Respiratory System(RS) Pulmonar y system

Respiratory System

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Notes on Respiratory System for Medical Transcriptionist

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Page 1: Respiratory System

Respiratory System(RS)Pulmonary system

Page 2: Respiratory System

Respiratory unit

Page 3: Respiratory System

Pleura & Mediastinum

• Two in number: Visceral & Parietal

• Space between them is the pleural space

Mediastinum is a space extending from sternum to thoracic vertebra

It is divided into Anterior, Middle & Posterior containing the Thymus, pericardium& heart, esophagus, trachea & large blood /lymphatics

Page 4: Respiratory System

• AFB: Acid Fast bacillus• A/E: air entry to lungs or accident/emergency R(R): resiratory rate• ARDS:adult respiratory distress syndrome• COPD/COAD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease SOB;short of breath• CPR: cardio pulmonary resuscitation HBO: hyperbaric oxygenation• CTA: clear to auscultation cccc:closed chest cardiac

compression• CXR: chest x ray• DPT: diphtheria pertusis tetanus• FVC: forced vital capacity• ICU: intensive care unit• IMV: intermittent mandatory ventilation• LLL: left lower lobe• LUL: left upper lobe• Paco2: partial presuure of oxygen• Pco2: partial pressure of co2• Po2:• PCP: pnemocystitis carinii pneumonia• PFT: Pulmonary function test• PEEP:positive end expiratory volume• RDS:respiratory distress syndrome• RLL/RUL:right lower lobe/right upper lobe• SOB: shortness of breath• TB: tuberculosis• URI/LRI: upper/lower respiratory infection• V/q scan: ventilation perfusion scan• P/F(R): peak flow rate


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Symptoms & signs• Apnoe: temporary stoppage of breathing• Eupnoea: normal breathing• Dypsnoe: difficulty in breathing• Hyperpnoea: increase in depth of breathing• Tachpnoe: excessive rapid breathing• Haemoptysis: vomit of blood in cough• Asphyxia: interference of respiration, leads to absence of pulse• Haemothorax: blood in pleural cavity• Pyothorax: pus in pleural cavity• Hypercapnia: excessive co2 in the blood• Orthopnea: breathing in upright position• Cyanosis: blueness of skin• Hypoxia: deficiency in o2• Dysphonia: hoarseness of voice• Epistaxis: nasal bleed• Stridor:noisy breathing• Dead space• Tidal volume

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Pathological conditions in RS• Croup: acute respiratory syndrome, characterized by obstruction in larynx,

cough, stridor• Diptheria:• Pertusis(whooping cough)• Asthma• Bronchitis• Atelectasis• Emphysema• Pneumoconiosis• Pneumonia• Pulmonary abscess• Pulmonary embolism (PE)• Pnemothorax• Tuberculosis• Mesothelioma• Bronchogenic carcinoma• Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis• Carbon monoxide poisoning• Asbestosis• SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome• PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure

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Clinical test & Drugs

• Chest x ray• CT scan• Pulmonary angiography• MRI test• V/Q Scan• Bronchoscopy• Bronchography • Endotracheal intubation• Laryngoscopy• PFT: pulmonary function test• Thoracocentesis• Thoracotomy• Tracheostomy• TB test• Tracheostomy • Tube thoracostomy• Respirator

Pulmonary drugs:

Bronchodilators: albuterol, terbutaline



Page 8: Respiratory System

CPR consist of A,B,C & Heimlich manouverve