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100 Linkedin tips

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A 100 tweetable LinkedIn tips which will help you improve your Profile, Company Page and your use of LinkedIn. Includes tips on communicating with your network, attracting visitors to your profile, getting a new job and finding leads.

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100 LinkedIn tips from intranetfuture.com

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Here are 100 tweetable tips for using LinkedIn for business. If you like a tip, please copy it

and post it to LinkedIn tagging ‘Jonathan Pollinger’ or tweet adding ‘via @intranetfuture

#InTips.’ Thank you.

For more Social Media tips, plus news and examples please sign up to my social media

newsletter. Thanks again and good luck with LinkedIn!


LinkedIn tip no.1 - Complete all the relevant sections of your LinkedIn profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.2 - Add additional relevant sections to your LinkedIn profile eg Projects,

Organisations. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.3 - Customise your public profile URL - select Edit link next to public profile

URL. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.4 - Display a well lit good quality head and shoulders photo. Professional

and business like, not casual. Dimensions are 200 x 200 pixels. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.5 - Add a well designed cover photo - the landscape background image at

the top of your profile page. Dimensions are 646 x 220 pixels. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.6 - Don’t include your phone number or job title in the Name field. It’s

labelled Name because it’s for your name ONLY. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.7 - Add your Headline beneath your name. It’s a headline so should be an

impact statement, not a job title. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.8 - Write your Summary in the 1st person. Tell people your values,

passions and what you can do for them. Help people know YOU. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.8 - Under Edit Contact Info/Websites select Other so you can add your own

website labels. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.9 - Under Edit Contact Info/Websites make sure you add 3 websites or web

pages. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.10 - Add media eg images, videos etc to your Summary and Experience

sections to make your profile stand out. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.11 - Ensure your Headline, Summary, Experience and Skills and

Endorsements sections contain keywords to make yourself more discoverable. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.12 - If you’re a Premium Member, use LinkedIn’s key word suggestions to

help with tip no. 11. #INTips

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LinkedIn tip no.12 - Re-order Sections by importance. For example, I want to stress Skills

and Endorsements so it appears higher than Experience in my Profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.13 - To re-order Sections, select Edit then the Up and Down arrow on the

top right of section. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.14 - Use Add Connections to find people your Address Book and to build

your network. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.15 - Ensure that your current roles have the most detailed descriptions.


LinkedIn tip no.16 - Schedule Posts to your LinkedIn Profile and Groups using Buffer.


LinkedIn tip no.17 - Research show that the best time to post on LinkedIn is between 7am-

9am and 5pm-6pm. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.18 - To view a Connections status updates, select View Recent Activity on

their profile - select the down arrow at top of profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.19 - You can customise the Updates that are displayed on your Home

Page. Select the down arrow to the right of All Updates. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.20 – You can now a blogging on LinkedIn. Select the pencil symbol in

‘Share an update…’ box. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.21 - Too many emails from LinkedIn? Go to profile picture on top right then

Privacy and Settings then Communications/Set frequency of emails. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.22 - Watch your spelling and grammar. Badly crafted updates and posts

create a poor impression. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.23 - Use the Advice for Contacting <name> under Additional Information to

describe the type of person you wish to connect with. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.24 - Add your contact details to Advice for Contacting <name> under

Additional Information. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.25 - Personalise your invitations to connect. Show an interest in the

recipient. Share commonalities. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.26 - Be sure to say thank you when receiving an invitation to connect. Start

a conversation. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.27 - Apply for a job with one click under Jobs on the top menu. #INTips

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LinkedIn tip no.28 - Join relevant Groups. Networking groups for leads and industry

Groups for best practice. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.29 - Post a question in a Group to start a conversation. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.30 - Consider creating your own LinkedIn Group around a niche or a

location. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.31 - Make sure a Group has active members and discussions before you

join. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.32 - Is LinkedIn helping you achieve your business objectives? If not, figure

out why. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.33 - Don’t hog your network’s feed by overposting. Aim for around 2 to 4

posts per day. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.34 - To hide a contact from your News Feed, select Hide on the top right of

any of their updates. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.35 - Company Page image sizes – Cover: 646px x 220px, Standard Logo:

100px x 60px, Square Logo: 50px x 50px. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.36 - Images in company posts are automatically resized to 180px x110px.


LinkedIn tip no.37 - If you have a Company Page its logo should appear on your profile on

the right hand side of job title under Experience. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.38 - Use Sponsored Updates from your Company Page to target

messages to your potential customers. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.39 - Ensure that you have at least 2 Company Page Admins for cover in

the event of sickness and holidays. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.40 - If you have the resources, consider a Showcase pages for your

products and services. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.41 - If you’re a small business, don’t worry too much about updating your

Company Page. Post from your personal profile instead. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.42 - Use a strong unique password for LinkedIn (and all other services and

sites for that matter) and change it regularly. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.43 – Use ‘View profile as’ button to see how your profile is displayed to

Connections and Public. #INTips

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LinkedIn tip no.44 - For extra security switch on 2 step verification in Settings under

Account/Manage Security Settings. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.45 - Export and sync your Connections – go here. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.46 - Tag your contacts by using the ‘@ mention’ feature in updates.


