Hoflack Ulrike Bauer, Peter Lobel and Bernard Hélène Munier-Lehmann, Fabienne Mauxion, LYSOSOMAL ENZYME TARGETING 6-PHOSPHATE RECEPTORS IN FUNCTION OF THE TWO MANNOSE Fibroblasts: COMPLEMENTARY Receptors in Receptor-deficient Re-expression of the Mannose 6-Phosphate Cell Biology and Metabolism: doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.25.15166 1996, 271:15166-15174. J. Biol. Chem. http://www.jbc.org/content/271/25/15166 Access the most updated version of this article at . JBC Affinity Sites Find articles, minireviews, Reflections and Classics on similar topics on the Alerts: When a correction for this article is posted When this article is cited to choose from all of JBC's e-mail alerts Click here http://www.jbc.org/content/271/25/15166.full.html#ref-list-1 This article cites 43 references, 25 of which can be accessed free at at INSTITUT PASTEUR MEDIATHEQUE on August 29, 2014 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from at INSTITUT PASTEUR MEDIATHEQUE on August 29, 2014 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from

Re-expression of the Mannose 6-Phosphate Receptors in Receptor-deficient Fibroblasts. COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTION OF THE TWO MANNOSE 6-PHOSPHATE RECEPTORS IN LYSOSOMAL ENZYME TARGETING

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HoflackUlrike Bauer, Peter Lobel and Bernard Hélène Munier-Lehmann, Fabienne Mauxion,  LYSOSOMAL ENZYME TARGETING6-PHOSPHATE RECEPTORS INFUNCTION OF THE TWO MANNOSE Fibroblasts: COMPLEMENTARYReceptors in Receptor-deficient Re-expression of the Mannose 6-PhosphateCell Biology and Metabolism:

doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.25.151661996, 271:15166-15174.J. Biol. Chem. 

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Re-expression of the Mannose 6-Phosphate Receptors inReceptor-deficient FibroblastsCOMPLEMENTARY FUNCTION OF THE TWO MANNOSE 6-PHOSPHATE RECEPTORS IN LYSOSOMALENZYME TARGETING*

(Received for publication, February 20, 1996)

Helene Munier-Lehmann‡, Fabienne Mauxion, Ulrike Bauer, Peter Lobel§, and Bernard Hoflack¶

From the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cell Biology Programme, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69012 Heidelberg,Germany and the §Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, 679 Hoes Lane Piscataway, New Jersey 08854

We have previously generated primary embryonic fi-broblasts lacking either the cation-independent man-nose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor(MPR) or the cation-dependent MPR, two trans-mem-brane proteins that bind the mannose 6-phosphate(Man-6-P) recognition marker on soluble lysosomalenzymes (Ludwig, T., Munier-Lehmann, H., Bauer, U.,Hollinshead, M., Ovitt, C., Lobel, P., and Hoflack, B.(1994) EMBO J. 13, 3430–3437). These two cell types par-tially missort phosphorylated lysosomal enzymes. Usingtwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we show here thatthey secrete, in a large part, different phosphorylatedligands. In order to better understand the sorting func-tion of the MPRs, we have re-expressed each MPR inMPR-negative fibroblasts. We show that the MPRs havesimilar capacities for transporting the bulk of the newlysynthesized lysosomal enzymes and that they target in-dividual ligands with various efficiencies. However,high levels of one MPR do not fully compensate for theabsence of the other, demonstrating that the two MPRshave complementary targeting functions, perhaps byrecognizing different features on lysosomal enzymes.The analysis of the phosphorylated oligosaccharidesshows that the ligands missorted in the absence of thecation-dependent MPR are slightly but significantly de-pleted in oligosaccharides with two Man-6-P residues,when compared with those missorted in the absence ofthe cation-independent MPR. While these results couldexplain some differences between the structure and thesorting function of the two MPRs, they strongly suggestthat the reason why cells express two different but re-lated MPRs is to maintain an efficient Man-6-P-depend-ent targeting process that could be potentially regulatedby MPR expression.

In higher eukaryotes, transport of soluble lysosomal en-zymes to lysosomes relies on the recognition of the commonmannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P)1 recognition marker present

on their N-linked oligosaccharides by specific receptors (Korn-feld and Mellman, 1989). The key step in the synthesis of theMan-6-P signal is catalyzed by the lysosomal enzyme,N-acetyl-glucosamine-1-phosphotransferase, which recognizes the lyso-somal enzymes among other glycoproteins and transfers one ortwoN-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate units onto selected man-nose residues of their multiple high mannose oligosaccharides.A N-acetylglucosaminidase by removing the outer N-acetylglu-cosamine uncovers most of the Man-6-P residues, thereby al-lowing their interaction with the mannose 6-phosphate recep-tors (MPRs). Two MPRs that bind the phosphorylatedoligosaccharides of the newly synthesized lysosomal enzymeshave been extensively characterized (Kornfeld, 1992; Ludwig etal., 1995). The first is the cation-independent Man-6-P receptor(CI-MPR), a '300-kDa transmembrane glycoprotein that alsobinds the insulin-like growth factor II, a polypeptide involvedin development (De Chiara et al., 1990). Its extracytoplasmicdomain is made of fifteen homologous repeating units of 150amino acids (Lobel et al., 1988; Oshima et al., 1988). The thirdand the ninth repeats provide two mannose 6-phosphate bind-ing sites (Dahms et al., 1993; Westlund et al., 1991), whereasthe eleventh repeat binds IGF II (Dahms et al., 1994). Thesecond receptor is the cation-dependent Man-6-P receptor (CD-MPR). The extracytoplasmic domain of this '46-kDa trans-membrane glycoprotein is homologous to each of the fifteenrepeats found in the extracytoplasmic domain of the other MPR(Dahms et al., 1987) and contains one Man-6-P binding site(Tong and Kornfeld, 1989). The detergent-solubilized CD-MPRis a homodimer (Stein et al., 1987a), perhaps forming tetramersin Golgi membranes (Dahms and Kornfeld, 1989; Waheed andvon Figura, 1990).Both MPRs are essential components of the Man-6-P-de-

