Established 1914 11th Waxing of Tazaungmon 1368 ME Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 Volume XIV, Number 198 Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. NAY PYI TAW, 30 Oct— Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Mr Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, on the occasion of his re-election for the second term as President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. — MNA Senior General Than Shwe congratulates Brazilian President True patriotism * It is very important for everyone of the nation regardless of the place he lives to have strong Union Spirit. * Only Union Spirit is the true patriot- ism all the nationalities will have to safeguard. YANGON, 30 Oct — Chairman and Members of the National Convention Convening Work Committee Plenary Session of National Convention continues Clarification made on laying down detailed basic principles for Chapters “Election” and “Political Parties” in drafting the State Constitution read out the clarification on laying down detailed basic principles for the Chapters “Election” and “Political Parties” for drafting the State Constitution made by the Chairman of the National Convention Convening Work Committee at the Plenary Session of the National Convention continued at Pyidaungsu Hall of Nyaunghnapin Camp in Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, at 9 am today. Present on the occasion were Chairman of the National Convention Convening Commission Secre- tary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt- Gen Thein Sein and Commission members, Chairman of the National Convention Convening Work Com- mittee Chief Justice U Aung Toe and Work Committee members, Chairman of the National Convention Con- vening Management Committee Auditor-General Maj- Gen Lun Maung and Management Committee mem- bers, chairmen and officials of subcommittees, delegates of political parties National Unity Party, Union Pa-O National Organization, Shan State Kokang Democratic Party, Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization, Lahu National Development Party, Union Kayin League, Kokang Democracy and Unity Party and Wa National Development Party, repre- sentatives-elect of National Unity Party and Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization, independent representatives-elect, delegates of national races from Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan (South), Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, Sagaing, Chairman of National Convention Convening Commission Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein presides over Plenary Session of National Convention. — MNA (See page 4) YANGON, 30 Oct— Clarification made by the Chairman of the National Convention Convening Work Committee on laying down detailed basic principles for the Chapter “Political Parties” for drafting the State Constitution at the Plenary Ses- sion of the National Convention held at Nyaunghnapin Camp in Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, today, will be published in the dailies.— MNA Clarification on “Political Parties” to be published 31-10-06NL_01 10/31/06, 4:54 AM 1

Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 198 11th Waxing of … · 2006-11-01 · Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 198 11th Waxing of Tazaungmon 1368 ME Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 Emergence

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Page 1: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 198 11th Waxing of … · 2006-11-01 · Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 198 11th Waxing of Tazaungmon 1368 ME Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 Emergence

Established 1914

11th Waxing of Tazaungmon 1368 ME Tuesday, 31 October, 2006Volume XIV, Number 198

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

NAY PYI TAW, 30 Oct— Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the StatePeace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a messageof congratulations to His Excellency Mr Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President ofthe Federative Republic of Brazil, on the occasion of his re-election for thesecond term as President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. — MNA

Senior General Than Shwecongratulates Brazilian President

True patriotism* It is very important for everyone of

the nation regardless of the place helives to have strong Union Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the true patriot-ism all the nationalities will have tosafeguard.

YANGON, 30 Oct — Chairman and Members ofthe National Convention Convening Work Committee

Plenary Session of National Convention continues

Clarification made on laying down detailed basicprinciples for Chapters “Election” and “Political

Parties” in drafting the State Constitution

read out the clarification on laying down detailed basicprinciples for the Chapters “Election” and “PoliticalParties” for drafting the State Constitution made by theChairman of the National Convention Convening WorkCommittee at the Plenary Session of the NationalConvention continued at Pyidaungsu Hall ofNyaunghnapin Camp in Hmawby Township, YangonDivision, at 9 am today.

Present on the occasion were Chairman of theNational Convention Convening Commission Secre-tary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein and Commission members, Chairmanof the National Convention Convening Work Com-mittee Chief Justice U Aung Toe and Work Committeemembers, Chairman of the National Convention Con-vening Management Committee Auditor-General Maj-Gen Lun Maung and Management Committee mem-bers, chairmen and officials of subcommittees,delegates of political parties National Unity Party,Union Pa-O National Organization, Shan State KokangDemocratic Party, Mro (or) Khami National SolidarityOrganization, Lahu National Development Party,Union Kayin League, Kokang Democracy and Unity

Party and Wa National Development Party, repre-sentatives-elect of National Unity Party and Mro (or)Khami National Solidarity Organization, independentrepresentatives-elect, delegates of national races fromKachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan(South), Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, Sagaing,

Chairman of National Convention ConveningCommission Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Seinpresides over Plenary Session of National

Convention. — MNA

(See page 4)

YANGON, 30 Oct— Clarification made by theChairman of the National Convention ConveningWork Committee on laying down detailed basicprinciples for the Chapter “Political Parties” fordrafting the State Constitution at the Plenary Ses-sion of the National Convention held atNyaunghnapin Camp in Hmawby Township,Yangon Division, today, will be published in thedailies.— MNA

Clarification on “PoliticalParties” to be published

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Literature and performing arts of a na-tion show its national character and standard ofnational culture. Throughout the history cover-ing years countable by the thousand, Myanmarpeople have been safeguarding their race for itsperpetuation, handing down the high nationalprestige or the national strength — the artisticskills, the delicate creativity and the art of com-posing — from generation to generation.

Myanmar culture originated during theera of Pyu city states and is based on five kindsof instruments — the brass , the string, leatherand wind instruments and clappers. Myanmarsongs, including those that rekindled Myanmarpeople’s nationalistic fervour, depicted Myanmartraditions and customs and portrayed the gener-osity of the religious Myanmar people, havebeen developing with the passage of time.

Singing contests and musical instrumentcontests of the Myanmar Traditional CulturalPerforming Arts Competitions not only revivethe trend of Myanmar music, that has flourishedand improved stage by stage through classicalsongs and the value of the history of Myanmarmusic, but also standardize many Myanmarsongs.

Thanks to the Myanmar Traditional Cul-tural Performing Arts Competitions, the theat-rical drama, the essence of the performing arts,has reached a new age. The Competitions havehelped youths to cherish Myanmar traditionsand culture and Myanmar social values, moralsand view that are collectively included in thetheatrical drama.

Only with nationalistic spirit and nation-alistic fervour to cherish and preserve tradi-tional culture, will the people be able to over-come the dangers of alien culture that is pen-etrating into the nation. That is why MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing Arts Competi-tions are held every year. And we would like tocall on all artistes to preserve and promote na-tional culture with their artistic skills and na-tionalistic spirit.

Promote national culturewith artistic skills

F & R Minister calls for effectiveservices of MEB, IRD

YANGON, 30 Oct —Minister for Finance andRevenue Maj-Gen HlaTun met with officials ofMyanma Economic Bankand Internal Revenue De-partment here today.

At the meeting heldat IRD here, the minis-ter urged them to makeefforts for effectivenessof the services of the de-partments in accord withthe rules and regulationsand to carry out tasks of

TurtleConservation and

ManagementWorkshopon 6 Nov

YANGON, 30 Oct—Myanmar Fisheries Asso-ciation ( MFA ) will hostWorkshop on Marine Tur-tle Conservation and Man-agement ( Year of the Tur-tle 2006 ) at MFA here on6 November.

Since 2001, Myanmarhas carried out measuresfor conservation of turtlesjoining hands with IndianOcean nations and SouthEast Asian nations.

The Fisheries Depart-ment invited those respon-sible to participate in theworkshop.


Minister Maj-Gen Hla Tun meeting with officials of Myanma Economic Bank and InternalRevenue Department.—MNA

the departments duti-fully.

He also urged offi-cials to strive to effec-tively apply the informa-tion and communicationtechnology that are un-dergoing changes and

developments.After the meeting, the

minister inspected Inter-nal Revenue Departmentand Savings Bank-1(Branch) and fulfilled therequirements.

He also went to the

container inspection di-vision at Bo Aung KyawJetty and inspected thetasks being carried outby members of the in-spection group with theuse of X-Ray Scanning.


NAY PYI TAW, 30 Oct—The New Kayan State Party issued a declarationon its stance over the decision to put Myanmar on the agenda of the UnitedNations Security Council.

The following is the full text of the declaration:

The declaration of New Kayan State Party

Dated 25-10-20061. Owing to the submission of the US permanent representative to the UN,a decision was made on 15 September 2006 to put Myanmar on the agenda of theUNSC.2. In the Union of Myanmar all the national race groups are making concertedefforts together with the government for regional development. They are now onthe path of progress and development.3. As Myanmar is seeing prevalence of peace and stability and markeddevelopment there is no reason for the nation to pose a threat to regional stability.4. The accusation of the US is just an act of interfering in Myanmar’s internalaffairs, ignoring peace and stability and development so far achieved in thenation. That was why the peace group declared that it protests and condemns suchact of the US.

Aing DaungVice-Chairman-1

New Kayan State Party

New Kayan State Party condemnsdecision to put Myanmar on

agenda of UNSC

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 3

Tut\kun\N˙s\S tiu;®mHc\.Âk

Cuban leader Fidel Castro holds a newspaper inHavana in this footage released on 28 Oct,


Mark Schneider, an

historian of the US,

dressed as French

Emperor Napoleon I,

poses for the media in

front of Berlin’s

Brandenburg gate on

27 Oct, 2006.


Cuban TV shows fresh images of Fidel CastrolHAVANA, 29 Oct—

Cuban television showedimages on Saturday ofconvalescing leaderFidel Castro walking,reading the day’s news-papers and speaking onthe telephone.

Castro, defyingenemies whom he saidhad declared him dead,said he was taking part ingovernment decisions,following the news ontelevision and makingregular telephone calls ashe recovers fromemergency intestinalsurgery in late July.

“Now that our ene-mies have prematurely

declared me dying or dead,I am happy to send mycompatriots and friendsaround the world this short

film material,” Castrosaid.

“Now they will haveto resurrect me,” he said.

The images showedCastro browsing throughSaturday’s ruling Com-munist Party dailyGranma and walking ina sweat suit down acorridor to speak on awall telephone in a clearvoice.

They were the firstimages of Castro releasedin six weeks. Hisprolonged absence frompublic view fuelledrumours in recent weeksthat the 80-year-oldCastro was dead andchange imminent was inCuba, one of the world’slast Communist-runnations.


Chinese police equippedwith helicopters

Miss China HuangChenzi reacts afterbeing crowned in HongKong, on 28 Oct, 2006.—XINHUA

BEIJING, 29 Oct—Chinese police have beenequipped with advancedhelicopters, capable oflaunching air-to-groundfighting, according to theMinistry of Public Sec-urity.

Some municipalitiesand provinces in Chinasuch as Beijing, Shanghai,and Chongqing areorganizing their ownpolice helicopter fleets,said an official from theministry.

Capable of quickresponse to emergency,

the police helicopterfleets will be responsiblefor air patrolling, tran-sporting, fighting ter-rorism, and directing theflow of traffic, said theofficial.

The importance ofpolice helicopter is secondonly to military aircraftswhich are often used inwar fighting or being thechartered planes, said theofficial.

China now has sevenpolice helicopter fleets,three police airports and20 police helicopters.

The first police heli-copter in China was putinto use by pol icedepartment in Wuhan,capital city of centralChina’s Hubei Provincein 1994.


Rapper Snoop Doggarrested in California

LOS ANGELES, 29 Oct— Rapper and actorSnoop Dogg, one of thebiggest names on the WestCoast hip-hop scene, hasbeen arrested after airportpolice said they found agun and marijuana in hiscar.

The 35-year-old rap-per, whose real name isCalvin Broadus, wasarrested on Thursday atthe Burbank Airport nearLos Angeles by policewho had stopped him forleaving his car too long inthe passenger loadingarea, Burbank policespokesman Kevin Grand-alski said.

Broadus was bookedand released on 35,000 USdollars bail and is expectedto make his first courtappearance on Monday.

Meanwhile pros-ecutors in OrangeCounty, south of LosAngeles, are consideringwhether to file chargesagainst the rapper fortrying to bring a

collapsible police batonon board a plane lastmonth.

Orange CountySheriff's spokesman JimAmormino said securitystaff at John WayneAirport spotted the batonin a computer bag beforeBroadus took a flight toNew York.

Broadus has said thebaton was a prop in a videohe was to make in NewYork and he was unawareit was illegal to take it ona plane. — MNA/Reuters

US strike in Iraq kills six Iraqisincluding women, children

RAMADI, 29 Oct— SixIraqis including threewomen and two childrenwere killed in a US airstrikein the city of Ramadi inIraq’s western AnbarProvince on Saturday, adoctor at Ramadi hospitalsaid.

A police brigadier said

five civilians were killed inthe attack. There was noimmediate comment fromthe US military severalhours after a request forinformation.

Doctor Kamal al-Anisaid the bodies of sixmembers of a single familykilled in the strike had been

brought to Ramadi hospital,before being released torelatives for burial.

Police Brigadier HamidHamad Shuka confirmedthere was an airstrike in thesouth of the city at dawn.He said five civilians werekilled in the strike.

