WTO TBT Notifications Abstract March 2012 TBT ABSTRACTS FOR THE 3/1/2012 To 3/31/2012 1 TBT Notification No G/TBT/N/ARG/269 Country Argentina Product Feeding bottles Title Biberones Bisfenol A (Feeding bottles Bisphenol A) (2 pages, in Spanish) Contents The notified text prohibits the manufacture, importation and marketing, throughout Argentina, of feeding bottles containing Bisphenol A (2,2 bis (4 hydroxyphenyl) propane). Last Date For Comment 2 TBT Notification No G/TBT/N/ARG/270 Country Argentina Product Medicinal preparations for human use. Title Información que deberán contener los prospectos/etiquetas/rótulos de especialidades medicinales de condición de venta libre (Information to be included in the directions for use and on the labels of over-the-counter medicinal preparations) (5 pages, in Spanish) Contents The notified text establishes definitions and general requirements for the information included in the directions for use and on the

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WTO TBT Notifications Abstract

March 2012



1 TBT Notification No


Country Argentina Product Feeding bottles

Title Biberones Bisfenol A (Feeding bottles Bisphenol A) (2 pages, in Spanish)


The notified text prohibits the manufacture, importation and marketing, throughout Argentina, of feeding bottles containing Bisphenol A (2,2 bis (4 hydroxyphenyl) propane).

Last Date For Comment

2 TBT Notification No


Country Argentina

Product Medicinal preparations for human use.


Información que deberán contener los prospectos/etiquetas/rótulos de especialidades medicinales de condición de venta libre (Information to be included in the directions for use and on the labels of over-the-counter medicinal preparations) (5 pages, in Spanish)


The notified text establishes definitions and general requirements for the information included in the directions for use and on the

labels of medicinal preparations sold over the counter. It repeals and replaces ANMAT Resolutions (Disposiciones) Nos. 7625/97, 7572/06 and 7573/06.

The new requirements must be met by any new entries or amendments to the Medicinal Preparations Register (REM) that are submitted for approval in connection with the directions for use and labels of over-the-counter products. Information relating to products for which a change to over-the-counter status has been approved must also meet these requirements. Laboratories holding a registration for medicinal preparations already on the market will have two years to meet the new requirements.

Last Date For Comment

3 TBT Notification No


Country Argentina

Product Insect repellents for human use.


Requisitos de registro y autorización para la comercialización de repelentes de insectos de uso humano (Registration and authorization requirements for the marketing of insect repellents for human use) (2 pages, in Spanish)

Contents Requirements applicable to the manufacture,

fractionation, importation, storage and marketing of insect repellent products for external human use and to natural and legal persons engaged in such activities. Registration and authorization.

Last Date For Comment

4 TBT Notification No


Country Brazil

Product Baby Carriages (HS 871500).

Title Ministerial Act N° 79, 15 February 2012 (8 pages, in Portuguese).

Contents Technical Regulation of Quality for Baby Carriages.

Last Date For Comment


5 TBT Notification No


Country Brazil Product Breast Implants.

Title Ministerial Act nº 80, 15 February 2012 (13 pages, in Portuguese).


The Act establishes criteria for the program of conformity assessment for Breast Implants, under the regime of Health Surveillance, by the compulsory certification mechanism.

Last Date For Comment


6 TBT Notification


No Country Brazil Product Cosmetics.


Draft Resolution Nº 20, March 15th 2012 - Establishes requirements for registration of cosmetic insect repellents. (4 pages, Portuguese)


This draft technical regulation establishes requirements for registration of cosmetic insect repellents.

Last Date For Comment


7 TBT Notification No


Country Brazil

Product Baby Carriages (HS 871500).

Title Ministerial Act N° 104, 6 March 2012 (12 pages, in Portuguese).

Contents Conformity Assessment requirements for Baby Carriages.

Last Date For Comment


8 TBT Notification No


Country Brazil

Product Pesticides, disinfectants and wood preservatives containing tebuthiuron.

Title Draft resolution on tebuthiuron (2 pages, Portuguese).


This draft technical regulation modifies Resolution RE nº 165, August 29th 2003, by including non-agricultural uses in the monograph of the active

ingredient T05 - tebuthiuron, related to pesticides, disinfectants and wood preservatives, for application in margins of roads and railways, areas under electric power transmission lines, industrial yards, pipelines and firebreakers.

Last Date For Comment


9 TBT Notification No


Country Brazil Product Sanitizing products.


Draft Resolution No 21 13 March 2012 - Establishes procedures and technical requirements for registration of sanitizing products that are corrosive to the skin and can lead to irreversible eye injury (5 pages, Portuguese)


This draft technical regulation establishes revision, modification and update of procedures and technical requirements for the registration of sanitizing products that are corrosive to the skin and can lead to irreversible eye injury.

All products manufactured under the Resolutions RDC nº 163, 11 September 2001, and RDC No 240, 6 October 2004, can be marketed until their expiration dates.

It revokes Anvisa´s Resolution RDC nº 163, 11 September 2001, RDC nº 240, 6 October 2004, and Ordinances nº 08

MS/SNVS, 10 April 1987, and 13 MS/SNVS, 20 June 1988.

Last Date For Comment


10 TBT Notification No


Country Canada

Product Human blood (ICS: 11.040, 11.100)

Title Proposed Blood Regulations (59 pages, in English and French)


Blood and blood components are currently regulated as drugs by a combination of provisions that are not specific to blood, found in several Divisions of Part C of the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR).