pendent targeting system that transports the newly synthe-sized lysosomal enzymes to lysosomes. The demonstrationcomes from gene disruption experiments in mice. Animals witha disrupted CD-MPR gene (Koster et al., 1993; Ludwig et al.,1993) or a disrupted CI-MPR gene (Wang et al., 1994) arepartially impaired in intracellular lysosomal enzyme sorting.As for the human genetic disorders associated with a mistar-geting of lysosomal enzymes (Nolan and Sly, 1989; Neufeld,1991), the phenotype is better detected in primary cultures ofcells. In primary fibroblasts derived from such mouse embryos,this partial missorting of lysosomal enzymes leads to the accu-mulation of undigested material in the late endocytic compart-ments of these cells (Ludwig et al., 1993, 1994). Furthermore,primary fibroblasts from embryos lacking both MPRs are al-most totally impaired in intracellular lysosomal enzyme sort-ing and, as a consequence, accumulate undigested material intheir endosomes/lysosomes (Ludwig et al., 1994). This pheno-type, similar to that of I-cell fibroblasts characterized by a lack

* Part of this research was supported by the association “Vaincre lesmaladies lysosomales,” by Grants Bio2-CT93-02205 and HCM ERB-CHRXCT940592 from the European Communities (to B. H.), by Na-tional Institutes of Health Grant R01-DK45992 (to P. L.), and by NATO.The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by thepayment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked“advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely toindicate this fact.‡ Recipient of a European Molecular Biology Organization fellowship.¶ To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 49-6221-387-

285; Fax: 49-6221-387-306.1 The abbreviations used are: Man-6-P, mannose 6-phosphate; MPR,

mannose 6-phosphate receptor; CI-MPR, cation-independent MPR; CD-MPR, cation-dependent MPR; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 271, No. 25, Issue of June 21, pp. 15166–15174, 1996© 1996 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.












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of synthesis of the Man-6-P signal on lysosomal enzymes,clearly illustrates the importance of the two MPRs as majorcomponents of the Man-6-P-dependent targeting system infibroblasts.The MPRs are distributed over several intracellular com-

partments, the trans-Golgi network, the plasma membraneand the endosomes, where they are predominantly found atsteady state (for review see Kornfeld and Mellman (1989)). Inthe trans-Golgi network, they divert the newly synthesizedlysosomal enzymes from the secretory pathway to the endocyticpathway where they unload their bound ligands. The MPRs arealso present at the plasma membrane where they undergoendocytosis. Although the CD-MPR does not bind ligand at thecell surface under physiological conditions (Stein et al., 1987b),the CI-MPR mediates the internalization of phosphorylatedligands and more importantly that of the extracellular IGF II.Its function in IGF II binding is probably to control the level ofcirculating IGF II (for review see Ludwig et al. (1995)). Thelethality associated with the T-maternal effect as seen in Thp

mice, which transmit to their offspring a chromosome 17 de-leted around the CI-MPR locus (Barlow et al., 1991), is casuallyrelated to the excess of IGF II. This lethality is partially res-cued if the animals also lack IGF II expression (Filson et al.,1993). Similarly, disruption of the CI-MPR gene is not lethal ina IGF II-negative background (Wang et al., 1994).How the MPRs function in vivo in lysosomal enzyme sorting

has largely remained unclear. The analysis of primary fibro-blasts lacking either the CD-MPR or the CI-MPR or both MPRshas indicated that one MPR is not sufficient to carry out trans-port of the bulk of the newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes(Ludwig et al., 1994). In order to gain more insights into howeach MPR interacts with its physiological ligands in vivo, wehave stably re-expressed each MPR in MPR-negative fibro-blasts and carried out a detailed analysis of the sorting capac-ity of each MPR as a function of its expression. We show thatthe two MPRs are complementary in function, transporting ina large part different phosphorylated ligands that slightly dif-fer in the pattern of phosphorylation of their oligosaccharides.Collectively, these results demonstrate that the two distinctbut related MPRs are required to efficiently transport the bulkof the lysosomal enzymes.


Materials—Bovine liver acetone powder, glucose 6-phosphate, andmannose 6-phosphate were purchased from Sigma. Affi-gel 15 was fromBio-Rad, and ampholines were from Pharmacia Biotech Inc. Hygromy-cin B was purchased from Boehringer Mannheim. The ECL detectionkit was from Amersham Corp. L-[35S]Methionine (1175 Ci/mmol) wasfrom DuPont NEN. Media and reagents for cell culture were purchasedfrom Life Technologies, Inc. and Sigma.Cells—The wild type andMPR-negative mouse embryonic fibroblasts

and mouse embryonic fibroblasts heterozygous or homozygous fora CD-MPR-disrupted gene were obtained as described previously(Ludwig et al., 1994). Wild type or MPR-negative embryonic fibroblastswere immortalized by subsequent culture using a 3T3 schedule or bytransfection with cDNAs encoding the large and middle T antigen ofSV40. All cells were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s mediumsupplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 2 mM glutamine, 100 units/mlpenicillin, and 100 mg/ml streptomycin.Transfection of Cell Lines—Immortalized MPR-negative fibroblasts