A senior US general saidearlier this week US andIraqi security forces weretaking “an aggressive,offensive approach” toreclaim Ramadi fromgurillas.— MNA/Reuters

World second largestretailer giant Carrefour

opened in Beijing onSaturday 28 Oct , 2006

its first suburbanbranch in China.Thenewly opened branch,

located in theTongzhou District, is

also Carrefour’s1000th branch in the


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;(from page 1)

Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon andAyeyawady Divisions, delegates of peasants fromKachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan(South), Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, Sagaing,Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon andAyeyawady Divisions, delegates of intellectuals andintelligentsia, delegates of workers from Kachin,Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan (South),Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, Sagaing,Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon andAyeyawady Divisions, delegates of State Service Per-sonnel from the State Peace and Development CouncilOffice, the President Office, the Pyithu Hluttaw Of-fice, the Government Office, the Supreme Court, theAttorney-General’s Office, the Auditor-General’sOffice, the Multi-party Democracy General ElectionCommission Office, the Civil Service Selection andTraining Board, the Yangon City Development Com-mittee, the Mandalay City Development Committeeand ministries, other invited delegates, delegates fromShan State (North) Special Region-1, Shan State (North)Special Region-2, Shan State (North) Special Region-3, Shan State (East) Special Region-4, Shan State(North) Special Region-5, Shan State (South) SpecialRegion-6, Kachin State Special Region-1, KachinState Special Region-2, Kayah State Special Region-1, Kayah State Special Region-2, Kayah State SpecialRegion-3, Kayinni National Democratic Party (KNDP)(Dragon) Group, Kayinni National Progressive Party(KNPP) (Hoya), Kayinni National Unity and Solidar-

Clarification on adoption ofdetailed basic principles for…

ity Organization (Ka Ma Sa Nya), Democratic KayinBuddhist Organization (DKBA) and HaungthayawSpecial Region Group, Nyeinchanyay Myothit Groupfrom Hpa-an Township of Kayin State, Burma Com-munist Party (Rakhine State Group), Arakan Army(AA), Homein Region Development and WelfareGroup, Shwepyiaye (MTA), Manpan People’s MilitiaGroup, Mon Peace Group (Chaungchi Region) andMon Nai Seik Chan Group that had exchanged armsfor peace.

Before the Plenary Session of the National Con-vention, Chairman of the NCCC Secretary-1 Lt-GenThein Sein and Commission members, Chairman ofthe NCCWC Chief Justice U Aung Toe and WorkCommittee members, Chairman of the NCCMC Audi-tor-General Maj-Gen Lun Maung and ManagementCommittee members, chairmen and officials of thesubcommittees, delegates of political parties, repre-sentatives-elect, delegates of the National Races, Peas-ants, Workers, Intellectuals and Intelligentsia, StateService Personnel, and Other Invited Persons, signedattendance books at Pyidaungsu Hall and the recrea-tion hall.

NCCC Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Seinpresided over the Plenary Session of National Conven-tion and Secretary of NCCC Minister for InformationBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsan acted as master of ceremonies.

The MC declared the start of the meeting as 1,072out of 1,081 delegates were in attendance, accountingfor 99.17 per cent, and the plenary session commenced

with the permission of the meeting chairman.First, NCCWC Chairman Chief Justice U Aung

Toe made clarification on adoption of detailed basicprinciples for the Chapter “Election” in drafting theState Constitution.

Next, Vice-Chairman of NCCWC Attorney-Gen-eral U Aye Maung presented clarification made by thechairman on adoption of detailed basic principles forthe Chapter “Election” in drafting the State Constitu-tion. The Plenary Session then went into recess.

When the Plenary Session resumed at 10.25 am,Secretary of NCCWC U Thaung Nyunt presentedclarification made by the chairman on adoption ofdetailed basic principles for the Chapter “Election” indrafting the State Constitution.(Presentations made by NCCWC Chairman ChiefJustice U Aung Toe, NCCWC Vice-Chairman Attor-ney-General U Aye Maung and Secretary of NCCWCU Thaung Nyunt are reported separately.)

Afterwards, Member of NCCWC Deputy At-torney-General Dr Tun Shin presented clarificationmade by the chairman on adoption of detailed basicprinciples for the Chapter “Political Parties” in draft-ing the State Constitution. The Plenary Session wentinto recess at 11.10 am.

(The presentation made by Member of NCCWCDeputy Attorney-General Dr Tun Shin will be re-ported.)

The Plenary Session continues at 9 am tomor-row. — MNA

Secretary of National Convention ConveningCommission Minister for Information

Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan. — MNA

Plenary Session of National Convention in progress at Nyaunghnapin Camp in HmawbyTownship. — MNA

YANGON, 30 Oct— Under the Program ofInitiative for ASEAN Integration- IAI Work PlanProject, Civil Service Selection and Training Boardand Asean Secretariat conducted Tourism Developmentand Management Course at Traders Hotel here thismorning.

The three-day course was opened with an addressby Director-General U Hla Kyi of Civil ServiceDepartment. Next, Project Officer of Asean SecretariatMs Chandrasa Edhityas Sjamsudin briefed on thepurpose of the course.

Mr Teo Puaay Kin and Ms Francis Soh KokYuen of International Trade Institute of Singapore willgive lecture at the course. A total of 20 officers fromMinistry of Hotels and Tourism and Ministry of Forestryare attending the course.


NAY PYI TAW, 30 Oct — Members of the so-called ‘88’ generation students group announced by acertain foreign radio station that the Buddhist monkshad also signed the papers to collect public signatures.

But the monks of Htilin monastery in Mandalayas well as those of Maha Wizikarama monastery deniedthe announcement on 27 October, saying that theyhadn’t heard of any member of the Sangha of theirmonasteries or any of the monasteries in thesurroundings give their signatures; that it was a wickedscheme to cause illusion among the people who reveredreligion; that as the monks were striving for promotion,propagation and perpetuation of the Sasana, they hadno wish at all to sign the paper; that the members of theSangha would never allow any person, group or politicalparty to use them for its interest.

Monks of Htilin, Maha Wizikarama monasteries in Mandalaydeny signing paper to collect public signatures

Ex-NLD member refuses to sign as the campaign isunreasonable and gives priority only to personal interest

The announcement also said that the attempts tolaunch an organizational campaign with the use offalse names of monks and monasteries and fake signsmaylead peace-loving people to lose faith in the monks;that such acts should not be tolerated.

U Khin Soe, an ex-NLD member of LathaTownship, Yangon, while on the way from his hometo an optical shop on 24 October afternoon ran acrossKo Hla Aung, a political agent, on Shwebontha Streetin Pabedan Township. Ko Hla Aung tried to press UKhin Soe into signing the paper. But U Khin Soerefused to give his signature, telling him that thesignature campaign was unreasonable as it gavepriority only to the personal interest; and that thecampaign did not serve the interest of the nation andthe people at all. — H

Tourism Development andManagement Course opens

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 5

YANGON, 30 Oct— The following is the clarificationand presentation made at the Plenary Session of theNational Convention held today in Nyaunghnapin Camp,Hmawby Township, Yangon Division by the Chairman,the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary of the NationalConvention Convening Work Committee on detailed basicprinciples for the Chapter “Election” to be included indrafting the State Constitution.Mr Chairman and delegates,

The National Convention designated 15 chaptersfirst for ensuring a systematic approach to the layingdown of basic principles and detailed basic principles todraft a new State Constitution. The Chapter “Election” isone of the 15 Chapters, and two basic principles havebeen laid down for it.

(a) Every citizen shall have the right to voteand to stand for election according to law.

(b) Voters concerned shall have the right, inaccord with provisions of the State Constitution,to recall elected people’s representatives.

The sphere of these basic principles is quite wide.Accordingly, based on these two basic principles, it isrequired of the National Convention to lay down detailedbasic principles for the Chapter.

Only then, will it be possible to comply with the rulesand regulations in writing and adopting the provisions onelection stated in the State Constitution and related lawson election.Mr Chairman,

Every nation exercising the multi-party democracysystem prescribes necessary basic principles in the StateConstitution concerned to ensure that every citizen has equalright to vote and to stand for election in accord with the law.

After making a careful study on these provisions, itis perceived:

(a) the right of citizens to elect people’srepresentatives who represent them in accordwith the law;

(b) the right of citizens to stand for election aspeople’s representatives in accord with the law;

The right stated in paragraph (a) covers all thecitizens who have the right to vote. In the process, it isrequired to fix first the eligible age to vote, in accord withthe law. Based on their conditions, some countries fixedthe voting age of the citizens 18 or 21 years.

In Myanmar, the voting age is 18 years. People at theage of 18 are mature and intellectual enough to distinguishbetween good and bad. Paragraph (2) of the Section 76 ofthe 1947 Constitution says,

Presentation on laying down the detailed basicprinciples for the Chapter “Election” made at

Plenary Session of the National Convention

“Every citizen, who has completed the age of eighteenyears and who is not disqualified by law and complieswith the provisions of the law regulating elections to theParliament, shall have the right to vote at any election tothe Parliament”.

Parliament Election Act 23 promulgated in 1948based on the provisions of that constitution prescribes,

“Subject to the provisions of this Act, every citizennormally living in a constituency and having attained theage of 18 on the date designated by the President isqualified to be on the list of voters”.

Article 174 of the 1974 constitution says,(a) Citizens shall directly elect people’s

representatives by secret ballot.(b) Every citizen who has attained the age of

eighteen years shall have the right to vote.(c) All citizens who have the right to vote shall

enjoy equal voting rights.”Therefore, regarding the right to vote in accord

with the tradition of bestowing voting right on everycitizen who has turned 18 and who is qualified by law,discussions are to be held and suggestions to be madewhether the point:

“Every citizen who has turned 18 on the dateon which elections commence, who is notdisqualified by law, who is eligible to vote, andwho has the right to vote under the law, shall havethe right to vote.”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

Under the detailed basic principles adopted by theNational Convention, Hluttaw members are to be electedto:

(a) Pyithu Hluttaw;(b) Amyotha Hluttaw; and(c) Region or State Hluttaw.In electing members of the Pyithu Hluttaw and the

Amyotha Hluttaw, at a constituency, a voter shall castonly a vote for a Hluttaw each at an election.

However, the already-laid down detailed basic principlesfor the formation of the Region or State Hluttaw say:

“Region or State Hluttaw shall be formed as follows:(a) In Regions or States, Region or State

Hluttaw representatives — two elected fromeach township;

(b) In Regions, Region Hluttaw Representatives— one elected from each national race decidedby the authorities concerned as having populationwhich constitutes 0.1 percent of the population

of the State, of the remaining national races otherthan those who have already got the representativeRegion or a Self-Administrated Area in thatregion;

(c) In State, State Hluttaw representative —one elected from each national race decided bythe authorities concerned as having populationwhich constitutes 0.1 percent of the populationof the State, of the remaining national races otherthan those who have already got the respectiveState or a Self-Administered Area in that State”.

Under these detailed basic principles, it is required toelect Hluttaw representatives of national races. So, thosewho are qualified by law will have to elect representativestownship-wise to the Region or State Hluttaw. In addition,other than the national races who have already got therepresentative Region or State, the remaining nationalraces that meet the requirements will have the right toelect representatives of national races to the Hluttawsconcerned who will represent them.

Therefore, regarding the election of people’srepresentatives to the Hluttaw concerned, discussions areto be held and suggestions to be made whether the point:

“Every citizen who is eligible to vote and whohas the right to vote by the law shall cast only avote for a Hluttaw each at a constituency.

“In addition, people of national racesconcerned who are eligible to vote in accordancewith the provisions of the State Constitution shallhave the right to vote in electing representativesof national races to the Region of State Hluttawconcerned.”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

It is found that the nations practising the multi-partydemocracy system use ballot in electing people’srepresentatives.

Our country will have to exercise the multi-partydemocracy system under the basic principles the NationalConvention has laid down. So, our country should practiseballot in electing people’s representatives.

Therefore, regarding ballot, discussions are to beheld and suggestions to be made whether the point:

“Ballot shall be exercised.”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

All those who have the right to vote should beentrusted with the right to elect people’s representatives

(See page 6)

Secretary of National Convention ConveningWork Committee U Thaung Nyunt.


Chairman of National Convention ConveningWork Committee Chief Justice U Aung Toe.


Vice-Chairman of National ConventionConvening Work Committee Attorney-

General U Aye Maung.— MNA

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

Presentation on laying downthe detailed basic…

(from page 5)who represent them. But, members of the ReligiousOrder should not enjoy such a right, nor should personsserving prison terms, persons adjudged to be of unsoundmind as provided for in the relevant law, persons whohave not yet been cleared from being declared destitute,and those who are banned from voting under the electionlaw.

Therefore, discussions are to be held and suggestionsto be made whether the point:

“The following persons shall have no right tovote—

(a) members of the Religious Order;(b) persons serving prison terms;(c) persons adjudged to be of unsound mind

as provided for in the relevant law;(d) persons who have not yet been cleared

from being declared destitute; and(e) persons who are banned from voting

under the election law.”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

In the interests of the electorate concerned, a candidateshould stand for election at the constituency only he hasalready planned, rather than doing so again at anotherconstituency.

The elections held under the 1947 Constitution tookplace region-wise instead of simultaneously across thenation. In consequence, although a candidate had lost ata parliamentary election in a constituency, he had theright to stand for election again at another constituency.So, it is found that such right is a barrier to electing a realpeople’s representative who wins admiration of the people.Taking lessons from such undesirable incidents, acandidate should be given opportunity to stand for onlyan election for a Hluttaw at a constituency in practising adiscipline-flourishing democratic system.

