Collingswood Presbyterian Church - · 09/11/2012  · Collingswood Presbyterian...


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Collingswood Presbyterian Church September 7, 2014

30 Fern Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108

Telephone: 856-854-4523 ♦ Fax: 856-854-4460



The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew, Pastor

William Powell, Director of Music

Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education

Joan Hafer, Secretary

Chris Keeley, Custodian


September 7, 2014 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Silent Prayer

Child of God: with the anxious heart of a parent waiting at midnight,

you long for us to come home, your arms aching to hold us.

When all others have turned away from us, you throw open t

he gates of the kingdom, inviting us in to share at the Table of hope

prepared just for us. Amen.

Welcome and Announcements We welcome you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Please sign the guest book in the narthex so we can send you a welcome packet.

Gathering of Prayer Concerns and Joys Please raise your hand to share your joys or concerns to be included in the prayers of the people this day. You may also write your concern on the pink sheets and hand to the Pastor. Please mail a prayer card from the narthex to your loved one.

Centering Music - “Thou Art Worthy” STF# 2041 Thou art worthy, thou art worthy, thou art worthy O Lord,

to receive glory, glory and honor, glory and honor and power.

For thou has created, hast all things created;

thou hast created all things.

And for thy pleasure they are created; thou art worthy, O Lord.

(*Please stand for items marked with an asterisk. GTG is the purple “Glory to

God” hymnal. STF is the “Sing the Faith” smaller blue hymnal)

Call to Worship

L: We gather here, where God would teach us: P: so we may learn to be more compassionate, so we may be taught how to be more loving. L: We gather here, where Jesus would teach us P: the wisdom to choose forgiveness over holding a grudge, the language of hope so we may speak to all. L: We gather here, where the Spirit imparts wisdom, P: so we might know how to share grace, so we would learn to welcome all to this Table.

*Hymn - “God is Calling through the Whisper” GTG # 410

*Prayer of Confession

L: In worship and at work, in life and in loss, now and in every

moment, Christ is among us: loving us, teaching us, and hoping to

lead us. But we focus on those needs, on those desires that keep us

from recognizing him. Let us confess all that we have done against

God and others, as we pray,

ALL: All you ask of us is to love one another, God of our lives, and

you are more than willing to teach us how. Yet we find this simple

request so hard to carry out, this easy lesson so difficult to

learn Someone cuts us off in traffic, and we curse them. Another

buys something we want but cannot afford, and we overflow

with jealousy. A friend gets the acclaim we wanted, and we

whisper about them behind their backs.

Forgive us, Merciful God, and unclasp our hands from our

grudges. With Christ in our midst, we can become the people your

dream about: loving, merciful, gentle, and compassionate people

of God.

silence is kept

Words of Assurance

L: We have gathered as God's people:

broken, we are made whole; alone, we are welcomed into a

family; forgiven, we are sent to serve.

P: Fed, forgiven, restored, loved. This Table is our constant

reminder of God's presence in our lives, of God's grace which

makes us new in every moment. Thanks be to God! Amen.

. *Response - “O How He Loves You and Me” STF #2108

O how he loves you and me! O how he loves you and me! He gave his life. What more could he give? O how he loves you; O how he loves me; O how he loves you and me!

Jesus to Calv’ry did go; his love for sinners to show. What he did there brought hope from despair. O how he loves you; O how he loves me; O how he loves you and me!

*Sharing of the Peace

Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.

People: And also with you.


Children’s Sermon

(Children are to remain in service.)

Musical Offering

Epistle Lesson : Romans 13:8-14

*Hymn - “Make me a Channel of Your Peace” GTG # 753

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 18: 15-20

Sermon: “How to Win BIG!” The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew


*Affirmation of Faith Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,

And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. Offering

If our lives were to end tonight, would we be prepared to give good account of our stewardship? Or are we still pulling down our barns to

build larger ones, while God says, “Fool!...the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” Let us share our treasures.

