033 413 2735 Fax 033 413 1933 WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL 2015 e-mail [email protected] GAZETTE Greytown Greytown Umvoti | Kranskop | New Hanover | Msinga Magisterial Districts 10 000 copies weekly| Est. 1903 FREE www.greytowngazette.co.za @greygazette Greytown Gazette 110 00 1.5kg Clover Pure Ghee Valid from 1-6 April 2015 Tel: 033 413 2196 • Fax: 033-413 2100 GREYTOWN 120 Pine Street, Greytown Making home building simple OFFERS VALID UNTIL 11 APRIL 2015 While Stocks Last • Terms and conditions apply WIRE AND FENCING 69 90 GALVANIZED WIRE 3.15 mm x 5 kg 49 90 BUILD IT CLAW HAMMER 500 g - with fibre handle 159 90 RAZOR WIRE 500 mm x 15 m 449 90 IMBUZI WELDNET 1.2 m x 50 m 399 90 WELD MESH 1.8 m x 30 m 69 90 BUILD IT FENCING PLIERS 250 mm I N a dramatic announcement last week the Department of Environmental Af- fairs and Internal Safety revealed that the famous Blinkwater mountain in Seven Oaks had historically been classified as a sleeping volcano. But the spokesman said as a matter of urgency, underground disruptions had pushed the volcano to the point of erupting and that lava and ash would soon be rain- ing down its slopes. Spokesman for the department, Dr Z.X.Y. Van der Brawn, told a Greytown Gazette reporter that five years ago an alert member of the department had been hiking on Blinkwater when he became aware of suspicious signs indicative of vol- canic properties. Dr Van der Brawn said he immediately appointed a task team to investigate. A dedicated and committed team of men and women had camped out on the slopes of the Blinkwater for the past year to as- sess the situation. It had been exception- ally hard work and the team should, in his view, be awarded the highest honours in South Africa for their dedication, com- mitment and sheer hard labour through coping with extremes of weather, harsh living conditions and the constant fear that there could be a premature eruption. In response to a query he said the team had been paid overtime and danger mon- ey. Dr van der Brawn said however, re- ports that a restaurant in Greytown had delivered three meals a day to these brave heroes and heroines was incorrect – only two a day had been ordered. The group’s detailed research and the many samples taken of rock formation and frozen lava collected under the most dire conditions had led them to the conclu- sion that Blinkwater was actually a volcano. Although it had been benign and resting for hundreds of year Dr van der Brawn senior said he estimated it was just a ques- tion of days before the mountain erupted. In fact, Dr Van der Brawn said he was so convinced at the scientific accuracy of the research carried out that he was prepared to state publicly to national and interna- tional media that the due date of eruption was in fact today - 1 April. PHOTO: SOURCED Underground disruptions had pushed Blinkwater mountain to the point of erupting and that lava and ash would soon be raining down its slopes. Blinkwater ‘volcano’ to erupt? WHO cares if Umvoti runs out of water in the near future. Certainly not its water service providers, Umzinyathi District Municipality, which does not respond or comment on photos such as this one. The officials in Umzinyathi and Umvoti are showing blatant disre- gard of the potential disaster facing Umvoti and its residents. In assessing the situation two months ago a spokesman for the De- partment of Water estimated that Lake Merthley could run dry by July ... and there has been no improve- ment in the level of the lake since then. Last Friday morning the Grey- town Gazette received numerous phone calls and photos of the hun- dreds of litres of water spewing forth from this fire hydrant in Louis Botha Avenue. There was a burst pipe which Umzinyathi workers were fix- ing, but as they allegedly could not find the valve to switch off the water turned on the fire hydrant to ease the pressure on the water flow. The Greytown Gazette requested comment from Umzinyathi, the De- partment of Water and other role players ... but to no avail. So please, even though there is to- tal silence on the part of the officials, consumers are urged to continue their impressive efforts to save water, to stop wastage and report leaks (and burst pipes) immediately. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Early last Friday morning the Greytown Gazette received numerous phone calls and photos of the hundreds and hundreds of litres of water spewing forth from this fire hydrant in Louis Botha Avenue. Who cares if lake runs dry?

Greytown Gazette 20150401

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Greytown Gazette 20150401

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Page 1: Greytown Gazette 20150401

033 413 2735 Fax 033 413 1933 WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL 2015 e-mail [email protected]

GAZETTEGreytownGreytownUmvoti | Kranskop | New Hanover | Msinga Magisterial Districts

10 000 copies weekly| Est. 1903FREE

www.greytowngazette.co.za @greygazette Greytown Gazette


Pure Ghee

Valid from1-6April 2015

Tel: 033 413 2196 • Fax: 033-413 2100


120 Pine Street, GreytownMaking home building simple

OFFERS VALID UNTIL 11 APRIL 2015While Stocks Last • Terms and conditions apply



GALVANIZED WIRE3.15 mm x 5 kg



500 g - with fibrehandle


RAZOR WIRE500 mm x 15 m


IMBUZI WELDNET1.2 m x 50 m


WELD MESH1.8 m x 30 m



INadramatic announcement lastweekthe Department of Environmental Af-fairs and Internal Safety revealed that

the famousBlinkwatermountain inSevenOaks had historically been classified as asleeping volcano.

But the spokesman said as a matter ofurgency, underground disruptions hadpushedthevolcanotothepointoferuptingand that lava and ashwould soon be rain-ing down its slopes.

Spokesman for the department, DrZ.X.Y. Van der Brawn, told a GreytownGazette reporter that five years ago analertmemberof thedepartmenthadbeenhiking on Blinkwater when he becameawareofsuspicioussigns indicativeofvol-canic properties.

Dr Van der Brawn said he immediatelyappointed a task team to investigate. Adedicated and committed team of menandwomen had camped out on the slopesof the Blinkwater for the past year to as-sess the situation. It had been exception-ally hard work and the team should, inhis view, be awarded the highest honoursin South Africa for their dedication, com-

mitment and sheer hard labour throughcoping with extremes of weather, harshliving conditions and the constant fearthat there could be a premature eruption.

In response to a query he said the teamhad been paid overtime and dangermon-ey. Dr van der Brawn said however, re-ports that a restaurant in Greytown haddelivered threemeals aday to thesebraveheroes and heroines was incorrect – onlytwo a day had been ordered.

The group’s detailed research and themany samples taken of rock formationand frozen lava collected under the mostdireconditionshadledthemtotheconclu-sion that Blinkwater was actually avolcano.

Although ithadbeenbenignandrestingfor hundreds of year Dr van der Brawnseniorsaidheestimated itwas justaques-tion of days before themountain erupted.In fact, Dr Van der Brawn said he was soconvinced at the scientific accuracy of theresearchcarriedout thathewaspreparedto state publicly to national and interna-tional media that the due date of eruptionwas in fact today - 1 April.

PHOTO: SOURCEDUnderground disruptionshad pushed Blinkwatermountain to the point oferupting and that lavaand ash would soon beraining down its slopes.

Blinkwater ‘volcano’ to erupt?

WHO cares if Umvoti runs out ofwater in the near future. Certainlynot its water service providers,Umzinyathi District Municipality,which does not respond or commenton photos such as this one.

