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You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or

D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Conflict Management

An underlying principle of cultural behaviour, which is closely reflected in the language, is the need to avoid face-to-

face conflict. Even though the British may appear unpleasantly blunt when compared with some Asian cultures, they

are on the whole concerned to offer a way out whenever a potential conflict between individuals occurs.

This may be compared with public confrontations in large committees or the Parliament where much more

confrontation goes on. Some cultures are, by way of contrast to the British, much less concerned to avoid conflict

private or personal encounters.

Perhaps there is a principle in "aggression management" here: every culture has developed some ways of

letting off steam, has some areas in which people are allowed to express their true feelings.

The immediate linguistic consequence of open conflict - avoidance is that you need to know what to do and what to

say, for example, when someone takes a position in a queue in front of you, accidentally stands on your toe in a bus

or disagrees with you in a public gathering. In the public gathering, depending on the nature of the meeting, the

British reaction may be to confront disagreement openly and respond vigorously. In the other more personal

situations, the same individual may work hard at taking a

middle route between doing nothing and engaging in

open conflict. In doing so, he or she will expect a similar

cooperative response from the other person, such as an

apology like, "Oh, sorry, I didn't realise...". In other

cultures, behaviour might well be the opposite - a great

effort to reduce conflict in a public meeting and robust

responses in the private situations. Within our own

cultures, we understand the conventions and know when

people are being normally polite or normally outspoken.

The difficulties come when we make errors in an

unfamiliar environment.

(From "British Shibboleths, One language, different

cultures", edited by Eddie Ronowicz and Colin Yallop, The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.)

1. An underlying principle of cultural behaviour

reflected in the language is:

A. avoiding face-to-face conflict

B. using face-to-face conflict

C. creating face-to-face conflict

D. understanding face-to-face conflict

2. The British

A. don't want a way out from conflicts

B. are just like the Asians regarding


C. are preoccupied to find solutions for

conflicts between individuals

D. ignore face-to-face conflicts

3. Other cultures

A. are more concerned to avoid conflicts.

B. don't talk about conflicts.

C. consider conflicts insignificant.

D. are less concerned by avoiding


4. Every culture

A. has the same way to calm down.

B. has its own way to calm down.

C. tries to have fewer conflicts

D. lets off steam with a lot of work

5. When you want to avoid a conflict

A. you must know what to do.

B. you must be careful.

C. you must know what to do and what to


D. you must know what to say.

6. In public confrontations, the British

A. avoid open conflict.

B. are vigorous in response.

C. are confronting openly.

D. are vigorous in response and confront


7. In personal situations, the British

A. are less conflictive

B. are more aggressive.

C. are extremely diplomatic

D. are looking for the middle route.

8. In other cultures, in public confrontations,


A. make a lot of effort to reduce the


B. make less effort to reduce the conflict

C. ignore the people around

D. don't do anything.

9. In other cultures, in private conflictual

situations, people

A. In other cultures, in private conflictual

situations, people

B. show more respect

C. show more respect and offer more

vigorous responses.

D. are extremely violent.

10. A problematic situation is

A. when we make a mistake in an

unknown environment

B. when we make errors in another


C. when we don't care about the others.

D. when there is no problematic situation.


Fill in the sentences with: DO / MAKE / HAVE / GIVE / TAKE

1. ____________ a nice day!

2. I don‟t want to ____________ anything this weekend, just relax.

3. She rang the lawyer to ____________ an appointment.

4. She called her friend in order to ____________ a good chat.

5. He told me that he would ____________ me an answer the following day.

6. You should go and rest if you ____________ a headache.

7. If you want to arrive on time you should ____________ the bus.

8. The more you study the more progress you will ____________.

9. My mother offered to ____________ my friend a lift to the airport.

10. You should ____________ your homework every day.

11. You must ____________ action before it gets worse.

12. I wore my new skirt for my interview because I wanted to ____________ a good impression.


Present tense: Review. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb (any aspects):

Ring! Ring!

Max: Hello.

Andy: May I please speak to Max?

Max: Yes, this is he.

Andy: Hey! How (be) (1) ____________ you? This is Andy.

Max: Ah… Andy! I (be) (2) ____________ fine. How are you?

Andy: I'm great, thanks.

Max: So, what's up?

Andy: Well, I (have) (3) ____________ a question for you.

Max: Sure.

Andy: My motorcycle (be) (4) ____________ broken. I (try) (5) ____________ to repair it for days. I (not

know) (6) ____________ what is wrong with it. I (no, can, fix) (7) ____________ it.

Max: Have you tried to start it?

Andy: Yes, I (try) (8) ____________ to start it many times, but it just won't work. This motorcycle is pretty

new. I just got it last June.

Max: Uhmm. Well, what (happen) (9) ____________ when you try to start it? What kind of noise does it


Andy: It (make) (10) ____________ a strange sound. Then the engine (die) (11) ____________.

Max: Okay. There are some things that you need to check. First, you need to inspect the spark plugs.

Andy: Hold on. Okay. I (inspect) (12) ____________ them under a light now. They look clean.

Max: Okay, that's good. Now, you need to check the oil. It's possible that you don't have enough.

Andy: Okay, I (check) (13) ____________ the oil right now. It (look) (14) ____________ clean, and the

tank is full.

Max: Okay, that's good. Now, you need to test the battery. (You, have) (15) ____________ a battery


Andy: Yes, I do. My brother got me one for my birthday. Let's see…okay. I (use) (16) ____________ right

now. The battery (appear) (17) ____________ to be full of life.

Max: That's strange. I (wonder) (18) ____________ what the problem could be!

Andy: Yes, I (not, understand) (19) ____________ it either.

Max: Well, there (be) (20) ____________ one more thing you could check. But I'm sure you (check) (21)

____________ it already. It's probably the first thing you thought of.

Andy: What is it?

Max: The gas level.

Andy: Wait! I (not, check) (22) ____________ that yet! Hold on!

Max: What (do) (23) ____________ it look like?

Andy: It (look) (24) ____________ empty! Wow, that (be) (25) ____________ the problem. How

embarrassing! I am sorry that I bothered you about this.

Max: That's okay. You had better go get some gas! Talk to you later!

Andy: Okay, thanks!


Word formation. Read the text below and fill in the gap using the word given in capitals to form a

word that fits in the gap in the same line.

STRESS Every teenager feels stressed at times. Academic pressures, family issues and 0) difficulties DIFFICULT

with peers - these are just some of the things that teens have to cope with on a 1) ____________ DAY

basis. None of us can avoid stress 2) ____________ COMPLETE, but luckily there are 3)

____________ VARY things we can all do to reduce our stress levels.

Firstly, it's important to exercise regularly, and avoid eating 4) ____________ HEALTH food. It is also

important to take time out every day to do something that makes you happy. It may be listening to your

5) ____________ FAVOUR music, talking to a friend or 6) ____________ SIMPLE spending time with a


It is always 7) ____________ HELP to talk about your problems with others whether that's a friend, your

parents or a teacher. As the 8) ____________ SAY goes, "A problem shared, is a problem halved!".


In class, you have been talking about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and of

living in the countryside. Now your teacher has now asked you to write an essay answering the

following question in 140-190 words:

What is better: urban life or rural life?

Notes: things to write about

1. Health

2. Leisure

3. Your own idea



You are going to read an interview. Five sentences have been removed from the interview. Choose

from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not

need to use.

Being Famous

INTERVIEWER: Considering you belong to one of the glitziest professions there is you seem to have your

feet pretty much on the ground. How do you manage this?

HELENA CHRISTENSEN: I truly believe that who you are is because of your family, you know, the way

that you were brought up, the love your family gives you, the discipline you receive. It all goes back to

childhood no matter what happens later in your life. Coming from Denmark has probably also helped me

stay very grounded because over there they aren‟t as obsessed with fame as other countries. 1._________

So, all in all, I would say that it has really helped

me coming from a country like Denmark.

INTERVIEWER: You have a good reputation in

the industry for being very professional; you

come in, you do the job, you go home. There's no

baggage, no tantrums and tempers. Is this

important for you?

HELENA: Well, that's nice to hear. It is very

important as for me thisis the only way to deal

with the job because it's such a strange job. If I

don‟t do it that way, if I create problems for

myself like showing up late, not doing the job

properly, leaving in a bad mood, etc. it just makes

it all much harder. If I think too much about it,

then I don't know if I would be able to do this job. 2._____________

INTERVIEWER: I know it's a difficult question, but why do you think you have risen to the top? Has it

been a mixture of talent and luck, being in the right place at the right time?

HELENA: It has been a mixture of all those things. You know, you can't really define your look or why it

was perfect for the time. But I was really lucky. When I went to Paris for the first time I didn't really have

any intentions of working as a model. I went there on holiday because I had been invited to a weekend of

good food with some great friends. It just so happened that it was the show week that week and we decided

to go and watch the show. I was lucky and met some of the most amazing people in the industry. But it was

not really that important to me back then. It wasn't what I wanted to do at that time.

INTERVIEWER: What did you want to do?

HELENA: 3. ___________. Most people think I have taken upphotography now, but actually I have been

taking photos for quite a long time now. I‟ve done it alternatively with modelling in between as it helps me

relax from the stresses of daily life.

INTERVIEWER: Did a bit of modelling in between! That's one way of putting it. 4._________ HELENA:

Obviously, working with some of the most amazing photographers in the world, you soak it all in and get a

bit of their experience. And I'm very curious about everything I see in life.

INTERVIEWER: What kind of photographs do you take, is it glamour shots or do you tend to go more for

the real person as it were, showing them as they really are, warts and all?

HELENA: I'm definitely more into taking portraits of people as they really are, getting something from

deep inside them out through their faces. 5.___________ I know it makes me feel a little shy and nervous

and it also makes the person that you do portraits to feel a little strange about it because it's a very naked

feeling to be that close to someone.

A- I wanted to travel the world and take photos

B- My dream was to become a famous actress and meet lots of important people.

C- In my country it's who you what‟s important and you shouldn't think you are more than anybody else.

D- Do you think that all those years that you spent in front of the camera make you a better photographer?

E- And it's an amazing thing taking photographs, portraits, as every time it's such an intimidating sensation

when you take portraits of someone.

F- I think the only way to do it is with this mentality.


Adjectives. Degrees of comparison. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. This fil is ... I've ever watched.

