live by going to our webpage www.olfwilton.org l l l li liv v v l l l l ve e e ve v v v e e b b b e e e b by y y b b b b y y y y y g g g g go o go g g g in n n in o o o n ng g g n n n g g g t t t g g g to o o to t t t o o o o o o o o o o ou u u o o o ur r r ur u u u r r w w w r r r w w we e e w w w eb b b eb e e e b bp p p b b b p pa a pa p p p a ag g g a a a a ge e ge g g g e e e w w w e e e w w w w w w w w w w w w ww w ww w w w w w o o o w w w w o ol l l o o o o lf lfw w w l l l w w w w w w w i ilt t lt i i t to o o o t t t on n on o o o o n n n o o o n n n o or r r o o o rg g rg r r r r g g g g g g Our Lady of Fatima RC Church 229 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2021 ͺ ǤǤ Ͷǣ͵Ͳ ǤǤ ͺ ǤǤ ǯ ͻǣ͵Ͳ ǤǤ ͳͳ ǤǤ Ͷǣ͵Ͳ ǤǤ ͵ ǤǤ www.olfwilton.org WEEKDAY MASSES Monday 9 a.m. Tuesday 12:15 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. Thursday 12:15 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. PASTOR Ǥ [email protected] DEACON [email protected] IN RESIDENCE Ǥ Parish Ofϐice (203)762-3928 ǯ Ǥ Ǥ Faith Formation (203)762-9080 ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Elementary Youth Minister [email protected] Music [email protected] Adult Choir ȋʹͲ͵Ȍ ʹͳǦͻͻͻ OUR LADY OF FATIMA ACADEMY ȋʹͲ͵Ȍ ʹǦͺͳͲͲ Principal Ǥ www.fatimawilton.org

Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we

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Page 1: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we

0964 Our Lady of Fatima, Wilton, CT Page 1

All Masses will be said in private and broadcasted live by going to our webpage www.olfwilton.org llllilivvvllll veeevevvvee bbbeee bbyyybbbbyyyyy ggggggoogoggggoinnninooo nngggnnnggg tttgggg tooototttoo ooooooo ooouuuoooourrruruuurr wwwrrr wwweeewwwwebbbebeeebbppppbbbppaapappppaaggggaaaageegegggeee wwweee wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww oooowwww oollloooolfflfwwwlll wwwwwwwwwiwilttltwwwiwi ttooootttonnnonoooonnn ooonnnn oorrrooorgggrgrrrrggggggg

Our Lady of Fatima RC Church 229 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897

Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2021


WEEKDAY MASSES Monday 9 a.m. Tuesday 12:15 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. Thursday 12:15 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.


[email protected] DEACON

[email protected] IN RESIDENCE

Parish Of ice (203)762-3928

Faith Formation (203)762-9080

Elementary Youth Minister

[email protected] Music

[email protected] Adult Choir




Page 2: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we


We welcome the newly Baptized into the family of

Our Lady of Fatima Parish:

Isabel O’Grady Congratulations to her parents, family, and friends.

March 8 3 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Sodality Blaze (Zoom)

March 10 3 p.m. Children of Mary

March 12 3 p.m. 7 p.m.

Children of Mary Stations of the Cross

March 13 7 a.m. Men’s Ministry (Zoom)

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mary McMahon, mother of David McMahon . May Christ, Our Saviour, grant her everlasting rest.

Saturday March 6

RN 8 a.m. Ellen Flanagan RN/TC 4:30 p.m. Evelyn Becker

Sunday March 7

RN/TC 8 a.m. Frances Henry RN/TC 9:30 a.m. John D. Moynahan, Jr.

