Õpikeskkondade disain


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Õpikeskkondade disain

IFI7052.DT Õpikeskkonnad ja õpivõrgustikud

“Õelad” probleemid (wicked problems)

Disain kui protsess

(Leinonen, Toikkanen, & Silfvast, 2008)

Disain kui kommunikatsioon


Persoonad (personas)

Age: 26

Education: Master student

Occupation: librarian

MariaMaria has studied information science and now she is doing her Masterʼs studies in interactive media. At the same time she has a full time job as a school librarian. Therefore she is interested in combining school assignments with her work as much as possible. At the same time she is a self-directed learner who likes to go in depth in topics that are interesting for her.


Personalization: “It is hard to have a full time job and be a master student at the same time. If possible, then I try to choose assignments that can be connected with my work.”

Scaffolding: “I feel that often it is difficult to specify all the resources and actions that I have to make in order to achieve my learning objectives. Good examples from other learners help me to refine my contract.”

Awareness: “It was good that we had to review our learning contracts. This way I was constantly aware of my objectives and thinking about the strategy to achieve my goals.”

Photo by Alessandro Valli,taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/liquene/4435467897/

(LeContract blog, 2010)

Age: 58

Education: PhD

Occupation: professor

JakobJakob is a professor of industrial design. He has been working in the university for almost 30 years. As a designer and researcher he has participated in many R&D projects but his real love is teaching.

In last few years Jakob has decided to spend less time on projects and travelling. This means that he has more time for preparing his courses and trying out different things. He has experimented with blogs and social software. In his last course he decided to try personal learning contracts. It took quite a lot of time but he hopes that learning contracts will help him to give a more personal learning experience for his students.


Adjusting the course: “I would like to know what the students expect to learn in my course. Then I can adjust the course assignments according to their needs.”

Personalized support: “I want to give more personalized guidance and support for my students.”

Fair grading: “I donʼt like grading but in some courses I am required to do it. I have found that learning contracts help me on fair grading. I rely on learning contracts when I negotiate grades with my students.”

Photo by Jesse Courtemanche,taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/jesse757/4170721132/

(LeContract blog, 2010)

EduFeedr personas

Primary persona





Secondary persona



Supplemental personas


To get a quick overview of latest posts in the course


34 years old lecturer, long time doctoral student, has background in education but is quite technically savvy, early adopter of new technologies, has long experience in

online learning, wantʼs to try out something different in each course, is participating in several projects and

travelling quite often, has a constant lack of time, often reads the blog posts from his iphone but is planning to write comments later, sometimes leaves the laptop at work

and writes comments from his iPad. Understands that the technology may have certain limitations when it is still

under development.

To give better feedback for the students

To have multiple ways for browsing the course









To create a functional learning community

To give support and feedback for all students

To use course data for research purposes


28 years old PhD student, teaching her second online course, average computer user, experienced in using web 2.0 tools, very systematic, wants to use course data for research purposes. Wantʼs to have a reliable system. Is using desktop RSS

reader in addition to EduFeedr.




Not to spend to much time on managing the course

To make students to submit their assignments on time

To be sure that the system is reliable


Teacher in a vocational school, has some experience both in using Moodle and in using social software. Wantʼs to have his first blog-based course. Is not using RSS


To find inspiration from other student blogs

To explore other open courses

Customer personaEducational technologist





Negative persona



To have one learning platform that satisfies all her needs

To customize the learning platform according to her taste and needs



To get teachers using the system

To be sure that the system is reliable

Not to spend too much time on supporting the users





To get statistics about the use in their institution

EduFeedr personas

Primary persona





Secondary persona



Supplemental personas


To get a quick overview of latest posts in the course


34 years old lecturer, long time doctoral student, has background in education but is quite technically savvy, early adopter of new technologies, has long experience in

online learning, wantʼs to try out something different in each course, is participating in several projects and

travelling quite often, has a constant lack of time, often reads the blog posts from his iphone but is planning to write comments later, sometimes leaves the laptop at work

and writes comments from his iPad. Understands that the technology may have certain limitations when it is still

under development.

To give better feedback for the students

To have multiple ways for browsing the course









To create a functional learning community

To give support and feedback for all students

To use course data for research purposes


28 years old PhD student, teaching her second online course, average computer user, experienced in using web 2.0 tools, very systematic, wants to use course data for research purposes. Wantʼs to have a reliable system. Is using desktop RSS

reader in addition to EduFeedr.




Not to spend to much time on managing the course

To make students to submit their assignments on time

To be sure that the system is reliable


Teacher in a vocational school, has some experience both in using Moodle and in using social software. Wantʼs to have his first blog-based course. Is not using RSS


To find inspiration from other student blogs

To explore other open courses

Customer personaEducational technologist





Negative persona



To have one learning platform that satisfies all her needs

To customize the learning platform according to her taste and needs



To get teachers using the system

To be sure that the system is reliable

Not to spend too much time on supporting the users





To get statistics about the use in their institution

Stsenaariumide-põhine disain

(scenario-based design)

Stsenaarium 1: Õpetajakoolituse üliõpilane testib oma pädevusi

Mari õpib ülikoolis põhikooli loodusteaduslike ainete õpetajaks. Ta on kuulnud, et bioloogia jaoks on loodud mitu erinevat õpitarkvara ning loodusainete õpetajad on suhteliselt aktiivsed arvutikasutajad. Nüüd haridustehnoloogia kursuse käigus on ta mitmega neist lähemalt kokku puudunud ning omab paremat ettekujutust sellest, kuidas IKT vahendeid õppetöös rakendada. Ühes praktikumis tutvustab õppejõud haridustehnoloogiliste pädevuste hindamise keskkonda DigiMina ning jätab koduseks ülesandeks oma pädevuste hindamise.