A. the most interesting

B. the more interesting

2. That skyscraper is one of the ... buildings in the world.

A. Tallest

B. taller

3. This temple is the ... in Europe.

A. eldest

B. oldest

4. The test wasn't ... I thought.

A. hard as

B. as hard as

5. This is my ... brother.

A. older

B. elder

6. Actually, today I feel ... than I did yesterday.

A. more bad

B. worse

7. That dress is a lot longer ... the other


A. than

B. then

8. Her child must be one of the ... children I know.

A. most happy

B. happiest

9. Nothing is ... than being stuck in a

traffic jam.

A. worse

B. worst

10. For ... information, please address Mrs. Black in Room


A. further

B. farther


Multiple choice-cloze. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

STARTING A BUSINESS Have you ever thought of running your own business? Many entrepreneurs say that 1) .................... to start

their own business was the best decision they ever 2) .....................! Working for yourself means you are in

3) .................. of your life. Not only that, you get to decide exactly how things should be done - not

someone else! Starting a business isn't easy though. It involves a 4) ................... deal of risk. It is hard

work, too. Putting in 18-hour days is not unusual. What's 5) ..................., if your business doesn't make any

money, you won't be able to pay yourself at the 6) .................... of the month! Running a business certainly

isn't for everyone. You need to be the type of person who never 7) .................... up. You have to love

challenges. You can't be someone who is 8) .................... of risk. So, if you are someone who has always 9)

.................... about starting your own business, don't let anyone talk you out of it. Because who knows! If

you're lucky enough and smart enough, you might just become the next Bill Gates!

1 A. realising B. going C. coming D. deciding

2 A. caused B. made C. did D. produced

3 A. duty B. charge C. head D. position

4 A. strong B. wide C. great D. deep

5 A. more B. added C. further D. additional

6 A. last B. close C. end D. finish

7 A. quits B. gives C. stops D. surrenders

8 A. alarmed B. worried C. troubled D. afraid

9 A. desired B. dreamed C. wished D. hoped


You see this advert for classes in an English Summer School. Read the advert and write a letter to Mr.

Smith, the headmaster of the school, asking about:

- The location and how to get there

- The dates

- What the classes are like

- How to sign up and what does the price include

Write a letter of between 140 and 190 words in an appropriate style.

ENGLISH SUMMER SCHOOL Spend the summer in Manchester improving you English at the Capital Language School!

English lessons in central London location

Small classes and modern teaching facilities

Classes throughout summer

Wide range of leisure activities

Accommodation on premises

£200 per week

___________________________________________________________ Further information from Mr Smith, Headmaster



You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or

D) which you think fits best according to the text.


We‟ve all heard amazing stories in which people struggle heroically to survive against all the odds. We

wonder what we would have done in similar impossible situations and find it hard to imagine how these

people found the strength to stay alive. The truth, though, is that not all survivors are quite so heroic. As

these two stories show, the will to survive isn‟t always so strong.

The marathon runner

Thrilling yet terrifying, the Marathon des Sables is arguably the world‟s toughest foot race. Competitors

attempt a six-day 150-mile run across the Sahara Desert in temperatures of over 100 degrees. Just imagine

getting lost. That, however, is exactly what happened to an Italian policeman called Marco Contadino, a

regular competitor, when he took part in the race in 1996. A sandstorm developed as he was running,

which covered the marks of the course he was following with sand. Marco should have stopped and waited

for the storm to calm down, but he kept on, desperate to stay in seventh place in the race, only to find that

when the wind dropped he could no longer see the course. He reached for his water bottle and found there

were only a few drops left in the bottom of it.

For three whole days Marco tried to find his way back to the course, with barely any water and no idea

what direction he was heading in. He started to visualize the agonising death he would soon have to face. A

friend had once told him that dying of thirst was the worst of all possible deaths. Fearing such a long and

painful death, he decided to cut his wrists with a knife. But, short of water, his blood was thick and would

not flow. In desperation, he headed out into the desert one more time, expecting to die. Five more days

passed until, miraculously, a group of Tuareg nomads found him and took him to a village. Marco

discovered he was in Algeria, 130 miles away from the race course.

The yachtswoman

As an experienced sailor, Lynn Walker knows nothing is ever certain on the high seas. However, when she

took on the job of sailing a luxury yacht from Tahiti to San Diego, she must have believed that it would be

one of the less complicated trips she had done. Little did she know that after a week of calm sailing the

weather would change dramatically, bringing a tropical depression from Central America to blast the yacht

with 50-foot waves. Lynn found herself battling against Hurricane Raymond. It was an unequal battle, and

the boat soon turned over.

Lynn was unconscious for a long time. When she did finally come round, she realized that the boat had

miraculously righted itself, and that she had been saved by the lifeline connecting her to the boat. She had

tied it to herself moments before the boat had first gone under the waves. Tragically, she could see Simon,

her boyfriend, lying dead in the water.

There was plenty of food on the boat, and the weather was calm again, but Lynn could only feel an

overwhelming sense of hopelessness. She found that she couldn‟t eat, and simply sat on the soaking wet

deck. It was as if she had given up, and was waiting to die. Then, all of a sudden, a voice in her head told

her to survive. She managed to put up a makeshift sail, and consulting the surviving charts on the boat,

somehow sailed to Hawaii.

1. What does the writer not say about the Marathon

des Sables?

A. It‟s physically difficult

B. It‟s frightening

C. It can be lonely

D. It‟s an amazing experience

2. When Marco entered the Marathon des Sables in


A. he hadn‟t run a six-day race before

B. he was one of the best runners

C. he had just finished university

D. he had run the race before

3. Marco got lost because

A. he continued running despite the storm.

B. the course hadn‟t been marked out properly.

C. he was thirsty and couldn‟t think properly.

D. he was tired.

4. What encouraged Marco to attempt suicide?

A. The thought of his friend who had died in the


B. He thought suicide would be an easier death than

dying of thirst.

C. The terrible pain in his head

D. The thought of never Racing again

5. For how long was Marco lost?

A. About three days.

B. About five days.

C. About eight days.

D. About a week.

6. Lynn accepted the job of sailing the boat from


A. knowing that it wouldn‟t be difficult.

B. hoping that it would be quite easy.

C. expecting it to be difficult.

D. expecting it to be easy

7. During the first few days

A. it was ok weather for sailing

B. Lynn was very worried about the bad weather.

C. the bad weather made sailing difficult

D. it was good weather for sailing.

8. The boat quickly turned over because

A. Lynn was only used to sailing in good weather

B. the hurricane was so powerful

C. the boat was badly designed

D. Lynn lost control

9. What was a major reason why Lynn survived?

A. She quickly gained consciousness

B. Simon saved her

C. She had attached herself firmly to the boat.

D. She managed not to lose control of the boat.

10. The main reason Lynn was able to save herself was

A. she was a well-trained sailor

B. a feeling inside her that she didn‟t want to die.

C. she was near to Hawaii.

D. she was lucky.


Key word transformation. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five

words, including the word given

1. I'm sure he hasn't refused such a good


turned He ................................................... such a

good offer.

2. There was no need for the climbers to

bring so many supplies but they did.

have The climbers

................................................. so many


3. If I were you, I wouldn't stay in the sun

without sunscreen.


You ....................................... in the sun

without sunscreen.

4. Shall I water the plants for you?

like Would ......................................... water

the plants for you?

5. It is necessary for him to stop eating so

many sweets.

cut He .............................................. sweets.

6. I expect that she has invited everyone to

her birthday party.

must She ............................................ to her

birthday party.


Word formation. Read the text below and fill in the gap using the word given in capitals to form a

word that fits in the gap in the same line.


The 1) ____________ EXITE game between the Dragons and the Tigers is over. The Tigers' 2)

____________ FAIL to win of course means that they won't play in the finals. The Dragons played a 3)

____________ WONDER game and earned everyone's 4) ____________ ADMIRE. Their 5)

____________ COMBINE of tactics and 6) ____________ STRONG definitely helped them win. Due to

the continuous 7) ____________ DEVELOP of new strategies by their coach, this will be the 8)

____________ FIVE year in a row that the Dragons will play in the final. Their 9) ____________

POPULAR has increased over the years and there is no doubt that Hillbell Stadium will be 10)

____________ CROWD with 11) ____________ ENTHUSE fans on the day of the final. If they play like

today, they are sure to be 12) ____________ SUCCESS.


You see this announcement in a newspaper:


A charity event to remember. What is the most unusual way you've raised money for charity? How did you

do it? What did you have to do? Was the event a success? Would you do it again?

Write us an article answering these questions. We will publish the best articles in our newspaper.

Write your article in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.


Look at the photos. They show people doing different types of exercise. Compare the photos and say

why you think people enjoy doing these types of exercise. (2 minutes) Which one would you prefer

and why? (1 minute)



You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or

D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Have A Dream

Five years ago, a great American signed the Emancipation

Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great

beacon light of hope to millions of negro slaves who had

been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a

joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not

free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still

sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains

of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives

on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of

material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is

still languished in the corners of American society and finds

himself an exiled in his own land. So, we have come here

today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to

cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the

magnificent words of the "Constitution" and the "Declaration of Independence", they were signing a

promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, black men

as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of


It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of

colour are concerned. Instead of honouring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a

bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds". But we refuse to believe that the

bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of

opportunity of this nation. So, we have come to cash this check - a check that will give us upon demand the

riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America

of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the

tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice

to the solid rock of brotherhood.

(Martin Luther-King, 'I Have a dream’ Speech delivered on 28 August 1963, At the Lincoln Memorial)

1. The Emancipation Declaration was signed by:

a. a wonderful American

b. a great leader

c. great Americans

d. a great president

2. "The Proclamation'' is a sign of

a. hope for all the people

b. a hope for the white people

c. freedom

d. hope for the black slaves

3. One hundred years later black people

a. are in their own land.

b. don't talk about conflicts.

c. have a big role in the American society.

d. have a better life.

4. The architects of the republic are

a. all the citizens.

b. the white people.

c. the rich people

d. the leaders

5. The promissory note was for

a. black people and white people.

b. the young people.

c. the young people, for black people and

white people.

d. the rich.

6. All men were guaranteed the right

a. to life.

b. to happiness.

c. to freedom.

d. to life, happiness and freedom.

7. The author considers that America

a. has respected the promise made to all


b. hasn't respected the promise made to

black people.

c. has respected the promise made to the

Citizens of colour

d. has respected the promise made to

white people.

8. The African-Americans

a. were given a bad check

b. received no money

c. received a blank check

d. got what they wanted.

