www.sfschamber.com Vol. 29, No. 9 • May 2016 CALENDAR MAY 5 / Thursday SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE 8:30–10 AM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs YOUTH EDUCATION COMMITTEE 8:30–9:30 AM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 9 / Monday DESTINY DINNER COMMITTEE 4 PM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 10 / Tuesday NONPROFIT FORUM 12 NOON–1 PM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 11 / Wednesday CHAMBER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 11:45 AM–1 PM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs YOUTH ENRICHMENT FUND BOARD 1–2 PM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 12 / Thursday FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS 9–10 AM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs CHAMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS 12 NOON–1:15 PM / Candlewood Country Club, 14000 Telegraph Rd, Whittier SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION TRAINING 3–5 PM / Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo, 12800 Center Court Dr, Cerritos SANTA FE SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL 6 PM / SFS City Council Chambers 11710 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 13 / Friday RCA LEGISLATIVE FORUM 8–9 AM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MENTOR TRIP: THE BROAD MUSEUM 9:30 AM–3:30 PM / bus departs from/ returns to Santa Fe High School SANTA FE SPRINGS ART FEST 12 NOON–8 PM / The Clarke Estate, 10211 Pioneer Blvd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 17 / Tuesday KPB ASIAN BISTRO RIBBON CUTTING 3:30–5 PM / KPB Asian Bistro 10370 Slusher Dr, Santa Fe Springs MAY 19 / Thursday NETWORKING @ NOON 11:30 AM–1 PM / Manuel’s El Tepeyac Café, 13131 Crossroads Pkwy S, Industry MAY 24 / Tuesday MENTOR APPRECIATION LUNCHEON 11:30 AM–1 PM / Town Center Hall 11740 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 25 / Wednesday AMBASSADOR COMMITTEE 8:30–9:30 AM / SFS Chamber Office 12016 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs MAY 26 / Thursday CALIBER COLLISION RIBBON CUTTING 11:30 AM–1:30 PM / 13048 Firestone Blvd, Santa Fe Springs SANTA FE SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL 6 PM / SFS City Council Chambers 11710 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs Santa Fe Springs Business 12016 East Telegraph Road, Suite 100 Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 3 Santa Fe Springs, CA BUSINESS Santa Fe Springs Official Publication of the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce Why You Should ‘Be Engaged’ with the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce In the era of email, social media, and texting, the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce may seem like a dinosaur. However, our organiza- tion remains one of the best ways to engage with other businesspersons in our community. Benefits afforded with membership range in scope and depth depending on the level of in- volvement and overall business goals. Furthermore, the bevy of benefits are available for member enjoyment the minute you join the chamber. The fol- lowing is sampling of these benefits: • Marketing • Educational Seminars, Workshops and Events • Referrals • Networking • Legislative Advocacy • Publications • Partner Programs • Community Support Over the next few months we will focus in more detail on the benefits listed above. The first four listed are addressed below. MARKETING – REACH POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS • Your business, with its 50-word description, is promoted in our online Membership Directory. • Advertise your business in the Chamber’s Monthly Newspaper, on the official website, sponsor an educational seminar, networking breakfast or lunch. • Business Directory lists on CD are available for a discounted cost to members. • Your business will be listed on our website and social media platforms as a new member. • Submit location changes, new services, promotions, new hires and special accomplishments at your business. • Bundled marketing and advertising packages that strategically positions your business in front of key target audiences • The Chamber has several sponsorship opportunities to offer its members-support Chamber events and gain community recognition for your company. –Educational seminar partnerships –Golf tournament Sponsorship –Annual Business Expo sponsorship –Economic Outlook sponsorship –State of the City/County sponsorship –Destiny Dinner and Youth Enrichment Fund sponsorship –Business Card Exchanges, Networking at Noon and multichamber events hosting EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS – SHARPEN YOUR BUSINESS SKILLS • Periodic workshops featuring various topics benefiting businesses of all sizes are available for you and your employees to attend. • Economic Outlook • State of the City/County • Marketing on a Shoestring Budget (NEW) • State of the Nation • Labor Law Update • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training • Business Emergency Preparedness Network (BEPN) –Emergency Operations Plan and Business Continuity Workshop –Incident Command System Training • Social Media –Digital Marketing –Email Marketing –Google and Online Advertising REFERRALS – SERVICES FOR “MEMBERS ONLY” • Your business is listed in our online Membership Directory at www.sfschamber.com, which provides a direct link to your company website. • The Chamber refers your business to incoming phone, fax, e-mail, mail and walk-in inquiries. • Members often leverage their relationships and utilize our website to refer member businesses to others in and around the community. • Member businesses entering Santa Fe Springs are referred various business services, based on business-type and their respective needs. NETWORKING – CONNECT WITH OTHER BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS • Santa Fe Springs Chamber Networking Breakfasts and Luncheons promote your business “mini- expo style” and are offered at a discount price to members. • Quarterly Multi-Chamber Mixers are a prime time to cross market your relationships and meet peers in surrounding communities • Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies bring business people Embracing Her Destiny! Lexie Cid was puzzled as to why she was being called into the principal’s office on April 21. Her concerned face broke into a huge smile as she walked through the door and saw members of the YEF’s scholarship committee armed with the good news that she was the winner of the Destiny Scholarship. “Thank you so much. I am so excited,” the stunned 17-year-old exclaimed as she hugged the committee members. Lexie is the 24th recipient of the Destiny Scholarship. She will use the $20,000 at the University of California, Riverside where she will be majoring in biology. She attends Santa Fe High School where, besides having a very strong GPA, she is active in track, basketball, Chieftain Friends, Santa Fe Springs Youth Leader- ship Committee, and Black and Gold Nation. She says her greatest fulfillment comes from meeting and working with students who have special needs. The Youth Enrichment Fund raises money for this scholarship, as well as other youth programs, each year through the annual Destiny Dinner to be held this year on June 25 at the Bowers Museum. Lexie will be the guest of honor at the dinner. Fernie Fernandez, Santa Fe High School; Curtis Mello, HERAEUS; Griselda Castro, Santa Fe High School; Kathie Fink, Santa Fe Springs Chamber; Joanne Klemm, Comet Employment Agency; Lexie Cid; Wendy Meador, Tangram Interiors; Craig Campbell, Santa Fe High School, Daniel McMillan, Stifel Lexie Cid calls her mother with the exciting news. continued on page 2

Santa Fe SpringsBUSIneSS - Microsoft telegraph rd, santa Fe springs YoUth edUcation committee 8:30–9:30 am / sFs chamber office 12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs may 9 / monday

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www.sfschamber.com Vol.29,No.9•May2016Calendarmay 5 / Thursday

scholarship committee8:30–10 am / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