The purpose of this initiative is to introduce in the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) specific Regulations for human blood and its components intended for transfusion or for further manufacturing into human drugs. The proposed regulatory framework would address the safety, efficacy and quality of blood and its components with requirements related to the donor suitability assessment, collection, testing, labelling, storage, distribution and importation, for all establishments performing these activities. The proposed regulatory initiative would consolidate the existing requirements in new Regulations specific for blood and its components, apply to

all establishments that perform any of the regulated activities, and apply the level of oversight that is commensurate with the level of risk of the activities performed by each establishment.

Last Date For Comment


11 TBT Notification No


Country Chile

Product Ozone depleting substances (ODS)


Proyecto de reglamento que establece las normas aplicables a las importaciones de las sustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono, los volúmenes máximos de importación y los criterios para su distribución (Draft regulation establishing the rules applicable to imports of ozone-depleting substances, maximum import volumes, and criteria for the distribution of maximum import volumes) (10 pages, in Spanish)


The notified text establishes the following: rules applicable to imports and exports of the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) included in Annexes A, B, C and E of the Montreal Protocol; rules applicable to imports and exports of the controlled products included in Annex D of the Montreal Protocol; maximum import

volumes for the substances included in Group I, Annex C, and Group I, Annex E, of the Montreal Protocol; and criteria for the distribution of these maximum import volumes.

Last Date For Comment


12 TBT Notification No


Country China Product Cosmetics


Test Method of In-Vitro 3T3 NRU Phototoxicity for Chemical Raw Materials Used by Cosmetics (10 pages in Chinese)


This document specifies the test method of in vitro 3T3 NRU phototoxicity for chemical raw materials used by cosmetic.

Last Date For Comment


13 TBT Notification No


Country China Product Cosmetics


Opinions on Classification Management of Non-special Cosmetics; 2. Notice for Implementation of Classification Management on Non-special Cosmetics; 3. Requirements for Application Documents for Administrative Licensing of Special Cosmetics (Category II);

4. Technical Review Gist of Special Use Cosmetics (Category II) (Totally 24 pages, in Chinese).


The existing category definitions of special cosmetics should be adjusted according to the actual supervision and inspection work. The existing special cosmetics are defined as special cosmetics (category I); the existing non-special cosmetics with higher degree of safety risk should be included into or subject to the management on special cosmetics (category II). Other non-special cosmetics shall follow the notification record system, while the existing verification record system will be rescinded.

Last Date For Comment


14 TBT Notification No


Country Colombia

Product Oils, fats and all packaged or wrapped foods.


Proyecto de Resolución del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social "Por la cual se establece el Reglamento Técnico sobre los requisitos que deben cumplir los alimentos envasados que contengan grasas trans y/o grasas saturadas" (Draft Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Resolution "Establishing the Technical Regulation on the

requirements to be met by packaged foods containing trans and/or saturated fats") (5 pages, in Spanish).


The notified draft Resolution covers the following: Purpose; Scope; Exceptions; Definitions; Principles; Requirements for foods containing trans fats and saturated fats; Nutrition labelling and marking; Inspection, monitoring, control and penalties; Review and updating; Disclosure of procedures; Notification and period of validity.

Last Date For Comment


15 TBT Notification No


Country Czech Republic

Product Prism refractometers (HS 903180)


Draft General Measure laying down metrological and technical requirements for legal measuring instruments, including testing methods for type approval and for the verification of the legal measuring instruments: refractive index measuring instruments - prism refractometers (14 pages, in Czech).


Prism refractometers are legal measuring instruments within the meaning of Section 3(3) of Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology, as amended, and are therefore subject to State metrological controls, i.e. type

approval and verification. The specific metrological and technical requirements are currently contained in the metrological regulations. In order to avoid problems with their enforceability, the requirements must be incorporated into the binding General Measure within the meaning of Section 24c of Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology, as amended.

Last Date For Comment


16 TBT Notification No


Country Czech Republic Product Taximeters (HS 902910)


Draft General Measure laying down metrological and technical requirements for legal measuring instruments, including methods for their testing and verification: "taximeters" (15 pages, in Czech).


Taximeters are legal measuring instruments within the meaning of Section 3(3) of Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology, as amended, and are therefore subject to State metrological controls, i.e. verification. The specific metrological and technical requirements for taximeters are currently contained in Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments, which does not, however,

include all requirements for a complete taximeter after installation in a taxi. In order to avoid problems with their enforceability, the requirements must be incorporated into the binding General Measure within the meaning of Section 24c of Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology, as amended.

Last Date For Comment


17 TBT Notification No


Country Estonia Product Alcohol


Amendment to the regulation of the Minister of Finance from 2006 No 25 "The design and types of revenue stamps on alcohol and tobacco products, the procedure for the issue and return of the revenue stamps, the form of the delivery note for revenue stamps and the procedure for its completion" (2 pages in Estonian language)

Contents The design of revenue stamp on alcohol will be changed from 1 May 2012.

Last Date For Comment


18 TBT Notification No


Country European Union

Product Medicinal products for human use.

Title Draft Commission Implementing Regulation on

the performance of pharmacovigilance activities provided for in Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and Directive 2001/83/EC (35 pages, in English).


This draft Commission Implementing Regulation sets uniform conditions for certain aspects of pharmacovigilance activities for medicinal products for human use. This includes amongst other things the content of the pharmacovigilance system master file (a succinct and comprehensive description of the pharmacovigilance system of the marketing authorisation holder); format and content of risk management plans (detailed description of the risk management system used by the marketing authorisation holder for a specific product) and the use of internationally agreed terminology, formats and standards for the performance of pharmacovigilance activities.