The officials in Umzinyathi andUmvoti are showing blatant disre-gard of the potential disaster facingUmvoti and its residents.

In assessing the situation twomonths ago a spokesman for theDe-partment of Water estimated thatLakeMerthley could run dry by July... and there has been no improve-ment in the level of the lake sincethen.

Last Friday morning the Grey-town Gazette received numerous

phone calls and photos of the hun-dredsof litresofwater spewing forthfrom this fire hydrant in Louis BothaAvenue. There was a burst pipewhichUmzinyathiworkerswere fix-ing, but as they allegedly could notfind the valve to switch off the waterturnedonthe firehydrant toease thepressure on the water flow.

The Greytown Gazette requestedcomment from Umzinyathi, the De-partment of Water and other roleplayers ... but to no avail.

Soplease, even though there is to-tal silence on the part of the officials,consumers are urged to continuetheir impressive efforts to savewater, to stop wastage and reportleaks (and burst pipes) immediately.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDEarly last Friday morning the Greytown Gazette receivednumerous phone calls and photos of the hundreds and hundredsof litres of water spewing forth from this fire hydrant in LouisBotha Avenue.

Who cares if lake runs dry?

Page 2: Greytown Gazette 20150401

1 April2015Greytown GazettePage 2

165 Pine Street, GreytownTel: 074 248 2055, 033 413 2451

SPECIALS VALID FROM 1 April until 8 April 2015 • NB: We cater for all functions


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GREYTOWN Hospital hosted an importantUmvoti Primary Health-Care Indaba at

BusanaHighon24Marchas a joint venturewith stakeholders to look into, and findpos-sible solutions to the challenges of increas-ingmaternal deaths, teen pregnancies andmalnutrition in the sub-district.

Greytown Hospital decided to host suchan indaba to make stakeholders aware ofthe challenges.

LateraresolutionwastakentohostaPHCindaba in order to engage various stake-holders of the challenges faced by the De-partmentofHealthaswell toemphasise theimportance of a collective approach to winthe battle. The object of the event was tocreate a platform for stakeholders, includ-ing traditional leadership, localmunicipali-ty, traditional healers, fraternal, youthstructure, Department of Education, etc.,to exchange ideas and to come up with astrategic plan to produce positive results.

There was overwhelming and positivesupport and commitment from those in-

volved in the indaba. Special thanks wereexpressed by Greytown Hospital to Opera-tion SukumaSakhe local task team,UmvotiMayor Ngubane for his keynote address,various stakeholders and organisers formaking the indaba a success.

As the organisers Greytown Hospital ex-pressed its gratitude at having Umvoti AidsCentre and World Vision as partners andwere grateful for its continued support, italso thankedaQuellé StekeniMission for itsgenerous sponsorship and Radio Khwezifor its positive exposure, BusanaHighprin-cipal, Mr T.N. Mabaso and pupils, Mr. T.D.Khumalo, chairperson Amatimatolo warroom, war-room committee and the com-munity of Amatimatolo.

Greytown Hospital management said:"We are sincerely grateful. We hope tomaintain this upward momentum becauseit is vital to the success of health-care ser-vice delivery"

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDPupils attend the indaba hosted by GreytownHospital.

Umvoti PrimaryHealth-Care indaba

IN anticipation of the advertisers who arekeeping to the excruciatingly early deadlineof tomorrow noon for the Greytown Gazette of 8 Aprilissue - much appreciation and thank you.

With Good Friday and Family Day being public

holidays, deadline for display and classifiedadvertising for the 8 April issue is noon on Thursday2 April.

TheGreytownGazette officewill be open onMonday6 April from 8am to 11am to process last-minute news

and sports reports.Umvoti Municipal offices will close at

noononThursdaywith the cashier closingat 11am.

Refuse collection will be as normal overweekend as will stand-by and emergencyservices.

Anyone needing to purchase electricitycan do so at Aheers Multisave

For emergencies of any sort, pleasephone Ops 911 on 033 417 2911.

Monday 27 April is Freedom Day, soanotherearlyThursdaydeadline-23Aprilat 1pm for display and classified.

Workers’ Day on Friday 1May, so againnoon on Thursday 30 April.

Early deadlines

ANTARCTICA is the most remote place onEarth, so who would want to go there, andwhy?

Antarctica is the highest, driest,windiest,emptiest, coldest place on Earth, but it is al-so one of themost extraordinarily beautifulplaces on Earth.

If you want to know more go along andchill out in warm company at the next StJames's social evening on Friday 17 Aprilin Leuchar's Hall when Chris and JudyOdendaalandMartinadMadelineHill sharetheir amazing cruise on the Azamara.Captain Chris will tell the story and FirstMate Martin will share magnificent photos.

Take a picnic supper and drinks. Tableswill be setup,butmakeupyourowngroups.Tickets are R40 per person from the parishoffice (mornings) or from Sue Swan on033 507 0132.

Doors open at 6.30pm. The show startsat 7pm.

‘Chill out inAntarctica’ inGreytown

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDCongratulations to the Greytown Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences uniton being awarded the title of ‘best in the province’. Unit Commander Lieutenant KeshniBudloo is proud of her team's tremendous dedication, commitment and hard work. Theaward was presented by KZN MEC for Community Safety and Liaison T.W. Mchunu. At theevent (front middle) Lieutenant Budloo, on her right cluster commander Colonel G.N.Khumalo and Greytown Station Commander Major Mchunu.

Tops in KZN

Page 3: Greytown Gazette 20150401

1 April2015 Greytown Gazette Page 3

Specials available from 25th March to 4 April, while stocks last. E&OE.

FRESH SHEEP OFFAL:Sheep Pluck Full Each

R35,00Sheep Tripe

Each R25,00Sheep Gut’s

Each R25,00Sheep Heads

Each R20,00


Per kg



Per kg



Per kg



Per kg





Per kg


NAMED the “Valentine’s Day rapist”, 37-year-old Mkhombiseni Buthelezi was sen-tenced to 10 years’ imprisonment by theGreytownRegional Courtmagistrate on 20March for the rape of his niece on Valen-tine’s Day.

In the early evening the teenager waswalking to her home in Msinga, when theman approached her. He slapped, assault-edandthenrapedher.The17-year-oldwasshownnomercybyherunclewhodemand-ed that his victim hand over her cellphoneand as she did it accidentally fell to theground.

While the man was trying to pick it up,the victim managed to escaped and ran toher home and reported the assault to heraunt.

A case of rape was opened at Msinga po-lice station and the Greytown Family Vio-lence,ChildProtectionandSexualOffencesUnit took over the investigation. The ac-cused was arrested the following day.

This is one of the quickest finalisationsof a rape casewith sentence imposedwith-in a month of the crime being committed.

The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Commis-sioner, Lieutenant General MmamonnyeNgobeniwelcomed the sentence handed tothe rapist and praised the unit for thespeedy finalisation of the case.

“Wewill ensure that any formof violencedirected at women and children is dealtwith firmly so that the perpetrators areplaced behind bars where they belong,”she said.