YoUth edUcation committee8:30–9:30 am / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 9 / monday

destinY dinner committee4 pm / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 10 / Tuesday

nonproFit ForUm12 noon–1 pm / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 11 / Wednesday

chamber execUtive committee11:45 am–1 pm / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

YoUth enrichment FUnd board1–2 pm / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 12 / Thursday

FUtUre bUsiness leaders9–10 am / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

chamber board oF directors12 noon–1:15 pm / candlewood country club, 14000 telegraph rd, Whittier

sexUal harassmentprevention traininG3–5 pm / atkinson, andelson, loya, ruud & romo, 12800 center court dr, cerritos

santa Fe sprinGs citY coUncil6 pm / sFs city council chambers11710 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 13 / Friday

rca leGislative ForUm8–9 am / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

mentor trip: the broad mUseUm9:30 am–3:30 pm / bus departs from/returns to santa Fe high school

santa Fe sprinGs art Fest12 noon–8 pm / the clarke estate, 10211 pioneer blvd, santa Fe springs

may 17 / Tuesday

kpb asian bistro ribbon cUttinG3:30–5 pm / kpb asian bistro10370 slusher dr, santa Fe springs

may 19 / Thursday

netWorkinG @ noon11:30 am–1 pm / manuel’s el tepeyac café, 13131 crossroads pkwy s, industry

may 24 / Tuesday

mentor appreciation lUncheon11:30 am–1 pm / town center hall11740 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 25 / Wednesday

ambassador committee8:30–9:30 am / sFs chamber office12016 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

may 26 / Thursday

caliber collision ribbon cUttinG11:30 am–1:30 pm / 13048 Firestone blvd, santa Fe springs

santa Fe sprinGs citY coUncil6 pm / sFs city council chambers11710 telegraph rd, santa Fe springs

Santa Fe Springs Business12016 East Telegraph Road, Suite 100Santa Fe Springs, California 90670


PAIDPermit No. 3

Santa Fe Springs, CA

BUSIneSSSanta Fe SpringsOfficial Publication of the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce

Why You Should ‘Be Engaged’ with the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce

In the era of email, social media, and texting, the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce may seem like a dinosaur. However, our organiza-tion remains one of the best ways to engage with other businesspersons in our community. Benefits afforded with membership range in scope and depth depending on the level of in-volvement and overall business goals. Furthermore, the bevy of benefits are available for member enjoyment the minute you join the chamber. The fol-lowing is sampling of these benefits:•Marketing•EducationalSeminars,Workshops andEvents•Referrals•Networking•LegislativeAdvocacy•Publications•PartnerPrograms•CommunitySupport

Over the next few months we will focus in more detail on the benefits listed above. The first four listed are addressed below.MARKETING – REACH POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS•Yourbusiness,withits50-word description, is promoted in our onlineMembershipDirectory.•Advertiseyourbusinessinthe Chamber’sMonthlyNewspaper,on the official website, sponsor an educational seminar, networking breakfast or lunch.•BusinessDirectorylistsonCDare available for a discounted cost to members.•Yourbusinesswillbelistedonour website and social media platforms as a new member.•Submitlocationchanges,new services, promotions, new hires and special accomplishments at

your business.•Bundledmarketingandadvertising packages that strategically positions your business in front of key target audiences•TheChamberhasseveral sponsorship opportunities to offer its members-support Chamber events and gain community recognition for your company.–Educationalseminarpartnerships–Golf tournament Sponsorship

–AnnualBusinessExpo sponsorship –EconomicOutlooksponsorship –State of the City/County sponsorship –DestinyDinnerandYouth EnrichmentFundsponsorship –BusinessCardExchanges, NetworkingatNoonand multichamber events hostingEDUCATIONAL SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS – SHARPEN YOUR BUSINESS SKILLS•Periodicworkshopsfeaturing various topics benefiting businesses of all sizes are available for you and your employees to attend.•EconomicOutlook•StateoftheCity/County•MarketingonaShoestringBudget (NEW)•StateoftheNation•LaborLawUpdate•SexualHarassmentPrevention Training•BusinessEmergencyPreparedness Network(BEPN) –EmergencyOperationsPlanand Business Continuity

Workshop –Incident Command System Training•SocialMedia –DigitalMarketing –EmailMarketing –GoogleandOnlineAdvertisingREFERRALS – SERVICES FOR “MEMBERS ONLY”•Yourbusinessislistedinour onlineMembershipDirectoryat www.sfschamber.com, which provides a direct link to your company website.•TheChamberrefersyourbusiness to incoming phone, fax, e-mail, mail and walk-in inquiries.•Membersoftenleveragetheir relationships and utilize our website to refer member businesses to others in and around the community.•MemberbusinessesenteringSanta Fe Springs are referred various business services, based on business-type and their respective needs.NETWORKING – CONNECT WITH OTHER BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS•SantaFeSpringsChamber NetworkingBreakfastsand Luncheonspromoteyourbusiness “mini- expo style” and are offered at a discount price to members.•QuarterlyMulti-ChamberMixers are a prime time to cross market your relationships and meet peers in surrounding communities•GrandOpeningandRibbonCutting Ceremonies bring business people

Embracing Her Destiny!LexieCidwaspuzzledastowhyshewasbeingcalledintotheprincipal’s


she hugged the committee members.Lexieisthe24threcipientoftheDestinyScholarship.Shewillusethe$20,000

attheUniversityofCalifornia,Riversidewhereshewillbemajoringinbiology.SheattendsSantaFeHighSchoolwhere,besideshavingaverystrongGPA,sheisactiveintrack,basketball,ChieftainFriends,SantaFeSpringsYouthLeader-shipCommittee,andBlackandGoldNation.Shesayshergreatestfulfillmentcomes from meeting and working with students who have special needs.TheYouthEnrichmentFundraisesmoney for this scholarship, aswell as

otheryouthprograms,eachyearthroughtheannualDestinyDinnertobeheldthisyearonJune25attheBowersMuseum.Lexiewillbetheguestofhonorat the dinner.