Prayer of Dedication

HYMN “In the Singing” GTG #533

The Lord’s Supper


Prayer of Thanksgiving

Leader: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Leader: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them to the Lord.

Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Leader: It is truly right and our greatest joy. . .

And join their unending hymn singing, (Hymn GTG #552)

People: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,

God of power and might.

Heaven and Earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest!

Hosanna in the highest!

Leader: Blessed are you, O Lord Most high…

(Prayers of intercession, petition and the Lord’s Prayer)

The Words of Institution

The Distribution of the Elements

(We invite you to come forward to receive communion. If you are unable,

please tell the ushers and Pastor Kate will bring communion to you.)

Prayer After Communion (unison)

God of abundance, with this bread of life and cup of salvation

you have united us with Christ, making us one with all your

people. Now send us forth in the power of your Spirit, that we

may proclaim your redeeming love to the world and continue

forever in the risen life of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Please join us in the lounge for coffee iced tea, lemonade and fellowship time.


*Hymn: “ Let us Talents and Tongues Employ” GTG #526


* Organ Response


If you are a visitor, please sign the Fellowship Book in the narthex so we know you are here!

Sunday, September 7 , 2014

Large print bulletins and hymnals are available for your convenience. If you have difficulty hearing, personal amplifiers are available in the narthex.

Parents, please pick up a worship activity bag for your children. Please return the bags to the narthex after the service.


for your service!

Reader: Linda Herzog

Deacon of the Day: Martha Jane Caldwell-Bates

Greeters & Ushers: The Malvadkar & Ostrem Family

Communion Servers: Elders Barbara Bockmann & Karen Mazak

Fellowship Hosts: Louanna Sills & Dawn Norton

Flowers: The flowers today are given by Paul and Linda Young in

memory of Cora and Edward Schmidt.

Sunday School: Sunday School starts next week September 15. To-

day children should remain in the worship service.

Nursery - There or NO nursery workers today. The nursery will be open with A/C and you can volunteer to work the nursery this sum-mer, but, there will be no paid staff. If you are interested in helping in the nursery please sign up on the sheet on the door in the nursery.


Sun., 9/7 10:00 am - Worship

11:00 am - Fellowship - lounge

Mon., 9/8 7:00 pm Session Meeting

Wed., 9/10 11:00 am - Staff Meeting

Sun., 9/14 9:30 am Rally Day Pancake breakfast Dining Room

10:30 am Worship

11:30 am displays in Back of Church

(no coffee hour)


Toddler Play Group: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am

(Open to the community parents and toddlers)

Spring of Life Church:

Sunday - 1:00 - 2:30 pm - Sanctuary

Wed. & Fri. - 8:00 - 9:30 pm - Jr. Rm.

REMINDER: Now is the time to “Catch Up” on

your church financial commitment. If you did not

make a pledge in last year’s stewardship campaign

then now is a good time to start. Why not match

your monthly cable or cell phone bill?

There will be no more activities this summer

during Sunday School Time. Children will

REMAIN in service. There are coloring sheets

and activity sheets in the bags in the Narthex. Sunday school will

resume on Rally Day September 14, 2014.

Please see Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education to sign

up to help with Sunday school in the fall of 2014.

Also, if you have a child in Sunday School, please join our Facebook page:

Collingswood Presbyterian Church Sunday School.

Youth Group will resume on September 14, 2014.

6:30- 8:00 pm We will meet our New Seminarian,

Noha Khoury at that time.

Stay tuned for a Parents/Youth planning meeting in August, to plan

next year’s activities and fundraisers.

If you have not done so already, please join our Youth Group Facebook Page:

Collingswood Presbyterian Youth Group.

It is a good way to keep in touch and up to date on youth group info

and activities. YOUTH THIS MEANS YOU TOO!

