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  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis



    By: Barrantes, Patrick and Garcia, Charina Jane

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis



    is a parasitic disease (usuallyan infectious tropical disease) that is causedby thread-like nematodes (roundworms)belonging to the superfamily Filarioidea,alsoknown as "filariae.

    is considered endemic in tropical andsubtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Central

    and South America, and Pacific Island nations,with more than 120 million people infectedand one billion people at risk for infection.

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    Signs and Symptoms

    Some infected people are asymptomatic anddo not develop clinical symptoms.

    most spectacular symptom of lymphatic

    filariasis is elephantiasisedema withthickening of the skin and underlying tissues.

    subcutaneous worms present with skin

    rashes, urticarial papules, and arthritis, aswell as hyper- andhypopigmentation macules.

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    abdominal pain

    usually begin with on-and-off chills,

    headache, and fever that lasts between 3mos. And one year after the insect bite.

    there may be also swelling, redness, andpain in the arms, legs or scrotum.

    Ares of abscesses may appera as a result ofdying worms or a secondary bacterial infxn.

    Only a small percentage of people develop

    lymphedema which is a result of improperfuctioning of the lymph system.

    Legs are the most affected

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis



    When a mosquito bites a person infected with

    lymphatic filariasis (LF), microscopic worms

    that are circulating in that persons blood will

    infect the mosquito.

    Lives in a Tropical and subtropical area

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    Diagnostic Tests

    blood test

    immunochromatographic test => a simpler andmore specific antigen-detection test.

    The circulating filarial antigen (CFA) test isperformed on a finger-prick blood droplet takenanytime of the day. Results are available in a fewminutes.

    The larvae can also be found in the blood, butmosquitoes which spread the disease are activeat night.

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  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis



    Anti-parasitic Drug Therapy. This treatmentprevents possible transmission of LF to otherpeople. Infected individuals are treated with a

    series of anti-parasitic drugs.recommended treatment for patients

    is albendazole (a broadspectrum anthelmintic) combined withivermectin.

    a. eliminating the larvae

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    Supportive Clinical Care

    Lymphoedema management. The patient is advised tofollow these simple procedures. These simple

    measures can improve elephantiasis condition overtime:

    Wash affected areas of the body twice daily with soapand clean, cool water.

    Dry the said areas with care.

    Raise the affected limb during the evening.

    Conduct regular exercises for the affected limb.

    Wear comfortable shoes. Keep nails and spaces between the toes clean.

    Apply medicated creams or antibiotics on smallwounds or cuts.

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    Hydrocele surgery => is a treatment option

    for most hydrocele patients. Early hydrocele

    and corrective surgery can be done with local


    Patient education and counseling.

    Psychological counseling is also important in

    helping patients with LF-induced disability.

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    Nursing Management

    Health education and informationdissemination as to the mode of transmissionmust be carried out.

    Environmental sanitation and the destructionof breeding places of mosquitoes must beemphasized.

    Psychological and emotional support to clientand family are necessary.

    Personal hygiene must be encouraged.

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    The course of the disease must be explainedto the client and his/her family.

    Nursing Diagnosis:

    Impaired physical mobility

    Knowledge deficit

    Impaired skin integrity

    Activity intolerance

    Body image disturbance

    Altered health maintenance

  • 8/12/2019 Report in Filariasis


    Prevention and Control

    sleep under a mosquito net

    use a mosquito repellant in the hours

    between dusk and dawn

    take a yearly dose of medicine that kills the

    worms circulating in the blood.