Aronagh coaching & mentoring portfolio 2015


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© Aronagh 2015

Coaching & Mentoring

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Aronagh’s Coaching Focus Executive Coaching 4

Leadership 6

Performance 8

Life Coaching 10

Career & Role Transition 11

Resilience & Stress 12

Deep Transformation 13

Somatic Breakthrough 14

Change Weaving 15

Mentoring 16

In a world, where a lot of us wear social and business masks, where keeping up appearances prevents us from step change and evolutionary learning, coaching is a space where we can drop our masks, open and relax fully into who we truly are - without judgement.

The coaching conversation welcomes and allows those often neglected and silenced parts of ourselves to emerge, share and evolve into who we want to be. This helps us to release those energies that we expend on ignoring parts of ourselves or struggling with external circumstances, decisions, and limitations. Coaching gives us the space to learn from within, bring out and develop strengths and talents we did not know we possessed, and take us right to the edge and beyond to what we believed was possible for us.

We offer coaching for individuals and teams, packaged coaching programmes and mentoring. Special rates are available for people working in the voluntary sector. For self-funded individuals: if financial worries or constraints are holding you back, speak with us. We work with you to put together a mutually agreeable solution. For further information, contact us: or +44 845 900 5754.

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How we work Our coaching approach is presence, outcome and future focused. We facilitate you arriving at answers, insights and solutions that are authentically yours. We are committed to you achieving your goals and visions, and work in partnership with you to enable you to make the step changes you need to make to get there.

Our coaching style encompasses active listening, asking intuitive and pragmatic questions, and providing incisive challenge of assumptions, limitations, negative self-talk. We help you identify emotional cul-de-sacs and unconscious patterns, and when you are ready, we use our powerful arsenal of processes and techniques to assist you in transforming and integrating them. This may involve dealing with past events and traumas – we focus on releasing the energetic grip these events have you in the Here and Now: your work, your beliefs, your relationships, your body, your life.

And, when you need it, we provide direction in the form of specific coaching processes, off-line exercises and self-reflective work in between our sessions.

What results can you expect? Expanded self-awareness and shaper understanding of who you are, and how you impact &

influence others,

Clarity of what you truly want and what steps and action to take next to get there,

Increasing flexibility of behaviour, allowing you to do things differently so you get the results you want,

Reduced internal conflict, and as result a decrease stress and energy drainers,

Improved performance, flow and sense of achievement at work and at home,

Raised level of emotional intelligence, allowing you work with your emotions and strengthen your resilience,

Growing ease of accessing and utilising your strengths, embody change and new perspectives.

Your coaching options

We provide a number of different coaching options, including:

Face to face, phone (global conference call line) or Skype (phone & video)

Typical 1:1 sessions are 45 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours; typical team sessions are 2-3 hours.

One-off sessions, call-off packages, 3 months or 6 months programmes available

We also offer breakthrough sessions when you need deeper shifts – usually of 4-6 hours duration.

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Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching approach is geared towards

transformational, sustainable, and long-term change rather

than quick hitting, and short-lived inventions.

Our coaches work in partnership with our clients, acting as

a sounding board, providing positive challenge to

established thinking patterns and stimulate the client’s

creative resources and learning potential. Our coaches also

provide specialist tools and techniques when appropriate to

enhance the client’s learning and impact.

Our particular focus is on leadership and performance.

Inspirational Quote "I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way

to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable." John Russell, CEO

How we work with you?

We typically work with our executive coaching clients between 6 months to 12 months, face to face or over

the phone/skype, or a combination. Most clients select monthly session of 1-2 hours. We offer unlimited

phone and e-mail support in-between sessions.

After an initial exploratory session where both client and coach can discover if they are a good match, and

establish clear outcomes for the on-going coaching relationship, we contract with the client and their

organisation. All interactions between coach and client are confidential, and will not be shared with anyone

unless at request of the client.

We will offer the use of 360’s, personality profile assessments and/or psychometrics if the client wishes this

or work with those already in use in the client’s organisation.