Rapist sentenced to 10 years.PHOTO: SOURCED

Valentine’s Dayrapist sentenced

SAMMY (his full name is Samsonbecause he is a strong youngman)was found tied up in the back yardof an abandoned house. He is ahappyfour-month-oldpuplookingfor a family of his own. If you cangive him that loving home he somuch wants, please phoneGreytown SPCA on 072 096 9634.

Four-month-old Samson.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Loving home wanted

ANEaster sunrise servicehasbeenarrangedbyGreytownchurchesat LakeMerth-ley on Easter Sunday at 6am. The speaker will be Angus Buchan. All welcome,but take a chair along.

Easter sunrise service

CONGRATULA-TIONS to well-known Greytowncouple Barryand MarithaKruger whocelebrate theirgolden weddinganniversary on 2April. They weremarried inBloemfontein in1965. They bothgrew up inBloemfontein.The couple havefour children, allmarried, and arethe proud grand-parents of eight.

Barry and MarithaKruger on theirwedding day inBloemfontein in1965.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

50 Goue jare

Page 4: Greytown Gazette 20150401

1 April2015Greytown GazettePage 4



Notice is hereby given that Umvoti Local Municipality has prepared the 2015/16 Draft IDP Review and Budgetas required in terms of Section 34 of the Municipal Systems Act (No. 32 of 2000) and Section 21 and 22 ofMunicipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003. The municipality has commenced with the Public Con-sultation process.The consultation schedule is as follows:


1 08/04/2015 09H00 Vikindlala Hall

1 08/04/2015 12H00 Makhabeleni Tribal Court

1 08/04/2015 15H00 Mbovu Tribal Court(Njengabantu)

2 09/04/2015 9H00 Gwinyamathe Hall

2 09/04/2015 12H00 Mbangweni Hall

3 10/04/2015 09H00 Mbuba Hall

3 10/04/2015 12H00 Ntembisweni Hall

3 10/04/2015 15H30 Mzoniwe Primary School(Mdlelanto)

4 11/04/2015 09H00 Eshane Hall

4 11/04/2015 12H00 Thulini Creche

5 13/04/2015 09H00 KwaSenge Hall

5 13/04/2015 12H00 Kranskop Hall

6 14/04/2015 09H00 Ophofini Hall

6 14/04/2015 12H00 Gcothoyi Hall

6 14/04/2015 15H00 Madekeni Primary School

7 15/04/2015 09H00 Nseleni Hall

7 15/04/2015 17H00 Enhlalakahle New Hall

8 16/04/2015 09H00 Ngome Hall

8 16/04/2015 12H00 Sheshisamsamo PrimarySchool

9 17/04/2015 13H00 Greytown Town Hall

9 17/04/2015 17H00 Greytown Country Club

10 18/04/2015 14H00 Upper Umvoti School

11 19/04/2015 10H00 Mt Enerstina School

11 19/04/2015 13H00 Mbalane Creche

11 19/04/2015 15H00 Quarme School

Should you have any queries, regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the PlanningManager, Mrs N.V Mbhele at 033 413 9206 during normal working hours (7H45-16H30) or email [email protected].

Mr B A Xulu, P O Box 71, Notice: 2054Municipal Manager, Greytown, 3250










MS/2014/2015/110/T 2 GB or higher 80/20 andfunctionality

01 April 2015 Only 07 April 2015 at 10am atMsinga Municipal Offices

R200.00 PerDocument

14 April 2015 at 12h00

TENDER DOCUMENTSTender documents will be obtainable from the office of SCM Unit, Mr. TT Buthelezi on 033-4930761/2 during office hours. A non-refundable de-posit of R200.00 cash or guaranteed cheque per document will be payable in favour of Msinga Municipality before obtaining a tender document.Compulsory site meeting commences at 10h00 at the Msinga Municipal offices, Tugela Ferry. Please note that no tender documents will be issuedduring and after the site inspection date.TENDER ENQURIESAll enquiries shall be directed to Road Manager Mr. D Radebe on 033-4930761/2.SUBMISSION OF TENDERSTenders must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Municipal Manager, Msinga Municipality and clearly marked: TENDER NUMBERAND NAME OF THE PROJECT, and the bidders name and details. Tenders must be deposited in the tender box at the office of Msinga Municipalityon the main Road (R33) opposite MPCC, Tugela Ferry on or before 12h00 on the closing date and no late or faxed tenders will be considered.Msinga Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest of any tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender.FB SitholeMunicipal Manager

Bids are hereby invited in terms of section 18(a) of the Msinga Municipality’s Supply Chain ManagementPolicy together with section 83 of the Municipal Systems Act, No.32 of 2000, as amended and read together

with sections 110,111 and 112 of the Municipal Finance Management Act No.56 of 2003 for:



Notice is hereby given that the closing date fornotice number 2048 FENCING PROJECTS hasbeen extended to the 02nd April 2015. Kindly ignoreclosing date of the 27 March 2015.We apologies for the inconvenience caused.


ON Friday 27 March Grade 4 pupils wenton an excursion to Glenrock Game andTrout Farm in Rietvlei.

They were split into three groups - onegroupwent on a zip-line over the dam, thesecond group learnt about subsistenceand commercial farming and the thirdgroup did some activities which taughtthem about team work. A lovely day washad by all.

Junior jottings

PATIENTLY waiting for the EasterBunny was not easy in the last weekof school, but the timewas filled with

hearing theEaster story fromtheBible, thecolouring-in of Easter eggs and the crea-tion of beautiful baskets in which to place

our treats from the Easter Bunny.A big thank you to the Chetty family for

helping the Easter Bunny bring our Eastereggs and other sweets.

Wewish our parents and friends a bless-ed and safe holiday.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDWith their Easter baskets (from left) Sufiyan Verdachia, Anja du Toit, Aphelele Mabaso andJona Risch.

HermannsburgLittle Oaks Oracle

THEEasterholidaywillbeginonFridayfol-lowing the traditional HMB handshake(when pupils and teachers bid each otherfarewell until the new term). It has beenan eventful first term, with many success-es, and some were able to end it on a highnote, going to One Direction, while otherswent theotherdirection, to theSharks rug-by game with their German visitors.

We wish everyone in the Hermannsburgfamily a relaxing and refreshing holiday.

We will need to hit the ground running inthe new term, as our Grade 7 pupils departfor Mpumalanga, the Grade 1 to 6 classesgo on their field trip to White MountainLodgeand thehigh school heads for “Dark-est Africa” with the Germany exchangeprogramme visitors.

Later in the term, Schulfest and ourmusic department’s concert will involveeveryonebeforetheJuneexaminationsareupon us.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDGrade 10 pupils and their German visitors meet the Sharks at Kings Park.

Hermannsburg happenings

Page 5: Greytown Gazette 20150401

1 April2015 Greytown Gazette Page 5

"Music is the electrical soil inwhich the spirit lives, thinks andinvents." - Ludwig van Beetho-ven.

IN the New Hanover Prepclassroomsmusic is oftenused tocreate a “soundtrack” for alearning activity.

The soundtrack increases in-terest and activates the informa-tion mentally, physically oremotionally.Music is alsoused tocreatea focused learning state inwhich vocabulary and reading

material is absorbed at a greatrate. When information is put torhythm and rhyme, these musi-calelementsprovidea“hook” forrecall.

