September 2015 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hasbrouck Heights, NJ TRINITY TIDINGS The Reason for Quiet Time: Spiritual Oxygen Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 Happy are they . . . [who] meditate on God’s teaching day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in due season . . . Psalm 1:1a, 2b, 3 Now that summer is mostly behind us, you might be wondering why I’m writing about “quiet time” just as the bustle of the “new beginnings” September brings to our days . . . and not just to parents with children going back to school! The paradox of my favorite month, September, is that it is on the cusp of summer and autumn. The first is a season of planting and growing; the second is a season of harvesting and dying off. It’s rather ironic that we send children and youth off to school to have the seeds of learning and knowledge sown in their hearts and minds during the harvest season when other kinds of seeds are now at the twilight of their life cycle. The juxtaposition of new beginnings in a season of transition and dying off is spiritually compelling and exciting to me. Yet, I have come to learn that the excitement of these new beginnings and “gearing up” for the coming “new” year of programs and worship needs to be balanced with a salutary rhythm of quiet time along with the action. Over twelve years ago now, when I was Director of Parish Education at St. John’s in Summit, I started a group for parents called Spiritual Oxygen. The name of the group came from the airplane safety rules that dictate that adults put oxygen masks on their faces first before putting masks on the faces of children. This rule assures that the adult will be ready and able to assist the child during an emergency. It is the same in our spiritual life. Parents do well—all of us do well—when we take time to replenish our spiritual oxygen before facing the daily challenges of child-rearing, work, serving and ministering of all kinds. Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and worship are oxygen for our spirits. So quiet time gives us breathing space in our schedule. And, as anyone who has been to a hospital knows, quiet time is necessary for healing. Quiet time is not an end in itself. That is, there is nothing beneficial about a time of devotional focus unless something good comes out of it. Spending time with God is to gain healing, encouragement, comfort and hope, in order that we can more effectively contribute to those around us and to our world. We are partners with God in building a better creation. That is our life agenda as disciples of Jesus. Daily quiet time helps my hard heart remember who Jesus is for me and for all of us; it reminds me that I can begin each day anew. But there is a lot more to this new life we have been given. The new life is, in Jesus words, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” That is what life is about. It is making the earth a place of greater goodness, beauty, justice and worthwhileness. Each of us is a partner with Jesus in this salutary way of living. So, I hope you will join me in setting aside taking spiritual oxygen in a daily quiet time; but, remember why you are doing it. It's not to get a pat on the back from God; it is not to have God judge you to be a more faithful follower — it is to foster your relationship with your God; to share your joys and sorrows, your hopes and dreams, your weaknesses and your strengths with God. In doing so, you will be healed and encouraged for the day that lies before you. In the peace and joy of the Lord which is our strength, Pastor Susan

TRINITY TIDINGS - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/holytrinitylutheranchurch... ·  · 2015-08-24Psalm 1:1a, 2b, 3 Now that summer is ... it reminds me that I can begin each day

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September 2015

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Hasbrouck Heights, NJ


The Reason for Quiet Time: Spiritual Oxygen

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Happy are they . . . [who] meditate on God’s teaching day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in due season . . . Psalm 1:1a, 2b, 3

Now that summer is mostly behind us, you might be wondering why I’m writing about “quiet time” just as the bustle of the “new beginnings” September brings to our days . . . and not just to parents with children going back to school! The paradox of my favorite month, September, is that it is on the cusp of summer and autumn. The first is a season of planting and growing; the second is a season of harvesting and dying off. It’s rather ironic that we send children and youth off to school to have the seeds of learning and knowledge sown in their hearts and minds during the harvest season when other kinds of seeds are now at the twilight of their life cycle. The juxtaposition of new beginnings in a season of transition and dying off is spiritually compelling and exciting to me. Yet, I have come to learn that the excitement of these new beginnings and “gearing up” for the coming “new” year of programs and worship needs to be balanced with a salutary rhythm of quiet time along with the action.

Over twelve years ago now, when I was Director of Parish Education at St. John’s in Summit, I started a group for parents called Spiritual Oxygen. The name of the group came from the airplane safety rules that dictate that adults put oxygen masks on their faces first before putting masks on the faces of children. This rule assures that the adult will be ready and able to assist the child during an emergency. It is the same in our spiritual life. Parents do well—all of us do well—when we take time to replenish our spiritual oxygen before facing the daily challenges of child-rearing, work, serving and ministering of all kinds. Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and worship are oxygen for our spirits.