9. The African-Americans want to cash the check

which gives them

a. everything they wished for

b. riches

c. freedom.

d. freedom and justice.

10. The author wants all the people to be

a. solid like the rock

b. brothers.

c. friends.

d. equals.


Be clean, be green. Choose the right word to complete each definition for people who steal.

Affected / Cause / Damage /Exceeded / Generate / Polluted / Preserve / Reused / Save / Subscribe

1. In order to ____________ our planet, we must take action now.

2. Glass and paper can be ____________, so don‟t just throw it away.

3. Industrialisation has done a lot of ____________ to the environment.

4. Nowadays, lots of places are ____________ by hurricanes and storms because of global warming.

5. Solar energy can be used to ____________ electricity.

6. Endangered species should be ____________.

7. The mayor‟s speech on how to make the town more “green” ____________ all our expectations.

8. It‟s sad to see how____________ some beaches are.

9. It‟s helpful to ____________ to an NGO which works to save the planet.

10. The ____________ of the forest fire is still being investigated.


Phrasal verbs with come. Put the correct preposition in each sentence

Across / Along /By / Down with / Into / Out / Over / Round / Up with

1. The truth came ____________ when the police started with the interrogation.

2. I came___________ my old photo albums this morning while I was tidying the attic.

3. My house has a beautiful garden. Why don‟t you come___________ and see it?

4. The boys came ___________ a brilliant idea for their birthday party.

5. He came _____________ a fortune when his grandparents passed away.

6. The patient slowly came _____________ after her operation.

7. How did you come ____________ that beautiful necklace?

8. Ellen is in bed. She‟s come ____________ the flu.

9. Come ____________ boys! Let‟s get going!

10. His new novel has just come ____________ and it‟s bound to be a best seller


Key word transformation. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five

words, including the word given

1. Nobody liked having a new factory in the area.

objected Everyone .................................. a new factory in the area.

2. She couldn't afford to buy that laptop.

expensive That laptop ....................................... to buy.

3. More dustbins have been put around so that people won't throw rubbish in the streets.

prevent More dustbins have been put around ..................................................... rubbish in the streets.

4. It would be difficult for me to adjust to a new working environment.

difficulty I would ....................................... to a new working environment.

5. I don't see why we should wait for the blood test results all day.

point There's ............................................. the blood test results all day.

6. He first told his mother about his success in the exam.

know His mother .................................... about his success in the exam.

7. The police forced the criminal to get into the car.

made The police ....................................... the car.


In class, you have been talking about the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet. Now your teacher

has now asked you to write an essay answering the following question:

Is having a pet a good idea?

Notes: things to write about

1. Responsibility

2. Money

3. Your own idea



Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling (2007), Chapter Twenty-One.

Complete the story using the Past Simple, Past Continuous or the Past Perfect of these verbs:

pick up–pretend –attain –conquer –go –snatch –seek out –travel –return –kill –be –wave –hand –

hope - appear

The Tale of The Three Brothers

“There were once three brothers who (1) _______________ along a lonely, winding road at twilight. In time, the brothers reached a river too deep to wade through and too dangerous to swim across. However,

these brothers were learned in the magical arts, and so they simply (2) _______________ their wands and made a bridge appear across the treacherous water. They were halfway across it when they found their path

blocked by a hooded figure. And Death spoke to them. He was angry that he (3) _______________ cheated

out of three new victims, for travellers usually drowned in the river. But Death was cunning. He (4) _______________ to congratulate the three brothers upon their magic and said that each had earned a prize

for having been clever enough to evade him. So the oldest brother, who was a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence: a wand that must always win duels for its owner, a wand

worthy of a wizard who (5) _______________ Death! So Death crossed to an elder tree on the banks of the river, fashioned a wand from a branch that hung there, and gave it to the oldest brother. Then the second

brother, who was an arrogant man, decided that he wanted to humiliate Death still further, and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death (6) _______________ a stone from the riverbank and gave

it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead. And then

Death asked the third and youngest brother what he would like. The youngest brother was the humblest and also the wisest of the brothers, and he did not trust Death. So he asked for something that would enable him

to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And death, most unwillingly, (7) _______________ over his own Cloak of Invisibility. Then Death stood aside and allowed the three

brothers to continue on their way, and they did so, talking with wonder of the adventure they had had, and admiring Death‟s gifts. In due course the brothers separated, each for his own destination. The first brother

travelled on for a week or more, and reaching a distant village, (8) _______________ a fellow wizard with whom he had a quarrel. Naturally with the Elder Wand as his weapon, he could not fail to win the duel that

followed. Leaving his enemy dead upon the floor, the oldest brother proceeded to an inn, where he boasted

loudly of the powerful wand he (9) _______________ from Death himself, and of how it made him invincible. That very night, another wizard crept upon the oldest brother as he lay, wine-sodden, upon his

bed. The thief took the wand and, for good measure, slit the oldest brother‟s throat. And so Death took the first brother for his own. Meanwhile, the second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone.

Here he took out the stone that had the power to recall the dead, and turned it thrice in his hand. To his amazement and his delight, the figure of the girl he (10) _______ once ________ to marry, before her

untimely death, (11) _______________ at once before him. Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she (12) _______________ to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and

suffered. Finally, the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, (13) _______________ himself so

as truly to join her. And so Death took the second brother for his own. But though Death searched for the third brother for many years, he was never able to find him. It was only when he (14) _______________ a

great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and (15) _______________ with him gladly, and, equals, they departed

this life.”


Past tenses. Match both columns.

1. She opened the cupboard, took out a

skirt and put it on.

a. Past habit or state

2. She was upset because she had been

waiting to hear from her daughter for


b. Action in the middle of happening as a

stated past time.

3. They were still discussing the plan at


c. Action continuing over a period up to a

specific time in the past.

4. They were flying over the Andes when

the storm began.

d. Past action of a certain duration which had

visible results in the past.

5. Tom was reading out the text while Jane

was writing it down.

e. Past action in progress interrupted by

another past action.

6. He had finished most of the work by the

time her boss arrived.

f. Two or more simultaneous past actions.

7. She always went to work by bus. g. Past action which occurred before another

action or before a stated time in the past.

8. They had been living in the same house

for ten years before they decided to


h. Past action which happen immediately one

after the other.


Open cloze. Read the text below and think of the world which best fits each gap. Use only one word

in each gap.


It is common knowledge amongst British taxpayers that keeping Britain's streets free of litter requires a 0)

lot of money. Every year, a staggering 660 million pounds 1) ____________ spent on clearing litter from

the streets - all this 2) ____________the fact that dropping litter is against the law in the UK. Nowadays,

you can be fined up 3) ____________£1,000 for littering. Not 4) ____________is litter ugly, but it can be

dangerous 5) ____________well. Litter attracts rats and this in turn 6) ____________cause water

contamination and widespread sickness. We all have to make 7) ____________responsible for maintaining

high standards of cleanliness on our streets before 8) ____________is too late. If you see rubbish in the

street, pick it up and take it to a rubbish bin 9) in ____________to set a good example.


Stories wanted: we are looking for a short ghost story for the Halloween edition of our English magazine.

Your story must begin with this sentence: “It was the first time we were going on holiday by ourselves

without any adults...” Your story must include: a hotel and a ghost. Write your story in 140-190 words


Look at the photos. They show people reading books. Compare the photos and say why you think

these people are reading. (2 minutes) Why and where do you like to read? (1 minute)



You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed from the interview. Choose from

the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to



The world's scientists have given their harsh warning yet that failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions will

bring devastating climate change within a few decades. 1.________ Conversely, we are experiencing more

powerful hurricanes which result in both human tragedy and costly damage to infrastructure. There are dire

predictions of 80 million people being exposed to malaria and 2,5 billion to dengue fever.

The 2007 report the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)* concludes that average

temperatures could increase by as much as 6,4°C by the end of the century if emissions continue to rise at

the present rate. 2._________ The forecast is still higher than previous estimates because scientists have

discovered that the Earth is less able to absorb carbon dioxide than previously believed.

What would a 4°C increase in temperature mean? According to the IPCC, it would wipe out

hundreds of species, bring extreme food and water shortages in vulnerable countries and hundreds of

millions of people would be displaced as a result of catastrophic flooding. 3.______

Dr. Wainwright explained that

the 2007 report painted a gloomier

picture than the 2001 report because

scientists have discovered "feedbacks" in

the global carbon cycle that seem to be

adding to the amount of carbon dioxide

in the atmosphere and producing a

cumulative effect. 4.________Moreover,

Dr. Wainwright concludes that there is

little room for doubt that human activity

is to blame for the global warming.

However, Mark Gibson of

Environment Watch goes to great

lengths to point out that such an outcome

is not inevitable. 5.________. He

stresses that what is needed is

international political commitment to

take action - something which has been

absent so far.

(Extract from."What's the Weather? "in New Scientist 16.09.2000, www. Newscientist. com)

A- However, they do concede that a rise of 4°C is more likely.

B- She goes on to suggest that this could mean at least another 1°C should be added to present estimates.

C- As warming is likely to be more severe towards the poles, the melting of the Greenland and west

Antarctic ice sheets would accelerate.

D- As droughts affect more areas for more prolonged periods, it is estimated that global food production

will fall by 10%.

E- If there were a significant switch to clean and resource efficient technologies, we should cut expected

temperature rises by half.

F- Global warming will become a bigger problem than it already is, she adds.

PHRASAL VERBS. Look at the sentences below. Six of them contain a mistake. Find and correct the mistakes. a) Don‟t stay in a hotel. We can put you up while you‟re in London

b) What time are you checking in your hotel?

c) We can show around you the city and the old town this afternoon.

d) When we get to Vilnius, we‟re meeting up from some friends.

e) Call me when you arrive and I‟ll pick you up from the airport

f) We‟re setting to at 5 pm. That‟s when we‟re leaving.

g) We were waiting for Rachel and Robert all afternoon, but they never turned them up.

h) The match is kicking out in five minutes!