Last Date For Comment


19 TBT Notification No


Country European Union Product Biocidal products.


Draft Commission Directive amending Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council to include hydrogen cyanide as an active substance in Annex I thereto (6 pages, in English).

Contents This draft Commission

Directive includes hydrogen cyanide in the European Union positive list of active substances, which may be used in biocidal products.

Last Date For Comment


20 TBT Notification No


Country European Union


This draft Commission Directive includes hydrogen cyanide in the European Union positive list of active substances, which may be used in biocidal products.


Draft Commission Decision concerning the non-inclusion of bifenthrin for product type 18 in Annex I, IA or IB to Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market (3 pages, in English


This draft Commission Decision excludes bifenthrin from the European Union positive list of active substances, which may be used in biocidal products.

Last Date For Comment


21 TBT Notification No


Country European Union Product Biocidal products


Draft Commission Directive amending Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council to extend the inclusion in Annex I thereto of the active

substance nonanoic acid to product type 2 (5 pages, in English).


This draft Commission Directive includes nonanoic acid in the European Union positive list of active substances, which may be used in biocidal products.

Last Date For Comment


22 TBT Notification No


Country European Union


This draft Commission Directive includes nonanoic acid in the European Union positive list of active substances, which may be used in biocidal products.


Draft Commission Directive amending Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council to include cis-Tricos-9-ene as an active substance in Annex I thereto (6 pages, in English).


This draft Commission Directive includes cis-Tricos-9-ene in the European Union positive list of active substances, which may be used in biocidal products.

Last Date For Comment


23 TBT Notification No


Country France


Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading.

Title Arrêté modifiant l'arrêté du 19 octobre 2006 relatif à

l'emploi d'auxiliaires technologiques dans la fabrication de certaines denrées alimentaires (Order amending the Order of 19 October 2006 concerning the use of processing aids in the manufacture of certain foods) (8 pages, in French).


The draft text amends the Order of 19 October 2006 concerning the use of processing aids (enzymes) in the manufacture of certain foods and beverages for human consumption.

Last Date For Comment

24 TBT Notification No


Country Israel


Domestic electrical appliances (ICS: 13.120 and 97.030; HS: Chapters 84-85).


Safety of household and similar electrical appliances: General requirements (4 pages in Hebrew).


Third amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 900 part 1. This amendment replaces note 4 of paragraph 7.1 dealing with marking and instructions. The new note allows marking the pressure in bars in addition to PSI (pound-force per square inch).

Last Date For Comment


25 TBT Notification No


Country Israel

Product Oriented strand boards (OSB) (ICS: 79.060.20; HS: 4411 and 9403).

Title Oriented strand boards (OSB) (4 pages in Hebrew).


First amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 1913. This amendment adopts the European requirements for formaldehyde content and amends the following:

Changes paragraph 2.5 dealing with the amount of extracted formaldehyde. This paragraph instructs as follows: (a) To calculate the amount of extracted formaldehyde according to the European Standard EN 120: December 1992. - The amount of extracted formaldehyde shall not exceed the following: (a) For E1 type OSB - 8mg per 100g dry board in the oven. (b) For E2 type OSB - between 8mg and 30mg per 100g dry board in the oven.

Last Date For Comment


26 TBT Notification No


Country Israel

Product Fiberboards (ICS: 79.060.20; HS: 4411 and 9403).

Title Dry process fiberboards (5 pages in Hebrew).

Contents First amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 1481. This amendment

adopts the European requirements for formaldehyde content and amends the following:

The acclimation requirement appearing in the European Standard was not adopted, as this requirement is intended for fiberboards manufacturers of whom there are none in Israel. All fiberboards in Israel are imported. Therefore such tests, which have heavy financial implications, are not applicable. - Requires performance of a repeat test according to the European requirements appearing in EN 712-2 only in cases of marginal or non-compliance.

- Changes paragraph 3.10.1 dealing with the amount of released formaldehyde from covered fiberboards. This paragraph instructs as follows:

- To calculate the amount of released formaldehyde as an average of all samples taken of a board, if the difference between the highest and the lowest samples is greater than 20%, then the average should be calculated only from the 2 or more highest results and the lowest results should be ignored.

- The amount of released formaldehyde in this type of board shall not exceed 3.5mg per m2 per hour.

- Changes paragraph 3.10.2 dealing with the amount of released formaldehyde from non-covered fiberboards, instructing as follows:

- To calculate the amount of released formaldehyde according to the European Standard EN 120: December 1992. - The amount of extracted formaldehyde shall not exceed 8mg per 100g dry board in the oven.

Last Date For Comment


27 TBT Notification No


Country Israel

Product Textile slings (ICS: 53.020.30)


Textile slings - safety: Flat woven webbing slings, made of man-made fibres, for general purpose use (6 pages in Hebrew, 40 pages in English).


Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 2251 part 1 dealing with textile slings. This draft standard revision adopts the European Standard EN 1492-1: July 2000 and its Amendment 1: November 2008. The major differences between the Hebrew version and the adopted European standard are as follow:

- Removes marking requirement g (marking of the European Standard) from

paragraph 7.1 dealing with the general marking,

- Removes item h (reference to the European Standard) from paragraph 8 dealing with the manufacturer's certificate.

