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Page 1: The Respiratory System

22The Respiratory System

Page 2: The Respiratory System

The Respiratory System Basic functions of the respiratory

system Supplies body with oxygen Disposes of carbon dioxide

Four processes involved in respiration Pulmonary ventilation External respiration Transport of respiratory gases Internal respiration

Page 3: The Respiratory System

Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System

Respiratory organs Nose, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses Pharynx, larynx, and trachea Bronchi and smaller branches Lungs and alveoli

Page 4: The Respiratory System

Organs of the Respiratory System

Figure 22.1

Nasal cavity


Carina of trachea

Left main (primary) bronchus

Right main (primary) bronchusRight lung


Left lung



NostrilOral cavityPharynx



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The Nose

Provides an airway for respiration Moistens and warms air Filters inhaled air Resonating chamber for speech Houses olfactory receptors

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Nasal Cavity

Two types of mucous membrane Olfactory mucosa

Near roof of nasal cavity Houses olfactory (smell) receptors

Respiratory mucosa Lines nasal cavity Epithelium is pseudostratified ciliated


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The Upper Respiratory Tract

Figure 22.3c

Sphenoid sinus Frontal sinus

Nasal meatuses(superior, middle,and inferior)



Palatine tonsilIsthmus of thefauces

Posterior nasalaperture

Opening ofpharyngotympanictube

Pharyngeal tonsil



Vocal fold


(c) Illustration

Nasal conchae(superior, middle and inferior)

Nasal vestibuleNostril

Nasal cavity

Hard palateSoft palate

TongueLingual tonsil


Hyoid boneLarynx

Thyroid cartilageVestibular fold

Cricoid cartilage

Thyroid gland


Cribriform plateof ethmoid bone

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The Pharynx

Funnel-shaped passageway Connects nasal cavity and mouth Divided into three sections by

location Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx

Type of mucosal lining changes along its length

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The Nasopharynx Superior to the point where food enters Only an air passageway Closed off during swallowing Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)

Located on posterior wall Destroys entering pathogens

Contains the opening to the pharyngotympanic tube (auditory tube) Tubal tonsil

Provides some protection from infection

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The Oropharynx

Arch-like entranceway—fauces Extends from soft palate to the epiglottis

Epithelium Stratified squamous epithelium

Two types of tonsils in the oropharynx Palatine tonsils—in the lateral walls of

the fauces Lingual tonsils—covers the posterior

surface of the tongue

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The Laryngopharynx

Passageway for both food and air Epithelium

Stratified squamous epithelium Continuous with the esophagus and


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The Larynx

Three functions Voice production Provides an open airway Routes air and food into the proper

channels Superior opening is

Closed during swallowing Open during breathing

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Nine Cartilages of the Larynx Thyroid cartilage

Shield-shaped, forms laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)

Three pairs of small cartilages Arytenoid cartilages Corniculate cartilages Cuneiform cartilages

Epiglottis Tips inferiorly during swallowing

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The Larynx

Vocal ligaments of the larynx Vocal folds (true vocal cords)

Act in sound production Vestibular folds (false vocal cords)

No role in sound production Epithelium of the larynx

Stratified squamous—superior portion Pseudostratified ciliated columnar—

inferior portion

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Anatomy of the Larynx

Figure 22.5c, d

Hyoid bone



(c) Photograph of cartilaginous framework of the larynx, posterior view


Corniculate cartilageArytenoid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Tracheal cartilages



Body of hyoid boneThyrohyoid membrane

Vestibular fold(false vocal cord)

Vocal fold(true vocal cord)Cricothyroid ligamentCricotracheal ligament

Fatty pad

Thyroid cartilage

Cuneiform cartilage

Corniculate cartilageArytenoid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Tracheal cartilages

Arytenoid muscle

(d) Sagittal section (anterior on the right)


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Movements of the Vocal Folds

Figure 22.6(a) Vocal folds in closed position; closed glottis (b) Vocal folds in open position; open glottis

Base of tongue


Vestibular fold (false vocal cord)Vocal fold (true vocal cord)GlottisInner lining of tracheaCuneiform cartilage

Corniculate cartilage

Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilageVocal ligaments of vocal cords

Lateral cricoarytenoid muscleArytenoid cartilage

Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle




Corniculate cartilage

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The Larynx

Voice production Length of the vocal folds changes with

pitch Loudness depends on the force of air

across the vocal folds Sphincter function of the larynx

Valsalva’s maneuver—straining Innervation of the larynx

Recurrent laryngeal nerves (branch of vagus)

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The Trachea

Descends into the mediastinum C-shaped cartilage rings keep airway

open Carina

Marks where trachea divides into two primary bronchi

Epithelium Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

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The Trachea

Figure 22.7

(a) Cross section of the trachea and esophagus

Hyaline cartilage



Seromucous glandin submucosa


Lumen of trachea





(b) Photomicrograph of the tracheal wall (250)

Hyaline cartilage

Lamina propria(connective tissue)



