The William and Mary Bosnia Project

The William and Mary Bosnia Project. 2Overview College’s oldest service trip College’s longest service trip Sustainable education efforts Five to six

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The William and Mary

Bosnia Project


OverviewOverview College’s oldest service trip

College’s longest service trip Sustainable education efforts

Five to six weeks in Sarajevo, Bosnia Dates yet to be determined

Approximately, mid-June to end of July Includes excursions to elsewhere in Bosnia and Europe Full immersion in Bosnian culture

English language and film camp for children between the ages of eight and fourteen Focus on non-violent communication


HistoryHistory§ Started at William & Mary by scholar-in-

residence, Mihailo Crnobrnja

§ Brought seven visiting Bosnian students, including our friend, Larisa Kasumagic, to W&M

§ Project focused on helping children with emotional trauma resulting from the 1992-5 war

§ Later, Larisa founded NGO Creativus and partnership with University of Sarajevo students

§ A group of William & Mary students has gone nearly every summer since 1998


Project GoalsProject Goals Daily lessons in English

language at Isak Samokovlija school

Media component New two summers ago Self-empowerment,

creativity, and teamwork among students

Practical application of English language skills

Pre-school lessons at Creativus


Co-teacher ExperienceCo-teacher Experience Co-teacher relationship

Collaboration between Bosnian and American teaching styles

Reciprocal relationship Learning about one

another’s cultures Gives University of

Sarajevo English majors practical teaching experience as well as the opportunity to practice English with native speakers


Home Stay ExperienceHome Stay Experience Host stay

Major aspect of the Bosnia Project experience Allows students to meet Bosnians of all different ages

and learn more about individuals’ experiences during and after the war

Gives students the opportunity to become temporary members of the community as opposed to outside visitors



Living in BosniaLiving in Bosnia Overview of daily routine

Teaching in mornings and preschool in afternoons

Sightseeing tours or time with teammates and Bosnian friends

Acquainting yourself with Sarajevo’s historical sites, incredible people, and food!

Sarajevo as both urbane and naturally beautiful

Sarajevo community Community of host families,

teachers, Creativus employees Bosnian culture defies many

stereotypes and misconceptions Tradition of hospitality


Additional TravelAdditional Travel Weekend excursions

Mostar Banja Luka

Serb culture Kravice waterfalls Pocitelj castle and

artists’ colony Srebrenica Memorial Ayvatovica

Largest Muslim pilgrimage in Europe


Additional Travel, Additional Travel, cont’d.cont’d.

Post-teaching travel in Dubrovnik, Croatia and Prague, Czech Republic Opportunity for bonding

and reflection after teaching experience

Location and duration based on the team’s preferences


Class ComponentClass Component Two-credit course with Professor Paula

Pickering of the Government department

Lessons concerning Bosnian history, culture, and government Including films, articles, class discussion

Critical reflection required

How the class component differentiates the Bosnia Project from a number of other service trips Self-conscious service (?) Cultural awareness


Fundraising and Fundraising and PreparationPreparation

The other portion of the class component: preparation and fundraising run entirely by Bosnia Project participants and alumni Valuable teamwork experience Student-led Fundraising examples from spring

semester: highly successful bake sales, profit-shares, and letter-writing

Prestigious grants from the Reves Center and Office of Community Engagement and Scholarship allay much of the cost of teaching supplies, host family stay, and airfare

Continued alumni involvement and the Bosnia Project community


What We Look ForWhat We Look For Any and all majors should apply!

An interest in international relations, history, or government is a bonus, but is NOT required

Passion for teaching, working with children, and exploring foreign cultures

We need one team member who is well-versed in film

Most importantly: willingness to work as a team commitment to fundraising and helping the project come to fruition open-mindedness and enthusiasm towards the project’s goals

Check out our website, wmbosniaproject.wordpress.com, if you’d like more information



How to ApplyHow to Apply

Email [email protected] for an application

Applications due Friday, October 13

Notified about interviews by Wednesday, October 23

Interviews held Saturday, October 26-Sunday October 27