RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR

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  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR







  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    and non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to construct


    ).1*orm letters and words inneat legible printincluding cursi#e writing

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and style

    for a range of purposes

    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems andsongs

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately


    ).1.!&ble to write in neat cursi#e writing with correctspelling:


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.1&ble to enoy a22 chants , poems and songs throughnon-#erbal response

    .1.!&ble to listens to, sing songs,recite a22 chants andpoems with correct stress, pronunciation,rhythm andintonation


  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    /.1.1&ble to use nouns correctly and appropriately:

    'a(common nouns'b(collecti#e nouns

    Week: to Unt 2 : S!n-+S/enn- 4 S'!n-&'e"e : Wo# o* Se#*+F!"#$ !n Fen,

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswillbe able to:

    1.1Pronounce words andspeak condently withthe correct stress, rhythmand intonation.

    1.!"isten and respondappropriately in formaland informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.1.!&ble to listen to and respond to a gi#en stimulus byusing appropriate words, phrases and e%pressions withthe correct stress, rhythm and intonation.


    &ble to listen to, follow and gi#e directions to placesaround their town and state.


    !.!.1&ble to apply word attack skills by:

    'c(using conte%tual clues to get meaning of words:'iii( before the word 'anaphoric('i#( after the word 'cataphoric(

    'd(identifying idioms

    !.!.)&ble to read and demonstrate understanding of te%tsby:

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form of


    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems and


    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    'a(gi#ing main ideas and supporting details'b(se3uencing'c(predicting


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts

    ).!.!&ble to write with guidance:

    'a(stories'b(poems'c( informal letters

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.1&ble to enoy a22 chants , poems and songs throughnon-#erbal response


    /.1.!&ble to use pronouns correctly and appropriately:

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR



    Week: to 6Unt 3 : S/e'eoe,&'e"e : Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    1.1Pronounce words andspeak condently withthe correct stress, rhythmand intonation

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form of

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.1.!&ble to speak with correct pronunciation, stress,rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.)&ble to speak on related topics with guidance


    !.!.!&ble to read and understand phrases nad sentencesfrom:

    'c( linear te%ts

    'd(non- linear te%ts

    !.!.&ble to apply dictionary skills

    'a(recognise abbre#iations'b(understand meaning of words in conte%t

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR




    +rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems andsongs

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately


     ).!.!&ble to write with guidance:

    'a(stories'b(poems'c( informal letters

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.!&ble to listen to, sing songs, recite a22 chants andpoems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm andintonation.

    .!.1&ble to respond to literary te%ts:

    'a(characters'b(place and time'c(#alues



    &ble to use nouns correctly and appropriately:'a(common nouns'b(collecti#e nouns

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    Week 10 to 12Unt : M!#!$,!nLe-en,

    &'e"e : Wo# o*Stoe,

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    1.!"isten and respondappropriately in formaland informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprint

    and non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to constructmeaning

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-


    &ble to participate in daily con#ersations:'a(make suggestions'b(respond to suggestions'c(#olunteer to complete a task'd(show appreciation

    1.!.&ble to participate in con#ersations with peers.


    !.!.)&ble to read and demonstrate understanding of te%tsby:

    'd(gi#ing main ideas and supporting details'e(se3uencing'f( predicting

    !.!.&ble to apply dictionary skills

    'c( recognise abbre#iations'd(understand meaning of words in conte%t

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR



    *orm letters and words inneat legible printincluding cursi#e writing

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .)Plan, organi2e andproduce creati#e worksfor enoyment

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately


    ).1.!&ble to write in neat cursi#e writing with correct



    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'c( linear te%ts'd(non- linear te%ts

    L!n-!-e At,

    .).1&ble to plan, produce and display creati#e works basedon literary te%ts using a #ariety of media with guidance


    /.1.)&ble to use #erbs correctly and appropriately:

    'a(simple future tense'b(future continuous tense

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    Week 13 to 15Unt 5: Mon-Fo7!&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    1.1Pronounce words andspeak condently withthe correct stress, rhythmand intonation.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range of

    strategies to constructmeaning

    !.)5ead independently forinformation and

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.1.)&ble to speak with correct pronunciation, stress,rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.)&ble to speak on related topics with guidance


    !.!.)&ble to read and demonstrate understanding of te%tsby:

    'a(gi#ing main ideas and supporting details'b(se3uencing'c(predicting

    !.).1&ble to read for information and enoyment withguidance



    &ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR




    +rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems andsongs

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    ).!.&ble to spell words by applying spelling rules

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.!&ble to listen to, sing songs, recite a22 chants andpoems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm andintonation.