Future Tenses Exercise

1. The plane __________ (to land) at 15:40.

2. We __________ (to have) a party next week at my friend‟s house.

3. It __________ (to rain) in Madrid this weekend.

4. Monica __________ (to fly) to Barcelona on Tuesday evening.

5. Wait! I __________ (to drive) you to the station.

6. The English lesson __________ (to start) at 19:00.

7. When they __________ (to get) married in March, they __________ (to be) together for five years.

8. Do you think the teacher __________ (to mark) our homework by tomorrow?

9. Before we __________ (to start) our lesson, we __________ (to have) a review.

10. I‟m very sorry Dr. Johnson __________ (not be) back until 3pm.

11. This summer, I __________ (to live) in New York for four years.

12. This time next week I __________ (ski) in Switzerland!

13. Now I __________ (to check) my answers.


Word formation. Read the text below and fill in the gap using the word given in capitals to form a

word that fits in the gap in the same line.


Londoners 0) frequently FREQUENT complain about the public transport in their city. They say it is not

very 1) ____________ RELY, but in fact, London has one of the best public transport systems in the

world. The London Underground, also known as 'the Tube', is 2) ____________ NORMAL the fastest way

to get around London. There are twelve lines, each bearing a 3) ____________ HISTORY name and a

unique colour. The Tube carries more than three million 4) ____________ TRAVEL each day, and runs

from 5:30 am to 1 :00 am. It is 5) ____________ CREDIBLE easy to get around London using the Tube.

Stations are clearly signposted and maps are 6) ____________ FREE available at ticket windows. A

7) ____________ USE word of advice though; it is best to avoid the rush hour, 8) ____________

PARTICULAR in the middle of summer. There is no air conditioning on the Tube, so travel during peak

hours can get very crowded and 9) ____________ COMFORT.


Your English teacher has asked you to write a report on what activities people from your local area

do to have fun. You should describe three activities and explain why people enjoy doing them. Write

your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. SPEAKING

Imagine you are organising the end of school trip for a group of teenage students. Here are some of

the ideas which are being considered. Talk about why these ideas could be good for the trip and

decide which one is the best idea.



You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed from the interview. Choose from

the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to



Increasingly, these days, people lead busy professional lives in which they have little time for lunch, let

alone time to meet the next possible Mr or Ms Right. The emphasis in our lives is on using time we have

left outside of work well, spending „quality time‟ with our family and friends. 1._____ An activity in which

busy men and women go to an organized event, have three-minute chats with more eligible members of the

opposite sex than they would normally meet in a year, and then decide who might or might not be a

potential partner, is a great example of perfect time management.

2. _________. Its first event was staged at Pete‟s Café in Beverly Hills California in 1998, and

organized by a group of Jewish students who wanted to meet other singles of the same religion. They were

sure it was a good idea and expected that large numbers of people would enjoy it, but not immediately.

What is the best idea for an end of school trip?

Campsite in the Forrest

Visiting a big city Going to

the beach

Participating in a sports adventure

Going abroad

Within a very short time, however, it had spread everywhere, and its popularity was confirmed

when a speed dating story line appeared in the hit American comedy series Sex and the City.

It hasn‟t taken sociologists very long to take an interest, either. An American study, carried out in

2005, discovered that it took hardly any time at all for men and women to choose who they would like to

meet again in the future. Just seconds, in fact. 3.______ It seems that we know instantly. Interestingly,

women have a greater instinct for this than men. In a 2006 study, carried out by a Scottish university, over

40 per cent of women, which was twice the percentage figure for men, had made their minds up about the

person they were chatting to within thirty seconds.

Other studies have looked into how to increase your chances of success when attending a speed

dating event. They have produced some interesting results. 4.______ And I‟m not talking about

remembering to wash before you go. Women are attracted to men with a similar background and interests

but a very different scent. There‟s no greater turn off than a guy with an identical natural body smell, it

would seem. Height, too, seems to be important to attraction, although short men shouldn‟t lose all hope.

The important thing is to be a few centimetres taller than the woman you‟re trying to chat up – being too

tall can be just as bad as not being tall enough.

5. ______. You‟d think that speaking intelligently about the latest movie or play would impress the

girls or the guys, but nothing could be further from the truth. No-one likes someone who‟s too clever.

According to a recent study, it‟s life experiences that attract the opposite sex, so don‟t forget to tell them

about all those places you‟ve been to and things you‟ve seen.

A- So, it‟s no surprise that speed dating has become so popular.

B- For example, what you smell like could be vital.

C- What you talk about can make all the difference, too.

D- Speed dating is a relatively new phenomenon.

E- All people want is to find love and be happy.

F- This study would appear to completely undermine the argument of all those romantics who wonder how

three minutes can possibly be enough to decide whether somebody might be „the one‟.

PHRASAL VERBS. A. Some phrasal verbs come in three parts. These phrasal verbs do not separate. Complete the

sentences below with the words in the box.

a. I‟ll never understand how inventors come up ___________ so many good ideas

b. We are going to work on the prototype all weekend because otherwise we will run____________of


c. This is the research department and visitors have to keep out _____________ these rooms.

d. Modern computer scientists look up________________ the early inventors of computers. They

were geniuses.

e. Don‟t let the other children bully you. You have to stand_______________ to them!

f. We‟re looking ________________ to the technology fair next month.

g. I‟m going on holiday to get away _______________ it all.

forward from of out to up with

B. Underline the correct part of the phrasal verb

a. He hacked into / over the bank‟s

computer system

b. Click at / on the icon at the top of the


c. We‟ve set off / up a new website.

d. I can‟t log across / into the system

because I‟ve forgotten my password.

e. The printer isn‟t working –it isn‟t

plugged in / on

f. I‟ll back the work down / up on another



A. Underline the correct form of the verb

a. In the future they will succeed to develop / in developing a robot that can think.

b. These robots could be designed to look after / looking after patients in hospitals.

c. I expect to see / seeing these robots in hospitals in my lifetime.

d. But can we risk to have / having robots to do a nurse‟s job?

e. The government would need to think / thinking carefully before they use machines in a medical


f. When I told this theory to my friends, they just laughed at me. I regret to tell / telling them now.

B. Gerund or infinitive? Look at the sentences below. Six of them contain a mistake. Find and

correct the mistakes.

a. Oh no! I‟ve forgotten telling Mika about the party!

b. I would like see what the world is like in a hundred years‟ time.

c. Would you prefer to communicate by phone or email?

d. Do you remember to visit the Kremlin when we were in Russia?

e. He started as an assistant engineer and went on to be the chief designer

f. Sorry, I didn‟t mean stopping you while you were working

g. This equipment is out of date. It needs replace.

h. I told them to do some work, but they went on read the newspaper.


Key word transformation. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five

words, including the word given.

1. John is too immature to make decisions for himself.

mature John is ..................................................... decisions for himself.

2. He can't get used to travelling abroad every fortnight.

accustomed He is ............................................. abroad every fortnight.

3. He managed to convince me that it was a safe operation.

succeeded He .......................................... that it was a safe operation.

4. Hearing that a war had broken out was a shock to everyone.

shocked Everyone ............................................ that a war had broken out.

5. John told Helen he was sorry he had argued with her.

apologised John ..................................................... with her.


You recently read a film which was based on a book. You though this film was not as good as the

book. Write a review of the film for your school magazine. Compare the film with the book and say

why you think it was not as good.Write your review in 140-190 words.



You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or

D) which you think fits best according to the text.


Derek Bentley was sentenced to death and was subsequently hanged on 28 January 1953. He was 19 years

old and had been found guilty of murder. However, many thought that his trial was a great legal tragedy

and it served to help end the use of the death penalty in Britain a few years later.

So, why was he hanged?

It all began on a Sunday in November 1952 when Bentley attempted to carry out a burglary with his

friend Christopher Craig. Whose idea the burglary was isn‟t known for sure, although the personalities of

the two men do suggest who might have been the leader. Craig was loud and had a high opinion of himself,

whereas Bentley, in contrast, was quiet and reserved, and very much impressed by his younger friend‟s

confidence. Both were armed with knives, but Craig also had a revolver concealed in his jacket, something

that Bentley almost certainly knew about. Bentley himself also carried a knuckleduster, a small metal

weapon that could seriously hurt someone in a fight.

The two were on the roof of a building when the police spotted them. They had earlier been seen

breaking into the building by a young girl whose mother had called the police, and now they were trapped.

Two policemen chased them, and soon caught Bentley, but Craig decided to try and get away. He fired his

gun, hitting a policeman in the shoulder. It was then that Bentley shouted to Craig, „Let him have it!‟,

words that would become famous as a key piece of evidence in the trial. Moments later, more police

arrived and started to chase Craig up some stairs. He turned and fired, killing a policeman before jumping

from the roof and breaking his back. He was then arrested.

Both Bentley and Craig were charged with murder, and both, at their trial, told the court that they

were innocent. This was a mistake. There was so much evidence to prove that Craig had committed the

crime that it would have been better for him to plead guilty. Unsurprisingly, it took the jury little more than

an hour to find both men guilty, and Bentley was sentenced to death by hanging. Craig, however, was only

16, and avoided the same punishment.

The trial, and particularly Bentley‟s sentence, shocked many people. In part, this was because of the

prosecution lawyers‟ arguments. Central to their case against Bentley was that he and Craig were equally

responsible for the murder. The prosecution was able to prove to the jury that by planning a burglary,

carrying a weapon, although not the murder weapon, and shouting „let him have it‟ to Craig, Bentley was

as much a murderer as his younger friend. However, the court didn‟t consider it important that Bentley had

a mental age of 11, that the phrase „let him have it‟ could mean „shoot him‟ but could also mean „give him

the gun‟, and the fact that, unlike Craig, Bentley was restrained, though not arrested, by another policeman

at the time of the murder.

Forty-five years after the trial, following years of arguing, campaigning and protests by Bentley‟s

father and sister, the Court of Appeal finally ruled, admitting that the original sentence and verdict were

mistaken. Sadly, neither his father nor his sister lived long enough to see Bentley‟s name cleared.

1. According to the text, it is extremely likely


A. Bentley planned the burglary

B. Craig planned the burglary

C. they planned the burglary together

D. they didn‟t plan the burglary

2. Bentley‟s character could be described as:

A. arrogant

B. insecure

C. sociable

D. aggressive

3. Craig was armed with

A. a knife and a knuckleduster.

B. a knife, a gun, and a knuckleduster.

C. a gun and a knife.

D. just a knife.

4. When committing the burglary, Bentley and Craig were

first seen by

A. a young child.

B. a mother.

C. some policemen

D. some neighbours

5. In the chase, the police

A. couldn‟t catch either of the young burglars

at first.