Therefore, the point:“At an election, a candidate—(a) shall be elected to one Hluttaw only.(b) shall stand for election at one constituency

only.”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

Some of the detailed basic principles the NationalConvention has laid down are connected with thedelineation of the boundaries of Union territories. TheUnion territories will be under direct rule of the President,and the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will have to prescribenecessary laws for Union territories. So, electorate of theUnion territories no longer need to elect Hluttaw membersto the Region or State Hluttaw, and will have to electHluttaw members to the Pyithu Hluttaw and the AmyothaHluttaw, the two legislative bodies of the PyidaungsuHluttaw.

According to the detailed basic principles laid downfor electing members of the Amyotha Hluttaw, theAmyotha Hluttaw will be made up of a representativefrom Self-Administered Division or Self-AdministeredRegion along with 12 Amyotha Hluttaw representativeseach from a Union territory, region or state and Tatmadawmember Amyotha Hluttaw members.

Accordingly, 12 members each from a Region orState or a Union territory will be elected. In the process,after due number of constituencies for the AmyothaHluttaw is fixed, electorate living in a Union territoryconcerned will have to elect 12 Amyotha Hluttaw memberseach.

And electorate of the constituencies concerned willhave to elect Pyithu Hluttaw members.

So, a detailed basic principle “Electorate living in theUnion territories shall elect Pyithu Hluttaw members”should be adopted.

Moreover, after a Region or State Hluttaw memberfrom a township or constituency in a Region or State is

elected, and that township or constituency is prescribedunder extraordinary circumstances as a Union territoryby the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw with respect to nationaldefence, security, administration, and economic affairs,the said township or constituency will be under direct ruleof the Union President.

In this regard, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is solelyresponsible to prescribe necessary laws for that townshipor constituency. And the Region or State Hluttaw nolonger needs to prescribe necessary laws for that townshipor constituency. So, it needs to decide whether a Regionor State Hluttaw member elected in that township orconstituency should continue to stand as a Region orState Hluttaw member.

It is found that when the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw needsto prescribe law to delineate a Union territory regardingthe right of an elected Region or State Hluttaw memberto continue to stand as the Region or State Hluttawmember due to the designation of the constituency thathas elected him, as a Union territory other than the fact heis no longer allowed to stand as a Region or State Hluttawmember due to his disqualifications or violation of anyprovision of the Constitution, that point should be takeninto consideration to promulgate a law. In addition, saveas otherwise provided by this Constitution, such Regionor State Hluttaw member should no longer be allowed tostand as a Region or State Hluttaw member.

Therefore, regarding elections for Union territories,discussions are to be held and suggestions to be madewhether the point:

“(a) Electorate living in the Union territories,or the Union territories designated by thePyidaungsu Hluttaw under the law, shall electmembers of the Pyithu Hluttaw and theAmyotha Hluttaw only.

(b) Save as otherwise prescribed by theConstitution, a Region or State Hluttawmember elected in a constituency that thePyidaungsu Hluttaw has designated as a Unionterritory shall no longer stand as a Hluttawmember”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

An already-laid down basic principle on election hasbestowed rights on every citizen to vote and to stand forelections in accord with the law. Every citizen can enjoysuch rights only when these rights are manifested in theConstitution.

Therefore, the rights of citizens to stand for elections,discussions are to be held and suggestions to be madewhether the point:

“Every citizen who is not disqualified by theprovisions of this Constitution and the provisions ofthe law regulating elections shall have the right tostand for election to a Hluttaw”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

One of the already-laid down detailed basic principlesregulating election says, “Electorate concerned shall, inaccord with the provisions of the State Constitution, havethe right to recall the elected people’s representatives”.Necessary procedures to recall an elected people’srepresentative should be prescribed in this Constitution,so that these procedures can be used as references inpromulgating laws regulating election. The NationalConvention will have to adopt necessary detailed basicprinciples regarding such procedures. Section 78 of the1947 Constitution prescribes:

“The Parliament may by law prescribe the conditionsunder and the manner in which a member of eitherChamber of Parliament may be recalled”.

In this regard, although power to recall a people’srepresentative was vested, the then parliament failed topromulgate a law on recall. So, it is perceived that theright bestowed by the then State Constitution could not beexercised.

Article 187 of the 1974 Constitution prescribes:“Any organ of State or the people who have elected

and assigned duties to a people’ representative or anorgan wishing to recall such representative or organ forany of the following reasons, shall have the right to do soin accord with law:

(a) violation of any provision of the Constitution;(b) inefficient discharge of duties; or(c) misbehaviour”.In accord with the provisions of that Constitution, the

Pyithu Hluttaw promulgated the law on recall underPyithu Hluttaw Law No 13 in 1975. The law carriedprocedures to be abided by in recalling people’srepresentatives, and members of people’s council, andorganizations or members of the Pyithu Hluttaw orpeople’s councils at all levels.Mr Chairman,

A Hluttaw member is, indeed, a person on whom thepeople can place reliance. So, the electorate concernedshould be vested with the right to recall the Hluttawmember they have elected if he has betrayed the State,violated a provision of the Constitution, or committed amisbehaviour. In this regard, the maximum number of thevoters necessary to recall a Hluttaw member should befixed. In doing so, the required maximum number will beneither so many nor so few if the quorum is fixed onepercent of all the voters.

So, if the wish arises to recall a Hluttaw member, thecomplaint about the Hluttaw member endorsed by at leastone percent of the initial number of the voters of theconstituency concerned should be submitted to theElection Commission.

After receiving such complainant document, theElection Commission should conduct an investigationinto the case in accord with the law. In the process, theHluttaw member concerned should be vested with theright to rebut the accusation in person or through arepresentative.

If the commission finds the accusation true andconsiders that the Hluttaw member should no longerserve as a Hluttaw member, the commission should takeaction in accord with the law on recall.

Therefore, regarding the procedures on recall,discussions are to be held and suggestions to be madewhether the point:

“(a) A Hluttaw member may be recalled for anyof the following reasons—(1) treason;(2) violation of any provision of the

Constitution;(3) misbehaviour;(4) lack of qualifications prescribed in the

Constitution for a Hluttaw member;(5) inefficient discharge of duties.

(b) Complaint about the Hluttaw memberendorsed by at least one percent of initialnumber of the voters of the constituencyconcerned shall be submitted to thePyidaungsu Election Commission.

(c) Pyidaungsu Election Commission shallconduct investigation into the case in accordwith the law.

(d) While the case is under investigation, theHluttaw member concerned shall have theright to rebut the accusation in person orthrough a representative.

(e) The Pyidaungsu Election Commission shall,finding the accusation true and consideringthe Hluttaw member should no longer carryout duties, take action in accord with the law”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

A State Constitution carries basic principles anddetailed basic principles on election and recall. In respectof election, at present, Myanmar practises the system ofelecting one Hluttaw member from a constituency each.However, many countries have made the system ofsetting up a large constituency to elect more than oneHluttaw member, and designating the number of Hluttaw

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Presentation on laying downthe detailed basic…

(from page 6)members in proportion to the votes. So, to catch up withthe changes, necessary laws should be prescribed inaccord with the resolutions of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

Therefore, regarding election and recall, discussionsare to be held and suggestions to be made whether thepoint:

“The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall prescribenecessary laws on election and recall.”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

One of the six objectives prescribed in basic principlesthe National Convention has laid down is “Flourishing ofa genuine multi-party democracy system”. It means thepart “election” plays a major role in a bid to ensureflourishing of a genuine multi-party democracy system.Therefore, two basic principles on election—“Everycitizen shall have the right to vote and to stand for electionin accord with the law” and “Electorate concerned shall,in accord with the provisions of the State Constitution,have the right to recall the elected people’s representatives”have been laid down. So, it is required to form anorganization to implement the laws prescribed in accordwith the already-laid down policies.

Furthermore, in the exercise of the multi-partydemocracy system, political parties will be formed.Regarding political parties, the National Convention haslaid down the basic principle “The State shall prescribenecessary laws to systematically form political parties forensuring flourishing of a genuine multi-party democracysystem”.

So, a Pyidaungsu Election Commission should beformed to implement functions on election as well as thelaws on political parties. Now, presentation will be madeon the persons and organizations that organized theelections in our country.

The Myanmar (Administration) Act 1935 came intoforce on 1 April 1937, and it was exercised for five yearstill the beginning of World War II. It can be said to be thefirst important experiment for a Dominion-like democraticgovernment. Then, broader right to vote and to stand forelection were bestowed after promulgating laws, bye-laws and orders on election. To organize the elections,duties were assigned to newly-appointed officers forelection rather than formation of a commission ororganizations.

During the post-war period and the post-independenceperiod, an election commissioner for elections wasappointed and elections were held under his managementand supervision. Usually, joint secretaries from theMinistry of Justice were appointed as electioncommissioners.Mr Chairman,

The previous parliament promulgated an ElectionCommission Act in 1961. Under that Act, the joint sittingof the two parliamentary Hluttaws of the Union ofMyanmar held on 20 March 1961 made an approval toappoint election commission members. The then Presidentsought the view of the Supreme Court of the State underSection 151 of the State Constitution. In response to theproposal of appointing election commissioners, theSupreme Court of the State gave its view to seek again theapproval from the joint sitting of the two Hluttaws.

Under the Constitution Act (second) and AmendmentAct (1961 Act VII), “Chapter 6-Elections” regulatingelection was prescribed after making many amendmentsto Section 113. Section 113 (b) (1) prescribed, “Anelection commission shall be formed with a chief electioncommissioner and not more than four other electioncommissioners appointed under the order signed by thePresident with the approval of the joint sitting of the twoparliamentary Hluttaws. Section 113 (b) (2) prescribed,“Should need arise, the President shall appoint a chiefelection commissioner and the election commissionerson the date on which the parliament is dissolved. However,the approval of the joint sitting of the two parliament

Hluttaws for that appointment shall be sought at the firstsession of the next parliament”.

And Section 113 (a) prescribed, “Supervisory, directingand administrative powers shall, regarding making lists ofvoters, holding parliament elections, and holding electionswithout infringing the provisions of this Constitution orwork programmes and bye-laws of the two parliamentaryHluttaws or the provisions of Presidential Election Act1949 for any election, be vested in the Election Commissionformed under Section 113 (b)”.Mr Chairman,

In view of the points that have been presented, it canbe noticed that now is at a turning point in the history ofelections in Myanmar. In the past, the person appointedas the election commissioner was vested with exclusivepower to take responsibilities for the elections. And dueto the amendments to Section 113, such a task was carriedout by a group consisting of a Chief ElectionCommissioner and election commissioners. The one-year-old election commission formed under theamendments to the section comprised Thadoe ThiriThudhamma U Tin as Chief Election Commissioner andThadoe Maha Thayay Sithu U Chan Tun Aung andWunna Kyaw Htin U Ohn Pe as election commissioners.Section 113 indicated that in the Myanmar electionhistory, the system of solely taking responsibilities forelections was transformed into the system of takingresponsibilities by a commission alone.Mr Chairman,

The Revolutionary Council assumed Stateresponsibilities on 2 March 1962. Then, it drafted theState Constitution and formed the ReferendumCommission under Notification No.105 comprising UDein Ratan as chairman and 25 members in accord withthe referendum law to adopt the State constitution.

After adopting the 1974 Constitution of the SocialistRepublic of the Union of Myanmar, the RevolutionaryCouncil formed the first commission for electing PyithuHluttaw and Pyithu Councils at different levels comprisingChairman U Soe Ya and 26 members under NotificationNo. 107 on 17 December 1973 to the first election ofpeople’s representatives to the Pyithu Hluttaw andpeople’s councils at all levels.

That Commission then formed sub-commissions atstate and division, township, ward and village-tract levelsin accord with the law to enable the people to electpeople’s representatives. The first, second, third andfourth Pyithu Hluttaw meetings formed commissions forelecting Pyithu Hluttaw and people’s councils at differentlevels to organize the elections.

The fourth Pyithu Hluttaw meeting held on 11September 1988 formed the Multi-Party DemocracyGeneral Election Commission to complete the multi-party democracy elections. However, the situation of thenation was deteriorating day by day and the nation was onthe verge of collapse. So, the Tatmadaw had to take up theState responsibilities on 18 September 1988. Then, theTatmadaw formed the State Law and Order RestorationCouncil. In its Notification No. 1/88 dated 18 September1988, the SLORC said that the then election commissionwould remain in force for successful completion of themulti-party general elections.Mr Chairman,

The 1947 Constitution and the constitutions of somecountries prescribe formation of election commissions,and qualifications, responsibilities and rights set forcommission members.

Our nation is going to exercise the discipline-flourishing democratic system, so elections for the PyithuHluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw, and the Region or StateHluttaw will be held from time to time, and tasks forholding elections will be carried out continuously. Inaddition, there will be many tasks such as formation ofsub-commissions at different levels to supervise thework, designation of constituencies, taking arrangements,making lists of voters. Therefore, a permanent PyidaungsuElection Commission should be formed and a chairmanand members should be appointed to the Commission inaccord with the law.

The Pyidaungsu Election Commission will have tosupervise electoral work and should scrutinize and assessthe notes of electoral complaints. Moreover, politicalparties should be under control by means of prescribingbye-laws in accord with the provisions of this Constitutionand procedures and directives in accord with the lawsconcerned.

