Evolutionists 14 billion years and young earth creationists 6 days are both right Prologue: We are the universe come alive A single consciousness, a universal wisdom, pervades the universe. The discoveries of science, those that search the quantum nature of subatomic matter, have moved us to the brink of a startling realization: all existence is the expression of this wisdom. In the laboratories we experience it as information that first physically articulated as energy and then condensed into the form of matter. Every particle, every being, from atom to human, appears to represent a level of information, of wisdom. The puzzle we will confront, in the article library, as we study the behavior of the atomic building blocks of all matter and then the functioning of biological cells is from where does this information arise? There is no hint of it in the laws of nature that govern the interactions among the basic particles that comprise all matter. It just appears as a given, with no causal agent evident, as if it is an intrinsic facet of nature. The concept that there might be an attribute as non-physical as information or wisdom at the heart of existence in no way denigrates the physical aspects of our lives. Denial of the pleasures and wonder of our bodies is a sad misreading of the nature of existence. The accomplishments of a science based on materialism have given us physical comforts, invented life-saving medicines, and sent people to the moon. The oft- quoted statement, "not by bread alone does a human live" (Deuteronomy 8:3), lets us know that there are two crucial aspects to our lives, one of which is bread, physical satisfaction. The other parameter is an underlying universal wisdom. There's no competition here between a metaphysical spirituality and the material. The two are complementary, as in the concept 'to complete.' When we see through the camouflage haze that at times convinces us that only the material exists and we touch that consciousness, we know it. A joyful rush of emotion sweeps over the entire self. It's telling us that we've come home. We've discovered the essence of being. Everyone has felt it at some time or other. Perhaps at a brilliant sunrise, in a work of art, the words of a lover. The physical and the metaphysical join. If we dared, we'd call the experience spiritual, even Godly. But there's a reluctance to use the "G" word. "Listen to the Force" is Page | 1

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Evolutionists 14 billion years and young earth creationists 6 days are both right

Prologue: We are the universe come alive

A single consciousness, a universal wisdom, pervades the universe. The discoveries of science, those that search the quantum nature of subatomic matter, have moved us to the brink of a startling realization: all existence is the expression of this wisdom. In the laboratories we experience it as information that first physically articulated as energy and then condensed into the form of matter. Every particle, every being, from atom to human, appears to represent a level of information, of wisdom. The puzzle we will confront, in the article library, as we study the behavior of the atomic building blocks of all matter and then the functioning of biological cells is from where does this information arise? There is no hint of it in the laws of nature that govern the interactions among the basic particles that comprise all matter. It just appears as a given, with no causal agent evident, as if it is an intrinsic facet of nature. The concept that there might be an attribute as non-physical as information or wisdom at the heart of existence in no way denigrates the physical aspects of our lives. Denial of the pleasures and wonder of our bodies is a sad misreading of the nature of existence. The accomplishments of a science based on materialism have given us physical comforts, invented life-saving medicines, and sent people to the moon. The oft-quoted statement, "not by bread alone does a human live" (Deuteronomy 8:3), lets us know that there are two crucial aspects to our lives, one of which is bread, physical satisfaction. The other parameter is an underlying universal wisdom. There's no competition here between a metaphysical spirituality and the material. The two are complementary, as in the concept 'to complete.'

When we see through the camouflage haze that at times convinces us that only the material exists and we touch that consciousness, we know it. A joyful rush of emotion sweeps over the entire self. It's telling us that we've come home. We've discovered the essence of being. Everyone has felt it at some time or other. Perhaps at a brilliant sunrise, in a work of art, the words of a lover. The physical and the metaphysical join.

If we dared, we'd call the experience spiritual, even Godly. But there's a reluctance to use the "G" word. "Listen to the Force" is acceptable on the great silver screen. Had Star Wars said "Listen to God," the theater would have emptied in a flash. The reluctance is not surprising considering the bizarre claims erroneously attributed to God through the ages and especially in our age. Fortunately, most of those claims are based on the expectations for the putative God of the Bible that we learned as children. Obviously, when our child-level wisdom is evaluated by our adult minds, that wisdom is bound to seem naive. For many, it comes as a surprise that there is far more sophistication to the metaphysical than that which we learned as youngsters.

