Page 1 of 20 NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Eleven: OBAMA Obama says he is a christian. Yet what he says and does, do not reflect this at all. Please play this clip from :49 1:23 Obama bashing scripture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-NzP2U1AR8 He brings up slavery, says shellfish are an abomination to eat, talks of stoning your own child if he strays from the faith. The Israelites were surrounded by idolatry and God laid down some ordinaces and commands to help them to live holy. Today we have grace because of Jesus Christ. He is patient with us waiting on us to use our free will to come to Him. They had free will too, but there was no grace like what we have. Today, we don’t go around killing people that don’t believe in Jesus. Then goes on to talk about the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament, saying that it is doubtful that our defense dept. could survive it’s application. That is a total slam on living holy. God knows what it means to serve in the military, look at King David and God loved Him so much!

NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Eleven: OBAMAthreeheartschurch.org/Sermons/2016-05-15_NEPHILIM_ARE... · 2016. 5. 15. · slaves, not by choice, but because they were Hebrews (Exodus 13:14)

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    Obama says he is a christian. Yet what he says and does, do not reflect this at all.

    Please play this clip from :49 – 1:23 Obama bashing scripture


    He brings up slavery, says shellfish are an abomination to eat, talks of stoning

    your own child if he strays from the faith. The Israelites were surrounded by

    idolatry and God laid down some ordinaces and commands to help them to live

    holy. Today we have grace because of Jesus Christ. He is patient with us waiting

    on us to use our free will to come to Him. They had free will too, but there was

    no grace like what we have. Today, we don’t go around killing people that don’t

    believe in Jesus.

    Then goes on to talk about the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament,

    saying that it is doubtful that our defense dept. could survive it’s application.

    That is a total slam on living holy. God knows what it means to serve in the

    military, look at King David and God loved Him so much!


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    This is Pastor Erustus of our outreach ministry in Kenya.

    He helped me to understand the slavery in the the Old Testament with the

    following teaching:

    Lev. 25:44-46. It is about the Israelites taking slaves and the slaves being their heritage forever.

    Those were people who were living at poverty level and personally, I believe it

    was a good thing because it kept them safe. And the Lord told them to remember how they were treated when they were slaves in Egypt, and to treat them with kindness. I'll share some different comments from a few others....

    The Bible does not specifically condemn the practice of slavery. It gives instructions on how slaves should be treated. Deuteronomy 15:12-15; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1, but does not outlaw slavery altogether. Many see this as the Bible condoning all forms of slavery. What many fail to understand is that slavery

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    in biblical times was very different from the slavery that was practiced in the past few centuries in many parts of the world. The slavery in the Bible was not based exclusively on race. People were not enslaved because of their nationality or the color of their skin. In Bible times, slavery was more a matter of social status. People sold themselves as slaves when they could not pay their debts or provide for their families. In New Testament times, sometimes doctors, lawyers, and even politicians were slaves of someone else. Some people actually chose to be slaves so as to have all their needs provided for by their masters.

    Joseph was Potiphar’s slave in Egypt

    The slavery of the past few centuries was often based exclusively on skin color. In the United States, many black people were considered slaves because of their nationality; many slave owners truly believed black people to be inferior human beings. The Bible most definitely does condemn race-based slavery. Consider the slavery the Hebrews experienced when they were in Egypt. The Hebrews were slaves, not by choice, but because they were Hebrews (Exodus 13:14). The plagues God poured out on Egypt demonstrate how God feels about racial slavery (Exodus 7-11). So, yes, the Bible does condemn some forms of slavery. At the same time, the Bible does seem to allow for other forms. The key issue is that the

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    slavery the Bible allowed for in no way resembled the racial slavery that plagued our world in the past few centuries. Please play this clip from 2:23 – 3:12 Obama bashing the Bible still


    He says evangelicals believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. Then he goes further to

    say “if God spoken, talking about the Bible.” He says to base politics on the Bible

    would be a dangerous thing. If he were truly a Christian he would have made it

    clear that he stood with the Bible and believed it to be God’s Word and to be


    Satan Actor Looks like Obama In History Channel’s New Show “The Bible” The actor is Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni.

