VECTOR BIOLOGY Polyamine analogues, e.g. fc^XbenzyDpolyamine (MDL 27695), although shown to interfere strongly with both polyamine uptake systems of filarial worms, probably exhi- bit their filaricidal effects by competing and interacting with polyamine binding sites such as nucleic acids and structural macromolecules. Inhibition of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, a regula- tory and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of polyamines which provides the aminopropyl group for the synthesis of spermidine and spermine, results in depletion of poly- amines. MDL 73811, an irreversible inhibitor of S-adenosyl- methionine decarboxylase, affects both polyamine synthesis and the viability of nematodes maintained in vitro. The strategy proposed here is directed to the interconver- sion and degradation pathway for polyamines. This is based on the findings that the polyamine oxidase is the rate-limiting step for the back conversion of spermine to spermidine and putrescine and that elevated levels of sper- mine are lethal for Brugia worms maintained in vitro. The potential of polyamine oxidase as a target for chemothe- rapy has been assessed by treatment of Brugia and Ascaris worms with MDL 72145, an irreversible inhibitor of nema- TODE polyamine oxidase, which resulted in enzyme inactiva- tion and a subsequent accumulation of spermine. By structural analysis of the filarial polyamine oxidase and the isofunctional mammalian enzyme, differences may be iden- tified and exploited for the synthesis of drugs which react selectively with the parasite enzyme. Figure 1. VECTOR BIOLOGY HUMORAL DEFENSE MOLECULES IN VEC- TORS OF FILARIASIS HAM P.J.*, HAGEN H.E.*, SMITHIES B.M.*, CHALK R. AND ALBUQUERQUE C.M.R.* KEYWORDS : insect immunity, defense. Onchocerca, humoral proteins. INTRODUCTION T he relationship between the definitive host, man, and filarial parasites, has for long been a subject of intense study, and as this network attests, still is today. However, the interactions between vectors of lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis and these nematodes, is less well under- stood. There is now a considerable body of data describing the innate and acquired resistance of vectors to the para- sites they carry (eg. reviewed by Townson and Chaithong, 1993 ; Christensen and Severson 1993 ; Ham, 1992). Blackflies and mosquitoes possess complex immune sys- tems, comprising inter-related cellular and humoral compo- nents. Not only is immunity expressed in the haemocoel, but mechanisms of refractoriness also appear to be linked * Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology. Department of Biological Sciences, Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, U.K. to gut lumen components (see review Ham, 1992) and tho- racic tissues (Wattam & Christensen, 1992). RESPONSES TO INFECTION T hree generalised responses appear to take place follo- wing infection of insects : (1) an alteration in metabolic activity, including protein synthesis, (2) induction of speci- fic immune peptides and proteins some of which have pro- tective functional antibiotic activity, and (3) enhanced haemocytic proliferation. This proliferation maybe associa- ted with increased secretion of molecules in (2) (Figure 1). As well as responses to infection, insects, including vectors of filariasis may exhibit responses to others forms of stress such as cold, overcrowding and physical trauma such as injury (eg Komano et al., 1980). HUMORAL DEFENSE MOLECULES ^ number of defense peptides have been observed in 1 1 insects, and many of these are known to be induced by bacterial pathogens such as Escherichia coli, as well as filariae (see Figure 2 which shows immune and non immune Parasite, 1994, I, I S (»1 Article available at http://www.parasite-journal.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/parasite/199401s1061

Humoral defense molecules in vectors of filariasis

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P o l y a m i n e a n a l o g u e s , e .g. fc^XbenzyDpolyamine (MDL 2 7 6 9 5 ) , a l though s h o w n to interfere s t rongly with b o t h polyamine uptake systems o f filarial worms, probably exhi­bit their filaricidal effects by compet ing and interacting with polyamine binding sites such as nucleic acids and structural macromolecules .

Inhibition o f S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase , a regula­tory and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis o f polyamines which provides the aminopropyl group for the synthesis o f spe rmid ine and s p e r m i n e , results in dep le t ion o f po ly­amines. MDL 7 3 8 1 1 , an irreversible inhibitor o f S-adenosyl­methionine decarboxylase , affects both polyamine synthesis and the viability o f nematodes maintained in vitro.