The age-old theological view of the universe is that all existence is the manifestation of a transcendent wisdom, with a universal consciousness being its manifestation. If we substitute the word information for wisdom, theology begins to sound like quantum physics. We may be witnessing the scientific confluence of the physical with the spiritual. We are, each of us, a part the universe seeking itself. We struggle between a world that seems totally material and the emotional, even spiritual, pull we all feel at times. To relegate, a priori, those feelings of love and joy and spirituality to some assumed function of our ancestors' evolutionary drive for survival masks the greatest pleasures in life, the experiential realization of the metaphysical.

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Hadrons and Leptons epochs

In the early moments of the 6 days of creation, at .00001 of a second, the earth cooled enough to cause quark and anti-quark creation and in the high density, about the size of a grapefruit universe, collisions resulted in annihilations and the release of photons of energy.

For every 10 billion pairs of quark and anti quark collisions there was an extra quark, it becoming the tiny fraction that makes up the mass of the universe, electrons, protons and neutrons.

The occurrence (Retro Causality) of an electron particle/antiparticle pair, never born alone, popping up is one event, and it "happens" both towards the "future and towards the "past“. A particle is identical to its anti-particle except that the electrical charges are reversed. That causes the direction of time to reverse. A particle is born there where an anti-particle dies, and vice versa. When particle and anti-particle meet they annihilate turning into one photon.

When this process completed, at .001, with the universe now the size of our solar system there was quark confinement and all the building blocks were in place for a 100 billion galaxies, each containing a 100 billion stars and near one of those stars a planet brimming with potential for life.

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In 1905 Einstein introduced the Special Theory of Relativity and one of the most famous equations in the history of science, E=mc2. This equation signifies that energy and mass are convertible: Energy (E) equals mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared.

Einstein based special relativity on two postulates.

1st that the speed of light is constant—186,000 miles per second—regardless of whether or not a body is in motion and regardless of its frame of reference.

2nd Quantities we assumed to be absolute—time, length, and mass—are not in fact so. Example, a spacecraft that blasts off for Proxima Centauri and travels there at ninety-five percent of the speed of light would become significantly shorter to the observer on Earth while maintaining the same length when measured by those traveling in the spacecraft. Meanwhile on Earth 4.5 years would elapse before the ship arrived at its destination 4.35 light years away. But the extremely precise atomic clock on the ship would show just 1.4 years passing. Time depends entirely on which way you are looking. From the Bibles perspective looking forward in time, the start of day one, or us looking backward in time from the present.

Cosmic background radiation

Einstein’s relativity theory implies that time slows the faster you travel.

(CBR) occupying the space between stars and galaxies, (the background), completely dark and at the completion of creation day 6, and still today, has a fixed temperature of 2.73K (approximately - 270C or -450F). Its wave frequency is the rate which the cosmic clock ticks. The directly measureable coordinate along the line of sight is not time, but redshift (z) – the ratio of CBR frequencies at some distance in the past relative to CBR frequencies observed today.

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A blueshift is any decrease in wavelength, with a corresponding increase in frequency, of an electromagnetic wave; the opposite effect is referred to as redshift. In visible light, this shifts the color from the red end of the spectrum to the blue end. (Article eye)

If this explanation is a little much use 2 Peter 3:8 instead.

The temperature at the start of time, quark confinement, at the 1st millisecond of time, was then (10.9 x 10*12K) to the now (2.73K) Every time the universe doubles this temperature decrease by 2K, so in doing the math the earth doubled its expansion 900,000,000,000 times by the time God finished creation. If you divide the evolutions 14 billion years by 900 billion expansions and multiple that fraction of a year, .015556, by 365 you get 5.68 days.

The .32 shortfall is the time, Planck era, slightly before quark confinement, an earlier time physicists need to heat up the The Large Hadron Collider to prove (TOE) & (GUT). (More on this later is this article)

1. The big bang marks the creation of the universe; light laterally breaks free as electrons bond to atomic nuclei; galaxies start to form

2. Disk of Milky Way forms; Sun, a main sequence star forms3. The earth has cooled and liquid water appears 3.8 billion years ago followed almost immediately by

the first forms of life: bacteria and photosynthetic algae 4. Earth’s atmosphere becomes transparent; photosynthesis produces oxygen-rich atmosphere5. First multi-cellular animals; waters swarm with animal life having basic body plans of all future

animals; winged insects appear 6. Massive extinction destroys over 90% of life. Land is repopulated: hominids and then humans

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A measure of the Doppler stretching of the light wave from the galaxy in which the Cepheid is located (known as the red shift) gives a measure of how fast that Cepheid’s galaxy is moving away from the Milky Way, provided the red shift is due totally to the galaxy’s motion (gravity also stretches light waves). From there it is one step to calculating the Hubble constant and from that the age of the universe but this calculation is an extrapolation and could be off (+or-) 5 billion years.