Equal Exchange Coffee -Always Available

By choosing Fair Trade coffee you enable small-scale farmers to

support themselves, their families and their communities. When

you purchase it through the Presbyterian Coffee Project, you are

directly supporting the Presbyterian Hunger Program's essential

relief and development work around the world. Last year,

Presbyterian congregations and communities across the U.S.

purchased 107,425 pounds of fairly traded products from Equal

Exchange. As a result Equal Exchange made a $16,113 donation

to PC(USA). To learn more about the Presbyterian Coffee Project,

go to

Equal Exchange coffee and tea is always for sale at Collingswood

Presbyterian Church. There is a poster-list in the church lounge of

the products we have in stock. If you would like to purchase

coffee or tea or are interested in this mission project, talk to Lorrie

Heuser either at church or by email (

Please check the flower book in the Narthex and sign up to dedicate the flowers in the church to honor, or in memory of, a loved one.

Flowers are needed for 10/5, 11/2, 11/16


St. Paul’s Food Pantry has a tremendous need for cold ce-

real, tuna, canned meat, peanut butter, and jelly. If you

are able pick up clothes or dish detergent at the store, be-

cause they are not covered by Food Stamps (SNAP).

A BIG Hearty Thanks goes to all who contributed supplies and cash

donations to the Back pack project this fall. We assembled 23 back-

packs. 10 went to Sharpe School here in Collingswood. The rest went

through the Homeless Outreach program. West Jersey Presbytery

awarded us with a gift of $100 this summer to supplement our dona-

tions. Again, thank you so much!!!

Let there be Music!!! Come and Join !!!

Handbell rehearsals resume on Wednesday,, September 17

Intermediate Youth - 5:30; Advanced Youth - 6:15;

Adult Memorial Choir - 7:30

Chancel Choir practice resumes Thursday September 11, 7:00pm

RALLY DAY Next Sunday, September 14 !!!

Worship at 10:30 am

Pancake Breakfast - 9:30 am in the lower Dining Hall

Don’t forget to come early and join us for our annual Rally Day treat - breakfast prepared with love by your deacons.

Registration for Sunday School - in the Narthex

Sunday School: We are very excited about the new Sunday School year starting!!! Sunday School is available for ages Preschool -5th grade. Sunday School begins after the Children’s Sermon. Parents can pick up their Children in Calvin Hall after church service.

Regular Sunday School will begin on September 21nd. We will con-

tinue to break the classes down as we did last year. We will have a

pre-reader group that will be Preschool – Kindergarten; the name for

that group will be the Sheep. Our next group will be 1st and 2nd grade;

that group will be known as the Shepherds. The oldest group for Sun-

day School will be 3rd – 5th grade; they will be known as the Disciples. We will be using a new version of our curriculum entitled Shine. We will also be doing some seasonal crafts and activities again this year. Please ask your little ones about “What they learned in Sunday School” to continue the conversation at home…You can also share what you “learned” at church, too!





Birthdays: Mark Eife, Louanna Sills, Brooke Truong Anniversaries: Martha Jane Caldwell and Fred Bates Seminarians: Chris McNabb. Richard Aylor, and Noha Khoury

Those who serve in government, our military personnel, & those who

work in other countries. Our country, our president, and our leaders Our troops in Afghanistan and around the world Military personnel - Jennifer Riippa Jessica Lowden - working in Ghana

Those at home or in a care facilities Elizabeth Baggett Harry Binder Robert Johnson

Dorothy Varnum Jean Waitz

Pray for Health and Wellness Ray Burns Sal Ferraro Judy Grantham Frank Griffin Sam Jang Do-Soon Bob Lowden Carol Rowand Jay Sills Darla Hartman Rich Smith The Stone Family Colleen Ellis Jeffrey Patterson Lizzy Scotland Bob Whenna Rachel Minnick Steven Salmon Marion Mills Fred Heuser Dottie Strewski

Please pick up a prayer card in the narthex and mail it to these loved ones for whom we pray.

