POWER NEWS WE WILL MANUFACTURE BENCHMARK CASTINGS WITH PRIDE, LETTING SAFETY, QUALITY, COST, AND ON TIME DELIVERY TO OUR CUSTOMERS BE OUR GUIDE. January 17, 2019 2019 Personal Safety Message Hopefully, everyone had a safe and enjoyable Holiday. As we wrap-up our first full week let’s take a few minutes and discuss the importance of SAFETY , Our Overriding Priority We should never forget that nearly 3 years (2/2/2016) ago we lost our team member Terry. Let’s keep this incident in front of us as a reminder that we never want to lose another team member. The states lead to critical errors: Eyes not on Task Mind not on Task Line of Fire Balance/Traction/Grip Remember the Critical Error Reduction Techniques: Self Trigger Analyze Close Calls and Small Errors Look at others for Patterns that increase the risk of injury Work on Habits Keep in mind the SafeStart states: Rushing Frustration Fatigue Complacency Be your Brother’s Keeper – Keep an eye out for your fellow worker’s safety. Don’t be afraid to STOP an Unsafe Act. Thank someone if they help keep you safe For 2019 our Injury Reduction will focus on Sprains/Strains as this is our number one injury. Make this a priority for team safety goals. Remember “Take Two” for Safety is not just a slogan, it’s a way of life. Take time to Lockout properly – Taking a shortcut to save one more part or minute of downtime is NOT worth someone’s life

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2019 Personal Safety Message

Hopefully, everyone had a safe and enjoyable Holiday. As we wrap-up our first full week let’s take a few minutes and discuss the importance of SAFETY , Our Overriding Priority

We should never forget that nearly 3 years (2/2/2016) ago we lost our team member Terry. Let’s keep this incident in front of us as a reminder that we never want to lose another team member.

• The states lead to critical errors:• Eyes not on Task• Mind not on Task• Line of Fire• Balance/Traction/Grip

• Remember the Critical Error Reduction Techniques:• Self Trigger• Analyze Close Calls and Small Errors• Look at others for Patterns that increase the risk of injury• Work on Habits

• Keep in mind the SafeStart states:• Rushing• Frustration• Fatigue• Complacency

• Be your Brother’s Keeper – Keep an eye out for your fellow worker’s safety.Don’t be afraid to STOP an Unsafe Act. Thank someone if they help keep yousafe

• For 2019 our Injury Reduction will focus on Sprains/Strains as this is ournumber one injury. Make this a priority for team safety goals.

• Remember “Take Two” for Safety is not just a slogan, it’s a way of life.• Take time to Lockout properly – Taking a shortcut to save one more

part or minute of downtime is NOT worth someone’s life

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8 Tips to Losing WeightBy -Liana Lin, Personal Trainer

Get motivated, know your goals and don’t give up until you get there. Many people say they want to

lose weight but a couple of weeks into their commit-ment, they realize it’s too much and return to their for-mer state. 1. Do NOT Skip BreakfastDon’t skip breakfast. Many people skip it to save time or to lose weight however, by skipping breakfast, the body’s metabolic rate reduces, making it harder to cut calories. By eating breakfast in the morning, it starts your metabolism and it gives you a strong energy boost. If you can’t find enough time to eat a full break-fast in the morning. Before you run out of the house, grab an apple. Eating breakfast will prevent you from snacking on something unhealthy later in the day when you get hungrier. Also, when you decide to eat nor-mally again, the body stores as much food as possible in your fat cells in case you decide to starve.2. Say NO to Televised DietsDon’t fall for the diet plans that say you’ll lose an “x” amount of weight if you follow this plan and eat this and that. The reason why diets do not work efficiently is because they are temporary. People start diets to lose weight to look great for a special dinner or an upcom-ing holiday. When following a diet plan, you don’t want to eat that way forever. The word diet is correlated with the word “torture”. The purpose of a diet plan is to help train you to control your cravings and regulate your ex-ercise schedule. After the program is done, it is still up to you to maintain your results. What many people end up doing is, they reverse their results because they fin-ished the diet program. Instead of following a strict diet plan advertised on television, throw away the junk food and replace your cravings for chips for an apple or an orange. Decide whether the way you want to eat is comfortable with you for the long run.3. Slow and SteadyOne of the key essentials to losing weight is to know your limits and learn to control your cravings. If you can’t live without that bag of chips, purchase a bag of chips with lesser calories or reduced fat. Can’t live without that can of soda? Order diet. What about cof-fee? The next time you’re at Starbucks, ask for non-fat milk and low-calorie sugar. The idea is not to eliminate all your bad habits in one day. Instead, try reducing them by substituting them with healthy habits. You can still enjoy the foods you love by purchasing healthier replacements. Training yourself to eat healthy is better than forcing yourself.4. You Are What You EatIt is difficult to say “no” when a waiter asks if you want desert with your meal. It’s okay to say yes. It’s okay to eat what you want, when you want and still lose weight. The solution is to either minimize the portion of your meal or share your meals. Most restaurants have a reputation for serving large meals. People tend to eat their whole plate without realizing how much there re-