The million-million-to-one ratio between Genesis time during the six days of creation and our current perception of time is not an extrapolation. That ratio is based on the known threshold temperature at which matter (protons and neutrons) form, a value measured in today’s physics laboratories , (10.9 x 10*12K), and the present measured temperature of the black of space, (2.73K), the cosmic radiation background.

Are these two time frame values mentioned in Genesis?

(10.9 X 10*12K) Genesis 2 KJV 2:4 these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens

(2.73K) Genesis 5 KJV 5:1 this is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

What happened to the dinosaurs? They came and went in day six.

Wasn’t Adam the first man? Hebrew has two words for soul, nefesh and neshama.

“And God created….every animal….” (Gen 1.21) All animals, humans included, share this first creation. It signifies the influence of the nefesh, the soul of animal life. A few verses later when the text tells of humans, there is a further creation, one in which lower animals did not share. “And God created the Adam…” (Gen 1:27) That creation marks the soul of humankind, the neshana.

The 1st seconds in time

The various fundamental particles popped out of the Quantum Foam and, apart from their masses, their differences were not discernible because there was only one force at work in the universe commencing as a singularity. And when it did there came to exist two forces: gravity and the strong-electro-weak force. Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The universe, a vacuum of space, is not a vast absence of anything; just a vast absence of particles but it can still bend twist and ripple. Below the particle level there is an ocean of turbulence, jars and jolts just below that level, eddies of chance, vortices of possibilities, a state of dynamic becoming not static being.

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• Matter feels no difference between gravity and acceleration.

• The visible universe consists of stable particles that connect and thus make space and time.

• Below the energy level at which particles can exist, there is an ocean of chance (called quantum foam); no connectedness and no stability.

• Particles always arise in pairs: matter and anti- matter.

Virtual Partials or Quantum Foam zooming in on empty space, X1035 reveals the constant creation and destruction of matter and anti-matter, electrons and anti-electrons, quarks and anti-quarks. They are created from nothing and disappear back into nothing.

Now particles either responded to gravity by means of their mass or amount of energy, or they responded by means of their strong-electro-weak charge. And the breaching went on.

The strong-electro-weak force spawned the strong nuclear force and the electro-weak force. This caused two major groups of fundamental particles to be identified: quarks that responded to all three existing

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forces and leptons that did not respond to the strong nuclear force. Leptons are those particles that we can feel but not see, while quarks can be both felt and seen. This caused a significant change in particles dynamics. Also because quarks are generally more massive than leptons. We speak of the mass-dominated era.

The final breach in symmetry happened when the electro-weak force broke apart into the electromagnetic force and the weak force. This breach in symmetry only marked a further difference in the lepton-tribe. Those leptons that had electromagnetic charge followed electromagnetism, and those leptons that did not have electromagnetic charge (the neutrinos) did not follow electromagnetism.

The Large Hadron Collider

They built a large facility in Europe, employing 17,000 people, and for the last twenty five years have been working on figuring stuff out. In order to prove the Higgs theory they needed to determine the cosmic background radiation at the 1st .001 of time, day 1 of creation. They raced protons around a 17 mile circle, in opposite directions, at a speed 3000 times around every second for about ten hours. When the protons collide, they experience temperatures of tens of trillions of degrees centigrade, which is over a hundred thousand times hotter than the center of the Sun. They also discovered the Higgs Boson winning a Nobel Prize in Physics for Peter Higgs and Francois Englert in 2013.

Quark Gluon Plasma occurs when temperatures get so hot protons and neutrons literally melt. Colliders like the Large Hadron Collider can simulate this event, 0.000001 seconds after the Big Bang.