Last Date For Comment


28 TBT Notification No


Country Israel

Product Textile slings (ICS 53.020.30)


Textile slings - safety: Round slings made of man-made fibres for general purpose use (6 pages in Hebrew, 32 pages in English).


Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 2251 part 2 dealing with textile slings. This draft standard revision adopts the European Standard EN 1492-2: July 2000 and its Amendment 1: November 2008. The major differences between the Hebrew version and the adopted European standard are as follow:

- Removes marking requirement g (marking of the European Standard) from paragraph 7.1 dealing with the general marking.

- Removes item h (reference to the European Standard) from paragraph 8 dealing with the manufacturer's certificate.

Last Date For



29 TBT Notification No


Country Israel


Medical electrical equipment (ICS: 11.040.10; HS: 8413.70, 8413.81, 9018, 9019.10, 9019.20, 9402, 9405.10, 9405.20 and 9405.40).


Medical electrical equipment: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of cardiac defibrillators (7 pages in Hebrew and 156 pages in English and French).


Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 1011 part 2.4 to be replaced with 60601 part 2.4. This draft standard revision adopts the International Standard IEC 60601-2-4 - Edition 3.0: 2010-12. Most of the changes included in this revision are due to the changes introduced into the last revision of the adopted International Standard. These changes include adaptation to the Mandatory Standard SI 60601 part 1 and particular requirements for essential performance.

Both the old standard and the new revised standard will apply from their date of publication in the Israel Official Gazette until December 31, 2012. During this time devices may be tested either according to the old or the new revised


Last Date For Comment


30 TBT Notification No


Country Israel


Medical electrical equipment (ICS: 11.040.60; HS: 8413.70, 8413.81, 9018, 9019.10, 9019.20, 9402, 9405.10, 9405.20 and 9405.40).


Medical electrical equipment: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment (7 pages in Hebrew and 66 pages in English and French).


Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 1011 part 2.5 to be replaced with 60601 part 2.5. This draft standard revision adopts the International Standard IEC 60601-2-5 - Edition 3.0: 2009-07. Most of the changes included in this revision are due to the changes introduced into the last revision of the adopted International Standard. These changes include the following:

- Adaptation to the Mandatory Standard SI 60601 part 1 and particular requirements for essential performance (paragraph, - Adds new maintenance instructions (paragraph,

- Adds new requirement for dielectric strength (paragraph, - Amends the requirements with respect to excessive temperature of the transducer's surface (paragraph 201.11), - Amends the ultrasonic characteristics according to the International Standard IEC 61689: 2007,

- Amends the definition of effective radiating area (paragraph 201.3.207).

Both the old standard and the new revised standard will apply from their date of publication in the Israel Official Gazette until December 31, 2012. During this time devices may be tested either according to the old or the new revised standard.

Last Date For Comment


31 TBT Notification No


Country Japan Product Alcoholic Beverages�


Overview of proposed revisions to the "Labelling Standard for Liquors Made from Organic Agricultural Products and Others" (2 pages available in English)


The National Tax Agency (hereinafter referred to as "the NTA") will add "papaya" to the agricultural products subject to the

labelling for liquors concerning genetic modification, following the confirmation of the safety of genetically modified papayas by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

2. The NTA will revise the "Labelling Standard for Liquors Made from Organic Agricultural Products and Others" in relation to the standard of production methods for organic agricultural and livestock product processed liquors, following the revision of the "Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed Foods" by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

3. The NTA will revise the Labelling Standard for Liquors Made from Organic Agricultural Products and Others in relation to food additives and chemical agents which may be used for manufacturing organic agricultural and livestock product processed liquors, following the revision of the "Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed Foods" by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Last Date For Comment


32 TBT Notification


No Country Kuwait

Product Draft of Technical Regulation for Molasses.

Title Molasses (8 pages in Arabic, 6 pages in English)

Contents This Kuwaiti Technical Regulation specifies requirements for Molasses.

Last Date For Comment


33 TBT Notification No


Country Kuwait


Draft Technical Regulation: Requirements for high fructose syrup (42% and 55%)


Requirements for high fructose syrup (42% and 55%) which is used in food manufacturing (7 page in Arabic, 6 pages in English)


This Kuwaiti Technical Regulation: specifies requirements for high fructose syrup (42% and 55%) which is used in food manufacturing.

Last Date For Comment


34 TBT Notification No


Country Lithuania

Product Natural mineral waters and spring waters


Draft for the amendment of the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania No V-758 of 23 December 2003 on the Approval of Lithuanian Hygiene Norm HN 28:2003

"Requirements for the Use and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters and Spring Waters" (1 page in Lithuanian and in English).


The document specifies packaging labelling and marketing requirements. Natural mineral water may bear label "Suitable for infant food" only if it meets the following requirements:

Concentration of sodium not exceeding 20 mg/l Concentration of nitrate not exceeding 10 mg/l Concentration of nitrite not exceeding 0.02 mg/l Concentration of sulphate not exceeding 240 mg/l Concentration of fluoride not exceeding 0.7 mg/l Concentration of manganese not exceeding 0.05 mg/l Concentration of arsenic not exceeding 0.05 mg/l Concentration of uranium not exceeding 0.002 mg/l

Last Date For Comment


35 TBT Notification No


Country Malaysia


Pharmaceutical products that are manufactured in overseas countries (ICS: 11.120.01; HS: 30.06).


Direktif Mengenai Syarat Pendaftaran Produk Farmaseutikal Dari Luar Negara Berkaitan Keperluan Amalan Perkilangan Baik (APB) (3 pages, in Malay).