To showcase information en-hanced by using this teaching, amusical theatre supper -“Oceans of Fun” - was hosted bythe Grade 3 pupils who dressedup as different ocean creatures.The children shared their learn-ing experiences about the themewith family and friends.

Photo: SUPPLIEDLobsters Melissa Dobeyn and Julia Hough.

New Handover PrepSchool news

THE PAwould like to thank thefollowing sponsors for theirannual donations for the

mountain bike rally and golfday. This list is innoparticular order- Aheers Build, Investec, Mondi,NCT, Build IT, Dulcie Jacobsz, Pan-nar, Keats drift Spar, Bart’s Comput-ers, RTS, Linda Lubbe, CreativeHeart, Mascor, Midas, Montello,Kharodia Wholesalers, Platt PlantHire, Village Signs, Build it,Greytown Beer Distributors andShalom Trust.Thank you so much for your help,

without your donations these dayswould not be possible.

On 24 March the entire highschool set out to Philani Crèche fora few hours of fun with the children.We received an email from LaurenPorée providing information onwhat happened during themorning.We share the following message

from Lauren from Philani Crèche:

“Philani was privileged to haveWembley High School pupils visit ustoday. I use the word ‘privileged’ asitwas indeedaprivilege tohavesuchwell-mannered, respectful and will-ing helpers. They were each as-signed a ‘little friend’ which workedout perfectly as therewere the exactsamenumberofpupilsas therewerePhilani children. They did an art ac-tivity with their little friend, anEaster egg hunt and then had timeto play, which each of the pupils didenthusiastically.

It was very endearing to watchstrapping youngmenwith little chil-dren on their shoulders, helpingthem on the jungle gym, playing‘rugby’ with them or teaching themto catch a ball. Thank you for allow-ing thepupils to come,andwell doneon producing pupils of such finecalibre.We thoroughly enjoyed hav-ingthemandhopethiswillbearegu-lar ‘get-together’.”

We are very excited to inform youthat we will be introducing a GradeRRRR (two to three year olds) classat Wembley College, starting on 4May. Mrs Kirsty Skene has been ap-pointed as the teacher to head thisphase. She has a B.Ed degree,specialising in Foundation Phasewith six years’ experience. MrsSkene will be assisted by ShaleenMoodley, who is currently complet-ing her day-care diploma.

We intend to grow the class to amaximum of 15 children. Pleasenote that in order to secure a spotfor your tot, you need to contact theoffice as soon as possible.

An open day will be held in ourclass (old art room, next to the cub-bies), onTuesday14April at7.30amfor prospective parents and chil-dren.MrsSkenewillgiveashortpre-sentation on what to expect, whileyour children get to explore theirpossible new play area.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDWembley College pupils and Philani Crèche children.

Window on Wembley

Page 6: Greytown Gazette 20150401

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Page 7: Greytown Gazette 20150401

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Prices valid while stocks last. E&OE | No traders | We reserve the right to limit quantitiesPension Payouts | Prepaid airtime - available at till points | ABSA ATM for your convenience


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Page 8: Greytown Gazette 20150401

1 April2015Greytown GazettePage 8


Instant facsimile documenttransmission service to

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Notice is hereby given that Umvoti Local Municipalityhas prepared the 2015/16 Draft IDP Review andBudget as required in terms of Section 34 of theMunicipal Systems Act (No. 32 of 2000) and Section21 and 22 of Municipal Finance Management ActNo. 56 of 2003. These documents are now availablefor public comments / inputs, and they can beaccessed at the municipal offices located at 41 BellStreet/King Dinuzulu Street in Greytown and canalso be accessed from the municipal website whichis www.umvoti.gov.zaThe dates for structured public participation onthe implementation of the Budget and IDP will beadvertised separately.Any comments on the above mentioned documentsmust reach the Office of the Municipal Manager,Mr B A Xulu, in writing, by no later than the 30thApril 2014 at 12h00 via post to P. O. Box 71,Greytown, 3250 or email: [email protected];alternatively comments can be hand delivered to theRecords Department, 41 Bell /King Dinuzulu Street,Greytown, 3250MR B.A. XULU PO Box 71 Notice No. 2052MUNICIPAL MANAGER GREYTOWN


• National Humour Month.• International Guitar Month.• Lawn and Garden Month.• National Poetry Month.• National Pecan Month• National Welding Month.• Records and InformationManagement

Month.• Stress Awareness Month.• Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

PHOTO:SOURCEDApril bringsmany days tocelebrate.

April is also …

• 1: National Fun at Work Day• 2: National Peanut Butter and Jelly

Day• 3: Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun

Day• 4: Hug a Newsman Day• 5: National Deep Dish Pizza Day• 6: Plan your Epitaph Day• 7: National Beer Day• 8: Draw a Bird Day• 9: National Cherish An Antique Day• 10: Safety Pin Day• 11: Barbershop Quartet Day• 12: Dear Day (aka Drop Everything

And Read)• 12: Walk on Your Wild Side Day• 13: Scrabble Day• 14: Look Up in the Sky Day• 15: Titanic Remembrance Day• 16: National Wear Your Pyjamas To

Work Day• 17: Nothing Like A Dame Day• 18: Husband Appreciation Day• 19: National Garlic Day• 19: National Hanging Out Day• 20: National Pot Smokers Day• 21: Bulldogs are Beautiful Day• 22: National Jelly Bean Day• 23:NationalLostDogAwarenessDay• 24:NationalHairballAwarenessDay• 25: Hug A Plumbers’ Day• 26: National Pretzel Day• 27: Morse Code Day• 28: Biological Clock Day• 29: International Guide Dogs Day• 30: Bugs Bunny Day.

Bizarredays inApril

TO get the most juice out of lemons,limes and oranges, roll them aroundfirmly on a counter until they are

warm and softer.• Some egg shells stick to the egg when

you boil them. Add salt to the water then,when ready, take themout and immediate-ly rinse in cold water. The shells will popoff easily.

• If you wrap celery in tin foil and keepin the fridge, it will last for weeks.

• Health tip -when cutting awatermelonor spanspek, scrub the skin surface thor-oughly because any bacteria and dirt willattach itself to the knife and transfer to thefruit pulp. You should do this with pump-kins too, although it is not so serious be-cause you are at least cooking the flesh.

• Having a party - use frozen seedlessgrapes for your cocktails instead of ice.They don'tmelt as fast as ice,whichdilutesthe drink. - All4women.

Easy food fixers

Are you on the pulse ofwhat’s happening in yourcommunity? Write for us

and get publishedusing the Citizen

Journalism tool atwww.greytowngazette.co.za

OVERtheyearsAprilFool’sDaystuntshaveshown a great deal of imagination and cre-ativity. Still regarded as one of the classicswas the 1957 story broadcast by BBC. Awell-known broadcaster, Richard Dimble-by featured a family in Switzerland har-vesting their annual spaghetti crop.

It said that thanks to years of experi-ments and hard work each strand of spa-ghetti grew to the same length and thatfrost could adversely affect the flavour.