ally is. Share your meals between your friends or put the amount you’d like to eat on a separate plate and have the rest to go. If you share your meals with a friend, not only are you cutting down your calorie in-take but you save money! Another alternative to reduc-ing your calorie intake is to cook with your friends at home. You can have fun learning a new dish, bond with your buddies, and you have control of the ingredients in your dish.5. Do NOT Over EatA very common mistake people make is overeating. When you feel full, stop eating. There is no need to eat until you are going to explode . Keep in mind that when you eat, it takes a while for the nutrients in your food to enter your bloodstream and send signals to your brain to let you know that you are full. Give your body enough time to digest the food by eating slowly. When eating out, start your meal with a soup or salad instead of a high-calorie appetizer. Ask for the dressing on the side and don’t drown your salad in dressing. Drink water instead of eating the bread and butter. Drinking water helps you get full faster so that it reduces your con-sumption of your entree.6. Know What You EatBe aware of what you eat. Learn to read the nutrition facts and how much of something you should really eat. A very common mistake that people make is that they ignore what is inside their food. Labels that say fat-free and sugar-free can be misleading. These types of foods can be helpful in losing weight but eating too much of it can reduce your weight losing process. Al-ways check the labels and make sure what you think you’re eating is really what you’re eating.7. Exercise, Period The most important key to cutting that extra layer of fat and that extra bulge in your belly is by simply exercis-ing. You don’t have to start out doing strenuous exer-cise but start out slow. Do an activity that you enjoy such as hiking, swimming, or jogging. Most experts recommend at least 30-60 minutes of exercise. If you are not used to being active, start by walking 2-3 times a week, then increase your speed as you feel comfort-able. For those who work, it is hard to find time to exer-cise. Get up a couple of minutes earlier in the morning. If you can fit it in, walk or jog around the block, do a few pushups and sit ups before you head to work. Earlier morning workouts can help boost your metabolism and increase your energy throughout the day.8. Buddy SystemMotivation is very important to losing weight. Find a friend to work out with. Set a goal and try to reach them together. Working out with a friend can create competi-tion and support. It is more fun and time will go faster. Remember that you are not alone. Let your buddies know what you are doing and how you want to get there. Have them help you with controlling your junk food intake and have them motivate you to continue your diet lifestyle when it gets tough.

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Support Justin Hughes

Gray Brain Cancer Bracelets are still available for $10 to support Justin Hughes.

See: GMS team in Plant 1 Engineering OfficeTonya Huss in the Suggestion OfficeDenise Voltz in the Training Center

Would you like to recognize a team member for doing a great job? You can submit a photo and/or article to [email protected] to appear in a PowerNews arti-cle (with their permission). If you need a photo taken, e-mail or call (419) 784-7727.

