
1. What have we learned from our audience feedback. 2. Magazine cover & Poster For both our magazine covers and we tried to stick to the codes and conventions of our chosen genre (Thriller). When we enquired about the quality of the images on both posters we got feed back saying that the images would give off a more dramatic effect if we added more shadows. Final Final 3. The mood board Dilemma At first our mood board had more images of horror though we wanted our trailer to be a thriller. After we were told that our mood board conveyed a sense of horror we knew we had to make some changes. After doing a more research on the conventions of horror, we decided to use images of kidnap, gun, ropes (iconography) etc 4. We had a rough idea of what we wanted to achieve in our final product. We learnt from our audiences response and improved on our initial ideas. For example, we originally wanted to you Nicole shouting at the end Let me out of here however the sound quality was very poor and we had to take action. At first we thought of rerecording the voice but the quality wasnt at the standard that we wanted so we opted to take that footage out. 5. Our group made a questionnaire and we had a few of our peers answer after watching our trailer. Some of the questions on the questionnaire asked about, the conventions of thriller and were they met? Was the trailer easy to understand and follow? Did you enjoy watching the trailer? Many of the answers we had gotten back were positive and we felt as though we had accomplished what we had set out to. However we had some negative response One response that we had back was that we should have used some dialogue to create more tension and suspense which would have given the audience a little more background information about the characters presented. Another was that we should have used a non linear style to construct the trailer. Overall we were pleased with the reviews as it showed that we had made progress in our work. The Questionnaires 6. After showing the same audience our finished products, we feel as though we have developed on most of their original queries and has even improved on them. However, there are some aspects we would change or improve on even more. For example we would have liked to include more settings in the video to gain extra interest. This would engage the consumer more by having an ongoing story to indulge in. Final Audience response 7. After showing the same audience our finished products, we feel as though we have developed on most of their original queries and has even improved on them. However, there are some aspects we would change or improve on even more. For example we would have liked to include more settings in the video to gain extra interest. This would engage the consumer more by having an ongoing story to indulge in. Final Audience response