A lot of viewers were so intrigued thattheywanted toknowwhere theycouldpur-chase their own spaghetti bushes

TheDailyMail in 2000 revealed that Es-portaHealthClubshad launchedanewlineof socks, FatSox, designed to help peoplelose weight. These revolutionary socks ac-tually sucked body fat out of sweating feet,promising to “banish fat forever”. As aper-son’sbodyheat roseand theirbloodvesselsdilated, the socks drew “excess lipid fromthe body through the sweat”. After sweat-ing out the fat, the wearer could then sim-ply wash the socks, and the fat, away.

Virgin Cola, in 1999, advertised that inthe interest of consumer safety it had inte-grated a new technology into its cans.When the cola passed its sell-by date, theliquid reacted with the metal in the can,turning the can bright blue. Virgin warnedthat consumers should therefore avoidpurchasing all blue cans.

In 1995 spoofing the increasingly com-plex regulations mandated by theEuropean Economic Community, PoloMints (mint with a hole) advertised “in ac-cordancewithEECCouncilRegulation (EC)

631/95” theywouldno longerbeproducingmints with holes.

To satisfy the regulation, all the existingstock of Polomintswouldbe supplementedwitha“Euroconversionkit” containing20,7mm“hole fillers” tobeplaced in eachPolomint.A “detailed instruction leaflet”wouldalso be included.

The Swiss Tourism Board in 2009 re-leased a video that revealed the secret ofwhy their mountains look so clean. It wasdue to the hard work of the Association ofSwissMountain Cleaners,whosemembersdaily scaled the Alps, scrubbing the rocksof unsightly bird droppings. Millionswatched the video, and 30 000 took the on-line test to determine whether they hadwhat it took to becomeamountain cleaner.

The Orlando Sentinel in 1984 featuredastoryon theTasmanianMockWalrus thatmany people in Florida were said to beadopting as a pet. The creature was fourinches long, resembled a walrus, purredlike a cat, and had the temperament of ahamster. What made it such an ideal petwas that it never had to be bathed, useda litter box, and ate cockroaches. Dozensof people called the paper trying to find outwhere they could obtain their own TMW.

Much of the April 1, 1981 issue of TheGuardian was given over to discussion ofan exciting scientific breakthrough. Scien-tists at Britain’s research labs had devel-oped a machine to control the weatherwithin a 5000-kilometre radius. This wasgood news for the British, who were to beguaranteed long summers with rainfallonly at night.

Plant a spaghetti bush

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SAT 4 APRIL 9:00 – 14:00MON 6 APRIL 9:00 – 14:00

Find us on facebook • email: [email protected]: 082 964 0612

At the top of Voortrekker Street continue straight and followthe signboards.




170 Pine Street, Greytown 3250Tel: 033 413 2118

Mel: 082 976 5507 • Ash: 082 756 5663“FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY




Notice is hereby given that a portion of SargeauntStreet will be closed on the 2nd April 2015.One way up for traffic from Maitland Street nextto the taxi rank to Okes Street next to Spar. Thiswill be in effect from 6 am-6 pm (peak hours). Roadclosure signs will be in place and Traffic Officers willbe available to assist motorists.This will allow traffic to flow better, prevent congestionand also decrease the level of crime as it is currentlydifficult to respond to emergency complaints.Any traffic related enquiries may be directed to TheManager Protection Services, Mr T. M. Ndaba on033 413 9146 during office hours and 033 417 2911all hours.MR BA XULU P.O.BOX 71 NOTICE: 2053MUNICIPAL MANAGER GREYTOWN3250

GAZETTESMALLSSomething for everyone

SAFETY is a top priority on theroads, but the high number of roadaccidents remain a challenge.These accidents can often be pre-vented as more than 90% occurwhen traffic regulations are violat-ed. The Recycling and EconomicDevelopment Initiative of South Af-rica (REDISA) encourages SouthAfricans to change their behaviourand create safer roads.

Stacey Davidson, REDISA direct-or, says habits that motorists canadopt include checking tyres regu-larly for punctures, cuts and bulges

to ensure theyare ingoodconditionfor the road.

Research by the CSIR show thatnearly 20% of accidents have tyrefailure as a contributing factor. Itdoes not help if you have the bestbrakes on themarket, but your tyr-es areworn.Whenbraking the ideais to have sufficient friction be-tween the road surface and tyre tobring the vehicle to a standstill. Iftyres are worn there will not beenough friction and the tyre willslide over the road surface, notstopping the vehicle.

Well-maintained tyres will holdyour vehicle securely on the road,allowing it to stop, start and ma-noeuvre safely.

For your own safety and that ofothers, your tyres must be in goodcondition,properlymaintainedandappropriate for your vehicle.

REDISA tyre tips on how to staysafe on the roads:

• Check tyre pressure on a coldstartorbeforea long journey.You’llfind the correct pressure for yourvehicle in your operating manual.In most cases it’s either under yourfuel cap, on the inside of your dooror in the cubbyhole. Then checkyour tyre pressure on a cold startor before a long journey.

• If the side wall of your tyre isdamaged, replace it.

Check regularly for any signs ofirregular wear, any sharp objectslodged in the tread and any cuts,tears, cracks or bulges. Check fordamage or uneven wear on all fourtyres, on both sides of the tyre andon the wheel rims.

• Underinflated tyres use morefuel, so check the pressure.

You’ll need an accurate pressuregauge. Take off the dust cap on thevalve, fixon thepressuregaugeandmake a note of the result. If yourtyre needs extra air, you should in-flate it using an air pump at home.If the tyre is overinflated accordingto thepressure chart, you canallowair to escape while the dust cap isoff.

• Check that your tyre pressureis correct and equal. Never rely onthe eyeball method to gauge airpressure in tyres.

Next to the vehicle’s brakes, thetyres are themost important safetyparts of your car. If there is an im-balance in the tyre pressure therecould be a risk when braking andnegotiating corners. In addition toputtingyou inanaccidentrisk,poortyre pressure can also affect fueleconomy, comfort and the life of thetyre.

- [email protected] |

Underinflated tyresuse morefuel, socheck thepressure.PHOTO:SOURCED

Tyre tips fora safe Easter

WITH the approach of the Easterand school holidays we know thattraditionally this is a time whenthereareroadaccidents,whichadd

to the daily demand for blood. It isalso a time when blood collectionis difficult because of the holidays.

In times like this the SA National

time to make a huge difference toothers inneedof blood. Easter is of-ten a time for family and donatingblood is a greatway of knowing youmay be able to give someone elsemore time with their family" saysVanessa Raju, SANBS nationalcommunications manager.

If you are in good health and be-tween the ages of 16 and 65, weighmorethan50kgs,andleadasexual-ly safe lifestyle, make your way toyour nearest donor centre.

To find out where your nearestdonor centre is visitwww.sanbs.org.za, call toll free0800 11 9031 or SMS your nameand postal code of your area to31454. - Supplied.

Donate blood and save lives

Blood Services appeals todonors to make their wayto the closest blood drivesor donor centres.

Unfortunately,whenhol-idays arrive, the demanddoes not decrease, andabout 3 000 units of bloodis needed by patients everyday.