Fernie Fernandez, Santa Fe High School; Curtis Mello, HERAEUS; Griselda Castro, Santa Fe High School; Kathie Fink, Santa Fe Springs Chamber; Joanne Klemm, Comet Employment Agency; Lexie Cid; Wendy Meador, Tangram Interiors; Craig Campbell, Santa Fe High School, Daniel McMillan, Stifel

Lexie Cid calls her mother with the exciting news.

continued on page 2

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 2PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

SanTa Fe SpringSChamber oF CommerCe12016 e. telegraph rd., suite 100

santa Fe springs, ca 90670(562) 944-1616 • www.sfschamber.com

— eXeCUTiVe CommiTTee —presidentJeFF WinKLerbreitburn energypresident-electDanieL J. mcmiLLanstifelVice president, public affairsDebbie baKersimpson advertising, inc.Vice president, member ServicesSharon WUroquemore, pringle & moore, inc.Vice president, youth enrichment FundJoanne KLemmcomet employment agencyTreasurerLiZ bUCKinghamFriendly hills bankimmediate past presidentCUrTiS meLLoheraeUs

— DireCTorS —LiSa boyaJianansa insurance servicesranDaLL CoUrTneyddWerks, inc./redshirtprinting.comSUSan CroWeLLhealthFirst medical GrouppaUL FLeCKatkinson, andelson, loya, ruud & romomiKe FoLeycushman & Wakefield of california, inc.paTriCia KoTZediversified risk management, inc.riCK LanDiSsanta Fe springs swap meetCaroLyn reggiocapc, inc.miCKey ShUbinserv-Wel disposal & recyclingDan STepaniancr&r Waste & recycling servicesDaViD ThaeTephibro-tech, inc.SUSan WeSTmorgan stanley Wealth managementJameS WiLCoXraymond handling solutions, inc.

— STaFF —KaThie FinKchief executive officermariCeLa CaSTeLLanoSaccountingCoLin DiaZmarketing and sales directorSUe granaYouth services/special events coordinatorChriSTy LinDSaymember services/special events coordinator


By Jeff Winkler, BreitBurn Energy

So here we are inMayof2016andspring has been wonderful. Califor-nia has endured a drought for several years.Whilewaterconservation is on everyone’s mind, I am pleased that we have had “some” additional rain this year to help us. Alongtheway,thecommunityhas

changed its thinking of how we utilize our water resources. It is amazing how with a reduced water rate, the proper vegetation, plant food, fertilizer and a beautiful hardscape, we have been able to grow a beautiful and chang-ing landscape.We’ve changed ourmindset and still nurtured something of beauty. I encourage everyone to continue the effort as each and every city has water reduction goals to meet.TheDestinyDinner Event is just

around the corner—June 25 at theBowersMuseuminSantaAna.Ifyouor your business have not participated in this event, this is once again an opportunity to nurture something beautiful.Not just forthedeservingyouth who will receive scholarships, asmuchas$20,000onthiseveningbut, also for your business. Awayto get involved in the community, promote, be recognized and nurture your relationship with both the busi-ness and residential community. Once again a change of mindset that “will” nurture your business and change the way the community views your business.The 51st Annual Chamber Golf

Tournament was held at Hacienda GolfClub on April 11. Thank you,Hacienda, for working with our com-mittee and hosting such a wonderful

event. This event was once again a great success. The course was beauti-ful, the weather was wonderful and the event was excellent in every way. Thanks to all who participated, includ-ing volunteers, sponsors ranging from tee sponsors and cart sponsors to hole sponsors, food, drink, and raffle prize sponsors.Withouteachandeveryoneof you, this event could not have been a success. Special thanks also to the many who participated as Gold, Sil-ver and Bronze sponsors (Breitburn Energy, CR&RWaste andRecyclingServices,LKQofSouthernCalifornia,OilWellServiceCompany,PIHHealth,RepublicServices,BakerHughes,Cityof Santa Fe Springs, Schlumberger ArtificialLift,ConnectStaffing,JonesandMayer,RoseHillsMemorialPark,Serv-Well Disposal and Recycling).Thanks to the city leadership who werealsoinattendance—MayorPro

TemWilliamRounds,CouncilmanJoeAngelZamora,FireChiefMikeCrookand others who participated in and sponsored the Golf Classic. Special thankstoKathieFinkandherstaffforthe work they have done year after year to make this such a great event and the Golf Committee, a group who volunteered their valuable time and treasure. This is a fundraiser that helps support the chamber so the chamber can continue to support the business community.OnWednesday, June 8, at The

ClarkeEstate,therewillbeaChamberBoard Installation andRecognitionMixer.Wewillbe thanking theout-going Santa Fe Springs Chamber of CommerceBoard ofDirectors andswearing in the new board of direc-tors.Allchambermembersareinvitedto attend.

If you are not a member and would like to attend, I encourage you to get incontactwiththechamberat(562)944-1616.Ibelieveyouwillbenefitbyknowing those who are representing the community in which you conduct business.

SFS Chamber Website Statistics March 2016hits: 70,601event hits: 33,044Directory hits: 35,294Top five categories searched:third-party logisticsclubs and organizationsbanksadvertising agenciesproperty managementTop five members searched:oil Well servicesvans inc.mcmaster carr supply companyJon donaire dessertscytec process materials (ca) inc.member-to-member discount hits: 1,791Job hits: 992

together in a social setting and are at no cost to members.•Unlimitedrepresentativesfrom your business are included in your membership.Promoteyour business by having key “reps” attend the various Chamber functions.•Membersareencouragedtojoin any of the Chamber’s various committees–give us your input and develop relationships with other members at the same time.•Volunteeringisagreatwayto network, and members have priority in volunteering for Chamber events.

•TheSFSChamber101–New MembershipReceptionsarefreefor new members and their representatives.Learnaboutyour membership investment and network with other new members andAmbassadors.•Businesseshavetheopportunityto market their products and services attheAnnualBusinessExpo.

So what are you waiting for? To learn more about how to get engaged, contact Marketing and Sales Direc-tor Colin Diaz, (562) 944-1616, ext. 107, or [email protected].

“Be Engaged’ continued from page 1

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 3coMMuNITy NEWS

•DrainsandSewersCleaned •WaterHeaters •CopperRepiping •Furnaces •Hydrojetting •AirConditioning •WaterPiping •LeakDetections •WaterSofteners •Disposals •BathRemodeling



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Annual Aloha Festival Set for May 21-22Come enjoy the sights and sounds of Hawaii at your local park. Heritage of

AlohaFestivalwilltakeplaceatHeritageParkonSaturday,May21,from10:00a.m.to6:00p.m.andonMay22from10:00a.m.to5:00p.m.Thetwo-dayeventwillshowcasetheheritageofHawaiiandPolynesiaIslandcuisine.Therewill be anoutdoormarketplace,Makahiki games, culturalworkshops, andcontinuousmusicanddancethroughoutthefestivetwo-dayevent.Entryandparking is free. This event is presented by the Hooliina Foundation; it is not a city-sponsored event. For more information, visit www.hertiageofaloha.com.