So quiet time gives us breathing space in our schedule. And, as anyone who has been to a hospital knows, quiet time is necessary for healing. Quiet time is not an end in itself. That is, there is nothing beneficial about a time of devotional focus unless something good comes out of it. Spending time with God is to gain healing, encouragement, comfort and hope, in order that we can more effectively contribute to those around us and to our world.

We are partners with God in building a better creation. That is our life agenda as disciples of Jesus. Daily quiet time helps my hard heart remember who Jesus is for me and for all of us; it reminds me that I can begin each day anew.

But there is a lot more to this new life we have been given. The new life is, in Jesus words, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” That is what life is about. It is making the earth a place of greater goodness, beauty, justice and worthwhileness. Each of us is a partner with Jesus in this salutary way of living.

So, I hope you will join me in setting aside taking spiritual oxygen in a daily quiet time; but, remember why you are doing it. It's not to get a pat on the back from God; it is not to have God judge you to be a more faithful follower — it is to foster your relationship with your God; to share your joys and sorrows, your hopes and dreams, your weaknesses and your strengths with God. In doing so, you will be healed and encouraged for the day that lies before you.

In the peace and joy of the Lord which is our strength,

Pastor Susan

Page 2 September 2015


Dear Friends in Christ,

As we remember our membership and ministry with you, Ann and I are

grateful to God. We have shared, in some small way, in the larger response to the

gospel that can be seen in the life of Holy Trinity Church. You are each a part of

that ministry!

I want to especially thank Pr. Susan Nelson-Colaneri who had led the

former Church of the Redeemer and Holy Trinity Church faithfully and wisely

through difficult times. I also want to thank George Moser whose ministry of

music has been so effective. You are blessed to have such leaders! I am blessed

to count them as friends!

Ann and I will be back to visit and will enjoy keeping up on what is

going on in the ministry of this congregation. In the meantime, please know you

are each in our prayers for personal well being, for growth in ministry, and for

wholeness of life in Christ!

Yours in Jesus’ Name,

Pastor Wayne Dreyman

Pastoral Associate

Men's Breakfast

With Pastor Dreyman

Saturday, September 12, 2015 Arena Diner, Hackensack, NJ

10:00 - 11:30 AM

Pastor Dreyman Bids Farewell

Call the Church Office To Register

Visitors and Friends Welcome

September 2015 Page 3

The Sundays of

Pentecost 15, September 6—

They were astounded beyond measure, saying, “He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” Today’s readings focus on the complicated topic of healing. First, Jesus responds to a woman in need and shows merciful acceptance in healing the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter. Then he heals a man who is deaf and mute with the command Ephphatha!—Be open! With this command he opens the eyes and ears and hearts and minds of the crowd.

Pentecost 17, September 20—Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all. Today we hear James warn against selfish ambition, while the disciples quarrel over which of them is the greatest. Jesus tells them the way to be great is to serve. Then, to make it concrete, he puts in front of them an actual flesh-and-blood child. We are called to welcome the particular children God puts in front of us, to make room for them in daily interaction, and to give them a place of honor in the assembly.

Pentecost 18, September 27—Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another. Someone is casting out demons in Jesus’ name who isn’t part of Jesus’ own circle, and the disciples want him stopped. They appeal to Jesus, as Joshua did to Moses about the elders who prophesied without official authorization. Like Moses, Jesus refuses to see this as a threat. Jesus welcomes good being done in his name, even when it is not under his control. The circle we form around Jesus’ word must be able to value good being done in ways we wouldn’t do it, by people we can’t keep tabs on.

Pentecost 16, September 13 - RALLY DAY - God’s work. Our hands.*

— YG 2015 Team Presentation and Godspeed to Pastor and Mrs. Dreyman — Blessing of students, teachers and backpacks

— Worship at 10:30 AM with block party immediately following the service Don't forget . . . bring a side dish or dessert to share for the picnic.

— Petting zoo and pony rides for children

—*ELCA dedicated day of service: We will assemble sustainable lunches for distribution by Bridges Outreach to the homeless in NJ.

Please bring a donation for our Bridge's sustainable lunches—e.g., fruit cups,

juice boxes, small water bottles, snack bars or individually packed cookies.




Page 4 September 2015


What are these teens doing? To find out the answer to this question and so much more be sure to come to worship on Sunday, September 13, when the YG 2015 Team will tell all!


September 20 at 9:15 AM

A heart at peace gives life to the body.

Proverbs 14:30a

Cut here and place on your refrigerator as a reminder.