With respect to assigning duties to the chairman andmembers of the Pyidaungsu Election Commission, thePresident should appoint at least five members includingthe chairman of the Pyidaungsu Election Commission inaccord with the provisions relating to the appointment ofUnion minister stated in the Constitution.Mr Chairman,

The chairman and members of the PyidaungsuElection Commission should have due qualifications.Having to carry out demanding tasks, such personsshould be the ones with security outlook, political outlook,legal outlook and administrative outlook. And they shouldbe the ones who are well-experienced with prestige andgood characters. Besides, such persons should be theones age above 50 years.

The National Convention has designatedqualifications to be possessed by a Pyithu Hluttawmember, as well as disqualifications, with which a personcannot stand for election to the Pyithu Hluttaw, as detailedbasic principles. In accord with these policies, a detailedbasic principle should be adopted that except therestriction on age, a Pyithu Hluttaw member shall possessdue qualifications.Mr Chairman,

The chairman and members of the PyidaungsuElection Commission will have to take responsibilitiesfor elections stipulated in the Constitution. So, suchpersons are the ones loyal to the State and the people. Andthey should not be members of a political party so thatthey will be able to carry out electoral tasks withoutattachment to their parties and factionalism. So, thechairman and members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission should not be Hluttaw members. Thechairman and members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission need to carry out their tasks in consistencywith the law, so except the positions in the Commission,they should not accept any other positions through whichthey can enjoy salaries and allowances.

Therefore, regarding the formation of PyidaungsuElection Commission, discussions are to be held andsuggestions, to be made to decide the points:

“(a) The President shall form a PyidaungsuHluttaw Election Commission. In the process,he may appoint at least five membersincluding the chairman of the PyidaungsuElection Commission in accord with theprovisions on appointment of Union ministerstated in the Constitution.

(b) The chairman and members of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw Election Commissionshall be the ones who —

(1) have turned 50 years of age.(2) meet, except age limit, requirements set

for Pyithu Hluttaw members.(3) (aa) have served in the post of Union

Chief Justice or Union supremecourt judge; Region or State HighCourt judge or in a positionequivalent to the post of Region orState High Court judge at least fiveyears; (or)

(bb) have served in the post of judicialofficer or law officer that is not lowerthan Region or State level for atleast 10 years; (or)

(cc) have practised law as the advocatefor at least 20 years; (or)

(dd) are deemed to be celebrities withprestige by the President.

(4) are well-experienced with good characters.(5) comply with provisions, with which they

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Presentation on laying downthe detailed basic…

(from page 7)have no right to stand for election as PyithuHluttaw members.

(6) are loyal to the State and the people.(7) are not members of a political party.(8) are not Hluttaw members.(9) do not accept any other positions from

which they can enjoy salaries andallowances.”

should be adopted as detailed basic principles.Mr Chairman,

We can notice that the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission plays a key role in the drive for the emergenceof genuine multi-party democracy system with flourishingdiscipline. Under the future State Constitution, electionswill be held in accord with the law to elect members to theAmyotha Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Region orState Hluttaw. The Pyidaungsu Election Commissionwill have to discharge these functions and to supervise thetasks in accord with the law to ensure free and fairelections. Elections will be held across the nation, so sub-commissions at different levels will have to supervise theelectoral procedures to ensure smooth operation ofelections.

So, the Election Commission should be vested withpowers such as holding elections to Hluttaws, supervisingtasks for elections to Hluttaws, and supervising the workof sub-commissions at all levels.Mr Chairman,

Under the future State Constitution, the people willhave to elect members of the Amyotha Hluttaw, thePyithu Hluttaw and the Region or State Hluttaw in accordwith the law. In the process, 12 Amyotha Hluttaw memberswill be elected from each Region or State includingUnion territories. And 330 members from across thenation will be elected to the Pyithu Hluttaw in accord withthe law based on the population and the situations of thetownship concerned. In addition, two members eachfrom the townships will be elected to the Region or StateHluttaw.

National races will enjoy the right to electrepresentatives of national races who will represent themas Region or State Hluttaw members in accord with thelaw.

So, constituencies will have to be designated for theHluttaw concerned. In the process, the Pyidaungsu Hluttawshould take responsibilities for ensuring smooth functionsin designating constituencies in proportion to thepopulation and the township concerned.

So, tasks for designation of constituencies and makingarrangements should be vested in the ElectionCommission.Mr Chairman,

One of the most important tasks for an election is tomake lists of voters. Only when all the eligible voters areput on the lists of voters, can the people enjoy a fundamentalright to elect people’s representatives in accord with thelaw who represent them. Those who have the right to voteby law should be vested with the right to vote.

So, the Election Commission should be assignedduties to make lists of voters that will guarantee that allthe citizens eligible to vote and all the citizens who havethe right to vote by law have the right to vote. ThePyidaungsu Election Commission should also be entrustedwith the duties to make preparations so that amendmentscan be made occasionally to the lists of the voters.Mr Chairman,

As I have presented, the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission is going to hold free and fair elections inaccord with the law in our country to elect members to theAmyotha Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw, and the Regionand State Hluttaw.

In this regard, the Pyidaungsu Election Commissionwill have to put off the elections that are not in a positionto be held in a free and fair way in some constituencies

due to natural disasters or the situation of regionalsecurity.

So, the Pyidaungsu Election Commission should begiven duties to put off the elections that cannot be dulyheld in a free and fair way in some constituencies due tonatural disasters or regional security.Mr Chairman,

The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will have to prescribenecessary laws on elections and political parties. Thesenecessary laws will be prescribed in brief. So, only whendetailed facts about the necessary laws are issued throughbye-laws, procedures and directives, will the bodies atall levels be able to complete their functions effectivelyacross the country.

So, the Pyidaungsu Election Commission should begiven responsibilities to issue necessary laws on electionand political parties in accord with the provisions of thisConstitution and procedures and directives in accordwith the laws concerned.Mr Chairman,

In holding elections, only a Hluttaw member will beelected from a constituency each. So, more than onecandidate can stand for an election in a constituency.Naturally, winners are satisfied with the election results,whereas some losers complain about the results. So,electoral benches are to be formed in accord with the lawto approach such electoral disputes.

So, the Pyidaungsu Election Commission should bevested with the responsibility to form election benchesto resolve electoral disputes.Mr Chairman,

The Pyidaungsu Election Commission will have todischarge electoral procedures in addition to its originalduties prescribed in the State Constitution. In addition, itwill have to carry out duties prescribed from time to timeunder the laws by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

So, a point “discharging duties assigned under alaw” should be prescribed in the duties of the ElectionCommission.

Therefore, regarding designation of duties of thePyidaungsu Election Commission, discussions are to beheld and suggestions to be made whether the points:

“Duties of the Pyidaungsu Election Commissionare as follows:

(a) holding Hluttaw elections;(b) supervising Hluttaw elections, and

forming and supervising sub-commissionsat all levels;

(c) designating and arrangingconstituencies;

(d) making and arranging lists of voters;(e) putting off elections that are not in a

position to be held in a free and fair way insome constituencies due to natural disastersor local security;

(f) issuing necessary laws on election andpolitical parties in accord with the provisionsof this Constitution and procedures anddirectives in accord with the laws concerned;

(g) forming electoral benches to resolveelectoral disputes;

(h) discharging duties assigned under alaw.”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

A member of any organization to be formed underthe future Constitution can be blamed and charged forany of the following reasons:

(1) treason;(2) violation of any provision of the Constitution;(3) misbehaviour;(4) lack of qualifications set by the Constitution for

a Hluttaw member;(5) inefficient discharge of duties.The chairman or a member of the Pyidaungsu

Election Commission should also be blamed and chargedfor any of these reasons. So, if the President has to putblame on or charge the chairman or a member of thePyidaungsu Election Commission, he should do so in

accord with the provisions prescribed in the StateConstitution on blaming the Union Chief Justice or any ofUnion Supreme Court judges.

Therefore, regarding the matters on blaming andcharging the chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission, discussions are to be held andsuggestions to be made whether the points:

“If the President has to blame and charge thechairman or a member of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission, he shall do so in accord with theprovisions prescribed in this Constitution onblaming the Union Chief Justice or any of UnionSupreme Court judges”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

If the chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission in service wish to resign of his ownaccord due to his health condition or any of other reasons,he should have the right to do so.

Therefore, regarding resignation of a member of thePyidaungsu Election Commission, discussions are to beheld and suggestions to be made whether the points:

“If the chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission in service wish to resign ofhis own accord due to his health condition or anyof other reasons, he may submit his resignation tothe President”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

If the seat of the chairman or a member of thePyidaungsu Election Commission is vacant due toresignation, termination of responsibilities, death, or anyof other reasons, the President should appoint a newchairman or a member of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission in accord with the provisions on appointmentof a Union minister enumerated in the State Constitution.

Therefore, regarding a vacant seat of the chairman ora member of the Pyidaungsu Election Commission,discussions are to be held and suggestions to be madewhether the points:

“If the seat of the chairman or a member of thePyidaungsu Election Commission is vacant due toresignation, termination of responsibilities, death,or any of other reasons, the President may appointa new chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission in accord with the provisionson appointment of a Union minister enumeratedin the State Constitution.”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

Vacant seats of the chairman or members of thePyidaungsu Election Commission should be filledwith qualified persons from both inside or oursideState service. One of the requirements set for thechairman or members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission says, “The chairman and members of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw Election Commission shall be theones who do not accept any other positions from whichthey can enjoy salaries and allowances”. So, if thechairman or members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission is a government employee, he shouldretire in accord with existing civil service rules andregulations.

Therefore, regarding measures to be taken if thechairman or a member of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission is a government employee, discussionsare to be held and suggestions to be made whether thepoint:

“If the chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission is a government employee,he shall be deemed to have resigned from civilservice in accord with the existing civil servicerules and regulations from the date he is appointedas the chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission.”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

The bodies and persons, who organized the electionsheld in Myanmar under the 1947 Constitution, had tosupervise electoral procedures, while the electoral benchesheard the electoral disputes and took action.

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(from page 8)However, the commissions for electing the Pyithu

Hluttaw and people’s councils at different levels formedunder the 1974 Constitution scrutinized and handled thenotes of electoral complaints in accord with the law inaddition to electoral procedures.

The ongoing Multi-party Democracy GeneralElection Commission carries out electoral procedures,and the electoral benches the government formedscrutinize and handle the notes of electoral disputes.

Some of the members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission to be formed under the future StateConstitution possibly be legal experts. So, benches shouldbe formed in accord with the law to complete electoralprocedures and to handle the notes of electoral complaintsin accord with the law.

Such a commission formed with competent memberswill be able to make correct decisions in accord with thelaw on matters in connection with elections and politicalparties. So, the Commission’s decision should be final.

Therefore, regarding decisions of the PyidaungsuElection Commission, discussions are to be held andsuggestions to be made whether the point:

“The Pyidaungsu Election Commission’s actionand measures over the following matters shall be final:

(a) electoral procedures;(b) appeals and amendments on electoral

benches’ decisions and orders;(c) matters taken under political party law.”

should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

The Pyidaungsu Election Commission will have toorganize elections across the nation, supervise electoralprocedures for ensuring free and fair elections, form andsupervise the tasks of sub-commissions at different levels,designate and arrange constituencies, make and arrangelists of voters, put off the elections that are not in aposition to be held in a free and fair way in someconstituencies due to natural disasters or the situation oflocal security, form electoral benches in accord with thelaw to scrutinize and settle electoral disputes, and dischargeduties assigned to it under a law. Our nation is on thecorrect path towards the multi-party democracy system.So, it will also have to issue the political party law inaccord with the provisions of the State Constitution, andprocedures and directives in accord with the lawsconcerned to take systematic control over the politicalparties. So, a detailed basic principle should be adoptedto be able to refer to responsibilities, powers and rights ofthe chairman and members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission in prescribing laws to designate theirresponsibilities, powers and rights.

In laying down detailed basic principles, the role ofthe Union Chief Justice is designated to be equivalent tothe position of a Vice-President and the role of the UnionSupreme Court Judge, to the position of a Union minister.So, the role of the chairman of the election commissionshould be designated to be equivalent to the position ofthe Vice-President, and the role of a member, to theposition of a Union minister.

That matter should be prescribed in a separate lawinstead of adopting it as a detailed basic principle in theState Constitution.

Therefore, regarding the designation ofresponsibilities, powers and rights of the chairman andmembers of the Pyidaungsu Election Commission,discussions are to be held and suggestions to be madewhether the points:

“Responsibilities, powers and rights of thechairman and members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission shall prescribed by law.”

“The role of the chairman of the PyidaungsuElection Commission is designated to be equivalent tothe position of a Vice-President, and a member, to theposition of a Union minister in order to make reference

to responsibilities, powers and rights of the chairmanand members of the Pyidaungsu Election Commissionin prescribing laws”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle.Mr Chairman,

Presentation has been made on the points that shouldbe laid down as detailed basic principles for the Chapter“Election”. A collection of these points putting togetherwill be made for your convenience in studying them.1. In electing members to Hluttaw—

(a) Every citizen who has turned 18 on thedate on which elections commence, who is notdisqualified by law, who is eligible to vote,and who has the right to vote under the law,shall have the right to vote.