were transfected using the calcium phosphate precipitation techniquewith 20 mg of FspI-linearized plasmid pSFFV6 encoding the CD-MPR(Mauxion et al., 1996) or XbaI-linearized pSSFVneo-BoBamMoCIMPRencoding the CI-MPR (Chen et al., 1993) and 1 mg of BamHI-linearizedpBHyg vector encoding the hygromycin resistance. On day 1 followingtransfection, cells were dissociated with trypsin/EDTA and plated atdifferent dilutions in medium containing 300 mg/ml hygromycin B.Colonies were cloned out on day 12–14. The level of CI-MPR or CD-MPRexpression in the clones was determined by Western blot or by immu-noprecipitation using a rabbit antibody raised against the carboxyl-terminal domain of the bovine CI-MPR and a mouse polyclonal antibody

against the bovine CD-MPR, respectively (Mauxion et al., 1996). Theimmortalized wild type embryonic fibroblasts were taken as controlcells expressing the physiological level of either the CD-MPR or theCI-MPR.Fluorescence Microscopy—Cells were grown on glass coverslips, fixed

with methanol, and incubated with the 1D4B monoclonal anti-Lamp-1antibody (Chen et al., 1985). After washing, the first antibody wasdetected with a second, fluorescently labeled antibody.Lysosomal Enzyme Assays—b-Galactosidase and b-hexosaminidase

activities were determined as described previously using the corre-sponding 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates (Ludwig et al., 1993, 1994).Immunoprecipitation of Cathepsin D—Cells were labeled for 2 h in

methionine-free Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing 1mCi/ml [35S]methionine, 10 mM Hepes (pH 7), 10% dialyzed fetal calfserum and then chased for 4 h. Cells were scraped, centrifuged, andlysed in detergent. Cathepsin D was immunoprecipitated from bothcells extracts and the corresponding culture media with a rabbit poly-clonal anti-bovine cathepsin D antibody. The immunoprecipitates wereanalyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by autoradiography. The secretedcathepsin D (52-kDa precursor form) and the intracellular cathepsin D(48-kDa mature form) were then quantitated using a PhosphorImager.Alternatively, the cathepsin D isoforms were analyzed by two-dimen-sional gels as described below.Purification of Secreted Lysosomal Enzymes—Cells were labeled

overnight with [35S]methionine (0.2 mCi/ml) in Dulbecco’s modifiedEagle’s medium containing one-tenth of the normal methionine concen-tration, 10 mM Hepes (pH 7), and 10% dialyzed fetal calf serum. After a3-h chase, the medium was collected. The secreted lysosomal enzymeswere purified on affinity columns containing a mixture of both MPRs asdescribed previously (Ludwig et al., 1994). The amount of secretedlysosomal enzymes was normalized according to the total amount ofsecreted proteins. The different cell types secreted similar amounts ofproteins.Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis—[35S]Methionine-labeled lyso-

somal enzymes were separated by two-dimensional PAGE essentiallyas described previously (Bravo, 1984). For isoelectric focusing, sampleswere solubilized in 9.8 M urea, 4% (w/v) Nonidet P-40, 2% (v/v) ampho-lines (pH 7–9), and 100 mM dithiothreitol. Tube gels used for the firstdimension were 25 cm long and had an internal diameter of 2.5 mm.The gels were run at 1,200 V for 17 h. For the second dimension, 8.5%SDS-PAGE was used. Labeled proteins were visualized by autoradiog-raphy. For [35S]methionine-labeled secreted precursor of cathepsin D,samples were solubilized in the same solution described above. Isoelec-tric focusing gels were run at 750 V for 3 h and 30 min. For the seconddimension, 10% SDS-PAGE was used.Isolation of Phosphorylated Oligosaccharides from Lysosomal En-

zymes—Confluent cells were incubated in glucose/bicarbonate-free Dul-becco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing 20 mM Hepes (pH 7), 10%dialyzed fetal calf serum and 2 mCi/ml of D-[2-3H]mannose. After a 2.5 hpulse at 37 °C, the glucose concentration was adjusted to 4.5 g/l and thecells were chased at 37 °C for 6 h. The secreted lysosomal enzymes werepurified on MPR affinity columns and their phosphorylated oligosac-charides was purified as described (Gabel et al., 1983; Varki andKornfeld, 1983; Hoflack et al., 1987). Briefly, the lysosomal enzymeswere concentrated by precipitation and incubated overnight at 56 °C in1 ml of 100 mM Tris/HCl (pH 8), 50 mM N-acetylglucosamine, 50 mM

sodium b-glycerophosphate, 20 mM CaCl2 and 1 mg pre-digested Pro-nase. The Pronase digests were boiled for 10 min, diluted with 3 ml of10 mM Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, and0.02% azide (TBS) and clarified by centrifugation. The supernatantswere applied to 1-ml columns of concanavalin A equilibrated in TBS,and the columns were eluted with 3 3 1 ml of TBS, 6 3 1 ml of 10 mM

a-methylglucoside in TBS, and 8 3 1 ml of 100 mM a-methylmannosidein TBS preheated at 56 °C. The glycopeptides eluted with a-methyl-mannoside were concentrated by lyophilization, desalted on a SephadexG-25, and incubated overnight at 37 °C with 2.5 milliunits of endo-b-N-acetylglucosaminidase H in 200 ml of 0.1 M citrate/phosphate (pH 5.5)under a toluene atmosphere. The resulting oligosaccharides were di-luted with 2 ml of 2 mM pyridinium acetate (pH 5.3) and applied to a 13 11 cm QAE-Sephadex column equilibrated in 2 mM pyridinium ace-tate (pH 5.3). The oligosaccharides were eluted with a linear gradient (23 100 ml) of pyridinium acetate (from 2 to 500 mM, pH 5.3). 1.8-mlfractions were collected and monitored for radioactivity. The identity ofeach species was confirmed as described (Varki and Kornfeld, 1983).