September 2015 Page 5


— HOLY TRINITY — Living faithfully ┼ Renewing hope ┼ Sharing God’s love

Blessing of the Animals and Commemoration of St. Francis Sunday, October 4 Noon—Front Lawn Burton Avenue


St. Francis of Assisi is remembered not only as a friend of animals,

but primarily as a renewer of the church, urging the church to be

faithful to the Gospel. Francis, the son of a wealthy cloth merchant, renounced his wealth and

future inheritance and devoted himself to the poor. He said that all followers of Christ had the task

to preach the Gospel and to “use words if necessary.”

In commemoration of St. Francis, please join us on Sunday, October 4, on the front

lawn at noon and bring your pets for a brief, but maybe raucous, special Blessing of the Animals Service.

Women, (Wine) and the Word*

Friday, October 2, at 6:30 PM Take-Out; Eat-In Night Multipurpose Room, Holy Trinity

This is an opportunity for women to come together to build relationships, share in fellowship and explore God’s word. Pastor Susan will provide the wine!

RSVP by September 30 to Pastor Susan at [email protected] or by phone at 201-288-6889.

*We will discuss the sister relationship of Rachel and Leah—sister wives of the handsome trickster, Jacob, found in Genesis 29-30. You can download the text to read by going to the website:


Page 6 September 2015

Romans: The Letter That Changed the World A Seven-Week Bible Study Begins on October 8 at 7 - 8:30 PM Concludes on November 19

Brilliant. Counter-cultural. History-shaping. With blazing clarity, Paul's letter to the early churches in Rome revealed both the transforming light of the gospel and the darkness of the surrounding world. Discover just how radical a message Paul's letter to the Romans really was and why it has inspired both hope and conflict through the centuries and why today it continues to challenge our culture and change hearts and lives. Discover why this letter launched the Reformation in 1517 when Luther “saw the whole of scripture in a different light and it opened for him “the very gate of paradise.”

All are welcome! Join the conversation on Thursday evenings at 7 PM. For more information, contact Pastor Susan by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (201) 288-6889.




2 - 5 PM*

Our next “Knit and Crochet-In” will take place on Sunday, October 11, from 2–5 PM in the multi-purpose room. *Please note that the time has changed. We will begin an hour earlier, at 2 PM. If you are interested in knitting and/or crocheting, no matter what level you’re at, we invite you to attend.

Come, relax, meet new people and experience an afternoon of fellowship and fun! Bring a project you’ve been working on or want to start. Take advantage of simple instructions for knitting and crocheting. News of Holy Trinity’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, Warm Up America Foundation, and other programs that will welcome

our handmade shawls, hats, blankets and scarves is available. Patterns, ideas and other giveaways are also available.

Please call Dianna Mammone at 201-843-5769 to let her know you will attend. The event is open to the community. We look forward to seeing you there.



Thanks to everyone's continued generosity, we have been able to send 26 filled backpacks to Lutheran

Social Ministries for the children in their foster care and other programs.

Holy Trinity’s next From the Porch project will be a Christmas gift collection for the residents of the

Veteran’s Home in Paramus. Many of these men and women have no families to bring them gifts or

even the things they need for everyday living. These people generously put their lives on the line for

us in their younger years and must not be forgotten now when they are most in need.

Items being collected should be new. We are requesting bed jackets for women, men’s pajamas (sizes

M-4X), crew style sox without elastic tops, baseball caps and sweatshirts or sweatpants in all sizes for

men or women. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry will be working on shawls and lap robes for the veterans

and will welcome them from members of the community as well. Finally, if you have medium/large

Christmas gift bags to spare, these will also be appreciated.

We will be collecting during the months of September, October, and November. Items may be left

on the Porch of the church or in the bin provided in the lobby. If you have any questions, please call

the church office at 201-288-6889.

Thank you, as always, for helping to make our ministries to those in need possible and sharing in . . .


making a difference in ways both large and small!

PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL with the Spirit’s gifts, empower us for the work of ministry . . .

September 2015 Page 7


WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) will be

participating in Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child, aka "The Shoe Box

Project," again this year. During the months of September and October, we

will be collecting items to fill shoe boxes for children all around the world. You

may pick up a decorated shoe box at Holy Trinity or you may choose to use and decorate your own

shoe box (please wrap the top and bottom separately so it can be easily opened). Boxes should be

filled with any of the suggested items listed in the brochure found either in the box or on the table in

the lobby; or, simply just donate any of the appropriate items and let WELCA do the rest. If you

decide to fill a box, please be sure to indicate whether the box is for a BOY or a GIRL and the age

category, 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 years of age, using the available labels. All boxes and/or items must be

turned in by November 1.

Note: In just the last five years, more than 1.1 million children have prayed to accept Jesus as their

Lord and Savior through Operation Christmas Child’s follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest

Journey. So, be creative, think outside the box — put the items in a shoe box or give them to WELCA

and make a child smile!

