Euthanasia Euthanasia By: Nefri Godoy Period. 5 Ms. Brown


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EuthanasiaEuthanasiaBy: Nefri GodoyPeriod. 5Ms. Brown

From the Geek word meaning “good death”

It came from the 5th Century B.C.-1st Century B.C.

Main believer against Euthanasia: Saint Thomas Aquinas(Catholic theologian and philosopher)

Goes against religion beliefs

Euthanasia was once legal in the Northern Territory of Australia

It’s legal in Belgium, Canada, Colombia, India, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, and in the Netherlands.

Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland and in the US states of Washington, Oregon, Vermont and Montana.

Euthanasia: legalizedIt prevents people from suffering (prevention of cruelty and protection of human rights).

People are free to make their own decisions

Terminal illness

More cost effective

Euthanasia: IllegalReligion

Allows the act of suicide to be seen as okay

People with mental health problems are not qualified to make this decisions

Devastating effects on medical practice and research