What our clients are saying:

“Bettina’s passion and intensity makes working with her very rewarding, she is not afraid to ‘cut to the chase’ so that the sessions quickly provoke thought and positive change.” Board Member, Media Company

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Executive Coaching: Leadership

Leading others Leaders today need to adopt very different leadership styles to

leaders in the past.

‘Followers’ no longer follow commands or hierarchical

positions; they want be heard, led by authentic people and

encouraged to develop. Leaders need to learn new ways to

connect and engage with people, to motivate and enable them,

to serve them, whilst satisfying the demands of corporate life

and staying true to themselves.

Leaders today need to create the known in uncertain,

ambiguous, and ever changing business environments; most

people operate most effectively in the ‘known’ rather than the unknown. Leaders need to create meaning of

effort. Only when effort means something to people are they truly motivated to give their all, and release the

so called ‘discretionary effort’.

In our leadership coaching, we help you to discover your own unique and authentic strengths, how you impact on others and how you can flex your behaviours authentically to increase the influence and impact you have on others. We help you to discover your values, and how use them to become an even more inspiring leader.

Leading yourself Self-leadership is key – leaders need to practice what they preach, go first where they want others to go. This

also means that you need to be fully committed to your own developmental change and transformation –

changing limiting thinking, habits and patterns.

People want to be inspired, therefore as a leader, you need to know your own source of inspiration and be

able to access that especially when times are tough, stressful and changeable.

In our coaching sessions, we will help you to identify and transform those patterns that are holding you back,

and make you a less effective leader. We facilitate your own journey of discovery of what motivates and

inspires you, and help you develop a regular practice so you can tap into your creative and inspirational

source when you need it.

Inspirational Quote “Leadership is a series of behaviors rather than a role for heroes.”

Margaret Wheatley

Check out our 6-months Leadership coaching programme.

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Executive Coaching: Leadership: 6-months Leadership Programme Leadership is about being and embodying, rather than doing and efforting. When we ‘embody’ or ‘are’, we

express those qualities that motivate others to keep going and support our vision and us, as leader.

Inspirational Quote “You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going

to that place and making a case.” Ken Kesey

In our signature 6-months Leadership Coaching Programme, we focus on those qualities that you wish to

embody more congruently and those you wish to amplify.

What do we cover?

Guided by your needs and goals, we will focus on leadership qualities essential for you, such as:






















In each session we are likely to include one or more of following elements of successful leadership styles:

Body Language (Voice, Movement, Postures, Gestures and Facial Expression) & Involuntary Response

Verbal Language & Expression

Self-Awareness & Self-Management

Awareness of Others & Personal Impact

Situational Awareness & Energetic Impact

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Executive Coaching: Leadership: 6-Months Leadership Programme

Who is this for? Our 6-month programme is ideal for leaders, who:

have been newly appointed into a leadership role and who wish to discover their leadership style,

are experienced at leadership and are keen to step up their game,

wish improve their leadership performance based on specific feedback,

want to gain more flexibility in their leadership style, e.g. to lead diverse, multi-cultural teams, more complex and geographically challenging programmes.

What results can you expect? In every session we will challenge you to explore and try on new behaviours, different perspectives and embody one or more of the qualities of a new style leader. You will come away with increased self-awareness of your own self-leadership and how you impact on others, what works and what does not, and a clear plan for next steps. You will also gain a set of measures that will undeniably inform you about your level of leadership effectiveness and progress. Each session will give you increased confidence, centeredness and certainty which you will see reflected in enhanced and more effective interactions with your peers, your direct reports, team members and superiors.

Inspirational Quote “Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach!”

Rosabeth Moss Kantor

How does it work? Over a 6 months’ time-frame you will have a 2 hour session face-to-face each month, where we will explore a leadership quality. Between sessions you will have specific actions and quests to work on depending on the time commitment you can make, and we also offer unlimited e-mail and telephone/skype support. Before we start our work together, your coach will agree your goals for the leadership coaching programme with you in an initial goal and rapport session, and we will also contract with you and your sponsor to ensure organizational and personal goal alignment. We will gather feedback from your sponsor, boss(es), peers and team members (where applicable).