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The LHC is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. The collider is contained in a circular tunnel, with a circumference of 27 kilometers (17 mi), at a depth ranging from 50 to 175 meters (164 to 574 ft) underground. There are four main detectors at the LHC, each with unique capabilities. Each one is basically a huge camera that can study millions or billions of particle collisions per second. There are over 5000 physicists employed at this facility and though the largest this is only one of over a 100 in the world.

(LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.

Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide. The beams travel in opposite directions in separate beam pipes – two tubes kept at ultrahigh vacuum. They are guided around the accelerator ring by a strong magnetic field maintained by superconducting electromagnets. The electromagnets are built from coils of special electric cable that operates in a superconducting state, efficiently conducting electricity without resistance or loss of energy. This requires chilling the magnets to -271.3°C – a temperature colder than outer space. For this

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reason, much of the accelerator is connected to a distribution system of liquid helium, which cools the magnets, as well as to other supply services.

ALICE stands for A Large Ion Collider Experiment and is designed to study what happens when you collide two nuclei of lead together. It is 26 meters long and 16 meters high and weighs 10,000 tons. It takes about 1,500 physicists from 154 institutes and 37 countries to operate. Its purpose is to study a new state of matter, called quark gluon plasma, in which matter is heated to 100,000 times hotter than the center of the sun- hot enough to literally melt protons and neutrons at the center of atoms. Conditions like these were last common in the universe about a millionth of a second after the Big Bang.

The one remaining thing to prove is how gravity works. Their best two choices are a graviton and a flavor of string theory. The current smallest particles are Quarks and leptons 1/10,000 the size of a proton which is 0.8768 femtometers in radius (a femtometer is a millionth of a billionth of a meter). The strings of string theory would be unimaginably smaller. Your average string, if it exists, is about 10-33

centimeters long. That's a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. If an atom were magnified to the size of the solar system, a string would be the size of a tree.

They can’t see a string so they have to find it using the particle accelerator to slam this tiny matter into one another.

(1) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) to explain how the electroweak and strong nuclear force are different aspects of a deeper theory, TOE which incorporates all known forces, they expect that the energy at which all forces unify would be what is called the Planck energy, they would need about 10 to the 19th

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billion electron volts or a hundred billion times more volts than the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC can provide and this does need to be proven first.

(2) Theory of Everything (TOE), which is figuring out a graviton, they need specifically 10 to the 15th billion electron volts, which is about a quadrillion times more volts than what can be studied with the highest energy particle accelerator ever built, the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC.

Biology and the Information of Life:

The opening of the 20th century marked the era of physics. Theory and discovery revealed a reality at both sub-atomic and cosmic dimensions undreamed of just a few decades earlier. Einstein and relativity, Planck and quantum physics, Heisenberg and uncertainty exposed the wisdom within which all existence is embedded.

By the 1950's, especially with the demonstration by Crick, Watson and Wilkins of the double helix structure of the genetic codes present in all life, the biological sciences moved to the fore. Almost simultaneously, cybernetics - computer based information processing - entered the scene and together with molecular biology, the world entered the era of information. Information lies at the base of both molecular biology and computer science; the former manifesting a perplexing depth and breadth of information; the former and the latter both manifesting phenomenal abilities to manipulate information. Inside the article library are topics on life within cells The processes of life are not merely complex. To call the phenomenon of life complex trivializes the reality.

One can only wonder how and from where this phenomenon of a complex order arose. It is in no way evident either in the atoms and molecules from which that life is composed or in the laws of nature that govern the bio-chemical interactions among those atoms.

Paleontology, biology, and the Bible all present the account of life's flow. The Bible devotes a mere six sentences to the process. Paleontology records the past in thousands and perhaps millions of fossils. Biology texts on the subject fill libraries.

Systems can give rise to secondary systems that are more complex, but that complexity is a fractal extension, an increase in amount but not in type, of the original system's complexity. With life, the increase in complexity seems to be one of a new type as well as amount.

So puzzling is the intricacy of the biochemistry that powers life that at times it seems as if wisdom must be an inherent characteristic of the universe waiting to be expressed in various forms. It would be as if a metaphysical substrate was impressed upon the physical. It may come as a surprise that the Bible suggests this to be true.

