Keberlanjutan Perikanan Tangkap MK Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Ramah Lingkungan Kode PSP 513 3(2-3) 17 Februari 2015 Dr Ir M. Fedi A. Sondita, MSc Program Pascasarjana Teknologi Perikanan Laut Departemen Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Pertanian Bogor

TPIBJ 2015 02 Keberlanjutan FED

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  • Keberlanjutan Perikanan Tangkap MK Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Ramah Lingkungan

    Kode PSP 513 3(2-3)

    17 Februari 2015

    Dr Ir M. Fedi A. Sondita, MSc Program Pascasarjana Teknologi Perikanan Laut

    Departemen Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

    Institut Pertanian Bogor

  • Komponen Perikanan Tangkap menurut Kesteven (1973)

    Bio-Tekno-Sosio-Ekonomi Kita akan fokus ke pada aspek


  • Habitat ikan selama siklus hidupnya

  • Fekunditas

  • Ukuran ikan di alam akibat selective fishing

  • Fishing on foodweb

  • Impact of selective fishing?

    Trophic levels: the number of steps, in a food web, that separates organisms from the primary producers at the base of that food web. Trophic levels (TL) tend to range in marine food webs between 1 (phytoplankton, other algae, detritus) and 5 (killer whales, polar bears), and usually are non-integers (e.g., 2.2 for krill; 3.6 for a mackerel; 4.1 for a tuna, etc.), because most consumers have an eclectic diet (see also FishBase ECOLOGY Table ).

  • Science, 279:860-863 (Tahun 1998)

  • 1.16 > A fish stock before fishing, after fishing, and after reproduction. The changes in body size are a result of fisheries-induced evolution.

  • Economic of fishing

  • A consequence of dynamics of fish stock in response to different levels of fishing pressure

  • 19 Fishing Area

  • Habitat protection and fisheries management

    Buffer zone

    No-take zone

    No-take zone

  • Komponen Keberlanjutan

    Sumberdaya ikan Teknologi Pelaku Usaha Pemanfaat sumberdaya ikan Tata Kelola (governance)

  • Mengukur status perikanan: Rapfish

  • Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM)

    What is the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM)?

    In 2003, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defined EAFM as An approach to fisheries man- agement and development that strives to balance diverse societal objectives, by taking into account the knowledge and uncertainties about biotic, abiotic, and human components of ecosystems and their interactions and applying an integrated approach to fisheries within ecologically meaningful boundaries

  • Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM)

  • Back to Fishing

  • Kategori kegiatan penangkapan ikan berdasarkan manfaatnya sebagai penghasil pangan dan dampak terhadap populasi ikan

    Food Utilization


    Controlled Harvesting

    Pest Control Slaughtering


    Save the fish

    Kill the fish

    Selecting Separating Spliting Sorting Grading Filtering Sieving Excluding

    Populasi Ikan



    at se


    i pen


    il pa


    Capture Extinction Conservation Preservation Protection


  • Fishing operation Impacts on habitat, impacts of lost gear, etc.

    Collateral mortality (caused by gear)

    Capture Release (alive, unharmed)

    By-catch (target and non-target)

    Catch (target and non-target)

    Reject (in port)

    Marketable catch



    Processing waste



    Ketidak-efisienan kegiatan penangkapan ikan

  • Gambar yang digunakan dalam kuliah ini dari berbagai sumber Terima kasih

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