(b) Every citizen who is eligible to vote andwho has the right to vote by the law shall castonly a vote for a Hluttaw each at aconstituency.

(c) In addition, people of national racesconcerned who are eligible to vote in accordwith the provisions of the State Constitutionshall have the right to vote in electingrepresentatives of national races to the Regionof State Hluttaw concerned.

(d) Ballot shall be exercised. 2. The following persons shall have no right tovote—

(a) members of the Religious Order;(b) persons serving prison terms;(c) persons adjudged to be of unsound mind

as provided for in the relevant law;(d) persons who have not yet been cleared

from being declared destitute; and(e) persons who are banned from voting

under the election law. 3. “At an election, a candidate—

(a) shall be elected to a Hluttaw only.(b) shall stand for election at one constituency

only. 4. (a) Electorate living in the Union territories,

or the Union territories designated by thePyidaungsu Hluttaw under the law, shallelect members of the Pyithu Hluttaw and theAmyotha Hluttaw only.

(b) Save as otherwise prescribed by theConstitution, a Region or State Hluttawmember elected in a constituency that thePyidaungsu Hluttaw has designated as aUnion territory shall no longer stand as aHluttaw member.

5. Every citizen who is not disqualified by theprovisions of this Constitution and theprovisions of the law regulating electionsshall have the right to stand for election to aHluttaw.

6. (a) A Hluttaw member may be recalled forany of the following reasons—(1) treason;(2) violation of any provision of the

Constitution;(3) misbehaviour;

(4) lack of qualifications prescribed in theConstitution for a Hluttaw member;

(5) inefficient discharge of duties.(b) Complaint about the Hluttaw member

endorsed by at least one percent of initialnumber of the voters of the constituencyconcerned shall be submitted to thePyidaungsu Election Commission.

(c) Pyidaungsu Election Commission shallconduct investigation into the case in accordwith the law.

(d) While the case is under investigation, theHluttaw member concerned shall have theright to rebut the accusation in person orthrough a representative.

(e) The Pyidaungsu Election Commission shall,finding the accusation true and considering

the Hluttaw member should no longer carryout duties, take action in accord with the law.

7. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall prescribe necessarylaws on election and recall.

8. (a) The President shall form a Pyidaungsu HluttawElection Commission. In the process, he mayappoint at least five members including thechairman of the Pyidaungsu Election Commissionin accord with the provisions on appointment ofUnion minister stated in the Constitution.(b) The chairman and members of the Pyidaungsu

Hluttaw Election Commission shall be theones who—(1) have turned 50 years of age.(2) meet, except age limit, requirements set

for Pyithu Hluttaw members.(3) (aa) have served in the post of Union Chief

Justice or Union Supreme Courtjudge; Region or State High Courtjudge or in a position equivalent tothe post of Region or State High Courtjudge at least five years; (or)

(bb)have served in the post of judicialofficer or law officer that is not lowerthan Region or State level for at least10 years; (or)

(cc) have practised law as the advocate forat least 20 years; (or)

(dd) are deemed to be celebrities withprestige by the President.

(4) are well-experienced with good characters.(5) comply with provisions, with which they

have no right to stand for election asPyithu Hluttaw members.

(6) are loyal to the State and the people.(7) are not members of a political party.(8) are not Hluttaw members.(9) do not accept any other positions from

which they can enjoy salaries andallowances.

9. Duties of the Pyidaungsu Election Commissionare as follows:(a) holding Hluttaw elections;(b) supervising Hluttaw elections, and forming

and supervising sub-commissions at all levels;(c) designating and arranging

constituencies;(d) making and arranging lists of voters;(e) putting off elections that are not in a position

to be held in a free and fair way in someconstituencies due to natural disasters or localsecurity;

(f) issuing necessary laws on elections andpolitical parties in accord with the provisionsof this Constitution and procedures anddirectives in accord with the laws concerned;

(g) forming electoral benches to resolveelectoral disputes;

(h) discharging duties assigned under a law.10.If the President has to blame and charge the

chairman or a member of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission, he shall do so in accord with theprovisions prescribed in this Constitution onblaming the Union Chief Justice or any of UnionSupreme Court judges.

11.(a) If the chairman or a member of thePyidaungsu Election Commission in servicewishes to resign of his own accord due to hishealth condition or any of other reasons, hemay submit his resignation to the President.

(b) If the seat of the chairman or a memberof the Pyidaungsu Election Commission isvacant due to resignation, termination ofresponsibilities, death, or any of other reasons,the President may appoint a new chairman ora member of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission in accord with the provisions onappointment of a Union minister enumeratedin the State Constitution.

(c) If the chairman or a member of thePyidaungsu Election Commission is a

(See page 10)

Presentation on laying downthe detailed basic…

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(from page 9)government employee, he shall be deemed to

have resigned from civil service in accordwith the existing civil service rules andregulations from the date he is appointed asthe chairman or a member of the PyidaungsuElection Commission.

12. The Pyidaungsu Election Commission’s actionand measures over the following matters shall befinal(a) electoral procedures;(b) appeals and amendments on electoral benches’

decisions and orders;(c) matters taken under political party law.

13. Responsibilities, powers and rights of the chairmanand members of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission shall be prescribed by law.

14.The role of the chairman of the Pyidaungsu ElectionCommission is designated to be equivalent to theposition of a Vice-President, and a member, to theposition of a Union minister in order to makereference to responsibilities, powers and rights ofthe chairman and members of the PyidaungsuElection Commission in prescribing laws.

Mr Chairman,In this regard, you delegates should hold discussions

and make suggestions so as to decide whether the pointsthat have been presented should be adopted as detailedprinciples and proposals if you have should be submitted.Some more points relating to the Chapter “Election”will be presented. The Plenary Session of the NationalConvention held from 28 to 30 March 1996 laid downdetailed basic principles for the formation of Legislation,Executive and Judiciary, and some of them are relatedto qualifications set for a Pyithu Hluttaw member.

These detailed basic principles related them will bepresented for recollection of your memory. In connectionwith the prescribing of the qualifications of the PyithuHluttaw members, a detailed basic principle has beenadopted that—

Persons who possess the following qualificationshave the right to stand for election as Pyithu Hluttawrepresentatives;

(a) having turned the age of 25 years;(b) being a citizen born of parents both of

whom are also citizens;(c) having settled in the Union of Myanmar for

at least 10 consecutive years up to the time ofbeing elected Pyithu Hluttaw representative;

Presentation on laying downthe detailed basic…

(d) possessing qualifications prescribed in theelection law.

In connection with those who have no right tostand for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives:

The following persons shall not have the right tostand for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives:

(a)person serving prison term, having been convictedby the court concerned for having committed anoffence;

(b) person still within the period the authoritieshave prescribed that he or she has no right to beelected as Pyithu Hluttaw representative forhaving been punished for a commitment ofoffence that makes him or her lose qualificationsrequired of a Pyithu Hluttaw representative beforeor after the State Constitution comes into force;

(c) persons adjudged to be of unsound mind asprovided for in the relevant law;

(d) person who has not yet been cleared frombeing declared destitute;

(e) person owing allegiance to a foreigngovernment, or a subject of a foreign governmentor a citizen of a foreign country;

(f) person who is entitled to rights andprivileges of a subject of a foreign government,or a citizen of a foreign county;

(g) person who obtains and makes use ofmember of an organization that obtains andmakes use of money, land, housing, building,vehicle, property etc. directly or indirectly froma foreign country’s government, or religiousorganization or other organizations;

(h) person who commits or abets or member ofan organization that commits or abets acts ofinciting, making speeches or issuing declarationsto vote or not to vote;

(i)members of a religious order;(j)civil service personnel;

proviso: The expression shall not apply toTatmadaw member Hluttawrepresentatives.

(k) person who obtains and makes use ormember of an organization that obtains andmakes use of State funds, land, housing,buildings, vehicles or property directly orindirectly;proviso: (1) The expression ‘The State funds’

does not apply to pension orallowances officially granted bythe State for services rendered forthe benefit of the State.

(2) The expression ‘land, housing,

building, vehicles and propertybelonging to the State does notapply to State-owned land,housing, buildings andapartments, other buildings andapartments. State-owned aircraft,trains, vessels and motorcars andproperty etc. which have beenpermitted by the State to be usedunder an existing law or asrequired by duty, or leased fromthe State on payment;

(l) person still within the period the authorities haveprescribed that he or she has no right to be electedas Pyithu Hluttaw preventative for commissionof an unlawful act or for failure to act in conformityunder the election law making him or her losequalifications required of a Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative before or after the StateConstitution comes into force.

Mr Chairman,Hluttaw members including members of the Pyithu

Hluttaw who will take part in the legislative sector,one of the three sovereign powers of the State —legislation, executive and judiciary — should catchup with the political, administrative, economic, socialand national races affairs of the State. Only then,will they be able to carry out legislative functionseffectively. The detailed basic principle “PyithuHluttaw representatives shall have settled in theUnion of Myanmar for at least 10 consecutive yearsup to the time of being elected Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative”. Disputes may arise in future if thereis no explanation about the stay of national peoplewho went abroad for further study under thepermission of the government, on business or onpersonal affairs. Now, the nation has launched themarket-oriented economic system. Therefore, manynationals are staying in foreign countries on dutywith the permission of the government, or onbusiness, or on personal affairs. Such stay in foreigncountries should be deemed to have settled in theUnion.

Therefore, discussions are to be held and suggestionsto be made whether the point:

“The period of staying abroad with the permissionof the government shall be deemed to have settled inthe Union” should be adopted as the provision under thedetailed basic principle:

“having settled in the Union of Myanmar for atleast 10 consecutive years up to the time of beingelected as Pyithu Hluttaw representative.”should be adopted as a detailed basic principle. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 30 Oct — MrJacque Lancien Erwan, adviser ofTheatre de la Villa, Paris, France,viewed the performances of thecontestants of the 14th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing ArtsCompetitions at the University ofVeterinary Science (Yezin) in NayPyi Taw yesterday evening.

Mr Erwan viewed theperformance of Myanmar orchestra ofamateur (first level) and artistes playingMyanmar harp, xylophone, donmin,mandolin and violin.

Secretary of the 14th MTCPACOrganizing Leading Committee Col

French official viewsMyanmar performing arts

Yan Naing Oo of the Nay Pyi TawCommand, Director-General U NgweTun of Fine Arts Department andmusicians Bogale U Tint Aung andGita Lulin U Ko Ko assisted him tounderstand Myanmar culture.

The French adviser was on histour of Southeast Asian nations to studytheir culture and to invite the artiste ofthose countries to participate in thecultural festivals of France. He arrivedin Myanmar from Thailand to studygenuine Myanmar culture and inviteMyanmar artistes.

He will visit Laos before returninghome. — MNA

SINGAPORE, 30 Oct —Singapore-India bilateraltrade has grown to arecord level since thesigning of theComprehensive Eco-nomic CooperationAgreement (CECA) lastyear, a Singaporeansenior official said hereon Monday.

Bilateral tradereached 16.6 billionSingapore dollars (about10.5 billion US dollars)in 2005, increasing byover 40 per cent from theprevious year, S Iswaran,Minister of State for Tradeand Industry, said at the

Singapore, India boost bilateral tradeglobal Indian businesssummit, an event ofSingapore GlobalEntrepolis 2006programme.

Investments to Indiahave also increased, saidthe minister, adding thatSingapore was the thirdlargest foreign investorin India last year,investing over 321million US dollars.

Iswaran pointed outthat Singapore is a hub inthe Indian diaspora andthey use Singapore astheir base for regional andglobal ventures.

Today almost 2000

Indian companies based inSingapore and many havetheir headquarters here,and their business rangefrom more traditionalsectors like retail to fastgrowing IT companies.

Singapore has deepand strong historical andcultural ties with India.About 8 per cent of theresident population inSingapore is of Indianorigin.—MNA/Xinhua


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Winners of 14th MyanmarTraditional Cultural…

(from page 16)Mandalay Division who stood first, Maung Ye Win Thanof Ayeyawady Division who stood second and MaungThan Tun Aung of Yangon Division who stood third inthe higher education level men’s harp contest; MaungKan Oo Aung of Bago Division who stood first andMaung Aung Naing Soe of Ayeyawady Division whostood second in the basic education level (aged 15-20)boys’ harp contest.

Later, member of the Panel of Patrons for Organ-izing the Competitions Minister for Forestry Brig-GenThein Aung presented prizes to Maung Naing Lin Thu ofRakhine State and Maung Mo Myint Hset of YangonDivision who stood first, Maung Theint Chit Aung ofMandalay Division and Maung Kaung Htet Aung ofAyayawady Division who stood second, Maung ThaingHtet of Mandalay Division who stood third, and MaungYe Min Kyaw of Shan State who won the special prizein the basic education level (aged 10-15) boys’ harpcontest; Maung Thaik Tun Zan of Ayeyawady Divisionwho stood first, Maung Sai La Min Aung of YangonDivision who stood second, Maung Phyo Hset Paing ofShan State who stood third in the basic education level(aged 5-10) boys’ harp contest; Daw Pyon Mya Mya Kyiof Mon State who stood first, Ma Lwin Mar Thein ofTaninthayi Division who stood second and Ma Zar ZarAye of Mandalay Division who stood third in the ama-teur level (first class) women’s harp contest.