T h e strategy proposed here is directed to the interconver-s ion and deg rada t i on p a t h w a y for p o l y a m i n e s . Th i s is ba sed on the findings that the po lyamine ox idase is the rate-limiting step for the back convers ion o f spermine to spermidine and putrescine and that elevated levels o f sper­mine are lethal for Brugia worms maintained in vitro. T h e potential o f polyamine oxidase as a target for chemothe ­rapy has b e e n assessed by treatment o f Brugia and Ascaris worms with MDL 7 2 1 4 5 , an irreversible inhibitor o f nema­TODE polyamine oxidase, which resulted in enzyme inactiva-t ion and a s u b s e q u e n t a c c u m u l a t i o n o f s p e r m i n e . B y structural analysis o f the filarial polyamine oxidase and the isofunctional mammalian enzyme, differences may b e iden­tified and exploi ted for the synthesis o f drugs which react selectively with the parasite enzyme.

Figure 1.



KEYWORDS : insect immunity, defense. Onchocerca, humoral proteins.


T he relationship be tween the definitive host, man, and filarial parasites, has for long b e e n a subject o f intense

study, and as this network attests, still is today. However , the interactions be tween vectors o f lymphatic filariasis and o n c h o c e r c i a s i s and these nema todes , is less well under­stood. There is n o w a considerable body o f data describing the innate and acquired resistance o f vectors to the para­sites they carry (eg. reviewed by T o w n s o n and Chaithong, 1 9 9 3 ; C h r i s t e n s e n a n d S e v e r s o n 1 9 9 3 ; Ham, 1 9 9 2 ) . Blackfl ies and mosqu i toes possess c o m p l e x immune sys­tems, comprising inter-related cellular and humoral c o m p o ­nents. Not only is immunity expressed in the haemocoe l , but mechanisms o f refractoriness also appear to be linked

* Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology. Department of Biological Sciences, Keele University, Staffordshire, S T 5 5 B G , U.K.

to gut lumen componen t s ( see review Ham, 1992) and tho­racic tissues (Wattam & Christensen, 1992) .


T hree general ised responses appear to take place follo­wing infection o f insects : ( 1 ) an alteration in metabol ic

activity, including protein synthesis, ( 2 ) induction o f speci­fic immune peptides and proteins some o f which have pro­tec t ive func t iona l an t ib io t i c act ivi ty, and ( 3 ) e n h a n c e d haemocyt ic proliferation. This proliferation maybe associa­ted with increased secret ion o f molecules in ( 2 ) (Figure 1) . As well as responses to infection, insects, including vectors o f filariasis may exhibit responses to others forms o f stress such as cold , overcrowding and physical trauma such as injury (eg K o m a n o et al., 1980 ) .


^ n u m b e r o f defense pept ides have b e e n obse rved in 1 1 insects, and many o f these are known to be induced by bacterial pathogens such as Escherichia coli, as well as filariae (see Figure 2 which shows immune and non immune

Parasite, 1994, I , I S (»1

Article available at http://www.parasite-journal.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/parasite/199401s1061

Page 2: Humoral defense molecules in vectors of filariasis


blackfly haemolymph protein profiles, arrowed bands may represent some of the molecules described be low) . Included in these are the bacteriolytic cecropins (~4KDa) ; an insect defensin ( ~ 4 K D a ) ; the bacteriostat ic attacins ( 2 0 - 2 3 K D a ) , and digestive lysozyme ( ~ 1 5 K D a ) . O f these, defensin has been found in Aedes aegypti (Chalk et al., 1994) , and cecro-pin-like and lysozyme-like molecules have been observed in blackflies (Smithies, pers. comm.) . Other defense molecules such as inducible haemolymph proteases are also known in blackflies (Ham, 1992) . A number o f these are activated in response to infection, and comprise both serine and cysteine type species. It is believed that these molecules may play a role in activation o f other immune proteins such as pheno-loxidases (the subject o f an additional abstract, Hagen and Ham, in this series). In addition to activation, the proteases may also be responsible for breakdown of excessive levels o f i m m u n e m o l e c u l e s , a n d i n d e e d m a y h a v e a d i r ec t immune killing effect in their own right (Ham, 1992) .