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Executive Coaching: Performance Great performance is not about ticking boxes, being around and giving extra time. It is also most often not about skill or lack thereof. Most staff members have the necessary skills or can learn them in a reasonable timeframe.

Great performance tends to be a combination of some foundational skills

behaviours, attitudes, values and motivation.

Great performance is about

asking questions

being able to ask the right questions to move things forward, to gain the information needed to

complete a task and to decide whether something is worthwhile doing.

smart decision making

skilled at incisively picking out - from many different people, demands, expectations, hive of business

activity – juggling and prioritising pieces of information of who and what is relevant, effective and

impactful right now and action that.

resilience under pressure

being able to focus on what is important when the pressure is mounting, effectively dealing with one’s

own and other’s stress levels and quickly bouncing forward from set-backs.

behavioural flexibility

striving to learn and seek to improve own working practices. Being able to adopt different perspectives

and seeking to contribute to other’s differing ways of working, leading or delivering.

taking responsibility for oneself

continuously increasing one’s self awareness and the ability to work with internal signals such as

emotions, intuition, and other senses. Taking responsibility for one’s actions, needs and own wellbeing

and energy levels and not waiting until someone else steps in.

Inspirational Quote "Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is

helping them to learn rather than teaching them." Timothy Gallwey We offer performance coaching programmes for teams and individuals. Our programmes are bespoke to your performance vision and requirements, and usually sessions are held face to face. We are able to offer individual performance coaching programmes on skype, if desired.

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Performance Coaching Programmes

Our programmes support you to become aware of and, if relevant, change your behaviours, attitudes and motivation rather than focusing on technical skills. We found that working at a higher level to skills has a profound impact on our client’s effectiveness, ways of working, productivity and engagement in the workplace.

Performance StepChange For people who feel they have reached a plateau, are working towards promotion, have changed job sideways or have just gotten promoted and who wish to refresh, refocus and significantly improve their performance in areas such as:

Programme and project management

Change management

People/Line management

Sales performance

Performance StepChange is a bespoke programme over 4-6 months with monthly or fortnightly coaching sessions of 2 hours. We agree yourperformance requirements and goals up front and design the programme around your availability and needs to ensure that you achieve the outcomes you want.

Inspirational Quote “You can’t solve a problem on the level on which it was created.”

Albert Einstein

Performance BreakThrough This programme is for people who are at risk, who have had feedback that their performance needs to change asap or who recognise that if they don’t change, they will not be able to continue where they are.

This programme is usually 3 months and less, and is designed around your specific performance improvement needs. We make sure whatever we do together is completely measurable for you, so you know - without a doubt - that and when your performance is improving and you can build on that improvement exponentially.

Both programmes are available for teams.

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Life Coaching Would you like to

raise your confidence?

improve your self-esteem and how you think/feel about yourself?

enhance your work/life balance?

realise a very specific personal goal that so far you found difficult to achieve given what else is going in your life?

make a step change in your career?

find a truly motivating and energising job? Re-enter the workplace after redundancy?

have a confidential soundboard?

deal with your stress levels and raise your resilience?

Life Coaching helps you to understand yourself, and what you truly want. It helps you energise your goals, increase your motivation and commitment. In the life coaching process you transform yourself, those blocks that hold you back and limit you; we bring out strengths, talents and energy that you did not know you had. We believe the role of your life coach is to:

help you get absolute clarity about the issues you are dealing with,

work with you shape your goals into outcomes that just thinking of them, energises and motivates you,

explore and transform stumbling blocks – external and internal,

challenge you to expand your perspective, to allow yourself to be as great as you can be to be 100% committed to yourself,

help you discover your sense of purpose,

champion the authentic you, your strengths and your achievements,

encourage you when you things don’t go your way or you experience set-backs,

hold the space for you to raise your self-awareness, deal with issues that you need to deal with and celebrate your achievements,

be 100% committed to you and your vision/goals. We offer life coaching sessions to suit you, face to face or Skype/Phone, of different durations. Your coach supports you between sessions with encouragement, and - when you need it - a quick phone conversation to bounce things off or get a different perspective.