After that, Vice-Chairman-1 of the Panel of Pa-trons for Organizing the Competitions Minister for Cul-ture Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint presented prizes to MaSu Su Win Maung of Rakhine State who stood first, DawTin Nilar Win of Ayayawady Division who stood sec-ond, Daw Khin Mi Mi Moe of Yangon Division whostood third in the amateur level (second class) women’sharp contest; Ma Cho Zin Tun of Bago Division whostood first, Ma Nanda Aye of Mandalay Division whostood second, Ma Thin Su Lwin of Yangon Division whostood third in the higher education level women’s harpcontest; Ma Hsu Yi Ko Ko of Yangon Division whostood first, Ma Thiri Myat Hsu of Ayayawady Divisionand Ma Khin Moe Hein of Kayin State who stood secondin the basic education level (aged 15-20) girls’ harpcontest; Ma Nan Thiri Khin Khin of Magway Divisionwho stood first, Ma Aye Hsu Kyaw of Mandalay Divi-sion and Ma Khine Zar Mon of Ayeyawady Divisionwho stood second and Ma The Nu Aye of Kayin Statewho stood third in the basic education level (aged 10-15)girls’ harp contest; Ma Yi Mon Thant of AyeyawadyDivision who stood first, Ma Myat Ke Thwe Kyaw ofMandalay Division and Ma Paing Theint Theint Nwe ofYangon Division who stood second and Ma Chu ThinzarTheint of Taninthayi Division who stood third.

Next, Vice-Chairman-2 Minister for InformationBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presented prizes to U Kaung Thantof Mandalay Division who stood first, Myodaw Aye Min

Aung of Yangon Division who stood second, U KaungHset of Yangon Division and U Myint Aung ofAyeyawady Division who stood third in the amateurlevel (first class) men’s xylophone contest; U Kin Yi ofBago Division who stood first, Myanmapyi Chit MoeHlyan of Mon State who stood second and U Aung SiMoe of Yangon Division who stood third in the amateurlevel (second class) men’s xylophone contest; MaungSoe Thein of Rakhine State who stood first, Maung MyoThu of Mandalay Division who stood second and MaungYe Min Han of Yangon Division and Maung KaungMyat Kyaw of Mandalay Division who stood third in thehigher education level men’s xylophone contest; MaungZaw Min of Yangon Division who stood first, MaungHtet Arkar of Yangon Division who stood second andMaung Nyein Chan Phyo of Mandalay Division whostood third in the basic education level (aged 15-20) boys’xylophone contest; Maung Chit Ko Ko Soe of YangonDivision who stood first, Maung Aung Ko Ko of MagwayDivision who stood second and Maung Htoo Ko Lwin ofAyeyawady Division who stood third in the basic educa-tion level (aged 10-15) boys’ xylophone contests; MaungMin Aung Kyaw Thu of Mon State who stood first,Maung Thura Htet Naing of Mandalay Division andMaung Hla Myo Ko of Bago Division who stood secondand Maung Ye Yint Thu of Magaway Division who stoodthird in the basic education level (aged 5-10) boys’xylophone contest.

Next, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen

Soe Naing presented prizes to Daw Khin Thein Aye ofMandalay Division who stood first, Daw Khin KhinMyint of Rakhine State who stood second and Ma BoMa of Mon State who stood third in the amateur level(first class) women’s xylophone contest; Daw MyaMya Win of Bago Division who stood first, Daw ThinThin Aung of Mandalay Division who stood second andDaw Myint Myint Aye of Yangon Division who stoodthird in the amateur level (second class) women’sxylophone contest; Ma Ei Ei Mon of Yangon Divisionwho stood first, Ma Aye Su Mar of Ayeyawady Divi-sion who stood second and Ma Tin Zar Aye Lwin ofYangon Division and Ma Thanda Nwe of MandalayDivision who stood third in the higher education levelwomen’s xylophone contest; Ma Wint Thinza Stine ofYangon Division who stood first, Ma Yadana Lin ofYangon Division who stood second and Ma Nanda Linof Mandalay Division who stood third in the basiceducation level (aged 15-20) girls’ xylophone contest.And hegave first prize to Ma Yadana Oo of MandalayDivision, second prize to Ma May Thu Win of YangonDivision and Ma Aye Chan Moe of Sagaing Divisionand third prize to Ma Win Htet Phyo of Yangon Divisionin the basic education level (aged 10-15) girls’ xylo-phone contest; first prize to Ma Dayliar Tun ofAyeyawady Division, second prize to Ma Aye MyatSoe Khin of Yangon Division and third prize to MaPhyu Hnin Khaing of Sagaing Division.

(See page 12)

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein presentssecond prize to Maung Waing Lamin Aung ofYangon Division in basic education level boys’

classical song contest. — MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein gives secondprize to Maung Zeyar Pyi Phyo of YangonDivision in higher education level men’s

classical song contest. — MNA

Maj-Gen Soe Naing awards first prize to MaEi Ei Mon in higher education level women’s

xylophone contest. — MNA

Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint presents first prizeto Ma Cho Zin Tun in higher education level

women’s harp contest. — MNA

Maj-Gen Maung Oo gives first prize toMaung Aung Ko Thet in higher education

level men’s piano contest. — MNA

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

Winners of 14th MyanmarTraditional Cultural…

(from page 11)Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Maung Oo

gave first prize to U Aung Than Htun of MandalayDivision, second prize to U Myint Aung of AyeyawadyDivision and third prize to U Maung Soe Thein ofRakhine State in the amateur level (first class) men’spiano contest; first prize U Aung Aung of AyeyawadyDivision, second prize to Maung Soe Shwe Wa of Man-dalay Division and third prize to Maung Zaw Min Oo ofYangon Division in the amateur level (second class)men’s piano contest; first prize to Maung Aung Ko Thetof Ayeyawady Division, second prize to Maung Ye MinHan of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung AungMin Thu of Yangon Division in the basic education levelmen’s piano contest; first prize to Maung Kyaw Ye Heinof Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Ye Yint Minof Bago Division and third prize to Maung Wai LinnAung of Mandalay Division in the basic education level(aged 15-20) men’s piano contest; first prize to KaungWai Lu of Mandalay Division, second prize to MaungAung Ko Ko Hla of Yangon Division and third prize toMaung Htet Naing Min of Rakhine State and special prizeto Maung Khun Thet Naing Oo of Shan State in the basiceducation level (aged 10-15) boys’ piano contest and firstprize to Maung Zaw Min Maung of Sagaing Division,second prize to Maung Phyo Hset Paing of Shan State andthird prize to Maung San Shwe Myat of Yangon Divisionin the basic education level (aged 5-10) boys’ pianocontest.

Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myintgave first prize to Daw Tin Sandar Win of Bago Division,second prize to Daw Sein Sein Yin of Mandalay Divisionand third prize to Daw Than Than Nyunt and Daw SithuSoe of Rakhine State in the amateur level (first class)women’s piano contest; first prize to Ma Khin Swe MyaKyi of Mandalay Division, Daw Aye Thida Hlaing ofYangon Division and third prize to Daw Khin San Hlaingof Yangon Division in the amateur level (second class)women’s piano contest; first prize to Ma Tin Nilar Win ofAyeyawady Division, second prize to Ma Nay Yi Aung ofMandalay Division and third prize to Ma Tin Zar AyeLwin of Yangon Division in the higher education levelwomen’s piano contest; first prize to Ma Theint MyetThwe of Yangon Division and second prize to Ma HninAye Wai of Yangon Division in the basic education level(aged 15-20) women’s piano contest; first prize to Ma PhuNgon Kyaw of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma WutYi Kyaw Shwun of Yangon Division and third prize toMa Aye Chan Moe of Sagaing Division and Ma YadanaOo of Mandalay Division and special prize to Ma Jaw Sai

Zin of Kachin State and Ma Naw Shwe Yi Oo of KayahState in the basic education level (aged 10-15) girls’piano contest; Ma Phyo Wai Thaw of Ayeyawady Divi-sion, second prize to Ma Aye Chan Moe of TaninthayiDivision, third prize to Ma Thet Su Yadana Lin ofMandalay Division and special prize to Ma Sai ThweMann of Kachin State in the basic education level (aged5-10) girls’ piano contest.

Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen ThuraMyint Maung gave first prize to U Khin Maung Win ofYangon Division, second prize to U Tin Htway Maung ofMandalay Division and third prize to U Myint Kyi ofYangon Division in the amateur level (first class) men’sMyanmar Guitar Contest; first prize to U Than of BagoDivision, second prize to U Hla Myint of Yangon Divi-sion and third prize to U Tar Naw of Mandalay Divisionin the amateur level (second class) men’s MyanmarGuitar Contest; first prize to Maung Nyi Nyi Lwin ofYangon Division; Maung Kyar Khaing of Bago Divisionand Maung Aung Thu Naing of Yangon Division in thehigher education level men’s Myanmar Guitar Contest;first prize to Maung Chan Nyein Aung of Yangon Divi-sion, second prize to Maung Aung Naing Soe ofAyeyawady Division and third prize to Maung Aung ofYangon Division in the basic education level (aged 15-20) men’s Myanmar Guitar Contest and first prize toMaung Phyo Min Zaw of Kachin State, second prize toMaung Nann Hteik Yan Tun of Bago Division and thirdprize to Maung Htet Ko Ko Lin and Maung Min Htut ofYangon Division in the basic education level (aged 10-15) boy’s Myanmar Guitar contest.

Deputy Minister for National Planning and Eco-nomic Development Col Thurein Zaw gave first prize toDaw Ohnmar of Ayeyawady Division in the amateurlevel (first class) Women’s Myanmar Guitar contest; firstprize to Daw Khaing Khaing Myint of Bago Division,second prize to Daw Ywet Nu Khaing of Mon State in theamateur level (second class) women’s Myanmar GuitarContest; first prize to Ma Lwin Lwin Cho of AyeyawadyDivision in the higher education level Women’s MyanmarGuitar contest; first prize to Ma Nway Zin Win of YangonDivision in the basic education level (aged 15-20) wom-en’s Myanmar guitar contest; first prize to Ma Phyo PhyoLin of Bago Division and second prize to Ma Po Ei KyiThu Hsan of Yangon Division in the basic education level(aged 10-15) girls’ Myanmar Guitar Contest and firstprize to Ma May Myat Tin of Ayeyawady Divsion in thebasic education level (aged 5-10) girls’ Myanmar GuitarContest.

Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen AungTun gave first prize to U Kyi Shwe of Yangon Divisionand U Min Zaw of Bago Division, second prize to UKyaw of Sagaing Division and third prize to U Tin Winof Yangon Division in the amateur level (first class)

men’s mandolin contest; first prize to U Maung SanHtway of Mon State, second prize to Paukkaung MaungMaung Lay (a) U Maung Maung Lwin of Yangon Divi-sion and third prize to U Htay Win of Yangon Divisionand U Tun Naing Oo (a) Ko Phaung of Kayah State in theamateur level (second class) men’s mandolin contest andfirst prize to Maung Kyaw Kyaw Oo of Yangon Division,second prize to Maung Zaw Zaw Aung of Rakhine Stateand third prize to Maung Moe Naing Aung of YangonDivision in the higher education level men’s mandolincontest.

Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen MyintThein gave the first prize to Maung Aung of YangonDivision, second prize to Maung Aung Hein Oo of MonState and third prize to Maung Pyaison Phyo of RakhineState in the basic education level (aged 15-20) men’smandolin contest; the fist prize to Maung Ye Min Aungof Bago Division, second prize to Maung Chan HeinAung of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung AungAung Hein of Ayeyawady Division in the basic educationlevel (aged 10-15) boy’s mandolin contest; first prize toMaung Pho Thingyan of Yangon Division, second prizeto Maung Kyaw Myo Naing of Sagaing Division andthird prize to Maung Sithu Tun of Yangon Division in thebasic education level (aged 5-10) boy’s mandolin contestand first prize to Daw Mya Hnin Yee of Yangon Divisionand second prize to Daw Ohnma of Ayeyawady Divisionin the amateur level (first class) women’s mandolincontest.

Deputy Minsiter for Hotels and Tourism Brig-GenAye Myint Kyu gave first prize to Ma Ohnma Kyaw ofMandalay Division, second prize to Daw Nyunt NyuntSwe of Bago Division and third prize to Ma Nila ofMagway Division in the amateur level (second class)women’s mandolin contest; first prize to Ma Win TheingiKyaw of Mandalay Division and second prize to MaYupa Aung Lwin of Yangon Division in the higheredcuation level women’s mandolin contest; first prize toMa Phyu Hnin Wai of Bago Divsion and second prize toMa Nway Zin Win of Yangon Division in the basiceducation level (aged 15-20) women’s mandolin con-test; first prize to Ma Theint Theint Htwe of BagoDivision, second prize to Ma Le Yin Win of KachinState and third prize to Ma Le Le Win of YangonDivision in the basic education level (aged 10-15) girls’mandolin contest and first prize to Ma Dayliar Tun ofAyeyawady Division and Ma Nann Khin May Phu Hanof Shan State, second prize to Ma Thet Htar Wai ofYangon Division and third prize to Ma Khin PyaisoneAung of Yangon Division in the basic education level(aged 5-10) girls’ mandolin contest.