Recognize Someone Today

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Communication Manager Kevin Nadrowski (313) 498-5464

[email protected]

UAW Communication Coordinator Tonya Huss

(419) [email protected]


SAFESTART TRAINING UPDATE Sonia reviewed SafeStart - 68% of the plant have been trained on Unit Ergo train-ing with Kipp Boggs. - Reviewed the next steps. Need a make-up plan and plan the 2019 extended application units.HRIAC TEAM UPDATE Joe reviewed 2018 Results. -52 hazards have been identified in the workbook.-42 hazards added to Hazard Risk Inventory18 Sentinel Events, 28 Remediated -Phase B – Identifying Hazards in our Standardized WorkPre-machining is 100%, Melt is 100%, Finish is 95%, Core room is 70%, Pattern Shop is 88% and Mainte-nance is 18%. Reviewed Glidepath for Maintenance. At 139 with a target of 264 for the week of December 16. -Reviewed People Engagement – Hazards by Source chart. 2017 and 2018 data. Total hazards documented is 202. -Reviewed a before and after picture. It was difficult to get access to the camera for cleaning and the stairs were steep. On Mod 3, installed new stairs and added a door to access the camera. The platform installed for camera assess. On Mod 4, fabricated new stairs and prepping for installation. WORKPLACE SAFETY SYSTEM Burt reviewed 4.4 Safety Tours. Annual review was conducted on 12/5/18 with no issues identified.Mary reviewed 4.5 Corrective Action Plans. There are no changes required to the written program. Bill reviewed 4.6 Safety Inspections & Safety PM’s. Mark reviewed 5.1 Safety Review Board. Ted reviewed PS2 Hazardous Energy Control. Jim reviewed PS4 Electrical Safety. -Al asked Jim to cover an incident. Jim, Kevin and Ted said they were installing a 3rd cable for 3rd feed. On 12/1/18, did a lockout. On 12/3/18, Romanoff tested the line side and discovered there was still voltage present. On 12/4/18, the drawing showed a lightning arrestor in a separate compartment at the top of the line side of the switch. The lockout was re-written to isolate the load side of R2 at C5. The job was com-pleted safely. The next step is to identify the lightning arrestor location in all 13.8kv switches and show on the one-line diagram and add to the high voltage proce-dure. Rob asked to confirm that they had on the proper PPE.

Dave reviewed PS5 Mobile Equipment & Pedestrian Safety. Steve reviewed PS6 Safety Contract Management. Nick reviewed 4.2 Annual Program Evaluations. Cur-rently at Level 3. SENTINEL EVENT SUMMARY Sonia reviewed the Sentinel Event summary. 18-00039 – Make-up air units: Joe said 7 have been evaluated and meeting the 40psf requirements. We have more to look at. One is scheduled for Friday. This is on track to be completed by the end of the year. 18-00110 – Hoist rails: Joe said the hoist rails are dan-ger tagged. The scaffolding is scheduled for the week of 12/17/18. Going forward we will be able to do a vi-sual inspection. FOLLOW-UP Reviewed open items from PIV. Three items have been completed and removed from the list.1. Reset south door of GSC cage. Layout was received on 12/11/18.2. Door 32 – install 4-way flashing light. Steve will follow-up with Steve Wise to get a date assigned to this. 3. Complete install of truck gate crossing arms. Gary is working with Les. 4. Plant 2 DMIPA area – concrete is sunken in causing water to collect and freeze in winter – need to level up concrete. On 12/11/18 informed of salt container in-side the door. DFM is aware also. Steve to cut green channel to remove water. Tom said the salt container is not there. Briona said Ted will get it there today.5. Install guardrail at Mod 1/2 team room. Layout was received on 12/11/18. 6. Clear path at south end of 10-ton so dump trucks can drive west past bunker to eliminate backing in pur-ple dock area. Have a quote for work to be done. Rob said we will need to look at it closer. 7. Add pedestrian walkway at west end of 10-ton where chips and sand tubs are located. This is on hold. Re-move from list.8. Update status on teal dock doors. Doors purchased and will be installed over shutdown.9. 2 East guard shack doors need replaced. Doors acquired and scheduled to install. Not sure if it will get done by target date.10. Stencil handicap spots for Plant 2 parking lot. Will paint when weather warms up and relocating signs. 11. Walkway from non-GM parking. Need a stone walkway installed. Steve said there are no plans to do this at this time. Tom said we are looking for a way for people to get out instead of walking through the park-ing lot. Rob will look at it next week.