The directive describes that all registration application of pharmaceutical product(s) which are manufactured in overseas countries will only be considered if the manufacturer of the product(s) is in a *PIC/S Participating Authority country or *ICH member country or the manufacturer has been inspected by a PIC/S Participating Authority or ICH member country National Drug Regulatory Agency (NDRA).

*PIC/S: Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme

*ICH: International Conference on Harmonization

Last Date For Comment


36 TBT Notification No


Country Malaysia

Product Feed and feed additives (ICS: 65.120).


Feed Act 2009 (25 pages, in English) 2. Feed (Licence to Import Feed and/or Feed Additive) Regulations 2011 (27 pages, in English and Malay). 3. Feed (Labelling of Feed and Feed Additive) Regulations 2011 (7 pages, in English and Malay). 4. Feed (Prohibited Use of Antibiotics, Hormones or Other Chemicals) Regulations 2011 (13 pages, in

English and Malay). 5. Feed (Manufacture and Sale of Feed and Feed Additive) Regulations 2011 (29 pages, in English and Malay). 6. Feed (Methods of Analysis of Feed and the Form of Certificate of Analysis) Regulations 2011 (17 pages, in English and Malay).


Feed Act 2009 and Feed Regulations 2011 were developed to provide information and explanations to regulate feed quality by controlling the importation, manufacture, sale and use of feed and feed additive, to ensure that feed satisfies nutritional requirement of animals, is not harmful to animals and is not contaminated so that animals and animal products are safe for human consumption and other usage, and for other matters incidental thereto.

Last Date For Comment


37 TBT Notification No


Country Malaysia


Road Vehicles - Construction of motor vehicle (ICS: 43.040; HS: 87.08), Electric motor vehicle (ICS: 43.120; HS: 87.08).


Road Transport Act 1987, Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Rules 2011 (15 pages, in English and Malay). 15 English and Malay


The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Rules 2011 are amended to include new Rules 9A (approval for construction of motor vehicle) and 9B (requirements for electric motor vehicle). The amendment to the Rules specifies that:

a) Electric motor vehicle (under Rule 9B) shall conform with MS 2413 Specification for Electric Motorcycles; and

b) Construction of motor vehicles (under Rule 9A) shall conform with the UN ECE Regulations 3, 6, 7, 13, 13-H, 14, 17, 25, 28, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 58, 69, 70, 73, 75, 78, 79, 81, 83, 90, 93, 94, 95, 100, 104, 112 and 113.

Last Date For Comment

38 TBT Notification No


Country Malaysia

Product Seven Color Crystal Ball and any other goods which has the same characteristics


Consumer Protection (Prohibition Against Unsafe Goods) Order 2011 (5 pages, in English and Malay)


These measures stipulates the prohibition of import, manufacture, supply or advertise for sale of Seven Color Crystal Ball and any other goods which has the same characteristic. The

characteristics of Seven Color Crystal Ball are it is a multicoloured granules or beads used for decoration and indoor plants which have the ability to absorb fluid and expand when in contact with fluid to form a transparent jelly like appearance. The prohibition is absolute and imposed immediately, effective as the following:

1. Consumer Protection (Prohibition Against Unsafe Goods) Order 2011 - 26 August 2011 2. Customs (Prohibition of Imports)(Amendments)(No. 4) Order 2011 - 1 January 2012

Last Date For Comment

39 TBT Notification No


Country Republic of Korea


The draft text amends the Order of 19 October 2006 concerning the use of processing aids (enzymes) in the manufacture of certain foods and beverages for human consumption.


Proposed revision of a safety standard for electrical appliances subject to the safety certification and the self-regulatory safety confirmation (134 pages, in Korean)


K60335-1(Household and similar electrical appliance V Safety V Part 1: General requirements) will be amended as follows:

- *to set new labelling requirements for the electrical appliances generating ozone in the scope of the Electrical Appliances Safety Control Act in order for the below proposed markings to be indicated on the products and in user manuals; - Safe distance from the areas of products where ozone generation is occurring - A statement that cautions users "to open the windows to let fresh air in during or after the use of the appliances" in order to reduce ozone - A statement of "Do not use the appliances in small and other airtight space".

- For the ozone-generating electrical appliances which have capture, sterilization, and other similar functions and are manufactured only for the use of experts educated in using the products:

- ozone generation rates(g/hr) - safety cautions and guidelines on wearing protective clothing and equipment for the educated experts

* to add safety requirements on a limit value(percentage) for ozone;

- For the electrical appliances providing under one hour of run-time: 1X10-5

- For the electrical appliances providing over one

hour of run-time: 5X10-6

Last Date For Comment


40 TBT Notification No


Country Republic of Korea


Electrical Appliances, and Broadcasting and Telecommunications Equipment


Proposed amendment of the Enforcement Rule of the Electrical Appliances Safety Control Act (available in Korean)


19 items of broadcasting and communications equipment for general use, not professional and special use, will be included in the scope of the Electrical Appliances Safety Control Act:

- Of the 19 items, 11 items including facsimile machines will be subject to self- regulatory safety confirmation;

- The rest (8 items including cell phones and CB (Citizen Band) radio equipment will be designated as the products subject to supplier's confirmation of conformity.

Provisory clauses related to rated input voltages of 11 electrical appliances including washing machines will be deleted from the attached table 2 and 3 of the Enforcement Rule of the Act.

* For all product lists, please

refer to the public notice of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (2012-0115).