Seromucous glandin submucosa

Pseudostratifiedciliated columnarepithelium

Page 20: The Respiratory System

Bronchi in the Conducting Zone

Bronchial tree Extensively branching respiratory

passageways Primary bronchi (main bronchi)

Largest bronchi Right main bronchi

Wider and shorter than the left

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Bronchi in the Conducting Zone

Figure 22.8a

TracheaSuperior lobe of right lung

Middle lobe of right lung

Inferior lobe of right lung

Superior lobe of left lungLeft main(primary) bronchusLobar(secondary)bronchusSegmental(tertiary)bronchusInferior lobeof left lung

(a) The branching of the bronchial tree

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Bronchi in the Conducting Zone

Secondary (lobar) bronchi Three on the right Two on the left

Tertiary (segmental) bronchi Branch into each lung segment

Bronchioles Little bronchi, less than 1 mm in

diameter Terminal bronchioles

Less than 0.5 mm in diameter

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Changes in Tissue Composition along Conducting Pathways

Supportive connective tissues change C-shaped rings replaced by cartilage plates

Epithelium changes First, pseudostratified ciliated columnar Replaced by simple columnar, then simple

cuboidal epithelium Smooth muscle becomes important

Airways widen with sympathetic stimulation Airways constrict under parasympathetic


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Structures of the Respiratory Zone

Consists of air-exchanging structures Respiratory bronchioles—branch

from terminal bronchioles Lead to alveolar ducts

Lead to alveolar sacs

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Structures of the Respiratory Zone

Figure 22.9a

Alveolar duct

Alveolar ductAlveoli


Respiratory bronchioles



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Structures of the Respiratory Zone

Alveoli ~300 million alveoli account for

tremendous surface area of the lungs Surface area of alveoli is ˜140 square


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Structures of the Respiratory Zone Structure of alveoli

Type I cells—single layer of simple squamous epithelial cells Surrounded by basal lamina

Alveolar and capillary walls plus their basal lamina form Respiratory membrane

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Structures of the Respiratory Zone Structures of alveoli (continued)

Type II cells—scattered among type I cells Are cuboidal epithelial cells Secrete surfactant

Reduces surface tension within alveoli Alveolar macrophages

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Figure 22.10a, b

Anatomy of Alveoli and the Respiratory Membrane


(a) Diagrammatic view of capillary-alveoli relationships




Terminal bronchioleRespiratory bronchiole

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Gross Anatomy of the Lungs Major landmarks of the lungs

Apex, base, hilum, and root Left lung

Superior and inferior lobes Fissure—oblique

Right lung Superior, middle, and inferior lobes

Fissures—oblique and horizontal

Page 31: The Respiratory System

Bronchopulmonary Segments

Figure 22.12

Rightsuperiorlobe (3segments)

Rightmiddlelobe (2segments)

Rightinferior lobe(5 segments)

Left superiorlobe(4 segments)

Left inferiorlobe(5 segments)

Right lung Left lung

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Blood Supply and Innervation of the Lungs

Pulmonary arteries Deliver oxygen-poor blood to the lungs

Pulmonary veins Carry oxygenated blood to the heart

Innervation Sympathetic, parasympathetic, and

visceral sensory fibers Parasympathetic—constrict airways Sympathetic—dilate airways

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Volume of thoracic cavity increases Decreases internal gas pressure Action of the diaphragm

Diaphragm flattens Action of intercostal muscles

Contraction raises the ribs

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Changes in Thoracic Volume

Figure 22.14

Ribs areelevated and sternum flaresas externalintercostalscontract.

Diaphragm and intercostal musclescontract (diaphragm descends and

rib cage rises). Thoracic cavityvolume increases.

Diaphragm movesinferiorly duringcontraction.


Changes insuperior-inferior andanterior-posteriordimensions

Changesin lateraldimensions(superiorview)

(a) InspirationInspiratory muscles relax (diaphragm rises and

rib cage descends due to recoil of the costalcartilages). Thoracic cavity volume decreases.

Ribs andsternum aredepressed asexternalintercostalsrelax.


Diaphragm movessuperiorly as it relaxes.

(b) Expiration

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Changes in Thoracic Volume

Figure 22.15

At rest, no air movement: Air pressure in lungs is equal to atmospheric (air) pressure. Pressure in the pleural cavity is less than pressure in the lungs. This pressure difference keeps the lungs inflated.

Inspiration: Inspiratory muscles contract and increase the volume of the thoracic and pleural cavities. Pleural fluid in the pleural cavity holds the parietal and visceral pleura close together, causing the lungs to expand. As volume increases, pressure decreases and air flows into the lungs.

Expiration: Inspiratory muscles relax, reducing thoracic volume, and the lungs recoil. Simultaneously, volumes of the pleural cavity and the lungs decrease, causing pressure to increase in the lungs, and air flows out. Resting state is reestablished.





Air flows in

Air flowsout









Main bronchiParietalpleuraVisceral


Thoracic wallPleural cavity

At restExpanded



