Download odp - Vocab words 9 Powerpoint



I chose this image because it looks like the referee is telling the player what he did wrong.

Propose/ proposition

I chose this picture because he is proposing to her which means he is asking her to marry him.

Oppose/ opposition

I chose this image because the blue arrow is opposing the red arrows.


I chose this image because it is necessary to do your homework.


I chose this picture because the colonist's are declaring their freedom from Britain


I chose this picture because refute means to prove something is wrong.


I chose this photo because eating fast food is bad for your health and could kill you if you eat it every day.

Generalize/ generalization

I chose this photo because Generalize means to have an idea about somthing.


I chose this photo because it could be a rabbit or a duck, it depends on how you look at it.


I chose this image because it shows something being spread around the earth.