B. caught the boys after shooting at them.

C. caught the boys almost immediately.

D. didn‟t catch one of the boys until he injured


6. At his trial, Craig

A. said he was guilty of the crime.

B. had enough evidence to prove his innocence.

C. probably should have admitted he was guilty.

D. remained silent.

7. Craig wasn‟t sentenced to death because

A. of his age

B. there wasn‟t enough evidence.

C. Bentley said he was guilty

D. Bentley took the blame.

8. One of the things the prosecution did to persuade the jury

that Bentley was guilty was to

A. show them the murder weapon

B. prove that what he had said encouraged his friend to


C. show that it was his idea to commit the burglary

D. make Bentley confess.

9. A key argument which wasn‟t used in court

was that

A. Bentley was actually younger than Craig

B. Bentley didn‟t mean to say „let him have it‟

C. Craig was actually younger than Bentley.

D. Bentley wasn‟t as intelligent as the average


10. The original verdict and sentence weren‟t changed

A. until the 1980s

B. whilst Bentley‟s father was alive.

C. by the Court of Appeal.

D. ever.


Crime and criminals. Choose the right word to complete each definition for people who steal.

Burglar / Mugger / Pickpocket /Robber / Shoplifter / Thief

1. A ______ is the general word for

someone who steals.

2. A ______ is someone who breaks

in and steals form a private house.

3. A ______ is someone who breaks

in and steals form a bank or


4. A ______ is someone who steals

something when they are in a shop.

5. A ______ is someone who steals

from you in the street, often

without you noticing.

6. A ______ is someone who uses

violence to steal from you in the



Relative clauses Put the correct relative pronoun in each sentence

Which / Where/ Who / Whom / Whose

1. Is that the man ______ you met yesterday?

2. Is that the book_____ you took out of the library?

3. Miss Pickford is the teacher_____ used to give us English classes.

4. My sister, _____ favourite film is Love actually, is getting married next year.

5. That‟s the village _______ we grew up.

6. The stadium was full of people, most of _________ supported the local team.

7. Jane _______ boyfriend is called John is working at my company.

8. My pyjamas, _____ are blue and pink, are very comfortable.


Word formation. Read the text below and fill in the gap using the word given in capitals to form a

word that fits in the gap in the same line.


There has been a significant 1) ____________ REDUCE in police popularity in the last few years. That's

why this week a public relations campaign is being launched to make people more 2) ____________

SENSE to the role of the police officer. The ads will stress that police do more than just give speeding

tickets. They often act as unofficial social workers, visit schools and talk to students, familiarising them

with traffic signs and warning them of 3) ____________ VARY dangers. Being a police officer is 4)

____________ RISK considering that every day they deal with 5) ____________ CRIME such as thieves

and even 6) ____________ MURDER.

In 7) ____________ CONCLUDE, the campaign wants to make the public realise that even though in

some cases the police's approach may seem extreme, they cannot ignore the 8) ____________ POSSIBLE

of injury or even 9) ____________ DIE while on duty.


Articles wanted

Imagine you had five million euros. What would you do with the money? Why?

Write us an article answering these questions. We will publish the best articles in the magazine.

Write your article in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.



You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or

D) which you think fits best according to the text.


Chocoholics no longer need to feel guilty about their craving. They are simply the victims of their genes,

scientists have found.

The so-called "sweet tooth gene" has been identified by separate teams of researchers and helps

explain why some find it harder to resist chocolate bars and cream cakes.

It also raises the possibility of designing a drug which could "switch off the gene and help people

resist sugary foods. Children, in particular, risk their health by eating too many sweets and chocolates.

To identify the gene, the research teams - based at Harvard Medical School in Boston and Mount

Sinai School of Medicine in New York - conducted almost identical experiments using mice which have

differences in their ability to taste sweet foods. They compared the DNA of the two types of mice and

noticed differences in the gene called TlR3. Dr. Gopi Shanker, of the Mount Sinai team, said: "It contains

information which produces a protein called «the sweet taste receptor».

This recognises the sweet content of food and initiates a cascade of events which signal to the brain

that a sweet food has been eaten. Dr. Shanker added: "Exactly the same gene exists in humans, so it means

that, if your parents have a sweet tooth, then you probably will as well."

Research by the Harvard team has come to the same conclusion.

But Aubrey Sheiham, professor of dental public health at University College, London, said the

results did not provide chocoholics with an excuse to give up dieting. He said: "We have always known

that some people have a sweeter tooth than others. But it has also been proved that if you gradually expose

people to less sugar, then the body becomes accustomed with a lower level of sweetness.

Mr. Sheiham warned against any form of gene therapy which sought to deactivate the sweet tooth


We have produced this gene through evolution because sweet foods in nature are not poisonous and

also give us energy. We all need to have some sugar in our diet. The U.S. researchers are using their

discovery to develop artificial sweeteners without an aftertaste.

("If bingeing on chocolate..." by Paul Kendall "Daily Mail 23.04,2000, "Daily Mail")

1. Scientists have discovered that eating too much


A. is not healthy

B. a is caused by the genes

C. is our fault

D. make as stronger

2. The sweet tooth gene explains

A. why we eat so much chocolate

B. why some people are fatter than others

C. why some people can eat chocolate and

not get fat

D. why it's so difficult to resist to eat


3. A possible drug would

A. make us eat less sugar.

B. be a huge progress.

C. help us resist the temptation.

D. not be good for the sweets companies.

4. In their experiments with mice the researchers


A. different things in a gene.

B. the mice were identical.

C. the mice eat the same sweets

D. nothing relevant

5. The sweet taste receptor

A. tells the brain what sweets have been


B. Communicates to the brain that the

person has eaten a sweet.

C. Communicates to the brain how the

body feels.

D. doesn't offer crucial information.

6. If your parents have a sweet tooth

A. you will have a stronger sweet tooth.

B. you might not have a sweet tooth.

C. you won‟t have a sweet tooth


D. you will have a sweet tooth too.

7. The results of the experiments

A. were an excuse for chocoholics to give

up dieting

B. didn't represent a reason for

chocoholics to give up their diet.

C. were not relevant

D. were the perfect excuse to continue


8. If people don't eat too many sweets

A. the body gets used to less sugar

B. the body craves for sweets

C. it's dangerous for

D. it's not a problem.

9. One can have a diet

A. without any sugar

B. with a lot of sugar

C. with some sugar.

D. with less fat.

10. The American researchers

A. want to create new kinds of sweets

B. want to create artificial sweeteners.

C. want to develop natural sweeteners.

D. don't want artificial sweeteners.


A. Underline the correct form of used to.

1. When I was a child, I used to love / got used to loving watching my mother making biscuits.

2. I‟ve been living in this country for 20 years, but I still can’t be used to / can’t get used to the

appalling weather!

3. They used to / were used to wrap fish and chips in newspaper, but they don‟t do that anymore.

4. When we first moved to this country, we didn‟t like all the hot food. But we are used to / get used

to it now.

5. Many foreigners don‟t like the idea of eating rice for breakfast. But, after living here in Korea for

over ten years, I have been used to / have got used to it!

6. The kids have fallen asleep. They used not to eat / aren’t used to eating this late.

B. Look at the sentences below. All the sentences are correct. However, if it is also possible to replace

used to with would, rewrite the sentence.

1. Gabriele used to own a toy kitchen when she was a little girl.

2. My family always used to eat lunch together on Sundays.

3. We always used to go on holiday to the same seaside village.

4. I used to like sweets when I was younger, but I can‟t stand them now.

5. I used to know how to make a really nice fish pie, but I‟ve forgotten the recipe now.


Open cloze. Read the text below and think of the world which best fits each gap. Use only one word

in each gap.


Have you ever suffered because 0) of something you ate? Are you scared of strawberries or terrified of

shellfish? Well, if you are, you are not alone. Many people suffer 1) ____________food allergies. For

some unlucky people, even smelling or touching the food 2) ____________are allergic to can cause a

reaction. Common foods that people can 3) ____________allergic to include milk, eggs, nuts and seafood.

In general, food allergies are not life threatening, but you still need to be careful. For example, take peanut

allergies. In really bad cases, peanuts can cause a condition known 4) ____________anaphylaxis causing

your airways to block and stopping you from breathing. When 5) ____________happens, the person must

be taken 6) ____________ambulance to a hospital 7) ____________once. There is no cure for food

allergies other than staying 8) ____________from the food that causes you to have reactions. This requires

reading product ingredients carefully and making 9) ____________that the food you order in a restaurant is

safe. And if you have a friend 10) ____________has a food allergy, be very careful of

11) ____________you give them to eat. Their life could depend 12) ____________it!


You see this announcement on your favourite blog.

Reviews wanted: the best place to have a coffee in your town. Do you have a favourite bar or coffee

shop? Write a review explaining what kind of place it is, what is special about it and why you

recommend it. Write your review in 140-190 words in the appropriate style. The best reviews will be

published on the blog.


Look at the photos. They show people enjoying a meal. Compare the photos and say how each person

is enjoying their meal. (2 minutes) Where do you prefer to eat? (1 minute)



You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed from the interview. Choose from

the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to



They're a lesson in life! George Marsh, head of posh Dulwich College Preparatory School in London,

probably thought he was doing kids and parents a favour with his rousing speech at the annual prep school

conference this week. 1._____. Above all, he said, we had researched a stage where the obsession with

passing exams was "killing the fun" of school. We've all read this before. 2._______ We've seen the

headlines. "Pressures of work too much for our teenagers", they scream. Now we have Mr. Marsh's

contribution about too many horrid exams spoiling the school's broth.

In our child-obsessed society, the worst sin of all is to stop a child having "fun". It is right up there

with smacking in the new millennium book of bad parenting. Children must be endlessly indulged, treated

with kid gloves, escorted to amusement parks, given computer games and showered with pocket money.

3._____ Heavens forbid that they should be told to study, strive and compete - words which seem to have

taken on the quality of blasphemy.

But whoever said school was meant to be fun? Yes, school is a place where a child develops and a

rounded curriculum is vital. 4.______The rest of the time, however, they are there to learn and to achieve

some basic qualifications that will, whether they want to accept it or not, cushion them when life gets really

hard. Yet, in the current climate, saying that exams matter is tantamount to saying that our children should

spend their teenage years at an Army boot camp.

5. ______It's the same misguided

attitude that drives parents to spray their kids

with antiseptic to protect them from all known

germs when actually they only end up sickly

because their immune system never develops.

Cosseting children in cotton wool does them

few favours in the long run.

Mr. Marsh is right when he says that

we should shelter our children from the

pressures of growing up too soon but there is a

difference between sheltering and smothering.