Mari läheb DigiMina lehele ning tutvub seal väljas oleva õpetajate haridustehnoloogilise pädevusmudeliga. Lisaks pädevusmudelile on seal mõned näidisülesanded, mida pädevuste hindamisel kasutatakse. Mari saab aru, et oma pädevuste hindamiseks tuleb registreeruda DigiMina kasutajaks.

Pärast sisselogimist suunatakse teda pädevuste hindamise juurde. Iga alampädevuse hindamiseks on eraldi ülesanne. Mõnede ülesannete juures tuleb valida õiged vastusevariandid, teiste juures ühendada sobivad paarid jne. Paljud ülesanded on illustreeritud piltide või videotega. Ülesannete lahendamine võtab parasjagu aega, kuid õnneks on lehel näha, mitu ülesannet veel jäänud on. Samuti on võimalik salvestada hetkeseisu ja hiljem vastamist jätkata.

Kui Mari vastamise lõpetab, siis kuvatakse talle pädevusprofiili leht, kus on ülevaatlikul diagrammil näha tema tase erinevate pädevuste kaupa. Süsteem küsib Mari käest, kas ta soovib teha oma pädevusprofiili avalikuks. Mari arvab, et praegu pole tal seda vaja, kuid tulevikus õpetajana töötades võib ta omale avaliku pädevusprofiili luua.

Lisaks kokkuvõttele kuvatakse talle ka soovitusi haridustehnoloogiaalaste kursuste kohta. Mari näeb, et digitaalsete õppematerjalide koostamise kohta on nende ülikoolis eraldi kursus. Just sellel teemal vajaks ta täiendavaid praktilisi oskuseid.


1. Milliseid mõtteid see stsenaarium teis kõigepealt tekitas? 2. Kas selline stsenaarium on realistlik? 3. Mida te muudaksite selle stsenaariumi juures? 4. Kas te kujutaksite ennast ette selle üliõpilase rollis? 5. Kuidas see stsenaarium jätkuda võiks?

Mõistekaardid (concept maps)

(Põldoja & Väljataga, 2010)

(Põldoja et al., 2014)

Kasutajalood (user stories)

Kasutajalugude näited: New Tweet taken

1. Kasutajana saan kirjutada lühipostituse ja postitada selle Twitterisse

2. Kasutajana saan näha, mitu tähemärki on lühipostituse kirjutamiseks järel

3. Kasutajana saan valida oma arvutist foto ja lisada selle oma lühipostitusele

4. Kasutajana saan vahetada Twitteri kontot, mida lühipostituse postitamiseks kasutada

Paberprototüübid (paper prototypes)

Sõrestikmudelid (wireframes)


Võimalikud lahendused

• Veeb 2.0 rakenduste ja äppide integreerimine

• Uue õpitarkvara disain

• Õpihaldussüsteemi ja lisamoodulite seadistamine


II kontakttundIdeed

Rühmade moodustamine

III kontakttund Sihtrühma analüüs

IV kontakttund

Õpikeskkonna skeem

Konteksti kirjeldus

Vahendite valik

Vahendite valiku ja õpikeskkonna disaini


Õpikeskkonna prototüüp Õppijad



Oodatavad tulemused I (Veeb 2.0 rakenduste ja äppide integreerimine)

• Probleemi kirjeldus

• Persoonad (või sihtgrupi analüüs mingil muul kujul)

• Stsenaariumid (3…5 peamist kasutusstsenaariumit)

• Valitud vahendite nimekiri, kaalutud alternatiivid

• Valitud vahendite integreerimise skeem

• Osaliselt üles seatud ja seadistatud õpikeskkond

Oodatavad tulemused II (uue õpitarkvara disain)

• Probleemi kirjeldus

• Persoonad (või sihtgrupi analüüs mingil muul kujul)

• Stsenaariumid (3…5 peamist kasutusstsenaariumit)

• Olulisemate vaadete paberprototüübid või sõrestikmudelid

Oodatavad tulemused III (õpihaldussüsteemi ja lisamoodulite seadistamine)

• Probleemi kirjeldus

• Persoonad (või sihtgrupi analüüs mingil muul kujul)

• Stsenaariumid

• Seadistatud õpikeskkonna skeem

• Seadistatud õpihaldussüsteem

Viited• LeContract blog (2010). http://blog.lecontract.org

• Leinonen, T., Toikkanen, T., & Silfvast, K. (2008). Software as Hypothesis: Research-Based Design Methodology. Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008 (lk 61–70). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University.

• Põldoja, H., & Väljataga, T. (2010). Externalization of a PLE: Conceptual Design of LeContract. The PLE 2010 Conference Proceedings. Barcelona: Citilab.

• Põldoja, H., Väljataga, T., Laanpere, M., & Tammets, K. (2014). Web-based self- and peer-assessment of teachers’ digital competencies. World Wide Web, 17(2), 255–269. doi: 10.1007/s11280-012-0176-2

Kasutatud fotod• Tim Herrick, https://www.flickr.com/photos/minkymonkeymoo/5078790076/

See materjal on avaldatud Creative Commons Autorile viitamine–Jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti litsentsi alusel. Litsentsi terviktekstiga tutvumiseks külastage aadressi http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ee/

Hans Põldoja hans.poldoja@tlu.ee

IFI7052.DT Õpikeskkonnad ja õpivõrgustikud http://opikeskkonnad.wordpress.com

Tallinna Ülikool Digitehnoloogiate instituut