LinkedIn tip no.47 - Aim to post images, photos and videos in about 80% of your total

posts. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.48 - LinkedIn no longer has an Events function so promote events by

linking to an external events page in your updates. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.49 - Try and reply to all comments on your posts – don’t ignore people

talking to you. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.50 - Don’t use hashtags on LinkedIn – they are no longer supported.


LinkedIn tip no.51 - Tweet #BringBackLinkedInHashtags to encourage LinkedIn to re-

introduce them . #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.52 - Use ‘People also viewed’ to the right of others’ Profiles to find and

connect with relevant people. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.53 - Use ‘Whose viewed your profile’ to gain insights about your audience.


LinkedIn tip no.54 - Use ‘How you rank’ to find popular profiles. Learn from them to boost

visitors to your profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.55 - Research speakers and delegates before conferences and events to

get to know them and to make it easier to introduce yourself. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.56 - Connect with people after a networking meeting on LinkedIn, even if

you didn’t get the chance to meet them. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.57 - Ensure your LinkedIn updates and posts are positive and engaging.


LinkedIn tip no.58 - Send links to relevant and useful articles and tools to your connections

to keep them engaged. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.59 - Invite all your email newsletter subscribers to connect with you.


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LinkedIn tip no.60 - Link to your jobs vacancy page from time to time to increase your

chances of recruiting new staff. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.61 - To increase its reach, post a link when you do a Press Release.


LinkedIn tip no.62 - Encourage your employees to join LinkedIn and to keep their profiles

up to date. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.63 - Ask and encourage your employees to Like and Share your updates.


LinkedIn tip no.64 - Ensure that you add plenty of images to your LinkedIn posts (blogs).


LinkedIn tip no.65 - Have an unwanted connection? Remove by selecting the down arrow

in the top section of their profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.66 - When making several changes to your profile, avoid irritating your

network by ensuring that ‘Notify your network’ is set to ‘No’. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.67 - Listen, connect and engage. Remember this if nothing else. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.68 - If you’re thinking of advertising with LinkedIn there are lots of useful

case studies - https://www.linkedin.com/ads/resources. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.69 - Add a LinkedIn icon linked to your LinkedIn Profile and/or Page to your

YouTube channel. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.70 - Use the filters to the left of the Search field to improve your search

results. Great for searching posts (blogs). #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.71 - Congratulate Connections on Birthdays and new jobs but make sure

they really do have a new job! #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.72 - Used LinkedIn’s mobile apps to stay in touch when you’re on the move

- iOS and Android. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.73 - There’s a really useful app that helps you engage with your network

called LinkedIn Connected. Only on iOS at the moment. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.74 – For security, regular review your connected Apps - Account

Settings/Apps and remove those that you no longer use. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.75 - Use ‘https’ for improved security. Go to Privacy and

Settings/Account/Manage security settings/Enable secure browsing. #INTips

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LinkedIn tip no.76 - Follow Influencers like Richard Branson for great business advice and

inspiration. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.77 - Only give Recommendations to people who you’ve worked with.


LinkedIn tip no.78 - Give Endorsements to people you admire, whose blog posts you find

useful or who you’ve heard speak credibly. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.79 - Add a link to your LinkedIn Profile on your email signature to

encourage people to view your profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.80 - If your write content like white papers, presentations and tips then

publish onto Slideshare.net (owned by LinkedIn). #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.81 - You can view profiles anonymously. Go to Privacy and

Settings/Profile/Select what others see when you've viewed their profile. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.82 - Upgrade to a Premium Account for a 30% larger profile photo. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.83 - To prevent people seeing your connections – Go to Privacy and

Settings/Profile/Select who can see your connections then choose Only you. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.84 - Remove or merge duplicate profiles. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.85 - Use Advanced Search to find leads, suppliers and recruits. Learn

more. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.86 - Use Saved Search in conjunction with Advanced Search – your results

are emailed on a weekly or monthly basis. Learn more. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.87 - Want to message almost anyone on LinkedIn? Gain access to InMail

by upgrading to LinkedIn Premium. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.88 - When using InMail and making an introduction, stress commonalities.

eg a client you’ve worked with who is connected with a prospect. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.89 - When using InMail, sell a meeting or a call and not your service or

product. You wouldn’t kiss a stranger in the street! #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.90 - If you’re not on LinkedIn Premium, use Introductions to connect with

potential prospects. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.91 - Ask happy clients for recommendations but be sure to personalise the

request. #INTips

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LinkedIn tip no.92 - If you’re not on LinkedIn Premium, use Introductions to connect with

potential prospects. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.93 - Take the time to read and post comments on LinkedIn (blog) posts.

Engage! #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.94 – Upgrade to LinkedIn Premium and your listing will appear larger in

search results. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.95 - Be wary of LinkedIn informing you that someone has changed their

job! Might just be a typo correction. Visit their profile to be sure. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.96 - Use Pulse to keep up to date with relevant industry news. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.97 - Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a CV or resume with Resume Builder.


LinkedIn tip no.98 - If you’ve gone to the trouble of setting up a Company Page and have

followers then be sure to provide them with engaging updates. #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.99 -. If your sending messages to multiple Connections make sure you

uncheck “Allow recipients to see each other’s names and email addresses.” #INTips

LinkedIn tip no.100 - Finally, get active and get noticed! #INTips


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