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Life Coaching: Career

Are you looking for new challenges? A job that really motivates you?

Do you want to get back into work after redundancy or a career break?

Or, do you want to move to a more fulfilling role within your current company?

We have helped numerous clients step into a new, fulfilling job or change to a career they love.

What our clients are saying:

“Bettina helped me clearly identify what elements within a role motivate and energise me and helped to secure a new role within my organisation. [read more here].” Commercial Manager, Utility, UK

We offer tailored career coaching based on your specific needs or you can choose our career transition package, which covers all the essentials that you need to find the job you want.

Life Coaching: Career Transition Package What will you get from this package?

Absolute clarity about the job and, the employer that is right for you, what truly motivates and energises you – this helps you to develop your CV, identify and target the right place of work and attract the job you want,

A fully developed CV that reflects you, your achievements and will get you interviews,

CV development pdf with great hints and tips,

Interviewing tips guide pdf,

Interviewing coaching so you know what to say and how to say it.

What our clients are saying: “Creating a compelling CV that I felt comfortable and happy with seemed an insurmountable task until I started working Bettina on it. She managed to extract key messages from my narratives and helped me formulate ‘to the point’ responsibilities and achievements that truly reflect my strengths and the work I have done. Thank you so much for all your help and patience!” Tax consultant, London, UK

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Life Coaching: Resilience & Stress “Resilience is the ability of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically, and release that energy upon unloading” - Wikipedia. When we are stressed we accumulate and hold tension – physical, mental, emotional and energetic. Resilience is about being able to release this accumulated stress, learn from it and change the way we react to ‘stress triggers’. In our resilience & stress coaching we help you to:

let go of accumulated stresses, tensions and accompanying emotional load so you have space for learning and developing your resilience,

understand your stress patterns and stress triggers,

gain clarity on your resilience set point, resilience strengths and areas to pay attention to,

transform stress patterns and stress triggers, e.g. setting clear boundaries, reducing mental chatter, honoring your own power and intuition,

discover practical and immediate things you can do to reduce the stress load in your life,

build awareness and mindfulness of your own state, so you know when you need to change gears, take a breather or stand your ground every day, and can take empowered action,

develop a resilience practice that is right for you, so you can reduce stress on a permanent basis and lead a happier life.

Inspirational Quote “Learning is retarded in conditions of high anxiety and low acceptance. For most tasks,

people have the intellectual knowledge to perform well; they just have a hard time acting on what they know.” Tim Gallwey

Because we focus on helping you reduce and clear your current stress load first, you will experience increased energy levels, and an increased ability to adapt and learn to better deal with every day stresses. This will also free up energy and motivation to start and maintain a regular resilience practice.

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Deep Transformation

Inspirational Quote “The very things we wish to avoid, neglect and flee from turn out to be the 'prima materia'

from which all real growth comes.” Andrew Harvey Sometimes we experience similar patterns of behaviours and events across a number of areas of our lives; or a certain pattern keeps repeating. It can feel like self-sabotage or as if nothing is working even through you are doing your best. You may not be able to name the patterns, you know they are there, they may be something you wish to avoid, and they are holding you back.

Often deep held beliefs - about who you are or who are not - or old habits – long ingrained and out of conscious awareness - are the source. These beliefs, decisions, habits or experiences may have served you at the time they were created, but are now out of date and in an exhausting conflict with who you are now.

The Deep Transformation approach

provides the catalyst for significant changes across several areas of your life by transforming old and stuck patterns/habits,

releases significant amounts of trapped energy,

makes space for new experiences,

unleashes creativity and ability to create,

increases joy in life,

takes an energetic weight off – people tend to feel lighter, freer and relaxed.