    Obama said, “Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni could have been me."

    Back to the article:

    Down through the generations, this system of false worship became known


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    simply as the "Babylonian Mystery Religion." Its basis is quite clear. It attempts to

    channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of one, powerful man.

    Nimrod became that god…" *emphasis+.

    Alexander Hislop in his classic text The Two Babylons substantiates Stearman’s

    thesis that the Babylonian Mystery Religion was based on the worship of Nimrod.

    "It was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed,"

    he wrote (p.20).

    Yet Stearman (from Prophecy in the News) sees that the Mystery Religion

    continued secretly through the ages, shrouded in hiding by adepts of the occult in

    anticipation of a final moment when the ancient spirit should be awakened.

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    "…corrupt priesthoods have flourished, carrying with them the shadow of Nimrod

    and his ancient mysteries. Their inner secrets have been known by various names,

    including alchemy, magic, sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth…. waiting

    for the prophesied day when it would rise once again. This movement will result

    in the reign of the antichrist."

    Please play: 1:02-1:33 – Michele Bachmann, US Senator


    Please play whole clip – Obama’s slogan “Yes we can” - backwards says “thank

    you satan”


    Dan.8:23 – And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are

    come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,

    shall stand up. (black magic, voodoo, curses) **Some of those that have been

    tortured and broken through mind control programming have told me that if say

    their handler or someone from the cult was standing there with them and a

    normal person was standing there, they can talk and carry a conversation and to

    the normal person it will sound normal, but “they” will hear and understand

    something totally different that is being spoken. This is satanic.**

    Luke 10:18 – And He (Jesus) said unto them, I beheld satan as lightning fall from

    heaven. “Lightning” in Hebrew is “Baraq”. “Heaven or Heights from the sky” in

    Hebrew is “Bama” “From” in Hebrew is “O”. So: Lightning From Heaven is Baraq O

    Bama which is Barack Obama. Literally plugging that in would be: “I saw satan as

    Barack Obama.”

    Barak (Barack) in Hebrew means to blaspheme, to curse, bless. This is literally

    impossible and cannot be a coincidence that “Lightning from heaven” is Barack

    Obama and his name is found in the computer bible code program about the first

    verse of the Antichrist rising from the sea.

    Zeus was the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who ruled as king of

    the gods of Mount Olympus. He was respected as an all father who was chief of


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    the gods and assigned the others to their roles: "Even the gods who are not his

    natural children address him as father, and all the gods rise in his presence." He

    was equated with many foreign weather gods, permitting Pausanias to observe

    "That Zeus is king in heaven is a saying common to all men". His symbols are

    thethunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. **That Pergamom alter is known as the

    alter of zeus.**


    Glenda Jackson

    She has had accurate prophesies about: That Reagan would be shot but not die,

    happened the very week she prophesied it. Prophesied the Berlin Wall coming

    down and the Gulf War’s ending – both happened as prophesied. Prophesied the

    Iraq War and the name it would be called. She prophesied that Obama would win

    a 2nd term and that happened as well. She has shown herself to be a true prophet

    according to God’s standard – His Word that He gave to her has come to pass.

    **Please play from 3:25 – 4:14** Vision of Obama wanting to stay in office




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    Mr. James and Mrs. Angelia have had many dreams about Obama. In their video

    “3/28/16 Revelation: White Horse,” God has plainly revealed to them that Obama

    is the antichrist. James just had a dream March 28th in which he was shown that

    the White House = the White Horse of the antichrist. In the dream he heard

    “abomination of desolation” and “Olympus has Fallen.” Olympus was the home

    of the gods. He saw Obama go into an emergency bunker that is underneath the

    White House. In a dream he had about 4 years ago, he also saw Obama go into

    this bunker. At that time he saw Obama lying in a black body bag on the floor. At

    the end of the hall in the bunker he saw a military war like scene that led to War


    Many pictures and videos of flies always around Obama.