RB 11 a.m. Kevin Lowdin

RB 4:30 p.m. All Parishioners Living & Deceased

Monday March 8 (St. John of God)

RN 9 a.m. Helen M. Straw Tuesday March 9 (St. Frances of Rome)

RN 12:15 p.m. Anna Francello Wednesday March 10 )

RC 9 a.m. Camelio and Murphy Families

Thursday March 11

RC 12:15 p.m. Kevin P. Kennedy Friday March 12

RN 9 a.m. Maria Cadavid Saturday March 13

RN 8 a.m. Wilton Police Department RN 4:30 p.m. Jimmy Verda

Sunday March 14

RB 8 a.m. All Parishioners Living & Deceased

RB/TC 9:30 a.m. Vincent Agius. RN/TC 11 a.m. Salvatore Porrazzo

RN 4:30 p.m. Rose & Albert Galasso

Catholics over the age of 14 are required to abstain from meat every Friday during the season of Lent. All Catholics between 18 and 59 are required by

Church law to also fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This means that only one full meal is permitted on those days. The other two meals should be lighter meals. Children under 14 can be encouraged by parents to perform some kind of voluntary penance suitable for their age.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS As in past years we will be offering Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. The time will alternate between 3 p.m. one week

and 7 p.m. the following week. This Friday, March 12th they will be at 7 p.m. in the Church. You will not have to sign up in advance but you will need to wear a mask.

The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) has begun. It supports daily opera-tions and the overall diocesan mis-sion of renewal through works of charity, pastoral services, Catholic education, catechesis, evangeliza-

tion and the development and preparation of clergy and seminarians.

WELCOME BACK! Deacon Tony is back with us at Our Lady of Fatima. We missed you Deacon Tony– welcome home….

Page 3: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we

0964 Our Lady of Fatima, Wilton, CT Page 3

Stephen Acosta Capt. Patrick Barr

Michael Chiappone

Thomas Correll

Rocco D’Amato Chelsea Doyle

LT Brian A. Fritz Michael Hough

Ryan Meehan

Liam Murray

Capt. Brendan O’Branski Ryan Palmer

Marshall A. Paul

Giovanni Santarsiero

CDR James Scianna Matthew Smarrella

Elliot Walker, Jr. Robert Wendell


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Please Pray For Our Military

Please Pray For Our Sick and In rm:

Please inform our office (203) 762-3928, of anyone who needs to be added or removed from the list or anyone who

has been hospitalized.

Sean Allan Jacqueline Benson

Vincent Bufano Harold Britto

Jane Cavanna Gregory Clarke Ethan Collins Mary Ann Cote Darcy Driscoll Joe Esposito Joseph Filardi

Walter Fritz

John Kealy Jack Kelly

Mackenzie Keogh June Lentini

Mark Montesano Armando Payawal

Maria Reile Frank Sandolo

Ron Sands Jack Scofield Karen Volpe

Finance Chair George Seeberger (203) 761-9330 Religious Education (203) 762-9080 Kathleen Rooney, DRE [email protected] McDonald [email protected]

Elementary Youth Minister Mara Fleming [email protected]

Music Daniel Alasuvanto [email protected]

Adult Choir Mary Bozzuti Higgins (203) 216-7999

Ways you can give: 1. Use weekly envelopes for your tax-deductible

donation. Mail them in for continued deductions. 2. Online Giving is an automated means to support our

parish. 3. Go to our website: http://olfwilton.org/online-giving.

There are video tutorials available or please contact the office for assistance.

4. Please remember us in your estate planning by including our church in your will.

Please mail your Offertory to “Our Lady of Fatima Church”

Sunday Feb. 28

Collection $7,881.00 Online Giving $4,089.33

TOTALS $11,970.33

Weekly Goal $13,152.00

Quarterly Goal 171,000.00

Welcome Home! Whether you are a visi-tor or a Parishioner, wel-come! We hope you find Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family spiritually

nourishing, warm and welcoming. Thank you for joining us for Mass. We are happy you came.

In an effort to save money, if you are receiving Sunday envelopes and have switched to online giving or just don’t want to receive the envelopes anymore,

please contact the parish office either by phone (203) 762-3928 or by email to: [email protected]. And if you are not receiving Sunday envelopes and would like to get them—please let us know too!

Page 4: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we


Let us welcome into the Our Lady of Fatima

Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So ia


For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we have suspended using SignUp Genius for weekend Masses. The registration person counts how many people are in the church. Seating will be on a first-come basis. 1. If we hit 200 people the counters/registers

will close the doors and not admit any-more people.

2. We will use SignUp Genius for Palm Sun-day, Holy Week and Easter.

3. We will now open the glass doors. 4. If you want to sit on the choir side, please

enter through the glass doors. 5. If you want to sit on the Rt 7 side, please

enter through the door we are now using. 6. Please sit towards the front when you

come in. 7. Please continue to take your temperature

and sanitize your hands when you enter. 8. Please arrive early so that you do not

have to walk by people and distract from the solemnity of the Mass.