Beautification Committee Set to Tour Homes and Businesses

The City of Santa Fe Springs Beautification Committee will tour the City in searchofbeautifullymaintainedresidentialhomesandlocalbusinesses.Nowis the time to spruce up your property! The committee will tour the city on May26and27.Afriendlyremindertokeepyourpropertiesclearofthefollowingitems:

•Trash cans should be placed out of the view of the general public; •Garden hoses should be rolled and put away;•Christmas lights should be taken down;•Canopies should not be visible from the street;•Garage doors should be down;•Inoperable vehicles should be out of public sight;•Drought-free landscape isallowed(mustmeet theguidelinessetbycity’s

planningdepartment).If you have any questions, or would like the committee to visit your property,


New Farmers Market at Town Center Plaza Every Wednesday, 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.VisitourNEWSeasonalFarmer’sMarketandFamilyFestivaleveryWednes-

dayfrom5:00to9:00p.m.atTownCenterPlaza,locatedat11740TelegraphRoad.TheMarketplaceatthePlazawillbeopenfromApril20toSeptember28.TheMarketplacewillofferfoodvendors,liveentertainment,artisansandcrafters,andachildren’szone!Don’tforgettostopbyandpurchaseyourfruitsand vegetables or join us for dinner and live music. Bring the entire family and enjoyaneveningoffun!Formoreinformation,pleasecall(562)692-0261or(626)386-5306.Seeyouthere!

I-5 Project Update: Reconstruction of Florence Avenue Bridge

Construction is currently underway for the reconstruction of the Florence AvenueBridgeovertheI-5.MajorconstructionactivityissettobeginlaterthisyearwhenFlorenceAvenue(overI-5)willbereducedtoonelaneineachdi-rection, as crews continue to work to reconstruct the bridge to accommodate thewideningof I-5.Advance coordinationandcollaborationwith the localschools is underway in preparation for this phase of the project that will help alleviate traffic delays.Thebridgewillbewidenedfromfourlanes(currentconfiguration)tosixlanes

(final configuration) andadditional improvements includingenhancementsto freeway on and off ramps and pedestrian access. For questions regarding theI-5ImprovementProjects,call(855)[email protected].

Know Before You Go!The best way to make sure you’re in the know is to sign up today; it takes

just a few minutes to make sure you’ll receive all the information related to thereconstructionofFlorenceAvenueattheI-5freeway.Communitymeetingswillbeheldthissummer;moreinformationincludingthedate(s),location(s)andtime(s),willbeavailableintheprojectemailupdatesorontheprojectwebsite,http://www.my5la.com/oncethemeetingsarescheduled.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 4BuSINESS cARD EXcHANGE

business card exchange

hosted by

CandlewoodCounty Club14000 Telegraph road

WhittierWednesday, June 1

7:30 to 9:30 a.m.$15 members

$25 prospective members(price includes breakfast)

Featuring Serious Networking, Fun and Prizes, Too!

At Every Business Card Exchange, You Can Experience:• FaceToFaceBusinessContacts• NetworkWithOver 100 Local Businesses • ChancetoWin: RaffleandDoorPrizes $100PotofGold YourLogoontheChamberWebsiteWerecommendregisteringwithyourcreditcardonlinebyvisitingourwebsite:www.sfschamber.com

Allprepaidattendeesareguaranteed a spot at the event

andwillalsoreceiveexpress check-in and a



Santa Fe Springs BUSIneSSofficial monthly publication of the santa Fe springs chamber of commerce

12016 e. telegraph rd., suite 100, santa Fe springs, ca 90670(562) 944-1616 / www.sfschamber.com

sFs business is mailed every month to sFs businesses and chamber members. circulation for January, march, may, July, september and november is 4,500. circulation for February, april, June, august, october and december is 9,500, when the publication is also mailed to sFs residents.


Complete Landscape Care, Inc.ÞAwardWinningLandscapeMaintenanceÞ

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ContractedtotheCityofSantaFeSpringsfor29YearsMember of the California Landscape Contractors Association(562)946-4441•www.completelandscapecareinc.comInsured-Bonded-License#C27-756703QAL104401ArboristWE-8219A

Craziness ensued in this table’s selfie.

Embassy Suites Hosts April Breakfast Card ExchangeEmbassySuitesLosAngeles-Downey

showcased more of its newly-complet-ed, renovated space by hosting the Santa Fe Springs Chamber’s AprilBusinessCardExchange.Thebreak-fastwaswellattended,withnearly100intheRegencyBallroom.

The program, which began with

anEmbassySuites-cateredbreakfast,boasted a networking game and table discussion that offered engagement and exploration.

The room, which contained a pretty even mix of members and prospective members, had a very eager buzz to it throughout the morning. So much

so, that by the end of the event, every table had taken multiple table selfies and other goofy shots. Attendees appreciated theoppor-

tunity to connect with so many of their business peers in surrounding communities.

Embassy Suites Los Angeles–DowneyEmbassySuitesLosAngeles–Downeyrecentlycompletedamultimillion-

dollar renovation to their hotel last year. Among the areasupgradedweremeeting spaces, the fitness center, Firestone Grill and their lobby courtyard. The process took just about five months and left the hotel with a very modern and beautiful layout. For more information on the hotel or to book your next event there, visit www.losangelesdowney.embassysuites.com

Santa Fe Springs Chamber Youth Services/Special Events Coordinator Sue Grana; Marketing and Sales Director Colin Diaz; CEO Kathie Fink; and Member Services/Special Events Coordinator Christy Lindsay (second from right) “make it rain” with Embassy Suites Los Angeles-Downey staff Angel Cassio, Isela Ramos, General Manager Maurice Casaus, and Tatiana Paton.

Darwin Vande Hoef, Insperity; Francella Aguilar, Republic Services; and Isela Ramos, Embassy Suites Los Angeles–Downey, pose with the rest of their group for a goofy table selfie.

Mike Young (right), Mike Young, Master Appraiser, sparks a conversation with Fred Gerlach, Central Sales & Leasing; Jeremiah Miller, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management; Mario Flores, Marquez Cable Systems; and Ambassador Table Lead Scott Radcliffe, RAD Custom Signs.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 5NEW MEMBERS

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sharon Wu, officE


John p. pringLE, parTnEr


KPB ASIAN BISTROMayLin,Owner10370SlusherDriveSantaFeSprings,CA90670(562)906-0888www.kpbasianbistro.comInSeptember2012,JohnandMaylaunchedKPBAsianBistro,amodernspinoffoftheiroriginal1987KungPaoBowl.Withanupdatedmenuandcontem-porarystyle,KPBAsianBistrostilloffersalltheoriginalmouth-wateringclassicswhileintroducingoccasionalinnovativeChef ’sSpecials.Andofcourseonlythefreshestingredientsareused,withallorderscookedonthespot.Whetherit’sasmallgatheringoffriendsandfamilyoralargeeventattheoffice,KPBhasyou covered. Our chefs have cooked for a wide range of events from corporate outingstolargeweddings.Andifdeliveryismoreconvenient,wecanbringeverything to your door and take care of the basic set-up. This option is avail-ableforOrangeCountyandLosAngelesCountyevents.ContactourCateringChief–MayLin–forpricingandtodiscusstheneedsofyourevent.

WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANYJonathan Starks, Commercial Sales9961BaldwinPlaceElMonte,CA91731(626)443-1424www.west-ext.comWesternExterminatorhasbeenprovidingprovenpestcontrolsolutions fornearly100years.Since1921,wehavebeenthemostefficientandreliableanswerfor homeowners who need termite and pest control services to rid their prop-ertyofnuisancepests.Whattypeofpestisbuggingyou?Fornearlyacentury,WesternExterminatorhasbeenprovidingresidentsandbusinessownerswithdependablepestcontrolsolutions.Wetakeprideinbeingthesamebusinesstodaythatwewerebackin1921.OurWesternExterminatorprofessionalslivein and around the neighborhoods they service so that we can provide fast, af-fordable and reliable pest removal and pest control services.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 6NETWoRKING @ NooN

Thursday, May 1911:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Pre-registration:members: $12

guests: $17Day of the event: $17

Includes Lunch, Beverage, Tax and Tip

Prospective members are welcome to attend a

maximum of two Networking@Noon lunches.

Register online anytime by visiting our website:

www.sfschamber.com(562) 944-1616

Fax (562) 946-3976email: [email protected]

Join the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce!Contact Colin Diaz, call (562) 944-1616

or email [email protected]

Attendees enjoyed the new layout of Shakey’s Pizza Parlour.

Remodeled Shakey’s Pizza Hosts April Networking @ NoonThe ever-popular Shakey’s Bunch of

Lunchwason fulldisplaywith theirPCM—pizza, chicken and mojos. The only thing surpassing the wonderful networking and food was the complete renovation of the pizza parlour which left it with a very mod-ern and hip feel.

Foreground: Ambassadors Carlos Gallardo, Farmers & Merchants Bank, and Joseline Nucum, DoubleTree by Hilton Los Angeles/Norwalk, engage in conversation as (background) Cody Farzad, Employers Choice Online, speaks with Mario Flores, Marquez Cable Systems, Inc., and a perspective member.

Buffet lunch, free-flowing networking, and relationship-building was in abundance at the newly-remodeled Shakey’s Pizza Parlour.

Central Basin Makes Significant Progress on Addressing State Audit RecommendationsWithin Four Months, District has Completed 66 Percent of Recommendations InlessthanfourmonthstheCentralBasinMunicipalWaterDistricthascom-

pletedtwo-thirdsoftherecommendationsprovidedbytheStateAuditor.Thisprogress is inadvanceofthetimelinesoutlinedbytheStateAuditor.Thesereforms include: updating policies for competitive bidding and sole source contracts; strengthening its policies for the use of public funds and meal reim-bursements; and requiring quarterly reporting of expenditures. “Wearecommittedtostrengtheningthepublic’strustinouragencyandmak-

ing the reforms necessary that will move Central Basin forward,” said Central BasinBoardPresidentRobertApodaca.“Itisofutmostimportancethatwebean effective, efficient and transparent organization that continues to meet the water supply needs of our constituents.”

The board of directors voted to limit sole source contracts to emergency circumstancesorcircumstancesinwhichonlyonevendorcanmeettheDis-trict’sneeds.Additionally,theboardofdirectorsaddressedtheStateAuditor’srecommendation on competitive bidding by revising its policies to require a rebid of contracts if the services significantly change.

The board of directors also voted for policies that provide more guidance on the necessary use of public funds. Other board action includes the adoption of a policy that would prohibit meal reimbursements for meetings for third par-ties or for meetings that take place in the local area and involve only district representatives or its contractors. Withrespecttofinancialtransparencyandreporting,thedistrictalreadypro-

vides monthly reports on expenditures, a practice that exceeds the quarterly reportingrecommendationbytheAuditor.

“The audit provided valuable insight into how we could improve governance, financial stability, operations and transparency at the district,” said Central BasinGeneralManagerKevinHunt.“Forthesereasonswehaveactedontherecommendations with the highest level of urgency and in advance of the State Auditor’stimelines.”

For more information on the actions Central Basin has taken to move forward, visit www.centralbasin.org.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 7

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 8Golf clASSIc

Santa Fe Springs Chamber 51st Annual Golf ClassicTournament Sponsors

Corporate Sponsors

Gold SponsorBreitburnEnergy



Silver SponsorBaker Hughes

City of Santa Fe SpringsSchlumberger

Bronze SponsorConnect StaffingJones&Mayer


Contest SponsorshipsHole-In-OneRedlandsFordInner Circle

Community BankLongest Drive

Nordbak’sPromotionalProducts,Inc.Straightest Drive

CometEmploymentAgencyClosest to the Pin

MorganStanleyWealthManagementPutting ContestHERAEUS

Mayor’s TrophyCity of Santa Fe Springs

Tee SponsorsCommunity Bank

Connect Staffing, Inc.Friendly Hills Country Club




Tee SignsAnsaInsuranceServicesCountryman&McDanielHealthFirstMedicalGroup


Miscellaneous SponsorsGolf Ball SponsorJones&Mayer

Beverage SponsorsTriangleDistributingCo.

Lunch SponsorSantaFeSpringsFirefightersLocal3507

Breakfast SponsorTepeyacatHeritagePark

Snack SponsorPoliceServicesCenterMorning Libations

CaféN’StuffRestaurantWater Sponsor

Norwalk/LaMiradaPlumbing&HVACCart Sponsor

Roquemore,PringleandMooreMargarita SponsorRadCustomSignsCookie Sponsor


Whitney Childress and Trese Childs pass out Margaritas for Rad Custom Signs.

Volunteers, Trese Childs, Debbie Duran-Wade and Amanda Tambarino enjoy a burrito from Tepeyac at Heritage Park.

A beautiful day at Hacienda Golf Club.

Joyce Fitzgerald receives women’s longest drive check from Amanda Tambarino.

And they’re off!

Amazing tacos thanks to the Santa Fe Springs Department of Fire-Rescue.

What a way to start the week!

Chamber President Jeff Winkler awards prize to closest-to-the-pin winner Sean Ovadera.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 9Golf clASSIc

Thank you to the following for their

generous donations:AnsaInsuranceServicesARCpointLabsofSFS

Baker HughesBarnyard Sales, Claudia Fimbres



Community BankCR&RWaste&RecyclingServices


EnosChiropracticClinicFasone Construction

Friendly Hills Country ClubHacienda Golf Club










StifelTed Spaseff



Third place winners Nick Rogers, Jeff Tietz, J.D. Allard, and James Mason of LKQ of Southern California

Second place winners Bill Rounds, Doyle Williams, Mick Watkins, and Les Coutee from the City of Santa Fe Springs

First place winners Jones and Mayer, Troy Silva and Greg Nordbak, pictured with Lisa Boyajian and Carolyn Reggio

50/50 winner Ray Javier pictured with Bud GirlsJohn Prohoroff and Mickey Shubin of Serv-Wel present a TV to lucky winner Brad Prociuk.