Last Date For Comment


41 TBT Notification No


Country Saudi Arabia Product ICS 17.220.20


IEC 61557-12:2009 Electrical Safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 12: Perfomance measuring and monitoring devices (PMD) (73 pages in English)


This regulation specifies requirements for combined performance measuring and monitoring devices that measure and monitor the electrical parameters within electrical distribution systems. These requirements also define the performance, in single and three-phase a.c. or d.c. systems having rated voltages up to 1 000 V a.c. or up to 1 500 V d.c

Last Date For Comment


42 TBT Notification No


Country Saudi Arabia

Product The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization

(SASO) / MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant transport incubators (38 pages, in English ).

Title This regulation provides Particular requirements for infant transport incubators.

Contents This regulation provides Particular requirements for infant transport incubators.

Last Date For Comment


43 TBT Notification No


Country Saudi Arabia Product ICS: 11.040.50


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) / Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-57: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of non-laser light source equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use (51 pages, in Arabic ).


This regulation gives Particular requirements for non-laser light source Medical electrical equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use.

Last Date For Comment


44 TBT Notification No


Country Saudi Arabia Product HS CODE 2004, ICS: 67.020


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Draft Technical Regulation Sacks for the transport of food aid paper sacks (4 pages, in English).


This Draft Technical Regulation is concerned with the specifics of the general characteristics requirements and methods of test of paper sacks.

Last Date For Comment


45 TBT Notification No


Country Saudi Arabia

Product HS CODE 2004, ICS: CODE 67.020


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Draft Technical Regulation - Wall covering in roll form-specification - for finished wall papers, wall vinyl and plastics wall covering (10 pages in English)


This Draft Technical Regulation is concerned with the specific requirements for finished wall papers, wall vinyl and plastics wall coverings, requirements for marking and give the designation system.

Last Date For Comment


46 TBT Notification No


Country South Africa


Foodstuffs for Infants and Young Children. (HS: 2005.40.10 ICS:67) Preparations of flour or meal, of a kind used as infant food or for dietic or culinary purposes.


Regulations relating to Foodstuffs for Infants and Young Children: Draft Regulations (Government Notice R. 184 of 2 March 2012)(37 pages in English)


The Regulations make provisions for labelling, composition, packaging and manufacturing matters and promotion-related matters for foodstuffs for infants and young children.

Foodstuffs for infants and young children to comply with the relevant Codex standards for foods for infants and young children.

To comply with the provisions of the provisions of the International Code for Marketing of Breastmilk substitutes and the subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions.

Last Date For Comment


47 TBT Notification No


Country Togo Product Plastic bags and packaging


Décret N° 20111 003/PR du 05 janvier 2011 fixant les modalités de gestion des sachets et emballages plastiques au Togo (Decree No. 20111 003/PR of 5

January 2011 establishing the procedures for the

management of plastic in French).bags and packaging

in Togo) (5 pages


The notified Decree establishes the procedures for managing the production, importation, distribution, marketing, use, collection and recycling of plastic bags and packaging in Togo.

Article 2 of the Decree prohibits the production, importation, distribution and marketing of non-biodegradable plastic bags and packaging in Togo.

Article 3 authorizes the production, importation, distribution, marketing, use, collection and recycling of:

- Biodegradable plastic bags and packaging; - bags for medical and pharmaceutical use;

- bags used in agricultural activities; - non-toxic food bags. The other articles establish the requirements to be met by producers and marketers of plastic bags and packaging (both biodegradable and non-biodegradable) and by all other persons who use such products in the course of their professional activities

Last Date For Comment

48 TBT Notification


No Country Trinidad And Tobago Product Fertilizers (ICS: 65.080)


TTS 76-19: 20XX - Requirement for Labelling - Part 19: Labelling of Fertilizer (1st Revision) (19 pages, in English).


This standard sets out requirements for the labels of any pre-packed substance that is manufactured, represented, supplied or used as a means of directly or indirectly adding nutrients to the soil and or supplying nutrients to plants.

It is applicable to all fertilizers, including limes and processed manure in packages of all sizes that are sold to end-users.

This standard does not apply to soil conditioners or ameliorants, customer-formula fertilizers and unprocessed manure.

Last Date For Comment


49 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Fluorescent lamps. discharge lamps, 29.140.30


FDUS 903-1, Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications - Part 1: Minimum Performance Standards (MEPS) (22 pages, English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for double-

capped tubular fluorescent lamps with a nominal length of 550 mm to 1500 mm and having nominal lamp wattage of 16 watts or more.

Last Date For Comment


50 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Construction materials and building 01.040.91


FDUS 895-1, Specification for expanded metal - Part 1: Sheet and plates (18 pages in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard covers expanded metal sheets or plates for general use.

Last Date For Comment


51 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Construction materials and building, 01.040.91


FDUS 895-2, Specification for expanded metal - Part 2: Building products (18 pages, English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard covers eight types of building product made from expanded metal and intended for use as a plaster base or as a reinforcing medium for brickwork.

Last Date For Comment


52 TBT G/TBT/N/UGA/205

Notification No

Country Uganda Product Plastics pipes, 23.040.20


FDUS 898-1, Polypropylene (PP) pipes - Part 1: Dimensions (20 pages, English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and tolerances for seamless pipes of circular cross section, made from homopolymer polypropylene (PP-H 100), block copolymer polypropylene (PP-B 80) or random copolymer polypropylene (PP-R 80).

