香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 節錄 Extract 2020 年版 2020 Edition 香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 12 教育 Section 12 Education

Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Section 12 香港統計

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Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Section 12 202012Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12 Section 12 Education
Hong Kong
(852) 2582 4068 (852) 2827 1708 [email protected]
Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : Statistical Information Dissemination Section (1)
Census and Statistics Department Address : 19/F, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Tel. : (852) 2582 4068 Fax : (852) 2827 1708 E-mail : [email protected]
Website of the Census and Statistics Department
12 Section 12 Education
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Statistical Tables 12. 12. Education 339
Sources of statistical data A1
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics and Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics are the general statistical digests compiled by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD). These two digests bring together statistical data which cover a wide range of topics relating to the society, economy and businesses of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is a collection of up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong. Statistical data are presented wherever possible in the form of monthly or quarterly figures for the latest 15 months for which data are available, together with annual figures for the latest 3 complete years.

This publication, i.e. Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, aims to provide detailed annual statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic developments of Hong Kong. Most of the data series presented reflect the latest situation covering a time span of the recent 10 years, enabling readers to understand the trends of development in the recent period.

Figures presented in this Digest refer to those already released up to mid-October 2020. Readers may visit the “Hong Kong Statistics” section of the department’s website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/hkstat/index.jsp) for current statistical information on Hong Kong.

Descriptions of the scope and nature of the statistical data and
definitions of the terms used in this Digest are provided in the “Concepts and methods” in each chapter.

The statistical data are compiled by C&SD and other government departments and organisations. C&SD gratefully acknowledges such contributions. Data sources are given under each table.

Unless otherwise specified, the publications in “Further references” part of each chapter are produced by C&SD. List of publications of C&SD is available at the end of this publication.

(852) 2582 4068(852) 2827 [email protected]
This Digest aims to include statistical series which are frequently sought by users. Users are welcome to contact C&SD (Tel. : (852) 2582 4068; Fax : (852) 2827 1708; E-mail : [email protected]) in case the statistics they require are not available from this publication.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Symbols The following symbols are used throughout the Digest :
# @ * – N.A. § ***

# Provisional figures @ Figures are subject to revision later on * Revised figures – Not applicable N.A. Not yet available § Magnitude less than half of the unit employed *** Data are not released in order to safeguard
confidentiality of information provided by individual establishments

Units of measurement 1 = 2.778 x 105 1 terajoule (TJ) = 2.778 x 105 kilowatt hours
= 9.478 x 103 = 9.478 x 103 therms 1 = 2 204.623 1 tonne (t) = 2 204.623 pounds = 0.984 = 0.984 ton 1 = 2.205 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds = 1.653 = 1.653 catties 1 = 10.764 1 square metre (sq.m.) = 10.764 square feet 1 = 219.969 1 cubic metre (cu.m.) = 219.969 imperial gallons 1 = 1 1 hectopascal = 1 millibar 1 = 0.540 1 km/h = 0.540 knot
Financial year
2019-202019 412020331
Unless otherwise specified, the symbol “ - ” represents financial year. For instance, “2019-20” means the financial year starting on 1 April 2019 and ending on 31 March 2020.
Monetary figures

All monetary figures quoted are in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise specified. Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Exchange rate 19831017
7.8 1.0

As from 17 October 1983, the Hong Kong dollar has been linked to the US dollar through an arrangement in the note issuing mechanism permitting note issuing banks to issue Hong Kong dollar notes at a fixed rate of HK$7.8 = US$1.0. Since then, the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar in the foreign exchange market has moved only within a narrow range. Statistics on exchange rates are presented in Chapter 10.
Rounding of figures
There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual
items and the total as shown in the tables owing to rounding.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
List of Statistical Tables Page
12. Education 339 12.1 15
Distribution of population aged 15 and over by educational attainment and sex
Number of educational and training institutions by type of institution and finance type
12.3 Student enrolment by type of educational and training institution
12.4 2019 Number of day schools by type/sector and region, 2019 347 12.5 2019
Enrolment in kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools by age and sex, 2019
12.6 Enrolment in primary schools by sector and grade 348 12.7 Enrolment in secondary schools by sector and grade 349 12.8 2019

Enrolment in the University Grants Committee (UGC) funded programmes by university, level of study and academic programme category, 2019
Enrolment in The Open University of Hong Kong by registration and occupation of student (distance learning and face-to-face programmes)
Number of course enrolment and courses offered by school at The Open University of Hong Kong
Enrolment in tutorial, vocational and adult education courses by type of course
Teachers in kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools by academic qualification and training status
Teachers in selected types of educational institution by sex
Pupil/teacher ratios in local kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools by type/sector
12.15 2019 Statistics on results of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, 2019
12.16 Recurrent government expenditure on education 361 12.17 2019

Graduates of the University Grants Committee (UGC) funded programmes by university, level of study and academic programme category, 2019
12.18 Statistics on academic awards conferred at The Open University of Hong Kong

Number of schools and enrolment in special education (including special classes in ordinary schools) by type of school and category
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12 Education
( 12.1 – 12.8, 12.11 – 12.13, 12.15, 12.17, 12.19)
Concepts and methods (Tables 12.1 – 12.8, 12.11 – 12.13, 12.15, 12.17, 12.19)
12.1 Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education ever attained by a person in school or other educational institution, regardless of whether he/she had completed the course. Only formal courses are counted as educational attainment. A formal course must be one that lasts for at least one academic year, requires specific academic qualifications for entrance (except sub-degree, associate degree, degree and post-graduate courses offered by The Open University of Hong Kong) and includes examinations or specific academic assessment procedures.
12.2 Unless otherwise specified, statistics on the educational and training institutions and enrolment cover both day and evening sessions of full-time and part-time courses.

12.3 Schools are classified into Sectors, including government, aided, caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme, private and international, according to the mode of financing and operation.
12.4 9
12.4 Enrolment of kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools refers to the number of students enrolled in the school register as at the beginning of a school year (usually in September). For vocational and post-secondary education, beginning and ending months of academic year vary among educational and training institutions. The figures in general cover students attending long programmes lasting for at least one academic year, unless otherwise specified.
12.5 Academic programme categories are constituted on the basis of academic cognateness and are adopted by the University Grants Committee as a classification system for academic courses/programmes offered by the higher education institutions.
12.6 2009 9 3 3 6
12.6 New Senior Secondary Academic Structure was implemented at Secondary 4 as from September 2009. Under the new academic system, all students are expected to complete 3 years of junior secondary education followed by 3 years of senior secondary education and sit for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination, after completing 6 years of secondary education.
12.7 Teachers in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools refer to all teaching staff in schools (including principals).
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Further references Student Enrolment Statistics, published by the Education
Bureau Statistics on Kindergarten Teachers, published by the
Education Bureau Statistics on Primary and Secondary School Teachers,
published by the Education Bureau
UGC Annual Report, published by the University Grants Committee (UGC)
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.1 15
Table 12.1 Distribution of population aged 15 and over by educational attainment and sex

Educational attainment/Sex 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Primary and below 22.8 19.7 18.9 18.7 18.2 17.9 18.0 Male 8.9 7.5 7.1 7.0 6.7 6.5 6.6 Female 13.9 12.2 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.4
(1) Lower secondary(1) 15.9 15.1 15.1 14.9 15.1 15.0 14.9 Male 8.1 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.4 7.3 7.2 Female 7.8 7.6 7.7 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.7
(2) Upper secondary(2) 35.9 35.4 35.1 34.8 34.6 34.0 33.2 Male 16.4 15.7 15.4 15.2 15.1 14.8 14.4 Female 19.5 19.7 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.2 18.8
Post-secondary 25.4 29.8 30.8 31.6 32.1 33.1 33.9 Non-degree course 7.9 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.7 8.6
Male 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.9 4.3 Female 4.0 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.8 4.3
Degree course 17.5 22.0 23.3 24.0 24.8 25.4 25.3 Male 9.1 11.0 11.7 11.8 12.2 12.4 12.3 Female 8.4 11.0 11.6 12.2 12.6 13.0 13.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Male 46.5 45.6 45.5 45.3 45.2 45.0 44.8 Female 53.5 54.4 54.5 54.7 54.8 55.0 55.2

Notes : Figures are compiled based on data collected in the General Household Survey from January to December of the year concerned as well as the mid-year population estimates.

(1) Persons with educational attainment at lower secondary level refer to those with Secondary 1-3 education or equivalent level.

(2) Persons with educational attainment at upper secondary level refer to those with Secondary 4-7 of old academic structure, Secondary 4-6 of new academic structure or equivalent, Project Yi Jin/Yi Jin Diploma and craft level.
Source : Household Statistics Analysis Section,
Census and Statistics Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.2 Number of educational and training institutions by type of institution and finance type

Number of institutions
Type of institution/Finance type 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
(1) Kindergarten(1)
Local 872 874 872 876 881 884 894 Non-local 78 104 128 138 149 149 155
Primary school Local
Government and aided 473 452 454 454 454 456 455 Direct Subsidy Scheme 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 Private 47 53 53 57 62 64 67
(2) International(2) 42 45 44 43 44 46 44 Secondary school
Local Government, aided and caput 402 395 393 393 392 392 392 Direct Subsidy Scheme 61 61 61 61 61 60 59 (3) Private(3)
Day school 35 23 22 21 20 20 20 Evening school 35 26 26 21 21 18 17
(2) International(2) 25 30 30 31 33 34 33 Special school
Local Aided 60 60 60 60 61 60 60
(2) International(2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (4) UGC-funded university(4)
Government subvented 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Financially self-supporting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Open University of Hong Kong
Financially self-supporting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Approved post-secondary college
Private 2 7 8 8 8 9 10 The Hong Kong Academy for
Performing Arts Government subvented 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vocational Training Council Government subvented 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(5) Other post-secondary institutions(5) Private 16 9 9 9 9 8 8
(6) Hong Kong Institute of Construction(6)
Financially self-supporting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clothing Industry Training Authority
Financially self-supporting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hospital Authority
Government subvented 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Prince Philip Dental Hospital
Government subvented 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.2 ()
Table 12.2 (cont’d) Number of educational and training institutions by type of institution and finance type

Number of institutions
Type of institution/Finance type 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses Private
Day school 717 539 528 483 465 427 412 Day-cum-evening school 951 1 769 1 901 1 991 2 051 2 196 2 313 Evening school 550 330 310 279 262 245 232
(2) Figures include schools under the English Schools Foundation
and other private international schools.
(3) Private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary day or evening courses, are not included.

2016 527
(4) Universities funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) are City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The University of Hong Kong. “The Hong Kong Institute of Education” changed its title to “The Education University of Hong Kong” on 27 May 2016.
(5) Other post-secondary institutions refer to private schools which provide post-secondary courses. Starting from 2012, figures refer to private institutions providing locally-accredited full-time post-secondary programmes.
(6) 2018
“Hong Kong Institute of Construction” from 2018.

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.3 Student enrolment by type of educational and training institution
Number of students Type 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (1) Kindergarten(1) 140 502 176 397 185 398 184 032 181 147 174 402 174 297 Primary school 344 748 329 300 337 558 349 008 362 049 372 465 373 228 Secondary school 481 188 375 603 354 698 339 849 332 382 327 023 328 743
Day school 469 466 373 131 352 609 338 152 330 804 325 498 327 394 (2) Other secondary day course(2) 6 872 806 563 412 352 332 318 (3) Evening school(3) 4 850 1 666 1 526 1 285 1 226 1 193 1 031
(4) Special education(4) 8 075 7 760 7 888 7 890 8 060 8 194 8 411 Special school 8 026 7 712 7 770 7 752 7 896 8 008 8 270 (5) Special classes in ordinary school(5) 49 48 118 138 164 186 141
(6) Special child care centre(6) 1 465 1 722 1 757 1 767 1 848 1 843 2 013 (7) Correctional/residential home(7) 67 90 40 48 35 46 51 (8) Correctional institution(8) 398 331 266 241 185 207 158 (9) UGC-funded university(9) 158 043 192 981 191 997 190 919 192 034 193 469 * 189 173
Full-time Certificate/Diploma 4 028 390 553 670 680 802 476 Sub-degree 27 120 29 712 28 755 29 255 29 266 29 016 * 24 224 Undergraduate 59 334 90 196 92 420 92 327 92 584 92 884 * 92 769 Taught postgraduate 7 899 17 312 16 395 16 596 18 184 21 181 22 987 (10) Research postgraduate(10) 5 966 9 035 9 401 9 912 10 240 10 894 * 11 704
Part-time Certificate/Diploma 5 471 4 845 4 165 4 248 3 697 3 418 1 962 Sub-degree 8 442 6 618 5 881 5 896 5 917 5 247 4 853 Undergraduate 11 309 8 803 9 672 8 194 8 011 7 142 6 507 Taught postgraduate 27 693 25 036 23 749 22 822 22 468 22 014 * 22 697 (10) Research postgraduate(10) 781 1 034 1 006 999 987 871 * 994
Hong Kong Shue Yan University 5 478 5 263 5 223 4 625 4 270 4 250 * 4 026 Full-time 4 744 5 174 5 172 4 514 4 206 4 188 * 3 965 Part-time 734 89 51 111 64 62 61
The Open University of Hong Kong 21 074 22 832 23 947 23 989 22 488 22 393 * 22 788 Full-time 4 111 9 006 10 732 11 260 11 005 11 436 * 11 815 Distance learning/Part-time face-to-face 16 963 13 826 13 215 12 729 11 483 10 957 10 973
(11) 1 978 9 925 10 791 10 096 10 479 10 908 * 17 553 Full-time 1 916 9 704 10 558 9 807 10 069 10 301 * 16 792 Part-time 62 221 233 289 410 607 761
The Hong Kong Academy for 902 929 918 966 979 977 979 Performing Arts
Full-time (12) Non-degree(12) 340 121 142 128 98 99 92 Degree 472 747 736 788 831 832 837
Part-time (12) Non-degree(12) 58 17 – – – – – Degree 32 44 40 50 50 46 50
(13)(14) Vocational Training Council(13)(14) 64 633 61 147 61 648 60 708 56 573 53 918 * 51 421 Full-time
(15) Craft level courses(15) 2 097 3 497 3 066 3 126 2 980 1 027 * 1 968 (16) Technician level courses(16) 10 718 12 483 12 583 11 515 10 115 10 010 9 396 (17) Higher technician level courses(17) 35 825 31 104 31 913 31 842 29 865 28 518 * 26 888
Part-time (15) Craft level courses(15) 3 034 3 928 3 974 4 122 3 985 3 702 * 3 528 (16) Technician level courses(16) 2 831 1 496 1 853 2 249 2 303 2 340 2 090 (17) Higher technician level courses(17) 10 128 8 639 8 259 7 854 7 325 8 321 7 551
(18) Other post-secondary institutions(18) 8 155 8 138 7 547 7 364 6 976 6 931 * 7 178 Full-time 6 448 6 954 6 394 6 317 5 807 5 728 * 6 040 Part-time 1 707 1 184 1 153 1 047 1 169 1 203 1 138
(19) Hong Kong Institute of Construction(19) 756 851 790 786 851 643 494 Full-time
(15)(20) Craft level courses(15)(20) 455 518 461 467 421 320 245 (16)(21) Technician level courses(16)(21) 301 333 329 319 430 323 249
Approved post-secondary college(11)
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.3 ()
Table 12.3 (cont’d) Student enrolment by type of educational and training institution
Number of students Type 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Clothing Industry Training Authority 222 17 156 284 109 245 205
Full-time (15) Craft level courses(15) –- – – – – – – (16) Technician level courses(16) 198 – – – – – –
Part-time (15) Craft level courses(15) 24 17 156 284 109 245 205
(22) Hospital Authority (Nursing schools)(22) 1 530 1 384 1 192 1 034 1 011 1 016 978 (23) The Prince Philip Dental Hospital(23) 98 73 72 72 76 66 66
Full-time 95 68 72 72 76 66 66 Part-time 3 5 – – – – –
Project Yi Jin/Diploma Yi Jin 16 732 5 439 4 766 4 639 4 670 4 533 4 258 (24) Programme(24) Full-time 12 232 4 913 4 218 4 078 4 099 3 962 3 793 Part-time 4 500 526 548 561 571 571 465
Schools offering tutorial, vocational 273 640 224 715 236 268 275 257 286 805 305 597 314 008 (25) and adult education courses(25)
Day school 86 401 48 511 50 061 48 398 49 188 47 280 43 337 Day-cum-evening school 109 818 154 958 167 053 203 416 216 812 235 740 248 922 Evening school 77 421 21 246 19 154 23 443 20 805 22 577 21 749
Non-local higher and professional 38900 37 200 34 600 33 400 * 35 200 35 200 35 200 (26) education courses(26)

Notes : Figures cover both full-time and part-time students attending long programmes lasting for at least one academic year, except for “Schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses” in which long and short programmes are included.


Figures for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, special schools, special child care centre, correctional/residential home and correctional institutions refer to the position as at September of the respective years, “Schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses” as at October and post-secondary education as at the end of December. The beginning and ending months of a school/ academic year may vary among different educational and training institutions.
2019 Figures for vocational and post-secondary education for 2019 are provisional.
(1) (1) Figures include nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.
(2) Figures refer to secondary day courses operated by private
schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

(3) Figures include secondary evening courses operated by private secondary schools (also covering those operated by approved course providers in designated centres) and private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.
(4) Figures exclude special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department and those students with special educational needs who are enrolled in ordinary schools without operating special classes. Figures from 2004 to 2017 include one mainstreamed special school. The mainstreaming of its primary section was completed in August 2010 and the mainstreaming of its secondary section was completed in August 2018.
(5) (5) Only a very small number of non-public sector ordinary schools are operating special classes.

(6) Special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department provide special training and care for moderately and severely disabled children aged 2-6 to facilitate their growth and development, helping them prepare for primary education.

(7) The Social Welfare Department provides residential treatment service for mal-adjusted children/juveniles and young offenders through social work intervention to give effect to the directions of the courts. Academic, generic and vocational knowledge and skills training programmes are provided to residents to meet their educational needs in varied duration of stay and to enable them to pursue further studies and/or enhance their employability with recognised qualification upon discharge from the correctional/residential home.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.3 ()
Table 12.3 (cont’d) Student enrolment by type of educational and training institution (8)

(8) Formal day classes conducted by qualified teachers are provided to young persons in custody in correctional institutions under the Correctional Services Department. Figures are available since 2008.

(9) Universities funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) are City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The University of Hong Kong. “The Hong Kong Institute of Education” changed its title to “The Education University of Hong Kong” on 27 May 2016. Figures include UGC-funded programmes and self-financing programmes offered by UGC-funded universities and their extension arms.

(10) Figures also include research postgraduate (RPg) students funded by UGC outside the UGC student number target. As from 2013, figures include (i) fully self-financing RPg students; and (ii) RPg students financed by universities using both UGC and external funds.
(11) 320
under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320).
(12) Figures include certificate, advanced certificate, professional
certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and professional diploma courses.
(13) (13) Figures do not include programmes of the Project Yi Jin/Diploma Yi Jin Programme.
(14) Figures refer to The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, School for Higher and Professional Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong Design Institute, Youth College, Hotel and Tourism Institute/Chinese Culinary Institute/International Culinary Institute and Maritime Services Training Institute.
(15) Craft level courses are courses beyond Secondary 3 level.
Figures for Vocational Training Council also include operative level courses of Training and Development Centres.
(16) (16) Technician level courses are diploma/certificate courses below Higher Diploma.
(17) (17) Higher technician level courses are courses at Higher Diploma or above level.
(18) 2012

(18) Other post-secondary institutions refer to private schools which provide post-secondary courses. Starting from 2012, figures refer to private institutions providing locally-accredited full-time post-secondary programmes.
(19) 2018
“Hong Kong Institute of Construction” from 2018.
(20) (20) Figures refer to basic craft courses.
(21) (21) Figures refer to construction supervisor/technician trainee training courses.
(22) (22) Figures refer to nurse training programmes.
(23) (23) Figures refer to dental training programmes.
(24) 200010

(24) The Project Yi Jin (PYJ) Programme was launched by the Government in October 2000 to provide an alternative pathway and to expand the continuing education opportunities for Secondary 5 school leavers and adult learners. With the abolition of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and the implementation of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure, the PYJ Programme has lapsed by the end of the 2011/12 academic year. The Education Bureau has put in place a Diploma Yi Jin Programme to provide an alternative pathway for Secondary 6 school leavers as well as adult learners from the 2012/13 academic year onwards.
(25) Figures do not include programmes of the Project Yi Jin/Diploma
Yi Jin, secondary day and evening courses.

(26) Figures include courses conducted in Hong Kong which lead to the award of non-local higher academic qualifications by non-local institutions, or non-local professional qualifications by non-local professional bodies. Figures are rounded to the nearest hundred. Figures for 2018 and 2019 are provisional.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.4 2019
Table 12.4 Number of day schools by type/sector and region, 2019
Number of day schools
Hong Kong Island Kowloon New Territories Total (1) Kindergarten(1)
Local 146 278 894 Non-local 61 42 155
Primary Local
Government and aided 68 132 455 Direct Subsidy Scheme 4 7 21 Private 19 31 67
(2) International(2) 21 10 44 Secondary
Local Government, aided and caput 62 112 392 Direct Subsidy Scheme 11 24 59 (3) Private(3) 4 10 20
(2) International(2) 18 8 33
12.5 2019
Table 12.5 Enrolment in kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools by age and sex, 2019

Age Male Female Male Female Male Female
3 Under 3 6 974 6 719 3 3 29 556 27 831 4 4 30 464 28 320 5 5 22 476 20 759 6 6 763 411 30 643 28 498 7 7 18 6 34 671 32 044 8 8 – – 33 078 30 297 9 9 – – 31 450 28 774 10 10 – – 30 633 28 546 11 11 – – 22 562 20 253 12 12 – – 2 543 1 913 27 298 25 749 13 13 – – 27 708 25 691 14 14 – – 27 137 25 438 15 15 – – 24 296 23 513 16 16 – – 24 642 24 062 17 17 – – 19 869 18 945 18 18 – – 5 809 4 419 19 19 – – 1 743 1 311 20 20 and over – – 597 517 Total 90 251 84 046 194 285 178 943 168 386 159 008
9 287 9 363

Notes : Regions of schools are delineated by the locations of the main
campuses of schools. However, for schools with decanting campuses, the regions refer to those of the original campuses.
kindergarten-cum-child care centres.
(2) Figures include schools under the English Schools Foundation
and other private international schools.

(3) Figures for private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary day courses, are not included.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
9 Notes : Figures refer to the position as at September of the school year.
(1) Figures include nursery, lower and upper classes in
kindergarten-cum-child care centres.
(2) Figures exclude secondary day courses operated by private
schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.6 Enrolment in primary schools by sector and grade
Number of students
Sector/Grade 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Local Government and aided
Primary 1 40 497 49 009 48 397 49 379 52 491 53 463 47 235 Primary 2 42 807 47 204 49 027 48 473 49 437 52 295 53 255 Primary 3 45 976 44 086 47 410 49 305 48 784 49 406 52 353 Primary 4 51 846 42 302 44 503 47 954 49 751 49 081 49 622 Primary 5 52 089 41 245 42 556 44 869 48 210 49 782 49 193 Primary 6 56 650 42 307 41 113 42 502 44 784 47 864 49 415 Sub-total 289 865 266 153 273 006 282 482 293 457 301 891 301 073
(1)(3) Direct Subsidy Scheme(1)(3) Primary 1 2 276 2 644 2 619 2 642 2 694 2 759 2 742 Primary 2 2 348 2 657 2 662 2 642 2 662 2 713 2 759 Primary 3 2 328 2 590 2 661 2 651 2 646 2 671 2 721 Primary 4 2 411 2 498 2 572 2 634 2 663 2 632 2 686 Primary 5 1 864 2 389 2 270 2 355 2 425 2 442 2 434 Primary 6 1 362 2 061 2 336 2 402 2 500 2 542 2 593 Sub-total 12 589 14 839 15 120 15 326 15 590 15 759 15 935
(1)(3) Private(1)(3) Primary 1 4 066 5 431 5 389 5 622 5 922 6 128 6 077 Primary 2 4 269 5 511 5 318 5 274 5 520 5 829 6 117 Primary 3 4 081 4 895 5 389 5 283 5 158 5 434 5 842 Primary 4 4 412 4 489 4 790 5 302 5 181 5 062 5 390 Primary 5 4 233 4 199 4 440 4 689 5 145 5 087 5 077 Primary 6 4 158 3 590 3 667 3 937 4 164 4 555 4 561 Sub-total 25 219 28 115 28 993 30 107 31 090 32 095 33 064
(2)(3) International(2)(3) Primary 1 3 078 3 998 3 915 4 218 4 494 4 564 4 411 Primary 2 2 822 3 487 3 479 3 507 3 674 3 863 4 000 Primary 3 2 799 3 401 3 471 3 496 3 523 3 727 3 888 Primary 4 2 840 3 205 3 338 3 402 3 503 3 576 3 738 Primary 5 2 866 3 112 3 179 3 327 3 398 3 518 3 579 Primary 6 2 670 2 990 3 057 3 143 3 320 3 472 3 540 Sub-total 17 075 20 193 20 439 21 093 21 912 22 720 23 156
Total Primary 1 49 917 61 082 60 320 61 861 65 601 66 914 60 465 Primary 2 52 246 58 859 60 486 59 896 61 293 64 700 66 131 Primary 3 55 184 54 972 58 931 60 735 60 111 61 238 64 804 Primary 4 61 509 52 494 55 203 59 292 61 098 60 351 61 436 Primary 5 61 052 50 945 52 445 55 240 59 178 60 829 60 283 Primary 6 64 840 50 948 50 173 51 984 54 768 58 433 60 109 All grades 344 748 329 300 337 558 349 008 362 049 372 465 373 228
9 Notes : Figures refer to the position as at September of the respective school years.
(1) (1) Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

(2) Figures include schools under the English Schools Foundation and other private international schools. Figures for Primary 1 in international schools also cover preparatory classes.

(3) To facilitate compilation of statistics by grade, figures for schools which offer non-local curriculum are compiled according to the grades equivalent to those of the local curriculum.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.7 Enrolment in secondary schools by sector and grade
Number of students
Day school (1) Local(1)
Government, aided and caput Secondary 1 64 115 45 653 43 648 43 098 43 963 45 557 48 358 Secondary 2 68 353 47 518 44 817 43 080 42 885 43 658 45 253 Secondary 3 71 014 51 421 47 182 44 734 42 992 42 474 43 212 Secondary 4 69 873 50 466 50 028 46 103 43 769 41 886 41 266 Secondary 5 71 455 52 743 47 411 46 996 43 433 40 981 39 222 Secondary 6 25 898 54 309 49 439 44 598 44 200 40 869 38 815 Secondary 7 24 651 – – – – – – Sub-total 395 359 302 110 282 525 268 609 261 242 255 425 256 126
(2)(4) Direct Subsidy Scheme(2)(4) Secondary 1 8 089 7 677 7 463 7 456 7 679 8 072 8 532 Secondary 2 8 277 8 174 7 767 7 521 7 555 7 679 8 108 Secondary 3 8 678 8 507 8 041 7 673 7 482 7 428 7 555 Secondary 4 8 873 8 427 8 601 8 242 7 892 7 638 7 570 Secondary 5 9 434 8 019 7 959 8 088 7 797 7 526 7 290 Secondary 6 4 167 7 464 7 401 7 376 7 458 7 258 6 994 Secondary 7 3 605 – – – – – – Sub-total 51 123 48 268 47 232 46 356 45 863 45 601 46 049
(3)(4) Private(3)(4) Secondary 1 897 1 016 1 044 1 058 1 167 1 301 1 336 Secondary 2 926 1 015 1 019 1 052 1 145 1 248 1 328 Secondary 3 805 1 031 1 001 1 032 1 040 1 090 1 194 Secondary 4 770 944 932 960 924 922 974 Secondary 5 2 106 854 884 929 948 907 893 Secondary 6 1 987 922 874 913 867 882 838 Secondary 7 1 649 529 568 579 652 644 679 Sub-total 9 140 6 311 6 322 6 523 6 743 6 994 7 242
(5) International(5) Secondary 1 2 329 2 805 2 820 2 867 3 036 3 210 3 328 Secondary 2 2 310 2 720 2 736 2 771 2 829 3 018 3 181 Secondary 3 2 233 2 616 2 575 2 613 2 593 2 645 2 860 Secondary 4 2 006 2 371 2 378 2 332 2 384 2 347 2 396 Secondary 5 1 904 2 244 2 258 2 261 2 274 2 314 2 285 Secondary 6 1 777 2 079 2 121 2 136 2 144 2 197 2 177 Secondary 7 1 285 1 607 1 642 1 684 1 696 1 747 1 750 Sub-total 13 844 16 442 16 530 16 664 16 956 17 478 17 977
Total Secondary 1 75 430 57 151 54 975 54 479 55 845 58 140 61 554 Secondary 2 79 866 59 427 56 339 54 424 54 414 55 603 57 870 Secondary 3 82 730 63 575 58 799 56 052 54 107 53 637 54 821 Secondary 4 81 522 62 208 61 939 57 637 54 969 52 793 52 206 Secondary 5 84 899 63 860 58 512 58 274 54 452 51 728 49 690 Secondary 6 33 829 64 774 59 835 55 023 54 669 51 206 48 824 Secondary 7 31 190 2 136 2 210 2 263 2 348 2 391 2 429 All grades 469 466 373 131 352 609 338 152 330 804 325 498 327 394
(6) Evening school(6) Secondary 1 68 40 40 39 26 30 22 Secondary 2 98 40 40 41 37 29 34 Secondary 3 150 81 80 80 86 65 65 Secondary 4 572 343 288 259 276 269 223 Secondary 5 3 354 427 389 359 339 330 299 Secondary 6 312 735 682 507 462 470 388 Secondary 7 296 – 7 – – – – All grades 4 850 1 666 1 526 1 285 1 226 1 193 1 031
9 Notes : Figures refer to the position as at September of the respective school years.
(1) 2012
(1) Upon full implementation of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure, there are no subsidised Secondary 7 places under local curriculum starting from 2012.
(2) (2) Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

(3) Figures not include secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses. Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

(4) To facilitate compilation of statistics by grade, figures for schools which offer non-local curriculum are compiled according to the grades equivalent to those of the local curriculum.
(5) Figures include schools under the English Schools Foundation
and other private international schools.

(6) Figures include secondary evening courses operated by private secondary schools (also covering those operated by the approved course providers in designated centres) and private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.8 2019

Medicine Dentistry Studies allied Biological Physical Mathematical Computer Engineering & Architecture & to medicine & sciences sciences sciences science & technology town planning
health information technology

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 288 208 0 0 177 219 571 355 1 332 2 230 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 34 42 220 37 148 515 14 34 0 211 261 792 391 1 480 3 032 322

0 0 267 261 313 200 374 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 18 14 56 20 26 1 1 3 0 285 275 369 220 400 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 5 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 16 0 0

1 471 0 1 799 937 843 1 035 532 1 898 274 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 80 384 0 85 142 231 114 122 368 19 1 855 0 1 949 1 079 1 074 1 149 654 2 267 373

0 0 0 8 16 37 38 0 0 0 0 0 55 164 158 83 0 0 0 0 0 11 34 45 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 214 240 145 0 0

0 0 0 0 131 0 0 652 131 0 0 3 133 293 522 206 669 4 228 644 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 51 54 111 28 51 397 44 3 0 3 204 347 764 235 719 5 277 819

0 0 0 538 1 059 777 563 3 217 0 0 0 0 175 231 68 91 631 0 0 0 0 713 1 290 845 654 3 848 0

1 413 402 1 692 786 686 785 607 2 318 727 1 20 63 0 0 0 0 0 212 490 63 55 115 248 68 111 417 77 1 904 485 1 810 901 935 853 718 2 735 1 016

0 0 0 8 147 37 38 940 339 2 884 402 7 067 3 089 4 158 3 521 4 175 13 892 1 745 1 20 148 11 34 45 25 0 292 913 63 243 541 1 098 335 549 2 328 155 3 798 485 7 458 3 649 5 437 3 938 4 786 17 160 2 531
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.8 Enrolment in the University Grants Committee (UGC) funded programmes by university, level of study and academic programme category, 2019
Number of students
studies documentation studies performing arts
City University of Hong Kong 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 496 Sub-degree
4 036 1 681 249 358 761 211 590 0 12 870 Undergraduate 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 53 Taught postgraduate
116 56 15 17 26 12 41 0 1 326 Research postgraduate 4 151 1 737 317 375 787 223 631 0 14 745 Sub-total
Hong Kong Baptist University 1 382 1 067 0 787 502 604 584 607 6 949 Undergraduate
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 243 Taught postgraduate 18 26 0 13 19 24 16 11 265 Research postgraduate
1 400 1 094 0 800 521 628 600 861 7 457 Sub-total Lingnan University
838 627 0 0 578 519 0 0 2 583 Undergraduate 17 29 0 0 10 30 0 0 86 Research postgraduate
855 656 0 0 588 549 0 0 2 669 Sub-total The Chinese University of Hong Kong
3 067 2 226 343 481 1 240 620 314 386 17 464 Undergraduate 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 690 871 Taught postgraduate
74 234 25 29 98 127 23 53 2 129 Research postgraduate 3 141 2 460 404 510 1 338 747 337 1 129 20 464 Sub-total
The Education University of Hong Kong
0 39 0 0 88 24 0 1 821 2 071 Sub-degree 68 478 0 0 1 054 261 371 2 613 5 304 Undergraduate
2 59 0 0 98 10 9 492 785 Taught postgraduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 99 Research postgraduate
70 576 0 0 1 240 294 380 5 025 8 259 Sub-total The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 915 Sub-degree 3 429 374 0 0 479 50 915 0 14 941 Undergraduate
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 Taught postgraduate 79 30 0 0 31 2 20 0 900 Research postgraduate
3 508 404 0 0 509 52 936 0 16 776 Sub-total The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
3 032 623 0 0 0 116 8 0 9 933 Undergraduate 82 48 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 346 Research postgraduate
3 114 671 0 0 0 136 8 0 11 279 Sub-total The University of Hong Kong
1 735 2 426 706 123 1 192 554 158 511 16 823 Undergraduate 0 0 163 0 0 0 0 442 901 Taught postgraduate
83 181 34 3 80 55 12 136 2 228 Research postgraduate 1 818 2 607 903 126 1 273 609 170 1 089 19 952 Sub-total
Total of universities above 0 39 0 0 88 24 1 1 821 3 482 Sub-degree
17 587 9 503 1 298 1 750 5 806 2 935 2 941 4 117 86 867 Undergraduate 2 59 252 0 98 10 9 1 867 2 873 Taught postgraduate
469 605 74 62 264 270 111 298 8 378 Research postgraduate 18 057 10 205 1 624 1 812 6 256 3 239 3 062 8 103 101 600 Total
Academic Programme Category
Notes : Figures on enrolment refer to the academic year 2019/20.
Research postgraduate figures include only students funded by UGC within normal study periods.
Since some UGC-funded programmes are mapped to more than one Academic Programme Category (APC), students of these programmes are counted across the APCs concerned on a pro-rata basis. Thus the numbers of students of APCs are decimal figures which are rounded to the nearest whole number. As such, figures may not add up to the corresponding totals.
Source : University Grants Committee Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.9 Enrolment in The Open University of Hong Kong by registration and occupation of student (distance learning and face-to-face programmes)

2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
(1)(2) New registration(1)(2) 6 710 7 418 6 718 6 139 5 999 6 305 6 414
(2)(3) Active registration(2)(3) 19 394 19 356 19 554 20 044 19 342 19 415 19 583
Administrative and managerial workers 1 381 687 625 577 562 582 623
Professionals 2 693 1 975 1 987 2 002 2 037 2 003 2 189
Associate professionals 2 572 1 951 1 807 1 830 1 900 1 996 2 083
Clerks 2 706 1 847 1 633 1 569 1 353 1 251 1 244
Sales/Service workers 1 142 911 844 911 851 843 850
Craft and related workers 99 89 70 56 53 53 44
Others 1 917 2 905 2 447 2 326 2 012 1 777 1 760
(4) Not working(4) 6 884 8 991 10 141 10 773 10 574 10 910 10 790
Registration/Occupation of student
Notes : (1) Students under new registration refer to those registered for the
first time on a distance learning or face-to-face programme in the year.
(2) Students in continuing and professional programmes offered in
Hong Kong and distance learning programmes offered in the mainland of China are not included.
(3) Students under active registration refer to those who are
registered or remain registered on a distance learning or face-to-face programme in the year.
(4) (4) Figures include housewives, retired persons and full-time students.
Source : The Open University of Hong Kong
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.10 Number of course enrolment and courses offered by school at The Open University of Hong Kong
School 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Arts and Social Sciences Course enrolment 17 690 20 757 23 410 26 157 25 252 26 261 27 632 Courses offered 229 300 314 364 375 385 406
Business and Administration Course enrolment 43 356 36 791 36 165 36 914 34 309 34 077 32 305 Courses offered 323 301 324 314 322 324 344
Education and Languages Course enrolment 7 106 9 506 9 967 11 123 11 404 11 061 12 127 Courses offered 97 115 127 145 138 143 151
Nursing and Health Studies Course enrolment – – – – 12 322 13 572 16 428 Courses offered – – – – 79 81 85
Science and Technology Course enrolment 13 458 24 970 26 753 29 801 13 649 13 584 12 239 Courses offered 163 324 353 372 260 249 252
Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education Course enrolment 42 028 39 015 36 750 30 963 28 059 37 261 33 234 Courses offered 717 771 670 673 755 728 973
Total Course enrolment 123 638 131 039 133 045 134 958 124 995 135 816 133 965 Courses offered 1 529 1 811 1 788 1 868 1 929 1 910 2 211

Note : Figures on course enrolment include total course enrolment in distance learning, face-to-face, continuing and professional courses offered in Hong Kong and distance learning courses offered in the mainland of China.
Source : The Open University of Hong Kong
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.11 Enrolment in tutorial, vocational and adult education courses by type of course

Number of students
Type of course 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Day school Computer courses 1 103 308 290 494 447 342 511 Commercial courses 3 849 404 250 691 994 765 637 Technical/Vocational courses 2 690 868 780 1 212 1 165 1 096 1 070 Language/Tutorial courses 74 102 44 359 45 625 43 388 42 833 41 739 37 470 Other courses 4 657 2 572 3 116 2 613 3 749 3 338 3 649 Sub-total 86 401 48 511 50 061 48 398 49 188 47 280 43 337
Day-cum-evening school Computer courses 1 029 694 465 1 076 1 199 1 123 1 142 Commercial courses 2 752 1 133 1 196 965 410 584 515 Technical/Vocational courses 939 1 597 1 439 1 476 1 475 948 1 738 Language/Tutorial courses 99 903 145 599 159 921 195 278 208 294 227 882 238 662 Other courses 5 195 5 935 4 032 4 621 5 434 5 203 6 865 Sub-total 109 818 154 958 167 053 203 416 216 812 235 740 248 922
Evening school Computer courses 1 310 323 380 141 260 229 309 Commercial courses 4 770 1 669 1 617 787 884 651 703 Technical/Vocational courses 2 169 374 679 430 384 353 247 Language/Tutorial courses 64 353 15 836 14 236 20 385 17 549 18 914 16 536 Other courses 4 819 3 044 2 242 1 700 1 728 2 430 3 954 Sub-total 77 421 21 246 19 154 23 443 20 805 22 577 21 749
Total 273 640 224 715 236 268 275 257 286 805 305 597 314 008
10 Notes : Figures refer to the position as at October of the respective years.

Figures include tutorial, vocational and adult education courses operated by private schools.

Figures do not include programmes of the Project Yi Jin/Diploma Yi Jin, secondary day and evening courses.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.12 Teachers in kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools by academic qualification and training status

(1) Kindergarten(1)
Bachelor's degree or above Trained 1 516 5 296 5 983 6 659 7 387 7 879 8 398 Untrained 243 415 450 391 373 395 336
Below Bachelor's degree Trained 8 051 7 029 6 939 6 735 6 271 5 776 5 574 Untrained 253 153 180 145 124 95 81
Total 10 063 12 893 13 552 13 930 14 155 14 145 14 389
(2) Primary school(2) Bachelor's degree or above
Trained 19 369 21 787 22 517 23 302 24 724 25 677 26 324 Untrained 766 837 778 733 865 1 067 1 142
Below Bachelor's degree Trained 1 852 848 758 675 635 566 468 Untrained 232 84 62 55 56 52 53
Total 22 219 23 556 24 115 24 765 26 280 27 362 27 987
(2) Secondary day school(2) Bachelor's degree or above
Trained 27 190 28 025 27 847 27 712 27 702 27 596 27 811 Untrained 1 604 982 888 802 863 1 098 1 266
Below Bachelor's degree Trained 772 390 347 314 273 247 211 Untrained 144 41 28 25 25 30 16
Total 29 710 29 438 29 110 28 853 28 863 28 971 29 304
2009 2016 20192014 2015 2017 2018
9 Notes : Figures refer to full-time and part-time teachers as at September of the respective school years.

(1) Figures include teachers teaching kindergarten classes (i.e. nursery, lower and upper classes) of kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(2) Figures include regular and contract teachers in ordinary primary and secondary day schools.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.13 Teachers in selected types of educational institution by sex

Number of teachers
Type of institution/Sex 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
(1) Kindergarten(1)
Male 103 209 243 271 297 316 359 Female 9 960 12 684 13 309 13 659 13 858 13 829 14 030 Total 10 063 12 893 13 552 13 930 14 155 14 145 14 389
(2) Primary school(2) Male 4 880 5 224 5 422 5 613 6 064 6 390 6 572 Female 17 339 18 332 18 693 19 152 20 216 20 972 21 415 Total 22 219 23 556 24 115 24 765 26 280 27 362 27 987
(2) Secondary day school(2) Male 12 797 12 524 12 385 12 301 12 329 12 472 12 642 Female 16 913 16 914 16 725 16 552 16 534 16 499 16 662 Total 29 710 29 438 29 110 28 853 28 863 28 971 29 304
Vocational Training Council Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong Design Institute, School of Business and (3) Information Systems, and Training
and development centres(3) Male 1 321 833 836 826 791 748 698 Female 656 567 591 592 570 547 520 Total 1 977 1 400 1 427 1 418 1 361 1 295 1 218
Approved post-secondary college Male 104 381 436 468 469 471 649 Female 45 276 294 307 330 361 469 Total 149 657 730 775 799 832 1 118


Notes : Figures for kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools refer to the position as at September of the respective school/academic years. Moreover, figures refer to full-time and part-time teachers.

(1) Figures include teachers teaching kindergarten classes (i.e. nursery, lower and upper classes) of kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(2) Figures include regular and contract teachers in ordinary primary and secondary day schools.
(3) (3) Figures reflect the actual staff strength.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.14 Pupil/teacher ratios in local kindergartens, primary and secondary day schools by type/sector
Type/sector of school
(1)(2) Kindergarten(1)(2) 9.6 9.1 9.0 8.7 8.6 8.4 8.3
(3) Primary school(3) Government and aided 15.7 14.0 14.1 14.2 13.8 13.6 13.3
DSS and private 15.4 14.2 14.2 14.1 14.3 13.9 13.9 Overall 15.7 14.1 14.1 14.2 13.8 13.7 13.4
(3) Secondary day school(3) Government, aided and caput 16.2 13.0 12.3 11.9 11.6 11.4 11.3 DSS and private 14.5 11.8 11.6 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 Overall 16.0 12.8 12.2 11.8 11.6 11.3 11.3

9 Notes : Figures refer to full-time and part-time teachers as at September of the respective school years.

(1) Figures refer to the ratios of the total number of pupils to the total number of teachers (including principals) calculated on the basis of half-day equivalent unit.
(2) Figures include pupils and teachers in kindergarten classes (i.e. nursery, lower and upper classes) of local kindergarten/ kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(3) Figures include regular and contract teachers in ordinary primary and secondary day schools, but not teachers in international schools.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.15 2019
Table 12.15 Statistics on results of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, 2019

Number Number Subject entered sat
(1) Category A Subjects(1) Biology 13 929 13 361 2.0 8.0 19.8 46.9 71.7 90.4 97.0 Business, Accounting and Financial
Studies Business, Accounting and Financial 7 626 7 203 1.5 5.5 13.7 44.5 70.5 90.6 97.2 Studies (Accounting)
Business, Accounting and Financial 2 705 2 537 0.7 2.8 7.1 29.8 57.5 86.7 96.3 Studies (Business Management)
Chemistry 13 607 12 967 2.7 10.7 26.5 53.1 76.0 87.6 95.6 Chinese History 6 419 6 048 1.5 5.5 14.2 39.3 67.6 91.1 97.1 Chinese Language 50 440 49 530 1.1 4.1 10.3 29.7 56.5 86.2 96.6 Chinese Literature 1 649 1 582 1.5 6.6 17.4 38.3 68.3 89.0 97.2 Design and Applied Technology 629 576 0.3 1.2 2.8 12.3 28.5 67.9 88.4 Economics 13 246 12 620 2.2 7.5 18.9 47.2 67.7 85.8 95.0 English Language 53 166 51 311 0.9 3.7 9.3 26.2 52.4 78.6 92.0 Ethics and Religious Studies 784 717 0.7 2.9 7.7 29.8 65.6 89.7 96.5 Geography 8 966 8 629 1.3 5.1 12.4 38.2 63.6 87.2 97.1 Health Management and Social Care 896 829 0.4 1.7 4.1 20.0 45.7 81.4 94.3 History 5 431 5 196 1.5 6.3 15.6 51.6 77.5 94.5 98.9 Information and Communication 5 968 5 637 0.9 3.9 9.9 30.2 54.7 82.7 94.8
Technology Liberal Studies 50 446 49 199 1.0 4.0 10.1 39.3 70.2 90.7 98.1 Literature in English 294 283 2.1 9.5 22.6 54.1 81.3 91.2 96.5 Mathematics
Compulsory Part 52 376 50 258 1.8 6.2 15.2 39.9 58.0 80.8 92.1 Extended Part 2 907 2 679 2.5 11.1 29.3 53.2 71.9 87.2 95.0 (Calculus and Statistics)
Extended Part 5 220 4 840 3.9 15.5 38.5 59.6 79.6 92.3 97.8 (Algebra and Calculus)
Music 189 189 2.1 9.0 22.2 52.4 80.4 96.3 98.4 Physical Education 1 040 993 0.2 1.0 2.2 10.3 36.0 71.7 91.7 Physics 11 283 10 692 2.7 10.7 27.0 49.8 72.3 90.0 97.7 Science
Combined Science 369 340 0.0 0.3 1.2 12.4 32.6 63.2 85.3 (Biology, Chemistry)
Combined Science 25 24 0.0 0.0 4.2 12.5 37.5 70.8 91.7 (Biology, Physics)
Combined Science 260 248 0.4 0.8 1.6 14.5 39.1 67.7 88.7 (Chemistry, Physics)
Combined Science (Biology) 394 364 0.3 0.8 2.5 15.7 38.5 72.0 90.7 Combined Science (Chemistry) 629 587 0.3 0.5 1.2 14.3 35.8 58.9 81.8 Combined Science (Physics) 285 272 1.1 2.6 6.3 15.4 37.1 67.6 89.0 Combined Science 654 612 0.2 0.5 1.5 13.2 35.5 65.4 86.9 Integrated Science 81 73 1.4 2.7 6.8 26.0 49.3 82.2 94.5
Technology and Living Food Science and Technology 180 175 0.6 3.4 7.4 26.9 53.1 79.4 93.1 Fashion, Clothing and Textiles 47 44 0.0 2.3 2.3 15.9 38.6 75.0 93.2
Tourism and Hospitality Studies 3 859 3 570 0.5 2.1 5.0 16.3 38.6 77.1 93.3 Visual Arts 3 618 3 504 0.8 3.0 7.5 26.0 54.9 87.0 96.6

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.15 () 2019
Table 12.15 (cont’d) Statistics on results of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, 2019

fulfilling attendance
(2) Category B Subjects(2) Applied Science
Animal Care 50 48 25.0 66.7 97.9 Applied Psychology 137 130 10.8 39.2 97.7 Exercise Science and Health Fitness 62 55 7.3 34.5 96.4 Foundation in Chinese Medicine 115 105 16.2 44.8 92.4 Health Care Practice 130 120 14.2 42.5 99.2 Practical Psychology 117 111 17.1 42.3 87.4 Sports and Fitness Coaching 122 100 4.0 14.0 85.0
Business, Management and Law Accounting in Practice 43 43 16.3 32.6 88.4 Business Data Analysis 8 8 25.0 50.0 100.0 Entrepreneurship for SME 31 27 7.4 29.6 88.9 Law Enforcement in Hong Kong 37 34 11.8 23.5 94.1 Marketing and Online Promotion 20 14 14.3 28.6 92.9
Creative Studies Computer Game and Animation Design 209 196 5.6 23.5 96.9 Fashion and Image Design 158 143 9.8 28.0 96.5 Interior Design 93 88 6.8 29.5 94.3 Jewellery and Accessories Design 23 21 19.0 38.1 95.2 Taking a Chance on Dance 43 42 16.7 40.5 100.0 The Essentials of Dramatic Arts 63 61 18.0 50.8 100.0
Engineering and Production Automotive Technology 47 45 2.2 11.1 86.7 Aviation Studies 348 323 7.7 26.3 90.7 Computer Forensic Technology 26 26 11.5 34.6 100.0 Electrical and Energy Engineering 61 58 3.4 10.3 82.8 Internet of Everything Application 21 20 5.0 30.0 90.0
Media and Communication Film and Video 169 164 8.5 25.0 84.8 Magazine Editing and Production 16 15 20.0 53.3 93.3 New Media Communication Strategies 0 0 - - - Public Relations and Communication 17 12 16.7 50.0 91.7
Services Child Care and Education 180 176 9.7 34.1 100.0 Fundamental Cosmetology 103 91 5.5 22.0 98.9 Hospitality Services in Practice 162 160 6.9 25.6 86.9 Hotel Operations 115 108 3.7 17.6 95.4 Pâtisserie and Café Operations 254 232 7.3 26.3 86.2 Western Cuisine 741 669 3.0 16.4 93.9
Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) Chinese for the Service Industry 113 112 25.0 96.4 Practical Chinese in Hospitality 42 41 26.8 75.6
Attained with Distinction Attained or above

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.15 () 2019
Table 12.15 (cont’d) Statistics on results of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, 2019

Number Number Subject entered sat
(3) Category C Subjects(3) French Language 41 37 24.3 45.9 62.2 75.7 83.8 German Language 3 3 33.3 33.3 66.7 66.7 100.0 Hindi Language 10 8 25.0 25.0 62.5 62.5 87.5 Japanese Language 317 303 54.1 76.6 87.5 93.1 96.7 Spanish Language 17 15 40.0 60.0 73.3 80.0 100.0 Urdu Language 28 22 50.0 63.6 77.3 86.4 86.4


Notes : With the implementation of the Senior Secondary Academic Structure in 2009, all students have to study a three-year senior secondary course. The senior secondary curriculum provides students the opportunity to receive altogether six-year secondary education, the aim being to promote life-long learning and to meet the changing needs of Hong Kong. The first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination was conducted in 2012.
2019 56 159
A total of 56 159 candidates entered for and 54 642 candidates sat the 2019 HKDSE Examination. Altogether there are 24 Category A Subjects, with 19 subjects offering both Chinese and English version question papers. Besides, there are 35 Category B Subjects and 6 Category C Subjects.
(1) (5432 1)515
(1) For Category A Subjects, achievements in the examination are indicated by five levels (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) of which 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. Within Level 5, the most outstanding candidates are awarded Level 5**, while the more outstanding candidates are awarded 5*.

(2) For Category B Subjects, assessment is undertaken by course providers. Achievements in Category B subjects are reported as ‘Attained with Distinction (II)’, ‘Attained with Distinction (I)’ and ‘Attained’, with ‘Attained with Distinction (II)’ being the highest, except for Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students), the results of which are reported as ‘Attained with Distinction’ and ‘Attained’.

(3) Category C Subjects are examined on Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level question papers from Cambridge Assessment International Education. Marking and grading are conducted by Cambridge Assessment International Education. Achievements in these subjects are indicated by five grades (a, b, c, d, e), with grade a being the highest and grade e being the lowest.
Source : Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

$ million
Pre-primary education 2,169 3,373 3,809 4,141 5,725 6,548 6,770
(1) Primary education(1) 10,859 14,781 16,021 17,034 18,283 19,966 22,578
(2) Secondary education(2) 19,429 24,287 25,208 25,949 26,633 27,872 29,888
Special education 1,367 1,975 2,146 2,238 2,396 2,613 2,929
Post-secondary education(3) 12,968 18,275 19,777 20,609 21,547 22,598 23,923
(4) Vocational and professional 2,118 2,655 2,767 2,858 2,808 2,879 3,029 education(4)
(5) Others(5) 1,921 2,457 2,624 2,704 2,841 3,052 3,267
(6) Total(6) 50,831 67,803 72,352 75,533 80,233 85,528 92,384

(1) Expenditure on primary education covers provision for primary education and related student financial assistance schemes administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency.
(2) Expenditure on secondary education covers provision for secondary education and related student financial assistance schemes administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency.

(3) Expenditure on post-secondary education covers provision for Project Yi Jin, Diploma Yi Jin Programme, various programmes for degree or above and sub-degree education (excluding vocational and professional education) and related student financial assistance schemes administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency.

(4) Expenditure on vocational and professional education covers provision for the Vocational Training Council and related student financial assistance schemes administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency.
activities, school uniformed group activities and bureau support, etc.
(6) The sums of figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
12.17 2019

health information planning technology

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 99 0 0 25 51 132 67 260 538 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 8 45 8 30 143 5 5 0 29 58 177 75 290 810 197

0 0 51 73 74 52 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 6 30 10 8 0 0 1 0 59 79 104 62 118 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
221 0 415 206 179 236 147 382 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 101 0 31 40 74 37 33 99 7 322 0 446 246 253 273 180 481 114
0 0 0 8 16 38 45 0 0 0 0 0 10 29 36 17 0 0 0 0 0 7 22 30 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 67 104 77 0 0
0 0 0 0 46 0 0 290 94 0 0 641 98 185 59 140 1 244 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 14 41 10 26 148 23 0 0 659 111 272 69 166 1 681 322
0 0 0 131 192 140 122 871 0 0 0 0 76 61 24 34 265 0 0 0 0 207 253 164 156 1 136 0

212 50 335 182 153 174 128 533 165 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 148 10 16 34 55 15 21 109 16 365 60 351 216 208 189 149 642 286

0 0 0 8 62 38 45 419 193 433 50 1 467 750 944 763 923 3 567 531 5 0 0 7 22 30 16 0 144 255 10 77 177 306 104 152 765 51 693 60 1 544 942 1 334 936 1 136 4 751 919

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.17 Graduates of the University Grants Committee (UGC) funded programmes by university, level of study and academic programme category, 2019
Number of graduates
studies documentation studies performing arts
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 Sub-degree 1 128 578 48 101 303 64 174 0 3 562 Undergraduate
0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 53 Taught postgraduate 53 19 2 7 7 1 4 0 341 Research postgraduate
1 181 597 103 108 310 65 178 0 4 184 Sub-total
374 329 0 248 146 197 173 139 1 966 Undergraduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 122 Taught postgraduate 5 14 0 2 4 13 2 5 109 Research postgraduate
379 343 0 250 150 210 175 266 2 197 Sub-total
228 157 0 0 162 123 0 0 670 Undergraduate 7 13 0 0 5 7 0 0 32 Research postgraduate
235 170 0 0 167 130 0 0 702 Sub-total
712 467 69 109 281 123 88 106 3 807 Undergraduate 0 14 36 0 0 0 0 424 513 Taught postgraduate
19 107 7 14 44 53 10 13 689 Research postgraduate 731 588 112 123 325 176 98 543 5 009 Sub-total
0 25 0 0 70 13 0 1 585 1 800 Sub-degree 5 97 0 0 287 72 107 553 1 213 Undergraduate 3 43 0 0 80 7 9 344 560 Taught postgraduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 Research postgraduate 8 166 0 0 437 92 117 2 506 3 596 Sub-total
54 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 526 Sub-degree 1 019 132 0 0 135 21 316 0 4 194 Undergraduate
0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Taught postgraduate 43 16 0 0 12 0 12 0 363 Research postgraduate
1 116 163 0 0 147 21 370 0 5 098 Sub-total
747 103 0 0 0 27 0 0 2 333 Undergraduate 23 30 0 0 0 3 0 0 516 Research postgraduate
770 133 0 0 0 30 0 0 2 849 Sub-total
392 578 169 27 284 135 35 154 3 705 Undergraduate 0 5 136 0 0 0 0 248 499 Taught postgraduate
11 57 10 1 31 18 3 39 594 Research postgraduate 403 640 315 28 315 153 38 441 4 798 Sub-total
54 25 0 0 70 13 42 1 585 2 554 Sub-degree 4 605 2 442 286 485 1 598 761 893 952 21 450 Undergraduate
3 77 225 0 80 7 9 1 138 1 762 Taught postgraduate 160 256 19 24 104 96 31 80 2 667 Research postgraduate
4 822 2 800 530 509 1 851 877 975 3 755 28 433 Total
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Academic Programme Category
Total of universities above
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Notes : Figures on graduates refer to the academic year 2018/19
Since some UGC-funded programmes are mapped to more than one Academic Programme Category (APC), graduates of these programmes are counted across the APCs concerned on a pro-rata basis. Thus, the numbers of graduates of APCs are decimal figures which are rounded to the nearest whole number. As such, figures may not add up to the corresponding totals.
Source : University Grants Committee Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.18 Statistics on academic awards conferred at The Open University of Hong Kong

Programme 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Postgraduate 1 222 953 928 1 144 986 1 247 1 269
Degree 2 826 3 311 3 256 3 570 3 947 3 812 3 902
Associate degree 118 80 66 80 77 55 57
Pre-Associate degree 69 31 1 0 0 0 0
Higher diploma 305 666 803 1 044 1 233 1 088 1 067
Diploma 15 187 177 254 197 203 151
Advanced certificate/Certificate 912 1 199 926 1 263 1 296 1 433 920
Total 5 467 6 427 6 157 7 355 7 736 7 838 7 366
Source : The Open University of Hong Kong
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 12.19 Number of schools and enrolment in special education (including special classes in ordinary schools) by type of school and category
Type of school/Category 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
School of special education Local special school
Number of schools 60 60 60 60 61 60 60 Enrolment
Visual impairment 149 126 125 123 112 110 119 Hearing impairment 153 102 87 89 84 64 71 Physical disability 845 921 915 883 877 907 903 Intellectual disability 5 295 5 607 5 607 5 701 5 845 5 964 6 110 Hospital school 310 255 369 333 314 280 351 (1) School for social development(1) 757 632 600 553 594 614 647 (2) Mainstreamed classes(2) 458 – – – – – – Sub-total 7 967 7 643 7 703 7 682 7 826 7 939 8 201
English Schools Foundation special school Number of schools 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Enrolment
Physical disability/severe 59 69 67 70 70 69 69 intellectual disability
Total number of schools 61 61 61 61 62 61 61
Total enrolment 8 026 7 712 7 770 7 752 7 896 8 008 8 270
(3) Special class of ordinary school(3) Number of ordinary schools 4 3 6 7 9 10 9 with special class
Enrolment Intellectual disability/ 49 48 118 138 164 186 141 Moderate learning difficulties/ Autistic spectrum disorders/ Specific learning difficulties in
reading and writing/Others


Notes : Figures refer to the position as at September of the respective school years. Figures exclude special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department and those students with special educational needs who are enrolled in ordinary schools without operating special classes.
(1) These are special schools for maladjusted and socially deprived
children. (2) 2009
(2) Figure for 2009 includes one mainstreaming special school. The mainstreaming of its primary section was completed in August 2010 and the mainstreaming of its secondary section was completed in August 2018.
(3) (3) Only a very small number of non-public sector ordinary schools are operating special classes.
Source : Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Sources of statistical data [1]
Table Data source Telephone[1] E-mail Website
Household Statistics Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department
12.2 [2] [2] www.edb.gov.hk Education Bureau, Government Secretariat
[2] [2] www.ugc.edu.hk University Grants Committee Secretariat

3509 8443 [email protected] www.edb.gov.hk Enrolment in adult education/tutorial/ vocational courses
3509 8441 [email protected] www.edb.gov.hk Number of teachers and pupil/teacher ratios
2892 6267 [email protected] www.edb.gov.hk Government expenditure on education
2844 9919 [email protected] www.ugc.edu.hk University Grants Committee Secretariat
2768 6015 [email protected] www.ouhk.edu.hk The Open University of Hong Kong
3628 8860 [email protected] www.hkeaa.edu.hk Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination
[1] Notes : [1] 852
[2] [2]
12.8 & 12.17
2582 4068 [email protected]
For those calling from places outside Hong Kong, please dial the area code “852” before the telephone number.
12 12 Education