Phenoloxidase (~66KDa+/ - ) is an enzyme that acts in a cas­cade mechanism, which is known to be activated by serine proteases, by c leavage o f the inactive larger pro-enzyme. Ev idence indicates that as well as the more well known resul t o f P O act ivi ty , that o f f i lariae m e l a n i s a t i o n , this enzyme may also act as a non-self recognition molecule or an opsonin, bridging the parasite and an effector molecule. A further group o f humoral molecules , the insect lectins, are also bel ieved to carry out this role, by binding specifi­cal ly to carbohydra te mo lecu l e s on the parasi te surface. Indeed P O may possibly act as a lectin. There is strong evi­d e n c e to s h o w that lec t ins are induced by Onchocerca infections in blackflies (Smail and Ham, 1989) and that car­bohydrate residues exist on the surface o f the filariae that are specific for such lectins (Ham et al., 1988) .

P a t h o g e n i n d u c e d r e s p o n s e s

Figure 1. - Insect responses to infection and other forms of stress.

There are therefore a number o f candidate molecules for the immune killing o f filariae which have been observed in vectors , bo th in vivo and in vitro. Th is killing has b e e n shown by incubation o f microfilariae in immune h a e m o ­lymph, by the passive transfer o f immune haemolymph to naive suscept ib le recipient insects rendering them refrac­tory, and by resistance during multiple consecut ive infec­

t ions within the s a m e individual insect . E x p e r i m e n t s in British simuliids have shown a resistance to reinfection with Onchocerca lienalis, a bovine filariae, as well as reduction in the development o f the pre-existing infection following secondary infection. In Cameroon, secondary infection with O. ochengi restilted in the reduced development o f a pri­mary O. ochengi infection when compared with flies given an heterologous primary infection with O. volvulus (Figure 3 ) . It appears, therefore, that the immune defenses o f the vectors are able to distinguish at s o m e level, be tween para­sites o f different species , within the same genus. The fundamental understanding o f immune systems in the insects , and h o w they affect parasite deve lopmen t , is o f importance in our development o f novel as well as more informed control strategies. T h e intermediate host has recei­ved much less research attention in terms o f basic biology, than the definitive host. W e are attempting to redress that ba lance a little by targetting an area o f vector physiology, that plays an important part in de te rmining w h e t h e r an insect is a vector o f filariasis or not.

Figure 2. - Haemolymph protein profiles following SDS PAGE separation and staining of haemolymph from Simulium ornatum removed 4 days after infection with Onchocerca microfilariae (I), or non specific "sham" trauma (S) or no treatment (C). Gels are stai­ned with Coomassie Blue or Silver reagent. Some of the molecules of interest are arrowed.

Figure 3. - Recoveries of third-stage larvae of a primary 0 . ochengi (Oo/Oo) or O. volvulus (Ov/Oo) infection from S. damnosum si, following a secondary infection with O. ochengi (Ov/cont) and (Oo/cont) are primary infection control groups.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS O u r r e sea r ch is s u p p o r t e d by the W e l l c o m e Trust , the Med ica l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l , the Br i t i sh C o u n c i l and the German and Brazilian Governments .


Purification of an insect defensin from the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1994, in press.

CHRISTENSEN B.M., SEVERSON D.W. : Biochemical and molecular basis of mosquito susceptibility of Plasmodium and filarioid nema­todes. In Parasites and Pathogens of Insects 1. Beckage N.E., Thompson S.N. and Frederici B.A. (eds), 1993.

HAGEN H.E., GRUNEWALD J . & HAM P.J. : Differential activation of pro-phenoloxidase by Onchocerca spp. in Simulium damnosum and S. ornatum. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1993, in p r e s s

HAM P.J. : Immunity in haematophagous vectors of parasitic infec­

tion. In Advances in Disease Vector Research, Harris K. (ed), 1992, 9, 101-149.