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Analysis of the Lysosomal Enzymes Secreted by MPR-defi-cient Fibroblasts—Our previous studies on mouse primary em-bryonic fibroblasts deficient in one or two MPRs have stronglysuggested that a few lysosomal enzymes are preferentiallysecreted in the absence of one MPR, whereas some others werepreferentially secreted in the absence of the other (Ludwig etal., 1994). To extend this analysis, the hydrolases secreted bythese primary fibroblasts were first analyzed by two-dimen-sional gel electrophoresis, which takes into account both themolecular weight and the charge of the analyzed material. Thedifferent primary fibroblasts were labeled with [35S]methi-onine and then chased. The secreted lysosomal enzymes werepurified on MPR affinity columns and analyzed by two-dimen-sional PAGE. Fig. 1 shows typical patterns of phosphorylatedlysosomal enzymes secreted by these different cell types. Morethan 50 different Man-6-P containing proteins could be purifiedfrom the medium of fibroblasts lacking both MPRs (Fig. 1C).The fibroblasts lacking the CI-MPR secreted some of theseligands (Fig. 1A), whereas some others were recovered in thematerial secreted by fibroblasts lacking the CD-MPR (Fig. 1B).Thus, fibroblasts lacking either the CD-MPR or the CI-MPRpredominantly secrete different phosphorylated proteins. In-

terestingly, several phosphorylated proteins were only foundsecreted by cells lacking the two MPRs but not by those lackingonly one MPR. These results suggest that three different sub-groups of Man-6-P containing proteins can be distinguishedaccording to their in vivo interactions with the MPRs. The firstcontains those that are preferentially secreted in the absence ofthe CD-MPR and therefore do not interact well with the re-maining CI-MPR. The second contains those that are preferen-tially secreted in the absence of the CI-MPR and therefore donot interact well with the remaining CD-MPR. Finally, thethird group contains Man-6-P proteins that are only secreted inthe absence of the two MPRs and therefore might interactequally well with either MPR.Sorting of Phosphorylated Ligands—In order to investigate

the sorting of the lysosomal enzymes as a function of MPRexpression, MPR-negative fibroblasts were immortalized, andeach MPR was stably re-expressed in these cells. Several clonesexpressing various amounts of either MPR were selected, andtheir capacity to carry out efficient transport of the bulk of thenewly synthesized lysosomal enzymes was determined. Forthis, the cells were labeled with [35S]methionine and chased.The lysosomal enzymes secreted into the medium were purifiedon MPR affinity columns and quantitated (Fig. 2A). As for the

FIG. 1. Analysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the phosphorylated ligands secreted by MPR-deficient fibroblasts.Primary fibroblasts lacking the CI-MPR (A) or the CD-MPR (B) or both MPRs (C) were pulsed with labeled methionine and then chased, and thesecreted lysosomal enzymes were purified on MPR affinity columns as described under “Experimetal Procedures.” The material specifically elutedwith Man-6-P was fractionated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis ('50,000 cpm for each sample) and detected by autoradiography. (Theamount of secreted lysosomal enzymes normalized to 106 trichloroacetic acid precipitable cpm of total secreted proteins: wild type, '5,000 cpm;CD-MPR2, '17,000 cpm; CI-MPR2, '21,000 cpm; CD-MPR2/CI-MPR2, '45,000 cpm). In A and B, the arrows and the arrowheads represent thedifferent cathepsin D isoforms detected after immunoprecipitation and two-dimensional gels. The arrows point the cathepsin D isoforms that arepreferentially enriched in the secretion of primary cells lacking the CI-MPR. D is a schematic drawing of the three different populations ofphosphorylated ligands detected in this analysis. Open circles, phosphorylated ligands preferentially secreted by cells lacking the CD-MPR; graycircles, phosphorylated ligands preferentially secreted by fibroblasts lacking the CI-MPR; closed circles, phosphorylated ligands only secreted byMPR-negative fibroblasts.

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corresponding primary fibroblasts (Ludwig et al., 1994), theimmortalized MPR-negative fibroblasts secrete most of theirnewly synthesized lysosomal enzymes ('75%) when comparedwith immortalized fibroblasts expressing physiological levels ofthe two MPRs ('6.5%) taken as controls. Fig. 2A first showsthat expression of the CD-MPR or the CI-MPR in MPR-nega-tive cells corrects the secretion of lysosomal enzymes in asimilar manner, provided that similar levels of expression werecompared. Thus, both MPRs exhibit the same capacity fortransporting the bulk of the lysosomal enzymes in vivo. How-ever, one MPR cannot fully compensate for the lost of the other.Cells expressing two to three times more than the physiologicallevel of one MPR still secreted some lysosomal enzymes whencompared with control fibroblasts expressing physiological lev-

els of the two MPRs. Thus, even high levels of expression of oneMPR are not sufficient to allow the complete transport of thebulk of the newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes. Therefore,the two MPRs are complementary in function for efficienttransport of the bulk of the newly synthesized lysosomalenzymes.Second, Fig. 2A shows that rather low levels of MPR expres-

sion ('50% of the physiological level) can readily mediatetransport of '50% of the bulk of the newly synthesized lysoso-mal enzymes. For example, cells expressing physiological levelsof the CI-MPR or approximately half of this level secrete nearlysimilar amounts ('50%) of their newly synthesized lysosomalenzymes, suggesting that low expression levels can fulfill its invivo targeting function. The same observation could be madewith primary fibroblasts from embryos heterozygous for a dis-rupted CD-MPR gene that express '50% of the physiologicallevel of this receptor (as judged by Northern blotting analysisand immunoprecipitation experiments) and that do or do notexpress physiological levels of the CI-MPR (Fig. 2B). Theseprimary cells secreted lysosomal enzymes in an almost identi-cal fashion to the corresponding primary fibroblasts from em-bryos homozygous for a functional CD-MPR gene (100% ofexpression). Therefore, it also appears that even in primaryfibroblasts, 50% of the normal level of CD-MPR are almostsufficient for a full CD-MPR function.Finally, the re-expression of the MPRs in MPR-negative