(The news on prize presentation ceremony of thecompetitions will continue to appear on 1st Novemberissue of this paper). — MNA

Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presents first prize toMaung Soe Thein in the higher educationlevel in men’s xylophone contest. — MNA

Col Thein Nyunt awards first prize to U MoeKhin Kyaw in the amateur level (first class)

men’s song composing contest. — MNA

Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint gives first prize toMa Phu Ngon Kyaw in the basic education

level girl’s piano contest. — MNA

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pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\mP∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k^; tv\eSak\AM.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein presents aprize to an outstanding trainee.— MNA

(from page 16)their peoples. With cut-ting-edge science andtechnology across theglobe, those countries alsohave to try to catch upwith this developing worldwhile trying to preserveand safeguard their na-tional character and na-tional interests.

He said the wholeworld has suffered fromvarious ideologies, racialand religious conflicts, re-gional and civil wars andterrorism. Moreover, ri-valry among global na-tions forming groupings,discrimination against na-tions practising doublestandard policy, and inter-ferences in others' inter-national affairs by domi-nating international or-ganisations have fuelledsuch existing conflicts andproblems of the world.More and more conflictsand problems also emergeon account of attempts todominate the entire worldand various pressures. Atsuch a time like this, thenation requires nationalstrength to address suchproblems and challengesin order to stand tall amongthe international commu-nity with its own feet with-out losing sight of nationaldignity and national char-acter, the Secretary-1 added.With technological divideand economic disparity,world countries have to facechallenges of globalizationas well as the challengesthat some nations withwealth and technologicaledge practising doublestandard policy have cre-ated.

Nowadays, each andevery country is strivingto develop their political,economic and culturalfields with a view to serv-ing interest of their peo-ples. Like other nations,the Union of Myanmar isalso trying to be on a parwith the internationalcommunity as well as safe-guard the perpetuity of thewhole Union. In otherwords, Myanmar is tryingso to exist in the world asa sovereign nation with itsown dignity free from anydominance.

Therefore, the Secre-tary-1 said, the nation

Social systems, values said…needs strong forces notonly to develop industry,science and technologyand economy but also toinstil patriotism and Un-ion Spirit into the people.Only when the nation isequipped with economicand technologicalstrengths as well as stronghuman resources, will itbecome a peaceful andperpetual Union. That iswhy the State is trying toimprove nationalisticspirit and the capabilitiesof the citizens throughnational education promo-tion. It is also striving forsafeguarding independ-ence and sovereignty andperpetuity of the Union.As for the education sec-tor, the State is takingmeasures to turn out intel-lectuals and intelligentsiain order to keep abreast ofinternational science andtechnology.

It is required to makepreparations for the emer-gence of a large numberof scientists and techni-cians having wide anddeep knowledge on therespective subjects.

In addition, we willhave to make efforts fordevelopment of the artsbranch that can help bringout visionary academicspossessing the firm intel-lectual and mental quali-ties to safeguard and up-lift national culture.

In this regard, facul-ties should strive to en-sure harmony between theincrease in the academicbranches and subject-wiseadvancement for theflourishing of the arts andsciences institution-wise.

They, with the effec-tive help of State-estab-lished universities andcolleges of advancedstandard, world-classcurriculum, advancedteaching aids and com-puter and electronic net-work, should strive tofurther enhance the in-tellectual power of thepublic.

Their educationalduties and the nationaltasks are indivisible. Theeducation sector’s na-tional duty is to over-come the challenges ofthe developing and

changing era and theman-made challenges tooppress and dominate ournation.

Faculties should seethe fact that if they live asbystanders at this criticalmoment for the nationalcause, independence andsovereignty will be lost andthe race will face a terriblefate. As a teacher as wellas an academic and a citi-zen the faculties will haveto play their own part,while actively and duti-fully carrying out the na-tional task with high na-tionalism and loyalty.

The State Peace andDevelopment Councilgovernment has been inthe process of transform-ing the nation into a peace-ful, modern and developeddiscipline-flourishing na-tion, aspired by the peo-ple.

The government isundertaking step by steptransition, that is practicaland in the national inter-est, based on the currentpolitical, economic and so-cial progress and thecourse of history.

Every nation has theright to adopt social valuesand systems according topublic aspiration. Socialsystems and values that aresaid to be the best for cer-tain countries may not bevaluable for us. Only thesystem that springs fromhistorical and cultural foun-dations and national visionwill be the best for us.

The methods to viewand judge the develop-ments of the society andhistory are changing eve-ryday. We after viewingthe current causes and ef-fects that will create ourhistory from various an-gles will have to choose asystem that will serve thenational interest best.

The universal truth isthat there are various waysfor development and differ-ent systems. As you, thefaculties, are academics, youhave already known that therejection of the universaltruth and thinking of his ownway as correct is a wrongview that is not free frompersonal passions.

The SPDC has beenimplementing plans for agentle transition to a peace-ful modern and developednation.

At present, the soundpolitical foundations setup on the national unity,the sound economic foun-dations reinforced by pri-vate enterprises and thesocial foundations sup-ported by the health andfitness and high educa-tion standard of the peo-ple and their will to safe-guard national culture areflourishing in the nation.

He said at a time whenall of us are making en-deavours for prosperityof the nation and its peo-ple in unity based on bet-ter results and achieve-ments the power maniacsare extending their at-tempts to undermine thefavourable foundations.The more the country de-velops, the less opportu-nity there is for them togain power.

He said in the history,those greedy for power hin-dered the nation-buildingtasks udertaken through thecorrect policy, visionaryleadership and public par-ticipation for perpetuationof the country. Today, thesame mistake is being com-mitted by the power mani-acs, he said.

He said the Union ofMyanmar is a Union wherenational races reside. Onlywhen there is unity willthe nation develop. It isevident the evil plot wasdesigned to cause disinte-gration of the Union. Theyare instigating extremeracism, separation of stateand plain region and wrongviews among the nationalraces while making fabri-cated stories of oppress-ing the races, he said.

He said a strong na-tional economic life isneeded for national de-velopment and perpetua-tion of the Union. Strongeconomic life indicatesthe correct policy of thegovernment and leader-ship and national solidar-ity, he said.

That is why the inter-nal destructive elementsare hindering strongly thegovernment’s efforts fordevelopment of nationaleconomy. They tried todestabilize the countryand commit terrorist acts.Similarly, external de-structive elements putpressure on Myanmar dip-lomatically and imposed

sanctions against her eco-nomically. They are un-dermining the develop-ment of natonal economiclife on purpose, he added.

At the same time, theyare launching propagandacampaign in order to con-ceal the development ofthe nation saying that theeconomy is declining andthere is outbreak of conta-gious diseases and the peo-ple are poor.

There is no political,economic or social crisisin the country but there areonly destructive elementswho create the crisis.

If there is a crisis, itmust be solved through thepeople’s strength in ac-cordance with the govern-ment’s policy. It is a wrongthought that crises can besolved through a changeof the government.

It is now the time theentire people made con-certed efforts for the pros-perity of the nation and itspeople ignoring the fabri-cated propaganda of thosewith negative views.

He spoke of the needto realize that the nation ismoving into a better situa-tion.

The National Conven-tion in progress and na-tion-building tasks are pav-ing the way for the emer-gence of a peaceful mod-ern developed discipline-flourishing democratic na-tion.

The National Con-vention is the first sig-nificant step and successof it is the national con-cern. It is necessary toimprove political, eco-nomic and social sectorsstep by step for realiza-

tion of the objective. It isthe duty bestowed by his-tory and the noblest na-tional duty of the presenttime.

The Secretary-1 urgedthe faculty members tomake strenuous efforts toenable the citizens to un-derstand the national du-ties and to produce nationalstrengths with the applica-tion of their knowledge.

High national educa-tion, development of artsand science and technol-ogy and turning out quali-fied intellectuals and intel-ligentsia are the nationalstrengths that can bringabout development of thenation and perpetuation ofthe Union.

In conclusion, heurged the faculty membersto uplift education of thepeople and build national-istic spirit and participatein the respective role forthe emergence of a peace-ful modern developed dis-cipline-flourishing demo-cratic nation.

Next, the Secretary-1presented prizes to out-standing trainees and com-pletion certificates to thetrainees through groupleaders.

Later, the trainees do-nated K 257,200 to thefunds for the LawkaChantha AbhayalabaMuni Buddha Image,renovation of Ko NawinPagoda of CICS and an-cient pagodas in Bagan,National Convention andschools.

The Secretary-1 ac-cepted the donations andcordially greeted the train-ees.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

Reg. No. 3501/1997Used in respect of:-“Class 5-Pharmaceutical, vet-erinary and sanitary prepara-tions. Dietetic substancesadapted for medical use, foodfor babies. Class 29-Meat,game, poultry, fish and ali-mentary products originatingfrom the sea (namely crusta-ceans, moluscs, algae), veg-etables, fruits, all these prod-ucts in the form of extracts,soups, jellies, pastes, preserves,ready-made dishes and frozenor dehydrated preserves, aswell as in crisp form; jams,eggs; milk and dairy products,butter, cheese; yoghurts andother food preparations hav-ing a base of milk, milk substi-tutes; edible oils and fats; pro-tein preparations for food.”

CERELACReg. No. 3960/1996

Used in respect of:-“Dietetic substances adaptedfor medical use, food for ba-bies; vegetables, fruit, meat,poultry, fish and alimentaryproducts originating from thesea, all these products in theform of extracts, soups, jellies,pastes, preserves, ready-madedishes and frozen or dehydratedpreserves, as well as in crispform; jams, eggs; milk, cheeseand other food preparationshaving a base of milk, milksubstitutes, edible oils and fats;protein preparations for food;coffee and coffee extracts;coffee substitutes and extractsof coffee substitutes; tea andtea extracts; cocoa and prepa-rations having a base of cocoa,chocolate, confectionery,sweets; sugar; bakery products,pastry; desserts, puddings; icecream, products for the prepa-ration of ice cream; honey andhoney substitutes; foodstuffshaving a base of rice, of flouror of cereals, also in the form ofready-made dishes; sauces,aromatizing or seasoning prod-ucts for food; mayonnaise,”represented above which is theexclusive property of our cli-ent in Myanmar.

Reg. No. 4507/2001Used in respect of:-“Pharmaceutical, veterinaryand sanitary products;

dietetic substances adaptedfor medical use, food for ba-bies.”

GOLD BLENDReg. No. 4739/1996

TASTER’S CHOICEReg. No. 4740/1996

Reg. No. 4760/1996Used in respect of:-“Coffee and coffee extracts;coffee substitutes and ex-tracts of coffee substitutes;tea and tea extracts; cocoaand preparations having abase of cocoa, chocolate,confectionery, sweets; sugar;bakery products, pastry;foodstuffs having a base ofrice, of flour or of cereals,also in the form of ready-made dishes, breakfast cere-als; desserts mainly consist-ing of rice, semolina and/orstarch, puddings; ice cream,products for the preparationof ice cream; honey andhoney substitutes; sauces;aromatizing or seasoningproduct for food; mayon-naise.” “Non-alcoholicdrinks, syrups, extracts andessences for making non-al-coholic beverages.” Whichare the exclusive propertiesof our client in Myanmar.

AFTER EIGHTReg. No. 4742/1996

LIONReg. No. 4743/1996

CRUNCHReg. No. 4744/1996

QUALITY STREETReg. No. 4745/1996

POLOReg. No. 4747/1996

SMARTIESReg. No. 4748/1996

KIT KATReg. No. 4749/1996

Used in respect of:-“Coffee and coffee extracts;coffee substitutes and extractsof coffee substitutes; tea andtea extracts; cocoa and prepa-rations having a base of co-coa, chocolate, confectionery,sweets; sugar; bakery prod-ucts, pastry; foodstuffs hav-ing a base of rice, of flour orof cereals, also in the form ofready-made dishes, breakfastcereals; desserts mainly con-sisting of rice, semolina and/or starch, puddings; icecream, products for the prepa-ration of ice cream; honeyand honey substitutes; sauces;aromatizing or seasoningproducts for food; mayon-naise” Which are the exclu-

sive properties of our client inMyanmar.

A L 110Reg. No. 4752/1996

NESVITAReg. No. 4754/1996

Used in respect of:-“Pharmaceutical, veterinaryand sanitary preparations.Dietetic substances adaptedfor medical use, food forbabies”. “Vegetables, game,fruit, meat, poultry, fish andalimentary products originat-ing from the sea, all theseproducts in the form of ex-tracts, soups, jellies, pastes,preserves, ready-madedishes and frozen or dehy-drated preserves, as well asin crisp form; jams, eggs;milk and dairy products, con-densed milk, dehydratedmilk, butter, cheese yogurtsand other food preparationshaving a base of milk, milksubstitutes, edible oils andfats: protein preparations forfood”. Coffee and coffee ex-tracts; coffee substitutes andextracts of coffee substitutes;tea and tea extracts; cocoaand preparations having abase of cocoa, chocolate,confectionery, sweets; sugar;bakery products, pastry;foodstuffs having a base ofrice, of flour or of cereals,also in the form of ready-made dishes, breakfast cere-als; desserts mainly consist-ing of rice, semolina and/orstarch, puddings; ice cream,products for the preparationof ice cream; honey andhoney substitutes; sauces;aromatizing or seasoningproducts for food; mayon-naise” “Non-alcoholicdrinks, syrups, extracts andessences for making non-al-coholic beverages.” Whichare the exclusive propertiesof our client in Myanmar.

ALSOYReg. No. 4755/1996

NANReg. No. 4756/1996

NESLACReg. No. 4757/1996

Used in respect of:-“Pharmaceutical, veterinaryand sanitary preparations. Di-etetic substances adapted formedical use, food forbabies”.“Vegetables, game,fruit, meat, poultry, fish andalimentary products originat-ing from the sea, all theseproducts in the form of ex-tracts, soups, jellies, pastes,preserves, ready-made dishesand frozen or dehydrated pre-serves, as well as in crispform; jams, eggs; milk anddairy products, condensed

milk, dehydrated milk, but-ter, cheese yogurts and otherfood preparations having abase of milk, milk substitutes,edible oils and fats: proteinpreparations for food”. Cof-fee and coffee extracts; cof-fee substitutes and extracts ofcoffee substitutes; tea and teaextracts; cocoa and prepara-tions having a base of cocoa,chocolate, confectionery,sweets; sugar; bakery prod-ucts, pastry; foodstuffs hav-ing a base of rice, of flour orof cereals, also in the form ofready-made dishes, breakfastcereals; desserts mainly con-sisting of rice, semolina and/or starch, puddings; iceceream, products for thepreparation of ice ceream;honey and honey substitutes;sauces; aromatizing or sea-soning products for food;mayonnaise” which are theexclusive properties of ourclient in Myanmar.

Reg. No. 4759/1996

Reg. No. 4761/1996

BEAR BRANDReg. No. 933/1999

Used in respect of:-“Vegetables, game, fruit,meat, poultry, fish and ali-mentary products originatingfrom the sea, all these prod-ucts in the form of extracts,soups, jellies, pastes, pre-serves, ready-made dishes andfrozen or dehydrated pre-serves, as well as in crisp form;jams, eggs; milk and dairy,products, condensed milk, de-hydrated milk, butter, cheese,yoghurts and other foodpreparations having a base ofmilk, milk substitutes, edibleoils and fats; protein prepara-tions for food”, which arethe exclusive properties of ourclient in Myanmar.

NIDOReg. No. 4758/1996

Reg. No. 4762/1996Used in respect of:-“ Pharmaceutical, veteri-nary and sanitary prepara-tions. Dietetic substancesadapted for medical use,food for babies.” “Vegeta-bles, game, fruit, meat,poultry, fish and alimentaryproducts originating from

the sea, all these productsin the form of extracts,soups, jellies, pastes, pre-serves, ready-made dishesand frozen or dehydratedpreserves, as well as in crispform; jams, eggs; milk anddairy products, condensedmilk, dehydrated milk, but-ter, cheese, yogurts andother food preparationshaving a base of milk, milksubstitutes, edible oils andfats: protein preparationsfor food”. which are theexclusive properties of ourclient in Myanmar.

Reg. No. 4889/2001Used in respect of:-“Dietetic foodstuffs andbeverages adapted for medi-cal use, food for babies.Vegetables, fruit, meat,poultry, game, fish and sea-food, all these products alsoin the form of extracts,soups, jellies, pastes, pre-serves, ready-made dishes,frozen or dehydrated; jams;eggs; milk, cheese and otherfood preparations having abase of milk, milk substi-tutes; soya-milk and soya-based preparations; edibleoils and fats; protein prepa-rations for food. Coffee, cof-fee extracts and coffee-based preparations; coffeesubstitutes and extracts ofcoffee substitutes; tea, teaextracts and tea-basedpreparations; cocoa andpreparations having a baseof cocoa, chocolate, choco-late products, confection-ery, sweets; sugar, sweet-eners; bakery products,bread, yeast, pastry; bis-cuits, cakes, desserts, pud-dings, ice cream, productsfor the preparation of icecream; honey and honeysubstitutes; breakfast cere-als, rice, pasta, foodstuffshaving a base of rice, offlour or of cereals, also inthe form of ready-madedishes; sauces; aromatizingor seasoning products forfood, salad dressings, may-onnaise. Beers; mineral wa-ters and other nonalcoholicdrinks, syrups, extracts andessences for making non-alcoholic beverages, fruitjuices”.

NESTEAReg. No.5603/1997

Used in respect of:-“Beverages, food and ingre-dients of food”

NESTUMReg. No.5604/1997

Used in respect of:-“Milk and dietetic prepa-rations and tonic foods”


Société des Produits NestléS.A,a company organizedunder the laws of SWITZER-LAND and having its prin-cipal office at Vevey, Swit-zerland is the owner andsole proprietor of the fol-lowing Trademarks:-

RED CUPReg. No. 1285/1999

Used in respect of:-“Coffee, coffee extracts andcoffee-based drinks, coffeesubstitutes, extracts of cof-fee substitutes, tea, tea ex-tracts and tea-based drinks,cocoa, cocoa-based prepara-tions and drinks; confection-ery, chocolate; chocolate-based drinks; bakery prod-ucts, pastry; custard, pud-dings; rice, flour and cerealpreparations; breakfast ce-reals; ice cream.”

NESPRAYReg. No. 5607/1997

LACTOGENReg. No. 1890/2000

Used in respect of:-“Milk and dairy products ofall kinds, in particular babyfoods, cognate and alliedproducts”.


Reg. No. 6229/1997

NESCAFEReg. No. 1892/2000

Used in respect of:-“Coffee, coffee extracts, cof-fee substitutes and extractsthereof.”

Reg. No. 2323/1996Used in respect of:-“Pharmaceutical, veterinaryand sanitary preparations;Dietetic substances for medi-cal use, food for babies rep-resented above, which is theexclusive property of our cli-ent in Myanmar.

CINI-MINISReg. No. 288/1998

FITNESSReg. No. 289/1998

Used in respect of:-“Cereals and cereal products;preparations made from or con-taining cereals; ready-to eatcereals; breakfast cereals”.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 15

MILOReg. No.5605/1997

Used in respect of:-“Food preparations contain-ing milk, cocoa, chocolate,malt and/or cereals”

lk\tiug¥c\lk\tiug¥c\lk\tiug¥c\lk\tiug¥c\lk\tiug¥c\Reg. No.5608/1997

em(l\\K\)mit\em(l\\K\)mit\em(l\\K\)mit\em(l\\K\)mit\em(l\\K\)mit\Reg. No.5610/1997

Used in respect of:-“Milk products of all kinds,including butter and cheese,cognate and allied products”.

Reg. No.6228/1997Used in respect of:-“Food preparations contain-ing milk, cocoa, chocolate”.

Reg. No. 862/1996Used in respect of:-“Coffee and coffee extracts;coffee substitutes and extractsof coffee substitutes;tea andtea extracts; cocoa and prepa-rations having a base of co-coa, chocolate, confectionery,sweets; sugar; bakery prod-ucts, pastry; desserts, pud-dings; ice cream, products forthe preparation of ice cream;honey and honey substitutes;foodstuffs having a base ofrice, of flour or of cereals, alsoin the form of ready-madedishes; sauces, aromatizingor seasoning products forfood; mayonnaise.”Any unauthorized use, imita-tion, infringements or fraudu-lent intentions of the abovemarks will be dealt with ac-cording to law.

Tin Ohnmar Tun B.A (LAW) LL.B, LL.M ( UK)

P.O.Box 109, Ph: 248108/723043

(For. Domnern Somgiat &Boonma, Attorneys at Law,

Thailand)Dated. 31 October 2006


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTATERAJU VOY NO (173) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 31.10.2006 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Tender NoticeTender No. MTI/ RM-9 (Yarn)/ 2006-2007Description

100% Cotton Soft Twist Yarn1. 1/40’s Yarn (Grey) 70,000 Lbs2. 1/30’s Yarn (Grey) 50,000 Lbs3. 1/20’s (Colour) Yarn 40,000 Lbs4. 1/20’s (White) Yarn 46,000 Lbs35% Polyester 65% Cotton Soft Twist Yarn1. 1/21's Yarn (Grey) 30,000 Lbs

Closing Date21st November 2006 at 4:P.M

Tender Document Fees:US$ 10 (in FEC)

Collection Document AT:MTI Myanmar Textile Industries192, Kaba Aye Pagoda RoadBahan TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel: 951-579037, 561852Fax: 951-561852

- Bids are to reach the Office of the Directorate of Industry, Ministry of Industry (1) Nay Pyi Taw - All Bids Not accompanied by earnest money (Bid Bond) will not be considered. No Telegra- phic Telephone/ Fax/ e.mail proposal will be considered or accepted.Date and Time of Collection

1st November 2006 to 21st November 2006Monday to Friday (10:00 am) to (4:30 pm)

Country of Origin: China/ India Etc...

Tropical storm“Cimaron” threatensnorthern Philippines

MANILA, 29 Oct —Tropical storm Cimaronhas intensified to threatenthe Central Luzon regionof the northern Phi-lippines, national weatherbureau said on Saturday.

The tropical storm wasmoving in a westnorthwest track at a speedof 17 kilometres per hour,according to a forecast byPhilippine Atmospheric,Geophysical and Ast-ronomical Services Adm-inistration (PAGASA).

Cimaron was lastspotted at 570 kilometreseast southeast of Virac,Catanduanes withmaximum sustainedwinds of 95 kilometres perhour and gustiness of upto 120 kph near the eye,the PAGASA said.

Forecasters said itshould be over QuirinoProvince, some 260kilometres to the northwestof Manila on Monday.

The PAGASA said itmay raise storm signalsSunday in the NationalCapital Region andseveral provinces.Residents in the areaswhere storm signals havebeen hoisted were warnedagainst possibleflashfloods and land-slides.


Liu Ruoying

wins the best

actress for a

leading role

at the 28th

Full Blossom

Film Festi-

val, on 28

Oct, 2006.







*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 392226, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 297028

Thai Govt to build plant for bird-flu vaccineBANGKOK, 29 Oct—

Thai Public HealthMinister Mongkol naSongkhla on Friday gavethe go-ahead to plan for avaccine plant to produceboth influenza and bird-flu vaccines for humansin case of a globalpandemic, Thai news-paper The Nationreported Saturday.

“The world’s totalcapacity to produce thetwo vaccines is only 300million doses and if globalpandemic really happens,no one will ever give ussome,” Mongkol wasquoted as saying afterchairing a ministrymeeting to review thebird-flu situation.

To set up its ownvaccine plant, Thailandhas to start from scratch

given the “zero” expertiseit possesses, Mongkolsaid. — MNA/Xinhua



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11th Waxing of Tazaungmon 1368 ME Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

Winners of 14th Myanmar Traditional CulturalPerforming Arts Competitions awarded

NAY PYI TAW, 30 Oct—The prize-presentationceremony for the 14th Myanmar Traditional CulturalPerforming Arts Competitions was held at the Audito-rium of the University of Veterinary Science yesterdaymorning with an address by Patron of Leading Com-mittee for Organizing the Competitions Secretary-1 ofthe State Peace and Development Council Lt-GenThein Sein.

Also present on the occasion were Daw KhinThan Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, members of theState Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen MaungBo and Lt-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence,Chairman of Leading Committee for Organizing theCompetitions Commander of Nay Pyi Taw CommandBrig-Gen Wai Lwin and wife, the ministers and theirwives, senior military officers, the deputy ministers,the deputy attorney-general, the deputy auditor-gen-eral, members of the Civil Service Selection andTraining Board, those from the leading committee, thework committees and the sub-committees, officials of

the State Peace and Development Council Office, theheads of department, the rectors of University ofVeterinary Science and University of Agriculture,members of social organizations and others.

First, Patron of Leading Committee for Organ-izing the Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peaceand Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein made aspeech on the occasion.

Next, prizes were presented to those who stoodfirst, second and third in the singing contest, dancingcontest and song composing contest.

Next, member of the Panel of Patrons for Organ-izing the Competitions Minister for Livestock andFisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein presentedprizes to Maung Wai Phyo Naing of Rakhine Statewho stood first, U Nyi Nyi Aung of AyeyawadyDivision who stood second and U Chan Tha of MonState who stood third in the amateur level (first divi-sion) men’s harp contest; Maung Thaw Zin Win of

(See page 11)

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein delivers an address at the conclusion ceremony of Refresher Course No 10 for faculty members.—MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein presents secondprize to Maung Aung Khine Min of Yangon

Division in basic education level boy’s classi-cal song contest.—MNA

Social systems, values said to be best for certaincountries may not be valuable for Myanmar

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein addresses conclusion ofspecial refresher course No 10 for faculty members

YANGON, 30 Oct — Special refresher course No10 for faculty members concluded this afternoon at theCentral Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) with anaddress by Chairman of Myanmar Education Commit-tee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Lt-Gen Thein Sein.

Present at the ceremony were Lt-Gen MyintSwe of the Ministry of Defence, the ministers, thechief justice, the attorney-general, the military advo-cate general, the chairman of Civil Service Selectionand Training Board, the deputy ministers, CSSTBmembers, officials of the SPDC office, the departmen-

tal heads, the rectors and heads of departments of theCICS (Phaunggyi).

In his speech, the Secretary-1 said looking at theinternational situation, all global countries are strivingtheir utmost to serve the interests of their countries and

(See page 13)

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