6. _____School can be tough and

exams always are but thin so is life - and it's

best that children learn that particular lesson as

early as possible.

(Extract from "Don't criticise exams...", "Daily Express, 28.09.2000)

A- Our children should play sports, do drama, join choirs, hang out at playtimes.

B- They must never have a minute when they're neither protected nor enjoying themselves.

C- We've heard of the burnout kids, pushed by ambitious parents until they're at the end of their tethers,

and gasped at the stories of the hothouse floor children who feel weak and tired in the real world.

D-Children should be allowed to be children before having to face the difficulties of adulthood.

E- If he really wanted to do us all a favour in his speech, he should have told parents to get real.

F- He spoke of the pressures facing young people, who need to be nurtured during difficult pre-teen and

teenage years.

G- This is the same mentality that dictates there should be no winners at sports day in case other children

get upset by coming second.


Match each idiom with its meaning

1. A pain in the


a. An embarrassing secret

2. A piece of cake b. A quicker more direct route

3. A short cut c. A very severe headache

4. A skeleton in

the cupboard

d. An unintentional verbal mistake

5. A slip of the


e. An easy task

6. A splitting


f. Somebody/something that is very annoying


Key word transformation. Conditionals. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

meaning to the first sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given

1. Paying in cash entitles you to a special discount.

provided You are entitled to a special discount ................................................ in cash.

2. They didn't go on a picnic because it was raining heavily.

rain But ..........................................., they would have gone on a picnic.

3. It is possible that your flight will be delayed, so take a book to read.

case Take a book to read ......................................... delayed.

4. John had better call the police if he notices any suspicious characters.

should John had better call the police ...................................... any suspicious characters.

5. He didn't win the race because he isn't a fast runner.

would If he were a fast runner, he ............................ the race.

6. I think you shouldn't tell anyone about it.

I If ....................................., I wouldn't tell anyone about it.


In class you have been talking about where you usually go shopping. Now your teacher has now

asked you to write an essay in 140-190 words answering the following question in 140-190 words:

Is it better to shop in small local shops or big supermarkets?

Notes: things to write about

1. Prices

2. Variety

3. Your own idea



The Guggenheim,Bilbao

Answer True or False.

According to American travel journalist Rick Steves….

1) Architect Frank Gehry imagined the Guggenheim museum as a container of loosebottles.

2) Thanks to the transformation of Bilbao, it is now as attractive as all other Spanishcities.

3) Bilbao‟s town centre consists of tall buildings and narrowstreets.

4) The Guggenheim is made of materials found in the localregion.

5) The Guggenheim blends into


6) The West Highland terrier created by

Jeff Coons was so popular with

tourists that it became a


7) Jeff Coons was inspired by his

childhood when he designed the

West Highlandterrier.

8) The Guggenheim museum has


9) The art displayed in the museum is

very serious and not easy


10) The Guggenheim museum is an

intimidating space forvisitors.


Phrasal verbs with go. Put the correct preposition in each sentence

About / Ahead / Back /Down / For / Off / On / Out / Over / Round

1. You go ______, we‟re right behind!

2. The bomb went_____ in the middle of the city.

3. In the end, she went _____ the green dress.

4. She slept in because she went _____ the night before.

5. It‟s dangerous to go _______ that road alone at night.

6. We need some wood; the fire is going _______.

7. We can‟t go _____ now, we‟ll be late for class!

8. There wasn‟t enough food to go _______.

9. I go _______ organising my holidays, it‟s already June!

10. He went _______ reading to me even thought I had fallen asleep.

11. She‟s going _______ to her friend‟s house tomorrow.


Order of adjectives. Put the words in each sentence in the correct order.

tennis It is with a yellow round it. on lines ball

It is a with hat beige a band round cheap it.

straw in basket It is a it. with sunflowers brown small

cotton white stripes towel on it. big It is a with blue beach

It is on it. key box lock and an old tool with a rectangular

it. a It is nylon with on black bag golf pockets

a(n) sports car It is red Italian expensive


Word formation. Read the text below and fill in the gap using the word given in capitals to form a

word that fits in the gap in the same line.


In our 1) ____________ LIVE we are constantly bombarded by 2) ____________ ADVERTISE whose

role is to make products 3) ____________ ATTRACT enough so that people will want to buy them

immediately. There has been a lot of 4) ____________ DISCUSS on the powerful effects of advertising.

Are ads really 5) _________________ USE? Are they 6) _________________ TRUE? Do they give us

a 7) ____________ REAL idea of the product? People are rarely in 8) ____________ AGREE on any of

these questions, but the fact is that ads are 9) ____________ HELP in letting people know the wide 10)

____________ VARY of goods available.


Key word transformation. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five

words, including the word given

1. How long have you been living in your new house?

moved How long is it ............................... your new house?

2. The police questioned all the eye-witnesses but they didn't find anyone capable of describing what

exactly had happened.

none The police questioned all the eye-witnesses, ...................................................... of describing what

exactly had happened.

3. His computer game addiction is getting worse.

and He is getting ............................................... computer games.

4. She went out after finishing the housework.

until She didn't go out ............................................. the housework.

5. I heard that neither of the defendants was found guilty in yesterday's trial.

innocent I heard that .................................................... in yesterday's trial.


You have received this email from an English-speaking boy called John.


I would like to find out about one of the main traditions of your country. Could you tell me a bit about

it: what it is about? When it normally happens? Why people maintain it? Thanks,


Write your email in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.



Read the following text and choose, for questions 1-15, from the sites (A-D). The sites may be chosen

more than once.

A. Avebury, England

Stonehenge is one of the first things

people want to see when they arrive

in the UK. But there is one

disadvantage to Stonehenge, which is

that you are not allowed to touch the

stones. And yet just a short distance

away, there is another stone circle, not

as well known, where you can walk

and touch and explore the real stones:

the Avebury stone circle.

Unlike Stonehenge, the Avebury

stones are just large rocks which stand

upright on the ground. The survival of

the ring is nothing short of

miraculous. The stones were once

broken and buried by people who tried to eradicate evidence of the old religions. Later the stones were

broken and used as building materials for local residences, as the stone circle surrounds the village of

Avebury. Eventually the site was rescued by Alexander Keiller, a marmalade manufacturer, who paid for

the buried stones to be raised up and for the circle to be restored. And now it can be visited again.

B. Tarragona, Spain

The city of Tarragona in Catalonia was the capital city of Roman Spain, when it was known as Tarraco.

Today it is a very beautiful city with a number of excellent Roman sites. Very near the modern railway

station, it is possible to visit the Roman amphitheatre, the city forum (the old marketplace), and a Roman

tower, although Tarragona‟s best ancient site is outside the city walls.

A short bus ride from the city centre will take you to a desolate spot by the roadside. The bus driver

will point at you to get off and you will find yourself wandering through hills and trees with no tourist

centre, no cafés and bars, and hardly any tourists. And why? To see the ruins of a Roman aqueduct which

used to bring water to the city. These ruins are like something out of another world. They are covered in

weeds and the site is silent. You can walk along the top of the aqueduct marvelling at the view of the valley

below. It‟s a rare treat nowadays: to find an ancient site and to have it all to yourself.

C. Agrigento, Italy

In ancient times, the island of Sicily was an important part of the Greek world. Cities such as Syracuse

were able to win famous battles over Athens and other Greek states. All of this colourful history means that

Sicily is a treat for history buffs: and nowhere more so than Agrigento, the Valley of the Temples.

The sites themselves are scattered over a large area. The highlight of the trip is the Tempio della

church. Other temples were not so lucky. All that remains of the Temple of Jupiter is the base of its

columns and rubble after it was destroyed by an earthquake.

One further piece of advice is to drop into the museum on the site, which contains a number of

important sculptures, mosaics and artwork.

D. Nemrut Dagi, Turkey

Turkey is rich with ancient sites, but the mountain of Nemrut Dagi is special even by its standards. It is

home to the massive stone heads which have become one of the iconic images of the country. Nemrut Dagi

lies in the far south-eastern corner of Turkey, but even so the fame of this remote site has meant that today

the road to the sculptures is full of tourists.

However, there are still a few moments when you can enjoy the magic of the site with its giant stone

heads of ancient gods, eagles and lions. If you arrive at dawn, you can watch the sun rise over the mountain

illuminating the monuments.

a) was once a very important urban area? ____________________

b) was damaged by a natural disaster? ____________________

c) is used as a symbol of its country? ____________________

d) is less famous than another site in the same country? ____________________

e) has very many visitors? ____________________

f) have buildings which were used by more than one religion? ____________________

g) can be reached by public transport? ____________________

h) was used by people to build their homes? ____________________

i) has exhibits of artwork made with little tiles? ____________________

j) contains images of animals? ____________________

k) was restored by a businessman? ____________________

l) is it best to visit early in the morning? ____________________

m) was used to transport an important resource? ____________________

n) was built by a society with very strong armies? ____________________

o) does not have many visitors? ____________________


Phrasal verbs with be. Put the correct preposition in each sentence

After / In for /Off / On / Over / Through / Up / Up to

1. If you are shoplifting the police will be ______ you

2. What are the children_____? They are very quiet.

3. We are_____ bad weather this week.

4. I hope nobody will disturb me; my favourite TV programme will be _____ in a few minutes.

5. I have broken my leg skateboarding, so I‟ll be _______ work for two months.

6. If they are late for the meeting again, I‟ll be _________ with them.

7. I was _______ all night because my boyfriend was snoring.

8. After three weeks, the exams are finally _____.


Word formation. Read the text below and fill in the gap using the word given in capitals to form a

word that fits in the gap in the same line.


These days, meteorologists give us 0) reasonably REASON accurate weather forecasts. But what did we do

before 1) ____________ SCIENCE used modern technology to predict the weather? Well, people looked at

their 2) ____________ SURROUND to get clues about what the weather might be like. For example, the

movements of clouds tell us a lot about future weather conditions. Clouds moving in different

3) ____________ DIRECT usually mean bad weather is not far off. Animal 4) ____________ BEHAVE is

another good clue. Look to see where birds are flying in the air. If they are flying higher than usual, the

weather will be nice. Stand still and listen. Many animals, 5) ____________ PARTICULAR birds, tend to

go quiet just before it rains. How the air smells is another 6) ____________ USE indicator of future

weather conditions. There is a saying, lowers smell best just before the rain'. This is because smells are

stronger in humid air. One more tip; look up at the moon. If you can see it 7) ____________ CLEAR, it

means that the weather has cooled and rain is 8) ____________ PROBABLE on the way. Of course, none

of these methods are perfect and it would be 9) ____________ CORRECT to use them instead of modern

technology. But they do have their uses. So why not learn them? You never know when they might be

10) ____________. HELP


Key word transformation. Clauses of Concession, Purpose and Result. Complete the second sentence

so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word

given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Whatever they try to do, the police will stop them.


