AUTISM TREATMENT 1. Behavioral training and management : Sensory Integration Appliyed Behavior analysis ( ABA ) Education of Autis and Related Communication Handicapped Children ( TEACCH ) 2. Specialized therapies : Speech therapy Occupational therapy Physical therapy 3. Community support and parent training 4. Medicines : anxiety, hyperactive, depression and obssesive compulsive behavior

AUTISM TREATMENT 1. Behavioral training and management : Sensory Integration Appliyed Behavior analysis ( ABA ) Education of Autis and Related Communication

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  • AUTISM TREATMENT1. Behavioral training and management :Sensory Integration Appliyed Behavior analysis ( ABA )Education of Autis and Related Communication Handicapped Children ( TEACCH )2. Specialized therapies :Speech therapyOccupational therapyPhysical therapy3. Community support and parent training4. Medicines : anxiety, hyperactive, depression and obssesive compulsive behavior

  • The exact causes of autism disorders are still unknown. We do know it is a neurobiological disorder that continues, to varying degrees, throughout a persons life.

  • Autism-No single cause; no single cure Autism is likely the result of a variety of factors, such as:GeneticInfectiousNeurologicMetabolicImmunologicEnvironmental

  • Behavioral training and management

  • Sensory Integration

  • Sensory integration therapy is essentially a form of occupational therapy, and it is generally offered by specially trained occupational therapists

  • Appliyed Behavior Analysis ( ABA )

  • ABAis a system of autism treatment based on behaviorist theories which, simply put, state that behaviors can be taught through a system of rewards and consequences.

  • Education of Autis and Related Communication Handicapped Children ( TEACCH )

  • TEACCH methodology is rooted in behavior therapy, more recently combining cognitive elements,[3] guided by theories suggesting that behavior typical of people with autism results from underlying problems in perception and understanding

  • Specialized therapies

  • Speech therapy

  • Occupational therapy

  • Physical therapy

  • . Community support and parent training

  • Specific strategiesDetailed reviews of intervention strategies to enhance communication, teach social skills, and reduce interfering maladaptive behaviors

  • Treatment depends on the individual needs of the patient. In most cases, a combination of treatment methods is more effective. Autism usually requires lifelong treatment.Occupational therapy and physical therapy are sometimes used to treat autism. Occupational therapy helps improve independent function and teaches basic skills (e.g., buttoning a shirt, bathing). Physical therapy involves using exercise and other physical measures (e.g., massage, heat) to help patients control body movements. Autism treatment includes the following: Behavior modificationCommunication therapyDietary modificationsMedication

  • Early attachment to four specific foods- yogurt, McDonald's French Fries, peanut butter and 32 - 48 oz. of Milk per day.

    Researchers have found elevated levels of proteins found in wheat, oats and rye (gluten) and casein (protein in dairy products) byproducts in patients with autism

  • Autism PrognosisPatients with autism have normal life expectancies. With early intervention and appropriate treatment, some autistic patients can function productively and attain some degree of independence. Most patients require lifelong assistance.