"We understand thatmanypeoplewill bebusyorgoing on holiday over thisperiod, but it only takesabout 30 minutes of your

Are you on the pulse of what’s happening inyour community? Write for us and get

published using the Citizen Journalism toolat www.greytowngazette.co.zaPLEASE NOTE: DEADLINE FOR GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS

IS MONDAY, 10 am • PHONE 033 413 2735

10 In Memoriam

JOYCIE van Rooyen ‘nJaar van verlangeOns dink met liefdeaan Tannie Veilig byJesus, en Rus by alons geliefdes Liefde.Gerrie, Betsie en kind-ers

JOYCIE van Rooyen.Tere herianering aanons liewe mammie,ouma+ oumagrootjie.Wat op 1-04-1914skielik van ons weg-geneem is. Here in Uhand is die horlosievan tyd. Dit was U be-sluit om ons moederte neem na haarewige woning by haarHeer en koning. Opdie aarde was sy ges-paar deur U genade.Help ons om haarheengaan te verstaanwant ons stort nogElke dag ‘n traan. Metbaie verlange. U kind-ers kleinkinders+agt-er+kleinders

12 Thanks

THE Maharaj family ofKranskop wish tothank members of thefamily and dearfriends for the supportgiven to Hitler duringhis recent stay in hos-pital. A special wordof appreciation to themembers of the ShriVishnu Mandir fortheir sincere prayersand wishes of good-will. Heartful thanks tothe doctors who treat-ed him at Medi Clinic-the nursing staff,cleaners and cateringstaff. May God blessyou all.

UMNDENI wakwa Ma-lunga eGreytownudlulisa ukubongaokukhulu kulabo aba-basingatha ngemikhu-leko nezinduduzo,uhanjelwe umamawekhaya uNkolose El-eanor Malunga. Unku-lunkulu anibusise.

31 BusinessServices

DATTA. Empowering to-days youth. Specialisingin the pre trade test prep-aration of automotiveElectricians, Diesel, Me-chanics, Diesel fitters.Contact Dinash 084 8157329 or 082 849 4487.Apex Industrial, Benoni

38 FencingServices

FAIRVIEW Fencing. Quali-ty workmanship andback-up service on auto-mated gates and all typesof game, agricultural andsecurity fencing. ContactKeith Cowie 082 7725436.

39 For Hire

10 seater round tables tre-sle tables, marquees,chairs, cutlery crockery,catering, decor. Grey-town Hiring Services.033- 417 1157/ 082 3156653

JUMPING castles for hireR350 per day. Privatelifts/ transport and vanhire at reasonable pricesalso available. 081 0941192/ 062 301 9280

42 Health andBeauty

LEARN about Glyconutri-tion and help your familyto stay healthy this win-ter. For an appointmentphone Almut: 084 8996563

49 Plumbing/Electrical/Home Repairs

PLUMBER: for all yourplumbing requirements,gyser instalation, shower,toilets, painting, leakingtaps, blocked drains,bathroom renovation,leaking roofs and all con-struction work call Ntini076 062 2999/ 084 [email protected]

55 Tuition Courses

BABS Driving School,pass your learners easily,and driving lesson also.Contact: Babs GayadeenEximiner of learners anddrivers license at 40 PineStreet, Greytown or Call082 306 5001

73 General Sales

ALMOST new fridge withguarantee R2500-00 con-tact: 079 189 8590/ 033413 2680

CADAC patio living gasbraai almost newR2000.00. Contact:

033 413 3351FOR sale.. Wooden pallets

R25.00 each. Cash only.Phone 033 413 2196

HOOSEN’S Halaal Farm-fresh chickens. HandSlaughtered and deliv-ered to your door. Hoos-en’s farmfresh organicmilk. Direct from the cowto your door. Ph: 033 4171362/ 072 101 9081

MAGSOLVE Psoriasis/Eczema Creams. Mag-solve cream is a ground-breaking, totally natural,scientifically based, mod-ern, herbal and mineraltopical treatment engi-neered with natural heal-ing ingredients to imme-diately soothe irritationand itching, to dramati-cally reduce inflammationand scaling and to repairdemaged skin. MagSolveMax R195.00 per 150ml.MagSolve MaintenanceR145.00 per 250ml. Call061 681 2334 or [email protected] formore info

79 Pets/Aquariums/Tropical Fish

DOG and cat boarding.SPCA. Tel: 072 096 9634

124 Flats to Let

NEWLY renovated 2 bed-roms, lounge, kitchen,toilet/ bathroom. ContactMona 033 413 2184

OPEN plan. Bachelor cot-tage. Partly furnished.w&l incl. R2,750. 083 7384048

126 Houses to Let

3 bedroom house for rentwith single garageR4500-00. 078 848 9208

129 Outbuildings

1 big room, kitchen,lounge, toilet & bathroomto let. 072 389 5664/ 084418 5970 A/H

SECURE building for rent,1 bedroom R2500 inclw&l 079 986 4313

130 Rooms to Let

LARGE open plan room.Kitchen, bathroom, toiletR1500-00pm. Contact:076 236 4076/ 033 4131444

164 Used Cars

MERCEDES Benz 2008C280 3L V6 Automatic.Mint condition. Full serv-ice history. 91,000 km,white, leather interior,R197,000 onco. 0798832897

173 GeneralEmployment

I am looking for front-linestaff for my optometricpractice. No experiencein optometry required.Please email CV: [email protected]

SALESMAN required inour plumbing department.Regulation basic pluscommission. Applicantmust have good experi-ence in plumbing and allthings related. Applicantmust be fluent in both Isi-zulu and English. Pleasefax C.V. with traceablereferences to: THE HRDEPARTMENT ON: 086541 4507

190 Sale in Execution

IN the Magistrate’s Courtfor the District

of Umvoti held atGreytown

Case No: 100/2013in the matter between:


Execution CreditorAnd


Executive DebtorNOTICE OF SALE IN

EXECUTION (AUCTION)In pursuance of a Judgementin the court of theMagistrate of Greytown andwrit of execution, the goodslisted hereunder will be soldin execution on FRIDAY,17th April 2015 at 11H00,at 136 LOUIS AVENUEGREYTOWN to the highestbidder:

Right, Title and Interest:1X 1977 ISUZU KB280 DT


NB: The sale is for cash orbank guaranteed chequeonly:

Take further notice that:1. This sale is a sale in exe-

cution pursuant to a judg-ment obtained in the aboveCourt.

2. The Rules of this auction isavailable 24 hours beforethe auction at the office ofthe Sheriff for Greytown.

3. Registration as a buyer is apre-requisite subject to spe-cific conditions, inter alia;

a)Directive of the ConsumerProtection Act 68 of 2008.(URLhttp://www.info.gov.za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=99961)

b)FICA- legislation in respectof proof of identity and ad-dress particulars

c)Payment of a registrationfee of R200.00 in cash

d)Registration conditions.The office of the Sheriff for

GREYTOWN will conductthe sale or his representa-tive. Advertising costs atcurrent publication rates andsale costs according to thecourt rules apply.

Dated at Greytown on this23rd day of MARCH 2015.

– VAN ROOYEN & FORDERINC. Execution Creditor’sAttorney, 123 Pine Street /P.O. Box 56, Greytown3250. Tel No. (033)4131141 / Fax No. (033)4131144.