The police will stop them ................................ to do.

2. The road was slippery, so they couldn't drive fast.


They couldn't drive fast ............................................. road.

3. I've brought some extra blankets because it might get colder at night.


I've brought some extra blankets .......................... at night.

4. You know, I felt disappointed but I didn't give up trying.

spite You know, ......................................, I didn't give up trying.

5. She is very talented but she doesn't play the piano professionally.

though Talented ........................., she doesn't play the piano professionally.

6. The children hid the cake they had made because they wanted to surprise their mother.


The children hid the cake they had made ............................................... their mother.


In class you have been talking about families. Now your teacher has now asked you to write an essay

answering the following question in 140-190 words:

Growing up in a large family is better than being brought up in a small one. Do you agree?

Notes: things to write about

1. Attention from parents

2. Relationships with brothers and sisters

3. Your own idea


READING You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the

sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.


In the 1930s, when radio was still in its infancy, broadcasting stations in the USA wondered what type of

programmes they should put on during the daytime- 1. ______ To keep the listeners' interest, there would

be far more crises occurring than in real life. Knowing that the majority of the audience would be women,

the broadcasters decided that the women in the serials would be strong characters and the men weak. The

serials were an instant success with listeners. As the radio stations were paid for by advertising, these

programmes always carried advertisements and, since one of the most frequently advertised products was

soap, the programmes became known as Soaps or Soap Operas.

It was really by chance that the soap opera appeared in Britain. The BBC (British Broadcasting

Corporation) had no interest in producing this type of programme but during the Second World War it was

thought that the Americans should be shown how well the British people were standing up to the war. For

this reason, a soap opera was written for the North American service of the BBC; it was called Front Line

Family and showed how a typical English family, the Robinsons, were living during the war. 2._____ The

BBC were unwilling to do this but finally agreed and broadcast the programme in Britain, but changed the

name lo The Robinsons. The programme ran for six years.

Other soaps were introduced later, one telling the life of a doctor's family and another, The Archers,

about life in a country village. 3.____ The serial began in 1951 and is still to be heard on five evenings

every week.

Some attempts at soap opera began to appear on television in Britain in the mid-1950s but it was

not until 1961 that the first real soap opera appeared. 4.____ The serial, called Coronation Street, was about

the lives of people living in a working-class street near Manchester. Although the serial was planned to run

for only thirteen weeks, it is still to be seen several nights every week and almost every week has more

viewers than any other programme on British television.

The BBC never managed to produce a really successful soap opera until 1984, when it introduced

EastEnders. This programme is about life in an area of the east end of London. 5._____ There is a major

difference between the two programmes in that EastEnders concentrates on often rather depressing realism

whilst Coronation Street, although having serious storylines, always contains a strong element of comedy.

A- This was shown, not by the BBC, but by commercial television.

B- They came up with the idea of producing serials that would be on the radio every afternoon telling a

continuous story.

C-The series was really well received by the audience as it was completely different from anything else


D- Some people in Britain managed to hear the programme and asked for it to be broadcast for the British


E- For a time it had more viewers than Coronation Street and still rivals it as the most popular programme

on British television.

F- The original aim of The Archers was to inform farmers of new developments in agriculture.


Phrasal verbs with give. Put the correct preposition in each sentence

Away / Back /In / Off / Out / Up

1. You should give ______ chocolate if you want to lose weight.

2. The project has to be given_____ by Thursday.

3. I‟m moving house and I‟m giving _____ some of my furniture.

4. The pipes are giving _____ a strange smell.

5. They gave _______ to the Nazis where the Jews where hidden.

6. He keeps forgetting to give _______ my favourite book that I lent him.

7. They were giving _____ leaflets in the street.

8. Don‟t _____! You‟ve almost finished.


Key word transformation. Reported speech. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

meaning to the first sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

1. "He stole my money!" shouted the old lady.

accused The old lady ................................................. money.

2. " I think you should stop eating so many sweets," Mary's sister said to her.

advised Mary's sister ......................................... so many sweets.

3. "Don't cancel your trip because of us," we said to John.

off We told John ................................... his trip because of us.

4. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth," Peter said to us.

apologised Peter ............................................ the truth.

5. Is the gallery open in the afternoon?

know Do you ....................................... open in the afternoon?

6. "Why don't you try on a pair of jeans?" Peter asked Mary.

suggested Peter ........................................... a pair of jeans.

7. "You really must let me cook dinner," said Anne.

insisted Anne ....................................... dinner.

8. "What does he want to tell me?" Julie asked herself.

wondered Julie ................................... to tell her.


Your college has been asked to accept a group of 50 students from another country for two weeks.

Your principal has asked you to write a report. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of

accepting this group? What would you recommend?

Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.


Imagine you have to buy your young cousin a present for his/her birthday. Here are some of the

ideas for the present. Talk about why these ideas could be good presents for a child and decide which

one is the best idea.

What is the best birthday present

for a child?

A book

A videogame

Sports equipment


A toy



You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or

D) which you think fits best according to the text.


There are times in the history of any great city when it feels that it‟s at the centre of all that‟s fashionable.

Though it was depressing and old-fashioned in the fifties, and a bit scruffy at the edges for most of the

seventies, London led the world of fashion during the „swinging‟ years of the sixties and during the punk

revolution at the end of the seventies. Showing the way were its fashion designers, notably Mary Quant and

Vivienne Westwood.


Mary Quant left Goldsmith College, London, in the early fifties with very clear ideas of what she wanted to

achieve in the world of fashion. She was fed up with the idea that high fashion should be for the rich and

the middle-aged, and thought that it should be fun and liberating. She started making clothes designed

around simple shapes and patterns, and bright colours.

Mary had been lucky enough to meet and marry a wealthy businessman called Alexander Plunket

Green while she was at college, and it was his investment that allowed her to open a shop soon after

finishing her studies. Mary opened a boutique in the King‟s Road, Chelsea, in the centre of London. The

year was 1955. It was an immediate success, thanks to her innovative designs, comparatively low prices,

and eccentric window displays, which made the clothes look even more stylish.

By the mid-sixties, Mary Quant was a household name, and a fashion leader of sorts. She had

popularized, some people would say invented, the mini skirt, which was arguably the most iconic fashion

statement of the sixties, and she had done more than anyone to make clothes youthful, sexy, and natural.


In 1971, Vivienne Westwood‟s partner, and the father of her son Joseph, opened a shop in the King‟s Road

called Let It Rock. His name was Malcolm Maclaren. Vivienne, who had briefly studied at the Harrow

School of Art in London, then started to sell her designs in the shop. They weren‟t ordinary clothes, nor

were they inexpensive. She combined traditional British materials such as tartan with more outrageous

items like black leather, metal chains, large safety pins, razor blades, and dog collars.

After years of selling to a small,

alternative set of customers, Vivienne‟s

designs were suddenly in demand overnight

after the punk rock band The Sex Pistols wore

her clothes at their first gig. Perhaps they

loved the style, but it is more likely that their

manager, Malcolm Maclaren, influenced their

choice of shop. Although probably motivated

by Maclaren‟s business interests, the clothes

and band worked well together. The band‟s

anarchic energy combined with Vivienne‟s

sense of punk style to take the world by storm

in the late seventies, rocking the foundations

of the fashion world. The influence of those

designs is still felt today.

In more recent years, Vivienne has introduced many other elements into her fashion design, such as

ways of cutting material borrowed from eighteenth-century clothes makers, and patterns first used by

indigenous South American peoples. She is always looking for the innovative and shocking, and her ready-

to-wear clothes, while no longer strictly punk, are still different and edgy.

1. London wasn‟t fashionable:

A. in the late sixties

B. in the early seventeens

C. in the early seventeens

D. in the mid seventies

2. When Mary Quant finished college, high

fashion was

A. becoming more exciting

B. was just getting started

C. different to what she had studied at


D. aimed at one group of people

3. Mary Quant wanted her clothes to make

women feel

A. free and natural.

B. smart and sophisticated.

C. wealthier than they really were.

D. beautiful and sexy.

4. Mary Quant was able to open a shop because

A. she had finished college.

B. she had help.

C. she had saved some money at college

D. she was lucky

5. Mary‟s designs were immediately popular

because they

A. looked more fashionable than they


B. were very cheap.

C. Were just what people were looking


D. were original.

6. According to the writer of the text, in the

1960s, the mini skirt

A. A was designed by Mary Quant.

B. was the sexiest item of clothing.

C. was probably the most important item

of clothing of that period.

D. Was looked badly upon.

7. Vivienne started selling large numbers of


A. almost at once

B. after a long period of time.

C. as soon as she had her own shop

D. with help from other people.

8. According to the writer, the Sex Pistols

probably chose to wear Vivienne‟s clothes


A. they were recommended by their


B. they loved her punk style

C. they wanted to change fashion forever

D. they were the first thing they saw.

9. Vivienne‟s 1970 designs

A. were only worn by the Sex Pistols

B. were popular in the past.

C. weren‟t popular

D. are still important now.

10. Recently, Vivienne has started using

A. South American designs

B. South American material

C. South American techniques

D. South American models.


Phrasal verbs with bring. Put the correct preposition in each sentence

About / Back /Forward / Out / Round / Up

1. His bad behaviour brought ____________ his punishment.

2. Coming home has brought ____________ all my childhood memories.

3. My favourite band is bringing ____________ their new album next month.

4. We managed to bring him ____________ by splashing his face with water.

5. The meeting was brought ____________ to the following day.

6. He managed to bring her ____________ to his point of view.

7. My parents brought me ____________ very well.


Key word transformation. Passives. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to

the first sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two

and five words, including the word given

1. We haven't told anyone about the change in our plans.


No one ....................................... the change in our plans.

2. We had to go up the stairs because someone was using the lift.


The lift .............................................. we had to go up the stairs.

3. She doesn't let him smoke in the house.


He ......................................... in the house.

4. We mustn't park on the yellow line.


It .......................................... on the yellow line.

5. The teacher saw two students leave the school.


Two students ............................... the school.

6. The coach let the players take the day off.


The players ......................................... take the day off.

7. They say the little girl has inherited a great fortune from her grandfather.


The little girl ................................. a great fortune from her grandfather.

8. Your hair needs cutting.


You ................................. cut.


In class you have been talking about fast food. Now your teacher has now asked you to write an essay

answering the following question in 140-190 words:

Is fast food always a bad thing?

Notes: things to write about

1. Health

2. Cost

3. Your own idea


LISTENING: The True cost of the Royal Family explained (C PG Grey) Answer the folloing questions:

1. How much does the queen cost to

maintain per person per year?

2. What is King George III most famous

for losing?

3. Was King George III good at managing money?

4. What did he get from surrendering the profits from his land to the government?

5. How much profit is generated from the royal lands every year in rent?

6. How much more or less is this profit when compared with the cost of maintaining the royals?

7. Every monarch since George III has voluntarily given the profits from what to the United


8. Why would taxes go up if the government stopped paying the royals‟ salaries?

9. Which nationality of tourists spend most money in the UK on holiday?

10. According to the narrator, why are Americans more fascinated by British castles than French ones?

11. The modern queen isn‟t a dangerous political lion but a declared ____________________________ VOCABULARY

Match each idiom with its meaning

1. A big hand a. A situation where something dangerous or unpleasant nearly


2. A big head b. Something that at first seems bad but later turns out to be


3. A bitter pill c. An enthusiastic round of applause

3. A blessing in disguise d. A conceited person

4. A close shave e. Upsetting fact difficult to accept


Complete the sentences with so, such or such a.

1. The car journey was ______ long that I fell asleep. Terrible food

2. I had ______ bad headache that I had to go home.

3. There was ______ long delay because of the fog.

4. The exam was ______difficult that I was certain that I would fail.

5. I has worked ______ hard during the week that at the weekend I only wanted to sleep.

6. We were given ______ terrible food that we complained to the waiter.

7. There were ______ many people that we decided to leave.

8. They had ______ fun in Barcelona that they went back the following year.


Key word transformation. Unreal past. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

meaning to the first sentence, using the work given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

1. You ought to return the money you owe.

back It is about ................................. the money

you owe.

2. We regret not having installed an alarm


wish We .................................... an alarm


3. If you had heard him speak, you'd think

he had studied the subject extensively.

if He spoke ................................ the subject


4. Dennis doesn't feel like playing football


rather Dennis ................................. football


5. It's a pity we can't visit the gallery.

only If .................................... the gallery.

6. didn't lose weight so these jeans still don't


only If ........................................ so that these

jeans would fit!

7. Please don't disappoint me this time.

let I'd rather you ...................................... this


8. Julie doesn't like playing the guitar as

much as she likes singing.

rather Julie prefers ........................................ the


9. Mike didn't want to spend his holidays in

London, but in the end he did.

rather Mike ............................................ his

holidays in London.

10. I can't stand Ronnie complaining about


wish I ............................................ complain

about everything.


You recently attended a performance of a play which had bad reviews in several newspapers and

magazines. You think the negative criticisms were unfair. Write a review for your local newspaper

giving your own opinion of the play. Include information about the story, the acting, the sets and


Write your review in 140-190 words in the appropriate style.



1-A 2-C 3-D 4-B 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-A

9-A 10-A


1-Have 2-Do 3-Make 4-Have 5-Give 6-Have

7-Take 8-Make 9-Give 10-Do 11-Take 12-Make


(1) are (2) am (3) have (4) is (5) have been trying

(6) don‟t know (7) can‟t fix (8) have tried

(9) happens (10) makes (11) dies (12) am

inspecting (13) am checking (14) looks (15) Do

you have (16) am using (17) appears (18) wonder

(19) don‟t understand (20) is (21) have checked

(22) haven‟t checked (23) does (24) looks (25) is


1- daily 2- completely 3- various 4- unhealthy

5- favourite 6- simply 7- helpful 8- saying



1-C 2-F 3-A 4-D 5-E


1-A 2-A 3-B 4-B 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-B 9-A 10-A


1-D 2-B 3-B 4-C 5-A 6-C 7-B 8-D 9-B



1-C 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-B 9-A



1.- can 't have turned down

2.- need not have brough t

3 . - had bet ter not s tay

4.- you l ike me to

5 . - needs to cut down on

6. - must have invi ted everyon e


1- exciting 2- failure 3- wonderful

4- admiration 5- combination 6- strength

7-development 8- fifth 9- popularity

10- crowded 11- enthusiastic 12- successful



1-B 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-C 6-D 7-B 8-A 9-D 10-B


1- Save 2- Reused 3- Damage 4-Affected

5- Generate 6- Preserved 7-Exceeded 8-Polluted

9- 10- Cause


1-Out 2-Across 3-Over 4-Up with 5-Into 6-Round

7-By 8-Down with 9-Along 10-Out


1. objected to having

2. was too expensive for her

3. to prevent people from throwing

4. have diff icul ty in ad ju st ing

5. no point in wai t ing for

6. was the f i rs t to know

7. made the criminal get into



1. were traveling 2. Waved 3. Had been 4. Pretended 5. Had conquered

6. Picked up 7. Handed 8. Sought out 9. Had snatched 10. Had… hoped

11. Appeared 12. Had returned 13. Killed 14. Had attained 15. Went


1-H 2-D 3-B 4-E 5-F 6-G 7-A 8-C


1-is 2-despite 3-to 4-only 5-as 6-can 7-

ourselves 8-it 9- order



1-D 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-E


a) ok b) checking into c) show you around d) meeting up with e)ok f) setting off at g) turned up

h) kicking off


Future tenses Exercise Answers

1. lands.

2. are going to have

3. will rain (or is going to rain)

4. is flying

5. I will drive

6. start.

7. get / will have been

8. will have marked

9. start / are going to have (or will have)

10. won‟t be

11. will have been living

12. I will be skiing

13. will check (or am going to)


1- reliable 2- normally 3- historical 4- travellers 5- incredibly 6- freely 7- useful 8- particularly 9-



1-A 2-D 3-F 4-B 5-C


A. a) with b) out c) of d) to e) up

f) forward g) from

B. a) into b) on c) up d) into e) in f) up


A. a) in developing b) to look after c) to see

d) having e) to think f) telling

B. a) to tell b) to see c) ✓ d) visiting e) ✓ f) to stop g) replacing h) reading


1. not mature enough to make

2. not accustomed to t ravel l ing

3. succeeded in convincing me

4. was shocked to hear

5. apologised to Helen for arguing



1-B 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-D 6-C 7-A 8-B 9-D



1- Thief 2- Burglar 3- Robber 4-Shoplifter

5- Pickpocket 6- Mugger


1-Who 2-Which 3-Who 4-Whose 5-Where

6-Whom 7-Whose 8-Which


1- reduction 2- sensitive 3- various 4- risky

5- criminals 6- murderers 7- conclusion

8- possibility 9- death



1-B 2-D 3-C 4-A 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-A 9-C



A. 1 used to love 2 can’t get used to 3 used to 4 are used to 5 have got used to 6 aren’t used to eating

B. 2 My family would always eat lunch together on Sundays. 3 We would always go on holiday to the same seaside village.


1-from 2-they 3-be 4-as 5-this 6-by 7-at

8-away 9-sure 10-who 11-what 12-on



1-F 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-G 6-E


1-F 2-E 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-C


1. provided that you pay

2. for the heavy rain

3. in case your f l ight is

4. should he not ice

5. would have won

6. I were you



The Guggenheim,Bilbao

1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) F 8) T 9) F

10) F


1-Ahead 2-Off 3-For 4-Out 5-Down 6-Out

7-Back 8-Round 9-About 10-On 11-Over


1. It is a round yellow tennis ball with lines on


2. It is a cheap beige hat with a band round it.

3. It is a small brown straw basket with

sunflowers in it.

4. It is a big blue cotton beach towel with white

stripes on it.

5. It is an old rectangular tool box with a lock

and key on it.

6. It is a black nylon golf bag with pockets on


7. It is an expensive Italian red sports car.


1- lives 2- advertisements 3- attractive

4- discussion 5- useful 6- truthful 7- realistic

8- agreement 9- helpful 10- variety


1. since you moved into

2. none of whom were capable

3. more and more addicted to

4. unt i l she had f inished

5. both defendants were found




a) B b) C c) D d) A e) D f) A g) B h) A i) C j) D

k) A l) D m) B n) C o) B


1-After 2-Up to 3-In for 4-On 5-Off 6-Through

7-Up 8-Over


1- scientists 2- surroundings 3- directions 4-

behaviour 5- particularly 6- useful 7- clearly 8-

probably 9- incorrect 10- helpful


1. no mat ter what they t ry

2. because of the s l ippery

3. in case i t gets colder

4. in spi te of feel ing d isappointed

5. though she is

6. so that they could surprise



1-B 2-D 3-F 4-A 5-E


1-Up 2-In 3-Away 4-Off 5-Away 6-Back 7-Out



1. accused him of s teal ing her

2. advised her to s top eat ing

3. not to cal l off

4. apologised for not tel l ing us

5. know if the gal lery i s

6. suggested that Mary t ry on

7. insis ted on cooking

8. wondered what he wan ted



1-C 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-C 7-B 8-A 9-D



1-About 2-Back 3-Out 4-Round 5-Forward

6-Round 7-Up


1. was informed about

2. was being used so

3. isn‟t allowed to smoke

4. is forbidden to park

5. were seen leaving

6. were given permission to

7. was said to have inherited

8. need to have your hair



1. The Queen costs 65 pence per person per year.

2. He is famous for losing the US for the Empire.

3. No, he wasn‟t. He had problems to pay his


4. He got a fixed annual salary and all his debts


5. 200 million pounds.

6. 160 million pounds in profit per year.

7. Yes, they all have.

8. Because the royals would be forced to take

back the profits from their lands.

9. The Americans spend the most money in the

UK on holiday.

10. Because real monarchs still use them.

11. kitten.


1-C 2-D 3-E 4-B 5-A


1-so 2-such a 3-such a 4-so 5-so 6-such 7-so



1. t ime you paid back

2. wish we had instal led

3. as i f he had s tudied

4. would rather not play

5. only we could vis i t

6. only I had lost weight

7. didn 't let me down

8. to s ing rather than p lay

9. would rather not have spent

10. wish Ronnie didn 't