fibroblasts supports the notion that each MPR recognizes invivo two different pools of phosphorylated lysosomal enzymes(Fig. 2A). The first pool, representing '50% of the bulk of thenewly synthesized lysosomal enzymes, requires rather low lev-els of MPR expression for efficient transport to lysosomes. Incontrast, the second pool of lysosomal enzymes requires ratherhigher levels of MPR expression for a partial transport tolysosomes, suggesting that it binds with a lower affinity to theMPRs. This interpretation could be consistent with the analy-sis of the lysosomal enzymes secreted by MPR-deficient fibro-blasts (Fig. 1).Transport of Individual Lysosomal Enzymes—Cells express-

ing different levels of each MPR were also tested for theircontent of lysosomal enzyme activities as a reflection of theirintracellular transport. Classical lysosomal enzyme assays per-formed on these cells show that cells expressing high levels ofCI-MPR or CD-MPR contain less b-hexosaminidase (Fig. 3A) orb-galactosidase (Fig. 3B) activities than control cells express-ing the two MPRs. This result also indicates that one MPR isnot sufficient for a complete transport of these individual lyso-somal enzymes. In addition, cells expressing similar amount ofCI-MPR or CD-MPR contained at steady state the sameamount of b-hexosaminidase and b-galactosidase, suggestingthat these particular lysosomal enzymes are transported byeach MPR with the same efficiency. However, cells expressingrather low level of MPR ('0.5-fold the physiological level)contain more b-galactosidase than b-hexosaminidase suggest-ing that in vivo, b-galactosidase interacts better with eachMPR than b-hexosaminidase. The cells re-expressing differentlevels of either CD-MPR or CI-MPR were finally tested for theirability to sort cathepsin D using pulse-chase experiments fol-lowed by immunoprecipitation. Fig. 4 shows that fibroblastsexpressing physiological levels of the CI-MPR sort cathepsin Dalmost as efficiently as fibroblasts expressing the two MPRs.For this particular lysosomal enzyme, high levels of CI-MPRexpression (four to five times the physiological level) was re-quired for a complete sorting. In contrast, a large proportion ofthis lysosomal enzyme ('60%) was still secreted by fibroblastsexpressing high levels of CD-MPR (two to three times thephysiological level). The same differences in cathepsin D sort-

FIG. 2. Secretion of phosphorylated ligands by MPR-negativecells re-expressing the CD- or the CI-MPR. A, immortalized wildtype fibroblasts taken as positive control (M) and stable clones re-expressing various amounts of the CI-MPR (E) or the CD-MPR (●) werelabeled with [35S]methionine and chased. The secreted lysosomal en-zymes were purified on MPR affinity columns and quantitated. Thepercentage of secretion was calculated considering that complete mis-sorting occurs in mock-transfected MPR-negative fibroblasts ('42,000cpm of secreted lysosomal enzymes/106 trichloroacetic acid precipitablecpm of total secreted proteins). A level of expression of 1 refers to theexpression of the CD-MPR or the CI-MPR in immortalized wild typefibroblasts. The values are expressed as means 6 S.E. of two or threeindependent determinations. B, the primary cultures of fibroblastswere generated from mouse embryos with various genotypes obtainedafter a series of crossings between CD-MPR negative and Thp mice asdescribed previously (Ludwig et al., 1994). The cells were labeled with[35S]methionine and chased as described above for the stable cell lines.The secreted lysosomal enzymes were purified on MPR affinity columnsand quantitated. The double MPR-negative primary cells secreted'45,000 cpm of phosphorylated ligands/106 cpm of trichloroacetic acidprecipitable cpm of total secreted proteins, and the wild type fibroblastssecreted '6000 cpm of phosphorylated ligands/106 cpm of trichloroace-tic acid precipitable cpm of total secreted proteins.

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ing were obtained when mannose 6-phosphate was added to theculture medium during the pulse-chase experiments to preventre-uptake mechanisms (not shown). These results show that intransfected fibroblasts, cathepsin D is more efficiently sortedby the CI-MPR than by the CD-MPR and support our previousobservations using primary fibroblasts lacking the CI-or theCD-MPR (Ludwig et al., 1994). The cathepsin D secreted byfibroblasts expressing physiological levels of the CD-MPR orthe CI-MPR was immunoprecipitated and subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Fig. 5 shows that seven ca-thepsin D isoforms are secreted by MPR-negative fibroblasts.However, some cathepsin D isoforms were preferentially se-creted by fibroblasts re-expressing the CD-MPR, whereas someothers were preferentially secreted by fibroblasts re-expressingthe CI-MPR. Thus, the two MPRs appear to interact with andto transport different cathepsin D isoforms.Fibroblasts Re-expressing One MPR Are Impaired in Lysoso-

mal Degradation—We have previously observed (Ludwig et al.,1994) that primary fibroblasts lacking the two MPRs storeundigested material and contain numerous late endocyticstructures, whereas primary fibroblasts lacking one MPR orthe other exhibited a milder phenotype. The endocytic appara-

tus of MPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing physiologicallevels of either the CD-MPR or the CI-MPR was examined byfluorescence microscopy after antibody labeling for Lamp-1, atrans-membrane protein enriched in late endosomes and lyso-somes. As shown in Fig. 6C, MPR-negative fibroblasts, as thecorresponding primary cells (Ludwig et al., 1994), also containnumerous, enlarged late endocytic structures that fill the cyto-plasm. Immortalized fibroblasts from embryos expressing thetwo MPRs (Fig. 6A) or double-transfected MPR-negative fibro-blasts expressing both the CD-MPR (physiological level of ex-pression) and the CI-MPR (4-fold the physiological level ofexpression) (not shown) contain only a few small, dispersed lateendocytic structures. However, transfected fibroblasts express-ing physiological levels of either the CD-MPR (Fig. 6B) or theCI-MPR (Fig. 6D) exhibited an intermediate phenotype andcontained a significant number of enlarged endocytic struc-tures although less abundant than in MPR-negative fibro-blasts. These results show that the re-expression of physiolog-ical levels of one MPR allowing transport of 50% of the bulk oflysosomal enzymes is not sufficient to restore a normal endo-cytic apparatus fully functioning in intralysosomal degrada-tion. Thus, the two MPRs must be present to restore the wildtype phenotype.Characterization of the Phosphorylated Oligosaccharides

