香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 節錄 Extract 2020 年版 2020 Edition 香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 9 房屋及物業 Section 9 Housing and Property

Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Section 9 香港統計

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Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Section 9 20209 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9 Section 9 Housing and Property
Hong Kong
(852) 2582 4068 (852) 2827 1708 [email protected]
Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : Statistical Information Dissemination Section (1)
Census and Statistics Department Address : 19/F, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Tel. : (852) 2582 4068 Fax : (852) 2827 1708 E-mail : [email protected]
Website of the Census and Statistics Department
9 Section 9 Housing and Property
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Contents Page
Statistical Tables 9. 9. Housing and Property 213
Permanent living quarters
Public housing
Private property
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics and Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics are the general statistical digests compiled by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD). These two digests bring together statistical data which cover a wide range of topics relating to the society, economy and businesses of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is a collection of up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong. Statistical data are presented wherever possible in the form of monthly or quarterly figures for the latest 15 months for which data are available, together with annual figures for the latest 3 complete years.

This publication, i.e. Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, aims to provide detailed annual statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic developments of Hong Kong. Most of the data series presented reflect the latest situation covering a time span of the recent 10 years, enabling readers to understand the trends of development in the recent period.

Figures presented in this Digest refer to those already released up to mid-October 2020. Readers may visit the “Hong Kong Statistics” section of the department’s website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/hkstat/index.jsp) for current statistical information on Hong Kong.

Descriptions of the scope and nature of the statistical data and definitions of the terms used in this Digest are provided in the “Concepts and methods” in each chapter.

The statistical data are compiled by C&SD and other government departments and organisations. C&SD gratefully acknowledges such contributions. Data sources are given under each table.

Unless otherwise specified, the publications in “Further references” part of each chapter are produced by C&SD. List of publications of C&SD is available at the end of this publication.

(852) 2582 4068(852) 2827 [email protected]
This Digest aims to include statistical series which are frequently sought by users. Users are welcome to contact C&SD (Tel. : (852) 2582 4068; Fax : (852) 2827 1708; E-mail : [email protected]) in case the statistics they require are not available from this publication.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Symbols The following symbols are used throughout the Digest :

# Provisional figures @ Figures are subject to revision later on * Revised figures – Not applicable N.A. Not yet available § Magnitude less than half of the unit employed *** Data are not released in order to safeguard
confidentiality of information provided by individual establishments
Units of measurement 1 = 2.778 x 105 1 terajoule (TJ) = 2.778 x 105 kilowatt hours
= 9.478 x 103 = 9.478 x 103 therms 1 = 2 204.623 1 tonne (t) = 2 204.623 pounds
= 0.984 = 0.984 ton 1 = 2.205 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds
= 1.653 = 1.653 catties 1 = 10.764 1 square metre (sq.m.) = 10.764 square feet 1 = 219.969 1 cubic metre (cu.m.) = 219.969 imperial gallons 1 = 1 1 hectopascal = 1 millibar 1 = 0.540 1 km/h = 0.540 knot
Financial year
2019-202019 412020331
Unless otherwise specified, the symbol “ - ” represents financial year. For instance, “2019-20” means the financial year starting on 1 April 2019 and ending on 31 March 2020.
Monetary figures

All monetary figures quoted are in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise specified. Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Exchange rate

As from 17 October 1983, the Hong Kong dollar has been linked to the US dollar through an arrangement in the note issuing mechanism permitting note issuing banks to issue Hong Kong dollar notes at a fixed rate of HK$7.8 = US$1.0. Since then, the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar in the foreign exchange market has moved only within a narrow range. Statistics on exchange rates are presented in Chapter 10.
Rounding of figures

There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the tables owing to rounding.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
List of Statistical Tables
9. Housing and Property 213 9.1 2018
Statistics on private real estate development projects by end-use of buildings, 2018
Usable floor area of newly completed buildings by end-use and geographic area
9.4 Newly completed buildings by cost of construction 223 9.5
Housing Authority residential flats with consents to commence work by District Council district
Housing Authority public rental housing flats with consents to commence work by flat type
Private residential flats with consents to commence work by District Council district, 2014 to 2019
9.8 2014 2019
Private residential flats with consents to commence work by floor area, 2014 to 2019
9.9 Disposals of government land 228 (A) (A) Urban areas (B) (B) New Territories
Stock of permanent living quarters by area and type 230
9.11 Domestic households by type of housing 232 9.12 Domestic households by tenure of accommodation 233 9.13
Housing Authority newly completed public rental housing flats by District Council district
Housing Authority newly completed public rental housing flats by flat type
Stock and authorised population of public rental housing flats by District Council district
Housing Authority rental flats allocated and persons rehoused by category
9.17 2019 2020
Size and rent of flats in Housing Authority estates, 2019 and 2020
Authorised population in Housing Authority interim housing by District Council district
Expenditure on construction works and purchase of fixed assets of Housing Authority
9.22 Agency functions undertaken by the Housing Authority on behalf of the government
Completions of private domestic units by area and District Council district
Completions of private domestic units by area and floor area
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
List of Statistical Tables (cont’d)
Stock, completions and vacancies of private non-domestic premises by type
9.26 2019
Stock of private premises by year of completion (as at end of 2019)
9.27 Price indices of private premises by type of premises 247 9.28
Average prices of private premises by type of premises and area/district
Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premises by floor area
Average rents and rental indices of fresh and renewal lettings of private non-domestic premises by type of premises and area/district
9.31 (A) (A) Number of documents received for registration in the Land Registry
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2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Concepts and methods (Tables 9.1 – 9.3, 9.5 – 9.9)
9.1 Non-residential buildings include industrial buildings, commercial buildings, hotels, educational buildings without dormitory, health buildings and other buildings not intended for residential use.
9.2 Composite buildings refer to buildings that are partly domestic and partly non-domestic such as apartment/commercial buildings, tenement/commercial buildings or educational buildings with dormitory.
9.3 A building is said to be “completed” upon the issuance of an “Occupation Permit” by the Buildings Department (BD) in the case of a Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) building or a private building.
9.4 Consents to commence work for Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) rental flats and Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) residential flats refers to the award of contracts to contractor(s) by HKHA.
9.5 Buildings with consents to commence work refer to buildings with “consents” to commence building works issued by BD. Such “consents” are issued to private development projects (including HKHS’s projects).
9.6 A real estate development project is concerned with the development of land and/or redevelopment of existing premises into a new form of property for sale or lease. A development project is not regarded as active if the works that have been initiated relate only to pre-construction preparation.
9.7 {[(P1
– L1) + (P2 – L2)] / 2} x (C2
– C1) P L C 1 2
9.7 Value accrued to project during reporting period = { [ (P1 – L1) + (P2 – L2) ] / 2 } x (C2 – C1), where P = Market value of the property as if completed; L = Market value of the underlying land lot; C = Percentage of project completion; Subscript 1 = Beginning of the reporting period; Subscript 2 = The end of the reporting period
9.8 The gross floor area of buildings is defined as the area contained within the external walls of the building measured at each floor level, including balconies and thickness of the external walls.
9.9 Usable floor area is defined as the aggregate of the areas of the floor or floors in a storey or a building excluding any staircases, public circulation space, lift landings, lavatories, water-closets, kitchens and any space occupied by machinery for any lift, air-conditioning system or similar service provided for the building.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.10 Internal floor area refers to the total area inside the flat measured to the internal face of external and/or party walls.
9.11 First submission refers to plans for a building project which are first submitted to the Building Authority for approval. Major revision refers to building plans which have been so extensively revised that they must be fundamentally re-assessed.
9.12 Land for special low cost housing projects and HOS as well as for public utilities, schools, churches, temples, clinics, welfare and certain charitable purposes is usually granted by private treaty, and in such cases, the premium charged varies from nominal for non-profit-making purposes up to the full market value for public utilities.
9.13 The realised premium of land acquired through auction or public tender is the auctioned/tendered price of the land.
( 9.10)
9.14 The stock of permanent living quarters is compiled based on the information of the “Frame of Quarters”, and includes all quarters used for residential purpose as well as quarters known to be used for residential purpose in non- residential buildings (such as commercial buildings and industrial buildings). Quarters known to be used for non- residential purpose and those in hotels and accommodation used for inmates of institutions are excluded.

9.15 While the vast majority of permanent living quarters are occupied by domestic households, a small proportion of the quarters are occupied by non-Hong Kong residents, or are not used as usual accommodation. Accordingly, statistics on the number of permanent living quarters should not be directly compared to statistics on the number of domestic households derived from the population censuses/by-censuses or the General Household Survey for assessing the vacancy situation of housing units in Hong Kong. The main reason is that households comprising only non-Hong Kong residents or Mobile Residents are not classified as domestic households. As regards statistics related to vacancy situation of housing units, the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) compiles vacancy rate of private domestic units regularly and publishes the statistics in the Hong Kong Property Review (www.rvd.gov.hk/en/publications/hkpr.html).
9.16 Type of quarters is classified mainly according to the type of building in which the quarters are located.
( 9.12)
9.17 Tenure of accommodation refers to the terms and conditions under which the accommodation is held by a domestic household.
it occupies.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(b) Sole tenant : A household which rents the whole quarters it occupies from someone who lives outside the quarters without sharing it with other household(s) or subletting.

(c) Co-tenant : Two or more households each of which rents part of the quarters from someone who lives outside the quarters.

(d) Main tenant : A household which rents the whole quarters it occupies from someone who lives outside the quarters and sublets part of it to other household(s).
(e) Sub-tenant : A household which rents part of the quarters
from someone who lives in the same quarters. (f)

(f) Rent free : A household which occupies an accommodation for free, with or without the owner’s permission. This does not include owner-occupiers or households occupying accommodation provided by employers.