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1 April2015 Greytown Gazette Page 11





GREYTOWNTEL: 033 413 3378/9



Bids are hereby invited in terms of section 18(a) of the Msinga Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy togetherwith section 83 of the Municipal Systems Act, No.32 of 2000, as amended and read together with sections 110,111 and112 of the Municipal Finance Management Act No.56 of 2003 for:











NombaxulanaAccess Road


3CE or higher 90/10 andfunctionality

01 April 2015Only

07 April 2015 at10am at Msinga


R300.00 PerDocument

14 April2015 at12h00

MbangweniAccess Road


3CE or higher 90/10 andfunctionality

01 April 2015Only

07 April 2015 at10am at Msinga


R300.00 PerDocument

14 April2015 at12h00

GcalanceniAccess Road


3CE or higher 90/10 andfunctionality

01 April 2015Only

07 April 2015 at10am at Msinga


R300.00 PerDocument

14 April2015 at12h00

MahlatshanaAccess Road


3CE or higher 90/10 andfunctionality

01 April 2015Only

07 April 2015 at10am at Msinga


R300.00 PerDocument

14 April2015 at12h00

TENDER DOCUMENTSTender documents will be obtainable from the office of SCM Unit, Mr. TT Buthelezi on 033-4930761/2 during officehours. A non-refundable deposit of R300.00 cash or guaranteed cheque per document will be payable in favour ofMsinga Municipality before obtaining a tender document. Compulsory site meeting commences at 10h00 at the MsingaMunicipal offices, Tugela Ferry. Please note that no tender documents will be issued during and after the site inspectiondate.

TENDER ENQURIESAll enquiries shall be directed to Road Manager Mr. D Radebe on 033-4930761/2.

SUBMISSION OF TENDERSTenders must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Municipal Manager, Msinga Municipality and clearlymarked: TENDER NUMBER AND NAME OF ROAD and the bidders name and details. Tenders must be deposited inthe tender box at the office of Msinga Municipality on the main Road (R33) opposite MPCC, Tugela Ferry on or before12h00 on the closing date and no late or faxed tenders will be considered. Msinga Municipality does not bind itself toaccept the lowest of any tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender.

FB SitholeMunicipal Manager

Notice in terms of Section 52 of TheKwaZulu-Natal Liquor Licensing Act

No. 6 of 2010Notice is hereby given that the following applicant,whose further details are set out below, intends tolodge an application for a special events permit.

Applicant: Deutsche SchuleHermannsburg

Name of Event: Schulfest 2015Nature of Event: School Reunion and

School FestivalPhysical Addressof the Event: Perseverance Farm,

GreytownDay of Event: 9 May 2015Date of Display: 1 April 2015Expiry of Display: 4 May 2015

c/o GJ Vonkeman Attorneys, Vryheid,Tel: 034 980 7545, Fax: 034 980 7547

Umnyango wokuthuthukiswa kompha-kathi (GreytownSocialDevelopment).Uc-elaukufuniswa labaabalandelayo:Onga-ba nolwazi athintane nosonhlalakahlekulenombolo elandelayo 033-417 1527.

1.UbabakaMsawenkosiSikakaneoway-ezalwa uThembisile Sikakane ongasekhoemhlabeni owayehlala eNtembisweni.

2. Umama kaAndiswa Mkhize ohlala noNtombi Elizabeth Radebe eNtembisweni

3.UmamakaZamaNtanzi ohlalanoSha-lazile Makhoba eMatimatolo

4. Umama ka Brilliant Xolisile Ngubaneamthola kuBhekameva Alfred NgubanewaseMbulwane

5.UbabakaFanelesibongeMenziMtsha-li, Sinothando Gugu Mahlaba ababezalwauAngel Philile Mahlaba ongasekho emhla-beni

6. UNothansani Pretty Sithole onguma-ma kaKuthula Olwami Sithole amtholakuKhulekani Nkosilungi le Ngubane onga-sesekho emhlabeni owayehlala eMkhuph-ula

7. UZakhele Ntuli ongubaba ka Fisokuh-le Bongumenzi Xulu amthola kuNombusoXulu

8. Ubaba ka Thandeka Amahle Mtshaliamthola kuMakhosazanePrincessMtshaliowayehala eMbulwana

9. Ubaba kaSinothando noFanelesi-bonge Mahlaba abathola kuAngel PhilileMahlaba owayehlala eMbulwane

10. Ubaba ka Siyanda Mlondi Buthelezi

amthola ku Ncamsile Buthelezi owayehla-la eMuden

11. Ubaba ka Thandokuhle Zakwe am-thola kuThembi Zakwe owayehlala eMud-en

12. Abazali baka Amahle SnethembaDlamini ohlala noNothile Zondi eMuden

13. Umama kaNtombenhleMemela am-thola kuNhlakanipho Sithole waseMuden

14. Umama no baba ka Sphelele Mhlabaohlala noSphiwe Abednego Mngoma

15. Umama ka Gculisile Mkhize ohlalanoNanazi Dladla eMuden

16. Umama ka Ayanda Buthelezi ohlalanoMquzama Buthelezi eMuden

17. Umama ka Mbali Gumede amtholakuSizwe Magubane waseMuden

18. Ubaba ka Amahle Khumalo owayez-alwa uThabsile Khumalo ongasekhoemhlabeni owayehlala eMuden

19.UmamakaPati no SarafeMoses aba-thola ku Mr Moses ongasekho emhlabeniowayehla ePortshepstone evela eCongo

20. Umama ka Sinethembe NdondoMntungwa amthola kuMduduzi XolaniNgubaneongasekhoemhlabeniwaseNhla-lakahle Township

21. Abazali bakaBongiwe Nzama ohlalano Nondo Bongekile Dubazane ohlala eN-halakahle

22. UNothansani Pretty Sithole onguma-ma kaKuthula Olwami Sithole amthola kuKhulekani Nkosilungile Ngubane ongase-kho emhlabeni owayehlala eGreytown

Missing personsTHE Greytown Gazette publishes a ShadowColumnat the endof eachmonth to list eventsto come throughout the year.

The objective is to notify the public of whateventsarescheduledtotakeplace,ortoavoid,as faraspossible,“doubledating” - twoeventsonthesamedaywhichcouldcreateproblems.

An appeal therefore goes to schools,churches, NGOs, sports bodies, clubs, etc., tosubmit dates and event details to theGreytown Gazette as soon as possible.MAY:1: Workers’ Day5: Full Moon boogy: Tranquili-tea9: Spar hockey hosted, Hermannsburg15: Juanita du Plessis ;31: Pleneggy Ladies Golf Invitation DayJUNE6: Full Moon boogy: Tranquiliti-tea16: Youth Day18: Ramadam26: Schools closeJULY2: Full moon boogy: Tranquili-tea20: Schools open third term31: Blue moonAUGUST9: National Women’s Day10: Public holiday

28: NGK Bazaar29: Wembley Golf DaySEPTEMBER3: Ladies Open Golf Tournament.5: Hermannsburg Lutheran Bazaar11/12:WembleyFounders’Dayandduckder-by24: Heritage dayOCTOBER2: Schools close7: Summmer hockey league starts12: Schools reopen fourth term31: Oktoberfest: The BeehiveNOVEMBER11: DiwaliDECEMBER2: Summer league hockey final7: Wembley moonlight market9: Schools close16: Day of Reconciliation16: Last issue of 2015 Greytown Gazette.