Present on Lysosomal Enzymes Secreted by MPR-deficient Fi-broblasts—The results presented above suggest that mannose

FIG. 3. b-Hexosaminidase and b-galactosidase activities ofMPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing the CI-MPR (E) or theCD-MPR (●). The b-hexosaminidase (A) and b-galactosidase (B) activ-ities were determined as described under “Experimetal Procedures”using the corresponding fluorescent substrates. A level of expression of1 refers to the expression of the CD-MPR or the CI-MPR in immortal-ized wild type fibroblasts. 100% of activity refers to these immortalizedwild type fibroblasts expressing the two MPRs. The values are means 6S.E. of two independent experiments performed in duplicate.

FIG. 4. Sorting of cathepsin D in MPR-negative fibroblastsre-expressing the CI-MPR (E) or the CD-MPR (●). Cells werelabeled and chased as described under “Experimetal Procedures.” Ca-thepsin D was immunoprecipitated from the cells and from the culturemedium, and the extent of missorting was quantitated. A level ofexpression of 1 refers to the expression of the CD-MPR or the CI-MPRin immortalized wild type fibroblasts, which were taken as positivecontrol (M). 100% of missorting was attributed to the MPR-negativefibroblasts that secrete '75% of the newly synthesized cathepsin D. Allvalues are means 6 S.E. of three independent determinations.

FIG. 5. Cathepsin D isoforms secreted by MPR-negative fibro-blasts re-expressing each MPR. Mock-transfected MPR-negative fi-broblasts (No MPR), MPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing the CI-MPR (CI-MPR, 1 3 physiological level), or the CD-MPR (CD-MPR, 1.53 physiological level) were labeled with [35S]methionine and thenchased. The secreted cathepsin D was immunoprecipitated from theculture medium and analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.After autoradiography, the different profiles were scanned as indicatedon the right.

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6-phosphate containing ligands that bind to one MPR differfrom those binding to the other MPR. Lysosomal enzyme pre-cursors are heterogeneous molecules, usually bearing multipleN-linked high mannose oligosaccharides, each containing oneor two uncovered mannose 6-phosphate groups (Kornfeld andMellman, 1989). Therefore, it is conceivable that the ligandsshowing preferred affinities for the MPRs exhibit differentphosphorylation states. To test this hypothesis, MPR-negativefibroblasts stably re-expressing either the CD-MPR or the CI-MPR, as well as primary embryonic fibroblasts expressing onlythe CD-MPR or only the CI-MPR, were labeled with [3H]man-nose. After a chase period, the lysosomal enzymes secreted intothe medium were purified on MPRs affinity columns. Theiroligosaccharides were released, fractionated on concanavalin Aaffinity columns to select the high mannose species. Theselatter, representing '80% of the sugar chains in each case,were fractionated according to their phosphorylation state byion exchange chromatography. Fig. 7 shows typical elutionprofiles of the phosphorylated oligosaccharides present on thelysosomal enzymes secreted by mock-transfected MPR-nega-tive fibroblasts (Fig. 7C) or re-expressing either the CD-MPR(Fig. 7A) or the CI-MPR (Fig. 7B). Similar profiles were ob-tained for the primary cells (not shown). Several major specieswere detected: the neutral high mannose oligosaccharides(peak I), the high mannose oligosaccharides with onephosphomonoester (peak II), hybrid structures with onephosphomonoester and one sialic acid residue (peak III), andfinally high mannose oligosaccharides with two phosphomo-noesters (peak IV).

The oligosaccharides containing one and two phosphomo-noesters were quantitated (Table I) because they are the onlyspecies interacting with the MPRs (Fischer et al., 1982; Varkiand Kornfeld, 1983; Hoflack et al., 1987). The lysosomal en-zymes secreted by both primary and transfected cells express-ing the CD-MPR but lacking the CI-MPR contained equalamounts of oligosaccharides with one or two phosphomo-noesters. However, the lysosomal enzymes secreted by both theprimary and the transfected fibroblasts expressing the CI-MPRbut lacking the CD-MPR contained significantly more oligosac-charides with one phosphomonoester ('65%) than oligossacha-rides with two phosphomonoesters ('35%). Thus, the lysoso-mal enzyme isoforms interacting with the CI-MPR andsecreted in its absence are slightly but significantly enriched inoligosaccharides with two phosphomonoesters when comparedwith those interacting with the CD-MPR and secreted in itsabsence. The latter are poorer in the structures with twophosphomonoesters and contain significantly more oligosac-charides with one phosphomonoester.