Last Date For Comment


53 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Lamps and related equipment, ICS: 29.140


FDUS 904-1, Performance of electrical lighting equipment - Ballasts for fluorescent lamps - Part 1: Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standards requirements (20 pages, English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the classification of ballasts for a range of fluorescent lamp types according to their Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) and the form of labelling of the EEI, which is generally shown on the ballast rating plate.

Last Date 5/12/2012

For Comment

54 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Refrigerating technology, ICS: 27.200


FDUS 900-1, Performance of household electrical appliances - Refrigerating appliances - Part 1: Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standards requirements (44 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies the energy labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for vapour compression refrigerating appliances that can be connected to mains power

Last Date For Comment


55 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies the energy labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for vapour compression refrigerating appliances that can be connected to mains power


FDUS 902, Self-ballasted lamps for General Lighting Services (GLS) - Performance requirements (20 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies the performance requirements, together with the test methods and conditions required to show compliance of tubular fluorescent and other gas-discharge lamps with integrated means for controlling starting and stab

Last Date For Comment


56 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda Product Textile fabrics, 59.080.30

Title FDUS 950, Disposable baby diapers - Specification (24 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for disposable baby diapers.

Last Date For Comment


57 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Proposed Blood Regulations (59 pages, in English and French)


FDUS 903-1, Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications - Part 1: Minimum Performance Standards (MEPS) (22 pages, English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for double-capped tubular

fluorescent lamps with a nominal length of 550 mm to 1500 mm and having nominal lamp wattage of 16 watts or more.

Last Date For Comment


58 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for double-capped tubular fluorescent lamps with a nominal length of 550 mm to 1500 mm and having nominal lamp wattage of 16 watts or more.


FDUS 903-2, Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications - Part 2: Procedure for quantitative analysis of mercury present in fluorescent lamps (22 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for quantitative analysis of mercury present in fluorescent lamps that are used in general lighting service.

Last Date For Comment


59 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda Product Plastics pipes, 23.040.20

Title FDUS 898-2, Types 1, 2 and 3 Polypropylene (PP) pipes -

Part 2: General quality requirements and testing (18 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements and the relevant methods of test for seamless pipes of circular cross section made from propylene homo polymers (PP-H) (type 1), thermoplastic propylene impact copolymers (PP-B) (type 2) or thermoplastic propylene random copolymers (type 3)

Last Date For Comment


60 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda


Meat, meat products and other animal produce - Meat and meat products, 67.120.10

Title DUS 739:2012, Sausages - Specification (18 pages, in English)


This Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for sausages intended for use as food or as an ingredient in other foods.

Last Date For Comment


61 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Meat, meat products and other animal produce - Poultry and eggs, 67.120.20

Title DUS 917:2012, Dressed poultry - Specification (16

pages, in English)


This Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for dressed poultry. It applies to poultry including chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, guinea fowl or any other domesticated bird.

Last Date For Comment


62 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda


Meat, meat products and other animal produce - Meat and meat products, 67.120.10

Title DUS 931:2012, Minced meat - Specification, (14 pages, in English)


This Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for minced meat intended for use as food or as an ingredient in foods.

Last Date For Comment


63 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda


Meat, meat products and other animal produce - Meat and meat products, 67.120.10


DUS 932:2012, Bovine (beef) carcass and cuts - Specification, (12 pages, English)

Contents This Draft Uganda Standard specifies methods of grading and grades of beef livestock

and carcasses thereof, meant for human consumption. The standard also defines major portions of meat cuts from the carcasses for sale.

Last Date For Comment


64 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda Product Rotating machinery, 29.160


FDUS 905-1, Rotating electrical machines - General requirements - Part 1: Three phase cage induction motors - High efficiency and Minimum Energy Performance Standards requirements (22 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard applies to three-phase cage induction motors with ratings from 0.73 kW and up to but not including 185 kW. The scope covers motors of rated voltages up to 1100 V a.c.

Last Date For Comment


65 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda Product Home textiles, linen, 97.160


FDUS 914-1, Bed blankets - Part 1: Blankets made from suitable flame resistant fabrics - Specification (14 pages, in English).

Contents This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, method of

sampling and test for a flame resistant blanket composed of suitable flame resistant fabrics.

Last Date For Comment


66 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Pipeline components and pipelines, 23.040


FDUS 927, Polyethylene/aluminium/ polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) and polyethylene-RT/aluminium/ polyethylene-RT (PERT-AL-PERT) composite pressure pipes - Specification (30 pages, in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specification covers a coextruded polyethylene composite pressure pipe ranging from 12 mm to 110 mm in diameter. These pipes are used for conveyance of water supply for domestic and industrial purposes including internal and external plumbing, air conditioning, heating installations, CNG, LPG and chemical transportation.

Last Date For Comment


67 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Surgical instruments and materials, 11.040.30

Title FDUS 966-1, Medical devices - Surgical gowns, drapes and clean air suits -

Part 1: General requirements (16 pages, in English)


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies information to be supplied to users and third party verifiers, in addition to the usual labelling of medical devices, concerning manufacturing and processing requirements.

Last Date For Comment


68 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda


Draft Commission Implementing Regulation on the performance of pharmacovigilance activities provided for in Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and Directive 2001/83/EC (35 pages, in English).


FDUS 966-1, Medical devices - Surgical gowns, drapes and clean air suits - Part 3: Performance requirements and performance levels (16 pages in English).


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies performance requirements for surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits.