Mayor Pro Tem Bill Rounds and Councilman Joe Angel Zamora present the Mayors Cup to Jones and Mayer.

Women’s straightest drive winner Susan West receives a check from Lisa Boyajian.

Chamber President Jeff Winkler and Amanda Tambarino congratulate men’s longest drive winner Patrick McCarty.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 10

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 11MEMBER NEWS

Allareinvitedtoattendagalaeve-ning of dining and entertainment with local businesses, community leaders, and chamber members at the Bowers Museum as the Youth EnrichmentFundcelebratesits21stDestinyDin-neronJune25.Themed“TheArtofDestiny”, the

evening is the annual fundraiser for scholarships and youth programs for the students of Santa Fe Springs.TheDestinyDinner committee is

busy planning the special evening.

Festivities planned include com-plimentary wine, hors d’oeuvres, a fabulous dinner, introduction of the DestinyScholarshiprecipient,silentand live auctions, museum viewing, the famous Treasure Chest, and to top off the evening, entertainment and dancing.

For tickets, sponsorship opportuni-ties, donations, or more information please contact Sue Grana at the cham-beroffice(562)[email protected].

LEFTGuests always enjoy the many “one-of-a-kind” silent auction items.

RIGHTHealthFirst Medical Group at last year’s Destiny Dinner.

Celebrate The Art of Destiny at the Bowers Museum

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 12SEcuRITy AND SAfETy


March 2016 2015Crimesreported 2016 totals totals difference

Total 108 325 313 + 4%Homicide 0 0 0 – —%Rape 0 4 0 +100%Robbery 2 5 9 – 44%AggravatedAssault 3 13 7 + 86%Burglary 8 32 47 – 32% Commercial/Retail 6 27 34 – 21% Residential 2 5 13 – 62% Vehicle 20 56 36 + 56%AllThefts 81 231 200 + 16% Vehicle 15 45 48 – 6% Shoplifting 16 41 28 + 46%AutoTheft 13 38 46 – 17%Arson 1 2 4 – 50% Video and Crime Solving

By Captain Aviv BarOfficers respond to businesses

throughout the year to investigate a variety of crimes. Some crimes occur during business hours, such as thefts, assaults, and robberies, while other crimes such as burglaries take place when the business is closed. The initial duty of a responding police officer is to collect as much informa-tion as possible about the crime, so that detectives who follow up on the incident, will be able to identify and arrest the persons responsible.

TheWhittier Police Departmentequips patrol personnel with latent prints recovery kits, which enable of-ficers to lift finger prints from crime scenesiftheyarelocated.Wealsocol-lectDNAmaterialsfromcrimesceneswhen appropriate, to help us identify suspects.

One of the most exciting pieces of evidence an officer can collect at a crime scene, is high quality video of theincident.While“apictureiswortha thousand words”, video is worth a thousand pictures. Surveillance video from businesses is very helpful in identifying suspectsANDplacingthem at the scene of the crime - both are crucial pieces of information required for successful prosecution.Whilemostbusinesseshavemodern

video systems installed, it has been our experience too often that busi-ness cameras located in the vicinity of a crime scene are not operational or so outdated that the quality of the video is not usable. If you own or op-erate a business in Santa Fe Springs, please take a few minutes to inspect your surveillance cameras to ensure that lenses are clean and that the sys-tem is operational - recording video toaDVRoracloud.

If your business does not have a surveillance video system, please con-sider installing one. It could help us solve a crime at your location or your neighbor’s in the future.

Aviv Bar is a captain with the Whit-tier Police Department and oversees the department’s investigations di-vision, SWAT, and Santa Fe Springs Policing Team. He can be reached at (562) 567-9265 or via email at [email protected].

Did you know the Santa Fe Springs

Chamber of Commerce offers CERTIFICATES

OF ORIGIN for products manufactured

in the United States as a FREE member

benefit? Contact the chamber,

(562) 944-1616, or email

[email protected]

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 13HR foRuM

IT’s time to ‘be engaged’... Join the SFS Chamber!Contact Colin Diaz, call (562) 944-1616

or email [email protected]





California Minimum Wage IncreaseBy Ryan Kennedy, Esq. and Jonathan Judge, Esq.Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & RomoOnMonday,April4,2016,GovernorJerryBrown

signed into lawSenateBill 3, raisingCalifornia’sminimumwageto$15.00perhourby2022(“SB3”).California’scurrentminimumwageof$10.00tiedMassachusettsforthehighestminimumwageforanystate,andbehindonlyWashington,D.C.’s$10.50minimumwage.

Increases to the minimum wage will begin Janu-ary1,2017,atwhichtimetheminimumwagewillincreaseto$10.50perhour.Theminimumwagewouldthenincreaseby50centsonJanuary1,2018,and$1.00eachofthefollowingyearsuntil2022.Businesseswith25orfeweremployeeswillgetanextra year to comply with each increase. Beginning in2024,theminimumwageincreasewillbetiedto inflation.

This law follows protracted negotiations between the Governor’s office and labor unions. Governor Brown was wary of such an increase due to the ap-proximately$4billionperyearitwilllikelyaddtothe State budget, not to mention the higher costs to private employers. Once it became clear Califor-nians supported the wage increase and the unions affirmed their plan to pursue a voter referendum if the State did not agree to the wage increase, the GovernorchosetomoveforwardwithSB3.Accord-ingtotheGovernor’soffice,SB3givestheState

more control over the minimum wage increases which it may not have if the increase was passed through voter referendum. In an effort to assuage theGovernor and employers, SB 3 permits theGovernor to block increases during periods of slow growth or budget deficits.

Several California municipalities (for example: Berkeley, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Los Angeles,Mountain View,Oakland, Pasadena, Richmond,SanFrancisco,SanJose,SantaClara,SantaMonica,and Sunnyvale) and Los Angeles County havealready passed laws increas-ing their minimum wages in their respective jurisdictions. The State’s decision to raise the minimum wage does not preempt local or municipal increases to the minimum wage.Rather,theState’smini-mum wage will serve as a floor that local governments may choose to exceed.

In addition to providing extra income for non-exempt hourly workers, the increase in California’s minimum wage will impact exempt salary workers whose base salary is tied to this index. California’s

exempt employees must receive a monthly base sal-ary equal to at least two times the State’s minimum wagewiththecurrentsalarylevelsetat$3,466.67or$41,600.Thisbasesalarywillincreaseto$3,640monthlyand$43,680annuallyonJanuary1,2017thenincrementallyeachyearthereafter.Accordingly,employers should perform their wage and hour audits early each year in order to prepare for the coming increases.

