GAETANA AQUILINAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni (doi.gov.mt) — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information (doi.gov.mt) — VallettaMitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC® — Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC® certified paper