“Your gift of love may be the door God uses to open a child’s heart to Jesus . . .”


Page 8 September 2015


Mats for The Homeless

This picture shows

what 220 plastic bags

look like. So far, we at

Holy Trinity and the

community have

prevented 2700+ bags

from being added to

landfills. That amounts

to about 9 plastic mats

(300 bags per mat) for

the homeless. Please

keep those plastic bags

coming. Ten should be

completed and ready

for distribution this fall. If you are able to assist,

please contact Debbie by phone at 201-820-1300

or by e-mail at [email protected].

Dear Holy Trinity Friends,

Mary Lou and I extend our thanks to you for the generous gift of Choir Chimes made in honor of our marriage, July 11, 2015. We were totally surprised when Pastor Susan presented the gift on Sunday, July 5. I had had some recent conversations about Choir Chimes with one of the bell choir members, but never realized how they would play out!

Your support of our Music Ministry in this way is greatly appreciated and will bring a new sound to our worship services. Choir Chimes are played like handbells, but provide a softer, more rounded tone — almost like the sounds made by large wind chimes.

The Joyful Noise Ringers will begin playing them at our first rehearsal in the fall and we are planning to dedicate them at a morning service in the near future. So, keep listening!

Sincerely, George Moser and Mary Lou Burde

Congratulations, George and Mary Lou!


Readers will meet on Friday,

September 4, 6:30 PM at Holy

Trinity for take-out Chinese. The

book we are reading, Hotel on the Corner of

Bitter and Sweet, a novel by Jamie Ford,

begins when Henry Lee comes upon a gathering

outside the Panama Hotel, once the gateway to

Seattle’s Japantown. Boarded up for decades, the

new owner has just discovered the belongings of

Japanese families that were left when they were

sent to internment camps during World War II.

Henry is taken back to his childhood in the 1940s

when he meets and forms a bond of friendship

with a young Japanese American student, Keiko

Okabe. When she and her family are swept up in

evacuations to internment camps, Henry and

Keiko can only hope that the war will end and

that their promise to each other will be kept. Old

Henry searches in the hotel now for signs of the

Okabe family’s belongings, for words that might

explain his family’s actions, ones that might

bridge the gap between him and his modern son;

words that might help him confront the choices

he made many years ago.

Set during one of America’s shameful episodes

in its history, this is an extraordinary novel of

commitment and enduring hope, and one whose

characters show us the power of forgiveness and

the human heart.

For more information, please call or e-mail Rita

Krieger at 201-288-9256 or [email protected], or

Dianna Mammone at [email protected]

or 201-843-5769.

September 2015 Page 9





To all who helped empty the kitchen so it could be painted and to all who cleaned

the kitchen, the furniture, etc. and put the room back together after the painting.

To everyone who helped empty the multipurpose room so the floor could be refinished and to all who helped put

everything back in place after the work was completed.

To Charlie Davis and John Heflich for trimming the shrubs and bushes at both the parsonage and the church.

To the cooking and serving crew who prepared and served 92 dinners on August 5

through the Family Promise Dinner Program. A special thanks also to all who donated desserts for the occasion. It was VERY

much appreciated.


Joyful Noise Ringers

Come Ring With Us!




September 23 — 7 PM

Contact: George Moser at 201-288-6889

or at [email protected]

July 28, 2015

Both Current Fund and

Synod giving are ahead of last year’s


A $10,000 gift was received from the

Knippenberg Fund.

$2,000 will be contributed out of the

Homeless Fund to support St. Matthew

Trinity’s homeless ministry and St. John’s

Shelter in Hoboken.

Bishop Bartholomew has invited the presidents

and vice presidents of congregations

throughout New Jersey to a discussion series

about mission.

In July, visits to Holy Trinity’s website were at

an all-time high.

The next Council meeting will be held on

September 8 at 7:15 PM.


Holy Trinity will again host a table at Town

Day in Woodland Park on September 26. Town Day is an opportunity to reach out to the community and share information about

our congregation and its upcoming events, as well as a small token of God’s love with those who stop by our table. If you would enjoy

this opportunity and are able to spend an hour or two with us, please contact Judy Danilchick by phone at 201-935-2195 or by

e-mail at [email protected]. In the event of rain, it will be held on October 3.