What our clients are saying: “Bettina created a very professional and compassionate space for my coaching session which enabled me to get my ‘stuff’ out of my head and vocalise it.[read more], Sally, Energy Worker, London, UK

We offer two pre-designed deep transformation programmes: Somatic Breakthrough and Change Weaving. Both programmes follow a step by step process, which we adapt to your specific needs. We are also happy to develop a programme that is individual to you. Talk to us about your wishes and needs.

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Deep Transformation: Somatic Breakthrough

There are times when whatever we do, and however much we try, we still sabotage ourselves. Sometimes

there are issues where we sense there is a connection but we cannot find the words to express what is going

on. We just know something is wrong, our emotions and our body tell us something is wrong.

How does it work? In this programme, we help you develop a clear intention of what you desire to create, manifest or achieve. We then work with your body and emotions to express this intention, identify any blocks or hold-backs, allow these to surface and emerge through movement and energetics. We will work on allowing other resources e.g. strengths to emerge into the same creative space. Symbolic body movement will help you to transform and embody your intention - making it real and bringing about a powerful step change in your life.

What is included in the Somatic Breakthrough Package? 6 x 2 hour face to face sessions usually taken over a period of 6 – 8 weeks

Unlimited e-mail and phone support in between sessions

A symbolic body movement practice that is right and unique to you – your can use this for any future intention or goal achievement

Pdf write ups of your insights, revelations and core changes

Clear tasking before, after, and in between sessions

1 x 30 minute skype follow up session

Please note: We only offer Somatic Breakthrough following a number of preparatory coaching sessions. It is very important that you and your coach have established a trusted and connected working relationship, and have clearly identified together what you wish to transform before you can book this package.

Move Mountains

Move your mind, Move your body,

Move your emotions -

Move Mountains.

Bettina Pickering © 2013

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Deep Transformation: Change Weaving Change Weaving is an Aronagh methodology, developed by Bettina Pickering. It is an organic and holistic approach which works on the premise of picking up on threads of your challenges and strengths, effecting small changes to where this will have the biggest impact, and then weaving these changed threads together into a new fabric. Change Weaving is about unconscious change – change that happens almost by itself, effortless and without pressure. You will find that old habits no longer have a hold on you, you will make different decisions in your life, you will be able stand strong where previously you folded, you will experience increased wholeness and integration, and less internal conflict.

How does it work? We use a circular process, which takes you on a journey through five stages deeply routed in the Celtic Irish spiritual tradition. Symbols like spirals, the five Celtic elements, the five directions play an important part. We use the energy of the land to support your transformation

What is included in the Change Weaving package?

4 x 3 hour face-to-face sessions (note we can also offer this over 1-2 days)

Unlimited e-mail and phone support in between

Pdf recordings of your insights, revelations, and changes

Clear instructions for the processes we use

Clear tasking for any activities before, after, and in between sessions. 1 x 30 minute follow up skype session

Change Weaving is also available as a business transformation and deep culture change methodology. Please note: Because of its power and potency, we only offer Change Weaving following a number of preparatory life coaching sessions. It is very important that you and your coach have established a trusted and connected working relationship, and have clearly identified together what you wish to transform before going ahead with this process.

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Mentoring Starting up your own business? Looking for a step change in how your run your business? Planning to step up your performance as a leader, line manager or management consultant? When embarking on a new opportunity or challenge, it is often helpful to work with a business mentor who has been where you have been and can point you in the right direction. Your mentor will

help you focus on what is most important right now to achieve your goals much faster than you might be able to do on your own,

take you to step back from your business and see the picture so you do not miss the wood for the daily detail and minutiae of the trees,

support and motivate you, not only when things go well but more importantly when things are stressful and challenging,

offer different perspectives that you may not have considered; they will challenge and broaden your beliefs of what is possible for you,

provide a valuable sounding board for your ideas, visions, or to discuss confidential challenges,

share common and no so common pitfalls or obstacles along the way, and give you advice on how to navigate or avoid these.

We offer mentoring for the following areas:

Business Start-ups

Running your own business



Business issues and challenges

HR and people management


Career transition and progression

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The Team Our coaching & mentoring team, led by Bettina Pickering, is drawn from diverse backgrounds.

