Fabio Delle Grazie 1 , Laurence Gill 1 , Owen Naughton 1,2 1 Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland, 2 Geological Survey of Ireland Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater- dependent wetlands in Irish karst

Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water

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Page 1: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water

Fabio Delle Grazie1, Laurence Gill1 , Owen Naughton1,2


Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater-dependent wetlands in Irish karst

Page 2: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water

This publication has emanated from research with financial support in part from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under grant number 13/RC/2092 and 17/RC-PhD/3481 with support from the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund.


Page 3: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water

Background•  Turloughs are topographic depressions in karst, which are

intermittently flooded on an annual cycle via groundwatersources and have substrate and/or ecological communitiescharacteristic ofwetlands.Most of them are located in thewest of Ireland and developed on carboniferous limestone(figure1).

•  Ecosystemservicescanbedefinedasthecontributions that ecosystems make tohuman well-being, CICES, Haines-Youngand Potschin, 2013). It uses three maincategories with some sub-categories:provisioning, regulating and culturalecosystemservices.

•  As inland wetlands, they are valuableecosystemsthoughanevaluationoftheirecosystem services has yet to beperformed.


Page 4: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water


•  Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gasmeasurements(CO2,CH4,N2O).

•  The relevant ecosystem provided by the turloughs were selected from the CICESclassification.


•  Previousstudyof22turlough in theWestof IrelandwasfundedbytheNationalParks&WildlifeServiceofIrelandand it integrated hydrological, biological and chemicalnutrientdata(Waldrenetal.,2015).

•  Following up from this study,7 turloughswere selected

which reflected different hydrological regimes andecosystemcharacteristics(figure3).

Page 5: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water


•  Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gasmeasurements(CO2,CH4,N2O).

•  The relevant ecosystem provided by the turloughs were selected from the CICESclassification.



•  Previousstudyof22turlough in theWestof IrelandwasfundedbytheNationalParks&WildlifeServiceofIrelandand it integrated hydrological, biological and chemicalnutrientdata(Waldrenetal.,2015).

•  Following up from this study,7 turloughswere selected

which reflected different hydrological regimes andecosystemcharacteristics(figure3).

Page 6: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water


•  Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gasmeasurements(CO2,CH4,N2O).

•  The relevant ecosystem provided by the turloughs were selected from the CICESclassification.



•  Previousstudyof22turlough in theWestof IrelandwasfundedbytheNationalParks&WildlifeServiceofIrelandand it integrated hydrological, biological and chemicalnutrientdata(Waldrenetal.,2015).

•  Following up from this study,7 turloughswere selected

which reflected different hydrological regimes andecosystemcharacteristics(figure3).

Page 7: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water


•  Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gasmeasurements(CO2,CH4,N2O).

•  The relevant ecosystem provided by the turloughs were selected from the CICESclassification.



•  Previousstudyof22turlough in theWestof IrelandwasfundedbytheNationalParks&WildlifeServiceofIrelandand it integrated hydrological, biological and chemicalnutrientdata(Waldrenetal.,2015).

•  Following up from this study,7 turloughswere selected

which reflected different hydrological regimes andecosystemcharacteristics(figure3).

Page 8: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water











Blackrock X X X XX X Caranavoodaun X XX X XX X X

Coolcam X X X XX X XX XLoughAleenaun X X X X X X

LoughCoy X X X X X

LoughGealain X X XX X XX XX XX

Skealoghan X X X XX X X

•  AqualitativeassessmentoftheecosystemsservicesprovidedbytheturloughscanbefoundinTable3.

•  Blackrockhas thehighest floodwaterextensionaswell aswaterdepths, therefore

providing the highest amounts of water. Lough Gealain is important for tourism.Caranavoodaun and Lough Gealain have the best for ecosystem conditions. Forcarbonsequestration, turloughswithpeatysoilsandwoodyvegetationwillhaveahighervalue.

•  Turloughs can both alleviate flooding in their basins and soils but also cause it,

following exceptional rainfall events. Drainage is one of the main threats toturloughsasitalterstheirfloodedregime,sothatplantsandsoilsareaffected.Itissometimesproposedtoalleviatefloodingtonearbyhouses.

•  Turloughsareveryimportantculturallyandsomeofthemfortourism.Forexample,

LoughGealain (photo in the first slide) is located in theBurrenNational Park andreceviedthousandsofvisitorsannually.

Page 9: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water


•  Wetlands have been recognised as some of the most important and most valuableecosystems on Earth. Turloughs are intermittent inland wetlands, therefore showingboththecharacteristicsofwetlandsandofterrestrialhabitats(ecotones).

•  Theecosystems servicesofwetlands are subject to increasing interestbecauseof therangeandvalueofecosystemservices theycanprovided.OnepopularevaluationhasbeenperformedbyDeGrootetal.(2012)andforinlandwetlandsrecognisesregulatingservices (flood risk reduction, nutrient retention, carbon sequestration) as the mostvaluable(Table5).Similarresultsareexpectedforturloughs,especiallyforthefloodriskreductionservice.

•  There seems to be enrichment in nutrients in Caranavoodaun, Lough Gealain and

Skealoghan. Blackrock has the highest floodwater extension as well as water depths,therefore providing the highest amounts of water. Lough Gealain is important fortourism. Caranavoodaun and Lough Gealain have the best ecosystem condition. Forcarbon sequestration, turloughs with peaty soils and woody vegetation will have ahighervalue.

Turloughsareveryimportantculturallyandsomeofthemfortourism.Forexample,LoughGealainislocatedintheBurrenNationalParkandreceviedthousandsofvisitorsannually.The relevant authorities, like NPWS (or the Burren Centre for Lough Gealain) can becontacted tohave figures about tourist visits.Alternatively, interviews canbeperformedwithtouristsaskingabouttheirexpensesatthesiteandhowmuchtheywouldbewillingtopay (willingness to paymethod). Other methods that can be used are surveys that canestablish thewillingness-to-payof tourists therefore incorporating additional non-marketvalues.


Page 10: Ecohydrology and ecosystem services of groundwater ...Methods • Monthly samples of water, as well as soil samples and greenhouse gas measurements (CO 2 , CH 4, N 2 O). ... water


•  Smallinlandwetlandshavebeenrecognisedasprovidingimportantecosystemservicesandarenotaswellstudiedasthebiggerones.

•  Morethan400turloughsarepresentinIrelandandtheyareprotectedundertheWater

Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC). As they host protected fauna andflora, they are also designated as a Priority Habitat in Annex 1 of the EU HabitatsDirective(92/43/EEC).

•  Quantification of the ecosystem services of turloughs can help better inform the

appropriatestakeholderswhendecidingonconflictingdevelopmentsandcanalsohelpin specific accounting projects like carbon accounting schemes and ecosystem servicequantificationandmapping like theMappingandAssessmentofEcosystemsandtheirServices(Maes,2013).

•  Sinceturloughsdryupinsummertheyareconsideredecotonesbetweenwetlandsandterrestrialhabitats,thereforetheirecosystemserviceswillreflectthis.