Last Date For Comment


69 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Semi-manufactures of timber, 79.080


DUS EAS 322, Wood poles and blocks for power and telecommunication lines - Specification (19 pages, in English)


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies materials and performance requirements for solid wood poles.

Last Date For Comment


70 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Wood-protecting chemicals, 71.100.50


DUS EAS 326, Copper/chromium/arsenic composition for the preservation of timber - Specification, (14 pages in English)


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements for two types of water-borne preservatives containing mixtures of compounds of copper (ii), chromium (vi) and arsenic (v).

Last Date For Comment


71 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product Coffee and coffee substitutes, 67.140.20


FDUS EAS 105, Roasted coffee beans and roasted ground coffee - Specification (33 pages, in English)

Contents This Final Draft Uganda Standard prescribes the

requirements and methods of sampling and test for roasted coffee beans and roasted ground coffee.

Last Date For Comment


72 TBT Notification No


Country Uganda

Product FDUS EAS 130, Green coffee beans - Specification, (17 pages, English)


This Final FDUS EAS 130, Green coffee beans - Specification, (17 pages, English)


This Final Draft Uganda Standard specifies requirements for green coffee beans. It applies to Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee.

Last Date For Comment


73 TBT Notification No


Country Ukraine


Goods and services supplied for distribution, consumption and use in Ukraine, except: medicines intended for human use; veterinary preparations; medical products; products containing substances, preparations and mixtures which are classified according to the norms and standards of Ukraine as a toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, dangerous for the environment, except certain categories of products that are technically impossible

to replace with the alternatives or general environmental characteristics of products are much higher compared to other products in the same category, under compulsory condition that content of hazardous substances does not exceed 0.1 per cent of mass products.


Resolution of Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine No 529 of 18 May 2011 "On approval of the Technical Regulation on Ecological labelling", (9 pages in Ukrainian language).


The Technical Regulation lays down requirements concerning the conferment and application of optional (voluntary) ecological labelling in Ukraine, regulates the procedure of drafting and revision of ecological criteria.

It also contains: general provisions on ecological labelling, basic requirements for ecological labelling application, elaboration, introduction and implementation of ecological criteria, application of ecological labelling (claim for conduction of ecological criteria's conformity assessment, requirements for granting certificate on ecological labelling, the period of necessary documents verification and applicant information, the rights and obligations of economic agent on placement of ecological labelling).

Voluntary application of this

Technical Regulation by the enterprises - from 2012. Revision of the Technical Regulation with purpose of improvement of its implementation and application (if necessary) - in 2014.

Last Date For Comment

74 TBT Notification No


Country United Arab Emirates Product ICS: 67.180


UAE GCC draft technical regulation for Molasses (6 Pages in English, 6 pages in Arabic).


This draft technical regulation is concerned with regulation for Molasses, which specifies the definitions of the product, and the quality requirements, sampling ,methods of testing, transportation and storage and labeling.

Last Date For Comment


75 TBT Notification No


Country United Arab Emirates


This document specifies the test method of in vitro 3T3 NRU phototoxicity for chemical raw materials used by cosmetic.


UAE GCC draft technical regulation for high fructose syrup (42 and 55%) (6 pages in English, 7 pages in Arabic).


This draft technical regulation is concerned with high fructose syrup (42 and 55%) which is used in the food Manufacturing, which specifies the definitions of the product, and the quality requirements, sampling ,methods of testing, transportation and storage and labelling

Last Date For Comment


76 TBT Notification No


Country United State Of America

Product Toy safety (ICS: 01.120, 97.200)


Acceptance of ASTM F963-11 as a Mandatory Consumer Product Safety Standard (1 page, in English).


The Consumer Product Safety Commission ("CPSC", "Commission", or "we") is announcing that we have accepted the revised ASTM F963-11 standard titled, Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety. Pursuant to section 106 of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, ASTM F963-11 will become a mandatory consumer product safety standard effective 12 June 2012.

Last Date For Comment

77 TBT Notification


No Country United State Of America

Product Meat and poultry products (ICS 03.080, 13.120, 67.120)


Notification, Documentation, and Recordkeeping Requirements for Inspected Establishments (8 pages, English)


The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is proposing to implement provisions of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 by adopting regulations that require official establishments to promptly notify the appropriate District Office that an adulterated or misbranded meat or poultry product has entered commerce; require official establishments to prepare and maintain current procedures for the recall of meat and poultry products produced and shipped by the establishment; and require official establishments to document each reassessment of the establishment's process control plans, that is, its Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point plans.

Last Date For Comment


78 TBT Notification No


Country United State Of America

Product Appliance labelling (ICS 13.020, 97.030)

Title Rule Concerning Disclosures Regarding Energy

Consumption and Water Use of Certain Home Appliances and Other Products Required Under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act ("Appliance Labelling Rule") (13 pages, English)


The Commission proposes several amendments to improve the Appliance Labelling Rule by streamlining requirements for manufacturers, increasing the availability of labels for consumers, and clarifying various aspects of the Rule. Specifically, the proposed amendments would eliminate duplicative reporting requirements for manufacturers, introduce a uniform method for attaching labels to appliances, place Energy Guide labels on room air conditioner boxes instead of on the products themselves, improve current Web site disclosures, and revise ceiling fan labels. The proposed amendments also would clarify enforcement rules for data reporting, testing access, and Web site disclosures. The Commission requests comments on these proposed changes. In addition, as a part of the Commission's systematic review of its regulations and guides, the Commission seeks comments on the Rule's overall costs and benefits and its overall regulatory and economic impact.

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