Page 1: Deconstruction of my digi pack

Deconstruction of my Digi Pack

In this PowerPoint I have deconstructed different elements of my product to show how I have met the conventions of the genre.

Page 2: Deconstruction of my digi pack

My Digi Pack

My Digi Pack is another of my

products which I have showed

a continual theme with my

Magazine Advert. I have made

sure that the Pack meets the

needs of my genre and attracts

the listeners by the look.

Throughout the PowerPoint I

have stated why I have chose

and completed what I have.

Page 3: Deconstruction of my digi pack

Deconstruction 1

This is the front cover to my Digi Pack. The design and the layout is much

like my Magazine advert to show a continual theme but also to meet the

genre conventions. The way the design isn’t too confusing and says what it is

works. I have used the same text and graphic and colours like on my

magazine advert to show they are the same. The review from a well known

music company will attract the listeners and perhaps want to see them live.

The way it is a white sticker works to make it stand out.

Page 4: Deconstruction of my digi pack

Deconstruction 2

This is the back and part of the front of my Digi Pack. From my research I

have found that there are things seen through existing products. For this

reason I included a barcode, additional information being the website, track list

and a record label. I still used thee same colours that I have sued throughout

and included a graphic of a pulse rate in green that linked through to the front

for the band name. this shows flow throughout the product. I then on the side

information again just included the band name and album name in the simple

colours and the same text. The track names were all about relationships

similar to the main video track.

Page 5: Deconstruction of my digi pack

Deconstruction 3

This is the inside cover of my Digi Pack and for this I have used a picture of

my band. I took this in the mise-en-scene of outside which allowed me to get

good lighting effects. The actors have allowed me to meet genre expectations

for example the long hair and the strong female. The picture isn’t forced and

the way at which I have edited it makes it look professional but meets the

genre expectations. The inside cover were the CD lies is a collage of pictures

were I have varied the shot type from band members playing, group photos,

single shots, them messing on meeting the genre expectations as they aren't

so serious.

Page 6: Deconstruction of my digi pack


Layout:- the layout allowed me to

show something like my Magazine

Advert. I have made the Best Girl

in a similar position to the

magazine advert. The layout is

organised and there isn’t too much

going on. Again it fits with the

genre conventions, what you see

is what you get.

Visuals:- the visuals are the easy

reading of the back and the

continuation of the graphics

throughout my products. The

images allow listeners to see what

band members are like, the

images meet the conventions by

the laid back approach.

Copy:- all information there

needed, i.e. website. Straight to

the point for the listeners. The

position of each text item works