Much of our understanding of the Bible has to do with our brain and how it learns. If we take a sparrow away from its mother before it hatches and never let it hear twiddle de, twiddle dum, but only play in the back ground some other tune, it will never be able to learn to chirp out twiddle de twiddle dum. The song a sparrow learns in its youth is its song for life. Humans are not so very different. When a statement is repeated over and over it takes on an aspect of truth, whether true or not. And if in our youth, be it biological youth or cultural youth, we had that fact impressed upon our thoughts, that's our "truth" for life. The translation of the opening sentence of the Bible has fallen under that spell. (Article)

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Genesis 1:1 is usually read in the English, is "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Unfortunately, that rendition, which the entire English speaking world has heard repeatedly from youth (both biological and cultural youth), misses the meaning of the Hebrew. The miss is not very surprising. The English version stems from the King James Bible, first published in 1611. But the King James Bible is a translation preceded by the Latin Vulgate attributed to St. Jerome in the 4th century and that Latin version is taken from the Greek Septuagint that dates back some 2200 years. The Septuagint is taken from the Hebrew. "In the beginning" is three translations downstream from the original. The opening word, usually translated as "In the beginning," is the Hebrew Be'reasheet. Be'reasheet can mean "In the beginning of" but not "In the beginning." The difficulty with the preposition "of" is that its object is absent from the sentence and so the usual English translation merely drops it. Rather than changing the meaning of the Hebrew and ignoring the "of," the 2,100 year old Jerusalem translation of Genesis into Aramaic realizes that Be'reacheet is a compound word: the prefix 'Be' - with; and 'raesheet' - a first wisdom. The meaning becomes: "With wisdom God created the heavens and the earth." That wisdom is the first part of creation finds its parallel repeatedly in the Bible. For example, "With the word of God the heavens were formed" (Ps. 33:6). And, "How manifold are Your works, Eternal, You made them all with wisdom" (Ps 104:24). And, "Raesheet hohmah - Beginning of wisdom," (Ps. 111:10). Wisdom is the fundamental building block of the universe, and as such it is an inherent characteristic. In the processes of life that wisdom finds its most complex revelation. Wisdom, information, an idea, is the link between the metaphysical creating Force and the physical creation.

Creation Myths

Four myths The Tale of Adapa, The Atrahasis Epic, The Gilgamesh Epic and Enuma Elish as with the many others ancient world views, creation was set up, a seven day period, to serve the gods, provide them food, a theocentric view.

Only in Genesis creation is not set up for the benefit of God but for humanity, to provide them food, an anthropocentric view. The tenets of cosmogony was about theogony.

In the Babylonian myth creation is an act of violence. Tiamat is murdered and dismembered. From her cadaver the world is formed. Order is established by means of disorder. The origin of evil precedes the origin of things. Chaos (Tiamat) is prior to order (Marduk, god of Babylon). Evil is prior to good. Violence inheres in the godhead. Evil is an ineradicable constituent of ultimate reality, and possesses ontological priority over good.

The biblical myth opposes this. A good God creates a good creation. Chaos does not resist order. Good is prior to evil. Neither evil nor violence is a part of creation but enters as a result of a free will decision of created creatures.

Genesis was first put to pen during the Babylonian captivity as a calm polemic anti-myth against the old belligerent cosmogonies. Unlike many violent creation myths, Israel’s God does not have to fight desperate battles to create the world. He brings all things into existence effortlessly, by a simple command. While other myth gods engaged in ongoing battles Yahweh simply rested on the 7th day.

Genesis describes the creation of the functions (1-3) and functionaries (4-6) of the cosmos, (organization of the cosmos, rest, temple and rule), not its material structure. Genesis sees tohu as

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(unproductive) rather than descriptive of something without physical shape or form and bohu (as a perceived adversarial role) rather than chaos.

Mythology, function is a consequence of the purpose of the gods was the window to ancient eastern culture, just as Science (logos) is the window to western culture, where our keen interest is in material structure and natural causality that inclines us to look in scripture for information on its physical makeup and laws.

We pressure the text to address our issues but consider “in the beginning” is neither a scientific statement nor a theological treatise. Not a covert reference to the Big Bang, formational history, or the proof of creatio ex nibilo (out of nothing). It’s about God setting up time not about physical makeup or laws of a cosmos that has been in a constant flux of theory over the last two centuries.

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