Although established cell lines naturally devoid of the CI-MPR (Gabel et al., 1983) have been instrumental for studies onthis MPR, the availability of fibroblasts devoid of the two MPRs(Ludwig et al., 1994) gave us the unique opportunity to studytheir sorting function independently. We have immortalizedMPR-negative fibroblasts and stably re-expressed either theCI-MPR or the CD-MPR back into these cells. We show herethat in vivo, the MPRs have similar capacities for transporting

FIG. 6. Late endocytic structures of MPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing the CI- or the CD-MPR. The different cell types werestained with an antibody against the lysosomal glycoprotein Lamp-1 followed by a second, fluorescently labeled antibody. A, immortalized wild typefibroblasts (double-transfected MPR-negative fibroblasts expressing physiological level of CD-MPR and four times the physiological level ofCI-MPR exhibited the same pattern, not shown). C, mock-transfected MPR-negative fibroblasts. B, MPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing theCD-MPR (1.5-fold the physiological level). D, MPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing the CI-MPR (1-fold the physiological level). Bar, 10 mm.

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the bulk of the newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes to lyso-somes and that one MPR cannot completely fulfill the targetingfunction of the two MPRs. Thus, this study unambiguouslydemonstrates the functional complementarity of the two MPRsin the targeting process, an aspect that has been difficult toaddress thus far. This study strongly supports the notion that

each MPR exhibits a high or a low affinity for incoming phos-phorylated ligands, possibly due to differences in the phospho-rylation of their oligosaccharides.Efficient Lysosomal Enzyme Sorting Requires Both

MPRs—In vivo studies on the sorting function of the MPRshave been limited thus far by the lack of cell systems devoid ofthe two MPRs. It has been proposed that in established celllines expressing the two MPRs, the CI-MPR is mostly respon-sible for the intracellular targeting of lysosomal enzymes tolysosomes, whereas the CD-MPR plays only a minor role (Steinet al., 1987b). Over-expression of the CD-MPR in various cellsystems have indicated that the CD-MPR could function inintracellular transport of lysosomal enzymes (Watanabe et al.,1990; Ma et al., 1991; Johnson and Kornfeld, 1992) or in theirsecretion (Chao et al., 1990). Our previous studies on mice orprimary cells lacking CD-MPR expression (Ludwig et al., 1993),as well as those from Koster et al. (1993) have illustrated thefunctional importance of the CD-MPR in intracellular trans-port of lysosomal enzymes. Our present studies on the re-expression of this MPR in MPR-negative cells fully support ourprevious conclusions. The re-expression of the CD-MPR inMPR-negative cells that partially corrects the hypersecretionphenotype of these cells shows the critical role of this receptorin intracellular transport of lysosomal enzymes. It is also clearthat the CD-MPR and CI-MPR exhibit in vivo similar capaci-ties for transporting the bulk of the newly synthesized lysoso-mal enzymes to lysosomes at every level of expression exam-ined. However, the most striking finding from both thebiochemical and morphological data is that even rather highlevels of expression of one MPR cannot fully compensate for thelost of the other. Thus, efficient transport of the bulk of thelysosomal enzymes requires the two MPRs.The MPRs Bind Lysosomal Enzymes with Various Affini-

ties—In vivo, the interactions of lysosomal enzymes with thetwo MPRs appear rather complex. The intracellular content inb-galactosidase and b-hexosaminidase activities of cells ex-pressing various levels of each MPR suggests that these twolysosomal enzymes are transported by the MPRs with differentefficiencies. Cathepsin D appears to interact better with theCI-MPR than with the CD-MPR. In a more general manner,each MPR appears to recognize in vivo two distinct pools ofphosphorylated ligands; one requires physiological or lowerlevels of MPR expression for efficient transport to lysosomes,whereas the other, probably interacting with a lower affinity,requires higher levels of MPR expression for only a partialtargeting. If some lysosomal enzymes bind to the two MPRswith the same efficiency, the analysis of the phosphorylatedligands or cathepsin D isoforms secreted by fibroblasts express-ing one MPR or the other strongly suggest that the ligandsbinding with high affinity to the CD-MPR are in a large part,different from those binding with high affinity to the CI-MPR.How could the MPRs interact differently with lysosomal

enzymes ? The lysosomal enzyme precursors are heterogeneousand usually contain multiple N-linked high mannose oligosac-charides with zero, one, or two phosphomonoesters (Cantor etal., 1992) as well as complex type sugars. Only one or a few ofthem mediate the interactions of the lysosomal enzymes withthe MPRs. The analysis of the phosphorylated oligosaccharidespresent on lysosomal enzymes secreted by cells expressing oneMPR or the other indicates that the ligands secreted in theabsence of the CI-MPR are slightly but significantly enriched inhigh mannose oligosaccharides with two phosphomonesters,whereas the ligands secreted in the absence of the CD-MPRcontain more oligosaccharides with one phosphomonoester.Our analysis scores for every oligosaccharides present on lyso-somal enzymes including those that do not interact with the

FIG. 7. Phosphorylated oligosaccharides on lysosomal en-zymes secreted by MPR-deficient fibroblasts. The different celltypes (primary and transfected fibroblasts) were labeled with [3H]man-nose and then chased, and the secreted lysosomal enzymes were puri-fied on MPR affinity columns. The material specifically eluted withMan-6-P was treated as indicated under “Experimental Procedures,”and '10,000 cpm of the resulting high mannose oligosaccharides werefractionated by ion exchange chromatography. Typical elution profilesobtained with the transfected cells are shown (the amount of secretedlysosomal enzymes normalized to 106 trichloroacetic acid precipitablecpm of total secreted proteins was as follow: CD-MPR1/CI-MPR2,'20,000 cpm; CD-MPR2/CI-MPR1, '19,000 cpm; CD-MPR2/CI-MPR2,'41,000 cpm). A, MPR-negative fibroblasts expressing the CD-MPR. B,MPR-negative fibroblasts re-expressing the CI-MPR; C, mock-trans-fected MPR-negative fibroblasts. The neutral oligosaccharides (peak I),high mannose oligosaccharides with one phosphomonoester (peak II),hybrid oligosaccharides with one phosphomonoester and one sialic acid(peak III), and the high mannose oligosaccharides with twophosphomonesters (peak IV) were resolved. The quantitation of theseexperiments are presented in Table I.