HAM P.J., ZULU M . B . & ZAHEDI M . B . : In vitro haemagglutination and attenuation of microfilaria! motility by haemolymph from individual blackflies (Simulium ornatum) infected with Onchocerca lienalis. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 1988b, 2, 7-18.


BOMAN H. : Insect immunity. Attacins. a family of antibacterial proteins from Hyalophora cecropia. EMBO journal, 1983, 2, 571-576.

KOMANO H., MIZUNO D . & NATORI S. : Purification of a lectin induced in the haemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae on injury. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1980, 255, 2929-2934.

S.MAII. A.J. & HAM P.J. : Onchocerca induced haemolymph lectins in blackflies : Confirmation by sugar inhibition of erythrocyte agglu­tination. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1989, 39, 82-83.

TOWNSON H. & CHAITHONG U. : Mosquito host influence on develop­ment of filariae. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 1991, 85, 149-163.

WAITAM A.R. & CHRISTENSEN B . M . : Induced polypeptides associated with filarial worm refractoriness in Aedes aegypti. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1992, 89, 6502-6505.



KEYWORDS : Simulium. Onchocerca, immunity, phenoloxidase


I mmune reactions o f blackflies (Diptera : Simuliidae) as in o ther insects can b e divided into innate and acquired

resistance to fungal, bacterial as well as parasitic infections. As to acquired immunity, haemolymph transfer experiments showed that if naive recipient blackflies received haemo­lymph from infected s p e c i m e n s prior to an Onchocerca infection, the rates o f parasite development were reduced (Ham 1986) . Similar effects can be seen in superinfected European and African blackflies. Repeated infection with Onchocerca spp . (Nema toda : F i la r io idea) had a s t rong limiting effect on the development o f the parasites (discus­sed e l sewhere in more detail). Having shown over the past years that blackflies have an efficient immune apparatus the quest ion arises whether or not this immune system is also contributing to the innate resistance to filarial infections in blackflies. T h e different populations and (cyto-) species o f Simulium h a v e a v a r y i n g t r a n s m i s s i o n c a p a c i t y o f Onchocerca parasi tes as has b e e n o b s e r v e d in e n d e m i c areas.

* Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology, Department of Biological Sciences, Keele University, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, U.K.

As there are no laboratory strains o f blackflies featuring dif­ferent degrees o f susceptibility towards the parasite, 5 dam­nosum s . l . c o l l e c t e d f rom a b r e e d i n g s i t e in Nor th -Cameroon was infec ted with severa l Onchocerca species, which are either adapted to this vector such as O. volvulus (B lack lock , 1 9 2 6 ) , or like the bovine species O. ochengi and O. dukei, are not naturally transmitted by this vector species ( D e n k e & Bain, 1978 ; Wahl & Renz, 1991) . By comparing the reactions o f S. damnosum s.l. to infec­tions with these species it was hoped to look for candidate molecules responsible for the regulation o f filarial infection in blackflies.

T h e flies were infected by intrathoracic injection (Nelson, 1962) . T h e microfilariae were recovered from skin-biopsies o f onchocerc ias is patients in North-Cameroon (O. volvulus) o r f rom b o v i n e h i d e s c o l l e c t e d at t h e a b a t t o i r in Ngaoundere, North-Cameroon (O. ochengi and O. dukei). Additional infection exper iments on a European model, S. ornatum and O. lienalis, were carried out 24 hours post infection the haemolymph o f the infected, sham inoculated (only medium injected) and untreated control was taken, stored in liquid nitrogen, and subsequently analysed.


S. damnosum s.l. : T h e haemolymph o f infected blackflies s h o w e d a 6 6 k D a b a n d . T h e a m o u n t o f this m o l e c u l e varied according to the Onchocerca species injected. While the O. ochengi and O. volvulus infected blackflies had a strong 66 kDa band (Fig. 1, lane 1) O. dukei infected speci­mens showed a decreased intensity (F ig . l , lane 4 ) . Sham

Parasite, 1994, /, I S (.3