    /.1.&ble to use conunctions correctly and appropriately:


    Week 1 to 18Unt : Se#*9ote;ton&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.!.&ble to participate in con#ersations with peers.

    1.!./&ble to talk on topics of interests in formal situations

    with guidance.


    !.!.!&ble to read and understand phrases and sentences

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    1.!"isten and respondappropriately in formaland informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to constructmeaning

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .)Plan, organi2e andproduce creati#e worksfor enoyment

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately


    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts


    ).!.!&ble to write with guidance:

    'a(stories'b(poems'c( informal letters

    ).!.)&ble to use punctuation correctly

    L!n-!-e At,

    .).1&ble to plan, produce and display creati#e works basedon literary te%ts using a #ariety of media with guidance



    &ble to use prepositions correctly and appropriately:'a(o#er'b(among'c(through'd(across

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    'e(along'f( against

    Week 16 to 21

    Unt : &'e Kn-

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR



    +rite and present ideasthrough a #ariety ofmedia using appropriatelanguage, form and style

    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems andsongs

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    .1.1&ble to enoy a22 chants , poems and songs throughnon-#erbal response


    /.1.6&ble to use adecti#es correctly and appropriately

    Week 22 to 2Unt 8: F!,;n!tn-S!=!' 4 S!!7!k &'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.!.1&ble to participate in daily con#ersations:

    'a(make suggestions

    'b(respond to suggestions'c(#olunteer to complete a task'd(show appreciation


  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR



    Pronounce words andspeak condently withthe correct stress, rhythmand intonation.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to constructmeaning

    !.)5ead independently forinformation andenoyment

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes


    !.!.)&ble to read and demonstrate understanding of te%tsby:

    'a(gi#ing main ideas and supporting details'b(se3uencing'c(predicting

    !.).1&ble to read for information and enoyment withguidance

    'a(ction'b(non- ction


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.!&ble to listen to, sing songs, recite a22 chants andpoems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm andintonation.

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    noy and appreciaterhymes , poems andsongs

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately


    /.1.&ble to use conunctions correctly and appropriately:


    Week 25 to 2Unt 6 : S/!;eE>/#o!ton&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:


    "isten and respondappropriately in formaland informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.


    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.!./&ble to talk on topics of interests in formal situationswith guidance. 1.).1&ble to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oralte%ts by:

    'a(asking and answering 3uestions'b(gi#ing main ideas'c(gi#ing supporting details'd(se3uencing



    !.!.!&ble to read and understand phrases and sentences

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    0nderstand and respondto oral te%ts in a #arietyof conte%ts

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to constructmeaning

    ).1*orm letters and words inneat legible printincluding cursi#e writing

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .)Plan, organi2e andproduce creati#e worksfor enoyment



    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts


    ).1.1&ble to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts

    L!n-!-e At,

    .).1&ble to plan, produce and display creati#e works basedon literary te%ts using a #ariety of media with guidance


    /.1.7&ble to use articles correctly and appropriately

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    0se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    Week 28 to 30Unt 10 : &'e e!;'?o$&'e"e : Wo# o*Stoe,

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    1.!"isten and respondappropriately in formaland informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form of

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.!.1&ble to participate in daily con#ersations:

    'a(make suggestions'b(respond to suggestions'c(#olunteer to complete a task'd(show appreciation

    1.!.&ble to participate in con#ersations with peers


    !.!.&ble to apply dictionary skills

    'a(recognise abbre#iations

    'b(understand meaning of words in conte%t


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    printand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to constructmeaning

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .)Plan, organi2e andproduce creati#e worksfor enoyment

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts


    &ble to spell words by applying spelling rules

    L!n-!-e At,

    .).1&ble to plan, produce and display creati#e works basedon literary te%ts using a #ariety of media with guidance


    /.1.)&ble to use #erbs correctly and appropriately:

    'a(simple future tense'b(future continuous tense

    Week 31 to 33Unt 11: N!t!#%,!,te&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.1.1&ble to speak with correct pronunciation, stress,rhythm and intonation

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupils

    will be able to:

    1.1Pronounce words andspeak condently withthe correct stress, rhythmand intonation.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to constructmeaning

    ).1*orm letters and words in

    neat legible printincluding cursi#e writing

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and style

    1.1.)&ble to speak on related topics with guidance


    !.!.)&ble to read and demonstrate understanding of te%tsby:

    'a(gi#ing main ideas and supporting details'b(se3uencing'c(predicting

    !.!.&ble to apply dictionary skills

    'a(recognise abbre#iations'b(understand meaning of words in conte%t


    ).1.!&ble to write in neat cursi#e writing with correctspelling:


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    for a range of purposes

    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems and


    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    'a(linear te%ts'b(non- linear te%ts

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.1&ble to enoy a22 chants , poems and songs throughnon-#erbal response


    /.1.6&ble to use adecti#es correctly and appropriately

    Week 3 to 3Unt 12: Un@e?#n-,&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-year

    primary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    1.!"isten and respondappropriately in formal

    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.!.1&ble to participate in daily con#ersations:

    'a(make suggestions'b(respond to suggestions'c(#olunteer to complete a task'd(show appreciation

    1.!.&ble to participate in con#ersations with peers



  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    and informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.


    understanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to construct



    +rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .)Plan, organi2e andproduce creati#e worksfor enoyment


    0se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    &ble to apply word attack skills by:'a(using conte%tual clues to get meaning of words:

    'i( before the word 'anaphoric('ii( after the word 'cataphoric(

    'b(identifying idioms


    ).!.&ble to spell words by applying spelling rules

    L!n-!-e At,

    .).1&ble to plan, produce and display creati#e works basedon literary te%ts using a #ariety of media with guidance


    /.1.8&ble to use ad#erbs correctly and appropriately:


    Week 3 to 36 L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    Unt 13: Lo,t !nFon&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:

    1.!"isten and respondappropriately in formaland informal situationsfor a #ariety of purposes.

    !.!$emonstrateunderstanding of a#ariety of linear and non-linear te%ts in the form ofprintand non- print materialsusing a range ofstrategies to construct


    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    1.!.)&ble to listen to, follow and gi#e directions to placesaround their town and state

    1.!./&ble to talk on topics of interests in formal situationswith guidance


    !.!.!&ble to read and understand phrases nad sentencesfrom:

    'e(linear te%ts'f( non- linear te%ts

    !.!.)&ble to read and demonstrate understanding of te%tsby:

    'g(gi#ing main ideas and supporting details'h(se3uencing

    'i( predicting


    ).!.)&ble to use punctuation correctly

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    .1noy and appreciaterhymes , poems andsongs

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately

    L!n-!-e At,

    .1.1&ble to enoy a22 chants , poems and songs through

    non-#erbal response


    /.1.&ble to use conunctions correctly and appropriately:



    Week 0 to 2Unt 1: AenteS/ot,&'e"e: Wo# o*Kno7#e-e

    Content standard :

    By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupilswill be able to:


    L,tenn-. S/e!kn-

    1.1.)&ble to speak on related topics with guidance


    !.).1&ble to read for information and enoyment withguidance

    'a(ction'b(non- ction

  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    Pronounce words andspeak condently withthe correct stress, rhythmand intonation.

    !.)5ead independently forinformation andenoyment

    ).!+rite using appropriatelanguage, form and stylefor a range of purposes

    .)Plan, organi2e andproduce creati#e worksfor enoyment

    /.10se dierent wordclasses correctly andappropriately


    ).!.1&ble to transfer information with guidance to complete:

    'e(linear te%ts'f( non- linear te%ts

    ).!.!&ble to write with guidance:

    'd(stories'e(poems'f( informal letters

    L!n-!-e At,

    .).!&ble to plan, prepare and participate in a performancewith guidance based on literary works

    L!n-!-e At,


    &ble to plan, prepare and participate in a performancewith guidance based on literary works



  • 8/15/2019 RPT Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 KSSR


    &ble to use #erbs correctly and appropriately:'a(simple future tense'b(future continuous tense