Shadow column

GREYTOWN doctors have set up a call regis-ter to ensure that if anyone needs after-hourassistance, and their doctor is unavailable,they can contact doctors on call.

911 Ops Centre and Arcadia will have thelist,whichwillalsobe intheGreytownGazetteeach month.Please cut out and keep accessible:Cell numbers:Dr Ally: 083 786 7138Dr. Dlamini 074 690 3368 or 084 819 7468Dr Hartwig: 071 676 6810Dr Mkhize: 079 645 5964Dr Owen: 082 859 9307

Dr Roodt: 084 679 6300Greytown Hospital: 033 413 9400Arcadia: 033 417 1528Ops 911: 033 417 2911April:Dr Roodt: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29Hospital doctor: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 25, 26,27, 30, 1 May:Dr Owen: 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 28Dr Hartwig: 17, 18, 19, 24Please note:whenhospital doctors are on calldo not go toArcadia as the sisterswill be una-ble to help. Rather go directly to the hospitalfor attention.

PHOTO:SOURCEDGreytowndoctorshave setup anafter-hourscallregister.

Doctors’ call list

His Worship the Honourable Mayor Councillor T.C. Ngubanewould like to wish the entire community of Umvoti and

surrounding areas a Happy and safe Easter. May the Lord blessyou and your families in this auspicious time of Easter and may itbe a new beginning of greater prosperity. success and happiness.

May you all be safe.

Umhlonishwa uSodolobha Khansela u T.e. Ngubane ufisaukudlulisa amazwi ezilokotho ezinhle kuwo wonke amalungu

omphakathi waseMvoti namaphethelo kulesisikhathisePhasika. Unifisela isikhathi esimnandi nesiphephile. sengathiuNkulunkulu enganibusisa nemindeni yenu. lesi kube yisikhathi

sokuqala kwezinto ezinhle. impumelelo Kanye nenjabuloezimpilweni zenu niphephe.

CLOSURE OF OFFICES - EASTER HOLIDAYUmvoti residents are hereby informed that the umvoti municipal

offices will be closed on the 2nd april at 12hOO• 2nd April 2015 the cashier will be closed at llhOO

• Refuse collection will operate as normal over the holidayperiod

• Standby services and Emergency services will operate asnormal

• Anyone needing to purchase electricity is requested topurchase additional electricity alternatively electricity can be

purchased at Aheers MultisaveAny person experiencing an emergency over this closure periodare requested to contact the 911 Centre on 033 4172911.



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1 April2015Greytown GazettePage 12








*T&Cs apply.

GREYTOWN033 413 1208

Spicy ChickenBBQ Bacon

Chicken & FetaDouble PepperoniMediterranean VegRanch Chicken


PietermaritzburgAksons Prestige

2013/2014 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D4DSingle CabWhite, binliner.Canopy OPTIONavailable.

From R199 995Call: 302 Hoosen Haffejee Street 033 392 8500Chatterton Road: 033 342 4600

Kwa Phuphemphethe• Sidayisa izinkomo zelobolo

nemisebenzi zisukela ku R4 500.00.• Iziklaphu zisukela ku

R1000.00 ziya kuR1 500.00.

Shayela 082 375 7462noma endlini mispah

DESPITE that schools closed for the Easterholidays our 2015 club championship wasplayed on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29March as determined by the KZN GolfUnion, and a small field of 15 players par-ticipated resulting in some wonderfulscores.

Clubchampionfor2015isBhekiMlange-niwithanexcellent scoreof138, twounderpar. Secondwas Boy Zuma on 141.Winnerof the B division,MurrayMason (161), alsowonbest net (133) on a count-out fromFlipBotha, who nearly did not play. C divisionchampion is Flip Botha (171). Our seniorchampion isDrMikeCaldicott on32points.We thank FNB for its continued sponsor-ship of our championships.

Many thanks to Wally for the lovely con-dition of our course and starting us onSaturday. Thanksalso to starter onSundayChris Odendaal and Elmarie for handlingthe administration and entries and Jabufor an excellent Sunday lunch.

We remind our golfers of the MascorMonthly Mug on 11 April, and do not missthePlennegyGolfDay.Anewcorporateday

whichwill take place on 25 April. More de-tails about this will be published in nextweek's Gazette.

The big winner on Friday night's HappyHour was Vanessa Viljoen. Robin Furnisstook the Chivas and Hayden Chiazzari andCharles Warden took the consolationprizes. Thank you to our sponsor UmvotiFuel & Oil. Members please take note - theclub will be closed on Friday 3 April.

Next attendance draw will be on Friday,10 April with R800 up for grabs. Be herefrom 6:30pm and you could be the luckywinner.

2015membershipcardscanbecollectedfrom the office.

Juanita du Plessis is coming to the clubon 15 May. Tickets available at R150 perperson, including a meal. Show will startat 8pm.

Happy Easter.Dates to diariseFriday 3 April - club closed.Saturday11April -MascorMonthlyMug.Friday 24 April - Happy Hour.Saturday 25 April - Plennegy Golf day.

Greytown Country Club news

OVER the years the question of which isbest “town or country” has been arguedwith neither side prepared to admit to thestrengthsof theother.Thebattlefieldshavebeen varied – but one of themost tradition-al in Umvoti is the tennis court.

Devious means have been employed bythe tennis player out of and in town to bethe winning side.

Areportdoing theroundsover theweek-end was that the Farmers had resorted tothe use of drones to photograph the morepowerful techniques of the Townies.

This is because last year the Towniestook the title and the Farmers have nowescalated the tension and the challengeto the level of the recent cricketWorld Cup.

An event not to be missed – sponsoredbyWimpy, amarathon takes place on Sun-day 19 April.

If you would like to turn out for thewinning side, please contact Pierre Steynon 033 413 9528 or 082 772 5504, [email protected] or Ian Hill on082 786 9506, email [email protected]

Visitors to town for the holidays arewel-come to joinmembers at the courts on Sat-urday from 2pm.

From the courts

THE Greytown Cricket Club team lost by20 runs in a close game against Italians inPietermaritzburg on Sunday.

The Italians scored 167 for 6 in its 20overs followed by Greytown on 148 for 9

in its 20 overs.On Saturday the local team will play at

Peterfieldgrounds,PMBUniversityat2pm.If the team wins it will go through to thesemi-finals of the league.

Greytown Cricket Club

IT was full house last Thursday as thebusiness league team bowlersshrugged off the cares of the office, re-

laxedandhad fun,and forachange, a rain-free evening.

The tavernwaswell supportedandgreatbreyani was enjoyed. Well done to theladies who muscled in from Wednesday

bowls.This Thursday is an Easter break so the

business league challenge will resumeagain on Thursday 9 April.

There will be bowls on Easter Saturday- no formal bowls arranged for the rest oftheweekend.Visitingbowlersarewelcometo come along and play.

PHOTO: WENDY EDWARDSSome of the business league bowlers in action.

From the ditch