For more information on this and other issues, please visit our website at www.aalrr.com.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 14lEGISlATIvE NEWS

Remember, Buy from Chamber Members!

the following companies recently renewed their memberships. We salute these businesses and thank them for their continuing support. members listed in boldface type donated to the Youth enrich-ment Fund.member Yearsrepublic Services 49Florence avenue Foursquare Church 47Unified Western grocers, inc. 43mike Thompson’s rV Superstores 33rev-Co Spring manufacturing, inc. 33industrial Control & Supply Company 32Little Lake City School District 29atkinson, andelson, Loya, ruud & romo 27Johnson-peltier 26Shoring engineers 24Target Specialty products 22cerritos college 21royal paper Corp. 21Certified phone Solutions 20vernola’s tow service 20embassy Suites hotel 19montebello Container Corp. 19norwalk/La mirada plumbing & hVaC 19bewley Lassleben & miller, LLp 18cafe n’ stuff restaurant 17Complete Landscape Care, inc. 17Community bank 16healthFirst medical group South 16ansa insurance Services 14dollar self storage 14South Coast Computers 14Wells Fargo bank - santa Fe springs 13b3W inc. 12advantage Staffing 11accuride international, inc. 9hathaway ranch museum 9LeFiell manufacturing Company 9royal imex, inc. 9Shakey’s pizza parlor 9bolton & company 8Galleher corporation 8amTeX Construction 7hilton garden inn montebello 7Consumers pipe & Supply 5ink Systems, inc. 5pacific palms resort 5CTra industrial machine, inc. 4everybusiness hr essentials 4Knox Service group 4s & m moving systems 4Universal Waste Systems 4Votaw precision Technologies inc. 3Westset Logistics 3Wrinkle Free i.t. inc. 3Gilmar automotive Group 1santa Fe kid company of Whittier 1Windsor Fashions 1

The California Chamber of Commerce has released itslistofjobcreatorbills,callingattentionto13billsthat will improve the state’s job climate and stimulate the economy.Since2008,theCalChamberhasidentifiedbillsthat

will encourage employers to invest resources back into the economy and local communities rather than spend them on unnecessary government-imposed costs.Thelistof2016jobcreatorbillsfollows:

Reducing Meritless Litigation•AB1948(Wagner;R-Irvine)MealandRestPeriod

Penalty—Reduces unnecessary litigation byspecifying that the one-hour premium pay pen-alty for a missed meal or rest period is the sole remedy for the violation.

•AB2461 (Grove;R-Bakersfield)PrivateAttorneysGeneralAct (PAGA)Reform—Protectsagainstmeritless litigation by focusing a representative actionunderPAGAtofourLaborCodesectionsinsteadoftheentireLaborCode.

•AB2462 (Grove;R-Bakersfield)PrivateAttorneysGeneralAct(PAGA)Reform—Reducesmeritlesslitigationcostsbyallowinganemployer33daystocureanyallegedLaborCodeviolationbeforea civil action may be filed.

•AB2463 (Grove;R-Bakersfield)PrivateAttorneysGeneral Act (PAGA)Reform—Reducesmerit-less litigation costs by capping the penalties an employeemayreceiveunderPAGAat$1,000peraggrieved employee.

•AB2464 (Grove;R-Bakersfield)PrivateAttorneysGeneral Act (PAGA)Reform—Reducesmerit-less litigation costs by providing the court with discretiontodismissaPAGAcaseifthecourtde-termines the employee did not suffer any physical or economic harm.

•AB2465 (Grove;R-Bakersfield)PrivateAttorneysGeneral Act (PAGA)Reform—Reducesmerit-less litigationcostsbyrequiring theLaborandWorkforceDevelopment Agency to investigateand review all notices filedpursuant to PAGAand issue a determination as to whether there isareasonablebasisforacivilactionwithin120days of receiving the notice.


nia” on labels by providing such businesses with a limited right to cure any alleged minor violation.

•SB269(Roth;D-Riverside)IncentivizingDisabilityAccessandEducation—Seekstolimitfrivolouslitigation and claims regarding construction-related accessibility violations by providing busi-nesses that have proactively sought to become ADA compliantwith anopportunity to resolveany identified violations.

•SB1142(Moorlach;R-CostaMesa)ADAReform—Reducesmeritlesslitigationcostswhileprotectingdisabilityaccessbyprovidingabusinesswith120days to cure any alleged violation in a demand letter before a civil action may be filed.

•SB1228 (Runner;R-AntelopeValley)SmallBusi-nessRelief—Providessmallbusinesseswiththeopportunity to comply with regulations without facing devastating administrative enforcement actions and penalties, by requiring state agen-cies to assist small business with newly adopted regulations, create policies to reduce or eliminate penalties against small businesses who have tried to comply in good faith, and allow courts the necessary discretion to grant small employers equitable relief from overwhelming administra-tive orders.

•SB1306 (J. Stone; R-Temecula)Consumer LegalRemedies Act—Creates fairness in the appli-cation of this law as applied to the California EnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)byamendingit to allow a “prevailing party” to recover attor-ney’s fees instead of allowing only a defendant to recover attorney’s fees when the action was filed in bad faith.

Economic Growth Incentives•AB2664(Irwin;D-ThousandOaks)IncreasedIn-

novationandEntrepreneurship—Makesiteasiertoestablishabusinessbyproviding3 yearsoffundingtoallowtheUniversityofCalifornia(UC)andBerkeleyNationalLaboratorytoexpandtheircapacity and increase access to their innovation and entrepreneurship centers, which provide incubator space, legal services, entrepreneur training and more for researchers and other indi-viduals looking to develop innovative solutions.

•SB936(Hertzberg;D-VanNuys)LoanAccess—En-courages creation of small business by expanding their access to loans, which helps them grow.

CalChamber 2016 Job Creators List

So,youmayhaveheardabout“networking”.Youmay even have a preconceived notion or two about it. But, business networking is a really valuable way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, attain new clients and tell others about your business.

If you’re a company that is weighing the options of allocating the time and/or resources to networking, I’dsayDOIT!Infact,herearethetopthreebenefitsfor business owners of getting involved in networking (thisisalistcompiledfromvariousarticles):1. Generation of referrals/Increased business

This is probably the most obvious benefit and the reason most business owners decide to participate in networking activities and join networking groups.

The great news is that the referrals that you get through networking are normally high quality and mostofthetimeareevenpre-qualifiedforyou.You

can then follow up on these referrals/leads and turn them into clients. So you are getting much higher quality leads from networking than other forms of marketing.

The increase in business from networking is the major advantage, but there are many others as well.2. OpportunitiesWithamotivatedgroupofbusinessownerscomes

an abundance of opportunities! There are always lots of opportunities that come from networking and in fact this is where the benefits of business networking are huge!