Sponsored by

The Children’s Dyslexia Centers of NJ Hasbrouck Heights

The Hasbrouck Heights annual walk for the

benefit of children with Dyslexia will be held on

Saturday, October 3 (rain or shine), 10 AM,

at Depken Athletic Field. Registration will

begin at 9 AM. Monies raised will be used to

support The Children’s Dyslexia Center of New

Jersey in Hasbrouck Heights where children with

Dyslexia are being taught to read. The Orton-

Gillingham approach, a one-on-one educational

experience, is the program used. Bert Heeren

will be walking and will be accepting sponsors

for the walkathon on Sundays prior to

October 3. Please see Bert if you would like to

be a sponsor and/or if you would like to walk for

this cause.


Rebecca Wright

Ed Manning

Marge Heeren

Deborah Stelzle

Lia Kunnapas

David Gugliotti

Michael O’Malley

Nicole Vazquez

John Heflich

Ricky Otazu

Eleanor Altomare

Enn Kunnapas

Pastor Susan

Page 10 September 2015

Please remember our Shut-ins

and Hospitalized Members with visits, cards and prayers!

Ann Feltrin

Marion Lawler

Lois Nitus

Doris Schwarz

Wolfgang A. Steinhauff

Joan Yanik



Vinny and Rita Krieger Ed and Elaine Manning

Charlie and Karen Niestempski Bert and Marge Heeren

I can’t say thank you often enough to my friends at Holy Trinity. Over the past five months, your many cards expressing good wishes and encouragement as well as your prayers made my days brighter and easier to bear. I am also most grateful to Pastor Susan for her uplifting visits.

In the not-too-distant future, I’m looking forward to returning for Sunday worship services.

Thanks be to God, Lois Nitus

Directory Update

New Address

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hemans

PO Box 183

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

Letters of Thanks Received

Letters of thanks for Redeemer’s legacy gifts

were received from the following:

ELCA Global Church Sponsorship

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)


The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia

The letters are posted on the bulletin board in

the lobby for your viewing.


September 2015 Page 11

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4

6:30 pm Readers


6 Pentecost XV

10:30 am Holy Communion

11:30 am

Coffee Hour




7:15 pm Church Council


11-11:30 am Holy Communion at

Wellington Hall


10:30 am WELCA

11 12

10-11:30 am Men’s Breakfast

Farewell to Pastor Dreyman

13 Pentecost XVI

10:30 am Rally Day

Godspeed to Pastor

& Mrs. Dreyman

YG 2015 Team Presentation

Block Party

14 15 16 Tidings Articles Due (October/November)

17 18 19

20 Pentecost XVII

9:15 am Sunday School

10:30 am

Holy Communion

11:30 am Coffee Hour


7 pm Stewardship


6:30 pm Contemporary Club


11-11:30 am Holy Communion at

Wellington Hall

7-8 pm Joyful Noise Ringers

24 25 26 10:30 am-3:30 pm Hasbrouck Heights

Town Day*

27 Pentecost XVIII

9:15 am Sunday School

10:30 am

Holy Communion

11:30 am Coffee Hour

28 29 30

7-8 pm Joyful Noise Ringers

October 1

10:30 am WELCA


6:30 pm Women, Wine and the Word


*(Town Day Rain Date)


Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Permit No. 340 Hackensack, N.J.

The following is a list of urgently needed

items in our food pantry. There is a bin in the

lobby for your donations.

Supermarket Gift Cards Rice

Canned Hearty Soups Instant Potatoes

Canned Meat 100% Fruit Juices

(tuna, chicken, etc.) Baby Formula

Canned Vegetables Diapers (Sizes 4,5, & 6)

Peanut Butter & Jelly Paper Products

Macaroni & Cheese Toothpaste Cereal Toothbrushes

(low sugar kids cereal) Shampoo

Dry Milk or boxed Parmalat Bar Soap

Canned Fruits

If you are reading this newsletter of the

people of Holy Trinity in Hasbrouck Heights

and are either looking for a church home or

are just interested in finding out more about

what goes on at Holy Trinity, we invite you

to come and worship with us or to call the

church office at 201-288-6889. Our Pastor,

The Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri, can also be

reached on her cell phone at 973-980-2367

or at [email protected].

If you should call the church office and get

an answering machine, please be assured

that your call will be returned at our first

available moment.



Sundays 10:30 AM – Service of Holy Communion

Coffee Fellowship After the Service

Sunday Church School 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM


The Ministers . . . . . . . . .The People of Holy Trinity Pastor . . . . . . . . .The Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri [email protected] 201-288-6889 Pastoral Associate.The Rev. Dr. E. Wayne Dreyman

[email protected] Minister of Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . George W. Moser [email protected] Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Mills Newsletter Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Danilchick


August 26, 2015

92 Burton Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-6889 Fax: 201-288-0645

[email protected]