    Matt.12:24 - But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast

    out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

    In Christian and Biblical sources, Beelzebub is another name for the

    devil. In Christian demonology, he is one of the seven princes of Hell according

    to Catholic views on Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a

    demonic fly who is also known as the "Lord of the Flies". Wikipedia

    Please Play Clip: Obama and the fly


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    Please Play Clip: Obama and flies



    Obama signed a beam that made up part of the new world trade center called



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    This is what he signed. Looks like a good powerful thing for a leader to say to rally

    the people back from an attack, right. WRONG!! I had heard this meant 666,

    something to do with the W’s. Well he didn’t loop them in the middle to make a

    6, so I didn’t get it. But I did some further digging and found this:

    In western semetic languages and abjad writing, the common symbols for six

    were a "w" and a "9". This is where the "Alpha-Beta" otherwise known as the

    "Alpha Bet" derives its roots. Now that the English language has become the

    superpower of languages, we can see better what the elite were communicating

    through this writing.

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    Those W’s in his message stood for 6. The occult (elite) love 6’s. They are all

    about the mark of the beast. You will find 6’s and 9’s in all of their codes and

    symbols and what they do.

    So in thinking about the mark of the beast and how there are three things that

    must relate or tie into the antichrist: his name, his mark and his number. A

    person who takes the mark can take any one of these things to show their

    allegiance to him and their denial of Christ. I have seen research that shows that

    the number of his name adds up to 666 (Barack Hussein Obama). But looking

    back at all of his name changes, can we be sure that is it? What would his mark


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    Many people think the chip or rfid chip is going to be the mark. Maybe the

    Obamacare chip. But that chip is not called for in Israel or the countries that

    surround Israel. Nor in Africa or any other country. But maybe just a chip will be

    it. A human microchip implant is an identifying integrated circuit device

    or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a

    human being. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can

    be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal

    identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information. A

    major drawback for such systems is the relative ease with which the 16-digit ID

    number contained in a chip implant can be obtained and cloned using a hand-

    held device, a problem that has been demonstrated publicly by security

    researcher Jonathan Westhues and documented in the May 2006 issue

    of Wired magazine, among other places. According to the FDA, implantation of

    the VeriChip poses potential medical downsides: Electrical hazards, magnetic

    resonance imaging (MRI) incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and migration

    of the implanted transponder are just a few of the potential risks associated with


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    the Verichip ID implant device, according to an October 12, 2004 letter issued by

    the FDA. As well as causing cancer. Right now people have chips in them and so

    do animals. When someone walks up with a chip in them, can you visually tell?

    Do you know what kind of chip they have, like what is it for or what it represents?

    No. People are chipped right now for entry into the office buildings they work in,

    to use copy machines, for medical care, for paying tabs and buying things etc.

    Every chip has its own unique number (16 digits)– how can that be mark of the

    beast? Permanent mounted scanning machines by doors and other places don’t

    make it convenient to bend down and scan your head if you chose to get the

    implant in your forehead either.

    Thinking along these lines, islam came to my mind. He studied islam from the age

    of 6 to 11 and was tops in his quran class. He is linked to Subud and the founder

    of that religion grew up practicing islam. Obama has muslim advisors surrounding

    him in the white house. He has made bold statements about standing with islam.

    We can see that not only in his speeches, but in his actions. He defends islam and

    muslims. And even though the catholic church helped to nurture islam along and

    manipulate Mohammed for their purposes, now today, islam in the form of isis is

    still being used by the pope and the US and the Zionist Jews that are in power –

    remember the illuminati are really all working together. So they have this little

    terrorist machine called isis and isn’t it just possible that the very thing they

    helped to create can turn and exercise its own power and turn on those who

    created it, or be used by satan to bring about his purpose.