Opportunities like joint ventures, client leads, partnerships, speaking and writing opportunities, business or asset sales… the list goes on, as the op-portunities within networking are really endless.

Just make sure you are jumping on board with

Three Benefits of Business Networking

continued on next page

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 15youTH ENRIcHMENT fuND

Adecco Helps Future Business Leaders Prepare Resumes

Mentor Program Participants VisitRio Hondo CollegeOnTuesday,April5,participantsin

the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Com-mercementoringprogramvisitedRioHondo College. Santa Fe High School students and their mentors toured the college facility and enjoyed a delicious lunch hosted by the college.Claudia Romo, CTE transitions

counselor, arranged speakers in the areas of business management, en-ergy, and international business.

For the majority of the students, this was their first time visiting a college campus. Throughout the tour, the importance of education, programs available to them as high school students, and how to be a successful college student were stressed.

the right opportunities and don’t go jumping into every opportunity that comes your way. The opportunities that you get involved in should align with your business goals/vision, oth-erwise you might find that you are spinning your wheels chasing after opportunity after opportunity and getting nowhere.3. Connections“It’snotWHATyouknow,butWHO

you know”. This is so true in busi-ness. If you want a really successful business, then you need to have a great source of relevant connections in your network that you can call on when you need them. Networking provides youwith a

great source of connections, and re-ally opens the door to talk to highly influential people that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to easily talk to or find.

It’s not just about who you are networking with directly either – that person will already have a network you can tap into as well. So ask the right questions to find out if the per-son you are networking with knows who you want to know!

Networkingcontinued from previous page

Students in the Future Business Leaders Program at Santa FeHighSchool are getting ready to hit the pavement looking for summer jobs. BelindaMartinez andVeneciaMar-quez,AdeccoEmploymentServices,

helped the students write their re-sumes. Students sometimes are at a loss as to what to put on a resume and Belinda and Venecia showedthem how to make the most out of their schooling, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. They also stressed the importance of having everything on one page, being hon-est about their credentials, and being organized and succinct.

Santa Fe Springs BUSINESS • May 2016 • Page 16MEMBER NEWS

Join the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of commerceCall COLIN DIAZ, (562) 944-1616 or go to www.sfschamber.com

Remembering Esmael Adibi: Chapman EconomistDr.EsmaelAdibiwasalargepartoftheSantaFeSprings

community for years, presenting the annual economic forecastsince2007.HepassedawayonFriday,April8,and will be missed.Heoncesaid“Whenyourjobislecturingaboutthe

economy,GDPandgovernmentspending,you’dbetterhave a sense of humor otherwise you can bore your audi-ence into a deep sleep.” Typically, he had the audience laughing(afewhadtearsintheireyesfromlaughter)yet at the same time they were seriously contemplating the impact the economy would have on California that year.BelowfromtheOfficeofthePresident,JamesDoti,totheChapmanCom-

munity.ThepassingofEsmaelAdibi,Ph.D.–BelovedProfessor,FriendandColleagueDATE:April9,2016TO: The Chapman CommunityFROM:JimDoti,President,ChapmanUniversityIregrettoreportthepassingofourfriendandcolleague,ProfessorEssie

Adibi.HepassedawayonFriday,peacefullyandwithhisfamilyathisside,fromcomplications due to a massive stroke.AsItrytocometotermswiththepassingofmyclosestfriend,it’sreallydif-

ficult for me to imagine my life or that of the university without him. The power of his personality, wisdom and intellect was so much a part of our community. He was one of our brightest stars.BeforeEssiewentontocompletehisPh.D.atClaremontGraduateUniver-

sity,hereceivedhisMBAatChapmanin1976.Hewasamongmyfirstgraduatestudents, and I will always remember him as one of my most perceptive and gifted researchers.EssiewentontobecomeaprofessorofeconomicshereatChapman,where


thorniest of economic subjects with wit and wisdom. He loved working with hisstudentsinpreparingandupdatingtheChapmanEconometricModel.Inthewidercommunity,Essiewasperhapsbestknownasthegenialandintel-lectualpresenteroftheChapmanEconomicForecastsoverthelast38years—the longest-running forecast in the nation. These forecasts grew to be widely trusted by business people and media outlets throughout the nation. Indeed, the Chapman forecasts were recently cited for the highest degree of forecast accuracyamongtheBlueChipForecastsoverthelast10years.Essieco-authoredthewidelyusedtextbookEconometricAnalysis:AnAp-

plicationsApproach,aswellasThePracticeofEconometricswithEViews.Hisarticles were published in many professional journals, including International Advances inEconomicResearchandTheQuarterlyJournalofBusinessandEconomics.Healsocontributedfrequentlytolocalandnationalnewsstorieson the economy.

Essie’sinvolvementintheprivateandpublicsectorswasextraordi-nary.HewaspastpresidentoftheAssociationforUniversityBusinessandEconomicResearchandamemberoftheNABEOutlookSurveyPanelandWesternBlueChipEconomicForecastPanel.HeservedontheCaliforniaTreasurer’sCouncilofEconomicAdvisorsandwaspar-ticularly proud of his distinguished service on the board of directors ofSchoolsFirstFederalCreditUnion.Overtheyears,EssiewasamainstayintheArgyrosSchoolofBusi-

nessandEconomics.DeanReggieGilyardrecentlytoldme,“Essiewasan important advisor to me as I transitioned from the private sector totheworldofacademia.Upuntilhisfinaldaysintheoffice,IwaslearningfromEssie.”Thatwas certainlyoneofEssie’s special attributes.Hehelped so

manypeopleinsomanyways.AsChapmanPRdirectorMaryPlatttoldme yesterday, “I can’t believe he’s gone. Such a force of intelligence, good humor and humanity; such a vital figure in the fabric and history of Chapman.”EssieissurvivedbyhiswifeJila,daughterRoxanne,sonKeeyaand

grandchildrenNicholasandAlexander.Amemorial servicewasheldonSaturday,April 16, in


national Scholarship Fund at Chapman that he established many years ago and where he donated the honorariums he received for his many public speaking engagements.Aswereflectonthelossofourfriendandcolleague,Iwishtoleave

youwiththewordsofmyassistant,DorothyFarol,whensheheardthesadnews:“Essiewasmorethanafriend;hewasanamazingperson.His passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. His memory will always be deep within our hearts.”

Donate your Truck, Rv or Boat to the Santa Fe Springs Chamber/League Youth Enrichment FundYoucandonateyourcar,runningornot,toCars4Causes.TellthemyouwanttheproceedstogototheSantaFeSpringsChamber/LeagueYouthEnrichmentFund.Webenefitfromthe