9. If you are late, please wait until after the opening prayer or Gospel Reading to be seated.

10. We will still only have one restroom open so please use it only in an emergency.

11. Please do your part to keep everyone safe and maintain six feet of social distancing.

12. When coming up for Communion, please exit your pew by the black arrow at one end of the pew and do a complete circle and return to your pew by the way you left your pew. If you cannot make the circle, please move to the center so that others can pass by the pew and maintain six feet of distancing.

13. One pew per person or family. Please do not sit in a pew that is already occupied.

14. Please bring your Offertory up when you go to Communion so that you do not have to walk past other people.

Thank you for helping us keep our church safe and compliant.


Begins on March 14th. Spring ahead-Fall back!

THE EASTER FLOWER OFFERING is a way to memorialize your deceased loved ones. En-velopes are in your March packet or can be found at the Church doors. The flyer will be in

the Easter Sunday bulletin. Please return your en-velopes (via the collection basket) or directly to the Parish Office no later than Monday, March 29.

Malta House thanks you for your support. $7,075 was raised in

the Planet Pizza fund-raiser.

They exceeded their goal and it is all be-cause of YOU! Their

moms and babies wouldn't have a home

or the support they need without you . You make a difference and

you change lives!

Sodality, the middle school youth group, has begun preparing for the sta-tions of the cross! If your child would like to submit an illustra-

tion for the Stations of the Cross for Chil-dren and Families prayer booklet, contact Mara Fleming at [email protected]

Page 5: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we

0964 Our Lady of Fatima, Wilton, CT Page 5

If you feel uncomfortable about coming to Mass in person and want to receive the Holy Eucharist, call the office and arrange to drive by after a weekday Mass and Fr. Reggie will give you Communion.

Diocese of Bridgeport Ambassador Min-istry The goal of this invitational ministry will be to introduce Catholics to a deeper under-standing of their faith and greater involve-

ment in their parish. It will serve as a means of wel-coming the faithful back to more frequent attendance at Sunday Mass and, if needed, a personal accom-plishment to address these issues that are stumbling blocks to active participation in the life of the Church. Requirements: 1. You must be 18 or older. 2. Commit to complete the full requirement of the first part of the formation program, including two sessions for communal prayer to be held in person. 3. Be receptive to discern, at the end of the basic for-mation program, whether they wish to continue to be trained to participate in a form of invitational ministry. Contact parish office for info.

Help Stop State—Sponsored Suicide

Politicians in Hartford are again considering assisted suicide legislation. The Public Health Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly is considering legalizing a form of suicide in our state commonly referred to as "aid-in dying" or "physician-assisted suicide". The Committee has raised House Bill 6425 "An Act Concerning Aid in Dying for Terminally Ill Patients". Modern hospice care and the proper use of pain medi-cations render suicide unnecessary, and we need to be mindful of the threat that a suicide mentality poses to vul-nerable people and to people with disabilities. Many people believe that a physician is deeply in-volved in this process. This is not true. The physician orders the mixture of medications, the patient must then consume the deadly cocktail of drugs without assistance. Many times without even a physician or nurse present. We should never allow legislators to establish sui-cide as a solution to medical issues. Don’t let the state persuade us that it’s dignified for an ill person to sign their own execution order. Don’t let the state create an environment where ill people will feel they have a “responsibility to die”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Catholic teaching condemns physician-assisted suicide because it, like murder, involves taking an innocent hu-man life: Suicide is always as morally objectionable as murder. The Church's tradition has always rejected it as a gravely evil choice: To concur with the intention of another per-son to commit suicide and to help in carrying it out through so-called "assisted suicide" means to cooperate in, and at times to be the actual perpetrator of, an injus-tice which can never be excused, even if it is requested. Saint Augustine writes that "it is never licit to kill another: even if he should wish it.” True "compassion" leads to sharing another's pain; it does not kill the person whose suffering we cannot bear. (John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, no. 66).