    Look at this scripture:

    Rev. 13:17 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the

    name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Islam has a mark:

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    Just a possible example.

    Another example of Islam’s mark.

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    Islam has a number:

    Islam has a name:

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    In the name of allah

    Some people say well I can’t stand Obama, how is he supposed to be the

    antichrist? I thought the antichrist was supposed to have a magnetic personality

    and draw all people to him under the guise of his peace platform before he turns

    and reveals who he really is. There are many people in this world alluding to him

    as Messiah, as Jesus, singing about him and praising him. When the Bible says the

    whole world (speaking of people) it is usually talking about a majority, not every

    single person.

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    Let’s look at those pinecones one more time. Watchman4u said those represent

    dragon eggs. Yep, I can see that. We know who the dragon is and we know who

    does his bidding too. Johnathan Kleck from Youtube, said they are the colors of

    Islam – yes that is true too.

    John 13:27 - And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him,

    That thou doest, do quickly.

    Matt.26:14-16 – shows us that Judas had already made the deal with the chief

    priests to betray Jesus. But satan had not empowered him until at the time of the

    last supper.

    Rev. 13:5 – And there was given unto him (antichrist) a mouth speaking great

    things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two


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    I believe satan always grooms up someone that can be a potential antichrist but it

    is not until the “right time” that he will fully enter and empower him to carry out

    his plans.

    Shout out to Ms. Kath

    Youtube channel Nicholson1968 – He does awesome videos. He has a video

    sharing information from William Cooper breaking down what the Lion King really

    means. That video is “The real story of the Lion King.”

    Please play from 2:26 – 3:25 - Obama identifying with the Lion King


    As the lion cub is being announced to all nations (all animals there), the fruit is

    held up in the sun and broken and he is anointed. This is representing his being

    nimrod (osirus’) son, getting the fruit anointed by the sun (nimrod). As Rafiki

    (representing a priest) holds him up, the clouds in the sky part and the sun shines

    through and a beam of sunlight rests on him. (mocking Matt.3:16-17 where Jesus

    was baptized and anointed with Holy Spirit and God’s approval from heaven

    coming through the parting of the heavens.) This scene also shows us that the

    king had no power, it was the priests, that is why Rafiki represents eastern

    religion in this movie.


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    As the movie reaches the ending Simba/Horus hugs Rafiki the Priest as Rafiki tells

    him, “It is time.“ Where have we heard this before? Remember that book I

    quoted from last week that Obama wrote, “Dreams from My Father”? He said

    that figure that loomed over him said “It is time.”

    Please play this clip – Obama spoofing like he’s the devil.



    Luke 6:25 – Woe unto you that are full for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that

    laugh now! For ye shall mourn and weep.

    Psalm 37:12-20 - Read

    God will have the last laugh!!

    **We should not cast spirits out of non-believers – can make them worse off

    since they won’t fill the void with Jesus. When we bind spirits – we cannot tell

    them where to go (that is like judging them). God has a set time and place for

    that. We don’t need to loose Holy Spirit as He has never been bound. Nor loose

    God’s Holy Angels. Once we bind spirits in the unsaved. We then pray for God

    to move on them by His Holy Spirit and open their spiritual eyes and ears and

    hearts and draw them to Jesus for salvation.** I am going to be teaching on

    spiritual warfare soon.


    Lord of the harvest, send more laborers into the field for the harvest is great, but

    the workers are few.


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    At the door Revelation 1:18-19 – dream about Obama


    So many facts about Obama – but there is a freemason symbol here too



    At the Door Revelation 1:18-19 - channel


    People chipped to access office building and copy machines


    Chip implants


    god of Forces


    Zeus - wikipedia


    Nicholson 1968 with William Cooper breakdown of Lion King


    Lion King breakdown


    Breakdown of how Simba is horus