Coaches/Mentors are selected based on best fit with the client, the client organisation and the

coaching/mentoring requirements.

For more information on our coaches and mentors visit:

Aronagh’s Lead Coach: Bettina Pickering Bettina is a qualified Coach, certified NLP Trainer and Behavioural Change Facilitator who predominantly works with executives and business leaders committed to embracing and effecting transformational change at work and in their life. Her passion is in developing individuals and teams to perform at their best, grounded in their own unique and authentic style. Bettina deeply believes that everyone one has a contribution to make, and has the capability and inner resources to make that contribution.

Before founding Aronagh in 2010, Bettina enjoyed 13 years as a Management Consultant, Change Facilitator and Internal Trainer and Coach at PA Consulting Group leading and delivering 50+ engagements in complex, culturally diverse and fast changing environments across numerous sectors, both private and public.

She focused on people and culture change, business transformation, organisation design and performance management. Bettina’s clients included Arthur D. Little, BP, Clifford Chance, CQC, Department of Health, Ericsson, Financial Services Authority, KPMG, MAN Diesel, Philips, Royal Mail and a Strategic Health Authority.

While at PA Consulting Group, Bettina regularly coached her project team members, direct reports, and peers towards promotion and performance improvement. She was also a regular coach on PA’s Make the most of your Potential Leadership Programme.

Since 2010, Bettina coached numerous business leaders and senior consultants from banking, insurance, transportation, technology, utility, health & well-being sectors helping them to move forward in their careers, develop a personal brand, increase self-esteem, embrace and lead from their authenticity, deal with negative emotions, become more relaxed, and remove limiting beliefs and stress triggers.

In 2013, Bettina was invited to be a mentor on the University of East London’s Business Programme for Women Entrepreneurs, where she regularly mentors current students. She has been a mentor to entrepreneurs, aspiring coaching and professional coaches and consultants wishing to take their business to the next level or make a significant step change in their careers.

Bettina’s qualifications include:

NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer for Business & Coaching, Practitioner Coach, Clean Language & Symbolic Modelling, MSc Production Engineering, MBA, Prince II, Qi Gong Teacher for a number of health, martial and medical Qi Gong systems, Energetic NLP, Reiki.

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Other Information & Terms

All Aronagh’s Coaches are trained and certified to work with their modalities. Aronagh’s insurance

is provided by Towergate Professional Risk Insurance. Our coaches have regular 1:1 supervision,

and are accredited by a global professional body, either IIC&M, ANLP and/or ICF.

Our coaching & mentoring sessions and programmes are tailored and specific to our client’s requirements and needs. We contract with every client individually based on their requirements.

Coaching & Mentoring sessions must be paid fully, in advance. For cancellations, refunds or

reschedules, clients must give at least 48 hours’ notice. No refunds will be provided if a session is

cancelled when notice is given less than 48 hours. We do accepts reschedules at short notice, as

we know that sometimes life or business demands can get in the way.

Other Aronagh services

Aronagh provides the following services through in-house or associate expertise:

Consultancy services in the areas of Business Transformation, Human Resources

Management, Organisation Development, Culture Change, Change Management, Project and

Programme Management, Performance Management, Business Process Re-engineering,

Employee Engagement, and Employer Branding.

Training development and delivery. We provide a number of training programmes and

workshops that can be tailored to your business’s needs: Leadership & Team Development,

Culture & Change, Innovation & Creativity, Resilience & WellBeing, Customer Service & Sales,

NLP. We have developed in-house courses and programmes for our clients.

WellBeing Services: Health & WellBeing Coaching, Transformative Meditation for Business.

Facilitation of Team Events and Motivational Speaking. Our team event facilitation focusses on

enhancing team cohesion, team building, and effecting behavioural change in teams.

Aronagh Coaching & Mentoring

To commission a programme or for further information, contact us: t: +44 845 900 5754 (UK) +353 834 489 245 (IRL) e:
