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Talk for Five Minutes of Fame at Noisebridge in San Francisco on the subject of Trolling.

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  • 1. The Art of Trolling Brought to you by: 4b0v3 73n In partnership with @openfly

2. Troll - n.

  • Surfing, or browsing, the Web. - PC Magazine 3. Posting derogatory messages about sensitive subjects on newsgroups and chat rooms to bait users into responding. - PC Magazine 4. Hanging around in a chat room without saying anything, like a "peeping tom." - PC Magazine 5. Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can. - Urban Dictionary 6. The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help. Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn't involve decieving someone isn't trolling at all; it's just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccesful troll.

7. Computer programming is an art, because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because it produces objects of beauty. A programmer who subconsciously views himself as an artist will enjoy what he does and will do it better. Sun Tzu ' The Art of War '

  • My Definition of Trolling Trolling is fuzzing someone else's mind with the express purpose of laughing so hard you squirt 30 year old single malt through your nose. Is that an Art?It is as long as using Sun Tzu quotes pisses off

8. The History? Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

  • Anansi 9. Loki 10. The Coyote / Fox 11. Prometheus 12. Shakespeare

13. Now the Science

  • Covert Conditioning:
  • Trolling is in effect the practical application of behavior modification techniques 14. However, trolling by it's very nature is an arbitrary and frivolous pursuit 15. Once your troll becomes aligned with some sort of purpose it stops being a troll and becomes a psyop 16. Don't be that guy

17. Other people as black boxes

  • Bots:
  • Unexpected input can cause instability 18. Continual attempts to violate programming can result in error conditions 19. Feedback loops and logical impossibilities can lock them up 20. Exploiting flaws in their programming can allow for elevated privileges
  • Persons:
  • Unexpected input can cause instability 21. Continual attempts to violate programming can result in angry conditions. 22. Feedback loops and logical impossibilities can lock them up 23. Exploiting flaws in their programming can allow for elevated lulz.

24. Human Attack Vectors

  • Assumption 25. Post Hoc Fallacy 26. Vagueness / Generalization 27. Appeal to Authority / Quotes 28. Misquoting on purpose 29. Ad Populum / Historical Context 30. False Dichotomy 31. Assault on Base Ethics 32. Straw Man

33. Mission Accomplished

  • Objectives:
  • Lulz 34. Rofls 35. OMFGWTFBBQ 36. ZOMG 37. Over 9000 penises

38. Now some demos

  • Openfly 1.0
  • Simple single variable response set 39. Random Interaction Set 40. Targeted harassment

41. Openfly 2.0 Sprinkle Power

  • Openfly 1 Variant
  • IRC Floodbot 42. Designed to flood using multiple unique Nicks 43. Works of IRC log script

44. What have we learned?

  • Trolls are:
  • Heavy contributors to the cultural and artistic value of the internet 45. On the forefront of modern behavior modification techniques 46. Defining standards in the practical application of cutting edge technology 47. Smarter, faster, stronger, and better than normal people and therefore should be sought after as genetic partners