(g) Accommodation provided by employer : A household which occupies an accommodation provided by the employer of one of the household members. This also includes households occupying quarters leased from employer at a nominal rent. If a household member uses housing allowance given by his/her employer for renting accommodation, the tenure is not regarded as “accommodation provided by employer”.
( 9.5, 9.10 – 9.11, 9.13 – 9.19)
Public housing (Tables 9.5, 9.10 – 9.11, 9.13 – 9.19)
9.18 Public rental housing flats comprise rental flats of HKHA and HKHS. HKHS also has Senior Citizen Residences Scheme units, which are disposed of under a “long lease” arrangement.
9.19 1994
9.19 HKHA is a financially autonomous body responsible for the management of its own finances. Under the financial arrangements with the government (as amended by the 1994 Supplemental Agreement), the government gave a commitment to support the housing programmes as set out in the Long Term Housing Strategy. For its part, HKHA continues to pursue financial efficiency in a manner consistent with providing accommodation at affordable rents and prices. Need and affordability remain the guiding principles in the provision of public housing.
9.20 An HKHA estate block and HOS building are completed when they have been certified as substantially completed by the Chief Architects of the Housing Department (HD).
9.21 Authorised population refers to the persons registered on the tenancy records kept by HD and HKHS.
9.22 Saleable area refers to the total area inside the flat measured to the outside of external walls and to the centre line of party walls, i.e. including all parts of the flat (e.g. kitchen, bathroom, balcony, etc.) but excluding any common areas of the building.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.23 Production of HKHA rental flats includes public rental housing (PRH) flats, interim housing (IH) flats and flats of projects transferred from HOS to PRH. Flats under projects built as rental housing but subsequently transferred to the Buy or Rent Option Scheme/Mortgage Subsidy Scheme (BRO/MSS) housing are not included.
9.24 20022004 2007
9.24 Production of HKHA subsidised sale flats includes the flats under HOS, Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS), BRO/MSS and Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH). For those HOS/PSPS flats completed during 2002 to 2004 and subsequently put up for sale by phase as from 2007, the first time when they were put up for sale was taken as the time of production.
( 9.7 – 9.8, 9.10 – 9.11, 9.23 – 9.31)
Private property (Tables 9.7 – 9.8, 9.10 – 9.11, 9.23 – 9.31 )
9.25 Completions of private sector premises comprise those premises deemed completed by virtue of the issue of an occupation permit (or a certificate of compliance or a letter of no objection to occupy in the case of village houses). The private commercial completion figure includes commercial premises built under PSPS.
9.26 Private domestic units are defined as independent dwellings with exclusive cooking facilities, bathroom and toilet. They are classified by reference to floor area as follows :
A 40 Class A : Saleable area less than 40 m2;
B 40 69.9 Class B : Saleable area of 40 m2 to 69.9 m2;
C 70 99.9 Class C : Saleable area of 70 m2 to 99.9 m2;
D 100 159.9
Class D : Saleable area of 100 m2 to 159.9 m2; and
E 160 Class E : Saleable area of 160 m2 or above.
9.27 9.23 9.30
9.27 Public sector developments, including domestic units built under PSPS, HOS, BRO, MSS, Sandwich Class Housing, Urban Improvement and Flat-for-Sale Schemes, etc. are not included in the statistical figures in Tables 9.23 to 9.30. Besides, rental estates built by HKHA and HKHS, units sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme, and Government-owned quarters are excluded. Quarters held by the People’s Liberation Army and the Hospital Authority, quarters attached to premises of utility companies, dormitories (including student dormitories in educational institutes), hotels and hostels are also excluded.
9.28 Both private domestic and non-domestic stock figures are based on rating records at a given date. Public sector figures are excluded. The private commercial stock figure also includes commercial premises built under PSPS.
9.29 A domestic unit is measured on the basis of “saleable area” which is defined as the floor area exclusively allocated to the unit including balconies, verandahs, utility platforms and other similar features but excluding common areas such as stairs, lift shafts, pipe ducts, lobbies and communal toilets. It is
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

measured to the exterior face of the external walls and walls onto common parts or the centre of party walls. Bay windows, flat roofs, top roofs, stairhoods, cocklofts, gardens, terraces, yards, air-conditioning plant rooms, air-conditioning platforms, planters/flower boxes and car parking spaces are excluded.
9.30 Non-domestic accommodation is measured on the basis of “internal floor area” which is defined as the area of all enclosed space of the unit measured to the internal face of enclosing external and/or party walls.
9.31 Private non-domestic premises include industrial buildings, commercial buildings, hotels, educational buildings without dormitory, health buildings and other buildings not intended for residential use.
9.32 2005
9.32 Private commercial premises include retail premises and other premises designed or adapted for commercial use, with the exception of purpose-built offices. Car parking space is excluded. Commercial premises owned by HKHA and HKHS are excluded. Following the divestment of selected commercial HKHA premises to the Link Real Estate Investment Trust (Link REIT) at the end of 2005, these divested properties are classified as private sector properties.
9.33 Private office premises comprise premises situated in buildings designed for commercial/business purposes, but excluding non-domestic floors in composite buildings. Offices are graded as follows :

Grade A : Modern with high quality finishes; flexible layout; large floor plates; spacious, well decorated lobbies and circulation areas; effective central air-conditioning; good lift services zoned for passengers and goods deliveries; professional management; parking facilities normally available.

Grade B : Ordinary design with good quality finishes; flexible layout; average-sized floor plates; adequate lobbies; central or free-standing air- conditioning; adequate lift services, good management; parking facilities not essential.

Grade C : Plain with basic finishes; less flexible layout; small floor plates; basic lobbies; generally without central air-conditioning; barely adequate or inadequate lift services; minimal to average management; no parking facilities.
9.34 It should be noted that location is not a feature of grade. Offices owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and managed by the Government Property Agency are excluded.
9.35 Private flatted factories comprise premises designed for general manufacturing processes and uses (including offices) directly related to such processes. Private specialised factories, as described below, are excluded. Similar premises built by HKHA are not included.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.37 Private specialised factories comprise all other factory premises, primarily purpose-built for specialised manufacturing processes, usually for occupation by a single operator.
9.38 Private storage premises comprise premises designed or adapted for use as godowns or cold stores and include ancillary offices. Premises located within container terminals are included.
9.39 Vacancies in respect of non-domestic premises are determined by a full survey of such premises at the end of the year. The vacancy data are obtained from management offices, owners, occupiers or by inspection.
9.40 2 3
9.40 Average prices of premises are based on an analysis of transactions scrutinised by RVD for stamp duty purposes. The following types of transactions are excluded: those considered to be unacceptable for stamp duty purposes; those involving a mix of property types; premises which have not yet been assessed to rates; domestic premises sold subject to existing tenancies; and primary sales of domestic premises. Date of sale is the date on which an Agreement for Sale and Purchase is signed, or the date on which an Assignment is signed if there is no Agreement for Sale and Purchase. It should be borne in mind that provisional agreement is generally reached 2 to 3 weeks earlier than an Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
9.41 2006
9.41 Average rents are based on an analysis of rental information recorded by RVD for fresh lettings effective in the year being analysed. For non-domestic premises, rents negotiated on renewal are also included. The effective date is the commencement date of a tenancy agreement. However, rents are normally agreed earlier (half to 1 month earlier for fresh lettings, and 1 to 3 months for lease renewals). Rents are analysed on a net basis, i.e. exclusive of rates, management and other charges. Rental statistics of retail premises from mid-2006 onwards include properties owned by Link REIT.
9.42 Rental and price statistics include open market lettings and sales of Government-subsidised housing units upon expiry of the restriction period and payment of the premium to the relevant bodies.
9.43 +/++
9.43 Average rents and prices are analysed for general reference only. They are not intended for applying to a particular property. Their levels at a certain period depend to a large extent on the special characteristics, including quality and location, of the premises which are leased or sold during the period. Thus, changes between different periods may be due to variations in the characteristics of different properties being analysed, and should not be taken as necessarily indicating a general change in value over the period. Rental and price indices are a better reflection of change in value. Further, figures with notation +/++ are derived from limited number of transactions, and should be used with caution.
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.44 Price and rental indices are derived from the same data that are used to compile average prices and rents. The indices measure value changes by reference to the “factor” of rent or price divided by rateable value of the subject properties rather than by reference to the rent or price per square metre of floor area. Rateable value of a property is an estimate of the annual open market rent at a designated date on the assumption that the property was then vacant and to let. In effect, by utilising rateable value, allowance is made not only for floor area but also other qualitative differences between properties. Following a General Revaluation of rateable values, the new rateable values are matched with the old ones for the purpose of maintaining the index series.
9.45 Agreements for Sale and Purchase of building units refer to agreements for future sale or purchase of property which may be a building under construction or a completed building.
9.46 Assignments of building units refer to documents which effect the transfer of ownership of property of undivided shares of a lot (i.e. building units).
9.47 Receipts/Discharges/Releases refer to documents which effect the release of a property from a charge upon repayment of loan and include re-assignments and certificates of satisfaction.
9.48 Leases/Tenancy agreements refer to agreements between a lessor and lessee concerning property letting.
9.49 7 I I 1998 12 31
9.49 Exclusion orders used to apply to landlords of pre- war buildings who wanted to re-develop the property. They previously have to apply for an Exclusion Order with respect to Part I of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap. 7) which mainly protects the interests of the existing tenants. This Part of the Ordinance expired on 31 December 1998.
Further references
Key Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors
Quarterly Report on General Household Survey Statistical Digest of the Services Sector (annual) Housing in Figures, published by the Hong Kong Housing
Hong Kong Property Review, published by the Rating and Valuation Department
Monthly Digest, published on the website of the Buildings Department (www.bd.gov.hk)
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.1 2018
Table 9.1 Statistics on private real estate development projects by end-use of buildings, 2018

End-use of buildings Number Total Payments to Building Other of expenses contractors materials project
projects & fittings expenses supplied
outside the contract sum
(1) 216 66,223 52,858 73 5,100 5,076 Private residential premises(1) 14 5,139 4,611 0 79 327 Office buildings 37 6,093 5,363 18 224 198 Hotels and boarding houses 33 9,563 7,646 0 1,450 278 Multi-purpose commercial premises 20 1,161 1,004 0 44 83 Flatted factory blocks and warehouses 320 88,178 71,482 92 6,897 5,963 Total

End-use of buildings Value accrued to Gross floor area project during of buildings
reporting period when completed (thousand sq. m.)
(1) 87,995 7 037 Private residential premises(1) 10,853 542 Office buildings 4,991 499 Hotels and boarding houses 15,260 744 Multi-purpose commercial premises 1,483 442 Flatted factory blocks and warehouses 120,582 9 264 Total

Architectural Interest design & payments technical
(1) Note : (1) Figures include buildings purely for residential purpose and combined residential and non-residential buildings.
Source : Construction and Miscellaneous Services Statistics Section,
Census and Statistics Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.2 Newly completed buildings certified for occupation by type
Type of building 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Residential Number of building projects 39 38 39 44 37 41 39 Total cost of construction 8,212 17,166 19,008 22,721 30,943 33,116 28,175
($ million) Cost of usable floor area 40,732 40,609 62,015 68,770 78,388 70,843 74,078 (1)(2) ($/sq. m.)(1)(2)
Non-residential Number of building projects 102 132 140 155 140 162 178 Total cost of construction 12,564 14,960 17,078 26,468 37,106 29,192 34,074
($ million) Cost of usable floor area 28,722 31,664 35,714 45,630 51,124 51,152 49,573 (1) ($/sq. m.)(1)
Composite buildings Number of building projects 13 30 25 31 27 33 20 Total cost of construction 5,275 10,871 14,283 22,920 20,909 29,151 10,632
($ million) Cost of usable floor area 19,040 45,481 44,345 65,180 77,545 71,750 76,943 (1) ($/sq. m.)(1)
Overall Number of building projects 154 200 204 230 204 236 237 Total cost of construction 26,051 42,997 50,369 72,109 88,958 91,459 72,881
($ million) Cost of usable floor area 28,402 38,108 45,907 57,448 64,113 63,619 60,801 (1) ($/sq. m.)(1)

Notes : Figures include buildings of Private Sector Participation Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Hong Kong Housing Society and the Urban Renewal Authority, and private buildings but exclude small houses in the New Territories.
(1) Calculation excludes projects with no floor area or
construction costs provided.

Source : Buildings Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.3 Usable floor area of newly completed buildings by end-use and geographic area

Thousand sq. m.
End-use/Geographic area 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
(1) Residential(1) Hong Kong Island 81 68 135 102 57 164 89 Kowloon 126 148 90 142 222 158 81 New Territories 236 429 390 393 356 470 324 Sub-total 443 645 616 637 635 793 493
Non-residential Hong Kong Island 38 39 66 108 176 208 154 Kowloon 220 77 188 195 235 209 211 New Territories 114 338 193 289 331 199 309 Sub-total 372 454 448 592 742 617 673
Total Hong Kong Island 119 107 202 210 232 373 243 Kowloon 346 225 279 337 457 368 291 New Territories 350 767 583 682 687 669 633 Grand total 815 1 099 1 064 1 229 1 377 1 409 1 167

Notes : Figures include buildings of Private Sector Participation Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Hong Kong Housing Society and the Urban Renewal Authority, and private buildings but exclude small houses in the New Territories.

Source : Buildings Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.4 Newly completed buildings by cost of construction
Cost of construction ($) 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
200 Under $2 million Number of building projects 8 33 37 34 33 32 39 Total cost of construction 9 25 29 22 24 25 33 ($ million)
2001,000 $2 million - below $10 million Number of building projects 31 18 34 43 27 33 42 Total cost of construction 169 87 160 201 141 160 211 ($ million)
1,0002,000 $10 million - below $20 million Number of building projects 14 17 12 8 9 17 14 Total cost of construction 183 267 178 109 135 220 204 ($ million)
2,0005,000 $20 million - below $50 million Number of building projects 27 26 27 21 17 16 26 Total cost of construction 884 845 879 608 506 503 797 ($ million)
5,0001 $50 million - below $100 million Number of building projects 22 24 14 23 19 22 15 Total cost of construction 1,540 1,805 1,002 1,713 1,382 1,568 933 ($ million)
15 $100 million - below $500 million Number of building projects 35 63 55 59 53 74 61 Total cost of construction 7,142 15,883 13,605 12,153 14,176 18,833 15,316 ($ million)
510 $500 million - below $1,000 million Number of building projects 10 7 10 21 17 11 19 Total cost of construction 6,004 4,131 6,822 15,861 11,779 7,505 13,359 ($ million)
10 $1,000 million and above Number of building projects 7 12 15 21 28 31 21 Total cost of construction 10,120 19,955 27,694 41,443 60,816 62,646 42,028 ($ million)

Notes : Figures include buildings of Private Sector Participation Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Hong Kong Housing Society and the Urban Renewal Authority, and private buildings but exclude small houses in the New Territories.
Calculation excludes projects with no construction costs provided.
Source : Buildings Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.5 Housing Authority residential flats with consents to commence work by District Council district

2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Public Rental Housing Flats Eastern 0 475 0 0 826 828 0 Sham Shui Po 5 540 0 8 872 6 887 1 088 0 0 Kowloon City 8 158 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wong Tai Sin 1 333 0 0 0 4 917 0 0 Kwun Tong 4 238 1 352 518 1 397 0 1 088 0 Kwai Tsing 839 866 0 0 0 3 408 819 Tuen Mun 0 4 688 0 0 0 5 183 4 232 Yuen Long 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 North 0 0 1 144 938 6 371 2 494 0 Tai Po 0 0 0 0 655 0 0 Sha Tin 0 0 3 024 4 846 0 0 0 Sai Kung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Islands 0 0 3 866 0 0 0 0
Total 20 108 7 381 17 424 14 068 13 857 13 001 5 051
Home Ownership Scheme ` (2) residential flats(2) Sham Shui Po 0 0 2 522 811 0 0 0 Kowloon City 0 603 683 0 0 0 0 Wong Tai Sin 0 857 0 0 0 0 940 Kwun Tong 0 0 1 358 0 0 0 0 Kwai Tsing 0 0 0 494 0 0 0 Tsuen Wan 0 962 0 0 0 0 0 Yuen Long 0 0 2 409 0 0 0 0 North 0 0 0 0 3 222 0 0 Sha Tin 0 752 0 0 2 371 0 2 622 Sai Kung 0 0 0 0 1 395 0 0 Islands 0 0 699 0 1 226 3 300 0
Total 0 3 174 7 671 1 305 8 214 3 300 3 562

Notes : (1) The above table only shows those District Council districts
having Housing Authority residential flats with consents to commence work.
(2) (2) Figures exclude Private Sector Participation Scheme residential flats.
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.6 Housing Authority public rental housing flats with consents to commence work by flat type

Flat type 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
A Type A flat 4 538 1 178 2 767 1 986 1 817 2 633 1 119 (for 1/2 persons)
B Type B flat 6 448 1 982 3 848 4 240 4 764 5 002 1 420 (for 2/3 persons)
C Type C flat 7 102 2 025 5 544 4 855 4 274 3 354 1 740 (for 3/4 persons)
D Type D flat 2 020 2 196 5 265 2 975 3 002 2 012 772 (for 4/5 persons)
E Type E flat 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 (for 5 persons or more)
Total 20 108 7 381 17 424 14 068 13 857 13 001 5 051
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.7 20142019
Table 9.7 Private residential flats with consents to commence work by District Council district, 2014 to 2019

First Major First Major First Major District Council district submission revision submission revision submission revision
Central & Western 722 78 1 016 0 294 278 Wan Chai 233 0 298 0 86 0 Eastern 638 0 1 612 188 260 447 Southern 237 150 120 0 57 0 Yau Tsim Mong 1 128 0 191 0 568 0 Sham Shui Po 3 609 0 0 3 571 509 0 Kowloon City 1 742 2 3 169 326 3 173 1 008 Wong Tai Sin 0 2 058 0 0 45 0 Kwun Tong 256 0 0 0 0 0 Kwai Tsing 0 0 0 0 136 0 Tsuen Wan 0 0 1 932 2 410 198 0 Tuen Mun 1 121 0 1 392 0 22 357 Yuen Long 1 129 231 1 436 0 12 95 North 0 0 0 0 263 296 Tai Po 0 0 1 0 1 496 673 Sha Tin 79 158 525 69 1 868 160 Sai Kung 929 690 2 478 1 729 4 259 3 784 Islands 96 2 187 64 4 61 Total 11 919 3 369 14 357 8 357 13 250 7 159

First Major First Major First Major District Council district submission revision submission revision submission revision
Central & Western 714 645 256 0 611 301 Wan Chai 46 0 0 192 3 0 Eastern 556 0 281 0 0 0 Southern 146 0 24 16 803 586 Yau Tsim Mong 78 0 314 0 872 0 Sham Shui Po 241 876 1 540 239 1 436 200 Kowloon City 464 493 1 544 605 817 2 294 Wong Tai Sin 234 0 0 0 0 0 Kwun Tong 7 2 645 326 0 1 658 0 Kwai Tsing 0 0 0 0 776 0 Tsuen Wan 1 680 0 1 0 0 0 Tuen Mun 5 451 178 465 1 197 4 202 2 299 Yuen Long 1 224 123 4 708 347 360 331 North 0 6 0 0 29 0 Tai Po 3 235 2 517 1 758 0 257 0 Sha Tin 118 6 148 266 547 556 1 619 Sai Kung 1 34 4 263 1 120 1 564 33 Islands 0 27 0 0 18 28 Total 14 195 13 692 15 746 4 263 13 962 7 691
Note : Private residential flats also include residential flats built under
the Urban Improvement Scheme and the urban renewal projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society.

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.8 20142019
Table 9.8 Private residential flats with consents to commence work by floor area, 2014 to 2019

First Major First Major First Major Floor area (sq. m.) submission revision submission revision submission revision
20 Less than 20 2 071 380 1 611 1 239 3 903 2 412 2039.9 20 - 39.9 6 877 1 962 8 452 4 705 7 433 3 730 4069.9 40 - 69.9 1 588 287 2 923 1 491 1 397 534 7099.9 70 - 99.9 816 311 745 831 237 328 100159.9 100 - 159.9 431 381 464 91 150 131 160 160 or above 136 48 162 0 130 24 Total 11 919 3 369 14 357 8 357 13 250 7 159

First Major First Major First Major Floor area (sq. m.) submission revision submission revision submission revision
20 Less than 20 6 229 2 480 2 501 1 004 5 456 1 597 2039.9 20 - 39.9 5 704 8 398 9 436 2 027 5 793 3 957 4069.9 40 - 69.9 1 527 2 593 3 277 969 1 900 1 046 7099.9 70 - 99.9 556 168 443 79 538 636 100159.9 100 - 159.9 134 38 66 63 139 301 160 160 or above 45 15 23 121 136 154 Total 14 195 13 692 15 746 4 263 13 962 7 691
2017 2018 2019
Note : Private residential flats also include residential flats built under
the Urban Improvement Scheme and the urban renewal projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society.

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Urban areas
2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Public auction/tender Industrial/Godown
Area (sq. m.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Realised premium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ($ million)
Commercial Area (sq. m.) 0 9 240 10 638 15 924 41 576 0 71 022 Realised premium 0 9,459 8,899 9,916 67,731 0 44,678 ($ million)
Commercial/Residential Area (sq. m.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Realised premium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ($ million)
Residential Area (sq. m.) 0 50 763 31 043 117 952 57 630 65 314 78 513 Realised premium 0 17,250 9,410 48,280 54,344 69,299 78,552 ($ million)
Other uses Area (sq. m.) 826 2 123 0 1 512 0 0 4 313 Realised premium 60 523 0 369 0 0 2,575 ($ million)
Total Area (sq. m.) 826 62 126 41 681 135 388 99 206 65 314 153 848 Realised premium 60 27,232 18,309 58,565 122,075 69,299 125,805 ($ million)
Private treaty grant Industrial/Godown
Area (sq. m.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential
Area (sq. m.) 14 115 2 427 11 629 14 454 27 798 28 259 18 495 Public utilities/
Institutional uses Area (sq. m.) 1 354 1 749 19 522 6 430 11 779 0 7 414
Other uses Area (sq. m.) 645 495 0 0 68 555 0 0 3 507
Total Area (sq. m.) 660 964 4 176 31 151 89 439 39 577 28 259 29 416
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.9 ()
New Territories
2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Public auction/tender Industrial/Godown
Area (sq. m.) 0 0 1 265 3 707 1 730 5 738 0 Realised premium 0 0 449 834 451 1,459 0 ($ million)
Commercial Area (sq. m.) 0 12 902 13 727 1 775 0 0 0 Realised premium 0 1,830 3,053 1,109 0 0 0 ($ million)
Commercial/Residential Area (sq. m.) 306 14 160 0 0 0 0 0 Realised premium 61 3,940 0 0 0 0 0 ($ million)
Residential Area (sq. m.) 41 850 278 610 149 132 222 549 27 166 11 279 55 677 Realised premium 10,400 18,552 22,636 23,933 5,216 1,314 7,893 ($ million)
Other uses Area (sq. m.) 3 375 1 070 3 426 2 640 4 361 63 899 1 707 Realised premium 556 137 435 314 691 9,793 1,678 ($ million)
Total Area (sq. m.) 45 531 306 742 167 550 230 671 33 257 80 916 57 384 Realised premium 11,017 24,459 26,573 26,190 6,358 12,566 9,571 ($ million)
Private treaty grant Industrial/Godown
Area (sq. m.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential
Area (sq. m.) 0 131 735 166 839 35 332 51 298 5 438 130 833 Public utilities/
Institutional uses Area (sq. m.) 4 674 2 084 2 835 20 375 1 451 2 948 0
Other uses Area (sq. m.) 1 056 537 0 0 682 889 0 0 3 087
Total Area (sq. m.) 1 061 211 133 819 169 674 738 596 52 749 8 386 133 920
Source : Lands Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Table 9.10 Stock of permanent living quarters by area and type

Area/Type of permanent living quarters 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Hong Kong Island Public rental housing 71.9 71.7 71.5 71.5 71.3 71.4 71.3
Housing Authority rental flats 61.4 61.8 61.6 61.6 61.5 61.5 61.5 Housing Society rental flats 10.5 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9
Subsidised sale flats 45.3 45.5 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.9 45.9 Housing Authority subsidised 43.5 43.8 43.9 44.0 44.1 44.3 44.3 sale flats
Housing Society subsidised 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 sale flats
Urban Renewal Authority - - - - - - 0.0 subsidised sale flats
Private housing 353.7 358.5 363.5 365.4 365.8 369.1 370.8 Private residential flats 335.6 339.2 344.0 345.8 346.2 349.5 351.3 Villas/Bungalows/Modern 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3
village houses Simple stone structures/ 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 Traditional village houses
Staff quarters 7.2 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.3 Non-domestic quarters 5.8 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6
Sub-total 470.9 475.7 480.5 482.5 482.8 486.3 488.0
Kowloon Public rental housing 271.3 302.3 302.0 314.2 316.2 327.8 330.0
Housing Authority rental flats 259.0 289.9 289.7 301.9 303.9 315.4 317.7 Housing Society rental flats 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3
Subsidised sale flats 92.8 93.1 93.6 94.6 95.2 103.3 105.2 Housing Authority subsidised 88.8 89.4 89.8 90.9 91.5 99.6 100.7 sale flats
Housing Society subsidised 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 sale flats
Urban Renewal Authority - - - - - - 0.8 subsidised sale flats
Private housing 400.2 424.9 437.3 439.0 445.0 450.0 455.8 Private residential flats 379.3 403.7 415.6 417.8 424.2 428.7 434.3 Villas/Bungalows/Modern 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
village houses Simple stone structures/ 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Traditional village houses
Staff quarters 11.2 10.8 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.9 Non-domestic quarters 6.7 7.5 8.0 7.6 7.3 7.8 7.6
Sub-total 764.3 820.3 832.9 847.8 856.4 881.0 891.0
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.10 (cont’d) Stock of permanent living quarters by area and type

Area/Type of permanent living quarters 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
New Territories Public rental housing 401.4 409.3 413.2 419.7 425.4 430.9 430.8
Housing Authority rental flats 390.4 398.4 402.3 408.7 414.4 419.9 419.7 Housing Society rental flats 10.9 10.9 10.9 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1
Subsidised sale flats 254.9 257.4 259.8 262.8 268.0 269.7 273.0 Housing Authority subsidised 243.9 247.1 248.7 251.8 257.0 258.7 261.6 sale flats
Housing Society subsidised 11.0 10.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.9 11.5 sale flats
Urban Renewal Authority - - - - - - 0.0 subsidised sale flats
Private housing 669.5 733.0 747.1 760.7 771.7 784.5 814.9 Private residential flats 454.8 496.2 507.0 518.6 528.0 538.0 551.5 Villas/Bungalows/Modern 151.7 171.3 174.3 176.3 178.5 180.8 197.6
village houses Simple stone structures/ 39.9 40.1 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.2 40.2 Traditional village houses
Staff quarters 13.6 13.1 12.6 12.5 11.9 11.9 11.9 Non-domestic quarters 9.6 12.3 13.1 13.1 13.2 13.6 13.7
Sub-total 1 325.8 1 399.7 1 420.1 1 443.2 1 465.1 1 485.1 1 518.7
All areas Public rental housing 744.6 783.2 786.7 805.4 812.9 830.1 832.1
Housing Authority rental flats 710.8 750.1 753.6 772.2 779.7 796.9 798.9 Housing Society rental flats 33.8 33.1 33.1 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2
Subsidised sale flats 392.9 396.0 398.9 403.1 409.0 418.8 424.1 Housing Authority subsidised 376.2 380.3 382.4 386.7 392.7 402.6 406.6 sale flats
Housing Society subsidised 16.7 15.6 16.5 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.7 sale flats
Urban Renewal Authority - - - - - - 0.8 subsidised sale flats
Private housing 1 423.4 1 516.4 1 547.9 1 565.1 1 582.5 1 603.6 1 641.5 Private residential flats 1 169.7 1 239.1 1 266.5 1 282.2 1 298.4 1 316.2 1 337.2 Villas/Bungalows/Modern 157.7 177.4 180.5 182.4 184.6 186.9 203.8
village houses Simple stone structures/ 42.0 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.4 42.4 42.4 Traditional village houses
Staff quarters 31.9 30.6 30.1 29.8 29.0 29.0 29.1 Non-domestic quarters 22.1 27.0 28.5 28.3 28.1 29.1 28.9
Total 2 561.0 2 695.6 2 733.5 2 773.6 2 804.4 2 852.5 2 897.6
3 Note : Figures are as at end-March of the year.
Source : Census Planning Section (1),
Census and Statistics Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Type of housing 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Public rental housing 686.2 741.2 759.6 764.4 774.3 786.1 798.2
(1) Subsidised home ownership 376.6 375.1 375.0 374.0 377.6 381.8 390.1 housing(1)
(2) Private permanent housing(2) 1 215.7 1 299.2 1 321.5 1 343.0 1 360.9 1 384.4 1 405.7
(3) Temporary housing(3) 18.8 16.9 15.0 17.6 21.9 19.2 20.3
Total 2 297.2 2 432.4 2 471.1 2 498.9 2 534.7 2 571.5 2 614.4
Notes : Figures are compiled based on data collected in the General
Household Survey from January to December of the year concerned as well as the mid-year population estimates.

(1) Subsidised home ownership housing includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing Authority. It also includes flats built under the Flat-for-Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.

(2) Figures include private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing Society, villas/bungalows/modern village houses, simple stone structures and quarters in non-residential buildings. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
(3) (3) Temporary housing includes public temporary housing and private temporary housing.
Source : Household Statistics Analysis Section,
Census and Statistics Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Tenure of accommodation 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Owner-occupiers 1 228.0 1 238.7 1 243.4 1 258.3 1 248.2 1 264.0 1 302.0 Sole tenants 954.3 1 078.0 1 117.7 1 126.7 1 170.9 1 198.4 1 211.7 Co-tenants 22.1 12.0 7.7 12.5 8.8 8.6 5.6 Main tenants 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.4 § Sub-tenants 3.5 3.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 2.2 1.0 Rent free 41.1 56.1 54.5 54.0 59.6 56.7 53.7 Provided by employers 47.5 44.0 45.4 45.0 44.7 41.2 40.2 Total 2 297.2 2 432.4 2 471.1 2 498.9 2 534.7 2 571.5 2 614.4
Table 9.13 Housing Authority newly completed public rental housing flats by District Council district

District Council district 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Eastern 1 600 0 0 187 288 0 0 Sham Shui Po 0 0 2 917 0 0 7 188 1 056 Kowloon City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wong Tai Sin 1 513 990 0 0 0 0 1 787 Kwun Tong 7 953 0 6 092 5 782 3 991 3 580 322 Kwai Tsing 0 0 0 0 866 0 0 Tuen Mun 0 0 0 0 4 688 0 0 Yuen Long 2 365 3 195 2 148 1 203 0 0 0 North 0 1 358 0 0 0 0 2 096 Tai Po 0 0 483 0 0 0 0 Sha Tin 1 958 4 395 2 624 4 104 0 3 024 4 846 Sai Kung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Islands 0 0 0 0 3 580 3 866 0 Total 15 389 9 938 14 264 11 276 13 413 17 658 10 107

Note : Figures refer to new flats certified as substantially completed by the Housing Department. The above table only shows those District Council districts with newly completed Housing Authority public rental housing flats.
Source : Housing Department
Note : Figures are compiled based on data collected in the General
Household Survey from January to December of the year concerned as well as the mid-year population estimates.
Source : Household Statistics Analysis Section,
Census and Statistics Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.14 Housing Authority newly completed public rental housing flats by flat type

Flat type 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
A Type A flat 3 655 2 247 2 543 2 314 2 205 2 925 1 701 (for 1/2 persons)
B Type B flat 3 510 2 126 4 276 1 771 3 213 3 716 3 019 (for 2/3 persons)
C Type C flat 5 608 4 271 5 718 5 891 4 370 5 308 3 244 (for 3/4 persons)
D Type D flat 2 616 1 294 1 727 1 300 3 625 5 697 2 143 (for 4/5 persons)
E Type E flat 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 (for 5 persons or more)
Total 15 389 9 938 14 264 11 276 13 413 17 658 10 107
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.15 Stock and authorised population of public rental housing flats by District Council district
District Council district 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Housing Authority
Central and Western Flats 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 Population 2 098 2 105 2 094 2 098 2 069 2 051 2 039
Wan Chai Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eastern Flats 33 771 35 111 35 040 35 207 35 161 35 405 35 352 Population 100 059 99 813 99 259 98 963 98 255 97 966 96 737
Southern Flats 27 198 26 281 26 155 25 992 25 845 25 649 25 566 Population 79 101 74 454 73 708 72 888 71 780 70 656 69 670
Yau Tsim Mong Flats 2 820 2 820 2 820 2 820 2 820 2 820 2 820 Population 8 510 8 180 8 169 8 072 8 025 7 947 7 802
Sham Shui Po Flats 49 445 53 982 53 853 56 707 56 558 62 364 64 645 Population 129 274 138 499 137 501 143 453 142 332 156 702 160 627
Kowloon City Flats 14 301 29 609 29 609 29 609 29 609 29 609 29 609 Population 41 365 75 397 75 808 75 475 74 958 74 400 73 804
Wong Tai Sin Flats 74 707 76 640 76 331 76 065 75 669 75 371 75 173 Population 211 342 210 873 209 768 207 635 205 013 202 313 198 912
Kwun Tong Flats 113 761 128 044 128 328 137 917 140 411 146 438 146 563 Population 308 103 338 638 338 477 360 946 366 131 380 516 377 801
Kwai Tsing Flats 98 891 101 510 101 259 101 095 100 811 101 492 101 328 Population 285 890 284 121 282 627 280 949 277 474 276 656 273 229
Tsuen Wan Flats 21 748 21 730 21 729 21 729 21 729 21 729 21 729 Population 61 449 59 166 58 906 58 538 57 924 57 360 56 594
Tuen Mun Flats 58 625 56 409 55 622 54 934 59 051 58 204 57 824 Population 151 624 143 780 141 156 139 350 142 145 145 875 143 887
Yuen Long Flats 63 794 62 699 67 291 68 650 68 314 68 031 67 903 Population 195 970 191 870 200 049 203 510 201 520 198 314 196 542
North Flats 23 833 23 645 23 278 23 041 22 695 22 397 23 304 Population 69 154 63 116 65 059 64 174 62 627 61 133 62 641
Tai Po Flats 19 222 17 657 17 203 17 513 16 946 16 725 16 447 Population 56 345 49 002 47 225 47 494 45 575 44 535 43 237
Sha Tin Flats 57 784 61 646 65 670 72 200 71 781 74 545 74 317 Population 166 990 169 549 177 954 193 190 191 849 197 617 195 408
Sai Kung Flats 27 296 30 035 29 772 29 555 29 249 28 885 28 735 Population 85 161 87 262 86 776 85 540 83 824 81 943 80 731
Islands Flats 15 776 15 683 15 684 15 682 19 262 23 128 23 128 Population 52 434 52 671 52 577 52 198 58 586 70 127 71 427
Sub-total Flats 703 608 744 137 750 280 769 352 776 547 793 428 795 079 Population 2 004 869 2 048 496 2 057 113 2 094 473 2 090 087 2 126 111 2 111 088
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.15 ()
Table 9.15 (cont’d) Stock and authorised population of public rental housing flats by District Council district
District Council district 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(1) Housing Society(1)
Central and Western Flats 2 317 2 337 2 334 2 334 2 340 2 341 2 343 Population 4 010 6 391 6 405 6 363 6 350 6 360 6 321
(2) Wan Chai(2) Flats 0 0 2 675 2 675 2 675 2 675 2 675 Population 0 0 6 965 6 901 6 828 6 741 6 635
Eastern Flats 7 037 6 380 3 705 3 705 3 705 3 705 3 705 Population 17 360 16 042 8 837 8 627 8 447 8 302 8 083
Southern Flats 1 143 1 144 1 144 1 144 1 144 1 144 1 144 Population 2 916 2 522 2 455 2 381 2 316 2 592 2 737
Yau Tsim Mong Flats 668 667 665 665 665 664 662 Population 1 665 1 613 1 612 1 604 1 587 1 576 1 564
Sham Shui Po Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kowloon City Flats 6 379 6 377 6 377 6 377 6 377 6 377 6 377 Population 17 854 16 647 16 434 16 205 15 948 15 752 15 601
Wong Tai Sin Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kwun Tong Flats 4 926 4 921 4 921 4 921 4 922 4 922 4 922 Population 13 703 13 093 13 051 12 913 12 713 12 573 12 366
Kwai Tsing Flats 2 980 2 980 2 980 2 981 2 981 2 989 2 991 Population 9 460 8 900 8 711 8 501 8 336 8 255 8 167
Tsuen Wan Flats 1 768 1 768 1 768 1 767 1 767 1 767 1 767 Population 4 684 4 557 4 494 4 422 4 408 4 344 4 309
Tuen Mun Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yuen Long Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
North Flats 662 662 662 802 802 802 802 Population 3 065 2 967 2 947 2 961 3 155 3 168 3 136
Tai Po Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sha Tin Flats 3 730 3 738 3 746 3 747 3 747 3 747 3 747 Population 11 250 10 685 10 563 10 446 10 317 10 215 10 102
Sai Kung Flats 1 507 1 507 1 507 1 507 1 507 1 507 1 507 Population 3 535 3 361 3 342 3 281 3 224 3 219 3 185
Islands Flats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-total Flats 33 117 32 481 32 484 32 625 32 632 32 640 32 642 Population 89 502 86 778 85 816 84 605 83 629 83 097 82 206
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.15 ()
Table 9.15 (cont’d) Stock and authorised population of public rental housing flats by District Council district
District Council district 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Central and Western Flats 2 953 2 973 2 970 2 970 2 976 2 977 2 979 Population 6 108 8 496 8 499 8 461 8 419 8 411 8 360
Wan Chai Flats 0 0 2 675 2 675 2 675 2 675 2 675 Population 0 0 6 965 6 901 6 828 6 741 6 635
Eastern Flats 40 808 41 491 38 745 38 912 38 866 39 110 39 057 Population 117 419 115 855 108 096 107 590 106 702 106 268 104 820
Southern Flats 28 341 27 425 27 299 27 136 26 989 26 793 26 710 Population 82 017 76 976 76 163 75 269 74 096 73 248 72 407
Yau Tsim Mong Flats 3 488 3 487 3 485 3 485 3 485 3 484 3 482 Population 10 175 9 793 9 781 9 676 9 612 9 523 9 366
Sham Shui Po Flats 49 445 53 982 53 853 56 707 56 558 62 364 64 645 Population 129 274 138 499 137 501 143 453 142 332 156 702 160 627
Kowloon City Flats 20 680 35 986 35 986 35 986 35 986 35 986 35 986 Population 59 219 92 044 92 242 91 680 90 906 90 152 89 405
Wong Tai Sin Flats 74 707 76 640 76 331 76 065 75 669 75 371 75 173 Population 211 342 210 873 209 768 207 635 205 013 202 313 198 912
Kwun Tong Flats 118 687 132 965 133 249 142 838 145 333 151 360 151 485 Population 321 806 351 731 351 528 373 859 378 844 393 089 390 167
Kwai Tsing Flats 101 871 104 490 104 239 104 076 103 792 104 481 104 319 Population 295 350 293 021 291 338 289 450 285 810 284 911 281 396
Tsuen Wan Flats 23 516 23 498 23 497 23 496 23 496 23 496 23 496 Population 66 133 63 723 63 400 62 960 62 332 61 704 60 903
Tuen Mun Flats 58 625 56 409 55 622 54 934 59 051 58 204 57 824 Population 151 624 143 780 141 156 139 350 142 145 145 875 143 887
Yuen Long Flats 63 794 62 699 67 291 68 650 68 314 68 031 67 903 Population 195 970 191 870 200 049 203 510 201 520 198 314 196 542
North Flats 24 495 24 307 23 940 23 843 23 497 23 199 24 106 Population 72 219 66 083 68 006 67 135 65 782 64 301 65 777
Tai Po Flats 19 222 17 657 17 203 17 513 16 946 16 725 16 447 Population 56 345 49 002 47 225 47 494 45 575 44 535 43 237
Sha Tin Flats 61 514 65 384 69 416 75 947 75 528 78 292 78 064 Population 178 240 180 234 188 517 203 636 202 166 207 832 205 510
Sai Kung Flats 28 803 31 542 31 279 31 062 30 756 30 392 30 242 Population 88 696 90 623 90 118 88 821 87 048 85 162 83 916
Islands Flats 15 776 15 683 15 684 15 682 19 262 23 128 23 128 Population 52 434 52 671 52 577 52 198 58 586 70 127 71 427
Total Flats 736 725 776 618 782 764 801 977 809 179 826 068 827 721 Population 2 094 371 2 135 274 2 142 929 2 179 078 2 173 716 2 209 208 2 193 294
Notes : Figures are as at end of the financial year.

Figures do not include the rental flats in Interim Housing and the
flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme.
(1) (1) Project under Senior Citizen Residences Scheme are excluded.
(2) 201611

(2) Lai Tak Tsuen was categorized under Wan Chai District from 1 January 2016.

2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Housing Authority rental flats allocated and persons rehoused by category
Category 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Public Rental Housing Flats 20 875 13 391 14 282 26 518 15 544 26 889 12 128 (PRH) applicants Persons 48 202 31 732 33 612 63 669 39 377 73 208 32 352
Clearance Flats 222 308 227 140 53 127 713 Persons 555 645 523 325 137 278 1 589
Estate clearance and Flats 3 360 4 7 0 0 375 42 major repairs Persons 7 924 6 15 0 0 1 118 92
Compassionate Flats 2 449 1 664 1 458 1 273 934 873 765 rehousing Persons 5 326 3 876 3 495 3 082 2 208 2 015 1 742
Transfers Flats 7 909 5 491 5 643 4 572 3 630 4 913 2 919 Persons 23 487 14 001 15 770 13 134 9 851 13 679 7 153
Emergency Flats 8 1 0 1 6 0 0 rehousing Persons 11 4 0 1 13 0 0
Junior civil servants Flats 827 869 779 1 252 1 230 1 502 933 and pensioners Persons 2 451 2 450 2 265 3 740 3 707 4 411 2 743
Total Flats 35 650 21 728 22 396 33 756 21 397 34 679 17 500 Persons 87 956 52 714 55 680 83 951 55 293 94 709 45 671
Table 9.16
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.17 20192020
Table 9.17 Size and rent of flats in Housing Authority estates, 2019 and 2020
Year of Type completion 2019 2020 2019 2020
Former Housing 195865 1958 - 65 24.1 1,408 1,408 58.4 58.4 Authority estates 30.6 1,786 1,786 58.4 58.4
41.2 2,405 2,405 58.4 58.4
196673 1966 - 73 28.3 1,530 1,530 54.1 54.1 30.6 1,794 1,794 58.6 58.6 33.1 1,938 1,938 58.6 58.6 36.5 2,000 2,000 54.8 54.8
Housing Authority 1973 Post 1973 16.3 1,406 1,406 86.1 86.1 estates (1) (Urban)(1) 23.5 1,353 1,353 57.5 57.5
34.4 2,950 2,950 85.7 85.7 43.3 3,709 3,709 85.7 85.7 53.6 5,051 5,051 94.3 94.3
1973 Post 1973 14.1 1,161 1,161 82.6 82.6 (2) (Extended 22.0 1,811 1,811 82.5 82.5
Urban)(2) 34.4 2,856 2,856 82.9 82.9 43.3 3,587 3,587 82.9 82.9 51.8 3,451 3,451 66.7 66.7
1973 Post 1973 17.1 931 931 54.4 54.4 (3) (The New 24.9 1,120 1,120 44.9 44.9
Territories)(3) 34.4 1,961 1,961 56.9 56.9 43.3 2,476 2,476 57.2 57.2 51.8 3,249 3,249 62.7 62.7

Size of selected

Notes : In compiling this table, the dominant size of each type of flat in 2020 was selected.
3 Figures are as at end-March of the year.
(1) (1) Urban includes Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.

(2) Extended Urban includes Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi, Sha Tin, Ma On Shan, Tseung Kwan O and Tung Chung.
(3) The New Territories includes Fanling, Sheung Shui, Tuen
Mun, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, Tai Po and Outlying Islands, but excludes Tung Chung.
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.18 Authorised population in Housing Authority interim housing by District Council district

District Council district 2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(1) Kwai Tsing(1) 1 800 1 200 1 100 1 000 1 000 800 600 Tuen Mun 2 400 3 000 3 500 3 900 4 200 4 200 4 300 Yuen Long 1 000 400 ‡ – – – – Total 5 200 4 600 4 600 4 900 5 100 5 000 4 900

Notes : Figures are as at end of the financial year and are rounded to the
nearest hundred. The above table only shows those District Council districts with interim housing (IH).
(1) Figures exclude persons living in those flats used as
temporary accommodation in Shek Lei (II) IH blocks.
‡ 50 ‡ Figures are less than 50.
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.19 Housing Authority newly completed Home Ownership Scheme residential flats by District Council district and saleable area

District Council district/ Saleable area
Sham Shui Po 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 2 062 1 083 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 1 307 615 Sub-total 0 0 0 0 0 3 369 1 698
Kowloon City 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 420 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 866 0 Sub-total 0 0 0 0 0 1 286 0
Wong Tai Sin 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 613 0 0 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 244 0 0 0 Sub-total 0 0 0 857 0 0 0
Kwun Tong 40 Under 40 sq. m. 148 0 0 0 0 1 017 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 222 0 0 0 0 341 0 Sub-total 370 0 0 0 0 1 358 0
Kwai Tsing 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 456 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 465 0 0 38 Sub-total 0 0 0 465 0 0 494
Tsuen Wan 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 962 0 0 0 Sub-total 0 0 0 962 0 0 0
Yuen Long 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 1 386 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 229 0 1 023 0 Sub-total 0 0 0 229 0 2 409 0
Sha Tin 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 431 248 0 0 Not yet classified – – – – – – 806 Sub-total 0 0 0 504 248 0 806
Islands 40 Under 40 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 415 0 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 0 0 0 0 0 284 0 Sub-total 0 0 0 0 0 699 0
All areas 40 Under 40 sq. m. 148 0 0 686 0 5 300 1 539 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 222 0 0 2 331 248 3 821 653 Not yet classified – – – – – – 806 Total 370 0 0 3 017 248 9 121 2 998
2019-202016-172009-10 2017-182014-15 2015-16 2018-19

Note : Figures refer to new flats certified as substantially completed by the Housing Department but exclude Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS) residential flats. The above table only shows those District Council districts with newly completed Housing Authority Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) residential flats.
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

$ million
2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Income 15,260 19,130 19,430 19,887 28,375 29,466 44,781 Rental
Rental Housing 9,889 13,688 14,307 14,411 15,336 16,349 17,340 Commercial 1,324 2,217 2,375 2,615 2,878 3,125 2,992
Home Ownership Scheme income 3,895 3,007 2,520 2,693 9,969 9,694 24,097 Other income 152 218 228 168 192 298 352
Expenditure 13,674 15,817 16,370 16,892 21,881 24,169 31,717 Recurrent expenditure 12,575 15,473 16,163 16,004 17,105 17,877 19,096
Personal emoluments 2,618 3,321 3,398 3,688 3,789 3,986 4,203 Government rent and rates 166 1,257 1,323 406 426 316 348 Maintenance and improvements 2,474 3,067 3,092 3,279 3,398 3,708 3,960 Other expenditure 3,494 4,573 4,862 5,004 5,318 5,509 5,883 Depreciation and amortisation 3,823 3,255 3,488 3,627 4,174 4,358 4,702
Home Ownership Scheme expenditure 1,099 344 207 888 4,776 6,292 12,621 Surplus before net non-operating income/ 1,586 3,313 3,060 2,995 6,494 5,297 13,064 (expenditure) : Add : Net non-operating income/ (57) 26 56 15 7 11 60 (expenditure)
Surplus after net non-operating income/ 1,529 3,339 3,116 3,010 6,501 5,308 13,124 (expenditure) : Add : Funds Management Account 6,138 3,512 1,022 2,319 2,128 1,582 996
Surplus : Add : Agency Account Surplus/(Deficit) (13) 15 9 (12) 74 39 43
Surplus before distribution 7,654 6,866 4,147 5,317 8,703 6,929 14,163 : Less : Distribution 231 500 543 633 686 803 663
Interest on government’s loan capital –- – – – – – – Dividend payable to government 231 500 543 633 686 803 663
Surplus after distribution 7,423 6,366 3,604 4,684 8,017 6,126 13,500

Note : Accounts for 2019-20 are provisional figures which may be subject to year-end and audit adjustments upon finalisation of the 2019-20 annual accounts.
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.21 Expenditure on construction works and purchase of fixed assets of Housing Authority

$ million
2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
New public rental housing estates 4,054 8,813 11,633 10,317 11,283 10,031 5,769 Redevelopment of existing estates 1,417 2,092 2,154 1,996 2,774 2,236 2,121 Interim housing –- – – – – – – Home Ownership Scheme 37 1,018 3,465 4,222 5,141 5,875 7,053 domestic flats
Home Ownership Scheme 3 24 159 231 380 387 324 commercial facilities
Housing Authority Headquarters –- (2) – – 7 26 109 Computer equipment/motor vehicles 127 134 129 105 121 134 203 Improvement works 384 646 812 659 674 584 651 Total 6,022 12,725 18,352 17,530 20,380 19,273 16,230
Table 9.22 Agency functions undertaken by the Housing Authority on behalf of the government

$ million
2009-10 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Receipt Receipt from government 122 233 254 267 284 308 333
Payment 119 242 258 266 283 312 335 Surplus/(Deficit) transferred to 3 (9) (4) 1 1 (4) (2) appropriation account

Notes : Accounts for 2019-20 are provisional figures which may be subject to year-end and audit adjustments upon finalisation of the 2019-20 annual accounts.

Figures for 2011-12 to 2015-16 include adjustments for expensing the development costs arising from aborting the development of the sites already auctioned or turned into other uses, and reclassification among project types during the year.
Source : Housing Department

Note : Accounts for 2019-20 are provisional figures which may be subject to year-end and audit adjustments upon finalisation of the 2019-20 annual accounts.
Source : Housing Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.23 Completions of private domestic units by area and District Council district

Number of units
Area/District Council district 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Hong Kong Central and Western 854 750 438 1 424 493 850 1 215 Wan Chai 382 672 1 418 443 503 114 3 Eastern 0 483 595 0 404 2 411 986 Southern 19 12 8 382 53 55 190 Sub-total 1 255 1 917 2 459 2 249 1 453 3 430 2 394
Kowloon Yau Tsim Mong 593 1 614 114 646 683 54 652 Sham Shui Po 43 795 592 892 2 238 586 1 405 (1) Kowloon City(1) 1 003 639 1 194 1 377 3 762 4 957 567 Wong Tai Sin 0 0 0 0 0 234 0 Kwun Tong 185 299 0 256 0 0 646 Sub-total 1 824 3 347 1 900 3 171 6 683 5 831 3 270
New Territories Kwai Tsing 0 0 0 0 0 136 0 Tsuen Wan 380 2 152 0 0 0 4 342 0 Tuen Mun 32 990 7 32 1 786 818 746 Yuen Long 600 2 070 1 381 2 325 4 194 156 802 North 708 872 0 0 0 557 596 Tai Po 1 1 071 1 370 0 0 0 3 233 Sha Tin 2 342 865 2 085 651 1 193 1 120 790 Sai Kung 15 2 435 596 3 761 2 442 4 573 1 606 Islands 0 0 1 498 2 406 40 5 206 Sub-total 4 078 10 455 6 937 9 175 9 655 11 707 7 979
Total 7 157 15 719 11 296 14 595 17 791 20 968 13 643
Stock as at end of the year 1 090 614 1 136 430 1 145 454 1 158 765 1 174 628 1 193 971 1 206 444
Notes : Figures above exclude village houses.
(1) 2015
(1) Completions of 2015 in Kowloon City include 16 flats completed and designated as subsidised sale flats in the year but sold to the public in the open market at prevailing market prices in 2017.
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Completions of private domestic units by area and floor area

Number of units
Area/Floor area 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Hong Kong 20 Less than 20 sq. m. 0 0 0 138 320 156 248 20 - 39.9 20 - 39.9 sq. m. 130 698 669 710 703 986 1 519 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 585 1 025 1 115 793 279 906 194 70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. 344 95 316 262 22 804 178 100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. 69 60 257 126 30 329 225 160 160 sq. m. or above 127 39 102 220 99 249 30 Sub-total 1 255 1 917 2 459 2 249 1 453 3 430 2 394
Kowloon 20 Less than 20 sq. m. 0 64 4 68 344 415 421 20 - 39.9 20 - 39.9 sq. m. 226 837 642 1 318 2 465 3 036 2 427 40 - 69.9 (1) 40 - 69.9 sq. m.(1) 271 1 256 603 797 2 659 1 762 218 70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. 136 777 232 206 572 410 59 100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. 976 331 358 551 602 167 135 160 160 sq. m. or above 215 82 61 231 41 41 10 Sub-total 1 824 3 347 1 900 3 171 6 683 5 831 3 270
New Territories 20 Less than 20 sq. m. 0 0 75 0 27 0 313 20 - 39.9 20 - 39.9 sq. m. 17 561 745 1 703 3 032 2 619 1 694 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 2 142 6 165 3 329 5 572 4 727 5 569 3 762 70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. 889 3 335 1 642 945 1 200 2 200 1 269 100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. 485 275 856 648 426 1 045 665 160 160 sq. m. or above 545 119 290 307 243 274 276 Sub-total 4 078 10 455 6 937 9 175 9 655 11 707 7 979
All areas 20 Less than 20 sq. m. 0 64 79 206 691 571 982 20 - 39.9 20 - 39.9 sq. m. 373 2 096 2 056 3 731 6 200 6 641 5 640 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 2 998 8 446 5 047 7 162 7 665 8 237 4 174 70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. 1 369 4 207 2 190 1 413 1 794 3 414 1 506 100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. 1 530 666 1 471 1 325 1 058 1 541 1 025 160 160 sq. m. or above 887 240 453 758 383 564 316 Total 7 157 15 719 11 296 14 595 17 791 20 968 13 643
9.24 Table 9.24
(1) 201540 - 69.9B
2017 16
(1) Completions of 2015 for floor area 40 - 69.9 sq.m. (Class B) units in Kowloon include 16 flats completed and designated as subsidised sale flats in the year but sold to the public in the open market at prevailing market prices in 2017.
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.25 Stock, completions and vacancies of private non-domestic premises by type

Type 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Commercial Stock as at end of year 10 664 10 917 10 992 11 133 11 274 11 433 11 520 Completions during the year 84 57 68 123 105 125 118 Amount vacant as at end of year 932 795 847 998 1 014 1 077 1 164
Office Stock as at end of year 10 529 11 061 11 283 11 530 11 838 12 053 12 314 Completions during the year 151 104 165 153 198 179 267 Amount vacant as at end of year 1 083 693 899 946 1 120 1 032 1 104
Flatted factories Stock as at end of year 17 284 17 021 16 851 16 729 16 526 16 406 16 342 Completions during the year 3 36 30 5 23 41 56 Amount vacant as at end of year 1 388 959 843 978 1 012 1 029 972
Specialised factories Stock as at end of year 2 925 3 018 3 072 3 101 3 168 3 159 3 237 Completions during the year 0 63 61 48 115 26 46
Storage Stock as at end of year 3 428 3 647 3 645 3 733 3 811 3 773 3 759 Completions during the year 0 80 0 73 83 3 0 Amount vacant as at end of year 177 215 153 162 260 181 239
Industrial/Office Stock as at end of year 614 593 582 582 556 550 551 Completions during the year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amount vacant as at end of year 61 45 40 52 41 51 49
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.26 2019
Table 9.26 Stock of private premises by year of completion (as at end of 2019)
1960 2009
Type Pre-1960 Post-2009 Total
Private domestic (Number of units) (1) Small/medium units(1) 26 056 134 261 177 110 255 497 225 704 172 882 119 138 1 110 648 (2) Large units(2) 3 889 10 352 13 464 20 198 15 354 16 759 15 780 95 796 Total 29 945 144 613 190 574 275 695 241 058 189 641 134 918 1 206 444
Private offices Grade A 0 31 302 1 672 2 928 1 602 1 486 8 019 Grade B 17 216 435 836 952 187 172 2 814 Grade C 13 118 432 491 398 22 7 1 480 Total 30 364 1 168 2 998 4 277 1 811 1 666 12 314
Private commercial 390 1 402 2 143 3 175 2 417 1 144 850 11 520 Private flatted factories 41 1 062 5 209 6 941 2 647 91 352 16 342
Table 9.27 Price indices of private premises by type of premises
(1999 = 100) (Year 1999 = 100)
Type 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Private domestic 40 Less than 40 sq. m. 120.3 278.7 326.7 314.8 368.3 416.6 425.6 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 117.2 243.2 282.8 272.9 318.4 359.3 363.6 70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. 135.1 238.2 265.4 258.8 296.9 333.0 336.6 100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. 153.4 247.8 269.4 264.5 293.1 320.1 329.5 160 160 sq. m. or above 177.1 264.7 283.4 275.1 306.1 325.2 310.0 Overall 121.3 256.9 296.8 286.1 333.9 377.3 383.0
Private retail 193.1 521.2 559.2 526.9 558.4 591.4 549.7 Private offices (Grades A, 179.8 423.0 448.9 426.9 487.1 554.7 543.0 B and C)
Private flatted factories 216.3 668.0 723.9 692.7 778.1 888.1 887.9 (upper floor units)

1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009
Notes : Private domestic figures in this table exclude village houses.

There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual
items and the total as shown in the table owing to rounding.
(1) 99.9 (1) Refers to saleable area less than or equal to 99.9 sq. m.
(2) 99.9 (2) Refers to saleable area above 99.9 sq. m.
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
Note : Primary sales of domestic premises are excluded from the analysis.
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9.28 Table 9.28 Average prices of private premises by type of premises and area/district
() $/sq. m.
(1) Private domestic(1)
40 Less than 40 sq. m. Hong Kong 61,832 128,912 146,515 137,558 158,293 180,411 183,457 Kowloon 44,190 104,403 117,955 112,486 130,558 149,890 157,317 New Territories 39,215 91,436 107,763 102,680 121,633 138,412 144,665
40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. Hong Kong 71,459 129,629 147,969 140,103 160,860 176,330 183,330 Kowloon 55,338 108,820 120,994 115,792 131,061 147,161 153,582 New Territories 39,468 81,476 94,297 91,942 106,554 120,067 125,490
70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. Hong Kong 95,288 153,720 171,848 162,731 186,054 210,583 213,796 Kowloon 85,613 138,586 148,980 149,335 163,325 177,561 188,291 New Territories 49,189 89,607 101,364 97,811 112,805 128,256 132,512
100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. Hong Kong 120,617 183,962 198,709 197,622 215,818 232,023 247,352 Kowloon 101,356 160,259 166,958 167,980 179,974 194,996 204,379 New Territories 57,554 85,479 96,962 94,692 103,235 116,406 121,902
160 160 sq. m. or above Hong Kong 164,169 249,984 238,707 238,737 251,606 286,369 281,395 Kowloon 145,137 235,620 206,485 231,700 273,418 270,109 ++ 245,958 New Territories 69,225 73,677 88,734 82,547 91,785 103,209 95,646
Private retail Hong Kong 294,149 447,041 560,318 469,391 527,179 495,012 504,665 Kowloon 250,032 420,271 403,499 411,195 376,050 440,349 389,288 New Territories 153,702 386,792 368,610 401,118 402,002 397,593 378,839
Private offices Grade A
Sheung Wan 133,016 171,027 + 162,989 + 221,386 200,155 + 390,369 460,859 Central 171,788 353,514 354,300 401,674 468,426 569,342 550,558 Wan Chai/Causeway Bay 105,223 264,596 + 292,141 262,387 264,440 288,969 225,527 +
North Point/Quarry Bay 85,700 163,290 + – – 236,771 358,169 + 263,675 Tsim Sha Tsui 109,696 194,712 196,338 195,282 216,390 233,290 224,480 Yau Ma Tei/Mong Kok – – – – – – – (2) Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong(2) – 123,051 141,364 135,339 157,011 176,673 159,387
Grade B Sheung Wan 58,749 150,484 179,341 171,000 190,522 200,283 200,034 Central 129,067 242,180 306,904 253,163 + 263,078 456,122 288,409 +
Wan Chai/Causeway Bay 94,208 203,551 211,178 215,050 249,421 308,503 277,860 North Point/Quarry Bay 56,776 130,263 132,400 123,836 + 154,921 167,018 169,079 Tsim Sha Tsui 83,325 174,196 183,862 166,129 189,220 204,889 207,586 Yau Ma Tei/Mong Kok 61,714 144,847 148,677 141,069 155,729 186,449 175,910 (2) Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong(2) – 151,153 132,890 + – 142,948 + 154,321 + 158,020 +
Grade C Sheung Wan 59,916 144,425 162,955 152,156 175,739 197,790 190,000 Central 90,975 203,810 249,848 199,522 254,595 261,817 261,850 Wan Chai/Causeway Bay 76,907 167,733 184,743 184,737 201,589 214,822 220,266 North Point/Quarry Bay 59,954 144,823 153,436 158,194 181,866 198,338 196,229 Tsim Sha Tsui 65,272 154,445 155,350 143,648 159,117 169,453 177,176 Yau Ma Tei/Mong Kok 52,672 147,914 157,972 149,229 166,169 175,245 186,797 (2) Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong(2) – – – – – – –
Private flatted factories (upper floor units)
Hong Kong 24,335 71,931 80,632 74,398 84,816 91,918 100,040 Kowloon 24,831 70,363 75,916 70,929 80,598 90,705 90,819 New Territories 12,614 42,071 47,552 46,381 51,802 60,351 64,946
2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Notes : (1) Primary sales of domestic premises are excluded from the analysis.
(2) 18
(2) The boundary of Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong follows Kwun Tong District of the 18 District Council districts. Data are available since February 2013.
+ 5 + Indicates fewer than 5 transactions. ++ 20 ++ Indicates fewer than 20 transactions.
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table 9.29 Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premises by floor area
Type/Floor area 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Average rents ($/sq. m. per month) 40 Less than 40 sq. m.
Hong Kong 236 397 435 415 452 488 507 Kowloon 181 311 345 329 354 391 391 New Territories 137 253 272 266 296 314 316
40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. Hong Kong 226 358 392 372 403 428 432 Kowloon 174 300 324 302 327 353 350 New Territories 126 218 238 226 251 267 266
70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. Hong Kong 272 391 421 395 433 455 450 Kowloon 230 321 355 329 356 376 371 New Territories 142 227 249 233 259 270 271
100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. Hong Kong 304 412 438 422 444 452 458 Kowloon 236 322 349 326 349 381 363 New Territories 182 250 256 247 256 269 268
160 160 sq. m. or above Hong Kong 362 466 466 433 454 474 468 Kowloon 244 329 342 349 368 370 382 New Territories 209 247 256 235 240 252 244
1999 = 100 Rental indices (Year 1999 = 100) 40 Less than 40 sq. m. 102.0 171.8 187.4 184.8 201.2 213.4 215.3 40 - 69.9 40 - 69.9 sq. m. 97.8 158.9 172.7 165.8 181.7 192.4 193.3 70 - 99.9 70 - 99.9 sq. m. 98.1 143.3 154.0 148.4 159.4 166.7 167.1 100 - 159.9 100 - 159.9 sq. m. 105.7 142.3 150.5 146.3 153.5 159.2 159.4 160 160 sq. m. or above 114.2 141.9 145.7 141.9 143.9 148.7 148.3 Overall 100.4 159.5 172.8 168.2 182.6 193.0 194.4
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Table 9.30 Average rents and rental indices of fresh and renewal lettings of private non-domestic premises by type of premises and area/district
Type/ Area/District
Average rents ($/sq. m. per month) Private retail
Hong Kong 1,079 1,628 1,612 1,499 1,518 1,533 1,533 Kowloon 1,073 1,534 1,519 1,338 1,396 1,429 1,395 New Territories 855 1,250 1,284 1,300 1,325 1,351 1,352
Private offices Grade A
Sheung Wan 533 750 892 976 958 1,145 1,039 Central 743 1,013 1,033 1,114 1,196 1,266 1,361 Wan Chai/Causeway Bay 464 689 717 746 784 803 867 North Point/Quarry Bay 310 475 469 506 515 540 560 Tsim Sha Tsui 333 530 538 552 566 589 605 Yau Ma Tei/Mong Kok 387 661 693 703 656 831 867 (1) Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong(1) – 345 370 372 375 394 397
Grade B Sheung Wan 238 437 476 476 518 570 560 Central 478 686 741 747 785 838 895 Wan Chai/Causeway Bay 321 492 522 528 543 559 575 North Point/Quarry Bay 238 378 381 380 405 432 440 Tsim Sha Tsui 282 434 461 475 478 492 504 Yau Ma Tei/Mong Kok 275 434 463 471 487 484 507 (1) Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong(1) – 347 358 382 365 347 360
Grade C Sheung Wan 203 367 415 415 437 435 459 Central 346 556 592 616 610 643 651 Wan Chai/Causeway Bay 275 450 477 479 494 509 521 North Point/Quarry Bay 239 405 421 427 436 459 468 Tsim Sha Tsui 297 449 475 474 476 491 490 Yau Ma Tei/Mong Kok 226 374 408 409 427 447 461 (1) Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong(1) – 296 268 289 + 191 + 191 + 181
Private flatted factories (upper floor units)
Hong Kong 97 155 169 175 185 194 205 Kowloon 104 164 179 181 189 204 210 New Territories 70 113 124 128 134 146 154
1999 = 100 Rental indices (Year 1999 = 100) Private retail 110.9 173.1 182.5 178.6 182.5 187.0 187.2 Private offices 135.7 213.7 226.7 232.3 241.8 252.2 261.4 (Grades A, B and C)
Private flatted factories 99.4 160.1 174.4 181.4 190.7 202.3 209.7 (upper floor units)
2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
(1) 18
Notes : (1) The boundary of Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong follows Kwun Tong District of the 18 District Council districts. Data are available since February 2013.
+ 5 + Indicates fewer than 5 transactions.
Source : Rating and Valuation Department
2020 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2020 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Number of documents received for registration in the Land Registry

Type of land document 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Agreements for sale and purchase of properties
Agreements for sale and 133 962 81 489 76 159 73 004 83 815 79 193 74 804 purchase of building units
Residential 115 092 63 807 55 982 54 701 61 591 57 247 59 797 Non-residential 18 870 17 682 20 177 18 303 22 224 21 946 15 007
Agreements for sale and purchase of land 2 256 2 480 3 292 2 588 2 777 3 038 2 646 Assignments of properties
Assignments of building