TAKE ACTION: Go to the website below, read more on the issue and

then sign the petition to stop the legalization of assisted suicide in Connecticut


Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference


We have small bottles of Holy Water. Thanks to the generosity of a parishioner, we have about 150 bottles of Holy Water that has been blessed and can be used in your homes. They

are on a first-come basis with one per family. Please come to the office during office hours.

A special Novena to Saint Jo-seph will take place in preparation for the diocesan Consecration to Saint Joseph, which will occur at a Pontifical Mass at Saint Au-

gustine’s Cathedral in Bridgeport on March 19th (the Solemnity of Saint Joseph) at 7:00pm. The Novena will take place every evening at 7:00pm beginning Wednesday, March 10th and ending Thursday, March 18th. To facilitate participation by the faithful, the No-vena will be available on the Diocesan website via a YouTube link which participants will be able to access nightly at 6:45pm. In addition, Bishop Caggiano will lead the faithful in the recitation of the Rosary prior to the Pontifical Mass on March 19th, beginning at 6:30pm. The Rosary – as well as the Pontifical Mass – will be livestreamed off of the diocesan website; for those who wish to participate, a link will be made available on the diocesan website on March 19th at 6:15pm.

Page 6: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we



PARISH MINISTRIES Adoration: Daytime: Brian Highland Nighttime: Brian Highland [email protected] Altar Servers: Bible Study: Fr. Reggie 203-762-3928 Columbiettes: Patty Terranova [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist: Marie Jarboe [email protected] Funeral Hospitality: Jeannie Rubsam [email protected] Growing For Good: Kathleen Rooney [email protected] Kennedy’s Rosary Project: Mae Tighe [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight— Jamie McDowell 203-247-0460 Lectors: Marty Kennedy [email protected] Men’s Ministry: Marty Kennedy [email protected] Moms and Tots: OPEN Mom’s Book Club: Maggie Kelly & Amy Palma [email protected] Our Lady’s Association: Anne Novitsky 203-762-7503 Respect Life: The Dineens 203-762-7674 Soup Kitchen: Sharon Steinberg [email protected] Soul Suppers: Marie DeSantis [email protected] Spiritual Break Group: Terri Lynn 203-858-8774 Theology on Tap: Donna Savage [email protected] Ushers: Paul Niche [email protected] Welcoming Committee: Mary Ann Bozzuti 203-762-9930 Social Media: Cait Morrissey [email protected]

PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL St. Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God,

cast into hell Satan, And all the evil spirits, Who prowl about the world Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

Congratulations to the children who received the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last weekend. May they al-ways know God’s love and mercy.

Is there a member of your family who is not Catholic but attends Mass with you each week and/or has asked you questions about our religion? Or someone

who is Catholic, but has not practiced his or her faith for a number of years? If you know a person in either of these circumstances, please invite him or her to call Kathleen Rooney (203-762-9080) or Father Reggie (203-762-3928) to learn about our outreach to non-Catholic adults and to returning Catholics. There are parishioners who meet with both groups and would be happy to welcome another adult! There is someone out there who may be waiting to be asked!

Faith Formation classes will conclude at the end of March. All tests and make-up work must be completed before the last class in order to ad-vance to the next grade level. We will be following the protocols for fall classes, so watch this bulletin for announcements as information be-comes available to us.

Page 7: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we

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Page 8: Our Lady of Fatima RC Church · 2021. 3. 5. · Our Lady of Fatima Parish Family Paul, Lauren, Elle, Rhys and So Ðia Torgerson For Our Lady of Fatima Parish, effective March 1, we

964 Our Lady of Fatima, Wilton, CT (B) John Patrick Publishing Co. 1.800.333.3166 • www.jppc.net

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Residential & CommercialMike Amato


167 Danbury Rd.


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401 Westport Avenue, Norwalk203-847-2471 • www.aitoro.com


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OIL & PROPANE DELIVERY24 Hour Emergency Service


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439 Danbury Road, Wilton 203-834-0199www.wiltonmeadowshealthcare.com


Installations & Refi nishingSince 1958 Lic. #521854

120 Honey Hill Rd.Wilton, CT

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Stamford Tel: 203-329-7777

Fax: 203-762-7417

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5 East Wall Street • Norwalk | www.norwalkfh.com | 203-847-7291

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Jessica Christ203-822-2306

[email protected]

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