Rev. Debby Brincivalli & Staff of West Jersey Presbytery First Presbyterian Church of Wildwood

Our PCUSA mission in New Zealand Juan G. Hall Presbyterian Church, Cardenas, Cuba

Njikob Presbyterian Church, Cameroon

If you are going into the hospital or would like a pastoral visit, please call or have a family member call the church office or one of the deacons or elders.

If you don’t call, we are going to assume you don’t want a visit!

Please remember to fill out a new pink form. with each update for the prayer list.

CHURCH STAFF AND OFFICERS - 2014 The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew, Pastor

William Powell, Director of Music Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Ed Joan Hafer, Church Secretary Chris Keeley, Custodian

Maryann Kelly, Bookkeeper


(Meets second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.) Melissa Corso, Clerk of Session

Candace Lowden, President, Board of Trustees Barbara Bockmann, Financial Secretary & Treasurer


(Meets first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.) Lorrie Heuser, Moderator Tom Wolfe, Vice-Moderator Karen Mazak, Secretary Martha Jane Caldwell Bates, Treasurer

[Terms begin Feb 1 of each year or upon Ordination/Installation] Rev. 7/1/14

Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016

Keith Haines Mike Amato Jennifer Giordano

Melissa Corso Jeff Hirt

Candace Lowden Karen Schuehler

Committees of Session Chair

Christian Growth Keith Haines & Karen Schuehler

Finance and Stewardship Jeff Hirt

Mission and Outreach Moderator

Congregational Life Jennifer Giordano

Memorial Candace Lowden

Personnel Melissa Corso

Nominating Candace Lowden

Property Mike Amato

Worship and Arts Moderator

Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016

Lorrie Heuser Louanna Sills Tom Wolfe

Jane Trent Martha Caldwell-Bates Jean Harle

Erica Werner Karen Mazak Richard Herzog

Our Vision Statement (What we want to be)

We seek to become:

A church that witnesses to the community and the world by sharing and demonstrating our relationship with Christ.

A church that encourages all people to know God’s great love revealed in Jesus Christ.

A church that faithfully listens for God’s will for our lives and our community

A community of God that is an open, inviting, caring family of faith where all are embraced, accepted and loved.

Our Mission Statement (How we will accomplish this vision)

The Collingswood Presbyterian Church Congregation, as part of the Christian Church, Presbyterian Church USA, is called to Worship and Serve the Lord by:

Constantly seeking renewal through God’s Grace and Wisdom.

Welcoming and reaching out to all of God’s community.

Providing for education in Christian and Presbyterian principles

Ministering to everyone through community and worldwide mission.

Sharing the Christian message as expressed in the Gospel.


Fall 2014

Why Join a Grow Group?

Grow in your own faith and relationship with God. Grow in your relationship with members of our church. Develop meaningful relationships with Presbyterians from sur-

rounding congregations. Develop leadership skills to help serve our congregations. See how Presbyterians in Audubon, Barrington, Collingswood,

and Haddon Heights can work together for Christ in our communities. Grow Group Study starting in October

This Fall, get “Connected” to your life in the church. All groups will explore Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians through Thom S. Rainer’s study: Connected. Come to discover the true benefits that come from our connections to Christ and our Churches. Your bond to your church family is just as important as paying the bills and rais-ing your family! So join us as we explore six ways to better connect: in Christ, in unity, in growth, through words, in service, and through prayer. Grow Group Times-- Beginning Week of October 5 for Six Weeks:

Sundays at 2pm at FPC, Haddon Heights, Led by Eliza Cramer Mondays at 7pm at FPC, Barrington, Led by Alaina Walton Wednesdays at 10:30am at Collingswood PC, Led by Don Painter Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Logan Memorial PC in Audubon, Led by

Kate Killebrew

Please check which group works best for you and place the

completed form in the offering plate or turn in to the office.


Phone and/or email:

Sunday 2 PM ____ Monday 7 PM ____

Wednesday 10:30 AM_____ Wednesday 6:30 PM_____

____ (number) Please order the participants book at $10.00

(put check in offering plate or mail to church office)