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MPRs. For example, some of the phosphorylated oligosaccha-rides could interact with determinants on the protein backboneof lysosomal enzymes and not be directly available for bindingto one MPR as described previously for the interaction of pro-cathepsin L with the CI-MPR (Lazzarino and Gabel, 1990).Thus, the differences in the charged oligosaccharides that wehave observed could be consistent with the simple interpreta-tion that in vivo, the CI-MPR would preferentially bind lyso-somal enzymes enriched in oligosaccharides with twophosphomonoesters, whereas the CD-MPR would preferen-tially bind lysosomal enzymes depleted in these phosphoryl-ated species, possibly through interactions with multiple oligo-saccharides containing one phosphomonoester.However, it cannot be excluded at present that some other

factors such as the number of oligosaccharides present andtheir degree of branching or the position of the phosphategroups could also be important for the selectivity of interactionwith a given MPR. It is important to note that the level of MPRexpression varies greatly according to the cell type or the tis-sues considered (Matzner et al., 1992). Whether the expressionof the phosphotransferase also varies is at present unknown.Therefore, it is possible that these preferential interactions ofsome lysosomal enzymes with one MPR, as detected here inthis system, may well be different in other tissues.Putative Implications of the Preferential Interactions of Ly-

sosomal Enzymes with the MPRs—The observation that cellslacking one MPR secrete a fraction of their lysosomal enzymeshas usually been interpreted as indicating that the MPRs aresaturated by the incoming ligands in the trans-Golgi network.However, our results showing that high expression levels of oneMPR does not compensate for the lost of the other would ratherargue that the secretion of cells lacking physiological levels ofone MPR is due to a lack of binding of the phosphorylatedligands to the remaining MPR. Thus, it is very likely that theMPRs are not saturated by incoming ligands in the trans-Golginetwork.If lysosomal enzymes function in intralysosomal degradation

in most cell types, it is also apparent that they can be secretedin a regulated fashion. A few cell types, such as macrophagesrecruited to tissue wounds or osteoclasts involved in bone for-mation/resorbtion, have specialized for this lysosomal enzymessecretion. Some transformed cells also secrete massiveamounts of one particular lysosomal enzyme. For example,NIH 3T3 cells transformed with the Kirsten virus secrete ca-thepsin L precursor as a major excreted protein (Gal andGottesman, 1986). Breast cancer cells treated with estrogensalso secrete a major protein (Rochefort et al., 1987) identified asthe phosphorylated cathepsin D precursor, which can be effi-ciently endocytosed by the CI-MPR of control cells (Capony etal., 1987). Although it is clear that the cathepsin D or cathepsinL genes are up-regulated, the secretion of these lysosomal

enzymes might be explained in several ways. The secretion ofone particular enzyme could first be due to the saturation of thephosphotransferase or the N-acetylglucosaminase, which gen-erates the Man-6-P signal. This would lead to a decrease in thephosphorylation state of the oligosaccharides of the lysosomalenzymes. Indeed, it has been proposed that the cathepsin Lsecreted by the virus-transformed NIH 3T3 cells is not wellrecognized by the CI-MPR due to the lower phosphorylationstate of its oligosaccharides (Dong and Sahagian, 1990). Alter-natively, the phosphorylation process could remain unaffected,but the MPRs could become saturated in the TGN by theincoming enzymes. However, our data strongly suggest thatthe MPRs are probably not saturated. In any case, a saturationof the Man-6-P signal synthesizing enzymes or of the MPRsshould result in a general missorting of the bulk of the newlysynthesized lysosomal enzymes. This possibility has not beencompletely examined with transformed cells. Our results couldlead to an alternative explanation that resides in the specificityof the MPRs for different phosphorylated ligands. A down-regulation in the expression of one MPR would most likelyresult in the secretion of the subset of phosphorylated lysoso-mal enzymes that bind to this MPR with high affinity and donot interact well with the remaining MPR. The lysosomal en-zymes that bind to the remaining MPR could still be normallytransported to lysosomes. Interestingly, breast cancer cellstreated with oestrogens, which secrete high amounts of cathep-sin D, also down-regulate the expression of the CI-MPR(Mathieu et al., 1991). The expression of the CD-MPR gene mayalso be regulated by use of different promoters and/or alterna-tive splicing (Ludwig et al., 1992). Therefore, it is possible thatMPR expression regulates the secretion of phosphorylatedligands.

Acknowledgments—We thank Drs. G. Griffiths, A. Alconada, and R.Le Borgne for critical reading of the manuscript.


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TABLE IPhosphorylated species present on lysosomal enzymes secreted by MPR-deficient fibroblasts

The oligosaccharides from lysosomal enzymes secreted by the different MPR-deficient cells were prepared as described under ‘‘ExperimentalProcedures.’’ The high mannose oligosaccharides ('10–20,000 cpm for each sample) were fractionated by ion exchange chromatography as in Fig.5. The species containing one or two phosphomonoesters were quantitated. The indicated values represent means 6 S.E. of two or threeindependent determinations.

Phosphorlated species


Primary fibroblasts Transfected fibroblasts







One phosphomonoester %High mannose 30.7 6 4.2 26.8 6 2.4 32.8 23.5 6 2.1 29.2 6 4.5 35.1 6 2.9Hybrid 29.7 6 3.6 26.5 6 4.1 24.9 41.5 6 2.1 20.7 6 7.5 20.0 6 4.3Total 60.4 6 0.8 53.3 6 1.7 57.7 65.0 6 0.5 49.9 6 2.9 55.1 6 1.3

Two phosphomonoesters 39.6 6 0.8 46.7 6 1.7 42.3 35.0 6 0.5 50.1 6 2.9 44.9 6 1.3

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